Example #1
    def build_popup(self, parent, *a):
        cmd.setParent(parent, m=True)
        cmd.menu(parent, e=True, dai=True)

        thisFile = Path(cmd.file(q=True, sn=True))

        #if the file doesn't exist, then use teh cwd
        if not thisFile.exists():
            thisFile = thisFile.getcwd() / "tmp.ma"

        dir = thisFile.up()
        curFile = Path(cmd.textField(self.UI_file, q=True, tx=True))

        for f in dir.files():
            if f.hasExtension(skinWeights.EXTENSION):
                             cb=f == curFile,

        cmd.menuItem(l="browse", c=self.on_browseWeightFile)
                     c=lambda *a: cmd.textField(self.UI_file, e=True, tx=''))
        if curFile.exists():
Example #2
def getControlShapeFiles():
    if isinstance(dir, basestring):
        dir = Path(dir)

    if not isinstance(dir, Path) or not dir.exists():
        dir = Path(__file__).up()

    shapes = []
    if dir.exists():
        shapes = [f for f in dir.files() if f.hasExtension('shape')]

    if not shapes:
        searchPaths = map(Path, sys.path)
        searchPaths += map(Path,
                           os.environ.get('MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH', '').split(';'))
        searchPaths = removeDupes(searchPaths)

        for d in searchPaths:
                shapes += [f for f in d.files() if f.hasExtension('shape')]
            except WindowsError:

    return shapes
Example #3
def getControlShapeFiles():
	if isinstance( dir, basestring ):
		dir = Path( dir )

	if not isinstance( dir, Path ) or not dir.exists():
		dir = Path( __file__ ).up()

	shapes = []
	if dir.exists():
		shapes = [ f for f in dir.files() if f.hasExtension( 'shape' ) ]

	if not shapes:
		searchPaths = map( Path, sys.path )
		searchPaths += map( Path, os.environ.get( 'MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH', '' ).split( ';' ) )
		searchPaths = removeDupes( searchPaths )

		for d in searchPaths:
			try: shapes += [ f for f in d.files() if f.hasExtension( 'shape' ) ]
			except WindowsError: continue

	return shapes
Example #4
def addExploreToMenuItems( filepath ):
	if filepath is None:

	filepath = Path( filepath )
	if not filepath.exists():
		filepath = filepath.getClosestExisting()

	if filepath is None:

	cmd.menuItem(l="Explore to location...", c=lambda x: mel.zooExploreTo( filepath ), ann='open an explorer window to the location of this file/directory')

	cmd.menuItem(l="CMD prompt to location...", c=lambda x: mel.zooCmdTo( filepath ), ann='open a command prompt to the location of this directory')
Example #5
def addExploreToMenuItems( filepath ):
	if filepath is None:

	filepath = Path( filepath )
	if not filepath.exists():
		filepath = filepath.getClosestExisting()

	if filepath is None:

	cmd.menuItem(l="Explore to location...", c=lambda x: mel.zooExploreTo( filepath ), ann='open an explorer window to the location of this file/directory')

	cmd.menuItem(l="CMD prompt to location...", c=lambda x: mel.zooCmdTo( filepath ), ann='open a command prompt to the location of this directory')
    def on_browse(self, *a):
        curValue = self.getValue()
        ext = curValue.getExtension() or 'txt'

        if curValue.isFile():
            curValue = curValue.up()
        elif not curValue.isDir():
            curValue = Path(cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)).up(2)

        if not curValue.exists():
            curValue = Path('')

        filepath = cmd.fileDialog(directoryMask=curValue / ("/*.%s" % ext))
        if filepath:
            self.setValue(filepath, True)
	def build_popup( self, parent, *a ):
		cmd.setParent( parent, m=True )
		cmd.menu( parent, e=True, dai=True )

		thisFile = Path( cmd.file( q=True, sn=True ) )

		#if the file doesn't exist, then use teh cwd
		if not thisFile.exists():
			thisFile = thisFile.getcwd() / "tmp.ma"

		dir = thisFile.up()
		curFile = Path( cmd.textField( self.UI_file, q=True, tx=True ) )

		for f in dir.files():
			if f.hasExtension( skinWeights.EXTENSION ):
				cmd.menuItem( l=f.name(), cb=f==curFile, c=Callback( cmd.textField, self.UI_file, e=True, tx=f ) )

		cmd.menuItem( d=True )
		cmd.menuItem( l="browse", c=self.on_browseWeightFile )
		cmd.menuItem( d=True )
		cmd.menuItem( l="clear", c=lambda *a: cmd.textField( self.UI_file, e=True, tx='' ) )
		if curFile.exists():
			cmd.menuItem( d=True )
			addExploreToMenuItems( curFile )
Example #8
    def on_browse(self, *a):
        curValue = self.getValue()
        ext = curValue.getExtension() or "txt"

        if curValue.isFile():
            curValue = curValue.up()
        elif not curValue.isDir():
            curValue = Path(cmd.file(q=True, sn=True)).up(2)

        if not curValue.exists():
            curValue = Path("")

        filepath = cmd.fileDialog(directoryMask=curValue / ("/*.%s" % ext))
        if filepath:
            self.setValue(filepath, True)
Example #9
def buildRigForModel( scene=None, referenceModel=True, deletePlacers=False ):
	given a model scene whose skeleton is assumed to have been built by the
	skeletonBuilder tool, this function will create a rig scene by referencing
	in said model, creating the rig as best it knows how, saving the scene in
	the appropriate spot etc...

	#if no scene was passed, assume we're acting on the current scene
	if scene is None:
		scene = Path( cmd.file( q=True, sn=True ) )
	#if the scene WAS passed in, open the desired scene if it isn't already open
		scene = Path( scene )
		curScene = Path( cmd.file( q=True, sn=True ) )
		if curScene:
			if scene != curScene:
				mel.saveChanges( 'file -f -open "%s"' % scene )
		else: cmd.file( scene, f=True, open=True )

	#if the scene is still none bail...
	if not scene and referenceModel:
		raise SceneNotSavedError( "Uh oh, your scene hasn't been saved - Please save it somewhere on disk so I know where to put the rig.  Thanks!" )

	#backup the current state of the scene, just in case something goes south...
	if scene.exists():
		backupFilename = scene.up() / ('%s_backup.%s' % (scene.name(), scene.getExtension()))
		if backupFilename.exists():

		cmd.file( rename=backupFilename )
		cmd.file( save=True, force=True )
		cmd.file( rename=scene )

	failedParts = finalizeAllParts()
	if failedParts:
		confirmDialog( t='Finalization Failure', m='The following parts failed to finalize properly:\n\n%s' % '\n'.join( map( str, failedParts ) ), b='OK', db='OK' )

	#delete placers if desired - NOTE: this should be done after after finalization because placers are often used to define alignment for end joints
	if deletePlacers:
		for part in SkeletonPart.IterAllParts():
			placers = part.getPlacers()
			if placers:
				delete( placers )

	#if desired, create a new scene and reference in the model
	if referenceModel:

		#remove any unknown nodes in the scene - these cause maya to barf when trying to save
		unknownNodes = ls( type='unknown' )
		if unknownNodes:
			delete( unknownNodes )

		cmd.file( f=True, save=True )
		cmd.file( f=True, new=True )

		referenceFile( scene, 'model' )

		#rename the scene to the rig
		rigSceneName = '%s_rig.ma' % scene.name()
		rigScene = scene.up() / rigSceneName
		cmd.file( rename=rigScene )
		cmd.file( f=True, save=True, typ='mayaAscii' )
		rigScene = scene


	return rigScene