
    # parameters
    mem_id = db.GetMembershipID(CollectionEnum.SystemFuels, 'System', 'NG/CT')
    enum_id = int(SystemFuelsEnum.Price)

    # we'll add three property rows... monthly gas prices for 3 months
    params = [(mem_id, enum_id, 1, 5.0, DateTime(2024, 1, 1), None, None, None,
               None, scenario, None, PeriodEnum.Interval),
              (mem_id, enum_id, 1, 5.1, DateTime(2024, 2, 1), None, None, None,
               None, scenario, None, PeriodEnum.Interval),
              (mem_id, enum_id, 1, 4.8, DateTime(2024, 3, 1), None, None, None,
               None, scenario, None, PeriodEnum.Interval)]

    # invoke
    for p in params:

    # Add the scenario to a model
    Int32 AddMembership(
    	CollectionEnum nCollectionId,
    	String strParent,
    	String strChild
    db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.ModelScenarios, 'Q1 DA', scenario)

    # save the data set
                'Load Participation Factor', 1)
add_plexos_prop(db, ClassEnum.System, ClassEnum.Node,
                CollectionEnum.SystemNodes, 'System', 'B',
                'Load Participation Factor', 1)

# One line
add_plexos_prop(db, ClassEnum.System, ClassEnum.Line,
                CollectionEnum.SystemLines, 'System', 'AB', 'Max Flow', 90)

# Memberships
Int32 AddMembership(
	CollectionEnum nCollectionId,
	String strParent,
	String strChild
db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.GeneratorNodes, 'A1', 'A')
db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.GeneratorNodes, 'A2', 'A')
db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.GeneratorNodes, 'B1', 'B')
db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.GeneratorNodes, 'B2', 'B')

db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.NodeRegion, 'A', 'A')
db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.NodeRegion, 'B', 'B')

db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.LineNodeFrom, 'AB', 'A')
db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.LineNodeTo, 'AB', 'B')

# save the data set
    	Boolean bAddSystemMembership,
    	String strCategory[ = None],
    	String strDescription[ = None]
    db.AddObject('ApiGen', ClassEnum.Generator, True, 'API', 'Testing the API')

    # Add memberships
    Int32 AddMembership(
    	CollectionEnum nCollectionId,
    	String strParent,
    	String strChild
    db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.GeneratorNodes, 'ApiGen', '101')
    db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.GeneratorFuels, 'ApiGen', 'Coal/Steam')
    db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.ReserveGenerators, 'Spin Up', 'ApiGen')

    # Get the System.Generators membership ID for this new generator
    Int32 GetMembershipID(
    	CollectionEnum nCollectionId,
    	String strParent,
    	String strChild
    mem_id = db.GetMembershipID(CollectionEnum.SystemGenerators, \
                                'System', 'ApiGen')

    # Add properties