def reBootstrap(self, bootstrapNodeLocList, enclaveId):
        '''Try to re-bootstrap into the network being managed by bootstrapNodeLoc'''
            glog.debug("SuccessorsList: all successors are dead... attempting to re-bootstrap", system=str(self.nodeLocation))
            # If I am my own successor but I'm not a bootstrap node, try to bootstrap
            # back into the network.
            # Try to get a connection to any of the bootstrap nodes.
#                 if bootstrapNodeLoc is not None and \
#           !=
            # We have no successors, so we'd better bootstrap back in.
            (bootstrapNode, factory, conn, nodeLocation) = yield Utils.getRemoteConnectionFromList(bootstrapNodeLocList, metricsMessageCounter=self.metricsMessageCounter)
            if bootstrapNode is False:
                # Could not get a connection
                # DPF - This is a change on Oct, 2014 -- even if I am NOT a bootstrapNode,
                #     - I will add myself as a successor. Need to see if this breaks stuff.
                #     - old version only did this for bootstrap nodes.
                succLoc = yield bootstrapNode.callRemote("findSuccessorLocation",, enclaveId)
                if succLoc is not None:
                    (factory, conn2) = Utils.getRemoteConnection(succLoc, self.metricsMessageCounter)
                    succNode = yield factory.getRootObject()
                    successorsSuccessorList = yield succNode.callRemote("getSuccessorList", enclaveId)
                    # Add the successor to my list
                    # Add the successorsList to my list also (for efficiency)
                    # Close connections
                    Utils.disconnect(None, conn2)
                # Close the connections
                Utils.disconnect(None, conn)

        except Exception, e: 
            log.msg("bootstrap node is dead. Try again later. [%s]" % e, system="SuccessorsList")
            log.err(e, "bootstrap node is dead. Try again later.", system="SuccessorsList")
    def rebuildSuccessorList(self, enclaveId, bootstrapNodeLocList = None):
        # Track changes to successor for debugging
        origSuccessor = self.getSuccessor() # Solely for debugging when successors change
        # Prune my successor's list for "alive" only
        yield self.removeDeadSuccessors()
        subFromI = 0
        for i in range(len(self.theList)):
            currentSuccLocation = self.theList[i-subFromI]
                # Check if the succesor's pred is currentPred
                (factory, conn) = Utils.getRemoteConnection(currentSuccLocation, self.metricsMessageCounter)
                succ = yield factory.getRootObject()
                successorsSuccessorList = yield succ.callRemote("getSuccessorList", enclaveId)
                # Add them to my successorsList
                # Close the connection
                Utils.disconnect(None, conn)

                # Once we find one live successor list, it's good enough. We can go.
                #glog.debug("rebuildSuccessorList: connected successor is: %s" % currentSuccLocation)
            except Exception : 
                # Successor wasn't alive, remove from my list of successors
                glog.debug("Removing dead successor during rebuild location: ID %s" %, system='rebuildSuccessorList')
                subFromI = self.removeLocationFromList(currentSuccLocation)

        # Attempt to re-bootstrap in
        yield self.reBootstrap(bootstrapNodeLocList, enclaveId)
        self.checkFinalSuccessor(origSuccessor, "rebuildSuccessorList") #DEBUG