Exemple #1
    def test_sanity(self):

        im = hopper("L")

        ImageChops.constant(im, 128)
        ImageChops.lighter(im, im)
        ImageChops.darker(im, im)
        ImageChops.difference(im, im)
        ImageChops.multiply(im, im)
        ImageChops.screen(im, im)

        ImageChops.add(im, im)
        ImageChops.add(im, im, 2.0)
        ImageChops.add(im, im, 2.0, 128)
        ImageChops.subtract(im, im)
        ImageChops.subtract(im, im, 2.0)
        ImageChops.subtract(im, im, 2.0, 128)

        ImageChops.add_modulo(im, im)
        ImageChops.subtract_modulo(im, im)

        ImageChops.blend(im, im, 0.5)
        ImageChops.composite(im, im, im)

        ImageChops.offset(im, 10)
        ImageChops.offset(im, 10, 20)
Exemple #2
    def test_sanity(self):

        im = hopper("L")

        ImageChops.constant(im, 128)
        ImageChops.lighter(im, im)
        ImageChops.darker(im, im)
        ImageChops.difference(im, im)
        ImageChops.multiply(im, im)
        ImageChops.screen(im, im)

        ImageChops.add(im, im)
        ImageChops.add(im, im, 2.0)
        ImageChops.add(im, im, 2.0, 128)
        ImageChops.subtract(im, im)
        ImageChops.subtract(im, im, 2.0)
        ImageChops.subtract(im, im, 2.0, 128)

        ImageChops.add_modulo(im, im)
        ImageChops.subtract_modulo(im, im)

        ImageChops.blend(im, im, 0.5)
        ImageChops.composite(im, im, im)

        ImageChops.offset(im, 10)
        ImageChops.offset(im, 10, 20)
def test_add_modulo_no_clip():
    # Arrange
    im = hopper()

    # Act
    new = ImageChops.add_modulo(im, im)

    # Assert
    assert new.getpixel((50, 50)) == (224, 76, 254)
    def test_add_modulo_no_clip(self):
        # Arrange
        im = hopper()

        # Act
        new = ImageChops.add_modulo(im, im)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(new.getpixel((50, 50)), (224, 76, 254))
Exemple #5
    def test_add_modulo_no_clip(self):
        # Arrange
        im = hopper()

        # Act
        new = ImageChops.add_modulo(im, im)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(new.getpixel((50, 50)), (224, 76, 254))
Exemple #6
def handle_image_pixel():
    img1 = Image.open('avatar.jpeg')
    img2 = Image.open('scenery.jpeg')
    # 叠加 add(image1, image2, scale=1.0, offset=0)[source] :: out = ((image1 + image2) / scale + offset)
    ops_img = ImageChops.add(img1, img2, scale=2, offset=100)
    # .add_modulo(image1, image2)[source] #:: out = ((image1 + image2) % MAX)
    ops_img = ImageChops.add_modulo(img1, img2)
    #  blend(image1, image2, alpha)[source] Alias for PIL.Image.Image.blend().
    ops_img = ImageChops.blend(img1, img2.resize(img1.size), 0.5)

    # composite(image1, image2, mask)[source] : Alias for PIL.Image.Image.composite().
    # A mask image.  This image can have mode "1", "L", or "RGBA", and must have the same size as the other two images
    ops_img = ImageChops.composite(img1, img2, Image.new('L', img1.size))

    # .constant(image, value)[source]  # Fill a channel with a given grey level.
    ops_img = ImageChops.constant(img1, 200)
    # darker(image1, image2)[source] :: # out = min(image1, image2)
    ops_img = ImageChops.darker(img1, img2)
    # difference(image1, image2)[source] # out = abs(image1 - image2)
    ops_img = ImageChops.difference(img1, img2)

    # duplicate(image)[source] Alias for PIL.Image.Image.copy().
    # PIL.ImageChops.invert(image)[source] # out = MAX - image
    # PIL.ImageChops.lighter(image1, image2)[source] out = max(image1, image2)
    # PIL.ImageChops.logical_and(image1, image2)[source] # Logical AND between two images. # out = ((image1 and image2) % MAX)
    # PIL.ImageChops.logical_or(image1, image2)[source] # Logical OR between two images. # out = ((image1 or image2) % MAX)
    # PIL.ImageChops.multiply(image1, image2)[source] # Superimposes two images on top of each other. # out = image1 * image2 / MAX
    # If you multiply an image with a solid black image, the result is black. If you multiply with a solid white image, the image is unaffected.

    # PIL.ImageChops.offset(image, xoffset, yoffset=None)[source]
    # Returns a copy of the image where data has been offset by the given distances.
    # Data wraps around the edges. If yoffset is omitted, it is assumed to be equal to xoffset.
    # 参数:
    # xoffset – The horizontal distance.
    # yoffset – The vertical distance. If omitted, both distances are set to the same value.

    # PIL.ImageChops.screen(image1, image2)[source] #:: out = MAX - ((MAX - image1) * (MAX - image2) / MAX)
    # Superimposes two inverted images on top of each other.
    ops_img = ImageChops.screen(img1, img2)
    # PIL.ImageChops.subtract(image1, image2, scale=1.0, offset=0)[source] #:: out = ((image1 - image2) / scale + offset)
    # Subtracts two images, dividing the result by scale and adding the offset. If omitted, scale defaults to 1.0, and offset to 0.0.
    ops_img = ImageChops.subtract(img1, img2)

    # PIL.ImageChops.subtract_modulo(image1, image2)[source] # out:: = ((image1 - image2) % MAX)
    # Subtract two images, without clipping the result.
    ops_img = ImageChops.subtract_modulo(img1, img2)
def test_add_modulo():
    # Arrange
    with Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_ellipse_RGB.png") as im1:
        with Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill_RGB.png") as im2:

            # Act
            new = ImageChops.add_modulo(im1, im2)

    # Assert
    assert new.getbbox() == (25, 25, 76, 76)
    assert new.getpixel((50, 50)) == ORANGE
    def test_add_modulo(self):
        # Arrange
        im1 = Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_ellipse_RGB.png")
        im2 = Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill.png")

        # Act
        new = ImageChops.add_modulo(im1, im2)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(new.getbbox(), (25, 25, 76, 76))
        self.assertEqual(new.getpixel((50, 50)), ORANGE)
Exemple #9
    def test_add_modulo(self):
        # Arrange
        im1 = Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_ellipse_RGB.png")
        im2 = Image.open("Tests/images/imagedraw_floodfill_RGB.png")

        # Act
        new = ImageChops.add_modulo(im1, im2)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(new.getbbox(), (25, 25, 76, 76))
        self.assertEqual(new.getpixel((50, 50)), ORANGE)
Exemple #10
def imageadd():
    img11 = Image.open("image.jpg")
    img12 = Image.open("u.jpg")
    img111 = ImageChops.add_modulo(img11, img12)
    img101 = ImageChops.add(img11, img12, 4, 8)
Exemple #11
def process_images(img1, img2):
	img1, img2:	input images in Image format

	return:		value representing how much the 2 images
				look similar

    #	get the size of original the image
    img_dim = img1.getbbox()

    #	invert the bit of the pixels
    img1_inv = ImageChops.invert(img1)
    img2_inv = ImageChops.invert(img2)

    #	get the object from the 2 images
    box1 = img1_inv.getbbox()
    box2 = img2_inv.getbbox()

    #	crop the object from the images
    img1_obj = img1_inv.crop(box1)
    img2_obj = img2_inv.crop(box2)

    #	resize the 2nd image according to the object of the 1st image
    img2_obj = img2_obj.resize((box1[2] - box1[0], box1[3] - box1[1]))

    #	enhance the simplicity of the objects (take an array and return an array)
    obj1_simple = enhance_contrast_percentile(np.array(img1_obj),
    obj2_simple = enhance_contrast_percentile(np.array(img2_obj),

    #	convert the objects from array to image
    img1_obj = Image.fromarray(obj1_simple)
    img2_obj = Image.fromarray(obj2_simple)

    #	invert the bit of the pixels of the 2nd image
    img2_obj = ImageChops.invert(img2_obj)

    #	generate a new image representing the one inside the other
    img_diff = ImageChops.invert(ImageChops.add_modulo(img1_obj, img2_obj))

    #	resize the new image into the old sizes
    img_diff = img_diff.resize(
        (img_dim[2] - img_dim[0], img_dim[3] - img_dim[1]))

    return np.count_nonzero(np.array(img_diff))
Exemple #12
    def NodeEvaluation(self, eval_info):
        image1 = eval_info.EvaluateParameter('Image')
        image2 = eval_info.EvaluateParameter('Overlay')
        blendmode = eval_info.EvaluateProperty('Blend Mode')

        image = api.RenderImage()
        main_image = image1.GetImage()
        layer_image = ImageOps.fit(image2.GetImage(), main_image.size)

        if blendmode == 'Add':
            img = ImageChops.add(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Add Modulo':
            img = ImageChops.add_modulo(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Subtract':
            img = ImageChops.subtract(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Subtract Modulo':
            img = ImageChops.subtract_modulo(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Multiply':
            img = ImageChops.multiply(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Screen':
            img = ImageChops.screen(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Difference':
            img = ImageChops.difference(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Darker':
            img = ImageChops.darker(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Lighter':
            img = ImageChops.lighter(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Soft Light':
            img = ImageChops.soft_light(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Hard Light':
            img = ImageChops.hard_light(main_image, layer_image)

        elif blendmode == 'Overlay':
            img = ImageChops.overlay(main_image, layer_image)

        return image
Exemple #13
    def write_matrix(self, pin_list):
        if self.update_skip != 0:
            self.update_skip -= 1
            if self.update_skip >= 0:


        if self.p_type == 'SBARS':
            for y in range(self.led_config.matrix_width):
                y_ind = int(
                    ((self.last + 1.0) / self.led_config.matrix_width) * y)
                for x_cord in range(
                        int(pin_list[y_ind] *
                    rgb = color_map[int(255.0 * float(x_cord) /
                    self.led.set(x_cord, y_ind, rgb)
        if self.p_type == 'MBARS':
            norm_arr = [int(x * 255) for x in pin_list]
            for y_cord in range(self.led_config.matrix_height):
                for x in range(self.led_config.matrix_width):
                    x_ind = int(
                        ((self.last + 1.0) / self.led_config.matrix_width) * x)
                    if self.drops[y_cord][x_ind] > 64:
                        rgb = scale(color_map[255 - self.drops[y_cord][x_ind]],
                                    int(self.drops[y_cord][x_ind] * 0.5))
                        self.led.set(x, y_cord, rgb)
            del self.drops[0]
        elif self.p_type == 'IMAGE':
            complete_image = Image.new("RGBA", self.images[0].size)
            for pin in xrange(len(pin_list)):
                if pin_list[pin] > 0.25:
                    complete_image = ImageChops.add_modulo(

                self.led, "",
                    self.max_brightness * 0.5))

        self.update_skip = self.skip
Exemple #14
def difference(image1, image2):
    # features not in loaded
    diff1 = ImageChops.subtract(image1, image2)
    diff1 = ImageChops.invert(diff1)
    diff1 = ImageOps.colorize(

    # elements in loaded, but not in original
    diff2 = ImageChops.subtract(image2, image1)
    diff2 = ImageChops.invert(diff2)
    diff2 = ImageOps.colorize(diff2.convert("L"), black="red", white="white")

    diff = ImageChops.add_modulo(diff1, diff2)
    # diff1.show()
    # diff2.show()
    # diff.show()

    return diff
Exemple #15
from PIL import ImageChops

# Currently supported modes include:
# add_modulo, darker, difference, lighter, logical_and, logical_or, multiple, screen, subtract_modulo

op = config.get('operation')

if op == 'add_modulo':
    output_image = ImageChops.add_modulo(image1, image2)

elif op == 'darker':
    output_image = ImageChops.darker(image1, image2)

elif op == 'difference':
    output_image = ImageChops.difference(image1, image2)

elif op == 'lighter':
    output_image = ImageChops.lighter(image1, image2)

elif op == 'logical_and':
    output_image = ImageChops.logical_and(image1, image2)

elif op == 'logical_or':
    output_image = ImageChops.logical_or(image1, image2)

elif op == 'multiply':
    output_image = ImageChops.multiply(image1, image2)

elif op == 'screen':
    output_image = ImageChops.screen(image1, image2)
from PIL import Image, ImageChops

if __name__ == '__main__':
    image = Image.open('../lenna.png')

    # Array size is inverted image size
    shape = (image.size[1], image.size[0], 3)

    # Create an image using numpy
    # Generate an array of ones and multiply all values by 100
    # This creates a grey-coloured image (all pixel values are (100, 100, 100))
    second_image_array = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.uint8) * 100
    second_image = Image.fromarray(second_image_array)

    # ImageChops.add clips the pixel intensity if it is above 255
    # E.g. image 1 has a pixel with intensity 200
    #      image 2 has a pixel with intensity 100
    #      100 + 200 = 300
    # However images are represented by 8-bit unsigned integers with numbers
    # ranging [0-255], so the values cap at 255 and 100 + 200 = 255, not 300
    add_image = ImageChops.add(image, second_image)

    # ImageChops.add_modulo on the other side does not clip the result
    # Using the example above it does the following:
    # (100 + 200) = x mod 256 or (100 + 200) % 256
    # So in our case the new value will be: (100 + 200) % 256 = 44
    add_modulo_image = ImageChops.add_modulo(image, second_image)
    add_modulo_image.show('Add modulo')
Exemple #17
def pairs(image1, image2, mode, **kwargs):
        Adds two images, dividing the result by scale and adding the offset. If omitted, scale defaults to 1.0, and offset to 0.0.
        out = ((image1 + image2) / scale + offset)
        you should append param `scale` and `offset`
        scale: int or float, defaults to 1.0
        offset: int or float, defaults to 0
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Add, scale=1.0, offset=0)
        Add two images, without clipping the result.
        out = ((image1 + image2) % 255)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Add_modulo)
        Creates a new image by interpolating between two input images.

        using a constant alpha.
        out = image1 * (1.0 - alpha) + image2 * alpha

        If alpha is 0.0, a copy of the first image is returned. 
        If alpha is 1.0, a copy of the second image is returned. 
        There are no restrictions on the alpha value. 
        If necessary, the result is clipped to fit into the allowed output range.
        you should append param `alpha`
        alpha: The interpolation alpha factor.
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Blend, alpha=0.2)
        Create composite image by blending images using a transparency mask.
        you should append param `mask`
        mask: A mask image. This image can have mode “1”, “L”, or “RGBA”, and must have the same size as the other two images.
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, la.image.PairsMode.Composite, mask)
        Compares the two images, pixel by pixel, and returns a new image containing the darker values.
        out = min(image1, image2)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Darker)
        Returns the absolute value of the pixel-by-pixel difference between the two images.
        out = abs(image1 - image2)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Difference)
        Compares the two images, pixel by pixel, and returns a new image containing the lighter values.
        out = max(image1, image2)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Lighter)
        Logical AND between two images.
        Both of the images must have mode “1”. 
        If you would like to perform a logical AND on an image with a mode other than “1”, 
        try multiply() instead, using a black-and-white mask as the second image.
        out = ((image1 and image2) % 255)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Logical_and)
        Logical OR between two images.
        Both of the images must have mode “1”.
        out = ((image1 or image2) % 255)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Logical_or)
        Logical XOR between two images.
        Both of the images must have mode “1”.
        out = ((bool(image1) != bool(image2)) % 255)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Logical_xor)
        Superimposes two images on top of each other.
        If you multiply an image with a solid black image, the result is black. 
        If you multiply with a solid white image, the image is unaffected.
        out = image1 * image2 / 255
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.multiply)
        Superimposes two images on top of each other using the Soft Light algorithm
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.SoftLight)
        Superimposes two images on top of each other using the Hard Light algorithm
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.HardLight)
        Superimposes two images on top of each other using the Overlay algorithm
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Overlay)
        Superimposes two inverted images on top of each other.
        out = 255 - ((255 - image1) * (255 - image2) / 255)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Screen)
        Subtracts two images, dividing the result by scale and adding the offset. If omitted, scale defaults to 1.0, and offset to 0.0.
        out = ((image1 - image2) / scale + offset)
        you should append param `scale` and `offset`
        scale: int or float, defaults to 1.0
        offset: int or float, defaults to 0
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Subtract, scale=1.0, offset=0)
        Subtract two images, without clipping the result.
        out = ((image1 - image2) % 255)
        la.image.pairs(image1, image2, mode=la.image.PairsMode.Subtract_modulo)

        image1: a PIL instance. The first image.
        image2: a PIL instance. The second image.  Must have the same mode and size as the first image.
        mode: la.image.PairsMode
        a PIL instance.
    if 'scale' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['scale'] = 1.
    if 'offset' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['offset'] = 0
    if mode == 'add':
        return ImageChops.add(image1,
    elif mode == 'add_modulo':
        return ImageChops.add_modulo(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'blend':
        if 'alpha' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError("Missing parameter `alpha`")
        return ImageChops.blend(image1, image2, alpha=kwargs['alpha'])
    elif mode == 'composite':
        if 'mask' not in kwargs:
            raise ValueError("Missing parameter `mask`")
        return ImageChops.composite(image1, image2, mask=kwargs['mask'])
    elif mode == 'darker':
        return ImageChops.darker(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'difference':
        return ImageChops.difference(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'lighter':
        return ImageChops.lighter(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'logical_and':
        return ImageChops.logical_and(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'logical_or':
        return ImageChops.logical_or(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'logical_xor':
        return ImageChops.logical_xor(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'multiply':
        return ImageChops.multiply(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'soft_light':
        return ImageChops.soft_light(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'hard_light':
        return ImageChops.hard_light(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'overlay':
        return ImageChops.overlay(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'screen':
        return ImageChops.screen(image1, image2)
    elif mode == 'subtract':
        return ImageChops.subtract(image1,
    elif mode == 'subtract_modulo':
        return ImageChops.subtract_modulo(image1, image2)
        raise ValueError("mode must be la.image.PairsMode param")
Exemple #18
def blend(image, blendMode, overImage, position=(0, 0), resize=True):
    Blend two images with the given blend mode

    image - the image to be pasted on top (if None, returns overImage)
    blendMode - the mode to use when combining images
    overImage - the image will be pasted over the top of this image (if None, returns image)
    position - the position to place the new image, relative to overImage (can be negative)
    resize - allow the resulting image to be resized if overImage extends beyond its bounds

    Most comprehensive list:
    Excellent description of blend modes:
    How they're implemented in gimp:
    For another python implementation (not all supported):

    IMPORTANT: the image bits may be altered.  To prevent this, set image.immutable=True
    def _normal(bottom, top):
        return top

    def _multiply(bottom, top):
        return bottom * top

    def _screen(bottom, top):
        return bottom + top - (bottom * top)

    def _dissolve(bottom, top):
        # TODO: there is a bug.  instead of randomly merging pixels, it randomly merges color values
        rand = np.random.random(bottom.shape)
        return np.where(rand > 0.5, bottom, top)

    def _darken(bottom, top):
        return np.minimum(bottom, top)

    def _colorBurn(bottom, top):
        # NOTE: gimp "burn" is a colorBurn, not a linearBurn
        return 1.0 - ((1.0 - top) / bottom)

    def _linearBurn(bottom, top):
        return bottom + top - 1.0

    def _lighten(bottom, top):
        return np.maximum(bottom, top)

    def _colorDodge(bottom, top):
        # NOTE: gimp "dodge" is a colorDodge, not a linearDodge
        return top / (1.0 - bottom)

    def _linearDodge(bottom, top):
        return top + bottom

    def _overlay(bottom, top):
        # TODO: the colors saturation comes out a little higher than gimp, but close
        return np.where(top <= 0.5, 2.0 * bottom * top,
                        1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - bottom) * (1.0 - top))

    def _hardOverlay(bottom, top):
        # this is a krita thing
        return np.where(bottom > 0.5, _multiply(top, 2.0 * bottom),
                        _divide(top, 2.0 * bottom - 1.0))

    def _hardLight(bottom, top):
        return np.where(bottom <= 0.5, _multiply(top, 2.0 * bottom),
                        _screen(top, 2.0 * bottom - 1.0))

    def _vividLight(bottom, top):
        return np.where(top > 0.5, _colorDodge(bottom, top),
                        _colorBurn(bottom, top))

    def _linearLight(bottom, top):
        return np.where(top > 0.5, _linearDodge(bottom, top),
                        _linearBurn(bottom, top))

    def _pinLight(bottom, top):
        # NOTE: I think this is right...?
        return np.where(bottom > 0.5, _darken(bottom, top),
                        _lighten(bottom, top))

    def _hardMix(bottom, top):
        # NOTE: I think this is right...?
        return np.where(bottom > 0.5, 1.0, 0.0)

    def _difference(bottom, top):
        return np.abs(bottom - top)

    def _softLight(bottom, top):
        # NOTE: strangely both algos do the same thing, but look different than gimp
        #\tyet the last algo is deliberately backwards, and that's what gimp does.  Is gimp backwards??
        #def D(x):
        #\treturn np.where(x<=0.25,((16*x-12)*x+4)*x,np.sqrt(x))
        #return np.where(top<=0.5,bottom-(1.0-2.0*top)*bottom*(1.0-bottom),bottom+(2.0*top-1)*(D(bottom)-bottom))
        #return (1.0-bottom)*bottom*top+bottom*(1.0-(1.0-bottom)*(1.0-top))
        return (1.0 - top) * top * bottom + top * (1.0 - (1.0 - top) *
                                                   (1.0 - bottom))

    def _exclusion(bottom, top):
        return bottom + top - 2.0 * bottom * top

    def _subtract(bottom, top):
        # NOTE:  You'd think the first algo would be correct, but gimp has it the opposite way
        #return bottom-top
        return top - bottom

    def _grainExtract(bottom, top):
        # NOTE:  You'd think the first algo would be correct, but gimp has it the opposite way
        #return bottom-top+0.5
        return top - bottom + 0.5

    def _grainMerge(bottom, top):
        return bottom + top - 0.5

    def _divide(bottom, top):
        # NOTE:  You'd think the first algo would be correct, but gimp has it the opposite way
        #return bottom/top
        return top / bottom

    def _hue(bottom, top):
        bottomH = rgb2hsvArray(bottom)
        topH = rgb2hsvArray(top)
        return hsv2rgbArray(np.dstack((bottomH[:, :, 0], topH[:, :, 1:])))

    def _saturation(bottom, top):
        bottomH = rgb2hsvArray(bottom)
        topH = rgb2hsvArray(top)
        return hsv2rgbArray(
            np.dstack((topH[:, :, 0], bottomH[:, :, 1], topH[:, :, 2])))

    def _value(bottom, top):
        bottomH = rgb2hsvArray(bottom)
        topH = rgb2hsvArray(top)
        return hsv2rgbArray(np.dstack((topH[:, :, :2], bottomH[:, :, 2])))

    def _color(bottom, top):
        # TODO: Very close, but seems to lose some blue values compared to gimp
        bottomH = rgb2hsvArray(bottom)
        topH = rgb2hsvArray(top)
        return hsv2rgbArray(np.dstack((bottomH[:, :, :2], topH[:, :, 2])))


    ret = None
    if blendMode == 'normal':
        ret = paste(image, overImage, position, resize)
    elif blendMode == 'dissolve':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _dissolve)
    elif blendMode == 'behind':
        # this is a brush only blend mode, so not implemented
        # what it does is paint on just alpha
        raise NotImplementedError()
    elif blendMode == 'clear':
        # this is a brush only blend mode, so not implemented
        # what it does is paint alpha on solid areas (aka, erase)
        raise NotImplementedError()
    elif blendMode in ('darken', 'darkenOnly'):
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _darken)
    elif blendMode == 'multiply':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _multiply)
    elif blendMode in ('colorBurn', 'burn'):
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _colorBurn)
    elif blendMode == 'linearBurn':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _linearBurn)
    elif blendMode in ('lighten', 'lightenOnly'):
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _lighten)
    elif blendMode == 'screen':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _screen)
    elif blendMode in ('colorDodge', 'dodge'):
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _colorDodge)
    elif blendMode in ('linearDodge', 'add'):
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _linearDodge)
    elif blendMode == 'addMod':
        ret = ImageChops.add_modulo(image, overImage)
    elif blendMode == 'overlay':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _overlay)
    elif blendMode == 'hardOverlay':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _hardOverlay)
    elif blendMode == 'softLight':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _softLight)
    elif blendMode == 'hardLight':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _hardLight)
    elif blendMode == 'vividLight':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _vividLight)
    elif blendMode == 'linearLight':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _linearLight)
    elif blendMode == 'pinLight':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _pinLight)
    elif blendMode == 'hardMix':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _hardMix)
    elif blendMode == 'difference':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _difference)
    elif blendMode == 'exclusion':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _exclusion)
    elif blendMode == 'subtract':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _subtract)
    elif blendMode == 'subtractMod':
        ret = ImageChops.subtract_modulo(image, overImage)
    elif blendMode == 'divide':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _divide)
    elif blendMode == 'hue':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _hue)
    elif blendMode == 'saturation':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _saturation)
    elif blendMode == 'color':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _color)
    elif blendMode in ('luminosity', 'value'):
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _value)
    elif blendMode in ('lighterColor', 'lighter'):
        ret = ImageChops.lighter(image, overImage)
    elif blendMode in ('darkerColor', 'darker'):
        ret = ImageChops.darker(image, overImage)
    elif blendMode == 'and':
        ret = ImageChops.logical_and(image, overImage)
    elif blendMode == 'or':
        ret = ImageChops.logical_or(image, overImage)
    elif blendMode == 'grainExtract':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _grainExtract)
    elif blendMode == 'grainMerge':
        ret = _blendArray(image, overImage, _grainMerge)
        raise Exception('ERR: Unknown blend mode "' + blendMode + '"')
    return ret

def imshow(tensor, imsize=512, title=None):
    image = tensor.clone().cpu()
    image = image.view(*tensor.size())
    image = transforms.ToPILImage()(image).convert('L')
    return image

image_folder = "blocks/output4"
starting_index = 15
starting_stage = starting_index + 1

transform = transforms.Compose([
    transforms.Normalize((0.5, ), (0.5, )),

# read normalized delta state files
delta_s = torch.load(image_folder + '/delta_stage_15').to('cpu').detach()
# delta_s = delta_s.numpy()

img_delta = imshow(delta_s, imsize=240)
# image_delta = dest_img - src_img
input("Press Enter to continue...")
src_img = Image.open('./' + image_folder + '/new_' + str(starting_stage) +
                     '.jpg').convert('L')  #
dest_img = ImageChops.add_modulo(img_delta, src_img)
Exemple #20
    def write_matrix(self, pin_list):
        if self.update_skip != 0:
            self.update_skip -= 1
            if self.update_skip >= 0:

        if len(self.led_config.matrix_pattern_type) == 1:
            self.p_type = self.led_config.matrix_pattern_type[0]
            for pin in xrange(len(pin_list)):
                self.beats += pin_list[pin] * (len(pin_list) /
                                               (pin + 1)) * 0.002
            if self.beats > self.led_config.beats:
                self.beats = 0
                self.p_num += 1
                if self.p_num >= len(self.led_config.matrix_pattern_type):
                    self.p_num = 0
            self.p_type = self.led_config.matrix_pattern_type[self.p_num]


        h = self.led_config.matrix_height
        w = self.led_config.matrix_width

        if self.p_type == 'SBARS':
            for y in range(h):
                y_ind = int((float(len(pin_list)) / h) * y)
                for x_cord in range(int(pin_list[y_ind] * float(w))):
                    rgb = color_map[int(255.0 * float(x_cord) / float(w))]
                    self.led.set(y_ind, x_cord, rgb)

        if self.p_type == 'MBARS':
            norm_arr = [int(x * 255) for x in pin_list]
            for y_cord in range(w):
                for x in range(h):
                    x_ind = int((float(len(pin_list)) / h) * x)
                    if self.drops[y_cord][x_ind] > 64:
                        rgb = scale(color_map[255 - self.drops[y_cord][x_ind]],
                                    int(self.drops[y_cord][x_ind] * 0.5))
                        self.led.set(x, w - 1 - y_cord, rgb)
            del self.drops[0]

        elif self.p_type == 'IMAGE':
            complete_image = self.base_image
            for pin in xrange(len(pin_list)):
                if pin_list[pin] > 0.55:
                    complete_image = ImageChops.add_modulo(

                self.led, "",
                    self.max_brightness * 0.5))

        elif self.p_type == 'PINWHEEL':
            amt = 0

            for pin in xrange(len(pin_list)):
                amt += pin_list[pin] * (len(pin_list) / (pin + 1)) * 0.25
            amt = int(amt)

            pos = 0
            for x in range(h):
                c = colors.hue_helper(pos, self._len, self._step)
                self.led.drawLine(self._cX, self._cY, x, 0, c)
                pos += 1

            for y in range(w):
                c = colors.hue_helper(pos, self._len, self._step)
                self.led.drawLine(self._cX, self._cY, h - 1, y, c)
                pos += 1

            for x in range(h - 1, -1, -1):
                c = colors.hue_helper(pos, self._len, self._step)
                self.led.drawLine(self._cX, self._cY, x, w - 1, c)
                pos += 1

            for y in range(w - 1, -1, -1):
                c = colors.hue_helper(pos, self._len, self._step)
                self.led.drawLine(self._cX, self._cY, 0, y, c)
                pos += 1

            self._step += amt
            if (self._step >= 255):
                self._step = 0

        elif self.p_type == 'CBARS':
            midl = int(h / 2)
            for y in range(w):
                level = pin_list[int(
                    (y / float(w)) * float(self.led_config.led_channel_count))]
                brightness = int(255 * level)
                rgb = scale(color_map[brightness], brightness)
                mlvl = int(level * midl)
                self.led.drawLine(midl - mlvl, y, midl + mlvl, y, rgb)

        elif self.p_type == 'CIRCLES':
            for pin in xrange(len(pin_list)):
                rgb = self.rgb[pin]
                c = scale(rgb, int((pin_list[pin]) * 255))
                self.led.drawCircle(self._cX, self._cY, pin, c)

        self.update_skip = self.skip
        gameDisplay.blit(imgtaken, (0,0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_MAX)
    if pil == True:
     # made file name for edited image output
        timenow = time.time()
        pil_blend = str(timenow)[0:10]
        pil_blend= "blend_"+str(timenow)+".jpg"
     # set current and prior photo as loaded pil images
        pil_p_photo = pil_c_photo
        pil_c_photo = photo()
        pil_c_photo = Image.open(pil_c_photo)
     # set current and prior dif images as loaded pil images
        pil_p_dif = pil_c_dif
        pil_c_dif = ImageChops.difference(pil_c_photo, pil_p_photo)
     # combine prior and current difference images
        pil_a = ImageChops.add_modulo(pil_p_dif, pil_c_dif)
        #pil_a = Image.blend(pil_p_dif, pil_c_dif, 0.9)
     # open image to display on screen
        onscreen = pygame.image.load(pil_blend)
        gameDisplay.blit(onscreen, (0,0))
        imgtaken = photo()
        imgtaken = pygame.image.load(imgtaken)
        gameDisplay.blit(imgtaken, (0,0))

    #gameDisplay.blit(imgtaken, (0,0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_ADD)
Exemple #22
def selfmodulo(image):
    # Testing Imagechops module

    return ImageChops.add_modulo(image, image)
    def write_matrix(self, pin_list):
        if self.update_skip != 0:
            self.update_skip -= 1
            if self.update_skip >= 0:

        if len(self.led_config.matrix_pattern_type) == 1:
            self.p_type = self.led_config.matrix_pattern_type[0]
            for pin in range(len(pin_list)):
                self.beats += pin_list[pin] * (len(pin_list) /
                                               (pin + 1)) * 0.002
            if self.beats > self.led_config.beats and self._bstep == 0:
                self._bstep = 0
                self.beats = 0
                self.p_num += 1
                if self.p_num >= len(self.led_config.matrix_pattern_type):
                    self.p_num = 0
            self.p_type = self.led_config.matrix_pattern_type[self.p_num]


        h = self.led_config.matrix_height
        w = self.led_config.matrix_width

        if self.p_type == 'SBARS':
            for y in range(h):
                y_ind = int((float(len(pin_list)) / h) * y)
                for x_cord in range(int(pin_list[y_ind] * float(w))):
                    rgb = color_map[int(255.0 * float(x_cord) / float(w))]
                    self.led.set(y_ind, x_cord, rgb)

        if self.p_type == 'MBARS':
            norm_arr = [int(x * 255) for x in pin_list]
            for y_cord in range(w):
                for x in range(h):
                    x_ind = int((float(len(pin_list)) / h) * x)
                    if self.drops[y_cord][x_ind] > 64:
                        rgb = scale(color_map[255 - self.drops[y_cord][x_ind]],
                                    int(self.drops[y_cord][x_ind] * 0.5))
                        self.led.set(x, w - 1 - y_cord, rgb)
            del self.drops[0]

        elif self.p_type == 'IMAGE':
            complete_image = self.base_image
            for pin in range(len(pin_list)):
                if pin_list[pin] > 0.55:
                    complete_image = ImageChops.add_modulo(

                self.led, "",
                    self.max_brightness * 0.5))

        elif self.p_type == 'PINWHEEL':
            amt = 0

            for pin in range(len(pin_list)):
                amt += pin_list[pin] * (len(pin_list) / (pin + 1)) * 0.25
            amt = int(amt)

            pos = 0
            for x in range(h):
                c = colors.hue_helper(pos, self._len, self._step)
                self.led.drawLine(self.midxa, self.midya, x, 0, c)
                pos += 1

            for y in range(w):
                c = colors.hue_helper(pos, self._len, self._step)
                self.led.drawLine(self.midxb, self.midyb, h - 1, y, c)
                pos += 1

            for x in range(h - 1, -1, -1):
                c = colors.hue_helper(pos, self._len, self._step)
                self.led.drawLine(self.midxb, self.midyb, x, w - 1, c)
                pos += 1

            for y in range(w - 1, -1, -1):
                c = colors.hue_helper(pos, self._len, self._step)
                self.led.drawLine(self.midxa, self.midya, 0, y, c)
                pos += 1

            self._step += amt
            if (self._step >= 255):
                self._step = 0

        elif self.p_type == 'CBARS':
            for y in range(w):
                level = pin_list[int(
                    (y / float(w)) * float(self.led_config.led_channel_count))]
                brightness = int(255 * level)
                rgb = scale(color_map[brightness], brightness)
                mlvl = int(level * self.midxa)
                self.led.drawLine(self.midxa - mlvl, y, self.midxb + mlvl, y,

        elif self.p_type == 'CIRCLES':
            for pin in range(self.led_config.led_channel_count):
                rgb = self.rgb[pin]
                c = scale(rgb, int((pin_list[pin]) * 255))
                    self.midxa, self.midyb,
                    int(pin * ((w / 2) / self.led_config.led_channel_count)),

        elif self.p_type == 'BANNER':
            rgb = self.rgb[list(pin_list).index(max(list(pin_list)))]
            # fit 4 characters into width
            text = self.led_config.banner_text[int(self._bstep
                                                   ):int(self._bstep) + 4]
            # fonts : 6x4 8x6 16x8
            # scroll speed 0.1
            self._bstep += 0.1
            # scroll with beats
            #            self._bstep += (pin_list[0] * 0.2) + (pin_list[1] * 0.1)
            if (self._bstep >= len(self.led_config.banner_text)):
                self._bstep = 0

        self.update_skip = self.skip
Exemple #24
from PIL import Image, ImageChops

im1 = Image.open("/home/pi/DIP/Dataset/4.1.03.tiff")
im2 = Image.open("/home/pi/DIP/Dataset/4.1.04.tiff")

im3 = ImageChops.add_modulo(im1, im2)

Exemple #25
        gameDisplay.blit(imgtaken, (0, 0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_MAX)
    if pil == True:
        # made file name for edited image output
        timenow = time.time()
        pil_blend = str(timenow)[0:10]
        pil_blend = "blend_" + str(timenow) + ".jpg"
        # set current and prior photo as loaded pil images
        pil_p_photo = pil_c_photo
        pil_c_photo = photo()
        pil_c_photo = Image.open(pil_c_photo)
        # set current and prior dif images as loaded pil images
        pil_p_dif = pil_c_dif
        pil_c_dif = ImageChops.difference(pil_c_photo, pil_p_photo)
        # combine prior and current difference images
        pil_a = ImageChops.add_modulo(pil_p_dif, pil_c_dif)
        #pil_a = Image.blend(pil_p_dif, pil_c_dif, 0.9)
        # open image to display on screen
        onscreen = pygame.image.load(pil_blend)
        gameDisplay.blit(onscreen, (0, 0))
        imgtaken = photo()
        imgtaken = pygame.image.load(imgtaken)
        gameDisplay.blit(imgtaken, (0, 0))

    #gameDisplay.blit(imgtaken, (0,0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_ADD)