pkl = open(pklname, 'w')
pickle.dump(argdict, pkl)

# a few things should be keep the same:
# the name of the pdb file (without .pdb extension)
# first column of the mutation file
# first column of the homologous file
# there should not be '_' in these

# read the input file and create a mutation list
pdbs = []
positions = []
with open(args.l) as mutf:
    for l in mutf:
        mut = Stability.getMutation(l.strip())
        pdb, pos = mut.p, mut.dir
        if not pdb in pdbs:
        if not pos in positions:

# run confind for all structures
for pdb in pdbs:
    pdbf = args.i + '/' + pdb + '.pdb'
    assert os.path.isfile(
        pdbf), 'the pdb file ' + pdbf + ' does not exist; quit...'
    confind_out = changeExt(pdbf, 'conf')
    if os.path.isfile(confind_out):
    else:  # run confind
Exemple #2
def outputscore(mutlist, output, scan=0, bg=0):
    if bg:
        aafreq = np.array(PDB.aaFreq)
    with open(mutlist) as mutf, open(output, 'w') as ofh:
        for l in mutf:
            l = l.strip()
            mut = Stability.getMutation(l)
            consf = mut.dir + '/' + mut.dir + '.conlist'
            cons = []
            with open(consf) as cf:
                for cfl in cf:
                    cinfo = cfl.strip().split()
                    conname, conres, cond = cinfo[2], cinfo[-1], float(
                    if not os.path.isfile(mut.dir + '/' + mut.dir + '_' +
                                          conname.replace(',', '') + '.pdb'):
                    if cond >= 0.02:
                        cons.append([conname, conres, cond])
            cons = sorted(cons, key=lambda x: x[0])

            matf = mut.dir + '/' + mut.dir + '.' + args.ext + '.mat'
            if not os.path.isfile(matf):
                ofh.write(l + '\tNA\n')
            optparams = loadmat(matf)['optParams']
            assert (optparams.shape[0] - 20) / 400 == len(cons), mut.dir
            # if (optparams.shape[0] - 20) / 400 != len(cons):
            #     ofh.write(l + '\tNA\n')
            #     continue
            selfdiff = optparams[PDB.aaindex[mut.m]] - optparams[PDB.aaindex[
            if bg:
                selfdiff += np.log(aafreq[PDB.aaindex[mut.m]]) - np.log(
            pairdiff = []
            if scan:
                scanscore = optparams[0:20].T[0]
                if bg:
                    scanscore += np.log(aafreq)
                scanscore -= scanscore[PDB.aaindex[mut.w]]
            for i in range(len(cons)):
                paramsi = optparams[20 + 400 * i:20 + 400 * (i + 1)].reshape(
                    20, 20)
                conind = PDB.aaindex[PDB.t2s(cons[i][1])]
                pairdiff_i = paramsi[conind, PDB.aaindex[mut.m]] - paramsi[
                    conind, PDB.aaindex[mut.w]]
                # outstr = l + '\t' + cons[i][0] + '\t' + format(float(pairdiff_i), '.3f') # test
                # ofh.write(outstr + '\n') # test
                if scan:
                    scancon = np.array([paramsi[conind, x] for x in range(20)])
                    # use wt aa as the reference state
                    ref = paramsi[conind, PDB.aaindex[mut.w]]
                    scancon -= ref
                    scanscore += scancon
            if not scan:
                outstr = '\t'.join([
                    format(float(selfdiff), '.3f'),
                    format(float(sum(pairdiff)), '.3f')
                outstr = '\t'.join([l] + [format(x, '.3f') for x in scanscore])
            ofh.write(outstr + '\n')
    # exit the program