if __name__ == "__main__":

   # Decode the input augument
   options, args = decodeCommandLine()
   print "Input filelist    : %s" % options.inList
   print "Histogram list    : %s" % options.histoList
   print "Output directory  : %s" % options.outDir
   if options.selectionList:
      print "Selection criteria: %s" % options.selctionList
      print "No selection criterion is applied."

   # Read in the input filelist
   sList = {}
   nSources, sList = ConfigUtils.getFileList( options.inList )

   # Read in the histogram list
   Histos = {}
   tree, Histos = ConfigUtils.getHistoNames( options.histoList )

   # Create the output directory
   # Copy the input file list to the output directory
   os.system('cp %s %s' % ( options.inList, options.outDir ) )

   # Read in the selection criteria
   Selection = {}
   if options.selectionList:
      Selection = ConfigUtils.getSelection( options.selctionList )