def update(self): """ Set the title of the main window. Set the titles on the page tabs. Show/hide the reports window. Args: title: the window title """ gtk.Window.set_title( self, Utils.parse_template( MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE_TMPL, basename=os.path.basename(self.get_page().get_file_path()), dirname=os.path.dirname(self.get_page().get_file_path()), new_flowgraph_title=NEW_FLOGRAPH_TITLE, read_only=self.get_page().get_read_only(), saved=self.get_page().get_saved(), platform_name=self._platform.get_name(), ), ) # set tab titles for page in self._get_pages(): page.set_markup( Utils.parse_template( PAGE_TITLE_MARKUP_TMPL, # get filename and strip out file extension title=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(page.get_file_path()))[0], read_only=page.get_read_only(), saved=page.get_saved(), new_flowgraph_title=NEW_FLOGRAPH_TITLE, ) ) # show/hide notebook tabs self.notebook.set_show_tabs(len(self._get_pages()) > 1)
def handle_MODE(self, line, line_split): nickname, username, hostname = Utils.hostmask_split(line_split[0]) modes = Utils.remove_colon(Utils.get_index(line_split, 3) or "") arguments = line_split[4:] mode_count = (len(modes) - modes.count("+")) - modes.count("-") recipient_name = Utils.get_index(line_split, 2) channel = self.get_channel(recipient_name) user = self.get_user_by_nickname(recipient_name) recipient = channel or user if recipient: current_index = 0 add_mode = True for char in modes: if char == "+": add_mode = True elif char == "-": add_mode = False else: argument = None if mode_count - current_index == len(arguments): argument = arguments.pop(0) if add_mode: recipient.add_mode(char, argument) else: recipient.remove_mode(char, argument) current_index += 1
def onOK( self, event ): race = Model.race if not race or not race.startTime: return secondsNew = self.timeMsEdit.GetSeconds() secondsOld = (race.startTime - race.startTime.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)).total_seconds() dTime = secondsNew - secondsOld if dTime == 0: return if dTime > 0.0 and not Utils.MessageOKCancel( self, _('Are you Sure you want to change the Race Start to Later?\n(you can always undo).'), _('Are you sure?') ): return undo.pushState() for rider in race.riders.itervalues(): if getattr(rider, 'firstTime', None) is not None: rider.firstTime -= dTime # Adjust all the recorded times to account for the new start time. for k in xrange(len(rider.times)): rider.times[k] -= dTime race.numTimeInfo.adjustAllTimes( -dTime ) race.startTime += datetime.timedelta( seconds = dTime ) race.setChanged() Utils.refresh() self.EndModal( wx.ID_OK )
def run(self): config = Config.get() #create dictionary of article ids to a dictionary with cluster numbers and vectors representing them articleDict = Utils.read_features(config.FILE_NAME_NUMBERED_CLUSTERS, config.FILE_NAME_NUMBERED_VECS) #loop through and grab all the points (dictionaries) in each cluster that match the current cluster number (i), write the keys to a list for i in range(0, config.NUM_CLUSTERS): keys = [] for article in articleDict: if int(articleDict[article]['cluster']) == i: keys.append(article) #grab those articles' vectors from articleDict (thank you @ brooke for read_features, it is everything) vectors = np.array([articleDict[vID]['vector'] for vID in keys]) #cluster vectors preStateLabels = list(KMeans(6, random_state=42).fit(vectors).labels_) #append cluster number to cluster so that sub-clusters are of the form [larger][smaller] - eg cluster 4 has subclusters 40, 41, 42 stateLabels = [] for label in preStateLabels: newlabel = str(i) + str(label) stateLabels.append(newlabel) #also need to make a new utils method for append_tsv rather than write_tsv Utils.append_tsv(config.FILE_NAME_STATE_CLUSTERS, ("index", "stateCluster"), keys, stateLabels) #CODE THUS FAR CREATES ALL SUBCLUSTERS, NOW YOU JUST HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO INTEGRATE THEM #ALSO HOW TO DETERMINE THE BEST # OF CLUSTERS FOR EACH SUBCLUSTER??? IT SEEMS LIKE THEY SHOULD VARY (MAYBE BASED ON # OF POINTS?) #then make sure those get borders created for them?? #then create and color those polygons in xml
def saveModel ( self, saveAsFlag = False ): """ in: bool saveAsFlag returns nothing """ if saveAsFlag or not self.theModelEditor.modelHasName or not self.theModelEditor.isNameConfirmed: aFileName = self.__getFileSelection( self.theModelEditor.saveDirName ) # Convert All FileExtensions to Lower Case here if aFileName != None and aFileName != '': aFileName = self.theModelEditor.filenameFormatter(aFileName) if os.path.splitext(aFileName)[0] == '': utils.showPopupMessage( utils.OK_MODE, "No file name specified", ME_ERROR ) else: aFileName = self.theModelEditor.theModelFileName if aFileName == None: return # call modeleditor savemodel if self.theModelEditor.changesSaved and aFileName == self.theModelEditor.theModelFileName and not self.theModelEditor.getMode() == ME_RUN_MODE: return aFileName self.theModelEditor.saveModel( aFileName ) if self.theModelEditor.changesSaved: return aFileName
def updateConfig(self): assert type(self.entries) is type(self.__class__.entries), \ _('Entries type %s invalid, expected %s')%(str(type(self.entries)), str(type(self.__class__.entries))) self.config.set(self.resourcepath[cat_section], self.resourcepath[cat_option], pprint.pformat(self.entries)) Utils.writeConfig(self.config)
def __init__( self, parent, excelLink = None ): #img_filename = os.path.join( Utils.getImageFolder(), '20100718-Excel_icon.png' ) #img = wx.Bitmap(img_filename) if img_filename and os.path.exists(img_filename) else wx.NullBitmap img = wx.Bitmap(os.path.join( Utils.getImageFolder(), '20100718-Excel_icon.png' )) prewizard = wiz.PreWizard() prewizard.SetExtraStyle( wiz.WIZARD_EX_HELPBUTTON ) prewizard.Create( parent, wx.ID_ANY, _('Link Excel Info'), img ) self.wizard = prewizard self.wizard.Bind( wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.onPageChanging ) self.wizard.Bind( wiz.EVT_WIZARD_HELP, lambda evt: Utils.showHelp('Menu-DataMgmt.html#link-to-external-excel-data') ) self.fileNamePage = FileNamePage( self.wizard ) self.sheetNamePage = SheetNamePage( self.wizard ) self.headerNamesPage = HeaderNamesPage( self.wizard ) self.summaryPage = SummaryPage( self.wizard ) wiz.WizardPageSimple_Chain( self.fileNamePage, self.sheetNamePage ) wiz.WizardPageSimple_Chain( self.sheetNamePage, self.headerNamesPage ) wiz.WizardPageSimple_Chain( self.headerNamesPage, self.summaryPage ) self.excelLink = excelLink if excelLink: if excelLink.fileName: self.fileNamePage.setFileName( excelLink.fileName ) if excelLink.sheetName: self.sheetNamePage.setExpectedSheetName( excelLink.sheetName ) if excelLink.fieldCol: self.headerNamesPage.setExpectedFieldCol( excelLink.fieldCol ) self.wizard.GetPageAreaSizer().Add( self.fileNamePage ) self.wizard.SetPageSize( wx.Size(500,200) ) self.wizard.FitToPage( self.fileNamePage )
def show(e, color="white"): x,y = getPosition(e) x = int(round(x)) y = int(round(y)) sprite = getSprite(e) Utils.goto(x+2, y+2) Utils.write(sprite+'\n', color)
def train(sparkContext): Utils.logMessage("\nClassification model started") pd.read_table(pv.processedFile, sep=',',encoding='utf-8').to_csv(pv.processedFile, header=False, index=False,encoding='utf-8') truncatedAccounts = sparkContext.textFile(pv.processedFile).take(pv.truncateLineCount - 1) rawData = sparkContext.parallelize(truncatedAccounts).map(countByFeatures).map(lambda item: LabeledPoint(item[0], Vectors.dense(item[2:]))) trainWithParam(sparkContext, rawData, 0.7, 'entropy', 4, 16)
def find_iter(self,in_pat=['*'],ex_pat=exclude_pats,prune_pat=prune_pats,src=True,bld=True,dir=False,maxdepth=25,flat=False): if not(src or bld or dir): raise StopIteration if!=DIR: raise StopIteration in_pat=Utils.to_list(in_pat) ex_pat=Utils.to_list(ex_pat) prune_pat=Utils.to_list(prune_pat) def accept_name(node,name): for pat in ex_pat: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name,pat): return False for pat in in_pat: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name,pat): return True return False def is_prune(node,name): for pat in prune_pat: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name,pat): return True return False ret=self.find_iter_impl(src,bld,dir,accept_name,is_prune,maxdepth=maxdepth) if flat: return" ".join([x.relpath_gen(self)for x in ret]) return ret
def find_resource(self,lst): if isinstance(lst,str): lst=Utils.split_path(lst) if len(lst)==1: parent=self else: parent=self.find_dir(lst[:-1]) if not parent:return None self.__class__.bld.rescan(parent) name=lst[-1] node=parent.childs.get(name,None) if node: if tp==FILE or tp==BUILD: return node else: return None tree=self.__class__.bld if not name in tree.cache_dir_contents[]: return None path=parent.abspath()+os.sep+name try: st=Utils.h_file(path) except IOError: return None child=self.__class__(name,parent,FILE) tree.node_sigs[0][]=st return child
def add_block(self, category, block=None, treestore=None, categories=None): """ Add a block with category to this selection window. Add only the category when block is None. Args: category: the category list or path string block: the block object or None """ if treestore is None: treestore = self.treestore if categories is None: categories = self._categories if isinstance(category, (str, unicode)): category = category.split('/') category = tuple(filter(lambda x: x, category)) #tuple is hashable #add category and all sub categories for i, cat_name in enumerate(category): sub_category = category[:i+1] if sub_category not in categories: iter = treestore.insert_before(categories[sub_category[:-1]], None) treestore.set_value(iter, NAME_INDEX, '[ %s ]'%cat_name) treestore.set_value(iter, KEY_INDEX, '') treestore.set_value(iter, DOC_INDEX, Utils.parse_template(CAT_MARKUP_TMPL, cat=cat_name)) categories[sub_category] = iter #add block if block is None: return iter = treestore.insert_before(categories[category], None) treestore.set_value(iter, NAME_INDEX, block.get_name()) treestore.set_value(iter, KEY_INDEX, block.get_key()) treestore.set_value(iter, DOC_INDEX, Utils.parse_template(DOC_MARKUP_TMPL, doc=block.get_doc()))
def getGraphics(tileType): # Gets the Main Image # ImgDecider = random.randint(0,len(Tile.Images_Main[tileType]) - 1) image_main = Tile.Images_Main[tileType][ImgDecider] if len(image_main) == 1: image_main = Tile.Images_Main[tileType] # If it finds only a character, it realizes that it is only one image # Gets the Overlay Image # ImgDecider = random.randint(0,len(Tile.Images_Overlay[tileType]) - 1) image_overlay = Tile.Images_Overlay[tileType][ImgDecider] if len(image_overlay) == 1: image_overlay = Tile.Images_Overlay[tileType] # Does the same thing with the overlay image colorTypes = ['Bg','Fg'] tileColors = [] passed = False # This for-loop creates the Background (Bg) and Foreground (Fg) colors, in that order and waits until both colors don't have similar colors# while not passed: tileColors = [] for cntr in range(len(colorTypes)): Color = XMLTileData[tileType][Tile.getTag(colorTypes[cntr]+'Color')] if "[" in str(XMLTileData[tileType][Tile.getTag(colorTypes[cntr]+'Color')]) and "]" in str(XMLTileData[tileType][Tile.getTag(colorTypes[cntr]+'Color')]): Color = XMLTileData[tileType][Tile.getTag(colorTypes[cntr]+'Color')][1:-1].split(',') # Gets rid of brackets for cntr in range(len(Color)): Color[cntr] = int(Color[cntr][2:],16) # Changes the gradient information from string into hex form (0xFF) Color = Utils.new_gradient(Color)[random.randint(0,len(Utils.new_gradient(Color))-1)] #Pick a random color from the gradient defined in Tiles.xml tileColors.append(Color) if Tile.isContrasting(tileColors[0],tileColors[1]): passed = True return [tileColors[0], tileColors[1], image_main, image_overlay]
def apply_intltool_po(self): try:self.meths.remove('apply_core') except ValueError:pass self.default_install_path='${LOCALEDIR}' appname=getattr(self,'appname','set_your_app_name') podir=getattr(self,'podir','') def install_translation(task): out=task.outputs[0] (langname,ext)=os.path.splitext(filename) inst_file=langname+os.sep+'LC_MESSAGES'+os.sep+appname+'.mo' self.bld.install_as(os.path.join(self.install_path,inst_file),out,self.env,self.chmod) linguas=self.path.find_resource(os.path.join(podir,'LINGUAS')) if linguas: file=open(linguas.abspath()) langs=[] for line in file.readlines(): if not line.startswith('#'): langs+=line.split() file.close() re_linguas=re.compile('[-a-zA-Z_@.]+') for lang in langs: if re_linguas.match(lang): node=self.path.find_resource(os.path.join(podir,re_linguas.match(lang).group()+'.po')) task=self.create_task('po') task.set_inputs(node) task.set_outputs(node.change_ext('.mo')) if self.bld.is_install:task.install=install_translation else: Utils.pprint('RED',"Error no LINGUAS file found in po directory")
def symlink_as(self, path, src, env=None, cwd=None): if sys.platform == "win32": return if not path: raise Utils.WafError("where do you want to install %r? (%r?)" % (src, path)) tgt = self.get_install_path(path, env) dir, name = os.path.split(tgt) Utils.check_dir(dir) if self.is_install > 0: link = False if not os.path.islink(tgt): link = True elif os.readlink(tgt) != src: link = True if link: try: os.remove(tgt) except OSError: pass info("* symlink %s (-> %s)" % (tgt, src)) os.symlink(src, tgt) return 0 else: try: info("* removing %s" % (tgt)) os.remove(tgt) return 0 except OSError: return 1
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: sys.stderr.write("usage: %s SERVER_NAME VOLUME_FILE\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(-1) serverName = sys.argv[1] volumeFile = sys.argv[2] lines = Utils.readFile(volumeFile, lines=True) volumeNameList = [line.strip() for line in lines] if not volumeNameList: sys.exit(0) lines = Utils.readFile(Globals.CIFS_VOLUME_FILE, lines=True) cifsVolumeList = [line.strip().split(":")[0] for line in lines if line.strip()] runningCifsVolumeList = set(cifsVolumeList).intersection(set(volumeNameList)) if not runningCifsVolumeList: sys.exit(0) tempFileName = Utils.getTempFileName() try: fp = open(tempFileName, "w") fp.write("%s\n" % serverName) fp.close() except IOError, e: Utils.log("Failed to write server name to file %s: %s" % (tempFileName, str(e))) sys.stderr.write("Failed to write server name to file %s: %s\n" % (tempFileName, str(e))) sys.exit(3)
def getReferenceName( self, lastName, firstName ): key = (Utils.removeDiacritic(lastName).lower(), Utils.removeDiacritic(firstName).lower()) try: return self.aliasLookup[key] except KeyError: self.aliasLookup[key] = (lastName, firstName) return lastName, firstName
def file_roll(self, suffix): name = self.get_tag_str() + '_' + suffix + ".txt" name = Utils.clean_string(name) logfile = os.path.join(self.get_data_dir(), name) if os.path.exists(logfile): name = self.get_tag_str() + suffix + ".txt" name = Utils.clean_string(name) logdir = os.path.join(self.get_data_dir(), 'old') if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) moddate = Utils.get_file_date_string(logfile) oldname = (self.get_tag_str() + '_' + moddate + '_' + suffix + ".txt") oldname = Utils.clean_string(oldname) oldlogfile = os.path.join(logdir, oldname) os.rename(logfile, oldlogfile) return logfile
def create_shapes(self): """Precalculate relative coordinates.""" Element.create_shapes(self) self._sink_rot = None self._source_rot = None self._sink_coor = None self._source_coor = None #get the source coordinate try: connector_length = self.get_source().get_connector_length() except: return self.x1, self.y1 = Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((connector_length, 0), self.get_source().get_rotation()) #get the sink coordinate connector_length = self.get_sink().get_connector_length() + CONNECTOR_ARROW_HEIGHT self.x2, self.y2 = Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((-connector_length, 0), self.get_sink().get_rotation()) #build the arrow self.arrow = [(0, 0), Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((-CONNECTOR_ARROW_HEIGHT, -CONNECTOR_ARROW_BASE/2), self.get_sink().get_rotation()), Utils.get_rotated_coordinate((-CONNECTOR_ARROW_HEIGHT, CONNECTOR_ARROW_BASE/2), self.get_sink().get_rotation()), ] self._update_after_move() if not self.get_enabled(): self._arrow_color = Colors.CONNECTION_DISABLED_COLOR elif not self.is_valid(): self._arrow_color = Colors.CONNECTION_ERROR_COLOR else: self._arrow_color = Colors.CONNECTION_ENABLED_COLOR
def apply_copy(self): Utils.def_attrs(self, fun=copy_func) self.default_install_path = 0 lst = self.to_list(self.source) self.meths.remove('apply_core') for filename in lst: node = self.path.find_resource(filename) if not node: raise Utils.WafError('cannot find input file %s for processing' % filename) target = if not target or len(lst)>1: target = # TODO the file path may be incorrect newnode = self.path.find_or_declare(target) tsk = self.create_task('copy') tsk.set_inputs(node) tsk.set_outputs(newnode) = tsk.chmod = self.chmod if not tsk.env: tsk.debug() raise Utils.WafError('task without an environment')
def locate_links(self, road_name, function_class_numeric): #find (lon, lat) of (from_node, to_node) of all links on the certain highway print "Begin locating links on " + road_name link_loc = {} if function_class_numeric == 1: sql = "select link_id, from_node_id, to_node_id from links where function_class_numeric=1 and name_default like '%" + road_name + "%'" else: sql = "select link_id, from_node_id, to_node_id from links where function_class_numeric in (3,4) and upper(name_default) like '%" + road_name + "%'" self.cursor.execute(sql) nodes = self.cursor.fetchall() for (link_id, from_node_id, to_node_id) in nodes: sql = "select ST_AsText(geom) from nodes where node_id =" + str(from_node_id) self.cursor.execute(sql) from_node_pos = self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0] from_node_loc = Utils.extract_loc_from_geometry(from_node_pos) sql = "select ST_AsText(geom) from nodes where node_id =" + str(to_node_id) self.cursor.execute(sql) to_node_pos = self.cursor.fetchall()[0][0] to_node_loc = Utils.extract_loc_from_geometry(to_node_pos) link_loc[link_id] = (from_node_loc, to_node_loc) print "Link locating finished, there are " + str(len(link_loc)) + " links on " + road_name return link_loc
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: sys.stderr.write("usage: %s VOLUME_NAME BRICK_NAME\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(-1) volumeName = sys.argv[1] brickName = sys.argv[2] # glusterfs-3.3 config change from /etc/glusterd to /var/lib/glusterd pidFile = "/var/lib/glusterd/vols/%s/run/" % (volumeName, brickName.replace(":", "").replace("/", "-")) total, free = getBrickSpace(brickName) if pidFile[-5] == '-': pidFile = pidFile[:-5]+pidFile[-4:] if not os.path.exists(pidFile): print "OFFLINE", total, free sys.exit(0) lines = Utils.readFile(pidFile) if not lines: print "UNKNOWN", total, free sys.exit(0) try: pidString = lines[0] os.getpgid(int(pidString)) print "ONLINE", total, free except ValueError, e: Utils.log("invalid pid %s in file %s: %s" % (pidString, pidFile, str(e))) print "UNKNOWN", total, free
def writeVolumeCifsConfiguration(volumeName, owner, allowhosts): volumeFile = "%s/%s.smbconf" % (Globals.VOLUME_CONF_DIR, volumeName) try: fp = open(volumeFile, "w") fp.write("[%s]\n" % volumeName) fp.write(" comment = %s volume served by Gluster\n" % volumeName) fp.write(" path = %s/%s\n" % (Globals.CIFS_EXPORT_DIR, volumeName)) fp.write(" guest ok = yes\n") fp.write(" public = yes\n") fp.write(" writable = yes\n") # ####### junlili - modified smbconf file ######### fp.write(" admin users = %s\n" % (owner)) fp.write(" valid users = %s\n" % (owner)) fp.write(" allow hosts = %s\n" % (allowhosts)) fp.write(" forceuser = %s\n" % (owner)) # ############### # ####### liub - modified smbconf file ######### fp.write(" browseable = no\n") filepath=" include=/etc/glustermg/volumes/users/%s-%s.smbconf\n"% (volumeName,"%U") fp.write(filepath) ################################################# fp.close() except IOError, e: Utils.log("Failed to write file %s: %s" % (volumeFile, str(e))) return False
def find_iter(self, in_pat=None, ex_pat=exclude_pats, prune_pat=prune_pats, src=True, bld=True, dir=False, maxdepth=25, flat=False): """find nodes recursively, this returns everything but folders by default; same gotcha as ant_glob""" if in_pat is None: in_pat = ['*'] if not (src or bld or dir): raise StopIteration if & 3 != DIR: raise StopIteration in_pat = Utils.to_list(in_pat) ex_pat = Utils.to_list(ex_pat) prune_pat = Utils.to_list(prune_pat) def accept_name(node, name): for pat in ex_pat: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, pat): return False for pat in in_pat: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, pat): return True return False def is_prune(node, name): for pat in prune_pat: if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, pat): return True return False ret = self.find_iter_impl(src, bld, dir, accept_name, is_prune, maxdepth=maxdepth) if flat: return " ".join([x.relpath_gen(self) for x in ret]) return ret
def declare_chain(name='',action='',ext_in='',ext_out='',reentrant=True,color='BLUE',install=0,before=[],after=[],decider=None,rule=None,scan=None): action=action or rule if isinstance(action,str): act=Task.simple_task_type(name,action,color=color) else: act=Task.task_type_from_func(name,action,color=color) act.ext_in=tuple(Utils.to_list(ext_in)) act.ext_out=tuple(Utils.to_list(ext_out)) act.before=Utils.to_list(before) act.after=Utils.to_list(after) act.scan=scan def x_file(self,node): if decider: ext=decider(self,node) else: ext=ext_out if isinstance(ext,str): out_source=node.change_ext(ext) if reentrant: self.allnodes.append(out_source) elif isinstance(ext,list): out_source=[node.change_ext(x)for x in ext] if reentrant: for i in xrange((reentrant is True)and len(out_source)or reentrant): self.allnodes.append(out_source[i]) else: raise Utils.WafError("do not know how to process %s"%str(ext)) tsk=self.create_task(name,node,out_source) if node.__class__.bld.is_install: tsk.install=install declare_extension(act.ext_in,x_file)
def renameCompName2(self, old_value, new_value): # XXX This is ugly but has to do until a better # XXX strategy is conceived. # XXX The problem is that the useful logic is in the # XXX companion which is not available for the clipboard # XXX The source's ctrl needs to be renamed for a companion # XXX to be created. # Rename references to ctrl in parameters of property oldCtrlSrcRef = Utils.srcRefFromCtrlName(old_value) newCtrlSrcRef = Utils.srcRefFromCtrlName(new_value) for idx in range(len(self.params)): segs = self.params[idx].split(oldCtrlSrcRef) if len(segs) > 1: lst = [segs[0]] for s in segs[1:]: if s and s[0] in string.letters+string.digits+'_': lst[-1] = lst[-1] + s else: lst.append(s) self.params[idx] = newCtrlSrcRef.join(lst) # Handle case where _init_coll_* methods are used as parameters param = self.params[idx] if param.startswith('self.'+coll_init): nameEnd = param.rfind('_') name = param[16:nameEnd] if name == old_value: self.params[idx] = 'self.'+coll_init+new_value+param[nameEnd:] PerLineParser.renameCompName2(self, old_value, new_value)
def run(self): config = Config.get() logger = logging.getLogger('workload') sampleRegions = Utils.read_features(config.getSample("GeneratedFiles", "clusters_with_id")) vecs = Utils.read_features(config.get("ExternalFiles", "vecs_with_id")) knn = FastKnn.FastKnn(config.getSample("ExternalFiles", "vecs_with_id")) assert(knn.exists()) ids = [] clusters = [] for i, (id, row) in enumerate(vecs.items()): if i % 10000 == 0:'interpolating coordinates for point %d of %d' % (i, len(vecs))) if id in sampleRegions: cluster = sampleRegions[id]['cluster'] else: sums = defaultdict(float) if len(row['vector']) == 0: continue hood = knn.neighbors(row['vector'], 5) if not hood: continue for (id2, score) in hood: c = sampleRegions[id2].get('cluster') if c is not None: sums[c] += score cluster = max(sums, key=sums.get) ids.append(id) clusters.append(cluster) Utils.write_tsv(config.get("GeneratedFiles", "clusters_with_id"), ("index", "cluster"), ids, clusters)
def postDelete(volumeName, brickList,deleteFlag = False): params = [] params.append(volumeName) params.append(brickList) params.append(deleteFlag) for brick in brickList: if brick.strip() is '': continue cmd = 'python ' + BACKEND_SCRIPT + '' server_dir = brick.split(":/") if len(server_dir) != 2: break cmd += ' /' + server_dir[1].strip() status,output = Utils.executeOnServer(server_dir[0].strip(), cmd) if status == -1: params = [] params.append(volumeName) params.append(server_dir[0].strip()) params.append(output) code, reval = '26104', 'Volume {0} deleted from cluster, however following error(s) occurred:\nerror when connecting to remote host {1} from localhost:{2}' elif status == -2: code,reval = '26059', 'Volume {0} deleted from cluster, however following error(s) occurred:\nError when using pub key to connect remote server {1}.{2}' elif status == 1: if re.match('exist', output) or re.match('exists', output) or re.match('exist\n',output): code, reval = '20053', 'volume {0} does not exist.\n' else: code, reval = '23101', 'Volume {0} deleted from cluster on server {1}, however following error(s) occurred:\n{2}' if status: result = Utils.errorCode(code, reval, params) raise web.HTTPError(status = "500 Internal Server Error", data = result) return ''
def loop(self): m=self.master while 1: tsk=m.ready.get() if m.stop: m.out.put(tsk) continue try: tsk.generator.bld.printout(tsk.display()) if tsk.__class__.stat:ret=tsk.__class__.stat(tsk) else:ret=tsk.call_run() except Exception,e: tsk.err_msg=Utils.ex_stack() tsk.hasrun=EXCEPTION m.error_handler(tsk) m.out.put(tsk) continue if ret: tsk.err_code=ret tsk.hasrun=CRASHED else: try: tsk.post_run() except Utils.WafError: pass except Exception: tsk.err_msg=Utils.ex_stack() tsk.hasrun=EXCEPTION else: tsk.hasrun=SUCCESS if tsk.hasrun!=SUCCESS: m.error_handler(tsk) m.out.put(tsk)
def appendTagRouteOld(self, tagRoute, value=None): if not self._responseTag: return False if not tagRoute: return False parentTagE = self._responseTag tagNameList = tagRoute.split(".") newTagRoute = tagNameList.pop(-1) for i in range(len(tagNameList), 0, -1): tagE = self.getElementsByTagRoute(".".join(["response"] + tagNameList[:i])) if tagE: parentTagE = tagE[0] break newTagRoute = tagNameList[i-1] + "." + newTagRoute newTagE = self.createTagRoute(newTagRoute, value) if not newTagE: return False try: parentTagE.appendChild(newTagE) except xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr, e: Utils.log("error occured. %s" + str(e)) return False
def _show_info(self, *args, **kwargs): Utils.pprint_dict_in_order( self.module_metadata, ("display_name", "name", "description", "devices", "authors", "references"), ) Utils.print_info()
def help_global(self, guild_id, prefix): line_cogs = "" all_lines = [] all_cogs = { "Birthday": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'birthday_help_description') }, "Bancommand": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'bancommand_help_description') }, "Configuration": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'config_help_description') }, "Gallery": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'gallery_help_description') }, "Help": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'help_help_description') }, "Highlight": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'highlight_help_description') }, "Invitation": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'invitation_help_description') }, "Link": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'link_help_description') }, "Loader": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'loader_help_description') }, "Logs": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'logs_help_description') }, "Nickname": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'nickname_help_description') }, "Moderation": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'moderation_help_description') }, "RoleDM": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'roleDM_help_description') }, "Source": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'source_help_description') }, "Turing": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'turing_help_description') }, "Timer": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'timer_help_description') }, "Utip": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'utip_help_description') }, "Vote": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'vote_help_description') }, "Welcome": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'welcome_help_description') }, "Rules": { "status": 0, "desc": Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'rules_help_description') } } for name in all_cogs.keys(): if Utils.is_loaded(name.lower(), guild_id): all_cogs[name]["status"] = 1 for cog, dicog in all_cogs.items(): emoji = ":white_check_mark:" if dicog["status"] else ":x:" line = f"- **{cog}** {emoji} - *{dicog['desc']}*\n" if (len(line_cogs) + len(line) > 1024): all_lines.append(line_cogs) line_cogs = "" line_cogs += line all_lines.append(line_cogs) infos = colour = discord.Colour(0) colour = colour.from_rgb(176, 255, 176) embed = discord.Embed(colour=colour, title=Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'help_global_title')) embed.description = Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'help_help_description_2') embed.add_field(name=Utils.get_text(guild_id, 'help_global_field_general'), value=Utils.get_text( guild_id, 'help_global_field_general_value'), inline=False) num = 0 for line_cogs in all_lines: num += 1 embed.add_field(name=Utils.get_text( guild_id, 'help_global_field_available').format(num, len(all_lines)), value=line_cogs, inline=False) embed.set_author(icon_url=infos.avatar_url, name=str(infos)) embed.timestamp = return embed
def loadRecent(self, recent): filename = Utils.getRecent(recent) if filename is None: return self.load(filename)
def loadConfig(self): self.controllerSet(Utils.getStr("Connection", "controller")) Pendant.port = Utils.getInt("Connection", "pendantport", Pendant.port) GCode.LOOP_MERGE = Utils.getBool("File", "dxfloopmerge") self.loadHistory()
def __init__(self, extra_package_path=None): super(ISAFInterpreter, self).__init__() PrinterThread().start() self.current_module = None self.raw_prompt_template = None self.module_prompt_template = None self.prompt_hostname = 'ISAF' self.show_sub_commands = ('info', 'options', 'devices', 'all', 'Credentials', 'Exploits', 'Scanners', 'Discovery') self.global_commands = sorted(['use ', 'exec ', 'help', 'exit', 'show ', 'search ']) self.module_commands = ['run', 'back', 'set ', 'unset ', 'gset ', 'gunset ', 'check', 'connect'] self.module_commands.extend(self.global_commands) self.module_commands.sort() self.extra_modules_dir = None self.extra_modules_dirs = None self.extra_modules = [] self.extra_package_path = extra_package_path self.import_extra_package() self.modules = Utils.index_modules() self.modules += self.extra_modules self.modules_count = Counter() [self.modules_count.update(module.split('.')) for module in self.modules] self.main_modules_dirs = [module for module in os.listdir(Utils.MODULES_DIR) if not module.startswith("__")] self.__parse_prompt() self.banner = Fore.BLUE + """ ▄█ ▄████████ ▄████████ ▄████████ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███▌ ███ █▀ ███ ███ ███ █▀ ███▌ ███ ███ ███ ▄███▄▄▄ ███▌ ▀███████████ ▀███████████ ▀▀███▀▀▀ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ███ ▄█ ███ ███ ███ ███ █▀ ▄████████▀ ███ █▀ ███""" \ + Fore.GREEN + " v{version} \n" \ + Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + """ Industrial Security Auditing Framework D0ubl3G <d0ubl3g[at]>\n""" \ + Fore.RED + """ -> WARNING <- ISAF IS IN EARLY DEVELOPMENT PHASE. SHOULD NOT USE IN PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS.\n""" \ + Fore.RESET + Style.BRIGHT + """ Modules""" + Style.NORMAL + """ Clients: """ + Fore.GREEN + """{clients_count}""" + Fore.RESET \ + """ Exploits: """ + Fore.GREEN + """{exploits_count}""" + Fore.RESET \ + """ Discovery: """ + Fore.GREEN + """{discovery_count}""" + Fore.RESET + """ Scanners: """ + Fore.GREEN + """{scanners_count}""" + Fore.RESET \ + """ Credentials: """ + Fore.GREEN + """{creds_count}""" + Fore.RESET \ + Style.BRIGHT + """\n Exploits""" + Style.NORMAL + """ PLC: """ + Fore.GREEN + """{plc_exploit_count}""" + Fore.RESET \ + """ Switch: """ + Fore.GREEN + """{ics_switch_exploits_count}""" + Fore.RESET \ + """ Software: """ + Fore.GREEN + """{ics_software_exploits_count}""" + Fore.RESET \ + """\n\n""" self.banner = self.banner.format(version="0.0.1a", clients_count=self.modules_count['Clients'], exploits_count=self.modules_count['Exploits'] + self.modules_count[ 'extra_exploits'], discovery_count=self.modules_count['Discovery'] + self.modules_count[ 'extra_discovery'], scanners_count=self.modules_count['Scanners'] + self.modules_count[ 'extra_scanners'], creds_count=self.modules_count['Credentials'] + self.modules_count[ 'extra_creds'], plc_exploit_count=self.modules_count['plcs'], ics_switch_exploits_count=self.modules_count['ics_switchs'], ics_software_exploits_count=self.modules_count['ics_software'] )
def command_help(self, *args, **kwargs): Utils.print_info(self.global_help) if self.current_module: Utils.print_info(self.module_help)
def __show_modules(self, root=''): for module in [module for module in self.modules if module.startswith(root)]: Utils.print_info(module.replace('.', os.sep))
def __init__(self, mesh, mapping=None, **kwargs): Utils.setKwargs(self, **kwargs) assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh.BaseMesh), "mesh must be a SimPEG.Mesh object." self.mesh = mesh self.mapping = mapping or Maps.IdentityMap(mesh)
def Delete(obj, mode, frame): log_state = Utils.SetScriptingLogState(False) command_name = 'Cloth_CorrectiveSmooth' cluster_name = 'CorrectiveSmoothCls' if mode == 'Push': command_name = 'Cloth_CorrectivePush' cluster_name = 'CorrectivePushCls' elif mode == 'Shape': command_name = 'Cloth_CorrectiveShape' cluster_name = 'CorrectiveShapeCls' if not obj or not obj.Type == 'polymsh': XSI.LogMessage(command_name + " ---> Invalid Object", constants.siError) return prim = obj.ActivePrimitive # get Cluster cluster = Utils.CreateAlwaysCompleteCluster(obj, constants.siVertexCluster, cluster_name) # check if a weight map already exists for this frame exist = False if cluster.Properties('Frame{}'.format(frame)): exist = True toolkit = Dispatch('XSI.UIToolkit') button_pressed = toolkit.MsgBox( 'Do you really want to delete delete Frame{}'.format(frame), constants.siMsgOkCancel, 'Delete Corrective Push' ) if button_pressed == constants.siMsgCancel: XSI.LogMessage("Delete Secondary " + mode + " cancelled by the user!!", constants.siInfo) return if not exist: XSI.LogMessage("Frame" + str(frame) + " doesn't exist on " + str(obj) + " ---> Delete Corrective " + mode + " aborted...") return else: XSI.DeleteObj(cluster.Properties('Frame{}'.format(frame))) tree = prim.ICETrees('Corrective{}'.format(mode)) compound = tree.CompoundNodes('Corrective{}'.format(mode)) # first delete corresponding GetDataNode get_nodes = tree.DataProviderNodes for get_node in get_nodes: if not get_node.Parameters('Reference').Value.find(str(frame)) == -1: XSI.LogMessage('Delete Get Data Node "{}"'.format(get_node.Parameters('Reference').Value)) XSI.DeleteObj(get_node) # delete Corresponding MultiplyByScalarNode multiply_nodes = compound.Nodes.Filter('MultiplyByScalarNode') for multiply_node in multiply_nodes: inputs = multiply_node.InputPorts if not inputs(0).IsConnected: XSI.LogMessage('Delete MultiplyByScalar Node : {}'.format(multiply_node)) XSI.DeleteObj(multiply_node) Utils.SetScriptingLogState(log_state)
def learn_environment(model, params): NAME = params['name'] metrics = {} wrHistory = {'network': []} memory = CHGExperienceStorage(params['experience storage']) ###################################################### lastBestModels = [forkAgent(model, 0, params)] * 3 def testModel(EXPLORE_RATE, epoch): T = time.time() opponents = [ (Utils.DummyNetwork, Agents.CGreedyAgent), (Utils.DummyNetwork, Agents.CGreedyAgent), (Utils.DummyNetwork, Agents.CGreedyAgent), ] if 0 == (epoch % 2) else lastBestModels res = Utils.collectExperience( [ # agents (CNoisedNetwork(model, EXPLORE_RATE), Agents.CAgent), *opponents ], memory, { 'episodes': params['test episodes'], 'env': params.get('env', {}) }) print('Testing finished in %.1f sec.' % (time.time() - T)) return res ###################################################### # collect some experience for epoch in range(2): testModel(EXPLORE_RATE=0.8, epoch=0) ####################### for epoch in range(params['epochs']): T = time.time() EXPLORE_RATE = params['explore rate'](epoch) print('[%s] %d/%d epoch. Explore rate: %.3f.' % (NAME, epoch, params['epochs'], EXPLORE_RATE)) ################## # Training # if params.get('target update', lambda _: True)(epoch): # model.updateTargetModel() train(model, memory, {'episodes': params['train episodes'](epoch)}) ################## os.makedirs('weights', exist_ok=True)'weights/%s-latest.h5' % NAME) # test if (epoch % params['test interval']) == 0: print('Testing...') stats, winRates = testModel(EXPLORE_RATE, epoch) for k, v in stats.items(): Utils.trackScores(v, metrics, metricName=k) for k, v in winRates.items(): if k not in wrHistory: wrHistory[k] = [0] * epoch wrHistory[k].append(v) ################## print('Scores sum: %.5f' % sum(stats['Score_network'])) if (0 < (epoch % 2)) and (params['min win rate'] <= winRates['network']): print('save model (win rate: %.2f%%)' % (100.0 * winRates['network']))'weights/%s-epoch-%06d.h5' % (NAME, epoch)) ######## lastBestModels.insert(0, forkAgent(model, epoch, params)) modelsHistory = params.get('models history', 3) lastBestModels = lastBestModels[:modelsHistory] os.makedirs('charts/%s' % NAME, exist_ok=True) for metricName in metrics.keys(): Utils.plotData2file(metrics, 'charts/%s/%s.jpg' % (NAME, metricName), metricName) Utils.plotSeries2file(wrHistory, 'charts/%s/win_rates.jpg' % (NAME, ), 'Win rates') ################## print('Epoch %d finished in %.1f sec.' % (epoch, time.time() - T)) print('------------------') return
def train(model_config, experiment_id, load_model=None, epoch=0, best_loss=10000, best_loss_test=10000): # Determine input and output shapes disc_input_shape = [ model_config["batch_size"], model_config["num_frames"], 0 ] # Shape of input if model_config["network"] == "unet": separator_class = Models.UnetAudioSeparator_no_att.UnetAudioSeparator_no_att( model_config["num_layers"], model_config["num_initial_filters"], output_type=model_config["output_type"], context=model_config["context"], mono=model_config["mono_downmix"], upsampling=model_config["upsampling"], num_sources=model_config["num_sources"], filter_size=model_config["filter_size"], merge_filter_size=model_config["merge_filter_size"]) else: raise NotImplementedError sep_input_shape, sep_output_shape = separator_class.get_padding( np.array(disc_input_shape)) separator_func = separator_class.get_output print(sep_input_shape, sep_output_shape) # Creating the batch generators assert ((sep_input_shape[1] - sep_output_shape[1]) % 2 == 0) # pad_durations = np.array([float((sep_input_shape[1] - sep_output_shape[1])/2), 0, 0]) # Input context that the input audio has to be padded ON EACH SIDE # sup_batch_gen = batchgen.BatchGen_Paired( # model_config, # sup_dataset, # sep_input_shape, # sep_output_shape, # pad_durations[0] # ) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() with tf.name_scope('create_inputs'): reader = DataReader( model_config["data_dir"], coord, sample_size=sep_input_shape[1], hint_size=0, target_size=sep_output_shape[1], sample_rate=model_config["sample_rate"], queue_size=128, random_crop=True, data_range=data_reader_Audio_RIRs.CLEAN_DATA_RANGE, test_data_range=data_reader_Audio_RIRs.CLEAN_TEST_DATA_RANGE, disc_thread_enabled=False, spec_generator=None, use_label_class=False, hint_window=128, inject_noise=True, augment_reverb=True, augment_speech=True, norm_volume=False, stft_similarity=None) train_batches = reader.dequeue(model_config["batch_size"]) """For test set""" test_batches = reader.dequeue_test(model_config["batch_size"]) test_ext_batches = reader.dequeue_test_ext(model_config["batch_size"]) # print("Starting worker") # sup_batch_gen.start_workers() # print("Started worker!") # Placeholders and input normalisation # mix_context, sources = Input.get_multitrack_placeholders(sep_output_shape, model_config["num_sources"], sep_input_shape, "sup")"mix", mix_context, 16000, collections=["sup"]) #Enable listening to source estimates via Tensorboard mix_context, sources = train_batches # mix = Utils.crop(mix_context, sep_output_shape) print("Training...") # BUILD MODELS # Separator separator_sources = separator_func( mix_context, True, not model_config["raw_audio_loss"], reuse=False ) # Sources are output in order [noise, speech] for speech enhancement # Supervised objective: MSE in log-normalized magnitude space # separator_loss = 0 # for (real_source, sep_source) in zip(sources, separator_sources): separator_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(sources - separator_sources[0])) # separator_loss = separator_loss / float(len(sources)) # Normalise by number of sources # TRAINING CONTROL VARIABLES global_step = tf.get_variable('global_step', [], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64) increment_global_step = tf.assign(global_step, global_step + 1) # Create Tests test_mix_context, test_sources = test_batches test_prediction = separator_func(test_mix_context, False, not model_config["raw_audio_loss"], reuse=True) test_ext_mix_context, test_ext_sources = test_ext_batches test_ext_prediction = separator_func(test_ext_mix_context, False, not model_config["raw_audio_loss"], reuse=True) test_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(test_sources - test_prediction[0])) test_ext_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.abs(test_ext_sources - test_ext_prediction[0])) # Set up optimizers separator_vars = Utils.getTrainableVariables("separator") print("Sep_Vars: " + str(Utils.getNumParams(separator_vars))) print("Num of variables " + str(len(tf.global_variables()))) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): with tf.variable_scope("separator_solver"): separator_solver = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=model_config["init_sup_sep_lr"]).minimize( separator_loss, var_list=separator_vars) # SUMMARIES tf.summary.scalar("sep_loss", separator_loss, collections=["sup"]) sup_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all(key='sup') test_loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar("sep_test_loss", test_loss) test_ext_loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar("sep_test_ext_loss", test_ext_loss) # Start session and queue input threads config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(model_config["log_dir"] + os.path.sep + str(experiment_id), graph=sess.graph) # CHECKPOINTING # Load pretrained model to continue training, if we are supposed to if load_model != None: restorer = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), write_version=tf.train.SaverDef.V2) print("Num of variables" + str(len(tf.global_variables()))) restorer.restore(sess, load_model) print('Pre-trained model restored from file ' + load_model) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), write_version=tf.train.SaverDef.V2) threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) reader.start_threads(sess, n_threads=model_config["num_workers"]) # Start training loop worse_epochs = 0 best_model_path = None model_path = None while worse_epochs < model_config[ "worse_epochs"]: # Early stopping on validation set after a few epochs try: print("EPOCH: " + str(epoch)) _global_step = _init_step = _global_step moving_avg_loss_value = 0.0 run = True for i in tqdm(range(model_config["epoch_it"])): try: _, _sup_summaries, train_loss_value = [separator_solver, sup_summaries, separator_loss]) writer.add_summary(_sup_summaries, global_step=_global_step) # Increment step counter, check if maximum iterations per epoch is achieved and stop in that case _global_step = if _global_step - _init_step > 1: moving_avg_loss_value = 0.8 * moving_avg_loss_value + 0.2 * train_loss_value else: moving_avg_loss_value = train_loss_value if _global_step - _init_step > model_config["epoch_it"]: run = False print( "Finished training phase, stopping batch generators" ) break except Exception as e: print(e) run = False break print("Finished epoch!") # Epoch finished - Save model model_path =, model_config["model_base_dir"] + os.path.sep + str(experiment_id) + os.path.sep + str(experiment_id), global_step=int(_global_step)) test_loss_list = [] test_ext_loss_list = [] for i in tqdm(range(40)): _test_loss_summary, _test_ext_loss_summary, _test_loss, _test_ext_loss = [ test_loss_summary, test_ext_loss_summary, test_loss, test_ext_loss ]) writer.add_summary(_test_loss_summary, global_step=_global_step + i) writer.add_summary(_test_ext_loss_summary, global_step=_global_step + i) test_loss_list.append(_test_loss) test_ext_loss_list.append(_test_ext_loss) curr_loss_val = np.mean(test_loss_list) curr_loss_test = np.mean(test_ext_loss_list) print("End Test (", epoch, ") :", moving_avg_loss_value, curr_loss_val, curr_loss_test) epoch += 1 if curr_loss_val < best_loss: worse_epochs = 0 print("Performance on validation set improved from " + str(best_loss) + " to " + str(curr_loss_val)) best_model_path = model_path best_loss = curr_loss_val else: worse_epochs += 1 print("Performance on validation set worsened to " + str(curr_loss_val)) if curr_loss_test < best_loss_test: print("Performance on test set improved from " + str(best_loss_test) + " to " + str(curr_loss_test)) best_loss_test = curr_loss_test else: print("Performance on test set worsened to " + str(curr_loss_test)) except Exception as e: print(e) break writer.flush() writer.close() coord.request_stop() sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph() print("TRAINING FINISHED - TESTING NOW AVAILABLE WITH BEST MODEL " + best_model_path) return best_model_path, epoch, best_loss, best_loss_test
def t0(self, value): assert Utils.isScalar(value), 't0 must be a scalar' del self.timeMesh self._t0 = float(value)
def process(): print(INFO + 'Processing Start.') # original_data_dir = r'/Users/Yuseng/Downloads/Deep-Learning-For-Computer-Vision-master/datasets/animals' # original_data_dir = r'/Users/Yuseng/Downloads/all/train' original_data_dir = r'/home/bigdata/Documents/DeepLearningProject/CatVsDog/train' # original_data_dir = r'/Users/zzc20160628-14/Downloads/cat_dog_data/train' # original_data_dir = r'/home/ubuntu/DeepLearningProject/data/train' base_dir = './cat_and_dog_small' ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(base_dir) train_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'train') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(train_dir) val_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'validation') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(val_dir) test_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'test') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(test_dir) cat_train_dir = os.path.join(train_dir, 'cat') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(cat_train_dir) dog_train_dir = os.path.join(train_dir, 'dog') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(dog_train_dir) cat_val_dir = os.path.join(val_dir, 'cat') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(cat_val_dir) dog_val_dir = os.path.join(val_dir, 'dog') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(dog_val_dir) cat_test_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'cat') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(cat_test_dir) dog_test_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'dog') ut.ifNoneCreateDirs(dog_test_dir) fnames = ['cat.{}.jpg'.format(i) for i in range(1000)] for name in fnames: src = os.path.join(original_data_dir, name) if not os.path.exists(src): raise FileNotFoundError dst = os.path.join(cat_train_dir, name) if os.path.exists(dst): continue shutil.copy(src=src, dst=dst) fnames = ['cat.{}.jpg'.format(i) for i in range(1000, 1500)] for name in fnames: src = os.path.join(original_data_dir, name) if not os.path.exists(src): raise FileNotFoundError dst = os.path.join(cat_val_dir, name) if os.path.exists(dst): continue shutil.copy(src=src, dst=dst) fnames = ['cat.{}.jpg'.format(i) for i in range(1500, 2000)] for name in fnames: src = os.path.join(original_data_dir, name) if not os.path.exists(src): raise FileNotFoundError dst = os.path.join(cat_test_dir, name) if os.path.exists(dst): continue shutil.copy(src=src, dst=dst) fnames = ['dog.{}.jpg'.format(i) for i in range(1000)] for name in fnames: src = os.path.join(original_data_dir, name) if not os.path.exists(src): raise FileNotFoundError dst = os.path.join(dog_train_dir, name) if os.path.exists(dst): continue shutil.copy(src=src, dst=dst) fnames = ['dog.{}.jpg'.format(i) for i in range(1000, 1500)] for name in fnames: src = os.path.join(original_data_dir, name) if not os.path.exists(src): raise FileNotFoundError dst = os.path.join(dog_val_dir, name) if os.path.exists(dst): continue shutil.copy(src=src, dst=dst) fnames = ['dog.{}.jpg'.format(i) for i in range(1500, 2000)] for name in fnames: src = os.path.join(original_data_dir, name) if not os.path.exists(src): raise FileNotFoundError dst = os.path.join(dog_test_dir, name) if os.path.exists(dst): continue shutil.copy(src=src, dst=dst) print(INFO + 'Processing End.') return train_dir, val_dir, test_dir
PythonRequirements.Validate() if platform.system() == "Windows": from SetupVulkan import VulkanConfiguration as VulkanRequirements VulkanRequirements.Validate() from SetupPremake import PremakeConfiguration as PremakeRequirements os.chdir('./../') # Change from devtools/scripts directory to root premakeInstalled = PremakeRequirements.Validate() print("\nUpdating submodules...")["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"]) Utils.CopyContents("scripts/res/glfw-premake5.lua", "Hazard/vendor/glfw/premake5.lua") Utils.CopyContents("scripts/res/yaml-premake5.lua", "Hazard/vendor/yaml-cpp/premake5.lua") if platform.system() == "Darwin": print("\nDownloading ShaderC") Utils.DownloadFile( "", "Hazard/vendor/") Utils.UnzipFile("Hazard/vendor/", True) if not path.exists("Hazard/vendor/shaderc"): os.mkdir("Hazard/vendor/shaderc") os.rename("Hazard/vendor/shaderc-main/libshaderc/include", "Hazard/vendor/shaderc/include") if (premakeInstalled):
def updatePos(self, pos): self.pos = pos = Utils.posToTileCenter(self.pos)
def __init__(self, layers, decoder, output_size=None, in_channels=3, pretrained=True, prediction_size=None, training_stage=1): #check implementation details in original paper to make sense of training stage super(MyModel, self).__init__() bs = 1 self.training_stage = training_stage if prediction_size is None: self.prediction_size = (512, 1024) self.cube_size = (256, 256) else: self.prediction_size = prediction_size d_factor = 1024 // prediction_size[1] self.cube_size = (256 // d_factor, 256 // d_factor) self.equi_model = fusion_ResNet(bs, layers, decoder, self.prediction_size, 3, pretrained, padding='ZeroPad') self.cube_model = fusion_ResNet(bs * 6, layers, decoder, self.cube_size, 3, pretrained, padding='SpherePad') if self.training_stage == 3: self.refine_model = Refine(prediction_size) if layers <= 34: num_channels = 512 elif layers >= 50: num_channels = 2048 self.equi_decoder = choose_decoder(decoder, num_channels // 2, padding='ZeroPad') self.equi_conv3 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(num_channels // 32, 1, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False), nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d(size=self.prediction_size)) self.cube_decoder = choose_decoder(decoder, num_channels // 2, padding='SpherePad') mypad = getattr(Utils.CubePad, 'SpherePad') self.cube_conv3 = nn.Sequential( mypad(1), nn.Conv2d(num_channels // 32, 1, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False), nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d(size=self.cube_size)) self.equi_decoder.apply(weights_init) self.equi_conv3.apply(weights_init) self.cube_decoder.apply(weights_init) self.cube_conv3.apply(weights_init) self.ce = CETransform() if layers <= 34: ch_lst = [64, 64, 128, 256, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32] else: ch_lst = [64, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128] self.conv_e2c = nn.ModuleList([]) self.conv_c2e = nn.ModuleList([]) self.conv_mask = nn.ModuleList([]) for i in range(9): conv_c2e = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(ch_lst[i], ch_lst[i], kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) conv_e2c = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(ch_lst[i], ch_lst[i], kernel_size=3, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) conv_mask = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(ch_lst[i] * 2, 1, kernel_size=1, padding=0), nn.Sigmoid()) self.conv_e2c.append(conv_e2c) self.conv_c2e.append(conv_c2e) self.conv_mask.append(conv_mask) #self.grid = Utils.Equirec2Cube(None, 512, 1024, 256, 90).GetGrid() self.grid = Utils.Equirec2Cube(None, self.prediction_size[0], self.prediction_size[1], self.cube_size[0], 90).GetGrid() self.d2p = Utils.Depth2Points(self.grid)
def test_lookfor_next_bounded_in_db_no_args(self): #answer should be a dictionary of info about bb or an error string if no bb found answer = Utils.lookfor_next_bounded_in_db() print('answer from lookfor_next_bounded_in_db_no_args:'+str(answer)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(answer, dict) or isinstance(answer, basestring))
parser.add_argument('--s3_directory', required=True, help='S3 Directory to save the file.') parser.add_argument('--publish_path', required=True, help='Publish folder to save final data.') parser.add_argument('--aws_region', required=False, help='AWS region to upload.', choices=[Common.AWS_REGION, Common.AWS_KOREA_REGION], default=Common.AWS_REGION) parser.add_argument('--log_level', help='Log Output Level', choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'ERROR'], default='DEBUG') args = parser.parse_args() return args if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() log_level = args.log_level Utils.log_configuration(log_level)'Input Parameters: {0}'.format(args)) publish_path = args.publish_path s3_directory = args.s3_directory.strip('\/') aws_region = args.aws_region S3Operator.upload_to_s3_by_sync(publish_path, s3_directory, aws_region)
def getReferenceLicense(self, license): key = Utils.removeDiacritic(license).upper() return self.aliasLicenseLookup.get(key, key)
def test_lookfor_next_bounded_in_db_bad_args(self): #answer should be a dictionary of info about bb or an error string if no bb found answer = Utils.lookfor_next_bounded_in_db(current_item="1", current_image="2",only_get_boxed_images=True) print('answer from lookfor_next_bounded_in_db:'+str(answer)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(answer, dict) or isinstance(answer, basestring))
def load_dex_file() -> Element: return Utils.parse_html(os.path.join(HTML_DIR, DEX_FILE))
def getReferenceTeam(self, team): key = Utils.removeDiacritic(team).upper() return self.aliasTeamLookup.get(key, team)
htmlDoc = pdfToHtml.OpenHtmlDoc(doc) if htmlDoc is None: raise Exception('Unable to open html doc : ' + pdfix.GetError()) # convert all pages at once if not htmlDoc.Save(save_path, html_params, 0, None): raise Exception('Unable to open html doc : ' + pdfix.GetError()) doc.Close() pdfix.Destroy() try: # pdfix initialization email = Utils.getEmail() # email address licenseKey = Utils.getLicenseKey() # license key cwd = os.getcwd() + "/" # current working directory os.makedirs(cwd + 'output') # pdfix initialization Pdfix_init(cwd + Utils.getModuleName('pdfix')) PdfToHtml_init(cwd + Utils.getModuleName('pdf_to_html')) htmlParams = PdfHtmlParams() htmlParams.type = kPdfHtmlFixed htmlParams.flags |= kHtmlNoExternalCSS | kHtmlNoExternalJS | kHtmlNoExternalJS ConvertToHtml(email, licenseKey, cwd + 'resources/test.pdf', cwd + 'output/index.html', cwd + 'resources/config.json', htmlParams)
def SAMBA_LIBRARY(bld, libname, source, deps='', public_deps='', includes='', public_headers=None, public_headers_install=True, header_path=None, pc_files=None, vnum=None, soname=None, cflags='', ldflags='', external_library=False, realname=None, autoproto=None, autoproto_extra_source='', group='main', depends_on='', local_include=True, global_include=True, vars=None, subdir=None, install_path=None, install=True, pyembed=False, pyext=False, target_type='LIBRARY', bundled_extension=True, link_name=None, abi_directory=None, abi_match=None, hide_symbols=False, manpages=None, private_library=False, grouping_library=False, allow_undefined_symbols=False, allow_warnings=True, enabled=True): '''define a Samba library''' if LIB_MUST_BE_PRIVATE(bld, libname): private_library = True if not enabled: SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, libname, 'DISABLED') return source = bld.EXPAND_VARIABLES(source, vars=vars) if subdir: source = bld.SUBDIR(subdir, source) # remember empty libraries, so we can strip the dependencies if ((source == '') or (source == [])) and deps == '' and public_deps == '': SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, libname, 'EMPTY') return if BUILTIN_LIBRARY(bld, libname): obj_target = libname else: obj_target = libname + '.objlist' if group == 'libraries': subsystem_group = 'main' else: subsystem_group = group # first create a target for building the object files for this library # by separating in this way, we avoid recompiling the C files # separately for the install library and the build library bld.SAMBA_SUBSYSTEM(obj_target, source=source, deps=deps, public_deps=public_deps, includes=includes, public_headers=public_headers, public_headers_install=public_headers_install, header_path=header_path, cflags=cflags, group=subsystem_group, autoproto=autoproto, autoproto_extra_source=autoproto_extra_source, depends_on=depends_on, hide_symbols=hide_symbols, allow_warnings=allow_warnings, pyembed=pyembed, pyext=pyext, local_include=local_include, global_include=global_include) if BUILTIN_LIBRARY(bld, libname): return if not SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, libname, target_type): return # the library itself will depend on that object target deps += ' ' + public_deps deps = TO_LIST(deps) deps.append(obj_target) realname = bld.map_shlib_extension(realname, python=(target_type == 'PYTHON')) link_name = bld.map_shlib_extension(link_name, python=(target_type == 'PYTHON')) # we don't want any public libraries without version numbers if (not private_library and target_type != 'PYTHON' and not realname): if vnum is None and soname is None: raise Utils.WafError("public library '%s' must have a vnum" % libname) if pc_files is None: raise Utils.WafError( "public library '%s' must have pkg-config file" % libname) if public_headers is None: raise Utils.WafError("public library '%s' must have header files" % libname) if target_type == 'PYTHON' or realname or not private_library: bundled_name = libname.replace('_', '-') else: bundled_name = PRIVATE_NAME(bld, libname, bundled_extension, private_library) ldflags = TO_LIST(ldflags) features = 'cc cshlib symlink_lib install_lib' if pyext: features += ' pyext' if pyembed: features += ' pyembed' if abi_directory: features += ' abi_check' vscript = None if bld.env.HAVE_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT: if private_library: version = "%s_%s" % (Utils.g_module.APPNAME, Utils.g_module.VERSION) elif vnum: version = "%s_%s" % (libname, vnum) else: version = None if version: vscript = "%s.vscript" % libname bld.ABI_VSCRIPT(libname, abi_directory, version, vscript, abi_match) fullname = apply_pattern(bundled_name, bld.env.shlib_PATTERN) fullpath = bld.path.find_or_declare(fullname) vscriptpath = bld.path.find_or_declare(vscript) if not fullpath: raise Utils.WafError("unable to find fullpath for %s" % fullname) if not vscriptpath: raise Utils.WafError("unable to find vscript path for %s" % vscript) bld.add_manual_dependency(fullpath, vscriptpath) if Options.is_install: # also make the .inst file depend on the vscript instname = apply_pattern(bundled_name + '.inst', bld.env.shlib_PATTERN) bld.add_manual_dependency(bld.path.find_or_declare(instname), bld.path.find_or_declare(vscript)) vscript = os.path.join(bld.path.abspath(bld.env), vscript) bld.SET_BUILD_GROUP(group) t = bld(features=features, source=[], target=bundled_name, depends_on=depends_on, samba_ldflags=ldflags, samba_deps=deps, samba_includes=includes, version_script=vscript, local_include=local_include, global_include=global_include, vnum=vnum, soname=soname, install_path=None, samba_inst_path=install_path, name=libname, samba_realname=realname, samba_install=install, abi_directory="%s/%s" % (bld.path.abspath(), abi_directory), abi_match=abi_match, private_library=private_library, grouping_library=grouping_library, allow_undefined_symbols=allow_undefined_symbols) if realname and not link_name: link_name = 'shared/%s' % realname if link_name: t.link_name = link_name if pc_files is not None and not private_library: bld.PKG_CONFIG_FILES(pc_files, vnum=vnum) if (manpages is not None and 'XSLTPROC_MANPAGES' in bld.env and bld.env['XSLTPROC_MANPAGES']): bld.MANPAGES(manpages, install)
def manage_getUsersToConvert(self, withpasswords=False): """ find all the users in the acl_users folder here, and try to find a suitable name and email address. """ if not 'acl_users' in self.objectIds('User Folder'): # just double checking that we have a old user folder here return [] old_user_folder = self.acl_users old_users = [] issuetrackers = _find_issuetrackers(self) if self.meta_type == ISSUETRACKER_METATYPE: if self not in issuetrackers: issuetrackers.append(self) acl_cookienames = acl_cookieemails = {} for issuetracker in issuetrackers: _cookienames = issuetracker.getACLCookieNames() if _cookienames: acl_cookienames = _merge_dicts_nicely(acl_cookienames, _cookienames) _cookieemails = issuetracker.getACLCookieEmails() if _cookieemails: acl_cookieemails = _merge_dicts_nicely(acl_cookieemails, _cookieemails) for user in old_user_folder.getUsers(): fullname = acl_cookienames.get(str(user), []) email = acl_cookieemails.get(str(user),[]) if not fullname and email: _email1 = email[0].split('@')[0] if len(_email1.split('.'))>1: fullname = [x.capitalize() \ for x in _email1.split('.')] fullname = ' '.join(fullname) elif len(_email1.split('_'))>1: fullname = [x.capitalize() \ for x in _email1.split('_')] fullname = ' '.join(fullname) else: fullname = str(user).capitalize() d = {'username':str(user), 'domains', 'roles':user.roles, 'fullname':fullname, 'email':email} if email and email[0] and Utils.ValidEmailAddress(email[0]): d['invalid_email'] = False else: d['invalid_email'] = True if withpasswords: d['__'] = user.__ old_users.append(d) return old_users
import Utils INPUT_DATA = Utils.GetChallengeInput(3) COUNT_DICT = {} for elt in INPUT_DATA: # Fancy, Pythonic upsert. Returns count, if key exists, or defaults to 0 if key not found # Then increments in either case COUNT_DICT[elt] = COUNT_DICT.setdefault(elt, 0) + 1 ANSWER = "" # TODO: clean this up as well. Dictionary Comprehensions look promising for entry in COUNT_DICT: print("{0}: {1}".format(entry, COUNT_DICT[entry])) if COUNT_DICT[entry] == 1: ANSWER += entry Utils.SubmitChallengeAnswer(ANSWER)
import traceback from datetime import datetime, time import Utils as util kite = util.intialize_kite_api() testing = False special_target = 6000 special_target_stock_id = 'BHEL' START_TIME_FOR_BREAKEVEN = time(9, 15, 40, 1) while < util.MARKET_START_TIME and testing is False: pass parent_orders = {} while True: try: orders = kite.orders() positions = kite.positions()['day'] for order in orders: if order['parent_order_id'] is None and order[ 'tradingsymbol'].upper() == special_target_stock_id and ( order['status'].upper() == 'COMPLETE' or order['status'].upper() == 'OPEN'): parent_orders[order['order_id']] = order if len(parent_orders) == 0:
def manage_sendReminder(self, name, email_from, email_subject, remindertext): """ actually send the password reminder """ try: user = self.getUser(name) except: return MessageDialog( title ='Illegal value', message='The specified user does not exist', action ='manage_main') issuetrackerroot = self.getIssueTrackerRoot() if not email_from: raise "NoEmailFromError", "You must specify a from email address" elif not self.webmaster_email: self.webmaster_email = email_from email_to = user.getEmail() if not email_to or email_to and not Utils.ValidEmailAddress(email_to): raise "NoEmailToError", "User does not have a valid email address" replacement_key = "<password shown here>" if remindertext.find(replacement_key) == -1: raise "NoPasswordReplacementError",\ "No place to put the password reminder" if self.encrypt_passwords: # generate a new password and save it password = Utils.getRandomString(length=6, loweronly=1) user.__ = password else: password = user.__ if not email_subject: email_subject = "Issue Tracker password reminder" remindertext = remindertext.replace(replacement_key, password) # send it! if issuetrackerroot: # send via the issuetracker issuetrackerroot.sendEmail(remindertext, email_to, email_from, email_subject, swallowerrors=False) else: body = '\r\n'.join(['From: %s'%email_from, 'To: %s'%email_to, 'Subject: %s'%email_subject, "", remindertext]) # Expect a mailhost object. Note that here we're outside the Issuetracker try: mailhost = self.MailHost except: try: mailhost = self.SecureMailHost except: try: mailhost = self.superValues('MailHost')[0] except IndexError: raise "NoMailHostError", "No 'MailHost' available to send from" if hasattr(mailhost, 'secureSend'): mailhost.secureSend(remindertext, email_to, email_from, email_subject) else: mailhost.send(body, email_to, email_from, email_subject) m = "Password reminder sent to %s" % email_to return self.manage_main(self, self.REQUEST, manage_tabs_message=m)
# coding=utf-8 import Utils as ut from pandas import ExcelWriter file = ExcelWriter('perf.xlsx') a = ut.getPerf(['2017-01-03', '2018-01-02']) a.to_excel(file)
def __init__(self, image_size, category_size, feature_size=0, predict_ckpt=None, gap_layer=False): self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, image_size, image_size, 3]) self.y_true = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, category_size]) if feature_size != 0: self.x_feat = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, feature_size]) self.hold_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) self.feature_size = feature_size utils.get_model_data(MODEL_DIR, MODEL_URL) # transfer learning from MobilenetV1 self.mobilenet_net = self.get_mobile_net(self.x, final_endpoint="Conv2d_11") variable_to_restore = [ v for v in slim.get_variables_to_restore() if'/')[0] == 'MobilenetV1' ] # shape of mobilenet_net: (?, 14, 14, 512) # self.size = (int)(image_size/4) # convo_2_flat = tf.reshape(convo_2_pooling, [-1, self.size*self.size*64]) self.size = 14 * 14 * 512 self.gap_layer = gap_layer if self.gap_layer: # GAP layer self.gap_weight = tf.Variable( tf.random_normal([512, len(TEETH_PART_LIST)])) self.gap_bias = tf.Variable( tf.random_normal([len(TEETH_PART_LIST)])) self.y_pred = self.gap_out_layer(self.mobilenet_net, self.gap_weight, self.gap_bias) else: self.convo_2_flat = tf.reshape(self.mobilenet_net, [-1, self.size]) if feature_size != 0: self.convo_2_flat = tf.concat([self.convo_2_flat, self.x_feat], 1) self.full_layer_one = tf.nn.relu( self.normal_full_layer(self.convo_2_flat, 1024)) self.full_one_dropout = tf.nn.dropout(self.full_layer_one, keep_prob=self.hold_prob) self.y_pred = self.normal_full_layer(self.full_one_dropout, category_size) self.sess = tf.Session() if predict_ckpt: print('=====> predict_ckpt = ', predict_ckpt) self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.saver.restore(self.sess, predict_ckpt) self.position = tf.argmax(self.y_pred, 1) if self.gap_layer: self.classmaps = self.generate_heatmap(self.mobilenet_net, self.position, self.gap_weight, image_size) else: self.cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=self.y_true, logits=self.y_pred)) self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE) self.train_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.cross_entropy) self.matches = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.y_pred, 1), tf.argmax(self.y_true, 1)) self.acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(self.matches, tf.float32)) self.c_matrix = tf.confusion_matrix(tf.argmax(self.y_pred, 1), tf.argmax(self.y_true, 1)) # restore pre-train mobilenet if g_pretrain_ckpt == None: self.saver = tf.train.Saver(variable_to_restore) self.saver.restore(self.sess, 'Model_zoo/mobilenet_v1_1.0_224.ckpt') else: self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.saver.restore( self.sess, 'pretrain_model/model.ckpt-' + str(g_pretrain_ckpt)) self.print_params() return