def post(self):
		statusCode = 200
		recurrenceRate = self.request.get('recurrenceRate')
		senderEmail = self.request.get('senderEmail')
		receiverEmail = self.request.get('receiverEmail')
		sender = User.query(User.emailAddress == senderEmail).get()
		if sender:
			receiver = User.query(User.emailAddress == receiverEmail).get()
			if receiver:
				A lot of this is a repeat of above. One thing that is different is I look for both receiverId and receiverAddress.
				This is because I am not sure what the user will send to the API. Basically, I look for receiverId first, if it
				does exist I move on, if not, then I look for the receiverAddress, use that to get the user, and then set the Id.
				It just adds a little bit of flexibility for the user.

				below is an example of using the request body to populate contents. In this we use json.loads. It is the reverse
				of json.dumps, it takes a string and returns a json object (really just a map with stuff in it). Now that I am
				looking at it, I am not sure if I need to loads and then dumps. I think it is because self.request.body is not
				written in actual characters so we need to load and then dump into an actual string object but I haven't tested
				enough to know either way. But I know this works.
				contents = json.dumps(json.loads(self.request.body))
				This is how you create a new entity row. Use the constructor and pass whatever variables you want to it. 
				There are some variables that are auto filled (like creationDate) these should not be given a value. There
				are attributes that have a default value, these can be given values but is not required, if a value is not given
				it uses the default value. Everything else needs a value or it is null. The constructor returns a key to the newly
				created object but it has not been added to the table yet. You need to call .put() to add it. This is also how you
				update rows. Call notification.query().get() to get the row, make any changes, and then call .put() to update the table.

				notification = Notification(contents=contents, recurrenceRate=recurrenceRate, senderEmail=senderEmail, receiverEmail=receiverEmail)
		self.response.write(json.dumps({'statusCode': statusCode}))