def nonmaxima(self): nonmaxima_img = np.array(self.image_out_grad.copy()) imagea = np.array(self.image_out_angle.copy()) (h, w) = self.image_out_grad.shape for i in range(h): for j in range(w): if (i == 0 or i == h - 1 or j == 0 or j == w - 1): nonmaxima_img[i][j] = 0 continue tq = (imagea[i][j]) % 4 if (tq == 0): if (self.image_out_grad[i, j] <= self.image_out_grad[i, j - 1] or self.image_out_grad[i, j] <= self.image_out_grad[i, j + 1]): nonmaxima_img[i][j] = 0 if (tq == 1): if (self.image_out_grad[i, j] <= self.image_out_grad[i - 1, j + 1] or self.image_out_grad[i, j] <= self.image_out_grad[i + 1, j - 1]): nonmaxima_img[i][j] = 0 if (tq == 2): if (self.image_out_grad[i, j] <= self.image_out_grad[i - 1, j] or self.image_out_grad[i, j] <= self.image_out_grad[i + 1, j]): nonmaxima_img[i][j] = 0 if (tq == 3): if (self.image_out_grad[i, j] <= self.image_out_grad[i - 1, j - 1] or self.image_out_grad[i, j] <= self.image_out_grad[i + 1, j + 1]): nonmaxima_img[i][j] = 0 if self.completed < 40: self.completed += 0.1 self.progress.setValue(self.completed) self.nonmaxima_img = nonmaxima_img self.progress.setValue(self.completed) tab_Var = mplt_plot(, nonmaxima_img) self.t_index = self.tabWidget.addTab(tab_Var, 'Non-Maximum Supressed') self.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.t_index) QMessageBox.about(self, "Status!", "Non-max image Generated!") # '''Input Window for Max and Min Threshold''' input_dialog = QtWidgets.QDialog() input_ui = Threshold.Ui_Dialog() input_ui.setupUi(input_dialog) if input_dialog.exec(): thes_l, Thresh_h = input_ui.onOk() if thes_l and Thresh_h: thresh = thes_l, Thresh_h self.h_thres = np.max(thresh) # Value self.l_thres = np.min(thresh) # Value self.thres()
def image_process(img, seq_n, NUM_SEGS, IMG_FRACTION): #cv2.imwrite(str(seq_n) + "_in.jpg", img) img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (13, 13), 0) imgThreshed = th.thresholding(img) imgMiddle, colOffset = get_middle(imgThreshed, IMG_FRACTION) midCentroids, leftCentroids, rightCentroids, frameAtIntersection = row_segment_centers( imgMiddle, NUM_SEGS, colOffset) # Draw all #for i in range(0,len(midCentroids)): #, midCentroids[i], 5, (255,0,0)) #if leftCentroids != None and rightCentroids != None: # for i in range(0,len(leftCentroids)): #, leftCentroids[i], 3, (0,255,0)) # for i in range(0,len(rightCentroids)): #, rightCentroids[i], 7, (0,0,255)) # cv2.imshow('imageThreshed',imgThreshed) # cv2.imshow('image', img) # cv2.imwrite(str(seq_n) + "_th.jpg", imgThreshed) # cv2.imwrite(str(seq_n) + "_out.jpg", img) return midCentroids, leftCentroids, rightCentroids, frameAtIntersection
def legacy(): """ This is the code that I had originall wrote to do this. This code was really messy, but worked, so I am leaving it here. It has been rewritten in the above functions, but could be useful to look at. """ ## initialize the scope scope=DGLab_Leica2.DGLab_Leica2() ## set up the rows=string.ascii_uppercase[1:7] columns=range(2,12) sites=range(0,225) pos_string=open("PositionList_96well_15x15sites.pos").read() positions=StagePositions.positionList_parser(pos_string) scope.mmc.enableContinuousFocus(True) scope.set_illumination(Illuminations.Cy5) #start_time=time.asctime().replace(" ","_").replace(":","_") start_time="Thu_Aug_13_14_38_51_2015" done_list={} well_counter={} ## if this is a continuation of an old scan, this will add on to the ## existing log file. if os.path.exists("Scan_%s.txt" % start_time): completed_fin=open("Scan_%s.txt" % start_time,"r") for line in completed_fin: site=line.split(";")[0] try: if "No cells of interest" not in line.split(";")[1]: well=site.split("-") if well not in well_counter: well_counter[well]=0 well_counter+=1 except: pass completed_fin.close() status_out=open("Scan_%s.txt" % start_time,"r") status_out.close() status_out=open("Scan_%s.txt" % start_time,"w") status_out.write(status_string) else: status_out=open("Scan_%s.txt" % start_time,"w") data_dir="Scan_%s" % start_time if os.path.isdir(data_dir) is False: os.mkdir(data_dir) order=-1 for row in rows: ## flip the order that the columns are gone through order=order*-1 for column in columns[::order]: well="%s%s" % (row,column) if well not in well_counter:well_counter[well]=0 if well_counter[well]<15: ## reset the well count for this new well. well_count=well_counter[well] ## iterate through the site in this well. for site in sites: ## Test case if "%s%s-Site_%s" % (row,column,site) not in done_list.keys(): done_list["%s%s-Site_%s" % (row,column,site)]=True print ">Looking at %s%s-Site_%s" % (row,column,site) x,y=positions["%s%s-Site_%s" % (row,column,site)].get_xy() ## take an image to use for a trigger scope.set_illumination(Illuminations.qCy5) scope.mmc.setXYPosition("XYStage",x,y) scope.mmc.snapImage() img=scope.mmc.getImage() ## show image plt.imshow(img) plt.draw() ## analyze this image cois=Threshold.coi_finder(img, threshold=1000, min_area=100, max_area=1000) if cois: do_stack=True progress_line=">%s%s-Site_%s;cois=%s\n" % (row,column,site,cois) else: do_stack=False progress_line=">%s%s-Site_%s;No cells of interest\n" % (row,column,site) status_out.write(progress_line) ## run the stack if there was a COI found if do_stack: print ">Stack at %s%s-Site_%s" % (row,column,site) well_count+=1 well_counter[well]+=1 channels=[Illuminations.DIC, Illuminations.GFP, Illuminations.qCy5, Illuminations.DAPI] scope.mmc.enableContinuousFocus(False) mda,md=scope.multi_channel_acquisition(channels) FileOut.mda_save(out_dir=data_dir, prefix="%s%s-Site_%s" % (row,column,site), mda=mda, md=md, channels=channels) print "Stack taken at %s%s-Site_%s" % (row,column,site) ## turn AFC back on scope.mmc.enableContinuousFocus(True) ## move onto the next well if we have acquired enough if well_count > 15: break ## break out of the well if you can't focus if scope.mmc.isContinuousFocusLocked() is False: time.sleep(5) if scope.mmc.isContinuousFocusLocked() is False: print "Couldnt focus 3" break ## break out of the column if you still cant focus if scope.mmc.isContinuousFocusLocked() is False: time.sleep(5) if scope.mmc.isContinuousFocusLocked() is False: print "Couldnt focus 2" break ## break out of the row if you STILL cant focus. if scope.mmc.isContinuousFocusLocked() is False: time.sleep(5) if scope.mmc.isContinuousFocusLocked() is False: print "Couldnt focus 1" break status_out.close()
def plateScanSite(scope, illumination, mda_channels, x, y, visible=True, name="", stack_height=5, slice_height=.5, minAreaCOI=100, maxAreaCOI=1000, thresholdCOI=1000): """ This is a function to run at each site of a 96well plate scan. This requires: -scope -scan illumination -MDA illuminations -x -y Optional: -visibility of scan image during acquisition -name this is mostly for progress and debugging purposes This returns: -site_imaged: 0 or 1 depending if a MDA was taken -MDA -MDA_md """ scope.set_illumination(illumination) scope.mmc.setXYPosition("XYStage",x,y) scope.mmc.snapImage() img=scope.mmc.getImage() ## show image if visible is True: plt.imshow(img) plt.draw() # analyze this image cois=Threshold.coi_finder(img, threshold=thresholdCOI, min_area=minAreaCOI, max_area=maxAreaCOI) if cois: do_stack=True site_imaged=1 print "COIs found in %s, taking a stack" % name else: do_stack=False site_imaged=0 md=None mda=None print "No COIs found in %s" % name if do_stack: scope.mmc.enableContinuousFocus(False) mda,md=scope.multi_channel_acquisition(mda_channels, z_width=stack_height, z_increments=slice_height) scope.mmc.enableContinuousFocus(True) if visible is True: plt.close() del img return site_imaged, mda, md
def mm_XG_iRNA_M6A(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) mm_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M6A = [ 1834, 1500, 1549, 1367, 1310, 1459, 5, 1854, 1877, 58, 1843, 498, 42, 71, 1389, 700, 1775, 213, 906, 942, 81, 16, 1429, 888, 1373, 1817, 1501, 218, 124, 1380, 1436, 60, 12, 1536 ] XG_iRNA_mm_M6A = load('model/mm/mm_xgb_M6A_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence # bug if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 41: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota mm_n_base_41_M6A = 19 mm_n_base_list_M6A_proba = [] mm_M6A_list_num = [] for base in line.strip()[20:-20]: mm_n_base_41_M6A += 1 file_inter_M6A = open('inter_use/mm_inter_use_M6A.txt', 'w') if base == 'A': new_line = line.strip()[mm_n_base_41_M6A - 20:mm_n_base_41_M6A + 21] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 41), *, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 41), file=file_inter_M6A) file_inter_M6A.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/mm_inter_use_M6A.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in mm_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M6A ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_mm_M6A.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: mm_n_base_list_M6A_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) mm_M6A_list_num.append(mm_n_base_41_M6A + 1) if len(mm_M6A_list_num) > 0: mm_M6A_list_num.reverse() mm_n_base_list_M6A_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in mm_M6A_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#00FF00>A</font>(' + str( mm_n_base_list_M6A_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, mm_M6A_list_num
def mm_XG_iRNA_M5C(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) mm_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M5C = [ 16, 48, 1458, 1197, 299, 859, 1359, 1879, 383, 65, 381, 82, 1519 ] XG_iRNA_mm_M5C = load('model/mm/mm_xgb_M5C_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence # bug if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 41: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota mm_n_base_41_M5C = 19 mm_n_base_list_M5C_proba = [] mm_M5C_list_num = [] for base in line.strip()[20:-20]: mm_n_base_41_M5C += 1 file_inter_M5C = open('inter_use/mm_inter_use_M5C.txt', 'w') if base == 'C': new_line = line.strip()[mm_n_base_41_M5C - 20:mm_n_base_41_M5C + 21] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 41), *, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 41), file=file_inter_M5C) file_inter_M5C.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/mm_inter_use_M5C.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in mm_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M5C ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_mm_M5C.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: mm_n_base_list_M5C_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) mm_M5C_list_num.append(mm_n_base_41_M5C + 1) if len(mm_M5C_list_num) > 0: mm_M5C_list_num.reverse() mm_n_base_list_M5C_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in mm_M5C_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#FFA500>C</font>(' + str( mm_n_base_list_M5C_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, mm_M5C_list_num
def human_XG_iRNA_pse(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): # ------------------------------------------------------------- hg_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_Pse = [ 16, 22, 1441, 1389, 1692, 300, 661, 406, 1666, 1660, 1432, 1698, 1695, 338, 738, 10, 1680, 808, 1414, 204, 77, 940, 69, 1408, 74, 980, 31, 234, 8, 292, 178, 1382, 1458, 1, 1689, 13, 1373, 39, 237, 1369, 1444, 245, 66, 54, 1434, 1417, 1396 ] XG_iRNA_hg_Pse = load('model/hg/hg_xgb_Pse_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence hg_n_base_21 = 9 hg_n_base_list_pse_proba = [] hg_pse_list_num = [] M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) # -----------------------------PSE --------------------------------------------------- for base in line.strip()[10:-10]: hg_n_base_21 += 1 file_inter_pse = open('inter_use/hg_inter_use_pse.txt', 'w') if base == 'U': new_line = line.strip()[hg_n_base_21 - 10:hg_n_base_21 + 11] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 21), *, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 21), file=file_inter_pse) file_inter_pse.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/hg_inter_use_pse.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in hg_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_Pse ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_hg_Pse.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: hg_n_base_list_pse_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) hg_pse_list_num.append(hg_n_base_21 + 1) if len(hg_pse_list_num) > 0: hg_pse_list_num.reverse() hg_n_base_list_pse_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in hg_pse_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#FF3333>U</font>(' + str( hg_n_base_list_pse_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, hg_pse_list_num
from import FileVideoStream from import FPS from skimage.measure import compare_ssim import numpy as np import argparse import imutils import time import cv2 import os import datetime from pydarknet import Detector, Image import Threshold videoFile="HighlineGate.mp4" yolodir="yolo" threshold = Threshold.Threshold(videoFile).get() # parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-y", "--yolo", default=yolodir, help="base path to YOLO directory") ap.add_argument("-c", "--confidence", type=float, default=0.5, help="minimum probability to filter weak detections") ap.add_argument("-s", "--sample", default=videoFile, help="minimum probability to filter weak detections") ap.add_argument("-st", "--thresh", default=threshold, help="minimum probability to filter weak detections") args = vars(ap.parse_args())
def sc_XG_iRNA_M5C(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M5C = [ 299, 1009, 705, 1542, 1522, 1008, 1764, 4, 1862, 1200, 142, 1385, 1358, 1214, 1842, 27, 693, 1086, 193, 1527, 1904, 1533, 1554, 920, 323, 1879, 16 ] XG_iRNA_sc_M5C = load('model/sc/sc_xgb_M5C_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence # bug if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 41: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota sc_n_base_41_M5C = 19 sc_n_base_list_M5C_proba = [] sc_M5C_list_num = [] for base in line.strip()[20:-20]: sc_n_base_41_M5C += 1 file_inter_M5C = open('inter_use/sc_inter_use_M5C.txt', 'w') if base == 'C': new_line = line.strip()[sc_n_base_41_M5C - 20:sc_n_base_41_M5C + 21] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 41), *, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 41), file=file_inter_M5C) file_inter_M5C.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/sc_inter_use_M5C.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M5C ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_sc_M5C.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: sc_n_base_list_M5C_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) sc_M5C_list_num.append(sc_n_base_41_M5C + 1) if len(sc_M5C_list_num) > 0: sc_M5C_list_num.reverse() sc_n_base_list_M5C_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in sc_M5C_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#FFA500>C</font>(' + str( sc_n_base_list_M5C_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, sc_M5C_list_num
def sc_XG_iRNA_M6A(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M6A = [ 1912, 1879, 1905, 1310, 327, 11, 1, 1536, 1309, 53, 18, 1311, 762, 280, 474, 4, 34, 71, 1908, 1555, 1549, 1142, 728, 186, 29, 7, 1554, 43, 46, 1117, 75, 1943, 100, 1559, 872, 126, 135, 650, 58, 1411, 981, 542, 1577, 119, 568, 216, 1441, 552 ] XG_iRNA_sc_M6A = load('model/sc/sc_xgb_M6A_10fold') # ------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 41: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota sc_n_base_41_M6A = 19 sc_n_base_list_M6A_proba = [] sc_M6A_list_num = [] for base in line.strip()[20:-20]: sc_n_base_41_M6A += 1 file_inter_M6A = open('inter_use/sc_inter_use_M6A.txt', 'w') if base == 'A': new_line = line.strip()[sc_n_base_41_M6A - 20:sc_n_base_41_M6A + 21] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 41), *, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 41), file=file_inter_M6A) file_inter_M6A.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/sc_inter_use_M6A.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M6A ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_sc_M6A.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: sc_n_base_list_M6A_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) sc_M6A_list_num.append(sc_n_base_41_M6A + 1) if len(sc_M6A_list_num) > 0: sc_M6A_list_num.reverse() sc_n_base_list_M6A_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in sc_M6A_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#00FF00>A</font>(' + str( sc_n_base_list_M6A_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, sc_M6A_list_num
def sc_XG_iRNA_M1A(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): # ------------------------------------------------------------- M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M1A = [1824, 1831, 1500] XG_iRNA_sc_M1A = load('model/sc/sc_xgb_M1A_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence # bug if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 41: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota sc_n_base_41_M1A = 19 sc_n_base_list_M1A_proba = [] sc_M1A_list_num = [] for base in line.strip()[20:-20]: sc_n_base_41_M1A += 1 file_inter_M1A = open('inter_use/sc_inter_use_M1A.txt', 'w') if base == 'A': new_line = line.strip()[sc_n_base_41_M1A - 20:sc_n_base_41_M1A + 21] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 41), *, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 41), file=file_inter_M1A) file_inter_M1A.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/sc_inter_use_M1A.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M1A ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_sc_M1A.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: sc_n_base_list_M1A_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) sc_M1A_list_num.append(sc_n_base_41_M1A + 1) if len(sc_M1A_list_num) > 0: sc_M1A_list_num.reverse() sc_n_base_list_M1A_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in sc_M1A_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#1E90FF>A</font>(' + str( sc_n_base_list_M1A_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, sc_M1A_list_num
def sc_XG_iRNA_pse(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) # ------------------------------------------------------------- sc_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_Pse = [ 1477, 201, 1748, 1759, 1380, 1784, 10, 1121, 693, 1492, 135, 1377, 1792, 808, 1383, 251, 1800, 1766, 1746, 1, 302, 146, 78, 1488, 34, 242, 76, 230, 12, 1747, 13, 6, 269, 1753, 714, 38, 182, 77, 324, 97, 165, 1788, 664, 82, 893, 194 ] XG_iRNA_sc_Pse = load('model/sc/sc_xgb_Pse_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence line = line.upper() # bug if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 31: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota sc_n_base_31 = 14 sc_n_base_list_pse_proba = [] sc_pse_list_num = [] # -----------------------------PSE --------------------------------------------------- for base in line.strip()[15:-15]: sc_n_base_31 += 1 file_inter_pse = open('inter_use/sc_inter_use_pse.txt', 'w') if base == 'U': new_line = line.strip()[sc_n_base_31 - 15:sc_n_base_31 + 16] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 31), *, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 31), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 31), file=file_inter_pse) file_inter_pse.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/sc_inter_use_pse.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in sc_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_Pse ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_sc_Pse.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: sc_n_base_list_pse_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) sc_pse_list_num.append(sc_n_base_31 + 1) if len(sc_pse_list_num) > 0: sc_pse_list_num.reverse() sc_n_base_list_pse_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in sc_pse_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#FF3333>U</font>(' + str( sc_n_base_list_pse_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, sc_pse_list_num
def human_XG_iRNA_M5C(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M5C = [ 16, 144, 1442, 82, 18, 1225, 210, 1401, 1430, 80, 57, 68, 1562, 74, 950 ] XG_iRNA_hg_M5C = load('model/hg/hg_xgb_M5C_10fold') M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence line = line.upper() # bug if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 41: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota hg_n_base_41_M5C = 19 hg_n_base_list_M5C_proba = [] hg_M5C_list_num = [] for base in line.strip()[20:-20]: hg_n_base_41_M5C += 1 file_inter_M5C = open('inter_use/hg_inter_use_M5C.txt', 'w') if base == 'C': new_line = line.strip()[hg_n_base_41_M5C - 20:hg_n_base_41_M5C + 21] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 41), *, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 41), file=file_inter_M5C) file_inter_M5C.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/hg_inter_use_M5C.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M5C ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_hg_M5C.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: hg_n_base_list_M5C_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) hg_M5C_list_num.append(hg_n_base_41_M5C + 1) if len(hg_M5C_list_num) > 0: hg_M5C_list_num.reverse() hg_n_base_list_M5C_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in hg_M5C_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#FFA500>C</font>(' + str( hg_n_base_list_M5C_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, hg_M5C_list_num
def human_XG_iRNA_M6A(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M6A = [ 1834, 1500, 1831, 1503, 16, 1446, 1489, 1882, 30, 113, 997, 1545, 1857, 1892, 87, 4, 147, 1866, 209, 369, 1395, 1366, 1520, 1401, 1422, 1397, 1398, 279, 1454, 40, 243, 1417, 1498, 42, 81, 377, 1441, 51, 12, 1557, 17, 404, 96, 724 ] XG_iRNA_hg_M6A = load('model/hg/hg_xgb_M6A_10fold') M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) # ------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence line = line.upper() # bug if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 41: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota hg_n_base_41_M6A = 19 hg_n_base_list_M6A_proba = [] hg_M6A_list_num = [] for base in line.strip()[20:-20]: hg_n_base_41_M6A += 1 file_inter_M6A = open('inter_use/hg_inter_use_M6A.txt', 'w') if base == 'A': new_line = line.strip()[hg_n_base_41_M6A - 20:hg_n_base_41_M6A + 21] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 41), *, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 41), file=file_inter_M6A) file_inter_M6A.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/hg_inter_use_M6A.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M6A ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_hg_M6A.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: hg_n_base_list_M6A_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) hg_M6A_list_num.append(hg_n_base_41_M6A + 1) if len(hg_M6A_list_num) > 0: hg_M6A_list_num.reverse() hg_n_base_list_M6A_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in hg_M6A_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#00FF00>A</font>(' + str( hg_n_base_list_M6A_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, hg_M6A_list_num
def human_XG_iRNA_M1A(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): # ------------------------------------------------------------- importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M1A = [ 1834, 1831, 16, 1500, 1503, 3, 9, 1, 19, 4, 20, 6, 2, 1378, 1386, 1872, 30, 1520, 1529, 1484, 243, 1002, 1372, 259, 1873, 200, 1817, 312, 1400, 584, 572, 1404, 943, 239, 41, 190, 1415, 34, 1455, 64, 1856 ] XG_iRNA_hg_M1A = load('model/hg/hg_xgb_M1A_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) line = sequence # bug hg_n_base_41_M1A = 19 hg_n_base_list_M1A_proba = [] hg_M1A_list_num = [] for base in line.strip()[20:-20]: hg_n_base_41_M1A += 1 file_inter_M1A = open('inter_use/hg_inter_use_M1A.txt', 'w') if base == 'A': new_line = line.strip()[hg_n_base_41_M1A - 20:hg_n_base_41_M1A + 21] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 41), *, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 41), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 41), file=file_inter_M1A) file_inter_M1A.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/hg_inter_use_M1A.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in importance_dict_sorted_list_num_M1A ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_hg_M1A.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: hg_n_base_list_M1A_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) hg_M1A_list_num.append(hg_n_base_41_M1A + 1) if len(hg_M1A_list_num) > 0: hg_M1A_list_num.reverse() hg_n_base_list_M1A_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in hg_M1A_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#1E90FF>A</font>(' + str( hg_n_base_list_M1A_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, hg_M1A_list_num
def process_image(mtx, dist, image): # Define an image to draw on draw_image = np.copy(image) # **LANE LINE DETECTION** # Undistort the image dist = cv2.undistort(image, mtx, dist, None, mtx) # Apply thresholding to the image combined_binary = Threshold.white_yellow_threshold(dist) # Mask lane line area masked_img = FindLaneLineUtils.mask_lane_line_area(combined_binary) # Warp the image to an overhead view warped_img, src, dest = FindLaneLineUtils.warp_image(masked_img) # Identify the lane line pixels combined = FindLaneLineUtils.get_lane_line_pixels(warped_img) # Get polynomials for lane lines left_fit, right_fit = FindLaneLineUtils.get_polynomials(combined) # **VEHICLE DETECTION** # Define xy overlap and use slide_windows function to develop search windows for vehicles xy_overlap = (0.8, 0.8) windows_1 = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=[440, 620], xy_window=(128, 128), xy_overlap=xy_overlap) windows_2 = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=[400, 496], xy_window=(96, 96), xy_overlap=xy_overlap) windows_3 = slide_window(image, x_start_stop=[None, None], y_start_stop=[400, 528], xy_window=(64, 64), xy_overlap=xy_overlap) windows = windows_1 + windows_2 + windows_3 # Alter images read since images are jpg, where training data is png sized_image = image.astype(np.float32) / 255 # Use hot_windows function to "turn on" windows are assigned as vehicle by the classifier hot_windows = search_windows(sized_image, windows, svc, X_scaler, color_space=color_space, spatial_size=spatial_size, hist_bins=hist_bins, orient=orient, pix_per_cell=pix_per_cell, cell_per_block=cell_per_block, hog_channel=hog_channel, spatial_feat=spatial_feat, hist_feat=hist_feat, hog_feat=hog_feat) # Intialize all_hot_windows with this frame's hot windows all_hot_windows = hot_windows # Define window image, draw_boxes draws all_hot_windows onto the draw image window_img = draw_boxes(draw_image, all_hot_windows, color=(0, 0, 255), thick=6) # Add heat to each box in box list heat = np.zeros_like(image[:, :, 0]).astype(np.float) heat = add_heat(heat, all_hot_windows) # Apply a threshold to the heatmap threshold = (np.array(all_hot_windows).shape[0]) // 10 + 1 # threshold = 1 heat = apply_threshold(heat, threshold) # Visualize the heatmap when displaying heatmap = np.clip(heat, 0, 255) # mpimg.imsave((os.path.join("output_images/heat_images/", filename)), heatmap) # Find final boxes from heatmap using label function # save the boxes drawn as an array labels = label(heat) output_boxes = get_vehicle_boxes(np.copy(image), labels) # **MONITOR OVER LAST 10 FRAMES** # Update results results.update(output_boxes, left_fit, right_fit) # Get the average over the last 10 frames avg_boxes = results.get_boxes() avg_left_fit = results.get_poly_left() avg_right_fit = results.get_poly_right() # **COMBINED DETECTION & DRAW** # Draw the lane area on a blank image poly_img = FindLaneLineUtils.plot_polynomial_overlay( combined, avg_left_fit, avg_right_fit) # Un-warp the image back to it's normal view with the lane line area overlain lane_line_overlay_img = FindLaneLineUtils.overlay_with_inverse_transform( draw_image, poly_img, src, dest) # Add the vehicle detection boxes to to the lane line overlay image box_image = draw_labeled_bboxes(np.copy(image), avg_boxes) result = cv2.addWeighted(box_image, 0.5, lane_line_overlay_img, 0.5, 0) return result
import Sobel_edge_enhancement as enhance import Threshold as detect import time #Create a grayscale image grayImage = gray.GrayScale() #Apply a Gaussian Blur filter blurImage = blur.GaussianBlur(grayImage) #Perform Edge Enhancement start = time.time() enhancedImage = enhance.sobel_edge_detection(blurImage) end = time.time() print(f"Edge enhancement completed in {round(end-start,2)} seconds.") #Perform Sobel Edge Detection start = time.time() finalImage = detect.Threshold() end = time.time() print(f"Final edge detection completed in {round(end-start,2)} seconds.") ''' =============================================================================== ACADEMIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT I have not used source code obtained from any other unauthorized source, either modified or unmodified. Neither have I provided access to my code to another. The project I am submitting is my own original work. =============================================================================== '''
def mm_XG_iRNA_pse(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) # ------------------------------------------------------------- mm_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_Pse = [ 1441, 1442, 85, 1692, 55, 190, 1678, 101, 25, 221, 122, 128, 60, 692, 93, 16, 255, 173, 1696, 12, 35, 701, 1715, 67, 183, 150, 808, 147, 1431, 43, 1463, 5, 1378, 71, 44, 1377, 1385, 1440, 1446, 1373, 278, 1649, 1697, 1368, 49, 662, 1457, 327, 1384, 767 ] XG_iRNA_mm_Pse = load('model/mm/mm_xgb_Pse_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence # bug if'[^AUCG]', line.strip()): nota = "Please input the RNA sequence 'AUCG'." return nota length = len(line.strip()) if length < 21: nota = "Please input the RNA sequence at least 51 bases! " return nota mm_n_base_21 = 9 mm_n_base_list_pse_proba = [] mm_pse_list_num = [] # -----------------------------PSE --------------------------------------------------- for base in line.strip()[10:-10]: mm_n_base_21 += 1 file_inter_pse = open('inter_use/mm_inter_use_pse.txt', 'w') if base == 'U': new_line = line.strip()[mm_n_base_21 - 10:mm_n_base_21 + 11] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 21), *, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 21), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 21), file=file_inter_pse) file_inter_pse.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/mm_inter_use_pse.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in mm_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_Pse ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_mm_Pse.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: mm_n_base_list_pse_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) mm_pse_list_num.append(mm_n_base_21 + 1) if len(mm_pse_list_num) > 0: mm_pse_list_num.reverse() mm_n_base_list_pse_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in mm_pse_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#FF3333>U</font>(' + str( mm_n_base_list_pse_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, mm_pse_list_num
def human_XG_iRNA_AI(sequence, species, modification, M_threshold): hg_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_AI = [ 1899, 1895, 5, 1, 69, 79, 252, 1892, 19, 1540, 1390, 1441, 1391, 52, 299, 1931, 1406, 25, 572, 1547, 83, 1983, 303, 1367, 72, 1414, 23, 250, 61, 110, 1584, 24, 401, 1402, 1449, 1903, 1437, 341, 214, 1894, 1833, 36, 1574, 739, 1382, 44, 1404, 1526 ] XG_iRNA_hg_AI = load('model/hg/hg_xgb_AI_10fold') # -------------------------------------------------------------- line = sequence hg_n_base_51 = 24 hg_n_base_list_AI_proba = [] hg_AI_list_num = [] M_threshold = Threshold.choiceThreshold(species, modification, M_threshold) # -----------------------------AI --------------------------------------------------- for base in line.strip()[25:-25]: hg_n_base_51 += 1 file_inter_AI = open('inter_use/hg_inter_use_AI.txt', 'w') if base == 'A': new_line = line.strip()[hg_n_base_51 - 25:hg_n_base_51 + 26] # ---f nc dnc tnc tenc pnc nd dnd ncp dpcp onehot dbe----------------- print(*, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnc(new_line, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tnc(new_line, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.tenc(new_line, 51), *, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.nd(new_line, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dnd(new_line, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.ncp(new_line, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dpcp(new_line, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.onehot(new_line, 51), *iMRMFeatureEtraction.dbe(new_line, 51), file=file_inter_AI) file_inter_AI.close() pddtest = pd.read_csv("inter_use/hg_inter_use_AI.txt", sep=' ', header=None) X_test = pddtest.values[:, [ x - 1 for x in hg_importance_dict_sorted_list_num_AI ]] prediction = XG_iRNA_hg_AI.predict_proba(X_test) if prediction[0][1] > M_threshold: hg_n_base_list_AI_proba.append(prediction[0][1]) hg_AI_list_num.append(hg_n_base_51 + 1) if len(hg_AI_list_num) > 0: hg_AI_list_num.reverse() hg_n_base_list_AI_proba.reverse() n = 0 for i in [i - 1 for i in hg_AI_list_num]: line = list(line) line[i] = '<font color=#9400D3>A</font>(' + str( hg_n_base_list_AI_proba[n]) + ')' n += 1 line = str(line).replace(',', '') line = line.replace('[', '') line = line.replace(']', '') line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.replace('\'', '') line = line.replace('\\r', '') line_pro = line.replace('fontcolor', 'font color') line = line_pro pro_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', line_pro) for i in pro_list: line = line.replace(i, '') return line, line_pro, hg_AI_list_num
import numpy as np import Threshold as th test = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) thresholdClass = th.Thresholds(test) print(thresholdClass.allLabelings()) goodInput = False while goodInput is False: choice = int(input("Enter function choice: ")) if choice >= 0 and choice < len(test): goodInput = True else: print("Please enter a number between 0 and the length of the array") thresholdClass.setBestFunction(choice) bestThreshold = thresholdClass.getBestFunction() print(bestThreshold(test)) print(bestThreshold(4))