def support(
):  # false if not satisfies some the next conditions on the parameter spaces
    [x, spline, alpha, elast] = p

    if elast > 60:
        return False

    if len(spline) == 0:
        return False

    if (alpha <= 0):
        return False
    x_sp = spline

    if (x_sp > 0.78).any() | (x_sp < 0.0).any():
        return False
    Q = Polygon(x_sp)

    if Q.is_valid_polygon() == False:
        return False

    area_convex = ConvexHull(x.T).volume
    if (Q.area() / area_convex) < 0.8:
        return False

    return is_valid_spline_JA(x_sp, h)
Exemple #2
def vertice_overlap(x0, y0, x1, y1, minimal_area=False, p1_area=False):
    Return percent of overlap for each item.

    :param array x0: x for polygon list 0
    :param array y0: y for polygon list 0
    :param array x1: x for polygon list 1
    :param array y1: y for polygon list 1
    :param bool minimal_area: If True, function will compute intersection/little polygon, else intersection/union
    :param bool p1_area: If True, function will compute intersection/p1 polygon, else intersection/union
    :return: Result of cost function
    :rtype: array

    By default

        .. math:: Score = \frac{Intersection(P_0,P_1)_{area}}{Union(P_0,P_1)_{area}}

    If minimal area:

        .. math:: Score = \frac{Intersection(P_0,P_1)_{area}}{min(P_{0 area},P_{1 area})}

    If P1 area:

        .. math:: Score = \frac{Intersection(P_0,P_1)_{area}}{P_{1 area}}
    nb = x0.shape[0]
    cost = empty(nb)
    for i in range(nb):
        # Get wrapped vertice for index i
        v0, v1 = get_wrap_vertice(x0, y0, x1, y1, i)
        p0 = Polygon(v0)
        p1 = Polygon(v1)
        # Area of intersection
        intersection = (p0 & p1).area()
        # we divide intersection with the little one result from 0 to 1
        if minimal_area:
            cost[i] = intersection / min(p0.area(), p1.area())
        # we divide intersection with p1
        elif p1_area:
            cost[i] = intersection / p1.area()
        # we divide intersection with polygon merging result from 0 to 1
            cost[i] = intersection / (p0 + p1).area()
    return cost
def common_area(x0, y0, x1, y1, minimal_area=False):
    nb, _ = x0.shape
    cost = empty((nb))
    for i in range(nb):
        # Get wrapped vertice for index i
        v0, v1 = get_wrap_vertice(x0, y0, x1, y1, i)
        p0 = Polygon(v0)
        p1 = Polygon(v1)
        # Area of intersection
        intersection = (p0 & p1).area()
        # we divide intersection with the little one result from 0 to 1
        if minimal_area:
            p0_area = p0.area()
            p1_area = p1.area()
            cost[i] = intersection / min(p0_area, p1_area)
        # we divide intersection with polygon merging result from 0 to 1
            union = (p0 + p1).area()
            cost[i] = intersection / union
    return cost
    def cost_function_common_area(xy_in, xy_out, distance, intern=False):
        """ How does it work on x bound ?

        x_name, y_name = (
            ("contour_lon_s", "contour_lat_s")
            if intern
            else ("contour_lon_e", "contour_lat_e")
        r_name = "radius_s" if intern else "radius_e"
        nb_records = xy_in.shape[0]
        x_in, y_in = xy_in[x_name], xy_in[y_name]
        x_out, y_out = xy_out[x_name], xy_out[y_name]
        x_in_min, y_in_min = x_in.min(axis=1), y_in.min(axis=1)
        x_in_max, y_in_max = x_in.max(axis=1), y_in.max(axis=1)
        x_out_min, y_out_min = x_out.min(axis=1), y_out.min(axis=1)
        x_out_max, y_out_max = x_out.max(axis=1), y_out.max(axis=1)
        costs = ma.empty(nb_records, dtype="f4")

        for i in range(nb_records):
            if x_in_max[i] < x_out_min[i] or x_in_min[i] > x_out_max[i]:
                costs[i] = 1
            if y_in_max[i] < y_out_min[i] or y_in_min[i] > y_out_max[i]:
                costs[i] = 1

            x_in_, x_out_ = x_in[i], x_out[i]
            p_in = Polygon(custom_concat(x_in_, y_in[i]))
            if abs(x_in_[0] - x_out_[0]) > 180:
                x_out_ = (x_out[i] - (x_in_[0] - 180)) % 360 + x_in_[0] - 180
            p_out = Polygon(custom_concat(x_out_, y_out[i]))
            costs[i] = 1 - (p_in & p_out).area() / min(p_in.area(), p_out.area())
        costs.mask = costs == 1
        return costs
 def _maxeffpolygon(c):
     max_ratio = 0
     radius = 5
     for i in range(3, c + 1):
         pol = Polygon(i, radius)
         r = pol.area() / pol.perimeter()
         if r > max_ratio:
             max_ratio = r
             side_len = i
     return f'Polygon having max efficiency is having side:{side_len} and the ratio is:{max_ratio:0.3f}\n'
def fetch_grid((i, j)):
    """on demand generation of empty grid squares."""
    (i, j) = unwrap((i, j))
    if (i, j) not in grid:
        xloc = i * grid_spacing
        yloc = j * grid_spacing
        r = Polygon(
                (xloc, yloc),
                (xloc + grid_spacing, yloc),
                (xloc + grid_spacing, yloc + grid_spacing),
                (xloc, yloc + grid_spacing),
        p = sample.sample(r)
        t = random.expovariate(r.area())
        grid[i, j] = (p, t, r)
    return grid[(i, j)]
Exemple #7
def draw_result(shift_data, polygons, bin_polygon, bin_bounds):
    :param shift_data: 平移旋转数据
    :param polygons: 原始图形数据
    :param bin_polygon:
    :param bin_bounds:
    # 生产多边形类
    shapes = list()
    for polygon in polygons:
        contour = [[p['x'], p['y']] for p in polygon['points']]

    bin_shape = Polygon([[p['x'], p['y']] for p in bin_polygon['points']])
    shape_area = bin_shape.area(0)

    solution = list()
    rates = list()
    for s_data in shift_data:
        # 一个循环代表一个容器的排版
        tmp_bin = list()
        total_area = 0.0
        for move_step in s_data:
            if move_step['rotation'] != 0:
                # 坐标原点旋转
                    math.pi / 180 * move_step['rotation'], 0, 0)
            # 平移
            total_area += shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])].area(0)
        # 当前排版的利用率
        rates.append(total_area / shape_area)
    # 显示结果
    draw_polygon(solution, rates, bin_bounds, bin_shape)
def draw_result(shift_data, polygons, bin_polygon, bin_bounds):
    Nhận dữ liệu dịch và xoay từ kết quả, di chuyển hình ảnh gốc đến vị trí đích, sau đó lưu kết quả
    :param shift_data: Translation and rotation data
    :param polygons: Raw graphics data
    :param bin_polygon:
    :param bin_bounds:
    # Đa giác sản xuất
    shapes = list()
    for polygon in polygons:
        contour = [[p['x'], p['y']] for p in polygon['points']]

    bin_shape = Polygon([[p['x'], p['y']] for p in bin_polygon['points']])
    shape_area = bin_shape.area(0)

    solution = list()
    rates = list()
    for s_data in shift_data:
        # Một chu trình biểu thị bố cục của vùng chứa
        tmp_bin = list()
        total_area = 0.0
        for move_step in s_data:
            if move_step['rotation'] != 0:
                # Xoay gốc tọa độ
                    math.pi / 180 * move_step['rotation'], 0, 0)
            # Pan
            total_area += shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])].area(0)
        # Sử dụng sắp chữ hiện tại
        rates.append(total_area / shape_area)
    # kết quả cho thấy
    draw_polygon(solution, rates, bin_bounds, bin_shape)
class MPolygon:
	this class will eventually stop the mess with Polygon classes
	def __init__(self, id, points, mode='tuple', data=None):
		from Polygon import Polygon as Poly
		self.poly = Poly()
	def __str__(self):
		return '<M;Polygon ('+str(len(self.points))+' points)>'

	def svgPathString(self, useInt=True):
		returns the path string representation of this polygon
		ps = ''
		pts = self.points[:]
		if self.closed:
		for pt in pts:
			if pt.deleted: continue #ignore deleted points
			if ps == '': ps = 'M'
			else: ps += 'L'
			if useInt:
				ps += '%d,%d' % (round(pt.x), round(pt.y))
				ps += '%.3f,%.3f' % (pt.x, pt.y)
		if self.closed: 
			ps += 'Z' # close path
		return ps

	def area(self):
		return self.poly.area()
Exemple #10
        print("the four vertices of the myrectangle are ...")
        print("the length of myrectangle is ... ")
        print("the width of myrectangle is ... ")
        print("the perimeter of myrectangle is ... ")
        print("the area of myrectangle is ... ")

        vertices = int(line[i].split()[1])
        i = i + 1
        list = []

        for j in range(vertices):
            point = Point(float(line[i].split()[0]), float(line[i].split()[1]))
            i = i + 1

        mypolygon = Polygon(list)

        print("the four vertices of the mypolygon are ...")
        print("the perimeter of mypolygon is ... ")
        print("the area of mypolygon is ... ")
def draw_result(shift_data, polygons, polygons_str, bin_polygon, bin_bounds,
                file_path, file_id):
    def myrotate_polygon(contour, angle):
        rotated = []
        #angle = angle * math.pi / 180
        if angle == 0:
            cosangle = 1
            sinangle = 0
        elif angle == 90:
            cosangle = 0
            sinangle = 1
        elif angle == 180:
            cosangle = -1
            sinangle = 0
        elif angle == 270:
            cosangle = 0
            sinangle = -1
        for x, y in contour:
                [x * cosangle - y * sinangle, x * sinangle + y * cosangle])
        return Polygon(rotated)

    # 生产多边形类
    shapes = list()
    for polygon in polygons:
        contour = [[p['x'], p['y']] for p in polygon['points']]

    bin_shape = Polygon([[p['x'], p['y']] for p in bin_polygon['points']])

    shape_area = bin_shape.area(0)

    solution = list()
    rates = list()
    shapes_before = copy.deepcopy(shapes)
    for s_data in shift_data:
        # 一个循环代表一个容器的排版
        tmp_bin = list()
        total_area = 0.0
        for move_step in s_data:
            if move_step['rotation'] > 0:  #改为大于0
                # 坐标原点旋转
                #print("before",[p for p in shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])].contour(0)])
                #shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])].rotate(math.pi / 180 * move_step['rotation'], 0, 0)
                shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])] = myrotate_polygon(
                #print("after",[p for p in shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])].contour(0)])
                #shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])]=  shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])]
            # 平移
            total_area += shapes[int(move_step['p_id'])].area(0)
        # 当前排版总面积
    # 显示结果
    idx = 0
    myresult = ""
    max_x = 0
    max_y = 0
    while (idx < len(shapes)):
        inpolygon = polygons_str[idx]
        # inpolygon=""
        # for x,y in shapes_before[idx].contour(0):
        #     inpolygon=inpolygon+"({x},{y})".format(x=x/SCALE,y=y/SCALE)
        outpolygon = ""
        for x, y in shapes[idx].contour(0):
            if x > max_x: max_x = x
            if y > max_y: max_y = y
            outpolygon = outpolygon + "({x},{y})".format(x=x / settings.SCALE,
                                                         y=y / settings.SCALE)
"""In Polygon:
Out Polygon:
        myresult = myresult + text
        idx = idx + 1
    myresult = myresult.rstrip("\n")
    result_file = file_path + "/result_" + file_id + ".txt"
    # import os
    # if os.path.exists(file_path+"/result.txt"):
    #     i=1
    #     flag=1
    #     while flag:
    #         if os.path.exists(file_path+"/result_"+str(i)+".txt"):
    #             i=i+1
    #             continue
    #         result_file=file_path+"/result_"+str(i)+".txt"
    #         flag=0
    with open(result_file, "w") as file_hand:
    if settings.DEBUG:
        print("polygon total area:",
              rates[-1] / (settings.SCALE * settings.SCALE))
        print("bin:", max_x / 10, max_y / 10)
        print("occupation:", rates[-1] / (max_x * max_y))
    if settings.DRAWPIC:
        draw_polygon(solution, rates, bin_bounds, bin_shape, max_x, max_y,
                     rates[-1] / (max_x * max_y))
Exemple #12
fp = open("project01data.txt")
line = fp.readline()
while line != "":
    polygonheader = line.split()  # this is the line with the identifier
    polytype = polygonheader[0]
    polynum = int(polygonheader[1])
    # It is assumed that the polygons are either "polygon" or "rectangle"
    # print("Reading vertices for a %s with %d vertices..."
    #       % ("polygon" if polytype == "P" else "rectangle", polynum))

    # Construct a list of points to be used in constructing the polygon
    points = []
    for i in range(polynum):
        vertices = fp.readline().split()
        points.append([float(vertices[0]), float(vertices[1])])
        # print("Vertex %d has coordinates at (%.2f, %.2f)"
        #       % (i, float(vertices[0]), float(vertices[1])))

    # Construct a polygon/rect and return its vertices, perimeter, and area
    if polytype == "P":
        someshape = Polygon(points)
        someshape = Rectangle(points)
    print("Perimeter:", someshape.perimeter())
    print("Area:", someshape.area())
    line = fp.readline()

def plg_get_union(pD:plg.Polygon,pG:plg.Polygon):
    areaA = pD.area()
    areaB = pG.area()
    return areaA + areaB - plg_get_intersection(pD, pG)