def compressor_inlet_state_reci(enthalpy, pressure, fluid):
    # return isentropic coefficient and specific volume for fluid at enthalpy
    # and pressure from CoolProp
    phase = CP.PhaseSI('P', pressure, 'H', enthalpy, fluid)

    if phase == 'gas':
        v_suc = 1 / CP.PropsSI('D', 'H', enthalpy, 'P', pressure, fluid)
        gamma_calc = CP.PropsSI('ISENTROPIC_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT', 'H',
                                enthalpy, 'P', pressure, fluid)
    else:  # if enthalpy below saturated vapor enthalpy at pressure, assume
        # saturated state
        v_suc = 1 / CP.PropsSI('D', 'P', pressure, 'Q', 1, fluid)
        gamma_calc = CP.PropsSI('ISENTROPIC_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT', 'P',
                                pressure, 'Q', 1, fluid)
        # print('Warning: Values set to saturation (compressor inlet state reci)')
    return [v_suc, gamma_calc]
def compressor_inlet_state(temperature, pressure, fluid):
    # return isentropic coefficient ad specific volume for fluid at temperature
    # and pressure from CoolProp
    phase = CP.PhaseSI('P', pressure, 'T', temperature, fluid)

    if phase == 'gas':
        v_suc = 1 / CP.PropsSI('D', 'T', temperature, 'P', pressure, fluid)
        gamma_calc = CP.PropsSI('ISENTROPIC_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT', 'T',
                                temperature, 'P', pressure, fluid)
    else:  #if temperature below saturation temperature at pressure, assume
        # saturated state
        v_suc = 1 / CP.PropsSI('D', 'P', pressure, 'Q', 1, fluid)
        gamma_calc = CP.PropsSI('ISENTROPIC_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT', 'P',
                                pressure, 'Q', 1, fluid)
        # print('Warning: Values set to saturation (compressor inlet state)')
    return [v_suc, gamma_calc]
Exemple #3
 def makeColdStream(self, Q):
     # Flow rate for evaporator is specified by inlet and outlet temperature...
     T_in, T_out = 12, 7
     cp = CP.PropsSI('C', 'T', C2K(T_in), 'Q', 0, 'water')
     #print "cp is ",cp
     dh = cp * (T_out - T_in)
     m = -Q / dh
     return HRHX_integral_model.streamExample1(T_in, m, cp)
Exemple #4
def fait_isolignes(type, valeurs, position=None, nb_points=1000, to_show=None, round_nb=0):
    """ S'occupe du calcul et du tracé des isolignes. """
    if not(to_show):                        # Valeurs par défauts:
        to_show = list(range(len(valeurs)))  # toutes !
    Tmin, Tmax = plt.ylim()                  # On regarde les
    smin, smax = plt.xlim()                  # limites du graphique
    # Par défaut, l'échantillonnage en T est linéaire
    val_T = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, nb_points)
    # Pour chacune des valeurs demandées,
    nb_points_save = nb_points
    for val, i in zip(valeurs, range(len(valeurs))):
        nb_points = nb_points_save
        if type == 'V':  # Cas particulier des volumes massiques: D = 1/v
            val_s = CP.PropsSI('S', 'T', val_T, 'D', 1 /
                               val, fluide)  # et non en P
        elif type == 'H':
            val_s = np.linspace(smin, smax, nb_points)
            val_T = []
            for s in val_s:
                    val_T.append(CP.PropsSI('T', 'S', s, type, val, fluide))
            val_T = np.array(val_T)
            val_s = val_s[val_T == val_T]
            val_T = val_T[val_T == val_T]
            nb_points = len(val_T)
            print(nb_points, "points valides sur l'isenthalpique")
            if nb_points < 10:
        else:            # Sinon, on utilise l'éventail des températures
            val_s = CP.PropsSI('S', 'T', val_T, type, val, fluide)
        if type == 'H':
            val /= 1e3  # Pour mettre en kJ/kg
        if type == 'P':
            val /= 1e5  # Pour mettre en bar
        if round_nb > 0:
            val = str(round(val, round_nb))  # Pour faire joli
            val = str(int(round(val)))                # là aussi...
        label = '${}={}$ {}'.format(LABEL[type], val, UNITS[type])
        if nb_points > 10:
            plt.plot(val_s, val_T, color=COLOR_MAP[
                     type])     # Affichage courbe
            if i in to_show:  # Ainsi que du label s'il fait partie de la liste
                place_label(val_s, val_T, label, int(position * nb_points))
    def test_entalpia_vapor(self):
        temperatura = 500
        entalpia_mezcla_vapor = self.paquete.entalpia_vapor(
            composicion=self.composicion, temperatura=temperatura)
        entalpia_mezcla_vapor_cp = CP.PropsSI('Hmolar', 'P', 101325, 'T',
                                              temperatura, self.compuestos_CP)

        assert error_relativo(entalpia_mezcla_vapor, entalpia_mezcla_vapor_cp)
def mixingData(mixture):
    mixingData = []
    for component in mixture:
        fluid = component["fluid"]
        y = component["molefraction"]
        Pc = CP.PropsSI("Pcrit", fluid)
        Tc = CP.PropsSI("Tcrit", fluid)
        omega = CP.PropsSI("acentric", fluid)
        component_data = {
            "fluid": fluid,
            "y": y,
            "Pc": Pc,
            "Tc": Tc,
            "omega": omega
    return mixingData
Exemple #7
    def deriveVaporQuality(self, totalMass, totalEnergy, temperature):
        if options.enableTankTemperatureInterpolation:
            liquidSpecificInternalEnergy = liquidInternalEnergyInterpolator(
            gasSpecificInternalEnergy = gasInternalEnergyInterpolator(

            liquidSpecificInternalEnergy = CP.PropsSI('U', 'T', temperature,
                                                      'Q', 0, 'N2O')
            gasSpecificInternalEnergy = CP.PropsSI('U', 'T', temperature, 'Q',
                                                   1, 'N2O')

        x = (totalEnergy / totalMass - liquidSpecificInternalEnergy) / (
            gasSpecificInternalEnergy - liquidSpecificInternalEnergy)

        return x
Exemple #8
def tq_diagram_con(states, hx, fluid_ext, mdot_ext, T_ext_in, T_ext_out):
    """ plot TQ Diagram"""

    #ext side
    T_ext = np.linspace(T_ext_in, T_ext_out, 1000)
    cp = hx.cp
    Q_ext = mdot_ext * cp * (T_ext - T_ext_in)

    #R134a side
    T_2 = states[1].t
    T_3 = states[2].t
    P2 = states[1].p
    P3 = states[2].p
    Pr = np.linspace(P2, P3, 1000)
    h2 = states[1].h
    h3 = states[2].h
    hr = np.linspace(h2, h3, 1000)
    mdot_rr = mdot_ext * cp * (T_ext_out - T_ext_in) / (h2 - h3)
    Tr = CP.PropsSI('T', 'P', Pr, 'H', hr, fluid)
    Sr = CP.PropsSI('S', 'P', Pr, 'H', hr, fluid)
    sdt = 0
    for i in range(len(hr) - 1):
        sdt += mdot_rr * (hr[i + 1] - hr[i]) / Tr[i + 1] + (
            Q_ext[i + 1] - Q_ext[i]) / T_ext[i + 1]
        i += 1

    loss_dt = sdt * T0
    Qr = mdot_rr * (hr - h3)

    s_ext_out = CP.PropsSI('S', 'T', T_ext_out, 'P', 200000, fluid_ext)
    s_ext_in = CP.PropsSI('S', 'T', T_ext_in, 'P', 200000, fluid_ext)
    loss_tt = -mdot_rr * (states[2].h - states[1].h - T0 *
                          (states[2].s - states[1].s)) - mdot_ext * (
                              cp * (T_ext_out - T_ext_in) - T0 *
                              (s_ext_out - s_ext_in))
    loss_dp = loss_tt - loss_dt

    plt.plot(Q_ext, T_ext)
    plt.plot(Qr, Tr)

    plt.ylim(310, 360)

    return loss_dt, loss_tt
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, Tsh_max, Tsh_min, Psh_min, Psh_max, nT, nP, fluid):
     self.nP = nP
     self.nT = nT
     self.T_vec = np.linspace(Tsh_min, Tsh_max, nT)
     self.P_vec = np.geomspace(Psh_min, Psh_max, nP)
     self.fluid = fluid
     self.Pcrit = CP.PropsSI("PCRIT", fluid)
Exemple #10
    def specific_heat_cp(self, T, P):
        """Calculate mass specific constant pressure specific heat.
        :param <int> T: Temperature [K]
        :param <int> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <int> CP: Specific heat constant pressure [J/kg/K]

        return CP.PropsSI('C', 'T', T, 'P', P,
Exemple #11
    def energy_simulate(self, state, fluid_eva, mdot_r, T_eva_in, T_eva_out):

        state[self.inletstate].xx = True

        #pressure loss and heat exchange parameters
        self.dp = state[self.inletstate].p - state[self.outletstate].p
        self.qc = state[self.outletstate].h - state[self.inletstate].h
        self.cp = CP.PropsSI('C', 'T', T_eva_in, 'P', 101500, fluid_eva)
        self.mdot_eva = (mdot_r * self.qc) / (self.cp * (T_eva_in - T_eva_out))
Exemple #12
    def simulate(self, state, mdot_w, Tw_in, Tw_out):
        state[self.outletstate].x = 0.0
        dp = 200000
        state[self.outletstate].p = state[self.inletstate].p - dp
        self.cp_w = CP.PropsSI('C', 'T', Tw_in, 'P', 100000, 'water')

        self.qh = state[self.inletstate].h - state[self.outletstate].h
        self.epsilon = mdot_w * self.cp_w * (Tw_out - Tw_in) / (self.qh *

        ds = CP.PropsSI('S', 'T', Tw_out, 'P', 100000, 'water') - CP.PropsSI(
            'S', 'T', Tw_in, 'P', 100000, 'water')

        self.loss = -mdot_r*((state[self.outletstate].h-state[self.inletstate].h)\
    def test_presion_vapor(self):
        temperatura = 300
        temperatura_numpy = np.array([300, 350, 400])
        presion_vapor = self.paquete.presion_vapor(temperatura)
        presion_vapor_numpy = self.paquete.presion_vapor(temperatura_numpy)
        for j in range(len(self.compuestos)):
            for i in range(temperatura_numpy.size):
                presion_cp = CP.PropsSI('P', 'T', temperatura_numpy[i], 'Q', 0,
                error_relativo = np.abs(
                    (presion_vapor_numpy[i, j] - presion_cp) / presion_cp)
                assert error_relativo <= 1

        for presion, compuesto in zip(presion_vapor, self.compuestos):
            presion_cp = CP.PropsSI('P', 'T', temperatura, 'Q', 0,
            error_rel = abs((presion - presion_cp) / presion_cp)
            assert error_rel <= 1
 def test_temperatura_rocio_1d(self):
     """Prueba el calculod de temperatura de rocio"""
     presion = 101325
     temperatura_rocio = self.paquete.temperatura_rocio(self.composicion,
     temperatura_rocio_cp = CP.PropsSI(
         'T', 'P', presion, 'Q', 1,
         parse_components(self.compuestos, self.composicion))
     assert error_relativo(temperatura_rocio, temperatura_rocio_cp)
def gap_function(C4R_guess, C4T, M, V, D):
    # function to caluclate total mass flow at exit of gap for a guessed value of C4R

    C4 = np.sqrt(C4R_guess * C4R_guess + C4T * C4T)
    h4t = V.h3t
    h4 = h4t - 1. / 2. * C4 * C4
    s4 = D.S0  # assume an isentropic process
    if M.gasModel == 'Ideal':
        T4 = h4 / D.Cp
        # S = Cp * log (T/D.Tref) - R log(P/D.Pref)  # definition of enthalpy
        P4 = np.exp((D.Cp * np.log(T4 / D.Tref) - s4) / D.R) * D.Pref
        rho4 = P4 / (D.R * T4)
        T4 = CP.PropsSI('T', 'HMASS', h4, 'S', s4, D.fluidType)
        rho4 = CP.PropsSI('D', 'HMASS', h4, 'S', s4, D.fluidType)

    mdot4 = C4R_guess * rho4 * D.A4
    return mdot4
 def test_temperatura_burbuja_1d(self):
     """Prueba de la temperatura de burbuja usando un array de 1d"""
     presion = 101325
     temperatura_burbuja = self.paquete.temperatura_burbuja(
         self.composicion, presion=presion)
     temperatura_burbuja_cp = CP.PropsSI(
         'T', 'P', presion, 'Q', 0,
         parse_components(self.compuestos, self.composicion))
     assert error_relativo(temperatura_burbuja, temperatura_burbuja_cp)
Exemple #17
def tq_diagram_eva(states, hx, fluid_ext, mdot_rr, T_ext_in, T_ext_out):
    """ plot TQ Diagram"""

    #R134a side
    T_1 = states[0].t
    T_4 = states[3].t
    P1 = states[0].p
    P4 = states[3].p
    Pr = np.linspace(P4, P1, 1000)
    h1 = states[0].h
    h4 = states[3].h
    hr = np.linspace(h4, h1, 1000)

    #ext side
    T_ext = np.linspace(T_ext_in, T_ext_out, 1000)
    cp = hx.cp
    mdot_ext = mdot_rr * (h1 - h4) / (cp * (T_ext_in - T_ext_out))
    Q_ext = mdot_ext * cp * (T_ext - T_ext_out)

    Tr = CP.PropsSI('T', 'P', Pr, 'H', hr, fluid)
    Sr = CP.PropsSI('S', 'P', Pr, 'H', hr, fluid)
    sdt = 0
    for i in range(len(hr) - 1):
        sdt += mdot_rr * (hr[i + 1] - hr[i]) / Tr[i + 1] + (
            Q_ext[i + 1] - Q_ext[i]) / T_ext[i + 1]
        i += 1

    loss_dt = sdt * T0
    Qr = mdot_rr * (hr - h4)

    loss_tt = -mdot_rr*((states[0].h-states[3].h)-T0*(states[0].s-states[3].s))\
    loss_dp = loss_tt - loss_dt

    plt.plot(Q_ext, T_ext)
    plt.plot(Qr, Tr)

    #    plt.ylim(310, 360)

    return loss_dt, loss_dp
    def test_entalpia_vapor_puro(self):
        # Prueba usando un scalar
        temperatura = 500
        entalpia_vapor = self.paquete.entalpia_vapor_puro(temperatura)
        for j in range(self.numero_compuestos):
            entalpia_vapor_cp = CP.PropsSI('Hmolar', 'P', 101325, 'T',
            assert error_relativo(entalpia_vapor[j], entalpia_vapor_cp)

        # Prueba usando un array
        temperaturas = np.array((400, 425, 450))
        entalpias_vapor = self.paquete.entalpia_vapor_puro(temperaturas)
        for j in range(len(self.compuestos)):
            for i in range(temperaturas.size):
                entalpia_vapor_cp = CP.PropsSI('Hmolar', 'P', 101325, 'T',
                assert error_relativo(entalpias_vapor[i, j], entalpia_vapor_cp)
 def test_temperatura_rocio_2d(self):
     presiones = np.array([101325, 200000, 300000, 500000])
     temperaturas_rocio_2d = self.paquete.temperatura_rocio(
         self.composicion_2d, presion=presiones)
     for i in range(len(presiones)):
         temperatura_rocio_cp = CP.PropsSI(
             'T', 'P', presiones[i], 'Q', 1,
             parse_components(self.compuestos, self.composicion_2d[i]))
         assert error_relativo(temperaturas_rocio_2d[i],
Exemple #20
    def temperature(self, D, P):
        """Calculate temperature.

        :param <float> D: Density [K]
        :param <float> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <float> T: Temperature [K]

        return CP.PropsSI('T', 'D', D, 'P', P,
Exemple #21
    def entropy(self, T, P):
        """Calculate mass specific entropy.

        :param <int> T: Temperature [K]
        :param <int> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <int> S: Mass specific entropy [J/kg]

        return CP.PropsSI('S', 'T', T, 'P', P,
Exemple #22
    def internal_energy(self, T, P):
        """Calculate internal energy.

        :param <int> T: Temperature [K]
        :param <int> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <int> U: Mass specific internal energy [J/kg]

        return CP.PropsSI('U', 'T', T, 'P', P,
Exemple #23
    def molar_mass(self, T, P):
        """Calculate molar mass.

        :param <int> T: Temperature [K]
        :param <int> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <int> M: Molar Mass [kg/mol]

        return CP.PropsSI('M', 'T', T, 'P', P,
Exemple #24
    def pressure(self, D, T):
        """Calculate pressure.

        :param <int> D: Density [kg/m^3]
        :param <int> T: Temperature [K]

        :return <int> P: Pressure [Pa]

        return CP.PropsSI('P', 'D', D, 'T', T,
Exemple #25
    def viscosity(self, T, P):
        """Calculate viscosity.

        :param <int> T: Temperature [K]
        :param <int> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <int> V: Viscosity [Pa s]

        return CP.PropsSI('V', 'T', T, 'P', P,
Exemple #26
    def thermal_conductivity(self, T, P):
        """Calculate thermal conductivity.

        :param <float> T: Temperature [K]
        :param <float> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <float> K: Thermal conductivity [W/m/K]

        return CP.PropsSI('CONDUCTIVITY', 'T', T, 'P', P,
Exemple #27
    def density(self, T, P):
        """Calculate mass density.

        :param <int> T: Temperature [K]
        :param <int> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <float> D: Mass density [kg/m^3]

        return CP.PropsSI('D', 'T', T, 'P', P,
Exemple #28
    def speed_of_sound(self, T, P):
        """Calculate the speed of sound.

        :param <int> T: Temperature [K]
        :param <int> P: Pressure [Pa]

        :return <float> A: Speed of Sound [m/s]

        return CP.PropsSI('A', 'T', T, 'P', P,
    def calc_lhv(self):
        Calculate the lower heating value of the combustion chambers fuel.

        val : float
            Lower heating value of the combustion chambers fuel.

            .. math::

                LHV = \sum_{fuels} \left(-\frac{\sum_i {\Delta H_f^0}_i -
                \sum_j {\Delta H_f^0}_j }
                {M_{fuel}} \cdot x_{fuel} \right)\\
                \forall i \in \text{reation products},\\
                \forall j \in \text{reation educts},\\
                \forall fuel \in \text{fuels},\\
                \Delta H_f^0: \text{molar formation enthalpy},\\
                x_{fuel}: \text{mass fraction of fuel in fuel mixture}
        hf = {}
        hf['hydrogen'] = 0
        hf['methane'] = -74.85
        hf['ethane'] = -84.68
        hf['propane'] = -103.8
        hf['butane'] = -124.51
        hf['O2'] = 0
        hf['CO2'] = -393.5
        # water (gaseous)
        hf['H2O'] = -241.8

        lhv = 0

        for f, x in self.fuel.val.items():
            molar_masses[f] = CP.PropsSI('M', f)
            fl = set(list(hf.keys())).intersection(
                    set([a.replace(' ', '') for a in CP.get_aliases(f)]))
            if len(fl) == 0:

            if list(fl)[0] in self.fuels():
                structure = fluid_structure(f)

                n = {}
                for el in ['C', 'H', 'O']:
                    if el in structure.keys():
                        n[el] = structure[el]
                        n[el] = 0

                lhv += (-(n['H'] / 2 * hf['H2O'] + n['C'] * hf['CO2'] -
                          ((n['C'] + n['H'] / 4) * hf['O2'] +
                           hf[list(fl)[0]])) / molar_masses[f] * 1000) * x

        return lhv
Exemple #30
def tq_diagram(states,hx):
    """ plot TQ Diagram"""
    #water side
    Tw = np.linspace(Tw_in,Tw_out,1000)
    cp_w = 4200
    Qw = mdot_w*cp_w*(Tw-Tw_in)
    #R134a side
    T_2 = states[1].t
    T_3 = states[2].t
    P2 = states[1].p
    P3 = states[2].p
    Pr = np.linspace(P2,P3,1000)
    h2 = states[1].h
    h3 = states[2].h
    hr = np.linspace(h2,h3,1000)
    mdot_rr = mdot_w*cp_w*(Tw_out-Tw_in)/(h2-h3)
    Tr = CP.PropsSI('T','P',Pr,'H',hr,fluid)
    Sr = CP.PropsSI('S','P',Pr,'H',hr,fluid)
    sdt = 0
    for i in range(len(hr)-1):
        sdt += mdot_rr*(hr[i+1]-hr[i])/Tr[i+1] +(Qw[i+1]-Qw[i])/Tw[i+1]
        i +=1
    Qr = mdot_rr*(hr-h3)
    loss_dt = sdt*T0
    sw_out = CP.PropsSI('S','T',Tw_out,'P',200000,'water')
    sw_in = CP.PropsSI('S','T',Tw_in,'P',200000,'water')
    loss_tt = -mdot_rr*(states[2].h-states[1].h-T0*(states[2].s-states[1].s))-mdot_w*(cp_w*(Tw_out-Tw_in)-T0*(sw_out-sw_in))

    ylim(310, 360)
    return loss_dt,loss_tt