Exemple #1
def main(argv=[__name__]):
    #Ideas borrowed from
    # http://www.artima.com/forums/flat.jsp?forum=106&thread=4829
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            optparser = command_line(argv)
            dtll_fname = ARGS[1]
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
             raise Usage(optparser.format_help())
        enc, dec, inwrap, outwrap = codecs.lookup('utf-8')
        output_stem = OPTIONS.dt_modname_stem
        if not output_stem:
            output_stem = os.path.splitext(dtll_fname)[0] + '-datatypes'
        if dtll_fname == '-':
            dtllf = sys.stdin
            dtllf = open(dtll_fname, 'r')
        dtll_doc = NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(dtllf, 'http://example.com')
        run(dtll_doc, output_stem, OPTIONS.test_ready)
    except Usage, err:
        print >>sys.stderr, err.msg
        return 2
Exemple #2
def main(argv=[__name__]):
    #Ideas borrowed from
    # http://www.artima.com/forums/flat.jsp?forum=106&thread=4829
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            optparser = command_line(argv)
            dtll_fname = ARGS[1]
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            raise Usage(optparser.format_help())
        enc, dec, inwrap, outwrap = codecs.lookup('utf-8')
        output_stem = OPTIONS.dt_modname_stem
        if not output_stem:
            output_stem = os.path.splitext(dtll_fname)[0] + '-datatypes'
        if dtll_fname == '-':
            dtllf = sys.stdin
            dtllf = open(dtll_fname, 'r')
        dtll_doc = NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(dtllf, 'http://example.com')
        run(dtll_doc, output_stem, OPTIONS.test_ready)
    except Usage, err:
        print >> sys.stderr, err.msg
        return 2
Exemple #3
 def parseFile(file):
     """File can be an open handle or filesystem path"""
     from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader
     if isinstance(file, basestring):
         dom = NonvalidatingReader.parseUri("file:%s" % self._file)
         dom = NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(file, **kwargs)
     return McmLogFile(dom)
Exemple #4
 def _convertXML(self):
     Convert an XML result into a Python dom tree. This method can be overwritten in a
     subclass for a different conversion method.
     :return: converted result
     :rtype: 4Suite DOMlette instance (http://infinitesque.net/projects/4Suite/docs/CoreManual.html#domlette_API)
         from Ft.Xml import InputSource
         from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader
     except ImportError:
         raise Exception("4Suite-XML needs to be installed (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/4Suite-XML/1.0.2)")
     return NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(self.response, MEANINGLESS_URI)
Exemple #5
def Parse(source):
    Convenience function for parsing XML.  Use this function with a single
    argument, which must either be a string (not Unicode object), file-like
    object (stream), file path or URI.

    Returns a Domlette node.

    Only pass strings or streams to this function if the XML is self-contained
    XML (i.e. not requiring access to any other resource such as external
    entities or includes).  If you get URI resolution errors, do not use this
    function: use the lower-level APIs instead.  As an example, if you want
    such resolution to use the current working directory as a base, parse
    as follows for strings:

    from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader
    from Ft.Lib import Uri

    XML = "<!DOCTYPE a [ <!ENTITY b "b.xml"> ]><a>&b;</a>"

    base = Uri.OsPathToUri('')  #Turn CWD into a file: URL
    doc = NonvalidatingReader.parseString(XML, base)
    # during parsing, the replacement text for &b;
    # will be obtained from b.xml in the CWD

    For streams, use "parseStream" rather than "parseString" in the above.
    #do the imports within the function: a tad bit less efficient, but
    #avoid circular crap
    from Ft.Xml.Domlette import NonvalidatingReader
    from Ft.Lib import Uri, Uuid
    from Ft.Xml.Lib.XmlString import IsXml

    if hasattr(source, 'read'):
        #Create dummy Uri to use as base
        dummy_uri = 'urn:uuid:' + Uuid.UuidAsString(Uuid.GenerateUuid())
        return NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(source, dummy_uri)
    elif IsXml(source):
        dummy_uri = 'urn:uuid:' + Uuid.UuidAsString(Uuid.GenerateUuid())
        return NonvalidatingReader.parseString(source, dummy_uri)
    elif Uri.IsAbsolute(source):  #or not os.path.isfile(source):
        return NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(source)
        return NonvalidatingReader.parseUri(Uri.OsPathToUri(source))
Exemple #6
 def contexts(self, triple=None):
     iterates over results to SELECT ?NAME { GRAPH ?NAME { ?s ?p ?o } }
     returning instances of this store with the SPARQL wrapper
     object updated via addNamedGraph(?NAME)
     This causes a named-graph-uri key / value  pair to be sent over the protocol
     raise NotImplementedError(".contexts(..) not supported")
     self.setQuery("SELECT ?NAME { GRAPH ?NAME { ?s ?p ?o } }")
     doc = NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(self.query().convert)
     for result in doc.xpath('/sparql:sparql/sparql:results/sparql:result',
         statmentTerms = {}
         for binding in result.xpath('sparql:binding',
             term = CastToTerm(binding.xpath('*')[0])
             newStore = SPARQLStore(self.baseURI)
             yield Graph(self,term)
    def svn_log(self):
        Make a log query to the Subversion repository, 
        return parsed XML document of query output.
        # Calculate the start and end times for log query
        now = time.time()
        then = now - self.LOG_PERIOD

        # Format the start/end times for use in svn command
        start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(then))
        end_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(now))

        # Build the svn command invocation, execute it, and return
        # the XML results in a parsed document.
        cmd = '%s log --xml -v -r "{%s}:{%s}" %s' % \
            (self.SVN_BIN, start_time, end_time, self.url)
        (sout, sin) = popen4(cmd)
        return NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(sout, self.url)
Exemple #8
        if obj is not None:
            termsSlots[objVar] = obj

        query ="SELECT %s WHERE { %s %s %s }"%(
            ' '.join([term.n3() for term in selectVars]),
            termsSlots.get(subjVar, subjVar).n3(),
            termsSlots.get(predVar, predVar).n3(),
            termsSlots.get(objVar , objVar ).n3()

        doc = NonvalidatingReader.parseStream(self.query().response)
        for rt,vars in TraverseSPARQLResultDOM(doc,asDictionary=True):
            yield (rt.get(subjVar,subject),

    def triples_choices(self, (subject, predicate, object_),context=None):
        A variant of triples that can take a list of terms instead of a single
        term in any slot.  Stores can implement this to optimize the response time
        from the import default 'fallback' implementation, which will iterate
        over each term in the list and dispatch to tripless
        raise NotImplementedError('Triples choices currently not supported')

    def __len__(self, context=None):