def getDetail(self, notificationId):
		#200 ok
		#201 other error
		statusCode = 202
		notifications = []
		#USE workout.query to return all workouts and select the one that has the right id
		# also use debug.log to return inportant information 
		for notification in Notification.query():
		notification = Notification.get_by_id(int(notificationId))
		if notification:
			statusCode = 200
		self.response.write(json.dumps({'statusCode': statusCode, 'notifications': notifications}))
	def getShort(self, recieverEmail, user):
		#200 ok
		#201 other error
		statusCode = 201
		notifications = []
		I use 'if user' as a check if the user entity actually exists. It is checking if it is null.
		Which, if you check back up in .get is what that function will return if it can't find anything.
		So, if it is not null I know I have something to work with
		if user:
			statusCode = 200
			You may have noticed that I said .get after the User.query() function up in get but not here.
			That is because .query returns an iterable list of query objects, not something you can just access
			really well. So you can either do User.query().get() to return the first entry in the list (There are
				ways to get other indexes but I am not sure how). You would only really want to do this if you know
			there is going to be exactly one row returned. Otherwise you can put it into a foreach loop without the
			.get at the end. This lets you iterate through everything where notification is an actual Notification
			object and not some weird query thing.
			for notification in Notification.query(Notification.receiverEmail == user.emailAddress):
				I then add each notification information to an array of notifications with append.
				This is the main format I return lists of stuff in since GSON can pull that information
				and put it into an array of a certain object.
		json.dumps is the way to write json to the response. This is because it takes json and returns a string of json.
		There is a json.dump function but that returns an actual JSON object and does not write correctly.
		Also, notice that there are {} in the .dumps function. This is the other list structure in python, dictionary.
		It is similar to map in java. You give it a string as a key and some other variable as the value
		self.response.write(json.dumps({'statusCode': statusCode, 'notifications': notifications}))