def __init__(self, agent): Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, (), # behaviours ("game_over", "life")) # These are behaviour variables self.displayInfo = True = AIClient()
def __init__(self, agent): # initialise the behaviour by specifying that it provides the action # 'change_dir' and the senses 'see_cookie' and 'fail'. These have # to correspond to a method of the class. Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, # Behaviours # Zerg ("spawn_drone", "spawn_overlord", "spawn_zerglings", "spawn_hydralisk", "spawn_mutalisk", "spawn_lurker", "spawn_queen", "spawn_ultralisk", "spawn_defiler", "spawn_devourer", "spawn_guardian", "spawn_scourge", "spawn_infested_terran", # Terran "train_SCV", "train_marine", "train_medic", "train_firebat", "train_battlecruiser", "train_ghost", "train_goliath", "train_dropship", "train_science_vessel", "train_siege_tank", "train_valkyrie", "train_vulture", "train_wraith", # Protoss "train_probe", "train_zealot", "train_archon", "train_carrier", "train_corsair", "train_dark_archon", "train_dark_templar", "train_dragoon", "train_templar", "train_observer", "train_reaver", "train_scout", "train_shuttle", "train_arbiter" ), # Senses ("larvae_count", "overlords_morphing")) # Zerg
def __init__(self, agent): """Initialises the PanicFlocking Behaviour. """ # register the actions and senses Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, ('set_panic_to_max', 'reduce_panic_level','move_to_target', 'pick_flocking_target', 'panic_flock_move', 'flock_move', 'dog_flock_with_sheep', 'avoid_predator_flock'), ('neighbor_panic', 'predator_close', 'sheep_close', 'alone', 'no_target')) # Initial behaviour state = None self.alone_count = 0 self.normal_jump = .7 self.panic_level = 0 # Set the inspectors self.registerInspectors(('PanicLevel', 'Target', 'AloneCount')) # These are the default flocking parameters, set up for sheep. The dogs override some of these in init_agent # maximum panic level self.PANIC_MAX = 10 # standard panic decay per set self.PANIC_DECAY = 0.5 # maximum 'allowed' distance to other agents self.MAXDISTANCE = 70 # minimum distance after which we want to avoid the other agent self.MINDISTANCE = 5 # people we can see, NeighbourhoodSize self.NHS = 50
def __init__(self, agent): Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, ("stop_bot", "rotate", "big_rotate", "move_player", "pickup_item", "walk"), ("see_player", "see_item", "close_to_player", "hit_object", "fail", "succeed", "is_rotating", "is_walking", "is_stuck")) # senses fail and succeed = lambda : False self.succeed = lambda : True
def __init__(self, agent): Behaviour.__init__( self, agent, ("shoot_enemy_carrying_our_flag", "run_to_enemy_carrying_our_flag", "face_attacker", "set_attacker", "shoot_attacker"), ("see_enemy_with_our_flag", "our_flag_on_ground", "enemy_flag_on_ground", "incoming_projectile", "taken_damage_from_specific_player", "taken_damage", "is_responding_to_attack")) self.CombatInfo = CombatInfoClass()
def __init__(self, agent): # initialise the behaviour by specifying that it provides the action # 'change_dir' and the senses 'see_cookie' and 'fail'. These have # to correspond to a method of the class. Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, ("start_collecting_gas", ), # behaviours ("mineral_count", "gas_count", "supply_total", "supply_used", "supply_available", "predicted_supply_available", "drone_count", "gas_saturated")) # senses
def __init__(self, agent): # initialise the behaviour by specifying that it provides the action # 'change_dir' and the senses 'see_cookie' and 'fail'. These have # to correspond to a method of the class. Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, ("attack", "defend"), # behaviours ("force_size", "is_attacking", "hydralisk_count", "zealot_count", "observer_count", "marine_medic_count", "marine_medic_ratio" )) # senses
def __init__(self, agent): # initialise the behaviour by specifying that it provides the action # 'change_dir' and the senses 'see_cookie' and 'fail'. These have # to correspond to a method of the class. Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, ("scout_drone",), # behaviours ("found_enemy_base","scouting_drone", "is_enemy_zerg", "is_enemy_protoss", "is_enemy_terran")) # senses # These are behaviour variables self.isDroneScouting = False self.isOverlordScouting = False
def __init__(self, agent): # initialise the behaviour by specifying that it provides the action # 'change_dir' and the senses 'see_cookie' and 'fail'. These have # to correspond to a method of the class. Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, ('change_dir', ), ('see_cookie', 'fail')) # These are behavior varibles # self.patience = 50 self.base_dir = os.getcwd() self.cwd = self.base_dir self.cookie_name = 'cookie'
def __init__(self, agent): """Initialises the SheepHerding Behaviour. """ self.succeed = lambda: 1 Behaviour.__init__( self, agent, ('set_rest_spot', 'select_sheep_target', 'move_to_sheep_target', 'move_to_rest_spot', 'rest', 'lose_target'), ('herd_too_wide', 'has_target', 'has_rest_spot', 'in_rest_spot', 'succeed', 'rest_spot_old')) # set the initial state self.restSpot = None self.restTime = 0 = None # register inspectors self.registerInspectors(('Target', 'RestSpot'))
def __init__(self, agent): Behaviour.__init__( self, agent, ("walk_to_nav_point", "to_enemy_flag", "to_own_base", "to_own_flag", "to_enemy_base", "inch", "runto_medical_kit", "runto_weapon"), ("at_enemy_base", "at_own_base", "know_enemy_base_pos", "know_own_base_pos", "reachable_nav_point", "enemy_flag_reachable", "our_flag_reachable", "see_enemy", "see_reachable_medical_kit", "see_reachable_weapon", "too_close_for_path")) self.PosInfo = PositionsInfo() # set up useful constants self.PathHomeID = "PathHome" self.ReachPathHomeID = "ReachPathHome" self.PathToEnemyBaseID = "PathThere" self.ReachPathToEnemyBaseID = "ReachPathThere"
def __init__(self, agent): Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, # actions: ( 'startup', 'go2sat', 'adjustyaw', 'adjustpitch', 'go2fin1', 'go2panel', 'liftpanel', 'placepanel', 'pressbutton', 'liftcable', 'plugincable', 'go2fin2', 'go2stairs', 'climbstairs', 'opendoor', 'go2table', 'liftdetector', 'findleak', 'liftrepair', 'repairleak', 'go2fin3', 'alldone', 'retry','prep4Task1_1','phone_home', 'reharness', 'prep4Next' ), # senses: ('see_sat','fallen','timedout','retries_left','currentTaskIs','fail','succeed')) # These are behavior variables # self.agent = agent # Handled by the Base Class self.Timeout = 0 self.retryCnt = 0 self.startupTime = time.time() #This should be wall time. All others ROS time. self.curTask = -1 self.stepCnt = 0
def __init__(self, agent): Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, (), ()) # initially put the agent on all fields, as we might assign # the attribute self.fields later OrientedEntity.__init__(self, agent.getWorld().sim) # add controller to control the agent self._control = _MASONControl(self.agent) # sets the MASON random number generator self._setMASONRNG(self.agent.getWorld().sim) # default portrayal: white compass of size 3 self._portrayal = OrientedPortrayal2D( SimplePortrayal2D(), 0, 3.0, Color.white, OrientedPortrayal2D.SHAPE_COMPASS) # standard attributes (should be changed after initialisation) self.fieldNames = None self.display = None = 'noname'
def __init__(self, agent): # initialise the behaviour by specifying that it provides the action # 'change_dir' and the senses 'see_cookie' and 'fail'. These have # to correspond to a method of the class. Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, ('change_dir', ), ('see_cookie', 'fail')) # These are behavior variables # self.patience = 50 #self.base_dir = os.getcwd() #self.cwd = self.base_dir self.cookie_name = 'cookie' self.port = 0 self.robot = None self.robotname = "" self.sonar = [] self.pose = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.others = [] self.sensetm = time.time() self.sensedelay = 0.1
def assignAttributes(self, attributes): """Assigns the behaviour a set of attributes. This method picks out the attribute 'loc' and uses it to set to location of the agent. All other attributes are assigned by L{Behaviour.assignAttributes}. The location has to be given by C{MASON.loc = 100.0, 200.0}, where the value is to be given as a string ('100.0, 200.0' in this example), and the first value and the second value specify the x and the y coordinate respectively. @param attributes: dictionary of attributes to assign to behaviour. @type attributes: dictionary attribute_name -> value """ # filter out 'loc' to set location of agent using setLoc if attributes.has_key('loc'): x, y = map(float, attributes['loc'].split(',')) self.setLoc(Double2D(x, y)) del attributes['loc'] Behaviour.assignAttributes(self, attributes)
def __init__(self, agent, attributes=None): Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, (), (), attributes) # default connection values, use attributes to override self.ip = "" self.port = "3000" self.botname = "BODbot" # Valid values for team are 0 and 1. If an invalid value is used gamebots # will alternate the team on which each new bot is placed. = "-1" # all the rest is standard = [] #things like hitting a wall self.conninfo = {} self.gameinfo = {} self.view_players = {} self.view_items = {} self.nav_points = {} self.botinfo = {} self.s_gameinfo = {} self.s_view_players = {} self.s_view_items = {} self.s_nav_points = {} self.s_botinfo = {} self.msg_log = [] # Temp Log for message received self.msg_log_max = 4096 # Max Temp Log size self.sent_msg_log = [] # Temp Log for messages sent self.sent_msg_log_max = 6 # Max Temp Log size self.hit_timestamp = 0 # Used to inhibit was_hit() self.thread_active = 0 self.kill_connection = 0 self.rotation_hist = [] self.velocity_hist = [] self.thread_active = 0 self.conn_ready = 0 self.conn_thread_id = None
def __init__(self, agent): Behaviour.__init__( self, agent, (), ("have_enemy_flag", "own_health_level", "are_armed", "ammo_amount", "armed_and_ammo")) # "holding_enemy_flag was removed
def __init__(self, agent): # initialise the behaviour by specifying that it provides the action # 'change_dir' and the senses 'see_cookie' and 'fail'. These have # to correspond to a method of the class. Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, # Behaviours # Zerg ("upgrade_zergling_speed" , "upgrade_hydralisk_speed", "upgrade_hydralisk_range" , "zerg_upgrade_flyer_carapace", "zerg_upgrade_flyer_attacks", "upgrade_overlord_speed", "zerg_upgrade_melee" , "zerg_upgrade_ranged", "zerg_upgrade_carapace" , "upgrade_defiler_energy", "upgrade_overlord_sight" , "upgrade_queen_energy", "upgrade_zergling_atk_spd" , "upgrade_ultralisk_armor", "upgrade_ultralisk_speed" , "research_ensnare", "research_lurker_aspect" , "research_broodlings", "research_burrow" , "research_overlord_transport", "research_plague" , "research_consume", # Terran "upgrade_marine_range" , "upgrade_medic_energy", "upgrade_vehicle_weapons" , "upgrade_vehicle_armor", "upgrade_ship_weapons" , "upgrade_ship_armor", "upgrade_wraith_energy" , "upgrade_ghost_sight", "upgrade_ghost_energy" , "upgrade_infantry_weapons", "upgrade_infantry_armor" , "upgrade_vulture_speed", "upgrade_goliath_range" , "upgrade_battlecruiser_energy", "upgrade_sci_vessel_energy" , "research_stimpack", "research_restoration" , "research_flare", "research_wraith_cloak" , "research_ghost_cloak", "research_lockdown" , "research_siege_mode", "research_spider_mines" , "research_yamato_gun", "research_emp" , "research_irradiate", # Protoss "upgrade_ground_weapons" , "upgrade_ground_armor", "upgrade_arbiter_energy" , "upgrade_zealot_speed", "upgrade_air_weapons" , "upgrade_air_armor", "upgrade_dragoon_range" , "upgrade_scout_sight", "upgrade_scout_speed" , "upgrade_carrier_capacity", "upgrade_corsair_energy" , "upgrade_plasma_shields", "upgrade_observer_speed" , "upgrade_observer_sight", "upgrade_reaver_capacity" , "upgrade_scarab_damage", "upgrade_shuttle_speed" , "upgrade_dark_archon_energy", "upgrade_templar_energy" , "research_recall", "research_stasis_field" , "research_disruption_web", "research_hallucination" , "research_psionic_storm", "research_maelstrom" , "research_mind_control", ), # Senses # Zerg ("has_zergling_speed" , "has_hydralisk_speed", "has_hydralisk_range" , "has_overlord_speed", "zerg_flyer_attack_level" , "zerg_flyer_carapace_level", "zerg_melee_level" , "currently_upgrading_melee", "zerg_ranged_level" , "currently_upgrading_ranged", "zerg_carapace_level" , "currently_upgrading_carapace", "has_completed_lurker_aspect" , "has_lurker_aspect", "has_defiler_energy" , "has_overlord_sight", "has_queen_energy" , "has_zergling_atk_spd", "has_ultralisk_armor" , "has_ultralisk_speed", "has_ensnare" , "has_broodlings", "has_burrow" , "has_overlord_transport", "has_plague" , "has_consume", # Terran "has_marine_range" , "has_medic_energy", "vehicle_weapons_level" , "vehicle_armor_level", "ship_weapons_level" , "ship_armor_level", "has_wraith_energy" , "has_ghost_sight", "has_ghost_energy" , "infantry_weapons_level", "infantry_armor_level" , "has_vulture_speed", "has_goliath_range" , "has_battlecruiser_energy", "has_sci_vessel_energy" , "has_stimpack", "has_restoration" , "has_flare", "has_wraith_cloak" , "has_ghost_cloak", "has_lockdown" , "has_siege_mode", "has_spider_mines" , "has_yamato_gun", "has_emp" , "has_irradiate", # Protoss "ground_weapons_level" , "ground_armor_level", "has_arbiter_energy" , "has_zealot_speed", "air_weapons_level" , "air_armor_level", "has_dragoon_range" , "has_scout_sight", "has_scout_speed" , "has_carrier_capacity", "has_corsair_energy" , "plasma_shields_level", "has_observer_speed" , "has_observer_sight", "has_reaver_capacity" , "has_scarab_damage", "has_shuttle_speed" , "has_dark_archon_energy", "has_templar_energy" , "has_recall", "has_stasis_field" , "has_disruption_web", "has_hallucination" , "has_psionic_storm", "has_maelstrom" , "has_mind_control", )) # These are behaviour variables '''
def __init__(self, agent): # initialise the behaviour by specifying that it provides the action # 'change_dir' and the senses 'see_cookie' and 'fail'. These have # to correspond to a method of the class. Behaviour.__init__(self, agent, # Behaviours # General ("build_extractor" , "send_drone_expansion", "build_expansion_hatchery" , # Zerg "build_spawning_pool" , "build_macro_hatchery", "build_hydralisk_den" , "build_evolution_chamber", "build_creep_colony" , "build_spire", "build_defiler_mound" , "build_queens_nest", "build_ultralisk_cavern", "build_nydus_canal_start", "build_nydus_canal_end" , "upgrade_to_greater_spire", "upgrade_to_lair" , "upgrade_to_hive", "upgrade_to_sunken" , "upgrade_to_spore", "infest_command_center" , # this one may get moved # Terran "build_supply_depot" , "build_barracks", "build_academy" , "build_armory", "build_bunker" , "build_engineering_bay", "build_factory" , "build_missle_turret", "build_science_facility", "build_starport", "addon_comsat" , "addon_nuke_silo", "addon_control_tower" , "addon_covert_ops", "addon_machine_shop" , "addon_physics_lab", # Protoss "build_pylon" , "build_gateway", "build_arbiter_tribunal" , "build_citadel", "build_cybernetics_core" , "build_fleet_beacon", "build_observatory" , "build_photon_cannon", "build_robotics_facility" , "build_robotics_support_bay", "build_shield_battery" , "build_stargate", "build_templar_archive" , "build_forge" ), #Senses #General ("has_completed_extractor", "has_extractor", "check_drone_ready_expand", "expansion_count", "all_extractors_completed", "extractor_count", "has_extractor_saturation", # Note: This sense can be inaccurate on some maps as # it assumes all bases have gas which isn't always true # Zerg "has_spawning_pool" , "has_completed_spawning_pool", "has_hydralisk_den" , "has_completed_hydralisk_den", "has_spire" , "has_completed_spire", "has_lair" , "has_completed_lair", "has_hive" , "has_completed_hive", "hatchery_count" , "colony_count" , "creep_colony_count" , "sunken_count" , "spore_count", "evo_chamber_count" , "completed_evo_chamber_count", "has_defiler_mound" , "has_completed_defiler_mound", "has_queens_nest" , "has_completed_queens_nest", "has_ultralisk_cavern" , "has_completed_ultralisk_cavern", "has_greater_spire" , "has_completed_greater_spire", # Terran "barracks_count" , "completed_barracks_count", "academy_count" , "completed_academy_count", "have_free_academy", "armory_count" , "completed_armory_count", "bunker_count" , "completed_bunker_count", "engineering_bay_count" , "completed_engineering_bay_count", "have_free_bay", "factory_count" , "completed_factory_count", "missle_turret_count" , "completed_missle_turret_count", "science_facility_count", "completed_science_facility_count", "starport_count" , "completed_starport_count", "comsat_count" , "completed_comsat_count", "nuke_silo_count" , "completed_nuke_silo_count", "control_tower_count" , "completed_control_tower_count", "covert_ops_count" , "completed_covert_ops_count", "machine_shop_count" , "completed_machine_shop_count", "physics_lab_count" , "completed_physics_lab_count", # Protoss "pylon_count" , #completed pylons can be grokd from supply_count "gateway_count" , "completed_gateway_count", "forge_count" , "completed_forge_count", "free_forge_count", "arbiter_tribunal_count" , "completed_arbiter_tribunal_count", "citadel_count" , "completed_citadel_count", "cybernetics_core_count" , "completed_cybernetics_core_count", "fleet_beacon_count" , "completed_fleet_beacon_count", "observatory_count" , "completed_observatory_count", "photon_cannon_count" , "completed_photon_cannon_count", "robotics_facility_count" , "completed_robotics_facility_count", "robotics_support_bay_count", "completed_robotics_support_bay_count", "shield_battery_count" , "completed_shield_battery_count", "stargate_count" , "completed_stargate_count", "templar_archive_count" , "completed_templar_archive_count", ))