Exemple #1
def grab_images():
    im = DS.getColourMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/rgb.png"%(imdir), im)   
    im = DS.getDepthMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/depth.png"%(imdir), im)   

    im = DS.getConfidenceMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/confidence.png"%(imdir), im)   
    im = DS.getDepthColouredMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/rgbd.png"%(imdir), im)   
    im = DS.getGreyScaleMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/gscale.png"%(imdir), im)   
    im = DS.getSyncMap()
    np.save("%s/sync"%(imdir), im)   
    im = DS.getUVMap()
    np.save("%s/uv"%(imdir), im)   
    im = DS.getVertices()
    np.save("%s/vert"%(imdir), im)   
Exemple #2
def getframe(imdir, sfx):
    im = DS.getColourMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/rgb%s.png" % (imdir, sfx), im)
    #cv2.imwrite("%s/confidence%s.png"%(imdir,sfx), im)
    #cv2.imwrite("%s/DepthColored%s.png"%(imdir,sfx), im)
    im = DS.getDepthMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/depth%s.png" % (imdir, sfx), im)
    #cv2.imwrite("%s/gscale%s.png"%(imdir,sfx), im)
    im = DS.getSyncMap()
    np.save("%s/sync%s" % (imdir, sfx), im)
    im = DS.getUVMap()
    np.save("%s/uv%s" % (imdir, sfx), im)
    im = DS.getVertices()
    np.save("%s/vert%s" % (imdir, sfx), im)
    return "OK"
Exemple #3
def grab_images(imdir, i):
    im = DS.getColourMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/rgb-%03d.png"%(imdir,i), im)       

    im = DS.getDepthMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/depth-%03d.png"%(imdir,i), im)   

    im = DS.getConfidenceMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/confidence-%03d.png"%(imdir,i), im)   
    im = DS.getDepthColouredMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/rgbd-%03d.png"%(imdir,i), im)   
    im = DS.getGreyScaleMap()
    cv2.imwrite("%s/gscale-%03d.png"%(imdir,i), im)   
    im = DS.getSyncMap()
    print im.shape
    np.save("%s/sync-%03d"%(imdir,i), im)   
    im = DS.getUVMap()
    np.save("%s/uv-%03d"%(imdir,i), im)   

    im = DS.getVertices()
    np.save("%s/vert-%03d"%(imdir,i), im)   
    #subprocess.call(['python', dir_path + '/dsgrab.py'])
            {"href": "static/img/confidence.png", "name": "Confidence levels (image)"},
            {"href": "static/img/rgbd.png", "name": "Coloured depth image"},
            {"href": "static/img/gscale.png", "name": "Grey-scale image"}
    return [{"href": imdir+"/rgb-%03d.png"%i, "name": "RGB image"},
            {"href": imdir+"/depth-%03d.png"%i, "name": "Depth image"},
            {"href": imdir+"/confidence-%03d.png"%i, "name": "Confidence levels (image)"},
            {"href": imdir+"/rgbd-%03d.png"%i, "name": "Coloured depth image"},
            {"href": imdir+"/gscale-%03d.png"%i, "name": "Grey-scale image"}]
Exemple #4
import DepthSense as ds
import numpy as np
from SimpleCV import *
c = 0
while True:
    depth = ds.getDepthMap()
    np.clip(depth, 0, 2**10 - 1, depth)
    depth >>=2
    depth = depth.astype(np.uint8)
    iD = Image(depth.transpose())

    vertex = ds.getVertices()
    iV = Image(vertex.transpose([1,0,2]))

    image = ds.getColourMap()
    image = image[:,:,::-1]
    iS = Image(image.transpose([1,0,2]))

    #print ds.getAcceleration()

    uv = ds.getUVMap()

    sync = ds.getSyncMap()
    sync = sync[:,:,::-1]
Exemple #5
while True:

    # Get depth and colour images from the kinect
    #image = ds.getColourMap()
    #image = image[:,:,::-1]
    #img = Image(image.transpose([1,0,2]))

    depth = ds.getDepthMap()
    deepDepth = depth.transpose()  # later proccessing
    np.clip(depth, 0, 2**10 - 1, depth)
    depth >>= 2
    depth = depth.astype(np.uint8).transpose()
    depth = Image(depth)
    depth = depth.invert()

    vertex = ds.getVertices()
    vertex = vertex.transpose([1, 0, 2])

    #dblobs = depth.findBlobs(minsize=2000, maxsize=14000)
    dblobs = depth.findBlobs(minsize=2000,
                             maxsize=((320 * 240) - (320 * 240 / 4)))

    box_center = None
    box = None
    box_point = None
    possible_hands = []
    z_val = 0
    box_area = 0
    counter = 0
    if not dblobs:
        if len(points) > 2:
Exemple #6
    def getVertex(self):
        ''' Return a vertex map for points in the depth map as a numpy array'''

        return ds.getVertices()
Exemple #7
    def getVertex(self):
        ''' Return a vertex map for points in the depth map as a numpy array'''

        return ds.getVertices()
def get_vertices():
    vertices_mat = dsc.getVertices()
    return vertices_mat