def plot_histo_and_fit(hs, f): n = 0 r = 0 c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 1000, 600) hs.Draw("nostack") hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("mbb [GeV]") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Number of events") while n < 7: h[n].SetXTitle("mbb [GeV]") h[n].SetYTitle("Number of events") f[n].SetLineColor(n + 1) f[n].Draw("SAME") n = n + 1 legend = TLegend(0.13, 0.41, 0.25, 0.88) legend.AddEntry(None, "#bf{mean[GeV] / sigma[GeV] / ratio}", "") while r < 7: legend.AddEntry(h[r], h[r].GetName(), "f[r]") result[r] = (height[r], mean[r], rms[r]) legend_text[r] = "#bf{%-.3f/%-.3f/%-.3f}" % ( result[r][1], result[r][2], ratio(result[r][2], result[r][1])) legend.AddEntry(None, legend_text[r], "") r = r + 1 legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetTextSize(0.03) legend.SetTextColor(1) legend.Draw("SAME") t = TLatex() t.SetNDC() t.SetTextSize(14) t.SetTextFont(43) t.SetTextAlign(13) t.DrawLatex(0.73, 0.85, "#it{#bf{ATLAS} Simulation Internal}") t.Draw() c2.Print("plot_histo_and_fit.pdf")
def addLatex(self, x, y, text, textsize=0.3, textcolor=1): tl = TLatex(x, y, text) tl.SetTextSize(textsize) tl.SetTextColor(textcolor) tl.Draw("same") self.tls.append(tl) return tl
def plot_histo(hs): l = 0 c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1000, 600) hs.Draw("nostack") hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle("mbb [GeV]") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Number of events") legend = TLegend(0.13, 0.41, 0.25, 0.88) legend.AddEntry(None, "#bf{mean[GeV] / sigma[GeV] / ratio}", "") while l < 7: legend.AddEntry(h[l], h[l].GetName(), "f[l]") result[l] = (height[l], mean[l], rms[l]) legend_text[l] = "#bf{%-.3f/%-.3f/%-.3f}" % ( result[l][1], result[l][2], ratio(result[l][2], result[l][1])) legend.AddEntry(None, legend_text[l], "") l = l + 1 legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetTextSize(0.03) legend.SetTextColor(1) legend.Draw("SAME") t = TLatex() t.SetNDC() t.SetTextSize(14) t.SetTextFont(43) t.SetTextAlign(13) t.DrawLatex(0.73, 0.85, "#it{#bf{ATLAS} Simulation Internal}") t.Draw() c.Print("plot_histo.pdf")
def setUpPalette(histo2D, plot) : # Configure Palette for 2D Histos minX = 1.03*histo2D.GetXaxis().GetXmin(); maxX = 1.03*histo2D.GetXaxis().GetXmax(); minY = 1.03*histo2D.GetYaxis().GetXmin(); maxY = 1.03*histo2D.GetYaxis().GetXmax(); palette = histo2D.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject("palette") if palette: palette.__class__ = TPaletteAxis palette.SetX1NDC(0.945) palette.SetY1NDC(gPad.GetBottomMargin()) palette.SetX2NDC(0.96) palette.SetY2NDC(1-gPad.GetTopMargin()) palette.GetAxis().SetTickSize(.01) palette.GetAxis().SetTitle("") if plots[plot].zLog: palette.GetAxis().SetLabelOffset(-0.01) if histo2D.GetMaximum()/histo2D.GetMinimum() < 1e3 : palette.GetAxis().SetMoreLogLabels(True) palette.GetAxis().SetNoExponent(True) paletteTitle = TLatex(1.12*maxX, maxY, plots[plot].quotaName) paletteTitle.SetTextAngle(90.) paletteTitle.SetTextSize(0.05) paletteTitle.SetTextAlign(31) paletteTitle.Draw() histo2D.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(histo2D.GetXaxis().GetTickLength()/4.) histo2D.GetYaxis().SetTickLength(histo2D.GetYaxis().GetTickLength()/4.) histo2D.SetTitleOffset(0.5,'Y') histo2D.GetXaxis().SetNoExponent(True) histo2D.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(True)
def drawEtaValues(): """Function to draw the eta. Function to draw the eta references on top of an already existing TCanvas. The lines and labels drawn are collected inside a list and the list is returned to the user to extend the live of the objects contained, otherwise no lines and labels will be drawn, since they will be garbage-collected as soon as this function returns. """ # Add eta labels keep_alive = [] etas = [0.2 * i for i in range(-17, 18)] etax = 2850. etay = 1240. lineL = 110. offT = 10. for ieta in etas: th = 2 * atan(exp(-ieta)) talign = 21 #IP lineh = TLine(-20., 0., 20., 0.) lineh.Draw() linev = TLine(0., -10., 0., 10.) linev.Draw() keep_alive.append(lineh) keep_alive.append(linev) x1 = 0 y1 = 0 if ieta > -1.6 and ieta < 1.6: x1 = etay / tan(th) y1 = etay elif ieta <= -1.6: x1 = -etax y1 = -etax * tan(th) talign = 11 elif ieta >= 1.6: x1 = etax y1 = etax * tan(th) talign = 31 x2 = x1 + lineL * cos(th) y2 = y1 + lineL * sin(th) xt = x2 yt = y2 + offT line1 = TLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) line1.Draw() keep_alive.append(line1) text = "%3.1f" % ieta t1 = TLatex(xt, yt, '%s' % ('#eta = 0' if ieta == 0 else text)) t1.SetTextSize(0.03) t1.SetTextAlign(talign) t1.Draw() keep_alive.append(t1) return keep_alive
def DrawResolutionSingleGaussianFit(self, list, cvs, mantisse, opt=""): FileMantisse = mantisse.split('/')[0] for h in list: h.SetFillColor(38) h.SetMarkerStyle(8) sgngaus = TF1("sgngaus", "gaus", h.GetMean() - 2 * h.GetRMS(), h.GetMean() + 2 * h.GetRMS()) h.Fit(sgngaus, "", "", sgngaus.GetXmin(), sgngaus.GetXmax()) comment = TLatex( .6, .6, "#sigma = " + str("%.3f" % sgngaus.GetParameter(2)) + " mm") comment.SetTextColor(kRed) comment.SetNDC(1) RangeSupEdge = 1 if (self.LogScale): RangeSupEdge = 2 for i in range(RangeSupEdge): if i == 1: cvs.SetLogy() ext = "_LOG" + self.OutFileType else: cvs.SetLogy(0) ext = self.OutFileType h.Draw("bar2") sgngaus.Draw("SAME") comment.Draw() cvs.SaveAs(mantisse + "/" + FileMantisse + "_" + h.GetName() + "SingleGaussFit" + ext)
def make_ratio(nom, up, down, channel): ratio1 = up.Clone("ratio") #ratio1.Sumw2() ratio1.SetStats(0) ratio1.Add(nom, -1) ratio1.Divide(nom) ratio1.Scale(100) ratio1.SetTitle("") y = ratio1.GetYaxis() y.SetTitle("#frac{Syst-Nom.}{Nom.} [%]") y.SetNdivisions(505) y.SetTitleOffset(2.3) y.SetTitleSize(10) x = ratio1.GetXaxis() x.SetTitle("event level descriminator") x.SetTitleOffset(6.2) ratio1.SetLineColor(632) ratio1.SetFillColor(632) ratio1.SetMarkerColor(632) ratio1.SetMarkerStyle(0) ratio2 = down.Clone("ratio") #ratio2.Sumw2() ratio2.Add(nom, -1) ratio2.Divide(nom) ratio2.Scale(100) ratio2.SetLineColor(857) ratio2.SetFillColor(857) ratio2.SetMarkerColor(857) ratio2.SetMarkerStyle(0) line = TF1("fa1", "0", -1000, 1000) line.SetLineColor(1) ymax = abs(ratio1.GetMaximum()) ymin = abs(ratio2.GetMaximum()) Range = [ymax, ymin] maxv = max(Range) if maxv < 0.8: offset = 0.2 else: offset = 0.8 ratio1.SetMinimum(-maxv - offset) ratio1.SetMaximum(maxv + offset) ratio2.SetMinimum(-maxv - offset) ratio2.SetMaximum(maxv + offset) ratio1.Draw("hist") ratio2.Draw("same hist") line.Draw("same") #axis1 = TGaxis(0,-maxv-offset,1,-maxv-offset,-maxv-offset,-maxv-offset,50510,"-"); #axis1.SetName("axis1"); channel_label = TLatex() channel_label.SetNDC() channel_label.SetTextAlign(12) channel_label.SetTextFont(63) channel_label.SetTextSizePixels(15) channel_label.DrawLatex(0.45, 0.89, channel) channel_label.Draw("same") return ratio1, ratio2, line, channel_label
def plotGroomed( obs="grthrust", filenames=[ "sjm136_test.root" ], ecm="136", logy=1, canv=None ): thplotoptions= { "xmin": 0.0, "xmax": 0.5, "ymin": 0.005, "ymax": 50.0, "markerStyle": 20, "markerSize": 0.5, "title": "groomed Thrust", "xlabel": "1-T_{gr}", "ylabel": "1/\sigma d\sigma/d(1-T_{gr})", "logy":logy } cpplotoptions= { "xmin": 0.0, "xmax": 1.0, "ymin": 0.03, "ymax": 30.0, "markerStyle": 20, "markerSize": 0.5, "title": "groomed C-parameter", "xlabel": "C_{gr}", "ylabel": "1/\sigma d\sigma/d(C_{gr})", "logy":logy } plotopts= { "grthrust": thplotoptions, "grcpar": cpplotoptions } if canv == None: canv= TCanvas( "canv", obs+" "+ecm, 1200, 800 ) icanv= 0 for beta in [ "0.0", "1.0" ]: for zcut in [ "0.05", "0.10", "0.15" ]: icanv= icanv+1 icanv ) gPad.SetLeftMargin( 0.15 ) gPad.SetRightMargin( 0.025 ) key= obs + "_" + beta + "_" + zcut print key aogr= createCombineAnalysisObservables( filenames, key ) aogr.plot( plotopts[obs] ) tl= TLegend( 0.4, 0.8, 0.85, 0.85 ) tl.SetTextSize( 0.05 ) tl.SetBorderSize( 0 ) tl.AddEntry( key, "OPAL "+ecm+" GeV", "ep" ) tl.Draw( "same" ) txt= TLatex( 0.6, 0.7, "#beta="+beta+ " z_{cut}="+zcut ) txt.SetNDC( True ) txt.SetTextSize( 0.035 ) txt.Draw() return
def plot_histo_and_fit(h): c = TCanvas("c", "c", 600, 300) h.SetXTitle("mbb [GeV]") h.SetYTitle("Number of events") h.Fit("bukin", "RQ", "HIST", xmin, xmax) f = h.GetFunction("bukin") result = (f.GetParameter(0), f.GetParameter(1), f.GetParameter(2), f.GetParameter(3), f.GetParameter(4), f.GetParameter(5)) f.SetLineColor(color) f.Draw("same") # legend = TLegend(0.15, 0.60, 0.50, 0.80) legend.AddEntry(None, "#bf{mean[GeV] / sigma[GeV] / ratio}", "") legend.AddEntry(h, h.GetName(), "f") result = (height, mean, rms) legend_text = "#bf{%-.3f/%-.3f/%-.3f}" % (result[1], result[2], ratio(result[2], result[1])) legend.AddEntry(None, legend_text, "") legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetTextSize(0.03) legend.SetTextColor(color) legend.Draw("SAME") # t = TLatex() t.SetNDC() t.SetTextSize(10) t.SetTextFont(43) t.SetTextAlign(13) t.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.40, "#it{#bf{ATLAS} Simulation Internal}") t.Draw("same") # save the canvas to file c.Print("plot_histo_and_fit.pdf")
def PtRangeText(x=0.55, y=0.8, ptrange=(-1, -1), scale=1): rangetext = TLatex(x, y, "%s < Photon P_{T} < %s" % (ptrange[0], ptrange[1])) rangetext.SetNDC() rangetext.SetTextFont(42) rangetext.SetTextSize(0.05 * scale) rangetext.Draw() return rangetext
def drawCSCLabel(title, x=0.17, y=0.35, font_size=0.): tex = TLatex(x, y,title) if font_size > 0.: tex.SetTextSize(font_size) tex.SetTextSize(0.05) tex.SetNDC() tex.Draw() return tex
def drawPuLabel(pu, x=0.17, y=0.35, font_size=0.): tex = TLatex(x, y,"<PU> = %d"%(pu)) if font_size > 0.: tex.SetTextSize(font_size) tex.SetTextSize(0.05) tex.SetNDC() tex.Draw() return tex
def drawEtaLabel(minEta, maxEta, x=0.17, y=0.35, font_size=0.): tex = TLatex(x, y,"%.2f < |#eta| < %.2f"%(minEta,maxEta)) if font_size > 0.: tex.SetTextSize(font_size) tex.SetTextSize(0.05) tex.SetNDC() tex.Draw() return tex
def plot(h, option, histoName): entries = h.GetEntries() height = h.GetMaximum() mean = h.GetMean() rms = h.GetRMS() color = h.GetLineColor() xmin = mean - 3 * rms xmax = mean + 3 * rms #Getting Bukin Function f = setBukin(mean=mean, rms=rms, height=height, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) c = TCanvas("c", "c", 600, 300) h.SetXTitle("mbb [GeV]") h.SetYTitle("Number of events") ########### start code specific to the histo and/or fit choice ################## if option == "histo": h.Draw("HIST") elif option == "histo+fit": h.Fit("bukin", "RQ", "HIST", xmin, xmax) f = h.GetFunction("bukin") result = (f.GetParameter(0), f.GetParameter(1), f.GetParameter(2), f.GetParameter(3), f.GetParameter(4), f.GetParameter(5)) f.SetLineColor(color) f.Draw("same") elif option == "fit": h.Fit("bukin", "RQ", "RO", xmin, xmax) f = h.GetFunction("bukin") result = (f.GetParameter(0), f.GetParameter(1), f.GetParameter(2), f.GetParameter(3), f.GetParameter(4), f.GetParameter(5)) f.SetLineColor(color) else: print "option", option, "not known" assert (False) ########## end code specific to the histo and/or fit choice ################## # legend = TLegend(0.15, 0.60, 0.50, 0.80) legend.AddEntry(None, "#bf{mean[GeV] / sigma[GeV] / ratio}", "") legend.AddEntry(h, h.GetName(), "f") result = (height, mean, rms) legend_text = "#bf{%-.3f/%-.3f/%-.3f}" % (result[1], result[2], ratio(result[2], result[1])) legend.AddEntry(None, legend_text, "") legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetTextSize(0.03) legend.SetTextColor(color) legend.Draw("SAME") # t = TLatex() t.SetNDC() t.SetTextSize(10) t.SetTextFont(43) t.SetTextAlign(13) t.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.40, "#it{#bf{ATLAS} Simulation Internal}") t.Draw("same") # save the canvas to file c.Print(histoName + "_" + option + ".pdf")
def DrawResolutionDoubleGaussianFit(self, list, cvs, mantisse, opt=""): FileMantisse = mantisse.split('/')[0] for h in list: h.SetFillColor(38) #h.Draw("bar2") doublgaus = TF1("doublgaus", "gaus(0)+gaus(3)", h.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), h.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) sgngaus = TF1("sgngaus", "gaus", doublgaus.GetXmin(), doublgaus.GetXmax()) bckgaus = TF1("bckgaus", "gaus", doublgaus.GetXmin(), doublgaus.GetXmax()) h.Fit(sgngaus, "", "", sgngaus.GetXmin(), sgngaus.GetXmax()) doublgaus.SetParameters(sgngaus.GetParameter(0), sgngaus.GetParameter(1), sgngaus.GetParameter(2), sgngaus.GetParameter(0) / 100., sgngaus.GetParameter(1), sgngaus.GetParameter(2) * 2) doublgaus.SetParLimits( 4, (doublgaus.GetXmin() - (doublgaus.GetXmax() - doublgaus.GetXmin()) / 2), (doublgaus.GetXmin() + (doublgaus.GetXmax() - doublgaus.GetXmin()) / 2)) h.Fit(doublgaus, "", "", doublgaus.GetXmin(), doublgaus.GetXmax()) sgngaus.SetParameters(doublgaus.GetParameter(0), doublgaus.GetParameter(1), doublgaus.GetParameter(2)) bckgaus.SetParameters(doublgaus.GetParameter(3), doublgaus.GetParameter(4), doublgaus.GetParameter(5)) bckgaus.SetLineStyle(7) bckgaus.SetLineColor(1) sgngaus.SetLineStyle(7) sgngaus.SetLineColor(4) comment = TLatex( .6, .6, "#sigma = " + str("%.3f" % doublgaus.GetParameter(2)) + " mm") comment.SetTextColor(kBlue) comment.SetNDC(1) RangeSupEdge = 1 if (self.LogScale): RangeSupEdge = 2 for i in range(RangeSupEdge): if i == 1: cvs.SetLogy() ext = "_LOG" + self.OutFileType else: cvs.SetLogy(0) ext = self.OutFileType h.Draw("bar2") bckgaus.Draw("SAME") sgngaus.Draw("SAME") comment.Draw() cvs.SaveAs(mantisse + "/" + FileMantisse + "_" + h.GetName() + "DoubleGaussFit" + ext)
def drawText(x, y, t, col=1): text = TLatex() text.SetTextColor(col) text.SetTextFont(42) text.SetTextAlign(23) text.SetTextSize(0.04) text.DrawLatex(x, y, t) text.Draw() return text
def GetTLatex(t, x, y, s = 0.04): t = TLatex(-20, 50, t); t.SetNDC(); t.SetTextAlign(12); t.SetX(x); t.SetY(y); t.SetTextFont(42); t.SetTextSize(s); t.Draw() return t
def drawText(x, y, t, isNDC=False): text = TLatex() text.SetTextColor(1) text.SetTextFont(42) text.SetTextAlign(23) text.SetTextSize(0.04) if isNDC: text.DrawLatexNDC(x, y, t) else: text.DrawLatex(x, y, t) text.Draw() return text
def drawBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, t=""): box = TBox(x1, y1, x2, y2) box.SetFillColor(1) box.SetFillStyle(3004) box.Draw() if not t == "": text = TLatex() text.SetTextColor(1) text.SetTextFont(42) text.SetTextAlign(23) text.SetTextSize(0.04) text.DrawLatex((x1 + x2) / 2., y2 / 1.15, t) text.Draw() return box
def plot_fit(h, xmin, xmax, height, mean, rms): k = 0 m = 0 s = 0 c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1000, 600) while k < 7: function = TF1("bukin", Bukin(), xmin[k], xmax[k], 6) function.SetParName(0, "height") function.SetParName(1, "mean") function.SetParName(2, "width") function.SetParName(3, "asymmetry") function.SetParName(4, "size of lower tail") function.SetParName(5, "size of higher tail") function.SetParameter(0, height[k]) function.SetParameter(1, mean[k]) function.SetParameter(2, rms[k]) h[k].Fit("bukin", "RQ", "RO", xmin[k], xmax[k]) f[k] = h[k].GetFunction("bukin") k = k + 1 while m < 7: h[m].SetXTitle("mbb [GeV]") h[m].SetYTitle("Number of events") f[m].SetLineColor(m + 1) f[m].Draw("SAME") m = m + 1 legend = TLegend(0.13, 0.41, 0.25, 0.88) legend.AddEntry(None, "#bf{mean[GeV] / sigma[GeV] / ratio}", "") while s < 7: legend.AddEntry(h[s], h[s].GetName(), "f[s]") result[s] = (height[s], mean[s], rms[s]) legend_text[s] = "#bf{%-.3f/%-.3f/%-.3f}" % ( result[s][1], result[s][2], ratio(result[s][2], result[s][1])) legend.AddEntry(None, legend_text[s], "") s = s + 1 legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetTextFont(42) legend.SetTextSize(0.03) legend.SetTextColor(1) legend.Draw("SAME") t = TLatex() t.SetNDC() t.SetTextSize(14) t.SetTextFont(43) t.SetTextAlign(13) t.DrawLatex(0.73, 0.85, "#it{#bf{ATLAS} Simulation Internal}") t.Draw() c1.Print("plot_fit.pdf")
def DrawADCGainProfile(self, list, cvs, mantisse, opt=""): FileMantisse = mantisse.split('/')[0] cvs.SetLogy(0) for h in list: hProf = h.ProfileX() h.Draw("colz") hProf.SetLineWidth(5) hProf.SetLineColor(7) hProf.Draw("SAME") linFit = TF1("linFit", "pol1", 0, 0.3) hProf.Fit(linFit, "", "SAME", 0, 0.3) comment = TLatex( 0.5, .2, "Slope = " + str("%.0f" % linFit.GetParameter(1)) + " MeV^{-1}") comment.SetTextColor(kRed) comment.SetNDC(1) comment.Draw() cvs.SaveAs(mantisse + "/" + FileMantisse + "_" + h.GetName() + self.OutFileType)
def draw(h, opt="", copy=False, labelize=True): hd = h if copy: print("Drawing", h, "as a copy") hd = h.DrawCopy(opt) if type(copy) == type(""): hd.SetName(hd.GetName() + copy) else: hd.SetName(hd.GetName() + "copy") hd.SetDirectory(0) else: h.Draw(opt) if labelize and "same" not in opt: latex = TLatex(0.2, 0.95, hd.GetName()) latex.SetNDC() latex.Draw() latexdrawn.append(latex) gPad.Update() ldrawn.append(hd) return hd
def Draw2Dsig(tag='exp', pname='limits', ms=275, ml=100, lim=[]): h = Get2Dhisto(pname + '.p', tag) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 10, 10, 1200, 800) if lim != []: zmin, zmax = lim h.SetMaximum(zmax) h.SetMinimum(zmin) h.SetTitle('%s significance' % tag) g = TGraph(1) g.SetPoint(1, ms + 5, ml + 5) g.SetMarkerSize(1) g.SetMarkerStyle(20) gStyle.SetPalette(51) #58) h.Draw('colz') g.Draw('psame') t = TLatex(0, 0, 'Injected signal %s_%s' % (str(ms), str(ml))) t.SetNDC() t.SetX(0.15) t.SetY(0.85) t.SetTextAlign(12) t.Draw() for f in ['png', 'pdf']: c.Print('%s.%s' % (pname.replace('limits', 'scan'), f))
def AddText(txt_x=0.50, txt_y=0.50, txt="dummy", txt_size=0.045, txt_angle=0, Alignment="left", UseNormalizedSize=1, txt_color=1): txt_align=12 if Alignment == "left": txt_align = 12 if Alignment == "right": txt_align = 32 if Alignment == "center": txt_align = 22 t1 = TLatex(txt_x, txt_y, txt ) if UseNormalizedSize: t1.SetNDC(kTRUE) t1.SetTextSize(txt_size) t1.SetTextAlign(txt_align) t1.SetTextAngle(txt_angle) t1.SetTextColor(txt_color) t1.Draw() return
c.SetLogy(1) bkgStack.Draw() j = 0 for iregion in region: bkgStack.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(j + 1, iregion) j = j + 1 legend.Draw() latex = TLatex(0.15, 0.85, 'CMS') latex.SetTextSize(0.036) latex.SetTextAlign(12) latex.SetNDC(kTRUE) latex.SetTextFont(61) latex.Draw() latex1 = TLatex(0.13, 0.82, 'Preliminary') latex1.SetTextSize(0.036) latex1.SetTextAlign(12) latex1.SetNDC(kTRUE) latex1.SetTextFont(61) latex1.Draw() latex2 = TLatex(0.65, 0.93, "35.8 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)") latex2.SetTextSize(0.036) latex2.SetTextAlign(12) latex2.SetNDC(kTRUE) #latex2.SetTextFont(61) latex2.Draw()
def savePlots(title, saveName, listFromats, plot, Histos, keyHisto, listLegend, options, ratios=None, legendName=""): #create canvas c = {} pads = {} if options.doRatio: c[keyHisto] = TCanvas(saveName, keyHisto + plot.title, 700, 700 + 24 * len(listFlavors)) pads["hist"] = TPad("hist", saveName + plot.title, 0, 0.11 * len(listFlavors), 1.0, 1.0) else: c[keyHisto] = TCanvas(keyHisto, saveName + plot.title, 700, 700) pads["hist"] = TPad("hist", saveName + plot.title, 0, 0., 1.0, 1.0) pads["hist"].Draw() if ratios: for r in range(0, len(ratios)): pads["ratio_" + str(r)] = TPad("ratio_" + str(r), saveName + plot.title + str(r), 0, 0.11 * r, 1.0, 0.11 * (r + 1)) pads["ratio_" + str(r)].Draw() pads["hist"].cd() #canvas style if plot.logY: pads["hist"].SetLogy() if plot.grid: pads["hist"].SetGrid() #legend leg = TLegend(0.6, 0.4, 0.8, 0.6) leg.SetMargin(0.12) leg.SetTextSize(0.035) leg.SetFillColor(10) leg.SetBorderSize(0) #draw histos first = True option = drawOption optionSame = drawOption + "same" if plot.doPerformance: option = "AP" optionSame = "sameP" for i in range(0, len(Histos)): if Histos[i] is None: continue if first: if not plot.doPerformance: Histos[i].GetPainter().PaintStat(ROOT.gStyle.GetOptStat(), 0) Histos[i].SetTitle(title) Histos[i].Draw(option) first = False else: Histos[i].Draw(optionSame) #Fill legend if plot.legend and len(Histos) % len(listLegend) == 0: r = len(Histos) / len(listLegend) index = i - r * len(listLegend) while (index < 0): index += len(listLegend) legName = legendName.replace("KEY", listLegend[index]) if i < len(listLegend): legName = legName.replace("isVAL", options.ValRel) else: legName = legName.replace("isVAL", options.RefRel) if drawOption == "HIST": leg.AddEntry(Histos[i], legName, "L") else: leg.AddEntry(Histos[i], legName, "P") #Draw legend if plot.legend and options.drawLegend: leg.Draw("same") tex = None if options.printBanner: print(type(options.printBanner)) tex = TLatex(0.55, 0.75, options.Banner) tex.SetNDC() tex.SetTextSize(0.05) tex.Draw() #save canvas if ratios: for r in range(0, len(ratios)): pads["ratio_" + str(r)].cd() if ratios[r] is None: continue pads["ratio_" + str(r)].SetGrid() ratios[r].GetYaxis().SetTitle(listLegend[r] + "-jets") ratios[r].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) ratios[r].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.2) ratios[r].GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(3, 3, 2) ratios[r].Draw("") unity.Draw("same") for format in listFromats: save = saveName + "." + format c[keyHisto].Print(save) return [c, leg, tex, pads]
def create2DPlots(detector, plot, plotnum, plotmat, dosingledetector=True): """Produce the requested plot for the specified detector. Function that will plot the requested 2D-@plot for the specified @detector. The specified detector could either be a real detector or a compound one. The list of available plots are the keys of plots dictionary imported from plot_utils. """ #gStyle.Reset() #Better to use an underscore. plotmat = plotmat.replace(" ", "_") if plotmat != "": theDirname = ('Images/%s' % plotmat).replace(" ", "") else: theDirname = 'Images' if not checkFile_(theDirname): os.mkdir(theDirname) if not os.path.isdir(('Images/%s/ZPlusZoom' % plotmat).replace(" ", "")): os.mkdir(('Images/%s/ZPlusZoom' % plotmat).replace(" ", "")) if not os.path.isdir(('Images/%s/ZMinusZoom' % plotmat).replace(" ", "")): os.mkdir(('Images/%s/ZMinusZoom' % plotmat).replace(" ", "")) goodToGo, theDetectorFilename = paramsGood_(detector, plot) if not goodToGo: return theDetectorFile = TFile(theDetectorFilename) prof2d_X0_det_total = TProfile2D() prof2d_X0_det_total.Reset() # get TProfiles #prof2d_X0_det_total = theDetectorFile.Get('%s' % plots[plot].plotNumber) prof2d_X0_det_total = theDetectorFile.Get('%s' % plotnum) print "==================================================================" print plotnum # histos prof2d_X0_det_total.__class__ = TProfile2D hist_X0_total = prof2d_X0_det_total.ProjectionXY() # keep files live forever files = [] if detector in COMPOUNDS.keys() and not dosingledetector: #When the loop was: #for subDetector in COMPOUNDS[detector][1:]: #and the detector was single it never went in the loop and read the single file #from above. I alter this to COMPOUNDS[detector] to do the multi material budget plot. #This won't effect the single detector due to the alter in the if above for subDetector in COMPOUNDS[detector]: # filenames of single components subDetectorFilename = "matbdg_%s.root" % subDetector # open file if not checkFile_(subDetectorFilename): print("Error, missing file %s" % subDetectorFilename) continue subDetectorFile = TFile(subDetectorFilename) files.append(subDetectorFile) print("*** Open file... %s" % subDetectorFilename) # subdetector profiles prof2d_X0_det_total = subDetectorFile.Get('%s' % plots[plot].plotNumber) prof2d_X0_det_total.__class__ = TProfile2D # add to summary histogram hist_X0_total.Add( prof2d_X0_det_total.ProjectionXY( "B_%s" % prof2d_X0_det_total.GetName()), +1.000) # # properties #gStyle.SetPalette(1) gStyle.SetStripDecimals(False) # # # Create "null" histo minX = 1.03 * prof2d_X0_det_total.GetXaxis().GetXmin() maxX = 1.03 * prof2d_X0_det_total.GetXaxis().GetXmax() minY = 1.03 * prof2d_X0_det_total.GetYaxis().GetXmin() maxY = 1.03 * prof2d_X0_det_total.GetYaxis().GetXmax() frame = TH2F("frame", "", 10, minX, maxX, 10, minY, maxY) frame.SetMinimum(0.1) frame.SetMaximum(10.) frame.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(frame.GetXaxis().GetTickLength() * 0.50) frame.GetYaxis().SetTickLength(frame.GetXaxis().GetTickLength() / 4.) # Ratio if plots[plot].iRebin: prof2d_X0_det_total.Rebin2D() # stack hist2dTitle = ('%s %s;%s;%s;%s' % (plots[plot].quotaName, detector, plots[plot].abscissa, plots[plot].ordinate, plots[plot].quotaName)) if dosingledetector: hist2d_X0_total = prof2d_X0_det_total else: hist2d_X0_total = hist_X0_total hist2d_X0_total.SetTitle(hist2dTitle) frame.SetTitle(hist2dTitle) frame.SetTitleOffset(0.5, "Y") #If here you put different histomin,histomaxin plot_utils you won't see anything #for the material plots. if plots[plot].histoMin != -1.: hist2d_X0_total.SetMinimum(plots[plot].histoMin) if plots[plot].histoMax != -1.: hist2d_X0_total.SetMaximum(plots[plot].histoMax) # can2name = "MBCan_2D_%s_%s_%s" % (detector, plot, plotmat) can2 = TCanvas(can2name, can2name, 2480 + 248, 580 + 58 + 58) can2.SetTopMargin(0.1) can2.SetBottomMargin(0.1) can2.SetLeftMargin(0.04) can2.SetRightMargin(0.06) can2.SetFillColor(kWhite) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0) gStyle.SetTitleBorderSize(0) #hist2d_X0_total.SetMaximum(hist2d_X0_total.GetMaximum()) # Color palette # gStyle.SetPalette()#1 acustompalette() ex1 = TExec("ex1", "acustompalette();") ex1.Draw() #for i in range(100): MyPaletteArray.append(i+1) #gStyle.SetPalette(first_color_number); # Log? can2.SetLogz(plots[plot].zLog) # Draw in colors #frame.Draw() #hist2d_X0_total.Draw("COLZsame") #Dummy draw to create the palette object hist2d_X0_total.Draw("COLZ") #Dummy draw to create the palette object # Store can2.Update() #Aesthetic palette = hist2d_X0_total.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject("palette") if palette: palette.__class__ = TPaletteAxis palette.SetX1NDC(0.945) palette.SetX2NDC(0.96) palette.SetY1NDC(0.1) palette.SetY2NDC(0.9) palette.GetAxis().SetTickSize(.01) palette.GetAxis().SetTitle("") if plots[plot].zLog: palette.GetAxis().SetLabelOffset(-0.01) paletteTitle = TLatex(1.12 * maxX, maxY, plots[plot].quotaName) paletteTitle.SetTextAngle(90.) paletteTitle.SetTextSize(0.05) paletteTitle.SetTextAlign(31) paletteTitle.Draw() hist2d_X0_total.GetYaxis().SetTickLength( hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().GetTickLength() / 4.) hist2d_X0_total.GetYaxis().SetTickLength( hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().GetTickLength() / 4.) hist2d_X0_total.SetTitleOffset(0.5, "Y") hist2d_X0_total.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.45) #hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.15); #hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetNoExponent(True) #hist2d_X0_total.GetYaxis().SetNoExponent(True) #Add eta labels keep_alive = [] if plots[plot].iDrawEta: keep_alive.extend(drawEtaValues()) can2.Modified() hist2d_X0_total.SetContour(255) # Store can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s%s.pdf" % (theDirname, detector, plot, plotmat)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s_%s%s.png" % (theDirname, detector, plot, plotmat)) #can2.SaveAs( "%s/%s_%s%s.root" % (theDirname, detector, plot, plotmat)) #Zoom in a little bit if plot == "x_vs_z_vs_Rsum" or plot == "l_vs_z_vs_Rsum" or plot == "x_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos" or plot == "l_vs_z_vs_Rsumcos" or plot == "x_vs_z_vs_Rloc" or plot == "l_vs_z_vs_Rloc" or plot == "x_vs_z_vs_Rloccos" or plot == "l_vs_z_vs_Rloccos": #Z+ #hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetLimits( 3100., 5200.) if dosingledetector: hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(3100., 5400.) else: hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., 7000.) #Do not draw eta values in the zoom case keep_alive = [] #hist2d_X0_total.Draw("COLZ") can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s/%s_%s%s_ZplusZoom.pdf" % (theDirname, "ZPlusZoom", detector, plot, plotmat)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s/%s_%s%s_ZplusZoom.png" % (theDirname, "ZPlusZoom", detector, plot, plotmat)) #Z- #hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetLimits( 3100., 5200.) if dosingledetector: hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-5400., -3100.) else: hist2d_X0_total.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0., -7000.) #Do not draw eta values in the zoom case keep_alive = [] #hist2d_X0_total.Draw("COLZ") can2.Update() can2.Modified() can2.SaveAs("%s/%s/%s_%s%s_ZminusZoom.pdf" % (theDirname, "ZMinusZoom", detector, plot, plotmat)) can2.SaveAs("%s/%s/%s_%s%s_ZminusZoom.png" % (theDirname, "ZMinusZoom", detector, plot, plotmat)) gStyle.SetStripDecimals(True)
line36 = TLine(0.975, 0, 0.975, 1.925) line37 = TLine(0.975, 1.925, -0.025, 1.925) line38 = TLine(-0.025, 1.925, -0.0125, 0) lineVector = [ line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9, line10, line11, line12, line13, line14, line15, line16, line17, line18, line19, line20, line21, line22, line23, line24, line25, line26, line27, line28, line29, line30, line31, line32, line33, line34, line35, line36, line37, line38 ] for line in lineVector: line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) line.SetLineWidth(3) line.Draw() leg = TLegend(.54, .75, .58, .79) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetLineWidth(4) leg.Draw() text = TLatex(.6, .75, "NA49 Coverage") text.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) text.SetNDC() text.SetTextSize(1.4 / 30.) text.SetTextAlign(11) #text.DrawLatex(.48, .55, "#Square"); text.Draw() raw_input("Please press enter to exit.")
pad2.SetGrid() pad1.Draw() pad2.Draw() pad1.SetLogy() hs.SetMinimum(0.1) hs.Draw("HIST") # hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle(TITLE[var]) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events") hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.8) hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) data_hist.Draw("same" "LPE") sig_hist.Draw("same" "LPE") leg.Draw() tex1.Draw() tex2.Draw() tex3.Draw() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) ratio_hist.SetMarkerColor(4) ratio_hist.SetMarkerSize(1) ratio_hist.SetMarkerStyle(ROOT.kFullCircle) ratio_hist.Draw() ratio_hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(TITLE[var]) ratio_hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.9) ratio_hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.15) ratio_hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) ratio_hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data/MC")
h3.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(22) h4.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(22) h3.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(22) h4.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(22) h3.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) h4.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(22) h1.Draw("hist") h2.Draw("histsame") #h3.Draw("hist") #h4.Draw("histsame") #h5.Draw("histsame") #h6.Draw("histsame") t1.Draw("same") t2.Draw("same") t3.Draw("same") t5.Draw("same") t6.Draw("same") t7.Draw("same") t8.Draw("same") leg.Draw() c.Print(str(energy[E])+"TeV/h_"+str(energy[E])+"TeV_Particles_Rank_"+str(list_PT_T[j])+"_"+str(i)+".pdf")