def set_clipboard_image(self): """Export the formatted output to an image and store it in the clipboard. The image stored in the clipboard is a PNG file with alpha transparency. """ div ='.output') images = {} for background in (Qt.transparent, Qt.white): image = QImage(div.geometry().size(), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) image.fill(background) painter = QPainter(image) div.render(painter) painter.end() images[background] = image # Windows needs this buffer hack to get alpha transparency in # the copied PNG. buffer_ = QBuffer() images[Qt.transparent].save(buffer_, 'PNG') buffer_.close() data = QMimeData() data.setData('PNG', data.setImageData(images[Qt.white]) QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(data)
def qvariant_encode(value): buffer = QBuffer() stream = QDataStream(buffer) stream.writeQVariant(value) buffer.close() return buffer.buffer().toBase64().data().strip()
def qpixmap_to_qbytearray(pix): img = pix.toImage() ba = QByteArray() buffer = QBuffer(ba), "PNG") # writes image into ba in PNG format return ba
def qvariant_decode(data): byteArray = QByteArray.fromBase64(data) buffer = QBuffer(byteArray) stream = QDataStream(buffer) result = stream.readQVariant() buffer.close() return result
def image(self,pixmap): if pixmap == None: self._image_as_pixmap = None self.picture_data = None else: byte_array = QByteArray() qbuffer = QBuffer(byte_array) pixmap.toImage().save(qbuffer, "PNG") self._image_as_pixmap = None self.picture_data = memoryview( # memory view to support python 2 and 3
def mapBytes(self, kode): im = self.draw(kode) if isinstance(kode, UKode): qxm = pilfunc.pixmap2qt(im) elif isinstance(kode, (BKode, SKode)): qxm = pilfunc.bitmap2qt(im) else: raise ValueError bts = QByteArray() buffer = QBuffer(bts), "png") buffer.close() return bts
def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.matches(QKeySequence.Paste): clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() mimeData = clipboard.mimeData() if mimeData.hasImage(): image = clipboard.image() byteArray = QByteArray() buf = QBuffer(byteArray), "PNG") self.label.setText('Uploading') self.thread = NetThread(str(byteArray.toBase64())) self.thread.finished.connect(self.onThreadEnd) self.thread.start() else: self.label.setText('No picture in clipboard')
def svgImage(svgfile, file=None): qs = QSvgWidget() qs.load(svgfile) qim = QPixmap.grabWidget(qs) bts = QByteArray() buffer = QBuffer(bts), "png") bts = buffer.close() if type(file) == str: assert os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower() == ".png" with open(file, "bw") as f: f.write(bts) elif hasattr(file, 'write'): file.write(bts) else: return bts
def getIcon(obj, disabled=False, path=None): if not path: path = iconPath if not getattr(obj, '_icon', None): obj._icon = addIconToFCAD(obj._iconName, path) if not disabled: return obj._icon if not getattr(obj, '_iconDisabled', None): name = getattr(obj, '_iconDisabledName', None) if name: obj._iconDisabled = addIconToFCAD(name, path) else: key = os.path.join(path, obj._iconName) + '.disabled' fmt = None try: if FreeCADGui.isIconCached(key): obj._iconDisabled = key return key else: fmt = 'PNG' except Exception: pass pixmap = FreeCADGui.getIcon(obj._icon).pixmap(*iconSize, mode=QIcon.Disabled) icon = QIcon(pixmapDisabled) icon.paint(QPainter(pixmap), 0, 0, iconSize[0], iconSize[1], Qt.AlignCenter) data = QByteArray() buf = QBuffer(data) if fmt:, fmt) FreeCADGui.addIcon(key,, fmt) else:, 'XPM') key ='latin1') obj._iconDisabled = key return obj._iconDisabled
def _new_buffer(self, raw_data): buff = QBuffer() buff.setData(raw_data) return buff
def main(url, output, option={}): result = { "error":[], "page":{}, "resources":[], "capture":None, } #savedir = appdir + "/artifacts/ghost/" + output #dump = savedir + "/ghost.pkl" savedir = os.path.join(appdir, "artifacts/ghost") dump = savedir + "/" + output try: #if os.path.exists(savedir): # shutil.rmtree(savedir) #os.makedirs(savedir) with open(dump, 'wb') as d: #umsgpack.dump(result, d) json.dump(result, d) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) result["error"].append(str(e)) defaults = { "wait_timeout":60, "display": False, "viewport_size": (800, 600), "plugins_enabled": True, "java_enabled": True, } proxy_url = None http_method = "GET" req_headers = None body = None if option: if "user_agent" in option: defaults["user_agent"] = str(option["user_agent"]) if "timeout" in option: defaults["wait_timeout"] = int(option["timeout"]) if "proxy" in option: proxy_url = option["proxy"] if "method" in option: http_method = option["method"] if "headers" in option: req_headers = option["headers"] if "post_data" in option: body = str(option["post_data"]) ghost = None try: ghost = Ghost( #log_level=logging.DEBUG, log_level=logging.INFO, plugin_path=[ appdir + '/plugins', '/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins', ], defaults=defaults, ) except Exception as e: logger.error("ghost init failed. " + str(e)) result["error"].append(str(e)) with ghost.start() as session: if proxy_url: try: type = proxy_url.split(":")[0] server = proxy_url.split("/")[2] host = server.split(":")[0] port = server.split(":")[1] session.set_proxy(str(type),host=str(host),port=int(port),) except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) headers = {} if req_headers: logger.debug(req_headers) for h in req_headers: headers[str(h)] = str(req_headers[h]) logger.debug(headers) if hasattr(ghost, "xvfb"): page = None resources =None try: page, resources = url.decode("utf-8"), method = http_method, headers = headers, body = body ) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) result["error"].append(str(e)) #if error: # result["error"] = error.spilt(".")[-1] if page: result["page"] = { "url":page.url, "http_status":page.http_status, "headers":page.headers, #"content":session.content.encode("utf-8"), "content":base64.b64encode(session.content.encode("utf-8")), "seq":0, #"error":page.error.encode("utf-8").split(".")[-1], "error":page.error.split(".")[-1], } try: image = session.capture() ba = QByteArray() buffer = QBuffer(ba), "PNG") bio = BytesIO(ba) #result["capture"] = result["capture"] = base64.b64encode( bio.flush() bio.close() ba.clear() buffer.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) result["error"].append(str(e)) if resources: seq = 0 for r in resources: seq += 1 #logger.debug(r.url) dict = { "url":r.url, "http_status":r.http_status, "headers":r.headers, #"content":r.content.encode("utf-8"), "content":base64.b64encode(r.content), "seq":seq, #"error":r.error.encode("utf-8").split(".")[-1], "error":r.error.split(".")[-1], } result["resources"].append(dict) with open(dump, 'wb') as d: #umsgpack.dump(result, d) json.dump(result, d) logger.debug(dump) ghost.exit() return dump
class Player(): def __init__(self, name, screenArea, keymapFunc, detector, scale=0.8, threshLum=50, SFchar=None): = name self.keymapFunc = keymapFunc self.keys = None self.listKey = [] # list of keyboard keys reserved for this player # look up table to map snes key to keyboard key self.lut = dict([(sk, None) for sk in ['u', 'd', 'l', 'r', 'lk', 'mk', 'hk', 'lp', 'mp', 'hp']]) self.SFchar = SFchar self.threshLum = threshLum self.screenArea = screenArea self.detector = detector # morphological structuring element to clean the image self.kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(5,5)) self.scale = scale self.bgmodel = None self.idFrame = 0 self.buffer = QBuffer() def grabImg(self): self.idFrame += 1 wid = QApplication.desktop().winId() QPixmap.grabWindow(wid, self.screenArea.x, self.screenArea.y, self.screenArea.w, self.screenArea.h).save(self.buffer, 'png') strio = StringIO.StringIO() strio.write( pix = np.array( pix = cv2.resize(pix, (0,0), fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale) real_color = cv2.cvtColor(pix, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return real_color def process(self, real_color, draw = True): gray = cv2.cvtColor(real_color, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) if self.keys == None: self.keys = self.keymapFunc(gray.shape) for k in self.keys: if 'combo' in k.key: k.key = str(id(self))+'_combo' else : self.listKey.append(k.key) # build look up table for sk in self.lut: for kk in self.keys: if kk.snesKey == sk: self.lut[sk] = kk.key break if self.bgmodel is None: self.bgmodel = BGmodel(100, gray.shape) if self.idFrame%10==0 or not self.bgmodel.ready : #print self.idFrame, "adding image" self.bgmodel.add(gray) BG = self.bgmodel.getModel() FG = self.bgmodel.apply(gray) img = cv2.medianBlur(FG,5) ret, bin = cv2.threshold(img, self.threshLum, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) fgmask = cv2.morphologyEx(FG, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, self.kernel) fgmask = cv2.morphologyEx(FG, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, self.kernel) fgmask = cv2.morphologyEx(FG, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, self.kernel) # blob detection only if we gathered enough images for the background model if self.bgmodel.ready or True: keypoints = self.detector.detect(FG) else: keypoints = [] if draw : # Draw detected blobs as red circles. real_color = cv2.drawKeypoints(real_color, keypoints, np.array([]), (0,0,255), 4) return [ for k in keypoints], real_color, BG, FG, bin def getKeys(self, draw=True): keys = [] ori = self.grabImg() blobs, ori, BG, FG, bin = self.process(ori) for k in self.keys: x, y, w, h = k.area.x, k.area.y, k.area.w, k.area.h cv2.rectangle(ori, (y, x), (y+h,x+w), (0,255,0), 1) cv2.putText(ori, k.key, (y+10,x+20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0,255,0),2) for p in blobs: if k.area.isIn(p[1], p[0]): keys.append(k.key) if ori is not None : cv2.rectangle(ori, (y, x), (y+h,x+w), (0,0,255), 2) break if draw : cv2.imshow("_color input", ori) cv2.imshow("_BG model", BG) #cv2.imshow("_FG model", FG) #cv2.imshow("_binary image", bin) return keys # release all keys associated to a player, before a combo def cancelKeys(self, kb, keys): for k in self.keys : if 'combo' not in k.key: kb.release_key(k.key) keys[k.key] = False def resetBG(self): self.bgmodel = None
class Player(): def __init__(self, name, screenArea, keymapFunc, detector, scale=0.8, threshLum=50, SFchar=None): = name self.keymapFunc = keymapFunc self.keys = None self.listKey = [] # list of keyboard keys reserved for this player # look up table to map snes key to keyboard key self.lut = dict([ (sk, None) for sk in ['u', 'd', 'l', 'r', 'lk', 'mk', 'hk', 'lp', 'mp', 'hp'] ]) self.SFchar = SFchar self.threshLum = threshLum self.screenArea = screenArea self.detector = detector # morphological structuring element to clean the image self.kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5, 5)) self.scale = scale self.bgmodel = None self.idFrame = 0 self.buffer = QBuffer() def grabImg(self): self.idFrame += 1 wid = QApplication.desktop().winId() QPixmap.grabWindow(wid, self.screenArea.x, self.screenArea.y, self.screenArea.w, self.screenArea.h).save(self.buffer, 'png') strio = StringIO.StringIO() strio.write( pix = np.array( pix = cv2.resize(pix, (0, 0), fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale) real_color = cv2.cvtColor(pix, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return real_color def process(self, real_color, draw=True): gray = cv2.cvtColor(real_color, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) if self.keys == None: self.keys = self.keymapFunc(gray.shape) for k in self.keys: if 'combo' in k.key: k.key = str(id(self)) + '_combo' else: self.listKey.append(k.key) # build look up table for sk in self.lut: for kk in self.keys: if kk.snesKey == sk: self.lut[sk] = kk.key break if self.bgmodel is None: self.bgmodel = BGmodel(100, gray.shape) if self.idFrame % 10 == 0 or not self.bgmodel.ready: #print self.idFrame, "adding image" self.bgmodel.add(gray) BG = self.bgmodel.getModel() FG = self.bgmodel.apply(gray) img = cv2.medianBlur(FG, 5) ret, bin = cv2.threshold(img, self.threshLum, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) fgmask = cv2.morphologyEx(FG, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, self.kernel) fgmask = cv2.morphologyEx(FG, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, self.kernel) fgmask = cv2.morphologyEx(FG, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, self.kernel) # blob detection only if we gathered enough images for the background model if self.bgmodel.ready or True: keypoints = self.detector.detect(FG) else: keypoints = [] if draw: # Draw detected blobs as red circles. real_color = cv2.drawKeypoints(real_color, keypoints, np.array([]), (0, 0, 255), 4) return [ for k in keypoints], real_color, BG, FG, bin def getKeys(self, draw=True): keys = [] ori = self.grabImg() blobs, ori, BG, FG, bin = self.process(ori) for k in self.keys: x, y, w, h = k.area.x, k.area.y, k.area.w, k.area.h cv2.rectangle(ori, (y, x), (y + h, x + w), (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2.putText(ori, k.key, (y + 10, x + 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 2) for p in blobs: if k.area.isIn(p[1], p[0]): keys.append(k.key) if ori is not None: cv2.rectangle(ori, (y, x), (y + h, x + w), (0, 0, 255), 2) break if draw: cv2.imshow( + "_color input", ori) cv2.imshow( + "_BG model", BG) #cv2.imshow("_FG model", FG) #cv2.imshow("_binary image", bin) return keys # release all keys associated to a player, before a combo def cancelKeys(self, kb, keys): for k in self.keys: if 'combo' not in k.key: kb.release_key(k.key) keys[k.key] = False def resetBG(self): self.bgmodel = None
class qNotebook(QVBoxLayout): def __init__(self): QVBoxLayout.__init__(self) self._teditor = QTextEdit() self._teditor.setMinimumWidth(500) self._teditor.setStyleSheet("font: 12pt \"Courier\";") button_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.addLayout(button_layout) self.clear_but = qmy_button(button_layout, self.clear_all, "clear") self.copy_but = qmy_button(button_layout, self._teditor.copy, "copy") qmy_button(button_layout, self._teditor.selectAll, "select all") qmy_button(button_layout, self._teditor.undo, "undo") qmy_button(button_layout, self._teditor.redo, "redo") search_button = qButtonWithArgumentsClass("search", self.search_for_text, {"search_text": ""}) button_layout.addWidget(search_button) qmy_button(button_layout, self.save_as_html, "save notebook") self.addWidget(self._teditor) self._teditor.document().setUndoRedoEnabled(True) self.image_counter = 0 self.image_dict = {} self.image_data_dict = {} def append_text(self, text): self._teditor.append(str(text)) def search_for_text(self, search_text = " "): self._teditor.find(search_text) def clear_all(self): self._teditor.clear() self.image_dict = {} self.image_counter = 0 # newdoc = QTextDocument() # self._teditor.setDocument(newdoc) def append_image(self, fig=None): #This assumes that an image is there waiting to be saved from matplotlib self.imgdata = StringIO.StringIO() if fig is None: pyplot.savefig(self.imgdata, transparent = False, format = img_format) else: fig.savefig(self.imgdata, transparent = False, format = img_format) self.abuffer = QBuffer() self.abuffer.write(self.imgdata.getvalue()) self.abuffer.close() iReader = QImageReader(self.abuffer, img_format ) the_image = # the_image = the_image0.scaledToWidth(figure_width) # save the image in a file imageFileName = "image" + str(self.image_counter) + "." + img_format self.image_data_dict[imageFileName] = self.imgdata self.image_counter +=1 imageFormat = QTextImageFormat() imageFormat.setName(imageFileName) imageFormat.setWidth(image_width) self.image_dict[imageFileName] = the_image #insert the image in the text document text_doc = self._teditor.document() text_doc.addResource(QTextDocument.ImageResource, QUrl(imageFileName), the_image) cursor = self._teditor.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End) cursor.insertImage(imageFormat) def add_image_data_resource(self, imgdata, imageFileName): self.abuffer = QBuffer() self.abuffer.write(imgdata.getvalue()) self.abuffer.close() iReader = QImageReader(self.abuffer, img_format ) the_image = # the_image = the_image0.scaledToWidth(figure_width) # save the image in a file # imageFileName = "image" + str(self.image_counter) + "." + img_format self.image_data_dict[imageFileName] = imgdata # self.image_counter +=1 imageFormat = QTextImageFormat() imageFormat.setName(imageFileName) imageFormat.setWidth(image_width) self.image_dict[imageFileName] = the_image #insert the image in the text document text_doc = self._teditor.document() text_doc.addResource(QTextDocument.ImageResource, QUrl(imageFileName), the_image) def append_html_table_from_array(self, a, header_rows=0, precision = 3, caption = None, cmap = None): nrows = len(a) ncols = len(a[0]) result_string = "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n" if caption != None: result_string += "<caption>%s</caption>\n" % caption r = 0 while r < header_rows: result_string += "<tr>" for c in range(ncols): if a[r][c] != "": # count following blank columns count = 1 while ((c+count) < len(a[r])) and (a[r][c+count] == "") : count += 1 val = a[r][c] if (type(val) == numpy.float64) or (type(val) == float): # @UndefinedVariable if precision != 999: val = round(val, precision) if count > 1: result_string +="<th colspan=%s>%s</th>" % (count, val) else: result_string += "<th>%s</th>" % val result_string +="</tr>\n" r += 1 while r < nrows: result_string += "<tr>" for c in range(ncols): val = a[r][c] if (cmap == None): fcolor = "#ffffff" elif (type(val) == int) or (type(val) == float) or (type(val) == numpy.float64): # @UndefinedVariable fcolor = cmap.color_from_val(val) else: fcolor = "#ffffff" if (val != "") or (c == 0): if (type(val) == numpy.float64) or (type(val) == float): # @UndefinedVariable if precision != 999: val = round(val, precision) count = 1 while ((c+count) < len(a[r])) and (a[r][c+count] == "") : count += 1 if count > 1: result_string +="<td colspan=%s bgcolor=%s>%s</td>" % (count, fcolor, val) else: result_string += "<td bgcolor=%s>%s</td>" % (fcolor, val) result_string +="</tr>\n" r += 1 result_string += "</table>\n" self.append_text(result_string) def create_empty_string_array(self, rows, cols): table_array = [] for r in range(rows): #@UnusedVariable the_row = [] for c in range(cols): #@UnusedVariable the_row.append("") table_array.append(the_row) return table_array def recurse_on_dict_headers(self, sdict, r, c, sorted_headers = None): if ((type(sdict) != dict) and (type(sdict) != OrderedDict)): return c + 1 else: if sorted_headers != None: sheaders = sorted_headers else: sheaders = sorted(sdict.keys()) for k in sheaders: self.table_array[r][c] = k c = self.recurse_on_dict_headers(sdict[k], r + 1, c) return c def recurse_to_find_size(self, sdict, r, c): if ((type(sdict) != dict) and (type(sdict) != OrderedDict)): return r, c + 1 else: rbiggest = r for k in sorted(sdict.keys()): rnew, c = self.recurse_to_find_size(sdict[k], r + 1, c) if rnew > rbiggest: rbiggest = rnew return rbiggest, c def recurse_on_dict(self, sdict, r, c, sorted_headers = None): if ((type(sdict) != dict) and (type(sdict) != OrderedDict)): self.table_array[r][c] = sdict return c + 1 else: if sorted_headers != None: sheaders = sorted_headers else: sheaders = sorted(sdict.keys()) for k in sheaders: c = self.recurse_on_dict(sdict[k], r, c) return c def convert_structured_dicts_to_array(self, sdict, sorted_keys = None, sorted_headers = None): header_levels, ncols = self.recurse_to_find_size(sdict[sdict.keys()[0]], 0, 0) nrows = header_levels + len(sdict.keys()) self.table_array = self.create_empty_string_array(nrows, ncols) self.recurse_on_dict_headers(sdict[sdict.keys()[0]], 0, 0, sorted_headers) if sorted_keys != None: key_list = sorted_keys else: key_list = sdict.keys() r = header_levels for entry in key_list: c = 0 self.table_array[r][0] = entry self.recurse_on_dict(sdict[entry], r, c, sorted_headers = sorted_headers) r += 1 return self.table_array def append_html_table_from_dicts(self, sdict, header_rows = 1, title = None, sorted_keys = None, precision = 3, cmap = None, sorted_headers = None): the_array = self.convert_structured_dicts_to_array(sdict, sorted_keys, sorted_headers = sorted_headers) self.append_html_table_from_array(the_array, header_rows, caption = title, precision = precision, cmap = cmap) def append_table(self, rows, cols, border_style = QTextFrameFormat.BorderStyle_Solid): tformat = QTextTableFormat() tformat.setBorderStyle(border_style) cursor= self._teditor.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End) table = cursor.insertTable(rows, cols, tformat) return table def fill_table_cell(self, row, col, table, text): cptr = table.cellAt(row, col).firstCursorPosition() cptr.insertText(text) def save_as_html(self): fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()[0] fdirectoryname = os.path.dirname(fname) # fdirectoryname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory() # print fdirectoryname # fname = fdirectoryname + "/report.html" text_doc = self._teditor.document() f = open(fname, 'w') f.write(text_doc.toHtml()) f.close() for imageFileName in self.image_dict.keys(): full_image_path = fdirectoryname + "/" + imageFileName iWriter = QImageWriter(full_image_path, img_format) iWriter.write(self.image_dict[imageFileName])
def runparser(filelistdirs,logdir): print 'Start running the Translator' #os.chdir(logdir) filelistdirs=filter(None,filelistdirs) print 'D1',filelistdirs for dir in xrange(len(filelistdirs)): curdir=filelistdirs[dir] print 'D2',curdir newdir=os.path.join(logdir,os.path.basename(curdir)).replace('\\','/') if not os.path.exists(newdir): os.mkdir(newdir) filelist = os.listdir(curdir) print filelist os.chdir(curdir) for z in xrange(len(filelist)): ### Start the xml parser tree = ET.parse(filelist[z]) root = tree.getroot() '''create a html result file ''' filename= os.path.basename(filelist[z]) logfile=os.path.join(newdir,filename.replace('.onb','.html')).replace('\\','/') print logfile f=open(logfile,'w') headers=''' <!doctype html> <head> <title>OMWEBbook</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <script src="../jquery.min1.10.2.js"></script> <script src='../dygraph-combined.js'></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../bootstrap.min.css"> <script src="../bootstrap.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../codemirror.css"> <script src="../codemirror.js"></script> <script src="../modelica.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../custom.css"> <script src="../autorefresh.js"></script> <script src="../evalnotebook.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="navbar-header"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">OMWebBook</a> </div> <button id="evaluate" type="button" class="btn btn-success navbar-btn">Evaluate Cell</button> <button id="evaluateall" type="button" class="btn btn-success navbar-btn">Eval All</button> <img id="progressbar" src="../ajax-loader.gif" class="img-rounded" alt="Cinque Terre"> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <br> <br> <br> ''' f.write(headers) count=0 check=0 sectioncount=1 subsectioncount=0.01 sectioncheck=False subsectioncheck=False currentlevel='' g=1 g1=1 for node in tree.iter(): if (node.tag=='TextCell'): imagelist=node.findall('Image') html=node.find('Text').text soup = BeautifulSoup(html) for a in soup.findAll('a'): staticlink="".join(['static','/',a['href']]).replace('.onb','.html') a['href']=a['href'].replace(a['href'], staticlink) #print staticlink findp=[] for p in soup.findAll('p'): checkempty=p['style'].replace(' ','').split(";") val="-qt-paragraph-type:empty" in checkempty if (val==False): # if (p.find('img')==None): # findp.append(p) # else: findp.append(p) for i in xrange(len(findp)): #x=findp[i].text x=findp[i] if(x.find('img')is None): if(x!=''): if(node.attrib['style']=='Text'): #partext='\n'.join(['<p align="justify" contenteditable=False>',str(x),'</p>']) #x["align"]='justify' x=re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+',' ', str(x)) partext='\n'.join([str(x)]) f.write(partext) f.write('<br>') f.write('\n') elif(node.attrib['style']=='Title'): print 'title' t=findp[i].text t=re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+',' ', str(t)) htmltext='\n'.join(['<h1>',t,'</h1>']) #htmltext='\n'.join([str(x)]) f.write(htmltext) f.write('\n') elif(node.attrib['style']=='Section'): print 'section' t=findp[i].text t=re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+',' ', str(t)) sectioncheck=True htmltext='\n'.join(['<h2>',str(sectioncount),t,'</h2>']) sectioncount+=1 #htmltext='\n'.join([str(x)]) f.write(htmltext) f.write('\n') elif(node.attrib['style']=='Subsection'): if(sectioncheck==True): g=1 g+=1 sectioncheck=False #print 'subsection',sectioncheck,(sectioncount-1),'.',(g-1) subsec=findp[i].text subsec=re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+',' ', str(subsec)) #scount=(sectioncount-1)+subsectioncount scount=str((sectioncount-1))+'.'+str((g-1)) subsectioncheck=True currentlevel=scount #print str((sectioncount-1)),'.',g #print 'subsection',scount htmltext='\n'.join(['<h3>',str(scount),subsec,'</h3>']) subsectioncount+=0.01 #htmltext='\n'.join([str(x)]) f.write(htmltext) f.write('\n') elif(node.attrib['style']=='Subsubsection'): if(subsectioncheck==True): g1=1 g1+=1 subsectioncheck=False #print 'subsection',sectioncheck,(sectioncount-1),'.',(g-1) subsec=findp[i].text subsec=re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+',' ', str(subsec)) #scount=(sectioncount-1)+subsectioncount scount=str(currentlevel)+'.'+str((g1-1)) print 'subsubsection',scount #print str((sectioncount-1)),'.',g #print 'subsection',scount htmltext='\n'.join(['<h4>',str(scount),subsec,'</h4>']) subsectioncount+=0.01 #htmltext='\n'.join([str(x)]) f.write(htmltext) f.write('\n') else: htmltext='\n'.join(['<h1>',str(x),'</h1>']) #htmltext='\n'.join([str(x)]) f.write(htmltext) f.write('\n') else: try: imagedir=os.path.join(newdir,"Images").replace('\\','/') if not os.path.exists(imagedir): os.mkdir(imagedir) os.chdir(imagedir) y=imagelist[0] image=y.text unique_filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) img = QtGui.QImage() #image=node.find('Image').text byteArray = QByteArray.fromBase64(image) buffer = QBuffer(byteArray) data = QDataStream(buffer) data >> img buffer.close() filename=".".join([unique_filename,"png"]) imgpath="/".join(['static',os.path.basename(newdir),'Images/']) imgsrc=imgpath+filename imgtag="".join(["<div align=\"center\">","<img src=",imgsrc,">","</div>"]) #print filename f.write(imgtag) del imagelist[0] except: pass if (node.tag=='GraphCell' or node.tag=='InputCell'): ## catch the input text inputtext=node.find('Input').text ''' if ('simulate' in inputtext): text='\n'.join(['<p> <b>',inputtext,'</b> </p>']) f.write(text) f.write('\n')''' #print 'arun', inputtext if(inputtext!=None): linecount=string.split(inputtext, '\n') ''' if ('plot(' in inputtext): text='\n'.join(['<p> <b>',inputtext,'</b> </p> <br>']) f.write(text) f.write('\n') ## code to automatically generate plot variable and button in html plotvar=inputtext.replace('plot','').replace('(','').replace(')','').replace('{','').replace('}','') listplotvar=plotvar.split(',') plotid='simulatebutton'+str(count)+'plot' buttonid='simulatebutton'+str(count) graphdivid='simulatebutton'+str(count)+'graphdiv' plotheader="\n".join(['<div>','<select id='+ plotid +' size=5 multiple>', '<option ><b>Select Plot Variables</b> </option>']) f.write(str(plotheader)) f.write('\n') for i in xrange(len(listplotvar)): varname='<option selected>'+ str(listplotvar[i]) + '</option>' f.write(varname) f.write('\n') closeoption="\n".join(['</select> <br>','<button id='+buttonid+'>Simulate</button> <br> <br>' ,'</div>']) f.write(closeoption) count=count+1; else:''' textid='check'+str(check)+'textarea' divid='check'+str(check)+'div' if ('plot(' in inputtext): text='\n'.join(['<textarea id='+ str(textid)+'>',inputtext,'</textarea> <br> <div id='+divid+'> </div> <br>']) else: text='\n'.join(['<textarea id='+ str(textid)+'>',inputtext,'</textarea> <div id='+divid+'> </div> <br>']) check=check+1 f.write(text) f.write('\n') ## catch the OMCPLOT datas curve=node.find('OMCPlot') if curve!=None: #count=count+1; print count try: #scriptdata=makeplot(curve,count) scriptdata=makeplot(curve,divid) f.write(scriptdata) f.write('\n') except: f.write("No data found") f.write('\n') else: textid='check'+str(check)+'textarea' divid='check'+str(check)+'div' inputtext='' text='\n'.join(['<textarea id='+ str(textid)+'>',inputtext,'</textarea> <div id='+divid+'> </div> <br>']) check=check+1 f.write(text) f.write('\n') print "Empty Graph cells" f.write('</div></body></html>') f.close() print 'Completed'
def main(url, output, option={}): result = { "error": [], "page": {}, "resources": [], "capture": None, } #savedir = appdir + "/artifacts/ghost/" + output #dump = savedir + "/ghost.pkl" savedir = os.path.join(appdir, "artifacts/ghost") dump = savedir + "/" + output try: #if os.path.exists(savedir): # shutil.rmtree(savedir) #os.makedirs(savedir) with open(dump, 'wb') as d: #umsgpack.dump(result, d) json.dump(result, d) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) result["error"].append(str(e)) defaults = { "wait_timeout": 60, "display": False, "viewport_size": (800, 600), "plugins_enabled": True, "java_enabled": True, } proxy_url = None http_method = "GET" req_headers = None body = None if option: if "user_agent" in option: defaults["user_agent"] = str(option["user_agent"]) if "timeout" in option: defaults["wait_timeout"] = int(option["timeout"]) if "proxy" in option: proxy_url = option["proxy"] if "method" in option: http_method = option["method"] if "headers" in option: req_headers = option["headers"] if "post_data" in option: body = str(option["post_data"]) ghost = None try: ghost = Ghost( #log_level=logging.DEBUG, log_level=logging.INFO, plugin_path=[ appdir + '/plugins', '/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins', ], defaults=defaults, ) except Exception as e: logger.error("ghost init failed. " + str(e)) result["error"].append(str(e)) with ghost.start() as session: if proxy_url: try: type = proxy_url.split(":")[0] server = proxy_url.split("/")[2] host = server.split(":")[0] port = server.split(":")[1] session.set_proxy( str(type), host=str(host), port=int(port), ) except Exception as e: logger.debug(e) headers = {} if req_headers: logger.debug(req_headers) for h in req_headers: headers[str(h)] = str(req_headers[h]) logger.debug(headers) if hasattr(ghost, "xvfb"): page = None resources = None try: page, resources ="utf-8"), method=http_method, headers=headers, body=body) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) result["error"].append(str(e)) #if error: # result["error"] = error.spilt(".")[-1] if page: result["page"] = { "url": page.url, "http_status": page.http_status, "headers": page.headers, #"content":session.content.encode("utf-8"), "content": base64.b64encode(session.content.encode("utf-8")), "seq": 0, #"error":page.error.encode("utf-8").split(".")[-1], "error": page.error.split(".")[-1], } try: image = session.capture() ba = QByteArray() buffer = QBuffer(ba), "PNG") bio = BytesIO(ba) #result["capture"] = result["capture"] = base64.b64encode( bio.flush() bio.close() ba.clear() buffer.close() except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) result["error"].append(str(e)) if resources: seq = 0 for r in resources: seq += 1 #logger.debug(r.url) dict = { "url": r.url, "http_status": r.http_status, "headers": r.headers, #"content":r.content.encode("utf-8"), "content": base64.b64encode(r.content), "seq": seq, #"error":r.error.encode("utf-8").split(".")[-1], "error": r.error.split(".")[-1], } result["resources"].append(dict) with open(dump, 'wb') as d: #umsgpack.dump(result, d) json.dump(result, d) logger.debug(dump) ghost.exit() return dump