11/2017 - Integration of CoolProp
06/2018 - Update to OpenFOAM-5.x (Mass-based thermodynamics (for example: cpMcv to CpMCv))
03/2019 - Update to include parahydrogen properties from Refprop


import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
#import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Fluid for thermodynamic properties (rho, Cp, CpMcv, H, S, c, E, thermal conductivity)

#Custom refernce state for orthohydrogen to capture enthalpy offset of orthohydrogen
CP.set_reference_state('orthohydrogen', 20.3800689304, 35150.6373702,
                       1417.12332, 0.036828)
fluid_thermo = 'orthohydrogen'

#Fluid for transport model (viscosity)
fluid_transport = 'hydrogen'


#Temperature limits (set within subcritical region for saturation tables)
T0 = 15  #Temperature start (K)
TMax = 32  #Temperature end (K)

#Pressure limits
p0 = CP.PropsSI('P', 'T', T0, 'Q', 0, fluid_thermo)  #Pa
pMax = CP.PropsSI('P', 'T', TMax, 'Q', 0, fluid_thermo)  #Pa
#Setting Up Coolprop:
P_ref = 101325  #Pa
#Parahydrogen Reference State does not need to change:
h_ref = CP.PropsSI('H', 'P', P_ref, 'Q', 0,
                   'parahydrogen')  #should be about zero
s_ref = CP.PropsSI('S', 'P', P_ref, 'Q', 0,
                   'parahydrogen')  #should be roughly zero
#print(h_ref)#Should be about 0
#print(s_ref)#Should be about 0
#Orthohydrogen Reference State needs to be adjusted such that its enthalpy is 702.98 kJ/kg and entropy is 0.018269 kJ/kg-K at NBP
Dmolar_ref_ortho = CP.PropsSI(
    'Dmolar', 'P', P_ref, 'Q', 0, 'orthohydrogen'
)  #reference state must be in molar density at liquid of normal boiling point
T_ref_ortho = CP.PropsSI('T', 'P', P_ref, 'Q', 0.5, 'orthohydrogen')
    'orthohydrogen', T_ref_ortho, Dmolar_ref_ortho, 702.98 * (2 * 1.00784),
    0.018269 * (2 * 1.00784)
)  #sets so that enthalpy and entropy difference correctly correspond to ~702.98kJ/kg and 0.018269 kJ/kg-K at 20K; but function inputs must be molar
#print(CP.PropsSI('H','P',P_ref,'Q',0,'orthohydrogen'))#should be 702980 J/kg
#print(CP.PropsSI('S','P',P_ref,'Q',0,'orthohydrogen'))#should be 18.269 J/kg-K

P = 101325  #Pa, pressure to test at
T = []
Yo = []
RelHeq = []
RelH00 = []
RelH75 = []
RelH100 = []
for i in range(
        15, 300 + 1
):  #Properties of hydrogen do not go below 14K, Room temp is about 300K
Exemple #3
import conversions

import numpy as np  # NumPy: contains basic numerical routines
import scipy  # SciPy: contains additional numerical routines to numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import CoolProp.CoolProp as cp
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI as prop

## define standard constant variables
p_ref = 101325  # Pa
T_ref = 298.15  # K
R_air = 287  # J/kg-K
Cp_air = 1005  # J/kg-K
R_u = 8314  # J/mol-K

cp.set_reference_state('Air', "DEF")

def airProperties(propertyNames, propertyValues,
                  printOutput):  ## ALL INPUTS IN SI UNITS FOR GASES
    if propertyNames[0] == 'P' and propertyNames[
            1] == 'T':  # P must be in Pa, T must be in K
        u = prop('U', propertyNames[0], propertyValues[0], propertyNames[1],
                 propertyValues[1], 'Air')
        h = prop('H', propertyNames[0], propertyValues[0], propertyNames[1],
                 propertyValues[1], 'Air')
        s = prop('S', propertyNames[0], propertyValues[0], propertyNames[1],
                 propertyValues[1], 'Air')
        rho = prop('D', propertyNames[0], propertyValues[0], propertyNames[1],
                   propertyValues[1], 'Air')
Adapted from @author: Luka Denies from TU Delft.

11/2017 - Integration of CoolProp
06/2018 - Update to OpenFOAM-5.x (Mass-based thermodynamics (for example: cpMcv to CpMCv))
03/2019 - Update to include parahydrogen properties from Refprop


import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Fluid for thermodynamic properties (rho, Cp, CpMcv, H, S, c, E, thermal conductivity)
CP.set_reference_state('parahydrogen', 'NBP')
fluid_thermo = 'parahydrogen'

#Fluid for transport model (viscosity)
CP.set_reference_state('hydrogen', 'NBP')
fluid_transport = 'hydrogen'


#Temperature limits (set within subcritical region for saturation tables)
T0 = 15  #Temperature start (K)
TMax = 32  #Temperature end (K)

#Pressure limits
p0 = 0.1e5  #Pa
pMax = 5.5e5  #Pa
def test_NBP():
    assert(abs(CP.Props('H','P',101.325,'Q',0,'Propane')-0) < 1e-10)
    assert(abs(CP.Props('S','P',101.325,'Q',0,'Propane')-0) < 1e-10)
def test_IIR():
    assert(abs(CP.Props('H','T',273.15,'Q',0,'Propane')-200) < 1e-10)
    assert(abs(CP.Props('S','T',273.15,'Q',0,'Propane')-1) < 1e-10)
def test_ASHRAE():
    assert(abs(CP.Props('H','T',233.15,'Q',0,'Propane')-0) < 1e-10)
    assert(abs(CP.Props('S','T',233.15,'Q',0,'Propane')-0) < 1e-10)