def create_datafile_object(plexosfile, datafilename, datafilepath, copyfileto=''):
    if not os.path.exists(plexosfile):
        raise Exception('"{}" does not exist'.format(plexosfile))
    if not copyfileto == '':
        if os.path.exists(copyfileto):
        copyfile(plexosfile, copyfileto)
        plexosfile = copyfileto
    # Create an object to store the input data
    db = DatabaseCore()

    # Add a scenario
    Int32 AddObject(
    	String strName,
    	ClassEnum nClassId,
    	Boolean bAddSystemMembership,
    	String strCategory[ = None],
    	String strDescription[ = None]
    db.AddObject(datafilename, ClassEnum.DataFile, True)

    # Create data and tag it with the scenario
    Int32 AddProperty(
    	Int32 MembershipId,
    	Int32 EnumId,
    	Int32 BandId,
    	Double Value,
    	Object DateFrom,
    	Object DateTo,
    	Object Variable,
    	Object DataFile,
    	Object Pattern,
    	Object Scenario,
    	Object Action,
    	PeriodEnum PeriodTypeId
    # alias
    add_prop = db.AddProperty[Int32,Int32,Int32,Double,Object,Object, \
    # parameters
    mem_id = db.GetMembershipID(CollectionEnum.SystemDataFiles, 'System', datafilename)
    enum_id = int(SystemDataFilesEnum.Filename) 
    # we'll add three property rows... monthly gas prices for 3 months
    params = [(mem_id, enum_id, 1, 0, None, None, None, datafilepath, None, None, None, PeriodEnum.Interval),]
    # invoke
    for p in params:
    # Add the scenario to a model
    Int32 AddMembership(
    	CollectionEnum nCollectionId,
    	String strParent,
    	String strChild
    db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.ModelScenarios, 'Q1 DA', scenario)
    # save the data set
    # pass the plexos file path (.xml) whether copied or not
    return plexosfile
    if not db.CategoryExists(ClassEnum.Scenario, 'Added by API'):
        db.AddCategory(ClassEnum.Scenario, 'Added by API')

    # Add a scenario
    Int32 AddObject(
    	String strName,
    	ClassEnum nClassId,
    	Boolean bAddSystemMembership,
    	String strCategory[ = None],
    	String strDescription[ = None]
    scenario = 'API{:%Y%m%d%H%M}'.format(
    db.AddObject(scenario, ClassEnum.Scenario, True, 'Added by API')

    # Create data and tag it with the scenario
    Int32 AddProperty(
    	Int32 MembershipId,
    	Int32 EnumId,
    	Int32 BandId,
    	Double Value,
    	Object DateFrom,
    	Object DateTo,
    	Object Variable,
    	Object DataFile,
    	Object Pattern,
    	Object Scenario,
    	Object Action,
    	String strCategory
    db.AddCategory(ClassEnum.Generator, 'API')

    # Add an object (and the System Membership)
    Int32 AddObject(
    	String strName,
    	ClassEnum nClassId,
    	Boolean bAddSystemMembership,
    	String strCategory[ = None],
    	String strDescription[ = None]
    db.AddObject('ApiGen', ClassEnum.Generator, True, 'API', 'Testing the API')

    # Add memberships
    Int32 AddMembership(
    	CollectionEnum nCollectionId,
    	String strParent,
    	String strChild
    db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.GeneratorNodes, 'ApiGen', '101')
    db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.GeneratorFuels, 'ApiGen', 'Coal/Steam')
    db.AddMembership(CollectionEnum.ReserveGenerators, 'Spin Up', 'ApiGen')

    # Get the System.Generators membership ID for this new generator