Exemple #1
class SummarizeLogsAgent( AgentModule ):
  """ SummarizeLogsAgent as extension of AgentModule.

  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    """ Constructor.


    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )

    self.rsClient = None

  def initialize( self ):
    """ Standard initialize.

    :return: S_OK


    self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):
    """ execute ( main method )

    The execute method runs over the three families of tables ( Site, Resource and
    Node ) performing identical operations. First, selects all logs for a given
    family ( and keeps track of which one is the last row ID ). It summarizes the
    logs and finally, deletes the logs from the database.

    :return: S_OK


    # loop over the tables
    for element in ( 'Site', 'Resource', 'Node' ):

      self.log.info( 'Summarizing %s' % element )

      # get all logs to be summarized
      selectLogElements = self._summarizeLogs( element )
      if not selectLogElements[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( selectLogElements[ 'Message' ] )

      lastID, logElements = selectLogElements[ 'Value' ]

      # logElements is a dictionary of key-value pairs as follows:
      # ( name, statusType ) : list( logs )
      for key, logs in logElements.iteritems():

        sumResult = self._registerLogs( element, key, logs )
        if not sumResult[ 'OK' ]:
          self.log.error( sumResult[ 'Message' ] )

      if lastID is not None:
        self.log.info( 'Deleting %sLog till ID %s' % ( element, lastID ) )
        deleteResult = self.rsClient.deleteStatusElement( element, 'Log',
                                                          meta = { 'older' : ( 'ID', lastID ) } )
        if not deleteResult[ 'OK' ]:
          self.log.error( deleteResult[ 'Message' ] )

    return S_OK()


  def _summarizeLogs( self, element ):
    """ given an element, selects all logs in table <element>Log.

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )

    :return: S_OK( lastID, listOfLogs ) / S_ERROR


    selectResults = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement( element, 'Log' )

    if not selectResults[ 'OK' ]:
      return selectResults

    selectedItems = {}
    selectColumns = selectResults[ 'Columns' ]
    selectResults = selectResults[ 'Value' ]

    latestID = None
    if selectResults:
      latestID = dict( zip( selectColumns, selectResults[ -1 ] ) )[ 'ID' ]

    for selectResult in selectResults:

      elementDict = dict( zip( selectColumns, selectResult ) )

      key = ( elementDict[ 'Name' ], elementDict[ 'StatusType' ] )

      if key not in selectedItems:
        selectedItems[ key ] = [ elementDict ]
        lastStatus = selectedItems[ key ][ -1 ][ 'Status' ]
        lastToken  = selectedItems[ key ][ -1 ][ 'TokenOwner' ]

        # If there are no changes on the Status or the TokenOwner with respect
        # the previous one, discards the log.
        if lastStatus != elementDict[ 'Status' ] or lastToken != elementDict[ 'TokenOwner' ]:
          selectedItems[ key ].append( elementDict )

    return S_OK( ( latestID, selectedItems ) )

  def _registerLogs( self, element, key, logs ):
    """ Given an element, a key - which is a tuple ( <name>, <statusType> )
    and a list of dictionaries, this method inserts them on the <element>History
    table. Before inserting them, checks whether the first one is or is not on
    the <element>History table. If it is, it is not inserted. It also checks
    whether the LastCheckTime parameter of the first log to be inserted is
    larger than the last history log LastCheckTime. If not, it means an agent
    cycle has been interrupted and we can run into inconsistencies. It aborts to
    prevent more dramatic results.

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
      **key** - `tuple`
        tuple with the name of the element and the statusType
      **logs** - `list`
        list of dictionaries containing the logs

     :return: S_OK / S_ERROR


    # Undo key
    name, statusType = key

    selectedRes = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement( element, 'History', name,
                                                     meta = { 'columns' : [ 'Status', 'LastCheckTime', 'TokenOwner' ],
                                                              'limit'   : 1,
                                                              'order'   : ('LastCheckTime', 'DESC') } )

    if not selectedRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return selectedRes
    selectedRes = selectedRes[ 'Value' ]

    # We want from the <element>History table the last Status, LastCheckTime
    # and TokenOwner
    lastStatus, lastCheckTime, lastToken = None, None, None
    if selectedRes:
      lastStatus, lastCheckTime, lastToken = selectedRes[ 0 ]

    # Sanity check to avoid running if an agent cycle has been stopped
    if lastCheckTime and logs[ 0 ][ 'LastCheckTime' ] < lastCheckTime:
      return S_ERROR( 'Overlapping data. Seems the DB has not been cleared properly' )

    # If the first of the selected items has a different status than the latest
    # on the history, we add it.
    if logs[ 0 ][ 'Status' ] == lastStatus and logs[ 0 ][ 'TokenOwner' ] == lastToken:
      logs.remove( logs[ 0 ] )

    if logs:
      self.log.info( '%s ( %s )' % ( name, statusType ) )

    for selectedItemDict in logs:

      res = self.__logToHistoryTable( element, selectedItemDict )
      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        return res

    return S_OK()

  def __logToHistoryTable( self, element, elementDict ):
    """ Given an element and a dictionary with all the arguments, this method
    inserts a new entry on the <element>History table

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
      **elementDict** - `dict`
        dictionary returned from the DB to be inserted on the History table

    :return: S_OK / S_ERROR



      name            = elementDict[ 'Name' ]
      statusType      = elementDict[ 'StatusType' ]
      status          = elementDict[ 'Status' ]
      elementType     = elementDict[ 'ElementType' ]
      reason          = elementDict[ 'Reason' ]
      dateEffective   = elementDict[ 'DateEffective' ]
      lastCheckTime   = elementDict[ 'LastCheckTime' ]
      tokenOwner      = elementDict[ 'TokenOwner' ]
      tokenExpiration = elementDict[ 'TokenExpiration' ]

    except KeyError, e:
      return S_ERROR( e )

    self.log.info( '  %(Status)s %(DateEffective)s %(TokenOwner)s %(Reason)s' % elementDict )

    return self.rsClient.insertStatusElement( element, 'History', name, statusType,
                                              status, elementType, reason,
                                              dateEffective, lastCheckTime,
                                              tokenOwner, tokenExpiration )
Exemple #2
class SummarizeLogsAgent(AgentModule):
    """ SummarizeLogsAgent as extension of AgentModule.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor.


        AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.rsClient = None

    def initialize(self):
        """ Standard initialize.

    :return: S_OK


        self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """ execute ( main method )

    The execute method runs over the three families of tables ( Site, Resource and
    Node ) performing identical operations. First, selects all logs for a given
    family ( and keeps track of which one is the last row ID ). It summarizes the
    logs and finally, deletes the logs from the database.

    :return: S_OK


        # loop over the tables
        for element in ('Site', 'Resource', 'Node'):

            self.log.info('Summarizing %s' % element)

            # get all logs to be summarized
            selectLogElements = self._summarizeLogs(element)
            if not selectLogElements['OK']:

            lastID, logElements = selectLogElements['Value']

            # logElements is a dictionary of key-value pairs as follows:
            # ( name, statusType ) : list( logs )
            for key, logs in logElements.iteritems():

                sumResult = self._registerLogs(element, key, logs)
                if not sumResult['OK']:

            if lastID is not None:
                self.log.info('Deleting %sLog till ID %s' % (element, lastID))
                deleteResult = self.rsClient.deleteStatusElement(
                    element, 'Log', meta={'older': ['ID', lastID]})
                if not deleteResult['OK']:

        return S_OK()

    def _summarizeLogs(self, element):
        """ given an element, selects all logs in table <element>Log.

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource or Node )

    :return: S_OK( lastID, listOfLogs ) / S_ERROR


        selectResults = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement(element, 'Log')

        if not selectResults['OK']:
            return selectResults

        selectedItems = {}
        latestID = None

        if not selectResults['Value']:
            return S_OK((latestID, selectedItems))

        selectColumns = selectResults['Columns']
        selectResults = selectResults['Value']

        if selectResults:
            latestID = dict(zip(selectColumns, selectResults[-1]))['ID']

        for selectResult in selectResults:

            elementDict = dict(zip(selectColumns, selectResult))

            key = (elementDict['Name'], elementDict['StatusType'])

            if key not in selectedItems:
                selectedItems[key] = [elementDict]
                lastStatus = selectedItems[key][-1]['Status']
                lastToken = selectedItems[key][-1]['TokenOwner']

                # If there are no changes on the Status or the TokenOwner with respect
                # the previous one, discards the log.
                if lastStatus != elementDict[
                        'Status'] or lastToken != elementDict['TokenOwner']:

        return S_OK((latestID, selectedItems))

    def _registerLogs(self, element, key, logs):
        """ Given an element, a key - which is a tuple ( <name>, <statusType> )
    and a list of dictionaries, this method inserts them on the <element>History
    table. Before inserting them, checks whether the first one is or is not on
    the <element>History table. If it is, it is not inserted.

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
      **key** - `tuple`
        tuple with the name of the element and the statusType
      **logs** - `list`
        list of dictionaries containing the logs

     :return: S_OK / S_ERROR


        if not logs:
            return S_OK()

        # Undo key
        name, statusType = key

        selectedRes = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement(
                'columns': ['Status', 'TokenOwner'],
                'limit': 1,
                'order': ['DateEffective', 'desc']

        if not selectedRes['OK']:
            return selectedRes
        selectedRes = selectedRes['Value']
        if not selectedRes:
            for selectedItemDict in logs:
                res = self.__logToHistoryTable(element, selectedItemDict)
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res
                return S_OK()

        # We want from the <element>History table the last Status, and TokenOwner
        lastStatus, lastToken = None, None
        if selectedRes:
                lastStatus = selectedRes[0][0]
                lastToken = selectedRes[0][1]
            except IndexError:

        # If the first of the selected items has a different status than the latest
        # on the history, we keep it, otherwise we remove it.
        if logs[0]['Status'] == lastStatus and logs[0][
                'TokenOwner'] == lastToken:

        if logs:
            self.log.info('%s ( %s ):' % (name, statusType))

        for selectedItemDict in logs:

            res = self.__logToHistoryTable(element, selectedItemDict)
            if not res['OK']:
                return res

        return S_OK()

    def __logToHistoryTable(self, element, elementDict):
        """ Given an element and a dictionary with all the arguments, this method
    inserts a new entry on the <element>History table

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
      **elementDict** - `dict`
        dictionary returned from the DB to be inserted on the History table

    :return: S_OK / S_ERROR


        name = elementDict.get('Name')
        statusType = elementDict.get('StatusType')
        # vo = elementDict.get('VO')  # FIXME: not sure about it
        status = elementDict.get('Status')
        elementType = elementDict.get('ElementType')
        reason = elementDict.get('Reason')
        dateEffective = elementDict.get('DateEffective')
        lastCheckTime = elementDict.get('LastCheckTime')
        tokenOwner = elementDict.get('TokenOwner')
        tokenExpiration = elementDict.get('TokenExpiration')

        self.log.info('  %s %s %s %s' %
                      (status, dateEffective, tokenOwner, reason))

        return self.rsClient.insertStatusElement(
Exemple #3
class DatabaseCleanerAgent( AgentModule ):
    Agent that cleans the tables that may grow. With other words, it cleans from
    old entries all the cache tables in ResourceManagementDB and the log and
    history tables on the ResourceStatusDB.

  # Max number of minutes for the cache tables, 60 minutes by default
  __maxCacheLifetime = 60

  # Max number of days for the history tables
  __maxHistoryLifetime = 10

  # Max number of days for the log tables
  __maxLogLifetime = 20

  # List of caches to be processed
  __cacheNames = ( 'DowntimeCache', 'GGUSTicketsCache', 'JobCache',
                    'PilotCache', 'TransferCache', 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCache' )

  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    ''' c'tor

    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )

    self.maxCacheLifetime = self.__maxCacheLifetime
    self.maxHistoryLifetime = self.__maxHistoryLifetime
    self.maxLogLifetime = self.__maxLogLifetime

    self.rsClient = None
    self.rmClient = None

  def initialize( self ):
    ''' Standard initialize.
        Uses the ProductionManager shifterProxy to modify the ResourceStatus DB

    self.am_setOption( 'shifterProxy', 'ProductionManager' )

    self.maxCacheLifetime = self.am_getOption( 'maxCacheLifetime', self.maxCacheLifetime )
    self.maxHistoryLifetime = self.am_getOption( 'maxHistoryLifetime', self.maxHistoryLifetime )
    self.maxLogLifetime = self.am_getOption( 'maxLogLifetime', self.maxLogLifetime )

    self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
    self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):

#    TODO: uncomment when ResourceMonitoring is ready
#    self._cleanCaches()
    self._cleanStatusTable( 'History', self.maxHistoryLifetime )
    self._cleanStatusTable( 'Log', self.maxLogLifetime )

    return S_OK()

  ## Protected methods #########################################################

  def _cleanCaches( self ):
      Method that iterates over all the caches in ResourceManagemetnDB deleting
      entries with a LastCheckTime parameter older than now - X( hours ). On theory,
      there should not be any parameter to be deleted. If there are, it means that
      by some reason that entry has not been updated.

    self.log.info( 'Cleaning cache entries older than %s minutes' % self.maxCacheLifetime )

    lastValidRecord = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( minutes = self.maxCacheLifetime )

    for cache in self.__cacheNames:

      self.log.info( 'Inspecting %s' % cache )

      deleteCache = 'delete%s' % cache
      if not hasattr( self.rmClient, deleteCache ):
        self.log.warn( '%s not found' % deleteCache )

      deleteMethod = getattr( self.rmClient, deleteCache )
      deleteResults = deleteMethod( meta = { 'older' : ( 'LastCheckTime', lastValidRecord ) } )
      if not deleteResults[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( deleteResults[ 'Message' ] )
      if deleteResults[ 'Value' ]:
        self.log.info( 'Deleted %s entries' % deleteResults[ 'Value' ] )
        self.log.info( '... nothing to delete' )

    return S_OK()

  def _cleanStatusTable( self, tableType, lifeTime ):
      Method that deletes all entries older than now - lifeTime ( days ) for all
      the elementType tables for a given tableType ( History / Log )

    self.log.info( 'Cleaning %s entries older than %s days' % ( tableType, lifeTime ) )

    # It is hard-coded, mainly because there are no more tables going to be added
    # to the schema for a long time.
    elements = ( 'Site', 'Resource', 'Node' )

    lastValidRecord = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta( days = lifeTime )
    meta = { 'older' : ( 'LastCheckTime', lastValidRecord ) }

    for element in elements:

      self.log.info( 'Inspecting %s%s' % ( element, tableType ) )

      deleteResults = self.rsClient.deleteStatusElement( element, tableType,
                                                         meta = meta )
      if not deleteResults[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( deleteResults[ 'Message' ] )
      if deleteResults[ 'Value' ]:
        self.log.info( 'Deleted %s entries' % deleteResults[ 'Value' ] )
        self.log.info( '... nothing to delete' )

    return S_OK()
class DatabaseCleanerAgent(AgentModule):
    Agent that cleans the tables that may grow. With other words, it cleans from
    old entries all the cache tables in ResourceManagementDB and the log and
    history tables on the ResourceStatusDB.

    # Max number of minutes for the cache tables, 60 minutes by default
    __maxCacheLifetime = 60

    # Max number of days for the history tables
    __maxHistoryLifetime = 10

    # Max number of days for the log tables ( in principle, we do not delete ! )
    __maxLogLifetime = 10000

    # List of caches to be processed
    __cacheNames = ('DowntimeCache', 'GGUSTicketsCache', 'JobCache',
                    'PilotCache', 'TransferCache', 'SpaceTokenOccupancyCache')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ''' c'tor

        AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.maxCacheLifetime = self.__maxCacheLifetime
        self.maxHistoryLifetime = self.__maxHistoryLifetime
        self.maxLogLifetime = self.__maxLogLifetime

        self.rsClient = None
        self.rmClient = None

    def initialize(self):
        ''' Standard initialize.
        Uses the ProductionManager shifterProxy to modify the ResourceStatus DB

        self.maxCacheLifetime = self.am_getOption('maxCacheLifetime',
        self.maxHistoryLifetime = self.am_getOption('maxHistoryLifetime',
        self.maxLogLifetime = self.am_getOption('maxLogLifetime',

        self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
        self.rmClient = ResourceManagementClient()

        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):

        #    TODO: uncomment when ResourceMonitoring is ready
        #    self._cleanCaches()
        self._cleanStatusTable('History', self.maxHistoryLifetime)
        self._cleanStatusTable('Log', self.maxLogLifetime)

        return S_OK()

    ## Protected methods #########################################################

    def _cleanCaches(self):
      Method that iterates over all the caches in ResourceManagemetnDB deleting
      entries with a LastCheckTime parameter older than now - X( hours ). On theory,
      there should not be any parameter to be deleted. If there are, it means that
      by some reason that entry has not been updated.

        self.log.info('Cleaning cache entries older than %s minutes' %

        lastValidRecord = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(

        for cache in self.__cacheNames:

            self.log.info('Inspecting %s' % cache)

            deleteCache = 'delete%s' % cache
            if not hasattr(self.rmClient, deleteCache):
                self.log.warn('%s not found' % deleteCache)

            deleteMethod = getattr(self.rmClient, deleteCache)
            deleteResults = deleteMethod(
                meta={'older': ('LastCheckTime', lastValidRecord)})
            if not deleteResults['OK']:
            if deleteResults['Value']:
                self.log.info('Deleted %s entries' % deleteResults['Value'])
                self.log.info('... nothing to delete')

        return S_OK()

    def _cleanStatusTable(self, tableType, lifeTime):
      Method that deletes all entries older than now - lifeTime ( days ) for all
      the elementType tables for a given tableType ( History / Log )

        self.log.info('Cleaning %s entries older than %s days' %
                      (tableType, lifeTime))

        # It is hard-coded, mainly because there are no more tables going to be added
        # to the schema for a long time.
        elements = ('Site', 'Resource', 'Node')

        lastValidRecord = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=lifeTime)
        meta = {'older': ('LastCheckTime', lastValidRecord)}

        for element in elements:

            self.log.info('Inspecting %s%s' % (element, tableType))

            deleteResults = self.rsClient.deleteStatusElement(element,
            if not deleteResults['OK']:
            if deleteResults['Value']:
                self.log.info('Deleted %s entries' % deleteResults['Value'])
                self.log.info('... nothing to delete')

        return S_OK()
class SummarizeLogsAgent( AgentModule ):
  """ SummarizeLogsAgent as extension of AgentModule.

  def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    """ Constructor.

    AgentModule.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
    self.rsClient = None

  def initialize( self ):
    """ Standard initialize.
    :return: S_OK

    self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
    return S_OK()

  def execute( self ):
    """ execute ( main method )
    The execute method runs over the three families of tables ( Site, Resource and
    Node ) performing identical operations. First, selects all logs for a given
    family ( and keeps track of which one is the last row ID ). It summarizes the
    logs and finally, deletes the logs from the database.
    :return: S_OK

    # loop over the tables
    for element in ( 'Site', 'Resource', 'Node' ):

      self.log.info( 'Summarizing %s' % element )

      # get all logs to be summarized
      selectLogElements = self._summarizeLogs( element )
      if not selectLogElements[ 'OK' ]:
        self.log.error( selectLogElements[ 'Message' ] )
      lastID, logElements = selectLogElements[ 'Value' ]
      # logElements is a dictionary of key-value pairs as follows:
      # ( name, statusType ) : list( logs )
      for key, logs in logElements.iteritems():

        sumResult = self._registerLogs( element, key, logs )
        if not sumResult[ 'OK' ]:
          self.log.error( sumResult[ 'Message' ] )

      if lastID is not None:
        self.log.info( 'Deleting %sLog till ID %s' % ( element, lastID ) )
        deleteResult = self.rsClient.deleteStatusElement( element, 'Log', 
                                                        meta = { 'older' : ( 'ID', lastID ) } )
        if not deleteResult[ 'OK' ]:
          self.log.error( deleteResult[ 'Message' ] )

    return S_OK()


  def _summarizeLogs( self, element ):
    """ given an element, selects all logs in table <element>Log.
      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
    :return: S_OK( lastID, listOfLogs ) / S_ERROR
    selectResults = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement( element, 'Log' )
    if not selectResults[ 'OK' ]:
      return selectResults
    selectedItems = {}
    selectColumns = selectResults[ 'Columns' ]
    selectResults = selectResults[ 'Value' ]
    latestID = None
    if selectResults:
      latestID = dict( zip( selectColumns, selectResults[ -1 ] ) )[ 'ID' ]
    for selectResult in selectResults:
      elementDict = dict( zip( selectColumns, selectResult ) )
      key = ( elementDict[ 'Name' ], elementDict[ 'StatusType' ] )

      if not key in selectedItems:
        selectedItems[ key ] = [ elementDict ]     
        lastStatus = selectedItems[ key ][ -1 ][ 'Status' ]
        lastToken  = selectedItems[ key ][ -1 ][ 'TokenOwner' ]
        # If there are no changes on the Status or the TokenOwner with respect
        # the previous one, discards the log.
        if lastStatus != elementDict[ 'Status' ] or lastToken != elementDict[ 'TokenOwner' ]:
          selectedItems[ key ].append( elementDict )

    return S_OK( ( latestID, selectedItems ) )
  def _registerLogs( self, element, key, logs ):
    """ Given an element, a key - which is a tuple ( <name>, <statusType> )
    and a list of dictionaries, this method inserts them on the <element>History
    table. Before inserting them, checks whether the first one is or is not on 
    the <element>History table. If it is, it is not inserted. It also checks 
    whether the LastCheckTime parameter of the first log to be inserted is 
    larger than the last history log LastCheckTime. If not, it means an agent
    cycle has been interrupted and we can run into inconsistencies. It aborts to
    prevent more dramatic results.
      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
      **key** - `tuple`
        tuple with the name of the element and the statusType  
      **logs** - `list`
        list of dictionaries containing the logs
     :return: S_OK / S_ERROR   

    # Undo key
    name, statusType = key

    selectedRes = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement( element, 'History', name,
                                                     meta = { 'columns' : [ 'Status', 'LastCheckTime', 'TokenOwner' ],
                                                              'limit'   : 1,
                                                              'order'   : 'LastCheckTime DESC' } )

    if not selectedRes[ 'OK' ]:
      return selectedRes
    selectedRes = selectedRes[ 'Value' ]

    # We want from the <element>History table the last Status, LastCheckTime
    # and TokenOwner
    lastStatus, lastCheckTime, lastToken = None, None, None
    if selectedRes:
      lastStatus, lastCheckTime, lastToken = selectedRes[ 0 ]

    # Sanity check to avoid running if an agent cycle has been stopped
    if lastCheckTime and logs[ 0 ][ 'LastCheckTime' ] < lastCheckTime:
      return S_ERROR( 'Overlapping data. Seems the DB has not been cleared properly' )

    # If the first of the selected items has a different status than the latest
    # on the history, we add it.
    if logs[ 0 ][ 'Status' ] == lastStatus and logs[ 0 ][ 'TokenOwner' ] == lastToken:
      logs.remove( logs[ 0 ] )

    if logs:
      self.log.info( '%s ( %s )' % ( name, statusType ) )

    for selectedItemDict in logs:

      res = self.__logToHistoryTable( element, selectedItemDict )
      if not res[ 'OK' ]:
        return res   

    return S_OK()

  def __logToHistoryTable( self, element, elementDict ):
    """ Given an element and a dictionary with all the arguments, this method
    inserts a new entry on the <element>History table
      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
      **elementDict** - `dict`
        dictionary returned from the DB to be inserted on the History table
    :return: S_OK / S_ERROR 


      name            = elementDict[ 'Name' ]
      statusType      = elementDict[ 'StatusType' ]
      status          = elementDict[ 'Status' ]
      elementType     = elementDict[ 'ElementType' ]
      reason          = elementDict[ 'Reason' ]
      dateEffective   = elementDict[ 'DateEffective' ]
      lastCheckTime   = elementDict[ 'LastCheckTime' ]
      tokenOwner      = elementDict[ 'TokenOwner' ]
      tokenExpiration = elementDict[ 'TokenExpiration' ]

    except KeyError, e:
      return S_ERROR( e )

    self.log.info( '  %(Status)s %(DateEffective)s %(TokenOwner)s %(Reason)s' % elementDict )

    return self.rsClient.insertStatusElement( element, 'History', name, statusType,
                                              status, elementType, reason,
                                              dateEffective, lastCheckTime,
                                              tokenOwner, tokenExpiration )

class SummarizeLogsAgent(AgentModule):
    """SummarizeLogsAgent as extension of AgentModule."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.rsClient = None
        self.months = 36

    def initialize(self):
        """Standard initialize.

        :return: S_OK


        self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
        self.months = self.am_getOption("Months", self.months)
        return S_OK()

    def execute(self):
        """execute (main method)

        The execute method runs over the three families of tables (Site, Resource and
        Node) performing identical operations. First, selects all logs for a given
        family (and keeps track of which one is the last row ID). It summarizes the
        logs and finally, deletes the logs from the database.

        At last, this agent removes older entries from history tables

        :return: S_OK

        # loop over the tables
        for element in ("Site", "Resource", "Node"):

            self.log.info("Summarizing %s" % element)

            # get all logs to be summarized
            selectLogElements = self._summarizeLogs(element)
            if not selectLogElements["OK"]:

            lastID, logElements = selectLogElements["Value"]

            # logElements is a dictionary of key-value pairs as follows:
            # (name, statusType) : list(logs)
            for key, logs in logElements.items():

                sumResult = self._registerLogs(element, key, logs)
                if not sumResult["OK"]:

            if lastID is not None:
                self.log.info("Deleting %sLog till ID %s" % (element, lastID))
                deleteResult = self.rsClient.deleteStatusElement(
                    element, "Log", meta={"older": ["ID", lastID]})
                if not deleteResult["OK"]:

        if self.months:
            self._removeOldHistoryEntries(element, self.months)

        return S_OK()

    def _summarizeLogs(self, element):
        """given an element, selects all logs in table <element>Log.

        :param str element: name of the table family (either Site, Resource or Node)
        :return: S_OK(lastID, listOfLogs) / S_ERROR

        selectResults = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement(element, "Log")

        if not selectResults["OK"]:
            return selectResults

        selectedItems = {}
        latestID = None

        if not selectResults["Value"]:
            return S_OK((latestID, selectedItems))

        selectColumns = selectResults["Columns"]
        selectResults = selectResults["Value"]

        if selectResults:
            latestID = dict(zip(selectColumns, selectResults[-1]))["ID"]

        for selectResult in selectResults:

            elementDict = dict(zip(selectColumns, selectResult))

            key = (elementDict["Name"], elementDict["StatusType"])

            if key not in selectedItems:
                selectedItems[key] = [elementDict]
                lastStatus = selectedItems[key][-1]["Status"]
                lastToken = selectedItems[key][-1]["TokenOwner"]

                # If there are no changes on the Status or the TokenOwner with respect
                # the previous one, discards the log.
                if lastStatus != elementDict[
                        "Status"] or lastToken != elementDict["TokenOwner"]:

        return S_OK((latestID, selectedItems))

    def _registerLogs(self, element, key, logs):
        """Given an element, a key - which is a tuple (<name>, <statusType>)
        and a list of dictionaries, this method inserts them on the <element>History
        table. Before inserting them, checks whether the first one is or is not on
        the <element>History table. If it is, it is not inserted.

        :param str element: name of the table family (either Site, Resource or Node)
        :param tuple key: tuple with the name of the element and the statusType
        :param list logs: list of dictionaries containing the logs
        :return: S_OK(lastID, listOfLogs) / S_ERROR

         :return: S_OK / S_ERROR

        if not logs:
            return S_OK()

        # Undo key
        name, statusType = key

        selectedRes = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement(
                "columns": ["Status", "TokenOwner"],
                "limit": 1,
                "order": ["DateEffective", "desc"]

        if not selectedRes["OK"]:
            return selectedRes
        selectedRes = selectedRes["Value"]
        if not selectedRes:
            for selectedItemDict in logs:
                res = self.__logToHistoryTable(element, selectedItemDict)
                if not res["OK"]:
                    return res
                return S_OK()

        # We want from the <element>History table the last Status, and TokenOwner
        lastStatus, lastToken = None, None
        if selectedRes:
                lastStatus = selectedRes[0][0]
                lastToken = selectedRes[0][1]
            except IndexError:

        # If the first of the selected items has a different status than the latest
        # on the history, we keep it, otherwise we remove it.
        if logs[0]["Status"] == lastStatus and logs[0][
                "TokenOwner"] == lastToken:

        if logs:
            self.log.info("%s (%s):" % (name, statusType))

        for selectedItemDict in logs:

            res = self.__logToHistoryTable(element, selectedItemDict)
            if not res["OK"]:
                return res

        return S_OK()

    def __logToHistoryTable(self, element, elementDict):
        """Given an element and a dictionary with all the arguments, this method
        inserts a new entry on the <element>History table

        :param str element: name of the table family (either Site, Resource or Node)
        :param dict elementDict: dictionary returned from the DB to be inserted on the History table

        :return: S_OK / S_ERROR

        name = elementDict.get("Name")
        statusType = elementDict.get("StatusType")
        # vo = elementDict.get('VO')  # FIXME: not sure about it
        status = elementDict.get("Status")
        elementType = elementDict.get("ElementType")
        reason = elementDict.get("Reason")
        dateEffective = elementDict.get("DateEffective")
        lastCheckTime = elementDict.get("LastCheckTime")
        tokenOwner = elementDict.get("TokenOwner")
        tokenExpiration = elementDict.get("TokenExpiration")

        self.log.info("  %s %s %s %s" %
                      (status, dateEffective, tokenOwner, reason))

        return self.rsClient.insertStatusElement(

    def _removeOldHistoryEntries(self, element, months):
        """Delete entries older than period

        :param str element: name of the table family (either Site, Resource or Node)
        :param int months: number of months

        :return: S_OK / S_ERROR
        toRemove = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) - timedelta(
            days=30 * months)
        self.log.info("Removing history entries", "older than %s" % toRemove)

        deleteResult = self.rsClient.deleteStatusElement(
            element, "History", meta={"older": ["DateEffective", toRemove]})
        if not deleteResult["OK"]:
class SummarizeLogsAgent(AgentModule):
  """ SummarizeLogsAgent as extension of AgentModule.

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Constructor.


    AgentModule.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    self.rsClient = None

  def initialize(self):
    """ Standard initialize.

    :return: S_OK


    self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
    return S_OK()

  def execute(self):
    """ execute ( main method )

    The execute method runs over the three families of tables ( Site, Resource and
    Node ) performing identical operations. First, selects all logs for a given
    family ( and keeps track of which one is the last row ID ). It summarizes the
    logs and finally, deletes the logs from the database.

    :return: S_OK


    # loop over the tables
    for element in ('Site', 'Resource', 'Node'):

      self.log.info('Summarizing %s' % element)

      # get all logs to be summarized
      selectLogElements = self._summarizeLogs(element)
      if not selectLogElements['OK']:

      lastID, logElements = selectLogElements['Value']

      # logElements is a dictionary of key-value pairs as follows:
      # ( name, statusType ) : list( logs )
      for key, logs in logElements.iteritems():

        sumResult = self._registerLogs(element, key, logs)
        if not sumResult['OK']:

      if lastID is not None:
        self.log.info('Deleting %sLog till ID %s' % (element, lastID))
        deleteResult = self.rsClient.deleteStatusElement(element, 'Log',
                                                         meta={'older': ('ID', lastID)})
        if not deleteResult['OK']:

    return S_OK()

  def _summarizeLogs(self, element):
    """ given an element, selects all logs in table <element>Log.

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource or Node )

    :return: S_OK( lastID, listOfLogs ) / S_ERROR


    selectResults = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement(element, 'Log')

    if not selectResults['OK']:
      return selectResults

    selectedItems = {}
    latestID = None

    if not selectResults['Value']:
      return S_OK((latestID, selectedItems))

    selectColumns = selectResults['Columns']
    selectResults = selectResults['Value']

    if selectResults:
      latestID = dict(zip(selectColumns, selectResults[-1]))['ID']

    for selectResult in selectResults:

      elementDict = dict(zip(selectColumns, selectResult))

      key = (elementDict['Name'], elementDict['StatusType'])

      if key not in selectedItems:
        selectedItems[key] = [elementDict]
        lastStatus = selectedItems[key][-1]['Status']
        lastToken = selectedItems[key][-1]['TokenOwner']

        # If there are no changes on the Status or the TokenOwner with respect
        # the previous one, discards the log.
        if lastStatus != elementDict['Status'] or lastToken != elementDict['TokenOwner']:

    return S_OK((latestID, selectedItems))

  def _registerLogs(self, element, key, logs):
    """ Given an element, a key - which is a tuple ( <name>, <statusType> )
    and a list of dictionaries, this method inserts them on the <element>History
    table. Before inserting them, checks whether the first one is or is not on
    the <element>History table. If it is, it is not inserted.

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
      **key** - `tuple`
        tuple with the name of the element and the statusType
      **logs** - `list`
        list of dictionaries containing the logs

     :return: S_OK / S_ERROR


    if not logs:
      return S_OK()

    # Undo key
    name, statusType = key

    selectedRes = self.rsClient.selectStatusElement(element, 'History', name,
                                                    meta={'columns': ['Status', 'TokenOwner'],
                                                          'limit': 1,
                                                          'order': ('DateEffective', 'desc')})

    if not selectedRes['OK']:
      return selectedRes
    selectedRes = selectedRes['Value']
    if not selectedRes:
      return S_OK()

    # We want from the <element>History table the last Status, and TokenOwner
    lastStatus, lastToken = None, None
    if selectedRes:
        lastStatus = selectedRes[0][0]
        lastToken = selectedRes[0][1]
      except IndexError:

    # If the first of the selected items has a different status than the latest
    # on the history, we keep it, otherwise we remove it.
    if logs[0]['Status'] == lastStatus and logs[0]['TokenOwner'] == lastToken:

    if logs:
      self.log.info('%s ( %s ):' % (name, statusType))

    for selectedItemDict in logs:

      res = self.__logToHistoryTable(element, selectedItemDict)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res

    return S_OK()

  def __logToHistoryTable(self, element, elementDict):
    """ Given an element and a dictionary with all the arguments, this method
    inserts a new entry on the <element>History table

      **element** - `string`
        name of the table family ( either Site, Resource and Node )
      **elementDict** - `dict`
        dictionary returned from the DB to be inserted on the History table

    :return: S_OK / S_ERROR


    name = elementDict.get('Name')
    statusType = elementDict.get('StatusType')
    status = elementDict.get('Status')
    elementType = elementDict.get('ElementType')
    reason = elementDict.get('Reason')
    dateEffective = elementDict.get('DateEffective')
    lastCheckTime = elementDict.get('LastCheckTime')
    tokenOwner = elementDict.get('TokenOwner')
    tokenExpiration = elementDict.get('TokenExpiration')

    self.log.info('  %s %s %s %s' % (status, dateEffective, tokenOwner, reason))

    return self.rsClient.insertStatusElement(element, 'History', name, statusType,
                                             status, elementType, reason,
                                             dateEffective, lastCheckTime,
                                             tokenOwner, tokenExpiration)