# Copy the input file list to the output directory
   os.system('cp %s %s' % ( options.inList, options.outDir ) )

   # Read in the selection criteria
   Selection = {}
   if options.selectionList:
      Selection = ConfigUtils.getSelection( options.selctionList )

   # Create a text file in the output directory to record the selection criteria
   writeSelection( options.outDir, Selection )

   hConfig = {}
   hDict = {}

   for histo in Histos.keys():
      hConfig[histo] = ConfigUtils.getPlotConfig( Histos[histo] )

   for src in sList.keys():
      fname = sList[src]['File']
      print 'Open %s...' % fname
      t = AccessROOTUtils.getTree( fname, tree )
      srcName = sList[src]['LegendName'].replace( ' ', '')
      hDict[src] = bookHistograms( srcName, hConfig )
      hDict[src] = selection( t, Selection, hDict[src] )

   for histo in Histos.keys():
      hList = {}

      for src in sList.keys():
         hList[src] = hDict[src][histo]