Exemple #1
    def __init_image(self, image, image_offset=(0, 0), image_reference=None,
        self._image = None
        self._drawshape = None

        if image is not None:
            # Get all image parameters
            img_kwargs = {}
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                if k.startswith('image_'):
                    img_kwargs[k[6:]] = v

            if isinstance(image, str):
                image = Image(image, self.pos, **img_kwargs)
                raise NotImplementedError
            self._image = image

            offset = asvector(image_offset)
            if image_reference in ['pos_ne', 'pos_nw', 'pos_se', 'pos_sw',
                                   'pos_left', 'pos_right', 'pos_up',
                pos_ref = getattr(self, image_reference)
                pos_img_ref = getattr(image, image_reference)
                offset += pos_ref - pos_img_ref
            elif image_reference not in ['middle', None]:
                raise ValueError(
                    'invalid image reference: %r' % image_reference)
            ImageChops.offset(image.texture._pil, int(offset[0]), int(offset[1]))
            self._drawshape = self._init_drawshape(color=self.color or black,
Exemple #2
def trim(_directory, legend = True):
    for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(_directory):
        for fn in files:
            fn = os.path.join(subdir, fn)
            if os.path.splitext(fn)[1] == '.png':
                im = Image.open(fn)
                bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, im.getpixel((0,0)))
                diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
                diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
                bbox = diff.getbbox()
                im = im.crop(bbox)
                data = np.asarray(im)
                if legend == True and (np.sum(data[::, data.shape[1] - 1,0]) > 255*1*data.shape[0]*.1 and \
                np.sum(data[::, data.shape[1] - 1,0]) < 255*1*data.shape[0]*.75) or \
                np.sum(data[::, data.shape[1] - 1,0]) == 0 or \
                re.search("TAT", os.path.splitext(fn)[0]):

                    i = data.shape[1] - 1
                    while np.sum(data[::,i,::]) <> 255*data.shape[2]*data.shape[0]:
                        i = i - 1
                    while np.sum(data[::,i,::]) == 255*data.shape[2]*data.shape[0]:
                        i = i - 1
                    w, h = im.size
                    im = im.crop((0,0,i,h))

                im.save(os.path.splitext(fn)[0]  + "_cut" + os.path.splitext(fn)[1])
Exemple #3
def trim(im, color):
    bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, 0)
    diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
    diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
    bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        return color.crop(bbox)
Exemple #4
def trim(origin_im, blur=True,
         pre_percentage=PERCENTAGE_TO_CROP_SCAN_IMG, upper_lower_cut=True):
    im = crop_by_percentage(origin_im, pre_percentage)
    if blur:
        im_blurred = im.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=2))
        bg = Image.new(im_blurred.mode, im_blurred.size, im.getpixel((0, 0)))
        diff = ImageChops.difference(im_blurred, bg)
        diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
        bbox = diff.getbbox()
        bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, im.getpixel((0, 0)))
        diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
        bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        if upper_lower_cut:
            return im.crop(bbox)
            width, height = im.size
            bbox = list(bbox)
            bbox[0] = max(0, bbox[0] - int(width * 0.05))
            bbox[1] = 0
            bbox[2] = min(width, bbox[2] + int(width * 0.05))
            bbox[3] = height
            return im.crop(bbox)
        # raise Exception("Error while cropping image, there is no bounding box to crop")
        return im
Exemple #5
    def getAdjacent(self, provinceID):
        """ Returns a list of adjacent provinceIDs. """
        # get province bounding box
        provinceColorImage = ImageChops.constant(self.provinceImage, self.provinceColorFromID[provinceID])
        mask = ImageChops.invert(neImage(self.provinceImage, provinceColorImage))
        xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = Image.getbbox(mask)
        # grow box
        #TODO: wraparound
        xMin = max(0, xMin - 1)
        yMin = max(0, yMin - 1)
        xMax = min(self.provinceImage.size[0]-1, xMax + 1)
        yMax = min(self.provinceImage.size[1]-1, yMax + 1)
        box = (xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax)

        # crop to area
        mask = mask.crop(box)
        growFilter = ImageFilter.Kernel((3, 3), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0))
        mask = mask.filter(growFilter)
        provinceColorImage = provinceColorImage.crop(box)
        blackImage = ImageChops.constant(provinceColorImage, (0, 0, 0))
        provinceColorImage = Image.composite(blackImage, provinceColorImage, mask)
        borderColors = provinceColorImage.getcolors()
        result = [color for (count, color) in borderColors]
Exemple #6
    def crop_image(self):

            image = Image.open(StringIO(urllib.urlopen(self.image).read()))
            image_out = StringIO()

            border = Image.new(image.mode, image.size, image.getpixel((0, 0)))
            diff   = ImageChops.difference(image, border)
            diff   = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
            bbox   = diff.getbbox()

            if bbox:
                image = image.crop(bbox)
                image.save(image_out, 'JPEG')
                raise ValueError('Unable to determine image bounding box')

            s3     = boto3.resource('s3')
            region = os.environ.get('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION')
            bucket = s3.Bucket(os.environ.get('AWS_S3_BUCKET'))
            key    = self.venue.replace(" ", "_") + '-' + self.title_raw.replace(" ", "_") + '-' + self.start.strftime("%y-%m-%d") + '.jpg'

                bucket.put_object(Key = key, Body = image_out.getvalue(), ACL='public-read')
                self.image = 'http://s3-{}.amazonaws.com/{}/{}'.format(region, bucket.name, key)
Exemple #7
def are_images_equal(img_actual, img_expected, result):
    :param img_actual: the image we want to compare
    :param img_expected: the base image
    :param result: path Result image will look black in places where the two images match
    :return: true if the images are identical(all pixels in the difference image are zero)

  result_flag = False

  # Check that img_actual exists
  if not os.path.exists(img_actual):
    print('Could not locate the generated image: %s' % img_actual)

  # Check that img_expected exists
  if not os.path.exists(img_expected):
    print('Could not locate the baseline image: %s' % img_expected)

  if os.path.exists(img_actual) and os.path.exists(img_expected):
    actual = Image.open(img_actual)
    expected = Image.open(img_expected)
    result_image = ImageChops.difference(actual, expected)

    # Where the real magic happens
    if (ImageChops.difference(actual, expected).getbbox() is None):
      result_flag = True

    # code to store the overlay
    # Result image will look black in places where the two images match
    color_matrix = ([0] + ([255] * 255))
    result_image = result_image.convert('L')
    result_image = result_image.point(color_matrix)
    result_image.save(result)  # Save the result image

  return result_flag
Exemple #8
def DetectBorder(image):
  """Determine whether or not an image contains a border.

    image: A PIL Image object.

    A boolean representing whether or not the image has a border.
  image_width, image_height = image.size
  bg = Image.new(image.mode, image.size, image.getpixel((0, 0)))
  diff = ImageChops.difference(image, bg)
  # Adjusting the offset to 115 correctly identified one of the clear cases.
  # Could potentially make this a flag in order to test thresholds.
  diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -115)
  bbox = diff.getbbox()
  return all((
      # Ensure that the upper-left bounding box coordinate has no value on the
      # X- or Y-axis (non-zero).
      bbox[0], bbox[1],
      # Ensure that the sum of the upper-left X and lower_right X is less than
      # the original width.
      (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) <= image_width,
      # Ensure that the sum of the upper-left Y and lower_right Y is less than
      # the original height.
      (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) <= image_height
Exemple #9
def trim(im, color): #crop based on the binary image to zoom into the largest area
    bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, 0)
    diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
    diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
    bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        return color.crop(bbox) #actually returns the cropped image color, not im
    def add_images(self, im1, im2):
        offset= self.findOffset(im1, im2)

        if offset==(0,0):
            return ImageChops.add(im1, im2)
            return ImageChops.add(im1, ImageChops.offset(im2,offset[0], offset[1]))
Exemple #11
def trim(im):
    bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, im.getpixel((0,0)))
    diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
    diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 50.0, -1)
    bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        return im.crop(bbox)
 def CompositeTiles(self, key):
     """Composite together all the tiles in this cell into a single image."""
     composite = None
     numLayers   = len(self.tiles[key])
     numOverlays = len(self.overlays)
     #if numLayers > numOverlays:
     #    print 'numLayers   = ' + str(numLayers)
     #    print 'numOverlays = ' + str(numOverlays)
     for layer in sorted(self.tiles[key]):
         image = self.tiles[key][layer]
         if not composite:
             composite = image.copy() # Create output image buffer
             #composite = Image.blend(composite, image, self.overlays[layer].opacity)#composite.paste(image, (0, 0), image)
             #if layer >= len(self.overlays):
             #    print 'Error coming!'
             #    print key
                 composite.paste(image, (0, 0), 
                                                     ImageChops.constant(image, int(self.overlays[layer].opacity * 255))))
             except: # TODO: Why do we get errors here after deleting overlays?
                 #print 'CompositeTiles Exception caught!'
                 #print image.split()
                 #print layer
                 #print self.overlays
                 #print '========================'
     return composite
def chops_filter(img):
    chops = ["invert","offset"]
    ch = random.choice(chops)
    if ch == "invert":
        return ImageChops.invert(img)
    if ch == "offset":
        return ImageChops.offset(img,random.randint(0,img.size[0]))
Exemple #14
def meteorStack():
	files = glob.glob("./IMG*.*.JPG")
	finalimage = Image.open(files[0])
	initialFrames = 20
	for i in range(0,initialFrames):
		print str(i) + " of " + str(initialFrames)
		finalimage=ImageChops.lighter(finalimage, currentimage)
		filename = "stackmax" + str(i).zfill(3) +".jpg"
	start = initialFrames
	stop = initialFrames * 2
	for i in range(initialFrames, len(files)):
		finalimage = Image.open(files[i])
		print 'start stop: ' + str(start) + ' ' + str(stop)
		for j in range(start, stop):
			print str(j)
#			currentimage=Image.open("./"+files[start-j])

			currentimage = np.asarray(Image.open("./"+files[start-j]))
			currentimage = currentimage.astype('uint32')
#			currentimage = currentimage/j
			currentimage = Image.fromarray(currentimage.astype('uint8'))

			finalimage=ImageChops.lighter(finalimage, currentimage)
		filename = "stackmax" + str(i).zfill(3) +".jpg"
		start += 1
		stop = start + initialFrames
		print 'havent quite got start stop and the iteration direction correct yet!'
Exemple #15
    def makeDiffImages(self, aDestDir):
        diffBands = list(self._getDiff().split())
        assert (len(diffBands) == 3 or len(diffBands) == 1)
        diffs = {}
        baseDiffName = "Diff_" + self.source +  "_" + self.targetImage
        # Invert the diffs.
        for i in range(len(diffBands)):
        #for i in range(4):
	        diffBands[i] = ImageChops.invert(diffBands[i])

        temp = ["R", "G", "B"]
        for i in range(len(diffBands)):
	        name = temp[i] + baseDiffName
        # Highlight the differing pixels
        if not self.PYRAMID_DIFF in self.diffsInUse and not self.DIFF_SCORE in self.diffsInUse:
           	diffBands[i] = Image.eval(diffBands[i], lambda x: (x / (255 - self.PIXEL_DIFF_PASS_LIMIT)) * 255)
		# Following line commented as we don't need to save bitmaps for the separate R,G or B channels.
        #diffBands[i].save(aDestDir + name, "BMP")
        diffs[temp[i]] = name
        if len(diffBands) == 3:
        	rgbDiff = ImageChops.darker(diffBands[0], ImageChops.darker(diffBands[1], diffBands[2]))
        	rgbDiff = diffBands[0]
        rgbDiffName = "RGB" + baseDiffName 
        rgbDiff.save(aDestDir + rgbDiffName, "BMP")
        diffs["RGB"] = rgbDiffName
    	self.diffImages = diffs
    	return diffs
    def diff_images(self, im1, im2):
        offset= self.findOffset(im1, im2)

        if offset==(0,0):
            return ImageChops.difference(im1, im2)
            return ImageChops.difference(im1, ImageChops.offset(im2,offset[0], offset[1]))
Exemple #17
def autocrop_image(inputfilename, outputfilename = None, color = 'white', newWidth = None,
                   doShow = False ):
    im = Image.open(inputfilename)
        # get hex colors
        rgbcolor = hex_to_rgb( color )
    except Exception:
        if color not in _all_possible_colornames:
            raise ValueError("Error, color name = %s not in valid set of color names.")
        rgbcolor = webcolors.name_to_rgb(color)
    bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, rgbcolor)
    diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
    diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
    bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        cropped = im.crop(bbox)
        if newWidth is not None:
            height = int( newWidth * 1.0 / cropped.size[0] * cropped.size[1] )
            cropped = cropped.resize(( newWidth, height ))
        if outputfilename is None:
        if doShow:
            cropped.show( )
        return True
        return False
 def _apply_rad_mask(self, kaleidoscope_image):
     msf = self.mask_size_factor
     mbl = self.mask_blur
     mstr = self.mask_strength
     # generate mask and fill white
     filter = Image.new(kaleidoscope_image.mode, kaleidoscope_image.size)
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(filter)
     draw.rectangle([(0, 0), kaleidoscope_image.size], 
         fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
     # draw filled circle
     f_size = (1 - msf) / 2
     size = min(kaleidoscope_image.size)
     low = size * f_size
     high = size - (size * f_size)
     grey_val = int((1 - mstr) * 255)
     grey_col = (grey_val, grey_val, grey_val, 255)
     draw.pieslice([(low, low), (high, high)], 0, 360, fill=grey_col)
     # blur, apply and return
     filter = filter.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=mbl))
     enh = ImageEnhance.Contrast(kaleidoscope_image)
     im_contrast = enh.enhance(0.7)
     kaleidoscope_image = ImageChops.darker(im_contrast, kaleidoscope_image)
     multiplied_image = ImageChops.multiply(kaleidoscope_image, filter)
     return ImageChops.multiply(multiplied_image, kaleidoscope_image)
def show_heat_map(image, patches, color, output_filename):
    scale = 4
    image_dim = 200 * scale
    im = image.convert("RGB")
    if max(im.size) != image_dim:
        if im.size[0] > im.size[1]:
            new_height = (image_dim * im.size[1]) / im.size[0]
            new_dim = (image_dim, new_height)
            new_width = (image_dim * im.size[0]) / im.size[1]
            new_dim = (new_width, image_dim)
        print 'Resizing image from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d).' % (im.size[0], im.size[1], new_dim[0], new_dim[1])
        im = im.resize(new_dim, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    base_c = 40
    heatmap = Image.new("RGB", im.size, (base_c, base_c, base_c))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(heatmap, "RGBA")
    coeff = 2 * (255 - base_c) / len(patches)
    coeff = max(coeff, 160)
    for patch in patches:
        pos = patch[0] * scale
        size = patch[1] * scale
        endPos = pos + size
        draw.rectangle([pos[0], pos[1], endPos[0], endPos[1]], fill=(255, 255, 255, coeff))
        #draw.rectangle([pos[0], pos[1], endPos[0], endPos[1]], outline=color)
    ImageChops.multiply(im, heatmap).save(output_filename, "jpeg")
    print "Saved image " + output_filename
Exemple #20
def write_image(image):
  """Writes a 1024x1280 PIL.Image object to EPD format."""
  config = load_config()
  output_path = os.path.join(config.get("output_dir"), "out.epd")

  panel_header_data = [
    0x3D,    # panel_type
    0x0400,  # x_res
    0x0500,  # y_res
    0x01,    # color_depth
    0x00     # pixel_data_format_type

  panel_header_data_reserved_filler = 0x00 # RFU - 9 bits

  with open(output_path, "bw") as epdfile:
    bits = panel_header_data + [panel_header_data_reserved_filler for i in range(9)]
    header = struct.pack(
      'b h h b b b b b b b b b b b', *bits 

    payload = header + image.tobytes()

      ImageChops.invert(image).save(os.path.join("output", "preview.png"))

    except (IOError, OSError):
      print("Error writing output image to epd file.")
Exemple #21
    def subtract_grayscale(img, threshold=20):
        # Threshold ~= max( max(R,G,B) - min(R,G,B) ) of grays.
        # For a mapimage (high quality image), threshold of 14 seems to work
        # well.
        # A value of 17 seems good and conservative for an indoor iPhoto.
        # While 20, or 22, should be the max threshold even for poor quality
        # photos

        # split the image into individual bands
        source = img.split()
        R, G, B, A = 0, 1, 2, 3

        # Create gray subtraction mask using "difference" and "point" methods.
        # The function given in the point method sets all pixel values
        # satisfying the expression (i <= threshold) to 255, else 0.
        maskRG = ImageChops.difference(
            source[R], source[G]).point(lambda i: i <= threshold and 255)
        maskGB = ImageChops.difference(
            source[G], source[B]).point(lambda i: i <= threshold and 255)
        maskBR = ImageChops.difference(
            source[B], source[R]).point(lambda i: i <= threshold and 255)
        maskRGB = ImageChops.multiply(maskRG, maskGB)
        maskRGBR = ImageChops.multiply(maskRGB, maskBR)

        # Paste transparent white into gray areas of original image, as
        # represented by mask
        img.paste((255, 255, 255, 0), None, maskRGBR)
        return img
Exemple #22
def __rgbColorFinder(rgbImg, colormin=(0,0,0), colormax=(255,255,255), allbands=1, rmode='1'):
    '''analyzes an RGB image, returns an image of the same size where each pixel is
            WHITE if the pixel in rgbImage MATCHES the color range colormin-to-colormax, or 
            BLACK if the pixel in rgbImage DOES NOT MATCH the color range.
        a pixel is MATCHES the color range
            if allbands!=0 and if for EVERY color pixel[i],
                colormin[i]<=pixel[i] and pixel[i]<=colormax[i], or
            if allbands==0 and if for ANY color pixel[i],
                colormin[i]<=pixel[i] and pixel[i]<=colormax[i].
        rmode determines the mode of the returned image ("1", "L" or "RGB")
    inbands = rgbImg.split()
    outbands = []
    for srcband, cmin, cmax in zip(inbands, colormin, colormax):
        outbands.append(srcband.point(lambda v1, v2=cmin, v3=cmax: v2<=v1 and v1<=v3 and 255))
    if allbands==0:
        tband = ImageChops.lighter(ImageChops.lighter(outbands[0], outbands[1]), outbands[2])
        tband = ImageChops.darker(ImageChops.darker(outbands[0], outbands[1]), outbands[2])
    if rmode=='L':
        return tband
    elif rmode=='RGB':
        return Image.merge('RGB', (tband, tband, tband)) # 'RGB'
    else:  # rmode=='1'
        return tband.convert('1')
Exemple #23
    def get_adjacent(self, province_id):
        """ Returns a list of adjacent province_ids. """
        # get province bounding box
        province_color_image = ImageChops.constant(self.province_image, self.province_color_by_id[province_id])
        mask = ImageChops.invert(ne_image(self.province_image, province_color_image))
        x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = Image.getbbox(mask)
        # grow box
        #TODO: wraparound
        x_min = max(0, x_min - 1)
        y_min = max(0, y_min - 1)
        x_max = min(self.province_image.size[0]-1, x_max + 1)
        y_max = min(self.province_image.size[1]-1, y_max + 1)
        box = (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)

        # crop to area
        mask = mask.crop(box)
        grow_filter = ImageFilter.Kernel((3, 3), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0))
        mask = mask.filter(grow_filter)
        province_color_image = province_color_image.crop(box)
        black_image = ImageChops.constant(province_color_image, (0, 0, 0))
        province_color_image = Image.composite(black_image, province_color_image, mask)
        border_colors = province_color_image.getcolors()
        result = [color for (count, color) in border_colors]
def matchTemplate(searchImage, templateImage):
    minScore = -1000
    matching_xs = 0
    matching_ys = 0
    # convert images to "L" to reduce computation by factor 3 "RGB"->"L"
    searchImage = searchImage.convert(mode="L")
    templateImage = templateImage.convert(mode="L")
    searchWidth, searchHeight = searchImage.size
    templateWidth, templateHeight = templateImage.size
    # make a copy of templateImage and fill with color=1
    templateMask = Image.new(mode="L", size=templateImage.size, color=1)
    #loop over each pixel in the search image
    for xs in range(searchWidth-templateWidth+1):
        for ys in range(searchHeight-templateHeight+1):
        #for ys in range(10):
            #set some kind of score variable to "All equal"
            score = templateWidth*templateHeight
            # crop the part from searchImage
            searchCrop = searchImage.crop((xs,ys,xs+templateWidth,ys+templateHeight))
            diff = ImageChops.difference(templateImage, searchCrop)
            notequal = ImageChops.darker(diff,templateMask)
            countnotequal = sum(notequal.getdata())
            score -= countnotequal

            if minScore < score:
                minScore = score
                matching_xs = xs
                matching_ys = ys
    print "Location=",(matching_xs, matching_ys), "Score=",minScore
    im1 = Image.new('RGB', (searchWidth, searchHeight), (80, 147, 0))
    im1.paste(templateImage, ((matching_xs), (matching_ys)))
	def autoCrop(self, image):
		bg = Image.new(image.mode, image.size, image.getpixel((0,0)))
		diff = ImageChops.difference(image, bg)
		diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -200)
		bbox = diff.getbbox()
		if bbox:
			return image.crop(bbox)
Exemple #26
def merge_stack(images):
    Merges a series of *images* using ***math***.

    images : iterable of :py:class:`PIL.Image.Image`
        Image stack

        Merged image
    # Guards
    if not images:
        raise ValueError('No images provided')
    elif len(images) == 1:
        return images[0]

    # Convert Image
    # - compress first
    #print images[0].histogram()
    #lut = equalize(images[0].histogram())

    # stack up, keeping darkest pixels
    composite = ImageChops.darker(images[0], images[1])
    for im in images[2:]:
        composite = ImageChops.darker(composite, im)
    return composite
Exemple #27
def main():

    # on crée une image à partir de la librairie Image
    image = Image.new("RGB", (W, H), "black")

    # on crée la scène
    lumiere = Lumiere(Vector(-10, -20, 50), 1000000000)

    origin = Vector(0, 0, 55)
    fov = 90 * 3.14 / 180
    direction = Vector(0, 0, 1).getNormalized
    up = Vector(0, 1, 0).getNormalized
    right = direction.cross(up) * (-1)
    camera = Camera(origin, fov, direction, up, right)

    materiau_opaque1 = Materiau([1, 0, 0], False, 0)  # rouge
    materiau_opaque2 = Materiau([0, 1, 0], False, 0)  # vert
    materiau_opaque3 = Materiau([0, 0, 1], False, 0)  # bleu
    materiau_opaque4 = Materiau([0, 1, 1], False, 0)  # cyan
    materiau_opaque5 = Materiau([1, 1, 1], False, 0)  # blanc
    materiau_opaque6 = Materiau([1, 1, 0], False, 0)  # jaune

    materiau_reflechissant = Materiau([1, 1, 1], True, 0)

    materiau_transparent = Materiau([1, 1, 1], False, 1.5)

    s1 = Sphere(Vector(0, -2, 25), 10, materiau_transparent)
    s2 = Sphere(Vector(0, 0, 1000), 940, materiau_opaque5)  # arrière
    s3 = Sphere(Vector(0, 0, -1000), 940, materiau_opaque5)  # devant
    s4 = Sphere(Vector(1000, 0, 0), 940, materiau_opaque3)  # droite
    s5 = Sphere(Vector(-1000, 0, 0), 940, materiau_opaque1)  # gauche
    s6 = Sphere(Vector(0, 1000, 0), 990, materiau_opaque6)  # dessous
    s7 = Sphere(Vector(0, -1000, 0), 940, materiau_opaque2)  # dessus

    scene = Scene([s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7], lumiere, camera)

    # variable pour le multiprocessing
    out_q = Queue()
    imageProcess = []
    imageQuadrant = []

    # on lance des process pour chaque quadran
    for i in xrange(n_quadrants):
        imageProcess.append(Process(target=scene.getImage, args=(image, n_rebonds, i, out_q, n_echantillons, diffus)))

    for i in xrange(n_quadrants):

    for i in xrange(n_quadrants):

        # on reconstruit l'image depuis les quadrans
    image_haute = ImageChops.add(imageQuadrant[0], imageQuadrant[1])
    image_basse = ImageChops.add(imageQuadrant[2], imageQuadrant[3])
    image = ImageChops.add(image_haute, image_basse)

Exemple #28
def multiply_image(img, file, amount=1.0):
	path = "%s%s" % (filter_path, file)
	filterImg = Image.open(path)
	if (amount != 1.0):
		filterImg = ImageChops.add(filterImg, ImageChops.constant(filterImg, (1-amount)*255).convert("RGB"))
	return ImageChops.multiply(filterImg, img)
Exemple #29
def trim(im):
    """Trim whitespace from image."""
    bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, im.getpixel((0,0)))
    diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
    diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
    bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        return im.crop(bbox)
Exemple #30
def MakeGlitchGifVSH(image,
    im = Image.open(image)
    VSH = imageio.mimread(os.path.join('IMAGES', 'vsh.gif'))
    VSH = extendgif(VSH, len_)
    nFrames = []

    glitchVar = 0

    path = '/'.join(image.split('/')[:-1])
    pathT = '/'.join(image.split('/')[:-1])
    name = image.split('/')[-1]
    fname = name.split('.')[0]
    path += '/glitch_' + fname + '.gif'

    frames = [im.copy() for a in range(len_)]
    i = 0
    for frame in frames:
        i += 1

        if random.randint(0, 15) >= 10 and glitchVar == 0:
            glitchVar = random.randint(1, sigma)
        if glitchVar != 0:
            frame = GlitchRet(frame.convert('RGB'),
            glitchVar -= 1
        frame = ImageChops.multiply(
    i = 0

    return path
def notBlack(img):
    while i<len(img):
        for pixel in ImageChops.difference(img[i-1], img[i]).getdata():
            if greyscale(pixel) >50:
                if (x,y) in notblack:
                    notblack[(x,y)] = notblack[(x,y)] + 1
                else: notblack[(x,y)] = 1
            if(x<352): x+=1
    return notblack
 def visual_diff(self, name):
     if vdiffs is not True:
     path = os.path.join(self.path, 'selenium')
     file = os.path.join(path, name)
     if os.path.exists(file):
         path = self.take_screenshot(name)
         original = Image.open(file)
         current = Image.open(path)
         diff = ImageChops.difference(original, current)
         if diff.getbbox():
             path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'vdiff.' + name)
             raise Exception('Visual difference found, saved to ' + path)
         self.take_screenshot(name, path, False)
Exemple #33
def compare_images(image_a, image_b):
    """! Compare pillow image objects. Returns difference image object if there
    are differences or None if not.
    diff_count = 0
    image_diff = ImageChops.difference(image_a, image_b)
    nx, ny = image_diff.size
    for x in range(0, int(nx)):
        for y in range(0, int(ny)):
            pixel = image_diff.getpixel((x, y))
            if pixel != 0 and pixel != (0, 0, 0, 0) and pixel != (0, 0, 0):
                print(f"Difference pixel: {pixel}")
                diff_count += 1
    if diff_count:
        print(f"ERROR: Found {diff_count} differences between images")
        return image_diff
    return None
Exemple #34
 def _compute_diff_box(cls, a, b, round_to=4):
     Find the four coordinates giving the bounding box of differences between a and b
     making sure they are divisible by round_to
     a : PIL.Image
         The first image
     b : PIL.Image
         The second image
     round_to : int
         The multiple to align the bbox to
     box = ImageChops.difference(a, b).getbbox()
     if box is None:
         return None
     return cls._round_bbox(box, a.width, a.height, round_to)
def make_thumb(image, size=(80, 80), pad=False):
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9103257/resize-image-
    # maintaining-aspect-ratio-and-making-portrait-and-landscape-images-e
    image.thumbnail(size, Image.BILINEAR)
    image_size = image.size

    if pad:
        thumb = image.crop((0, 0, size[0], size[1]))

        offset_x = max((size[0] - image_size[0]) / 2, 0)
        offset_y = max((size[1] - image_size[1]) / 2, 0)

        thumb = ImageChops.offset(thumb, offset_x, offset_y)
        thumb = ImageOps.fit(image, size, Image.BILINEAR, (0.5, 0.5))

    return thumb
def thumb_resize(f_in, f_out, size=(img_width, img_height), pad=False):
    image = Image.open(f_in)
    image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    image_size = image.size

    if pad:
        thumb = image.crop((0, 0, size[0], size[1]))

        offset_x = max((size[0] - image_size[0]) / 2, 0)
        offset_y = max((size[1] - image_size[1]) / 2, 0)

        thumb = ImageChops.offset(thumb, offset_x, offset_y)

        thumb = ImageOps.fit(image, size, Image.ANTIALIAS, (0.5, 0.5))

Exemple #37
def track(somlist):
    max = 250
    for i in range(24, max):
        path = "./Data/images/tracking/ducks/ducks" + "{0:0=5d}".format(
            i) + ".png"
        current = ColoredImage(path)
        imglist = (ColoredImage(path, channel=0), ColoredImage(path,
                   ColoredImage(path, channel=2))
        img_compressed = compress_all(somlist, imglist)
        out = ImageChops.difference(current.im, img_compressed)
        out = out.convert("L")
        out.save(output_path + "out.png")
def flairAdded(newImage):
    """Compare fetch of flairs with an existing copy to see if new flairs were added.
        newImage (Image): picture containing result of request for flairs.
        Boolean: result of comparing images.
    # Look for differences between images.
    diff = ImageChops.difference(newImage, Image.open('original.png'))
    # New flair was added.
    if diff.getbbox():
        # Overwrite backup with new image.
        newImage.save('original.png', 'PNG')
        return True
    # No difference between the images.
        return False
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        imgname = os.path.join(self.root_dir, self.files[idx])
        image_input = Image.open(imgname)

            image_seg_target = Image.open(imgname.split('.')[0] + '_mask.png')
            image_seg_target = image_seg_target.convert('1')
            image_seg_target = Image.new(mode='1',

        image_input = resize(image_input)
        image_seg_target = resize(image_seg_target)

        image_input = center_crop(image_input)
        image_seg_target = center_crop(image_seg_target)

        image_seg_target = ImageChops.invert(image_seg_target)
        image_missed_input = self.mask_image(image_input, image_seg_target)
        image_missed_input = np.array(image_missed_input)

        for i in range(image_missed_input.shape[0]):
            for j in range(image_missed_input.shape[1]):
                if (image_missed_input[i, j, :] == [0, 0, 0]).all():
                    image_missed_input[i, j, :] = [255, 255, 255]

        image_missed_input = Image.fromarray(image_missed_input)
        image_seg_target = to_tensor(image_seg_target)

        image_missed_input = to_tensor(image_missed_input)
        image_missed_input = normalize(image_missed_input)

        image_input = to_tensor(image_input)
        image_input = normalize(image_input)

        image_seg_target = image_seg_target.expand_as(image_missed_input)

        sample = {
            'input': image_missed_input,
            'mask': image_seg_target,
            'target': image_input,
            'name': self.files[idx]
        return sample
Exemple #40
    def event(self):
        Determines if there is an event going on in the quad. Based on the color and euclidean distance of
        two images in the quad
        :return: True if there is an event, false if otherwise
        Also displays the test cases.
        :return The image with the grey square is the baseline from which everything is compared to. The grey was the most
        common color in a cropped version of the size of the square
        :return The image with the white square is the case where there is an event
        while len(self.img_intensity) < 1:

        pxl_coor = (250, 365, 500, 470)
        img_grey_large = np.asarray(self.img[-1])
        img_event = np.asarray(self.img[-1])
        img = self.img[-1].crop(pxl_coor)
        baseline = np.asarray(img)


        for i in range(len(baseline[1, :])):
            for j in range(len(baseline[:, i])):
                baseline[j, i] = [170, 170, 168]

        for i in range(249, 500):
            for j in range(365, 470):
                img_grey_large[j, i] = [170, 170, 168]
                img_event[j, i] = [255, 255, 255]

        img_grey = Image.fromarray(baseline, 'RGB')
        img_grey_large = Image.fromarray(img_grey_large, 'RGB')
        img_event = Image.fromarray(img_event, 'RGB')

        img_compare = ImageChops.subtract(img, img_grey)
        euclidean_dist = mth.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(img_compare.getdata())**2))


        if euclidean_dist > 8000:
            return True
            return False
Exemple #41
def UpdateTrainerLevel():
    img = GetScreen()
    TrainerLevelZone = (65, 730, 65 + 45, 730 + 25)
    img = img.crop((TrainerLevelZone))
    img = ImageOps.grayscale(img)
    HighContrast(img, 220)
    img = ImageChops.invert(img)
    NewTrainerLevel = ImgToString(img, "0123456789")
        NewTrainerLevel = int(NewTrainerLevel)
        if NewTrainerLevel >= 1 and NewTrainerLevel <= 40 and NewTrainerLevel >= GetTrainerLevel(
            return True
    return False
def compareTwoImages(pathToImgTest, pathToImgSource, mode):
    global TRIGGER
    rms = 0
    imgTest = Image.open(pathToImgTest)
    imgSource = Image.open(pathToImgSource)
    h = ImageChops.difference(imgTest, imgSource).histogram()
    rms = math.sqrt(
        reduce(operator.add, map(lambda h, i: h * (i**2), h, range(256))) /
        (float(imgTest.size[0]) * imgTest.size[1]))
    if (mode == "watching"):
        return rms
    elif (mode == "analysis"):
        if (rms > 19):
            TRIGGER = TRIGGER + 1
        return rms
Exemple #43
    def get_differences(self, screenshots):
        from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageStat

        lhs = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(
        rhs = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(
        diff = ImageChops.difference(lhs, rhs)
        minimal_diff = diff.crop(diff.getbbox())
        mask = minimal_diff.convert("L", dither=None)
        stat = ImageStat.Stat(minimal_diff, mask)
        per_channel = max(item[1] for item in stat.extrema)
        count = stat.count[0]
            "Found %s pixels different, maximum difference per channel %s" %
            (count, per_channel))
        return per_channel, count
Exemple #44
def diff_offset(driver):
    pic1 = get_image(driver, 'geetest_canvas_bg geetest_absolute')
    pic2 = get_image(driver,
                     'geetest_canvas_fullbg geetest_fade geetest_absolute')
    captcha_bg = Image.open(pic1)
    captcha = Image.open(pic2)
    diff = ImageChops.difference(captcha, captcha_bg)
    im = np.array(diff)
    width, height = diff.size
    diff = []
    for i in range(height):
        for j in range(width):
            # black is not only (0,0,0)
            if im[i, j, 0] > 15 or im[i, j, 1] > 15 or im[i, j, 1] > 15:
    return min(diff)
Exemple #45
 def lazybrush(self):
     (img, result) = lazybrush(self.sketch, self.colors,
                               self.sigmabar.get(), self.lambdabar.get(),
                               self.Kbar.get(), self.uselogsketch.get())
     print result.shape
     mode = "RGBA" if self.showlogsketch.get() else "RGB"
     self.output_img = Image.fromarray(result, "RGBA").convert(mode)
     wdt = self.image.width()
     hgt = self.image.height()
     if self.showlogsketch.get():
         img = Image.fromarray(img, "L")
         img = self.sketch
     print(wdt, hgt)
     self.result = ImageChops.multiply(self.output_img, img.convert(mode))
     self.resultTk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.result)
     self.resultsprite.create_image((wdt / 2, hgt / 2), image=self.resultTk)
Exemple #46
    def __init__(self, ref_image, src_image, alpha=False):
        if isinstance(ref_image, basestring):
            self.ref_im = Image.open(ref_image)
            self.ref_im = ref_image

        if isinstance(src_image, basestring):
            self.src_im = Image.open(src_image)
            self.src_im = src_image

        # Ignore
        if not alpha:
            self.ref_im = self.ref_im.convert('RGB')
            self.src_im = self.src_im.convert('RGB')

        self.diff = ImageChops.difference(self.src_im, self.ref_im)
Exemple #47
def image_voffset(generator, prob=0.4, max_pixels=5):
    Generator that vertically offsets an image
    for inp, out in generator:
        img = inp[1]
        if prob < random.uniform(0, 1):
            image_offset = random.randrange(-max_pixels, max_pixels)
            dst_im = Image.new(
                "RGBA", img.size, (ri(
                    0, 255), ri(
                    0, 255), ri(
                    0, 255)))
            rot = ImageChops.offset(img, 0, image_offset)
            img = dst_im.convert('RGB')
        yield [inp[0],img], out
Exemple #48
    def redraw_required(self, image):
        Calculates the difference from the previous image, return a boolean
        indicating whether a redraw is required. A side effect is that
        ``bounding_box`` and ``image`` attributes are updated accordingly, as is
        priming :py:func:`getdata`.

        :param image: An image to render
        :type image: PIL.Image.Image
        :returns: ``True`` or ``False``
        self.bounding_box = ImageChops.difference(self.image, image).getbbox()
        if self.bounding_box is not None:
            self.image = image.copy()
            return True
            return False
Exemple #49
        def do_it():
            nonlocal img
            im = Image.new('RGBA', img.size, color='#7289DA')
            img = img.convert('RGBA')
            if img.format == 'GIF':

                def multiply(frame):
                    return ImageChops.multiply(frame, im)

                data = func_to_gif(img, multiply, get_raw=True)
                name = 'blurple.gif'
                img = ImageChops.multiply(img, im)
                data = self.save_image(img)
                name = 'blurple.png'

            return data, name
Exemple #50
    def image_combo(self, prob_fig, prob_array, ans_fig, ans_array):
        AB = self.centerImageArray(
            np.array(ImageChops.darker(prob_fig['A'], prob_fig['B'])))
        BC = self.centerImageArray(
            np.array(ImageChops.darker(prob_fig['B'], prob_fig['C'])))
        AC = self.centerImageArray(
            np.array(ImageChops.darker(prob_fig['B'], prob_fig['C'])))

        GH = []
        HI = []
        GI = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(ans_array):
            i += 1

        if AB == prob_array['C']:
            g = 0
            while g < len(GH):
                if GH[g] == ans_array[str(g + 1)]:
                    answer = g + 1
                    g += 1
                    return answer

        elif BC == prob_array['A']:
            g = 0
            while g < len(HI):
                if HI[g] == ans_array[str(g + 1)]:
                    answer = g + 1
                    g += 1
                    return answer

        elif AC == prob_array['B']:
            g = 0
            while g < len(GI):
                if GI[g] == ans_array[str(g + 1)]:
                    answer = g + 1
                    g += 1
                    return answer
Exemple #51
    def run(self):
        f = self.sock.makefile('rwb')
        camera = PiCamera()
        camera.resolution = (1280,720)
        stream = io.BytesIO()
        count = 0
        print('start sending image')
            for frame in camera.capture_continuous(stream,'jpeg'):
                #check whether image has changed
                prev_image = Image.open('foo.jpg')
                curr_image = Image.open(stream)
                diff = ImageChops.difference(prev_image,curr_image)
                if True:#diff.getbbox(): #if images are different, send size of file
                    print("images are different")
                    f.write(struct.pack('<L',stream.tell())) #get size in little endian unsigned long
                    #waiting for request from receiver
                    request = f.read(struct.calcsize('<L'))

                    if(request == struct.pack('<L',ack)): #get request
                        f.write(stream.read()) #send simage data
                        print('sending image ',count)
                    else: #no request, buffer file
                        print('no request received, buffer file')
                    print("images are the same")
    def process(self, image):
    @param image -- The image to process.

    Returns a single image, or a list containing one or more images.

        BaseFilter.process(self, image)

        if self.mode != 'gray':
            raise RuntimeError(
                "NormalizeContrast only supports grayscale images.")

        if self.region == 'bbox':
            bbox = image.split()[1].getbbox()
            croppedImage = image.crop(bbox)
            alpha = croppedImage.split()[1]
            croppedImage = \
              ImageOps.autocontrast(croppedImage.split()[0], cutoff=self.cutoff)
            image.paste(croppedImage, image.bbox)
        elif self.region == 'mask':
            bbox = image.split()[1].getbbox()
            croppedImage = image.crop(bbox)
            alpha = croppedImage.split()[1]
            # Fill in the part of the cropped image outside the bounding box with a
            # uniform shade of gray
            grayImage = ImageChops.constant(croppedImage, 128)
            compositeImage = Image.composite(croppedImage, grayImage, alpha)
            # Equalize the composite image
            compositeImage = \
              ImageOps.autocontrast(compositeImage.split()[0], cutoff=self.cutoff)
            # Paste the part of the equalized image within the mask back
            # into the cropped image
            croppedImage = Image.composite(compositeImage, croppedImage, alpha)
            # Paste the cropped image back into the full image
            image.paste(croppedImage, bbox)
        elif self.region == 'all':
            alpha = image.split()[1]
            image = ImageOps.autocontrast(image.split()[0], cutoff=self.cutoff)
        return image
Exemple #53
def load_glyph_tiles_from(filename, cellw, cellh, fmt):
    """Load tiles from glyphs in filename.

im -- PIL image object in indexed color or filename to load
cellw -- width of each glyph box, multiple of 8
cellh -- height of glyph box, multiple of 8
fmt -- a pilbmp2nes planemap string, such as "0,1" for GB or "0;1" for NES

The glyphs in `im` are left-aligned in their boxes, using color 0
for transparent and the highest color value for space between glyphs.

Return a list of lists of tiles in column-major order.

    if isinstance(filename, str):
        im = Image.open(filename)
        im, filename = filename, '<image>'
    if im.mode != 'P':
        raise ValueError("%s: not indexed color" % filename)
    st = ImageStat.Stat(im)
    bordercolor = st.extrema[0][1]

    # Crop each glyph out of the image
    portions = (im.crop((x, y, x + cellw, y + cellh))
                for y in range(0, im.size[1], cellh)
                for x in range(0, im.size[0], cellw))

    # Crop out the internal border to right of each glyph
    # ImageChops.difference(im, flat).getbbox(): thanks Eugene Nagorny
    # http://stackoverflow.com/q/10615901/2738262
    flatborder = Image.new(im.mode, (cellw, cellh), bordercolor)
    bboxes = ((portion, ImageChops.difference(portion, flatborder).getbbox())
              for portion in portions)

    portionsC = (portion.crop(bb) if bb is not None else None
                 for portion, bb in bboxes)

    # Now break each glyph down into tiles
    fmtTile = lambda im: formatTilePlanar(im, fmt)
    portionsT = [
        pilbmp2chr(portion, 8, 32, fmtTile) if portion is not None else []
        for portion in portionsC
    return portionsT
Exemple #54
    def smart_update(self, image):
        """ Display a frame, automatically deciding which refresh method to use.
        If `fast_frefresh` is enabled, it would use optimized LUTs that shorten
        the refresh cycle, and don't do the full "inverse,black,white,black again,
        then draw" flush cycle.

        The fast refresh mode is much faster, but causes the image to apper
        gray instead of black, and can cause burn-in if it's overused.

        It's recommended to do a full flush "soon" after using the fast mode,
        to avoid degrading the panel. You can tweak `partial_refresh_limit`
        if self._last_frame is None or self._partial_refresh_count == self.partial_refresh_limit:
            # Doing a full refresh when:
            # - No frame has been displayed in this run, do a full refresh
            # - The display has been partially refreshed more than LIMIT times
            # the last full refresh (to prevent burn-in)
            # Partial update. Let's start by figuring out the bounding box
            # of the changed area
            difference = ImageChops.difference(self._last_frame, image)
            bbox = difference.getbbox()
            if bbox is not None:
                # the old picture and new picture are different, partial
                # update is needed.
                # Get the update area. x and w have to be multiples of 8
                # as per the spec, so round down for x, and round up for w
                x = _nearest_mult_of_8(bbox[0], False)
                y = bbox[1]
                w = _nearest_mult_of_8(bbox[2] - x)
                if w > self.width:
                    w = self.width
                h = bbox[3] - y
                if h > self.height:
                    h = self.height
                # now let's figure out if fast mode is an option.
                # If the area was all white before - fast mode will be used.
                # otherwise, a slow refresh will be used (to avoid ghosting).
                # Since the image only has one color, meaning each pixel is either
                # 0 or 255, the following convinent one liner can be used
                fast = 0 not in self._last_frame.crop(
                    bbox).getdata() and self.fast_refresh
                self.display_partial_frame(image, x, y, h, w, fast)
Exemple #55
def compareUnequal(image1, image2, numberOfRequiredUnequalPixels,
        "Requiring {}% difference on RGBA value per pixel, and require {} really distinct pixels"
        .format(percentageOfRGBDifferenceRequiredPerPixel * 100,

    if not _checkImageSizeEqual(image1, image2):
        return False

    nrEqualPixels = 0
    nrTooSimilarPixels = 0
    totalNumberOfPixels = image1.width * image1.height

    # PIL image comparison is well optimized -> early out if images are identical
    if image1 == image2:
        nrEqualPixels = totalNumberOfPixels
        nrTooSimilarPixels = totalNumberOfPixels
        imageDiff = ImageChops.difference(image1.convert("RGBA"),
        imageData = imageDiff.getdata()
        percentageOfRGBDifferenceRequiredPerPixelScaled = int(
            percentageOfRGBDifferenceRequiredPerPixel * 255)

        for i in range(0, image1.width * image1.height):
            chMax = max(imageData[i])
            if chMax < percentageOfRGBDifferenceRequiredPerPixelScaled:
                nrTooSimilarPixels += 1
                if chMax == 0:
                    nrEqualPixels += 1

        "Comparison stats: Percentage of too similar pixels: {}% ({})".format(
            float(nrTooSimilarPixels) / totalNumberOfPixels * 100,
        "Comparison stats: Percentage of exactly equal pixels: {}% ({})".
            float(nrEqualPixels) / totalNumberOfPixels * 100, nrEqualPixels))

    if totalNumberOfPixels - nrTooSimilarPixels < numberOfRequiredUnequalPixels:
        log.error("compareUnequal: Not enough unequal pixels, aborting...")
        return False
    return True
Exemple #56
    def testFoo(self):

        for image_number_1 in range(9):
            for image_number_2 in range(9):
                if image_number_1 != image_number_2:

                    im1 = self.get_item("randoms", image_number_1)
                    im2 = self.get_item("randoms", image_number_2)

                    # Copy pasta from guide. No idea hos it works.
                    h = ImageChops.difference(im1, im2).histogram()
                    sq = (value * ((idx % 256)**2)
                          for idx, value in enumerate(h))
                    sum_of_squares = sum(sq)
                    rms = math.sqrt(sum_of_squares /
                                    float(im1.size[0] * im1.size[1]))

Exemple #57
def calculate_fitness_contrast_mean_difference(original_image,
    if original_image.width != generated_image.width:
        print('FITNESS ERROR! Images are different.')

    # Increase contrast of images
    original_image = ImageEnhance.Contrast(original_image).enhance(1.5)
    generated_image = ImageEnhance.Contrast(generated_image).enhance(1.5)

    # Calculate difference between two images
    difference = ImageChops.difference(original_image, generated_image)

    # Calculate average brightness of differential image, this tells us how similar those images are
    stats = ImageStat.Stat(difference)
    average_brightness = (stats.rms[0] + stats.rms[1] + stats.rms[2]) / 3

    # Return fitness value
    return (255 - average_brightness) / 255
Exemple #58
def test_scroll_wrap_return_to_start(makeScroll):

    sw = makeScroll('High', (19, 8))
    startImg = sw.render()[0]

    images = []
    for i in range(19):
        img, res = sw.render()
        if res:

    flag = False
    for img in images:
        bbox = ImageChops.difference(img, startImg).getbbox()
        if not bbox:
            Flag = True
    assert not flag, 'scroll didn\'t return to start'
    def apply(self, image, **kwargs):
        super(XORTransformation, self)._validate(**kwargs)

        # Convert each image into a black and white bi-level representation
        # Use a custom threshold since Pillow dithers the image adding noise to it
        # Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/50090612
        image = image.copy().point(lambda x: 255
                                   if x > 200 else 0).convert('1')
        other = kwargs['other'].copy().point(lambda x: 255
                                             if x > 200 else 0).convert('1')

        # Apply the logical XOR to find all pixels that are not present between the two frames,
        # convert it back to grayscale and apply a Gaussian blur to emphasize the differences
        # The blur is useful because some random pixels might be flagged as not being present
        # though these difference are not perceived by the human eye; but with the blur, only
        # the strongest differences are kept, e.g. a full white or black shape
        return ImageChops.logical_xor(image, other).convert('L').filter(
Exemple #60
	def compare(self, cam_ip):
		red = '\033[91m'
		green = '\033[92m'
		reset = '\033[0m'
		for i in range(1,120,2):
			if self.kill == True: return 0
			imgno1, imgno2 = "%03d" % (i,), "%03d" % (i+1,)

			img1 = Image.open('image_{0}-{1}.jpg'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], imgno1) )
			img2 = Image.open('image_{0}-{1}.jpg'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], imgno2) )
			img = ImageChops.difference(img1,img2)
			image_ent = self.image_entropy(img)
			if image_ent < 0.8:
				colour = green
				colour = red
				motionTime = int(time.time())
				diff = ImageChops.difference(img1, img2)
				print diff.getbbox()
				# Copy/Save diff images
				img.save('{0}_{1}.png'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], motionTime ))
				shutil.copy2('image_{0}-{1}.jpg'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], imgno1), '{0}_1_{1}.jpg'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], motionTime ))
				shutil.copy2('image_{0}-{1}.jpg'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], imgno2), '{0}_1_{1}.jpg'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], motionTime ))

				print '{0}Motion detected - saving image to {1}_{2}.png{3}'.format(red, cam_ip.split('.')[-1], int(motionTime), reset)
			print "IP: {0}\t Entropy: {1}{2}{3}".format(cam_ip, colour, image_ent, reset)
			# Remove images
			os.unlink('image_{0}-{1}.jpg'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], imgno1))
			os.unlink('image_{0}-{1}.jpg'.format(cam_ip.split('.')[-1], imgno2))