def socket_connect(socket: zmq.Socket, protocol, interface, port=None): if protocol == 'tcp': assert port is not None socket.connect(f'{protocol}://{interface}:{port}') else: assert port is None socket.connect(f'{protocol}://{interface}')
class ZmqConnection(Logger): """ Connection through ZeroMQ, wraps up ZeroMQ socket. This class isn't supposed to be used directly, instead use one of the descendants like :class:`ZmqPushConnection`. :class:`ZmqConnection` implements glue between ZeroMQ and Twisted reactor: putting polling ZeroMQ file descriptor into reactor, processing events, reading data from socket. :var socketType: socket type, from ZeroMQ :var allowLoopbackMulticast: is loopback multicast allowed? :vartype allowLoopbackMulticast: bool :var multicastRate: maximum allowed multicast rate, kbps :vartype multicastRate: int :var highWaterMark: hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages 0MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer :vartype highWaterMark: int :var socket: ZeroMQ Socket :vartype socket: zmq.Socket :var endpoints: ZeroMQ addresses for connect/bind :vartype endpoints: list of :class:`ZmqEndpoint` :var fd: file descriptor of zmq mailbox :vartype fd: int :var queue: output message queue :vartype queue: deque """ class IOOverflow(Exception): pass socketType = None allowLoopbackMulticast = False multicastRate = 100 highWaterMark = 0 # Only supported by zeromq3 and pyzmq>= tcpKeepalive = 0 tcpKeepaliveCount = 0 tcpKeepaliveIdle = 0 tcpKeepaliveInterval = 0 PICKLE_START = b'vpb' PICKLE_END = b'vpe' CODECS = { None: b'\x00', "": b'\x00', "gzip": b'\x01', "snappy": b'\x02', "xz": b'\x03' } def __init__(self, endpoints, identity=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor. :param factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory :type factory: :class:`ZmqFactory` :param identity: socket identity (ZeroMQ), don't set unless you know how it works :type identity: str """ super(ZmqConnection, self).__init__() self.factory = ZmqContextManager() self.endpoints = [] self.identity = identity self.socket = Socket(self.factory.context, self.socketType) self.queue = deque() self.recv_parts = [] self.read_scheduled = None self.shutted_down = False self.pickles_compression = "snappy" self._last_read_time = 0.0 self.fd = self.socket.get(constants.FD) self.socket.set(constants.LINGER, self.factory.lingerPeriod) self.socket.set(constants.RATE, self.multicastRate) self.socket.set(constants.SNDHWM, self.highWaterMark) self.socket.set(constants.RCVHWM, self.highWaterMark) if ZMQ3 and self.tcpKeepalive: self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE, self.tcpKeepalive) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, self.tcpKeepaliveCount) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, self.tcpKeepaliveIdle) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, self.tcpKeepaliveInterval) if self.identity is not None: self.socket.set(constants.IDENTITY, self.identity) self.endpoints = endpoints self.rnd_vals = self._connectOrBind(endpoints) self.factory.connections.add(self) self.factory.reactor.addReader(self) self.doRead() def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown (close) connection and ZeroMQ socket. """ if self.shutted_down: return self.shutted_down = True self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) self.factory.connections.discard(self) self.socket.close() self.socket = None self.factory = None if self.read_scheduled is not None: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.factory, self.endpoints) def fileno(self): """ Implementation of :class:`IFileDescriptor <twisted.internet.interfaces.IFileDescriptor>`. Returns ZeroMQ polling file descriptor. :return: The platform-specified representation of a file descriptor number. """ return self.fd @property def pickles_compression(self): return self._pickles_compression @pickles_compression.setter def pickles_compression(self, value): if value not in (None, "", "gzip", "snappy", "xz"): raise ValueError() self._pickles_compression = value def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when the connection was lost. Implementation of :class:`IFileDescriptor <twisted.internet.interfaces.IFileDescriptor>`. This is called when the connection on a selectable object has been lost. It will be called whether the connection was closed explicitly, an exception occurred in an event handler, or the other end of the connection closed it first. """ if self.factory: self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) def _readMultipart(self, unpickler): """ Read multipart in non-blocking manner, returns with ready message or raising exception (in case of no more messages available). """ while True: part = self.socket.recv(constants.NOBLOCK) if part.startswith(ZmqConnection.PICKLE_START): self.messageHeaderReceived(self.recv_parts) = True unpickler.codec = part[len(ZmqConnection.PICKLE_START)] continue if part == ZmqConnection.PICKLE_END: = False obj = unpickler.object if isinstance(obj, SharedIO): obj = pickle.load(obj) self.recv_parts.append(obj) elif not self.recv_parts.append(part) else: unpickler.consume(part) continue if not self.socket.get(constants.RCVMORE): result, self.recv_parts = self.recv_parts, [] return result class Unpickler(object): def __init__(self): self._data = [] self._active = False self._decompressor = None @property def active(self): return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): self._active = value if not value: buffer = self.merge_chunks() self._object = pickle.loads(buffer if six.PY3 else str(buffer)) self._data = [] @property def codec(self): return self._codec @codec.setter def codec(self, value): self._codec = value if six.PY3 else ord(value) if self.codec == 0: pass elif self.codec == 1: self._decompressor = \ zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) elif self.codec == 2: self._decompressor = snappy.StreamDecompressor() elif self.codec == 3: self._decompressor = lzma.LZMADecompressor() else: raise ValueError("Unknown compression type") @property def object(self): return self._object def merge_chunks(self): if self.codec > 0 and not isinstance(self._decompressor, lzma.LZMADecompressor): self._data.append(self._decompressor.flush()) size = sum([len(d) for d in self._data]) buffer = bytearray(size) pos = 0 for d in self._data: ld = len(d) buffer[pos:pos + ld] = d pos += ld return buffer def consume(self, data): if self.codec > 0: data = self._decompressor.decompress(data) self._data.append(data) def doRead(self): """ Some data is available for reading on ZeroMQ descriptor. ZeroMQ is signalling that we should process some events, we're starting to receive incoming messages. Implementation of :class:`IReadDescriptor <twisted.internet.interfaces.IReadDescriptor>`. """ if self.shutted_down: return if self.read_scheduled is not None: if not self.read_scheduled.called: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None unpickler = ZmqConnection.Unpickler() while True: if self.factory is None: # disconnected return events = self.socket.get(constants.EVENTS) if (events & constants.POLLIN) != constants.POLLIN: return timestamp = time.time() try: message = self._readMultipart(unpickler) except error.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == constants.EAGAIN: continue raise e finally: self._last_read_time = time.time() - timestamp log.callWithLogger(self, self.messageReceived, message) @property def last_read_time(self): return self._last_read_time def logPrefix(self): """ Implementation of :class:`ILoggingContext <twisted.internet.interfaces.ILoggingContext>`. :return: Prefix used during log formatting to indicate context. :rtype: str """ return 'ZMQ' def send(self, *message, **kwargs): """ Send message via ZeroMQ socket. Sending is performed directly to ZeroMQ without queueing. If HWM is reached on ZeroMQ side, sending operation is aborted with exception from ZeroMQ (EAGAIN). After writing read is scheduled as ZeroMQ may not signal incoming messages after we touched socket with write request. :param message: message data, a series of objects; if an object is\ an instance of bytes, it will be sent as-is, otherwise, it will be\ pickled and optionally compressed. Object must not be a string. :param pickles_compression: the compression to apply to pickled\ objects. Supported values are None or "", "gzip", "snappy" and "xz". :type pickles_compression: str :param io: a SharedIO object where to put pickles into instead of the\ socket. Can be None. """ if self.shutted_down: return pickles_compression = kwargs.get("pickles_compression", "snappy") pickles_size = 0 io = kwargs.get("io") io_overflow = False def send_part(msg, last): flag = constants.SNDMORE if not last else 0 if isinstance(msg, bytes): self.socket.send(msg, constants.NOBLOCK | flag) return 0 if isinstance(msg, str): raise ValueError("All strings must be encoded into bytes") return self._send_pickled(msg, last, pickles_compression, io if not io_overflow else None) for i, m in enumerate(message): try: pickles_size += send_part(m, i == len(message) - 1) except ZmqConnection.IOOverflow: io_overflow = True if self.read_scheduled is None: self.read_scheduled = reactor.callLater(0, self.doRead) if io_overflow: raise ZmqConnection.IOOverflow() return pickles_size class SocketFile(object): def __init__(self, socket): self._socket = socket self._size = 0 @property def size(self): return self._size @property def mode(self): return "wb" def write(self, data): self._size += len(data) self._socket.send(data, constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) def flush(self): pass class CompressedFile(object): def __init__(self, fileobj, compressor): self._file = fileobj self._compressor = compressor @property def mode(self): return "wb" def write(self, data): self._file.write(self._compressor.compress(data)) def flush(self): last = self._compressor.flush() if last is not None: self._file.write(last) self._file.flush() class Pickler(object): def __init__(self, socket, codec): self._codec = codec if six.PY3 else ord(codec) self._socketobj = ZmqConnection.SocketFile(socket) if self.codec == 0: self._compressor = self._socketobj elif self.codec == 1: self._compressor = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=self._socketobj) elif self.codec == 2: self._compressor = ZmqConnection.CompressedFile( self._socketobj, snappy.StreamCompressor()) elif self.codec == 3: self._compressor = ZmqConnection.CompressedFile( self._socketobj, lzma.LZMACompressor(lzma.FORMAT_XZ)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown compression type") @property def size(self): return self._socketobj.size @property def codec(self): return self._codec @property def mode(self): return "wb" def write(self, data): self._compressor.write(data) def flush(self): self._compressor.flush() def _send_pickled(self, message, last, compression, io): if self.shutted_down: return codec = ZmqConnection.CODECS.get(compression) if codec is None: raise ValueError("Unknown compression type: %s" % compression) def send_pickle_beg_marker(codec): self.socket.send(ZmqConnection.PICKLE_START + codec, constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) def dump(file): pickle.dump(message, file, protocol=best_protocol) def send_pickle_end_marker(): self.socket.send( ZmqConnection.PICKLE_END, constants.NOBLOCK | (constants.SNDMORE if not last else 0)) def send_to_socket(): send_pickle_beg_marker(codec) pickler = ZmqConnection.Pickler(self.socket, codec[0]) dump(pickler) pickler.flush() send_pickle_end_marker() return pickler.size if io is None: return send_to_socket() else: try: initial_pos = io.tell() dump(io) new_pos = io.tell() send_pickle_beg_marker(b'\x00') self.socket.send(pickle.dumps(io, protocol=best_protocol), constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) send_pickle_end_marker() return new_pos - initial_pos except ValueError: send_to_socket() raise ZmqConnection.IOOverflow() def messageReceived(self, message): """ Called when complete message is received. Not implemented in :class:`ZmqConnection`, should be overridden to handle incoming messages. :param message: message data """ raise NotImplementedError(self) def messageHeaderReceived(self, header): pass def _connectOrBind(self, endpoints): """ Connect and/or bind socket to endpoints. """ rnd_vals = [] for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.connect: self.debug("Connecting to %s...", endpoint) self.socket.connect(endpoint.address) elif endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.bind: self.debug("Binding to %s...", endpoint) if endpoint.address.startswith("rndtcp://") or \ endpoint.address.startswith("rndepgm://"): try: endpos = endpoint.address.find("://") + 3 proto = endpoint.address[3:endpos] splitted = endpoint.address[endpos:].split(':') min_port, max_port, max_tries = splitted[-3:] addr = ":".join(splitted[:-3]) except ValueError: raise from_none( ValueError("Failed to parse %s" % endpoint.address)) try: rnd_vals.append( self.socket.bind_to_random_port( proto + addr, int(min_port), int(max_port), int(max_tries))) except ZMQError as e: self.warning("Failed to bind to %s%s: ZMQError: %s", proto, addr, e) elif endpoint.address.startswith("rndipc://"): prefix, suffix = endpoint.address[9:].split(':') ipc_fd, ipc_fn = mkstemp(suffix, prefix) self.socket.bind("ipc://" + ipc_fn) rnd_vals.append(ipc_fn) os.close(ipc_fd) else: self.socket.bind(endpoint.address) else: assert False, "Unknown endpoint type %r" % endpoint return rnd_vals
def connectSocket( self, socket: zmq.Socket, host: str, port: int ): self.addClientAuth( socket ) socket.connect("tcp://{0}:{1}".format( host, port ) ) return port
class ZmqConnection(object): """ Connection through ZeroMQ, wraps up ZeroMQ socket. This class isn't supposed to be used directly, instead use one of the descendants like :class:`ZmqPushConnection`. :class:`ZmqConnection` implements glue between ZeroMQ and Twisted reactor: putting polling ZeroMQ file descriptor into reactor, processing events, reading data from socket. :var socketType: socket type, from ZeroMQ :var allowLoopbackMulticast: is loopback multicast allowed? :vartype allowLoopbackMulticast: bool :var multicastRate: maximum allowed multicast rate, kbps :vartype multicastRate: int :var highWaterMark: hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages 0MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer :vartype highWaterMark: int :var factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory reference :vartype factory: :class:`ZmqFactory` :var socket: ZeroMQ Socket :vartype socket: zmq.Socket :var endpoints: ZeroMQ addresses for connect/bind :vartype endpoints: list of :class:`ZmqEndpoint` :var fd: file descriptor of zmq mailbox :vartype fd: int :var queue: output message queue :vartype queue: deque """ socketType = None allowLoopbackMulticast = False multicastRate = 100 highWaterMark = 0 # Only supported by zeromq3 and pyzmq>= tcpKeepalive = 0 tcpKeepaliveCount = 0 tcpKeepaliveIdle = 0 tcpKeepaliveInterval = 0 def __init__(self, factory, endpoint=None, identity=None): """ Constructor. One endpoint is passed to the constructor, more could be added via call to :meth:`addEndpoints`. :param factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory :type factory: :class:`ZmqFactory` :param endpoint: ZeroMQ address for connect/bind :type endpoint: :class:`ZmqEndpoint` :param identity: socket identity (ZeroMQ), don't set unless you know how it works :type identity: str """ self.factory = factory self.endpoints = [] self.identity = identity self.socket = Socket(factory.context, self.socketType) self.queue = deque() self.recv_parts = [] self.read_scheduled = None self.fd = self.socket.get(constants.FD) self.socket.set(constants.LINGER, factory.lingerPeriod) if not ZMQ3: self.socket.set( constants.MCAST_LOOP, int(self.allowLoopbackMulticast)) self.socket.set(constants.RATE, self.multicastRate) if not ZMQ3: self.socket.set(constants.HWM, self.highWaterMark) else: self.socket.set(constants.SNDHWM, self.highWaterMark) self.socket.set(constants.RCVHWM, self.highWaterMark) if ZMQ3 and self.tcpKeepalive: self.socket.set( constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE, self.tcpKeepalive) self.socket.set( constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, self.tcpKeepaliveCount) self.socket.set( constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, self.tcpKeepaliveIdle) self.socket.set( constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, self.tcpKeepaliveInterval) if self.identity is not None: self.socket.set(constants.IDENTITY, self.identity) if endpoint: self.addEndpoints([endpoint]) self.factory.connections.add(self) self.factory.reactor.addReader(self) self.doRead() def addEndpoints(self, endpoints): """ Add more connection endpoints. Connection may have many endpoints, mixing ZeroMQ protocols (TCP, IPC, ...) and types (connect or bind). :param endpoints: list of endpoints to add :type endpoints: list of :class:`ZmqEndpoint` """ self.endpoints.extend(endpoints) self._connectOrBind(endpoints) def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown (close) connection and ZeroMQ socket. """ self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) self.factory.connections.discard(self) self.socket.close() self.socket = None self.factory = None if self.read_scheduled is not None: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.factory, self.endpoints) def fileno(self): """ Implementation of :tm:`IFileDescriptor <internet.interfaces.IFileDescriptor>`. Returns ZeroMQ polling file descriptor. :return: The platform-specified representation of a file descriptor number. """ return self.fd def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when the connection was lost. Implementation of :tm:`IFileDescriptor <internet.interfaces.IFileDescriptor>`. This is called when the connection on a selectable object has been lost. It will be called whether the connection was closed explicitly, an exception occurred in an event handler, or the other end of the connection closed it first. """ if self.factory: self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) def _readMultipart(self): """ Read multipart in non-blocking manner, returns with ready message or raising exception (in case of no more messages available). """ while True: self.recv_parts.append(self.socket.recv(constants.NOBLOCK)) if not self.socket.get(constants.RCVMORE): result, self.recv_parts = self.recv_parts, [] return result def doRead(self): """ Some data is available for reading on ZeroMQ descriptor. ZeroMQ is signalling that we should process some events, we're starting to receive incoming messages. Implementation of :tm:`IReadDescriptor <internet.interfaces.IReadDescriptor>`. """ if self.read_scheduled is not None: if not self.read_scheduled.called: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None while True: if self.factory is None: # disconnected return events = self.socket.get(constants.EVENTS) if (events & constants.POLLIN) != constants.POLLIN: return try: message = self._readMultipart() except error.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == constants.EAGAIN: continue raise e log.callWithLogger(self, self.messageReceived, message) def logPrefix(self): """ Implementation of :tm:`ILoggingContext <internet.interfaces.ILoggingContext>`. :return: Prefix used during log formatting to indicate context. :rtype: str """ return 'ZMQ' def send(self, message): """ Send message via ZeroMQ socket. Sending is performed directly to ZeroMQ without queueing. If HWM is reached on ZeroMQ side, sending operation is aborted with exception from ZeroMQ (EAGAIN). After writing read is scheduled as ZeroMQ may not signal incoming messages after we touched socket with write request. :param message: message data, could be either list of str (multipart message) or just str :type message: str or list of str """ if isinstance(message, bytes): self.socket.send(message, constants.NOBLOCK) else: for m in message[:-1]: self.socket.send(m, constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(message[-1], constants.NOBLOCK) if self.read_scheduled is None: self.read_scheduled = reactor.callLater(0, self.doRead) def messageReceived(self, message): """ Called when complete message is received. Not implemented in :class:`ZmqConnection`, should be overridden to handle incoming messages. :param message: message data """ raise NotImplementedError(self) def _connectOrBind(self, endpoints): """ Connect and/or bind socket to endpoints. """ for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.connect: self.socket.connect(endpoint.address) elif endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.bind: self.socket.bind(endpoint.address) else: assert False, "Unknown endpoint type %r" % endpoint
class ZmqConnection(Logger): """ Connection through ZeroMQ, wraps up ZeroMQ socket. This class isn't supposed to be used directly, instead use one of the descendants like :class:`ZmqPushConnection`. :class:`ZmqConnection` implements glue between ZeroMQ and Twisted reactor: putting polling ZeroMQ file descriptor into reactor, processing events, reading data from socket. :var socketType: socket type, from ZeroMQ :var allowLoopbackMulticast: is loopback multicast allowed? :vartype allowLoopbackMulticast: bool :var multicastRate: maximum allowed multicast rate, kbps :vartype multicastRate: int :var highWaterMark: hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages 0MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer :vartype highWaterMark: int :var socket: ZeroMQ Socket :vartype socket: zmq.Socket :var endpoints: ZeroMQ addresses for connect/bind :vartype endpoints: list of :class:`ZmqEndpoint` :var fd: file descriptor of zmq mailbox :vartype fd: int :var queue: output message queue :vartype queue: deque """ class IOOverflow(Exception): pass socketType = None allowLoopbackMulticast = False multicastRate = 100 highWaterMark = 0 # Only supported by zeromq3 and pyzmq>= tcpKeepalive = 0 tcpKeepaliveCount = 0 tcpKeepaliveIdle = 0 tcpKeepaliveInterval = 0 PICKLE_START = b"vpb" PICKLE_END = b"vpe" CODECS = {None: b"\x00", "": b"\x00", "gzip": b"\x01", "snappy": b"\x02", "xz": b"\x03"} def __init__(self, endpoints, identity=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor. :param factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory :type factory: :class:`ZmqFactory` :param identity: socket identity (ZeroMQ), don't set unless you know how it works :type identity: str """ super(ZmqConnection, self).__init__() self.factory = ZmqContextManager() self.endpoints = [] self.identity = identity self.socket = Socket(self.factory.context, self.socketType) self.queue = deque() self.recv_parts = [] self.read_scheduled = None self.shutted_down = False self.pickles_compression = "snappy" self._last_read_time = 0.0 self.fd = self.socket.get(constants.FD) self.socket.set(constants.LINGER, self.factory.lingerPeriod) self.socket.set(constants.RATE, self.multicastRate) self.socket.set(constants.SNDHWM, self.highWaterMark) self.socket.set(constants.RCVHWM, self.highWaterMark) if ZMQ3 and self.tcpKeepalive: self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE, self.tcpKeepalive) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, self.tcpKeepaliveCount) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, self.tcpKeepaliveIdle) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, self.tcpKeepaliveInterval) if self.identity is not None: self.socket.set(constants.IDENTITY, self.identity) self.endpoints = endpoints self.rnd_vals = self._connectOrBind(endpoints) self.factory.connections.add(self) self.factory.reactor.addReader(self) self.doRead() def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown (close) connection and ZeroMQ socket. """ if self.shutted_down: return self.shutted_down = True self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) self.factory.connections.discard(self) self.socket.close() self.socket = None self.factory = None if self.read_scheduled is not None: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.factory, self.endpoints) def fileno(self): """ Implementation of :class:`IFileDescriptor <twisted.internet.interfaces.IFileDescriptor>`. Returns ZeroMQ polling file descriptor. :return: The platform-specified representation of a file descriptor number. """ return self.fd @property def pickles_compression(self): return self._pickles_compression @pickles_compression.setter def pickles_compression(self, value): if value not in (None, "", "gzip", "snappy", "xz"): raise ValueError() self._pickles_compression = value def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when the connection was lost. Implementation of :class:`IFileDescriptor <twisted.internet.interfaces.IFileDescriptor>`. This is called when the connection on a selectable object has been lost. It will be called whether the connection was closed explicitly, an exception occurred in an event handler, or the other end of the connection closed it first. """ if self.factory: self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) def _readMultipart(self, unpickler): """ Read multipart in non-blocking manner, returns with ready message or raising exception (in case of no more messages available). """ while True: part = self.socket.recv(constants.NOBLOCK) if part.startswith(ZmqConnection.PICKLE_START): self.messageHeaderReceived(self.recv_parts) = True unpickler.codec = part[len(ZmqConnection.PICKLE_START)] continue if part == ZmqConnection.PICKLE_END: = False obj = unpickler.object if isinstance(obj, SharedIO): obj = pickle.load(obj) self.recv_parts.append(obj) elif not self.recv_parts.append(part) else: unpickler.consume(part) continue if not self.socket.get(constants.RCVMORE): result, self.recv_parts = self.recv_parts, [] return result class Unpickler(object): def __init__(self): self._data = [] self._active = False self._decompressor = None @property def active(self): return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): self._active = value if not value: buffer = self.merge_chunks() self._object = pickle.loads(buffer if six.PY3 else str(buffer)) self._data = [] @property def codec(self): return self._codec @codec.setter def codec(self, value): self._codec = value if six.PY3 else ord(value) if self.codec == 0: pass elif self.codec == 1: self._decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) elif self.codec == 2: self._decompressor = snappy.StreamDecompressor() elif self.codec == 3: self._decompressor = lzma.LZMADecompressor() else: raise ValueError("Unknown compression type") @property def object(self): return self._object def merge_chunks(self): if self.codec > 0 and not isinstance(self._decompressor, lzma.LZMADecompressor): self._data.append(self._decompressor.flush()) size = sum([len(d) for d in self._data]) buffer = bytearray(size) pos = 0 for d in self._data: ld = len(d) buffer[pos : pos + ld] = d pos += ld return buffer def consume(self, data): if self.codec > 0: data = self._decompressor.decompress(data) self._data.append(data) def doRead(self): """ Some data is available for reading on ZeroMQ descriptor. ZeroMQ is signalling that we should process some events, we're starting to receive incoming messages. Implementation of :class:`IReadDescriptor <twisted.internet.interfaces.IReadDescriptor>`. """ if self.shutted_down: return if self.read_scheduled is not None: if not self.read_scheduled.called: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None unpickler = ZmqConnection.Unpickler() while True: if self.factory is None: # disconnected return events = self.socket.get(constants.EVENTS) if (events & constants.POLLIN) != constants.POLLIN: return timestamp = time.time() try: message = self._readMultipart(unpickler) except error.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == constants.EAGAIN: continue raise e finally: self._last_read_time = time.time() - timestamp log.callWithLogger(self, self.messageReceived, message) @property def last_read_time(self): return self._last_read_time def logPrefix(self): """ Implementation of :class:`ILoggingContext <twisted.internet.interfaces.ILoggingContext>`. :return: Prefix used during log formatting to indicate context. :rtype: str """ return "ZMQ" def send(self, *message, **kwargs): """ Send message via ZeroMQ socket. Sending is performed directly to ZeroMQ without queueing. If HWM is reached on ZeroMQ side, sending operation is aborted with exception from ZeroMQ (EAGAIN). After writing read is scheduled as ZeroMQ may not signal incoming messages after we touched socket with write request. :param message: message data, a series of objects; if an object is\ an instance of bytes, it will be sent as-is, otherwise, it will be\ pickled and optionally compressed. Object must not be a string. :param pickles_compression: the compression to apply to pickled\ objects. Supported values are None or "", "gzip", "snappy" and "xz". :type pickles_compression: str :param io: a SharedIO object where to put pickles into instead of the\ socket. Can be None. """ if self.shutted_down: return pickles_compression = kwargs.get("pickles_compression", "snappy") pickles_size = 0 io = kwargs.get("io") io_overflow = False def send_part(msg, last): flag = constants.SNDMORE if not last else 0 if isinstance(msg, bytes): self.socket.send(msg, constants.NOBLOCK | flag) return 0 if isinstance(msg, str): raise ValueError("All strings must be encoded into bytes") return self._send_pickled(msg, last, pickles_compression, io if not io_overflow else None) for i, m in enumerate(message): try: pickles_size += send_part(m, i == len(message) - 1) except ZmqConnection.IOOverflow: io_overflow = True if self.read_scheduled is None: self.read_scheduled = reactor.callLater(0, self.doRead) if io_overflow: raise ZmqConnection.IOOverflow() return pickles_size class SocketFile(object): def __init__(self, socket): self._socket = socket self._size = 0 @property def size(self): return self._size @property def mode(self): return "wb" def write(self, data): self._size += len(data) self._socket.send(data, constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) def flush(self): pass class CompressedFile(object): def __init__(self, fileobj, compressor): self._file = fileobj self._compressor = compressor @property def mode(self): return "wb" def write(self, data): self._file.write(self._compressor.compress(data)) def flush(self): last = self._compressor.flush() if last is not None: self._file.write(last) self._file.flush() class Pickler(object): def __init__(self, socket, codec): self._codec = codec if six.PY3 else ord(codec) self._socketobj = ZmqConnection.SocketFile(socket) if self.codec == 0: self._compressor = self._socketobj elif self.codec == 1: self._compressor = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=self._socketobj) elif self.codec == 2: self._compressor = ZmqConnection.CompressedFile(self._socketobj, snappy.StreamCompressor()) elif self.codec == 3: self._compressor = ZmqConnection.CompressedFile(self._socketobj, lzma.LZMACompressor(lzma.FORMAT_XZ)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown compression type") @property def size(self): return self._socketobj.size @property def codec(self): return self._codec @property def mode(self): return "wb" def write(self, data): self._compressor.write(data) def flush(self): self._compressor.flush() def _send_pickled(self, message, last, compression, io): if self.shutted_down: return codec = ZmqConnection.CODECS.get(compression) if codec is None: raise ValueError("Unknown compression type: %s" % compression) def send_pickle_beg_marker(codec): self.socket.send(ZmqConnection.PICKLE_START + codec, constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) def dump(file): pickle.dump(message, file, protocol=best_protocol) def send_pickle_end_marker(): self.socket.send(ZmqConnection.PICKLE_END, constants.NOBLOCK | (constants.SNDMORE if not last else 0)) def send_to_socket(): send_pickle_beg_marker(codec) pickler = ZmqConnection.Pickler(self.socket, codec[0]) dump(pickler) pickler.flush() send_pickle_end_marker() return pickler.size if io is None: return send_to_socket() else: try: initial_pos = io.tell() dump(io) new_pos = io.tell() send_pickle_beg_marker(b"\x00") self.socket.send(pickle.dumps(io, protocol=best_protocol), constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) send_pickle_end_marker() return new_pos - initial_pos except ValueError: send_to_socket() raise ZmqConnection.IOOverflow() def messageReceived(self, message): """ Called when complete message is received. Not implemented in :class:`ZmqConnection`, should be overridden to handle incoming messages. :param message: message data """ raise NotImplementedError(self) def messageHeaderReceived(self, header): pass def _connectOrBind(self, endpoints): """ Connect and/or bind socket to endpoints. """ rnd_vals = [] for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.connect: self.debug("Connecting to %s...", endpoint) self.socket.connect(endpoint.address) elif endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.bind: self.debug("Binding to %s...", endpoint) if endpoint.address.startswith("rndtcp://") or endpoint.address.startswith("rndepgm://"): try: endpos = endpoint.address.find("://") + 3 proto = endpoint.address[3:endpos] splitted = endpoint.address[endpos:].split(":") min_port, max_port, max_tries = splitted[-3:] addr = ":".join(splitted[:-3]) except ValueError: raise from_none(ValueError("Failed to parse %s" % endpoint.address)) try: rnd_vals.append( self.socket.bind_to_random_port(proto + addr, int(min_port), int(max_port), int(max_tries)) ) except ZMQError as e: self.warning("Failed to bind to %s%s: ZMQError: %s", proto, addr, e) elif endpoint.address.startswith("rndipc://"): prefix, suffix = endpoint.address[9:].split(":") ipc_fd, ipc_fn = mkstemp(suffix, prefix) self.socket.bind("ipc://" + ipc_fn) rnd_vals.append(ipc_fn) os.close(ipc_fd) else: self.socket.bind(endpoint.address) else: assert False, "Unknown endpoint type %r" % endpoint return rnd_vals
class ZmqConnection(object): """ Connection through ZeroMQ, wraps up ZeroMQ socket. @cvar socketType: socket type, from ZeroMQ @cvar allowLoopbackMulticast: is loopback multicast allowed? @type allowLoopbackMulticast: C{boolean} @cvar multicastRate: maximum allowed multicast rate, kbps @type multicastRate: C{int} @cvar highWaterMark: hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages 0MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer @type highWaterMark: C{int} @ivar factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory reference @type factory: L{ZmqFactory} @ivar socket: ZeroMQ Socket @type socket: L{Socket} @ivar endpoints: ZeroMQ addresses for connect/bind @type endpoints: C{list} of L{ZmqEndpoint} @ivar fd: file descriptor of zmq mailbox @type fd: C{int} @ivar queue: output message queue @type queue: C{deque} """ implements(IReadDescriptor, IFileDescriptor) socketType = None allowLoopbackMulticast = False multicastRate = 100 highWaterMark = 0 # Only supported by zeromq3 and pyzmq>= tcpKeepalive = 0 tcpKeepaliveCount = 0 tcpKeepaliveIdle = 0 tcpKeepaliveInterval = 0 def __init__(self, factory, endpoint=None, identity=None): """ Constructor. One endpoint is passed to the constructor, more could be added via call to C{addEndpoints}. @param factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory @type factory: L{ZmqFactory} @param endpoint: ZeroMQ address for connect/bind @type endpoint: C{list} of L{ZmqEndpoint} @param identity: socket identity (ZeroMQ) @type identity: C{str} """ self.factory = factory self.endpoints = [] self.identity = identity self.socket = Socket(factory.context, self.socketType) self.queue = deque() self.recv_parts = [] self.read_scheduled = None self.fd = self.socket_get(constants.FD) self.socket_set(constants.LINGER, factory.lingerPeriod) if not ZMQ3: self.socket_set(constants.MCAST_LOOP, int(self.allowLoopbackMulticast)) self.socket_set(constants.RATE, self.multicastRate) if not ZMQ3: self.socket_set(constants.HWM, self.highWaterMark) else: self.socket_set(constants.SNDHWM, self.highWaterMark) self.socket_set(constants.RCVHWM, self.highWaterMark) if ZMQ3 and self.tcpKeepalive: self.socket_set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE, self.tcpKeepalive) self.socket_set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, self.tcpKeepaliveCount) self.socket_set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, self.tcpKeepaliveIdle) self.socket_set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, self.tcpKeepaliveInterval) if self.identity is not None: self.socket_set(constants.IDENTITY, self.identity) if endpoint: self.addEndpoints([endpoint]) self.factory.connections.add(self) self.factory.reactor.addReader(self) self.doRead() def addEndpoints(self, endpoints): """ Add more connection endpoints. Connection may have many endpoints, mixing protocols and types. @param endpoints: list of endpoints to add @type endpoints: C{list} """ self.endpoints.extend(endpoints) self._connectOrBind(endpoints) def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown connection and socket. """ self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) self.factory.connections.discard(self) self.socket.close() self.socket = None self.factory = None if self.read_scheduled is not None: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.factory, self.endpoints) def fileno(self): """ Part of L{IFileDescriptor}. @return: The platform-specified representation of a file descriptor number. """ return self.fd def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when the connection was lost. Part of L{IFileDescriptor}. This is called when the connection on a selectable object has been lost. It will be called whether the connection was closed explicitly, an exception occurred in an event handler, or the other end of the connection closed it first. @param reason: A failure instance indicating the reason why the connection was lost. L{error.ConnectionLost} and L{error.ConnectionDone} are of special note, but the failure may be of other classes as well. """ if self.factory: self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) def _readMultipart(self): """ Read multipart in non-blocking manner, returns with ready message or raising exception (in case of no more messages available). """ while True: self.recv_parts.append(self.socket.recv(constants.NOBLOCK)) if not self.socket_get(constants.RCVMORE): result, self.recv_parts = self.recv_parts, [] return result def doRead(self): """ Some data is available for reading on your descriptor. ZeroMQ is signalling that we should process some events, we're starting to to receive incoming messages. Part of L{IReadDescriptor}. """ if self.read_scheduled is not None: if not self.read_scheduled.called: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None while True: if self.factory is None: # disconnected return events = self.socket_get(constants.EVENTS) if (events & constants.POLLIN) != constants.POLLIN: return try: message = self._readMultipart() except error.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == constants.EAGAIN: continue raise e log.callWithLogger(self, self.messageReceived, message) def logPrefix(self): """ Part of L{ILoggingContext}. @return: Prefix used during log formatting to indicate context. @rtype: C{str} """ return 'ZMQ' def send(self, message): """ Send message via ZeroMQ. Sending is performed directly to ZeroMQ without queueing. If HWM is reached on ZeroMQ side, sending operation is aborted with exception from ZeroMQ (EAGAIN). @param message: message data @type message: message could be either list of parts or single part (str) """ if not hasattr(message, '__iter__'): self.socket.send(message, constants.NOBLOCK) else: for m in message[:-1]: self.socket.send(m, constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(message[-1], constants.NOBLOCK) if self.read_scheduled is None: self.read_scheduled = reactor.callLater(0, self.doRead) def messageReceived(self, message): """ Called on incoming message from ZeroMQ. @param message: message data """ raise NotImplementedError(self) def _connectOrBind(self, endpoints): """ Connect and/or bind socket to endpoints. """ for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.connect: self.socket.connect(endpoint.address) elif endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.bind: self.socket.bind(endpoint.address) else: assert False, "Unknown endpoint type %r" % endpoint # Compatibility shims def socket_get(self, constant): return self.socket.get(constant) def socket_set(self, constant, value): return self.socket.set(constant, value)
class ZmqConnection(object): """ Connection through ZeroMQ, wraps up ZeroMQ socket. @cvar socketType: socket type, from ZeroMQ @cvar allowLoopbackMulticast: is loopback multicast allowed? @type allowLoopbackMulticast: C{boolean} @cvar multicastRate: maximum allowed multicast rate, kbps @type multicastRate: C{int} @cvar highWaterMark: hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages 0MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer @type highWaterMark: C{int} @ivar factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory reference @type factory: L{ZmqFactory} @ivar socket: ZeroMQ Socket @type socket: L{Socket} @ivar endpoints: ZeroMQ addresses for connect/bind @type endpoints: C{list} of L{ZmqEndpoint} @ivar fd: file descriptor of zmq mailbox @type fd: C{int} @ivar queue: output message queue @type queue: C{deque} """ implements(IReadDescriptor, IFileDescriptor) socketType = None allowLoopbackMulticast = False multicastRate = 100 highWaterMark = 0 # Only supported by zeromq3 and pyzmq>= tcpKeepalive = 0 tcpKeepaliveCount = 0 tcpKeepaliveIdle = 0 tcpKeepaliveInterval = 0 def __init__(self, factory, endpoint=None, identity=None): """ Constructor. One endpoint is passed to the constructor, more could be added via call to C{addEndpoints}. @param factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory @type factory: L{ZmqFactory} @param endpoint: ZeroMQ address for connect/bind @type endpoint: C{list} of L{ZmqEndpoint} @param identity: socket identity (ZeroMQ) @type identity: C{str} """ self.factory = factory self.endpoints = [] self.identity = identity self.socket = Socket(factory.context, self.socketType) self.queue = deque() self.recv_parts = [] self.read_scheduled = None self.fd = self.socket_get(constants.FD) self.socket_set(constants.LINGER, factory.lingerPeriod) if not ZMQ3: self.socket_set( constants.MCAST_LOOP, int(self.allowLoopbackMulticast)) self.socket_set(constants.RATE, self.multicastRate) if not ZMQ3: self.socket_set(constants.HWM, self.highWaterMark) else: self.socket_set(constants.SNDHWM, self.highWaterMark) self.socket_set(constants.RCVHWM, self.highWaterMark) if ZMQ3 and self.tcpKeepalive: self.socket_set( constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE, self.tcpKeepalive) self.socket_set( constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, self.tcpKeepaliveCount) self.socket_set( constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, self.tcpKeepaliveIdle) self.socket_set( constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, self.tcpKeepaliveInterval) if self.identity is not None: self.socket_set(constants.IDENTITY, self.identity) if endpoint: self.addEndpoints([endpoint]) self.factory.connections.add(self) self.factory.reactor.addReader(self) self.doRead() def addEndpoints(self, endpoints): """ Add more connection endpoints. Connection may have many endpoints, mixing protocols and types. @param endpoints: list of endpoints to add @type endpoints: C{list} """ self.endpoints.extend(endpoints) self._connectOrBind(endpoints) def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown connection and socket. """ self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) self.factory.connections.discard(self) self.socket.close() self.socket = None self.factory = None if self.read_scheduled is not None: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.factory, self.endpoints) def fileno(self): """ Part of L{IFileDescriptor}. @return: The platform-specified representation of a file descriptor number. """ return self.fd def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when the connection was lost. Part of L{IFileDescriptor}. This is called when the connection on a selectable object has been lost. It will be called whether the connection was closed explicitly, an exception occurred in an event handler, or the other end of the connection closed it first. @param reason: A failure instance indicating the reason why the connection was lost. L{error.ConnectionLost} and L{error.ConnectionDone} are of special note, but the failure may be of other classes as well. """ if self.factory: self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) def _readMultipart(self): """ Read multipart in non-blocking manner, returns with ready message or raising exception (in case of no more messages available). """ while True: self.recv_parts.append(self.socket.recv(constants.NOBLOCK)) if not self.socket_get(constants.RCVMORE): result, self.recv_parts = self.recv_parts, [] return result def doRead(self): """ Some data is available for reading on your descriptor. ZeroMQ is signalling that we should process some events, we're starting to to receive incoming messages. Part of L{IReadDescriptor}. """ if self.read_scheduled is not None: if not self.read_scheduled.called: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None while True: if self.factory is None: # disconnected return events = self.socket_get(constants.EVENTS) if (events & constants.POLLIN) != constants.POLLIN: return try: message = self._readMultipart() except error.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == constants.EAGAIN: continue raise e log.callWithLogger(self, self.messageReceived, message) def logPrefix(self): """ Part of L{ILoggingContext}. @return: Prefix used during log formatting to indicate context. @rtype: C{str} """ return 'ZMQ' def send(self, message): """ Send message via ZeroMQ. Sending is performed directly to ZeroMQ without queueing. If HWM is reached on ZeroMQ side, sending operation is aborted with exception from ZeroMQ (EAGAIN). @param message: message data @type message: message could be either list of parts or single part (str) """ if not hasattr(message, '__iter__'): self.socket.send(message, constants.NOBLOCK) else: for m in message[:-1]: self.socket.send(m, constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(message[-1], constants.NOBLOCK) if self.read_scheduled is None: self.read_scheduled = reactor.callLater(0, self.doRead) def messageReceived(self, message): """ Called on incoming message from ZeroMQ. @param message: message data """ raise NotImplementedError(self) def _connectOrBind(self, endpoints): """ Connect and/or bind socket to endpoints. """ for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.connect: self.socket.connect(endpoint.address) elif endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.bind: self.socket.bind(endpoint.address) else: assert False, "Unknown endpoint type %r" % endpoint # Compatibility shims def socket_get(self, constant): return self.socket.get(constant) def socket_set(self, constant, value): return self.socket.set(constant, value)
class ZmqConnection(object): """ Connection through ZeroMQ, wraps up ZeroMQ socket. This class isn't supposed to be used directly, instead use one of the descendants like :class:`ZmqPushConnection`. :class:`ZmqConnection` implements glue between ZeroMQ and Twisted reactor: putting polling ZeroMQ file descriptor into reactor, processing events, reading data from socket. :var socketType: socket type, from ZeroMQ :var allowLoopbackMulticast: is loopback multicast allowed? :vartype allowLoopbackMulticast: bool :var multicastRate: maximum allowed multicast rate, kbps :vartype multicastRate: int :var highWaterMark: hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages 0MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer :vartype highWaterMark: int :var factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory reference :vartype factory: :class:`ZmqFactory` :var socket: ZeroMQ Socket :vartype socket: zmq.Socket :var endpoints: ZeroMQ addresses for connect/bind :vartype endpoints: list of :class:`ZmqEndpoint` :var fd: file descriptor of zmq mailbox :vartype fd: int :var queue: output message queue :vartype queue: deque """ socketType = None allowLoopbackMulticast = False multicastRate = 100 highWaterMark = 0 # Only supported by zeromq3 and pyzmq>= tcpKeepalive = 0 tcpKeepaliveCount = 0 tcpKeepaliveIdle = 0 tcpKeepaliveInterval = 0 def __init__(self, factory, endpoint=None, identity=None): """ Constructor. One endpoint is passed to the constructor, more could be added via call to :meth:`addEndpoints`. :param factory: ZeroMQ Twisted factory :type factory: :class:`ZmqFactory` :param endpoint: ZeroMQ address for connect/bind :type endpoint: :class:`ZmqEndpoint` :param identity: socket identity (ZeroMQ), don't set unless you know how it works :type identity: str """ self.factory = factory self.endpoints = [] self.identity = identity self.socket = Socket(factory.context, self.socketType) self.queue = deque() self.recv_parts = [] self.read_scheduled = None self.fd = self.socket.get(constants.FD) self.socket.set(constants.LINGER, factory.lingerPeriod) if not ZMQ3: self.socket.set(constants.MCAST_LOOP, int(self.allowLoopbackMulticast)) self.socket.set(constants.RATE, self.multicastRate) if not ZMQ3: self.socket.set(constants.HWM, self.highWaterMark) else: self.socket.set(constants.SNDHWM, self.highWaterMark) self.socket.set(constants.RCVHWM, self.highWaterMark) if ZMQ3 and self.tcpKeepalive: self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE, self.tcpKeepalive) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_CNT, self.tcpKeepaliveCount) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_IDLE, self.tcpKeepaliveIdle) self.socket.set(constants.TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTVL, self.tcpKeepaliveInterval) if self.identity is not None: self.socket.set(constants.IDENTITY, self.identity) if endpoint: self.addEndpoints([endpoint]) self.factory.connections.add(self) self.factory.reactor.addReader(self) self.doRead() def addEndpoints(self, endpoints): """ Add more connection endpoints. Connection may have many endpoints, mixing ZeroMQ protocols (TCP, IPC, ...) and types (connect or bind). :param endpoints: list of endpoints to add :type endpoints: list of :class:`ZmqEndpoint` """ self.endpoints.extend(endpoints) self._connectOrBind(endpoints) def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown (close) connection and ZeroMQ socket. """ self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) self.factory.connections.discard(self) self.socket.close() self.socket = None self.factory = None if self.read_scheduled is not None: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.factory, self.endpoints) def fileno(self): """ Implementation of :tm:`IFileDescriptor <internet.interfaces.IFileDescriptor>`. Returns ZeroMQ polling file descriptor. :return: The platform-specified representation of a file descriptor number. """ return self.fd def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Called when the connection was lost. Implementation of :tm:`IFileDescriptor <internet.interfaces.IFileDescriptor>`. This is called when the connection on a selectable object has been lost. It will be called whether the connection was closed explicitly, an exception occurred in an event handler, or the other end of the connection closed it first. """ if self.factory: self.factory.reactor.removeReader(self) def _readMultipart(self): """ Read multipart in non-blocking manner, returns with ready message or raising exception (in case of no more messages available). """ while True: self.recv_parts.append(self.socket.recv(constants.NOBLOCK)) if not self.socket.get(constants.RCVMORE): result, self.recv_parts = self.recv_parts, [] return result def doRead(self): """ Some data is available for reading on ZeroMQ descriptor. ZeroMQ is signalling that we should process some events, we're starting to receive incoming messages. Implementation of :tm:`IReadDescriptor <internet.interfaces.IReadDescriptor>`. """ if self.read_scheduled is not None: if not self.read_scheduled.called: self.read_scheduled.cancel() self.read_scheduled = None while True: if self.factory is None: # disconnected return events = self.socket.get(constants.EVENTS) if (events & constants.POLLIN) != constants.POLLIN: return try: message = self._readMultipart() except error.ZMQError as e: if e.errno == constants.EAGAIN: continue raise e log.callWithLogger(self, self.messageReceived, message) def logPrefix(self): """ Implementation of :tm:`ILoggingContext <internet.interfaces.ILoggingContext>`. :return: Prefix used during log formatting to indicate context. :rtype: str """ return 'ZMQ' def send(self, message): """ Send message via ZeroMQ socket. Sending is performed directly to ZeroMQ without queueing. If HWM is reached on ZeroMQ side, sending operation is aborted with exception from ZeroMQ (EAGAIN). After writing read is scheduled as ZeroMQ may not signal incoming messages after we touched socket with write request. :param message: message data, could be either list of str (multipart message) or just str :type message: str or list of str """ if isinstance(message, bytes): self.socket.send(message, constants.NOBLOCK) else: for m in message[:-1]: self.socket.send(m, constants.NOBLOCK | constants.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(message[-1], constants.NOBLOCK) if self.read_scheduled is None: self.read_scheduled = reactor.callLater(0, self.doRead) def messageReceived(self, message): """ Called when complete message is received. Not implemented in :class:`ZmqConnection`, should be overridden to handle incoming messages. :param message: message data """ raise NotImplementedError(self) def _connectOrBind(self, endpoints): """ Connect and/or bind socket to endpoints. """ for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.connect: self.socket.connect(endpoint.address) elif endpoint.type == ZmqEndpointType.bind: self.socket.bind(endpoint.address) else: assert False, "Unknown endpoint type %r" % endpoint
def connectSocket(cls, socket: zmq.Socket, host: str, port: int): socket.connect("tcp://{0}:{1}".format(host, port)) return port