def set_character_class(self, class_name):
		Changes the player Class instanced attributes (Strength Dexterity Constitution Intellect)
		 Depending on the class_name input.

			class_name <str>
		if (class_name == "Barbarian"):
			self.character_class = class_name
			self.strength = 14
			self.dexterity = 8
			self.constitution = 12
			self.intellect = 6

			self.inventory.add_to_inventory(Items.BattleAxe(), 1)
			self.inventory.equip_main_hand("Battle Axe")

		elif (class_name == "Knight"):
			self.character_class = class_name
			self.strength = 12
			self.dexterity = 8
			self.constitution = 12
			self.intellect = 8

			self.inventory.add_to_inventory(Items.LongSword(), 1)
			self.inventory.equip_main_hand("Long Sword")

		elif (class_name == "Nerd"):
			self.character_class = class_name
			self.strength = 8
			self.dexterity = 8
			self.constitution = 8
			self.intellect = 16

		elif (class_name == "Rogue"):
			self.character_class = class_name
			self.strength = 6
			self.dexterity = 14
			self.constitution = 8
			self.intellect = 12

			self.inventory.add_to_inventory(Items.Dagger(), 1)
			self.character_class = "No Class"
			self.strength = 10
			self.dexterity = 10
			self.constitution = 10
			self.intellect = 10

		self.update_attribute_dictionary("Strength: ", self.strength)
		self.update_attribute_dictionary("Dexterity: ", self.dexterity)
		self.update_attribute_dictionary("Constitution: ", self.constitution)
		self.update_attribute_dictionary("Intellect: ", self.intellect)
 def __init__(self, x, y):
     super().__init__(x, y, Items.Dagger())
 def __init__(self, x, y, player):
     super().__init__(x, y, player, Items.Dagger())