def DrawHistogram( self, h, _LowerEdge, _UpperEdge ): CanvasName = h.GetName() CanvasName.replace("h_", "c_") c = TCanvas(CanvasName+"M%.0lfto%.0lf"%(_LowerEdge, _UpperEdge), "", 800, 800) if (_UpperEdge - _LowerEdge) > 20: c.SetLogy() c.SetTopMargin(0.03) c.SetLeftMargin(0.13) c.SetRightMargin(0.05) c.SetBottomMargin(0.1) if _UpperEdge > 1000: c.SetLogx() h.Draw() h.SetStats(0) h.SetMarkerColor(2) h.SetLineColor(2) # -- red -- # h.SetFillColorAlpha(0, 0) # -- white with 100% transparency -- # h.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( _LowerEdge, _UpperEdge ) h.GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels() h.GetXaxis().SetNoExponent() h.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3) h.SetXTitle("m(#mu#mu) [GeV]") h.SetYTitle("d#sigma/dm [pb/GeV]") latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextSize(0.028); # if _LowerEdge == 15 and _UpperEdge==3000: latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.50, 0.85, "Z/#gamma* #rightarrow #mu#mu @ E_{CM} = 8 TeV") latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.50, 0.80, "FEWZ (%s)" % (self.PDF) ) latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.50, 0.77, "QCD@NNLO, EWK@NLO") c.SaveAs(".pdf")
def draw(self, canvas=None): if canvas is None: canvas = self canvas.Divide(1, 2), 0.1, 0.05, 0.2) self._rad.Draw(), 0.1, 0.2, 0.05) self._ang.Draw() canvas.Update() for c, axis in [('r', self._rad.GetXaxis()), ('y1', self._rad.GetYaxis()), ('p', self._ang.GetXaxis()), ('y2', self._ang.GetYaxis())]: axis.SetLabelSize(0.05) axis.SetTitleSize(0.07) axis.SetLabelOffset(0.01) rng = getattr(self, '_{0}range'.format(c)) if rng is not None: axis.SetRangeUser(rng[0], rng[1]) ttl = getattr(self, '_{0}title'.format(c)) if c.startswith('y') and ttl is not None: axis.SetTitle(ttl) if c.startswith('y'): axis.SetTitleOffset(0.6) axis.SetNdivisions(505) self._pad = TPad('newpad', '', 0, 0, 1, 1) self._pad.SetFillStyle(4000) self._pad.Draw() if self._drawCMS: self.draw_cms() text = TLatex() text.SetNDC() text.SetTextFont(42) text.SetTextSize(0.035) text.SetTextAlign(13) text.SetTextAngle(90) if self._rtitle is not None: text.DrawLatexNDC(0.905, 0.54, self._rtitle) if self._ptitle is not None: text.DrawLatexNDC(0.905, 0.115, self._ptitle) for obj in self._container_draw: obj.Draw('SAME') for c in (,, canvas): c.Modified() c.Update()
def show_sample(self, fnameP='/data/Samples/TMSPlane/Dec26/sample_{0:d}.adc', Ns=10, ich=8): from ROOT import TGraph, gPad, TLatex s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() data3 = ((s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * s1.nSamples) * Ns)() dataList = [] for i in range(Ns): fname = fnameP.format(i) s1.read_data([fname, ''], data1, data2) x = array.array('f', range(s1.nSamples)) # s1.filters_trapezoidal(data1[ich], data3[i], [100,100,200,-1]) s1.filters_trapezoidal(data1[ich], data3[i], [100, 100, 100, 0.000722]) g1 = TGraph(s1.nSamples, x, data3[i]) # g1 = TGraph(s1.nSamples, x, data1[ich]) opt = 'AP' if i == 0 else "PSame" g1.Draw(opt + ' PLC PMC') dataList.append(g1) lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.8, "Chan={0:d}".format(ich)) gPad.Update() waitRootCmdX()
def Plot2DEfficiency(num, den, plotname, topTitle, xAxisTitle, xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh, yAxisTitle, yAxisRangeLow, yAxisRangeHigh, effMin, effMax): c = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 800, 800) ratio = num.Clone("ratio") ratio.Divide(den) ratio.Draw("colz") ratio.SetMaximum(effMax) ratio.SetMinimum(effMin) ratio.GetZaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency") ratio.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) ratio.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.25) ratio.Draw("colz") ratio.SetStats(0) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisTitle) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.90) ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) ratio.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle(yAxisTitle) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(yAxisRangeLow, yAxisRangeHigh) c.SetRightMargin(0.18) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) title = TLatex() title.SetTextSize(0.05) #title.SetTextAlign(13); title.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .93, topTitle) c.SaveAs(plotname + ".gif")
def makeROC(fpr, tpr, thresholds, AUC, outfile, signal_label, background_label): c = TCanvas("c", "c", 700, 600) gPad.SetMargin(0.15, 0.07, 0.15, 0.05) gPad.SetLogy(0) gPad.SetGrid(1, 1) gStyle.SetGridColor(15) roc = TGraph(len(fpr), tpr, fpr) roc.SetLineColor(2) roc.SetLineWidth(2) roc.SetTitle(";Signal efficiency (%s); Background efficiency (%s)" % (signal_label, background_label)) roc.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) roc.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) roc.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) roc.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) roc.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1) roc.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.000, 1) roc.Draw("AL") latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextSize(0.05) latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.88, 'AUC = %.3f' % AUC) c.SaveAs(outfile)
def drawText(x, y, t, isNDC=False): text = TLatex() text.SetTextColor(1) text.SetTextFont(42) text.SetTextAlign(23) text.SetTextSize(0.04) if isNDC: text.DrawLatexNDC(x, y, t) else: text.DrawLatex(x, y, t) text.Draw() return text
def checkStablibity(isensor=8): qt1 = QuickTuner(mode=0) cd1 = cd1.readBackPars(isensor) dataX = [] for i in range(10): time.sleep(1) cd1.fetch() dataX.append(cd1.adcData[isensor][:]) max1 = -1 min1 = 999 ndata = len(dataX[0]) gr0 = None option = 'AL' icolor = 1 grs = [] for x in dataX: max2 = max(x) if max2>max1: max1 = max2 min2 = min(x) if min2<min1: min1 = min2 gr1 = TGraph(ndata, array('d',[i*0.2*0.001 for i in range(ndata)]), array('d', x)) gr1.Draw(option) if gr0 == None: gr0 = gr1 option = 'L' gr1.SetLineColor(icolor) icolor += 1 grs.append(gr1) # waitRootCmdX() h1 = gr0.GetHistogram() print min1, max1 h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(min1,max1) h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("V") h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("t [ms]") h1.Draw("axissame") lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2,0.92, "C{0:d}: ".format(isensor)+' '.join(['{0:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cd1.inputVs])) waitRootCmdX() print len(dataX), len(grs)
def draw_study_label(x=0.5, y=0.9): latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextAlign(13) drawn.append(latex.DrawLatexNDC(x, y, " ".join(study_label)))
def main(reader_name, tags, lut_path, ptmin, ptmax, ymin=None, ymax=None, tag_name=None, logx=False, logy=False, leg_pos=[0.74, 0.2, 0.90, 0.4], particles=None, eta=0, dnch_deta=100, rmin=None, add_eta_label=True, add_alice3_label=True, save=None, background=False, use_p_over_z=True, aod=None, study_label="ALICE 3 study"): gROOT.LoadMacro(reader_name) gROOT.LoadMacro("style.C") reader_name = reader_name.split(".")[-2] reader = getattr(__import__('ROOT', fromlist=[reader_name]), reader_name) style = getattr(__import__('ROOT', fromlist=["style"]), "style") style() p = { "el": "e", "pi": "#pi", "ka": "K", "pr": "p", "de": "d", "tr": "t", "he3": "^{3}He" } charge = {"el": 1, "pi": 1, "ka": 1, "pr": 1, "de": 1, "tr": 1, "he3": 2} p_colors = { "el": "#e41a1c", "pi": "#377eb8", "ka": "#4daf4a", "pr": "#984ea3", "de": "#ff7f00", "tr": "#999999", "he3": "#a65628" } if particles is not None: to_remove = [] for i in p: if i not in particles: to_remove.append(i) for i in to_remove: p.pop(i) latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextAlign(33) canvas = reader_name canvas = canvas.replace("lutRead_", "") canvas = TCanvas(canvas, canvas, 800, 800) canvas.Divide(2, 2) drawn = [canvas] drawn_graphs = {} drawn_frames = {} if ymin is None: if "_dca" in reader_name: ymin = 0.1 elif "_pt" in reader_name: ymin = 1. elif "_eff" in reader_name: ymin = 0. if ymax is None: if "_dca" in reader_name: ymax = 1e4 elif "_pt" in reader_name: ymax = 100. elif "_eff" in reader_name: ymax = 115. def adjust_pad(): if logx: gPad.SetLogx() if logy: gPad.SetLogy() counter = 1 leg = None if tag_name is not None: leg = TLegend(*leg_pos) if add_eta_label: label = f"#eta = {int(eta)}" label += " dN_{Ch}/d#eta =" label += f" {int(dnch_deta)}" if rmin is not None: label += " R_{min} = " + rmin else: leg.SetHeader() leg.SetHeader(label) leg.SetLineColor(0) drawn.append(leg) def draw_study_label(x=0.5, y=0.9): latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextAlign(13) drawn.append(latex.DrawLatexNDC(x, y, " ".join(study_label))) for i in p: c = f"{canvas.GetName()}_{i}" c = TCanvas(c, c, 800, 800) drawn.append(c) adjust_pad() frame = c.DrawFrame(ptmin, ymin, ptmax, ymax, "") frame.SetDirectory(0) drawn_frames[i] = frame g_list = [] extra = {} cols = [ '#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3', '#ff7f00', '#ffff33' ] for k, j in enumerate(tags): lut = f"{lut_path}/lutCovm.{i}.{j}.dat" if j == "": lut = f"{lut_path}/lutCovm.{i}.dat" if not path.isfile(lut): print("LUT file", lut, "does not exist") return g = reader(lut, eta, dnch_deta) if g.GetN() <= 0: print("Skipping", g.GetName(), "because empty graph") continue if len(g_list) == 0: frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle(g.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) frame.GetYaxis().SetTitle(g.GetYaxis().GetTitle()) if use_p_over_z: for j in range(g.GetN()): if "_pt" in reader_name: g.SetPoint(j, g.GetPointX(j) / charge[i], g.GetPointY(j) / charge[i]) else: g.SetPoint(j, g.GetPointX(j) / charge[i], g.GetPointY(j)) frame.GetXaxis().SetTitle("#it{p}_{T}/z (GeV/#it{c})") col = TColor.GetColor(cols[len(g_list)]) g.SetLineColor(col) g.SetLineStyle(1) g.SetLineWidth(3) g.Draw("samel") if aod is not None: f_aod = TFile(aod, "READ") if "_eff" in reader_name: extra[g.GetName()] = f_aod.Get( "qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/num") extra[g.GetName()].Divide( f_aod.Get("qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/num"), f_aod.Get("qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/den"), 1, 1, "B") extra[g.GetName()].Scale(100) extra[g.GetName()].Draw("SAME") extra[g.GetName()].SetDirectory(0) elif "_pt" in reader_name: extra[g.GetName()] = f_aod.Get( "qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/num") extra[g.GetName()].Divide( f_aod.Get("qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/num"), f_aod.Get("qa-tracking-efficiency-kaon/pt/den"), 1, 1, "B") extra[g.GetName()].Scale(100) extra[g.GetName()].Draw("SAME") extra[g.GetName()].SetDirectory(0) f_aod.Close() print("Drawing", g.GetName()) if tag_name is not None and counter == 1: leg.AddEntry(g, tag_name[k], "l") g_list.append(g) drawn_graphs[i] = g_list if len(g_list) <= 0: print("Nothing drawn!") continue drawn.append(latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.9, 0.9, p[i])) if leg is not None: leg.Draw() draw_study_label(.4, .91) gPad.Update() clone = c.DrawClonePad() if counter != 1: l = gPad.GetListOfPrimitives() for i in l: cn = i.ClassName() if cn == "TLegend": l.Remove(i) elif cn == "TLatex": if "ALICE" in i.GetTitle(): l.Remove(i) drawn.append(clone) c.SaveAs(f"/tmp/{c.GetName()}.png") gPad.Update() counter += 1 canvas_all_species = None if len(tags) == 1: canvas_all_species = TCanvas("all_spec_" + canvas.GetName(), "all_spec_" + canvas.GetName(), 800, 800) drawn.append(canvas_all_species) drawn_graphs_all_spec = {} leg_all_spec = TLegend(*leg_pos) leg_all_spec.SetNColumns(2) leg_all_spec.SetLineColor(0) drawn.append(leg_all_spec) for i in drawn_graphs: if canvas_all_species.GetListOfPrimitives().GetEntries() == 0: drawn_frames[i].Draw() g_list = [] for j in drawn_graphs[i]: g_list.append(j.Clone()) g_list[-1].SetName(g_list[-1].GetName() + "_color") g_list[-1].SetLineColor(TColor.GetColor(p_colors[i])) g_list[-1].Draw("same") leg_all_spec.AddEntry(g_list[-1], p[i], "L") drawn_graphs_all_spec[i] = g_list for i in drawn_graphs_all_spec: drawn_graphs[i + "_allspec"] = drawn_graphs_all_spec[i] leg_all_spec.Draw() if add_alice3_label: draw_study_label() latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextAlign(13) latex.SetTextSize(0.04) if tag_name is not None: drawn.append(latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.5, 0.80, tag_name[0])) drawn.append( latex.DrawLatexNDC( 0.4, 0.82, f"#eta = {int(eta)}" + "\n dN_{Ch}/d#eta =" + f" {int(dnch_deta)}" + ("\n R_{min} = " + rmin if rmin is not None else ""))) adjust_pad() canvas_all_species.Update() canvas_all_species.SaveAs(f"/tmp/{canvas_all_species.GetName()}.png") if save is None: canvas.SaveAs(f"/tmp/lut_{canvas.GetName()}.root") else: fo = TFile(save, "RECREATE") canvas.Write() if canvas_all_species is not None: canvas_all_species.Write() for i in drawn_graphs: for j in drawn_graphs[i]: j.Write() if not background: input("Done, press enter to continue")
def Plot1DEfficiencyWithFit(tree, plotname, topTitle, xAxisTitle, xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh): #make amp histogram c = TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) ampHist = TH1F("ampHist", ";Amplitude [mV]; Number of Events", 25, 0, 50) tree.Draw( "amp[3]>>ampHist", " x_dut[2] > 19.6 && x_dut[2] < 19.7 && y_dut[2] > 23.5 && y_dut[2] < 24.0 && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)" ) # create function for fitting fitFunction = TF1("NoisePlusLandauGaus", NoisePlusLandauGaus, 0, 50, 5) fitFunction.SetParameters(10, 0.95, 20.0, 2.5, 3.0) fitFunction.SetParNames("a", "f", "mpv", "sigmaLandau", "sigmaGaus") #fitFunction.SetParLimits(0, -1, -4) #fitFunction.SetParLimits(1, 0.01, 0.2) #fitFunction.SetParLimits(2, 0, 2) #fitFunction.SetParLimits(3, 0, 1000) ampHist.Fit("NoisePlusLandauGaus") c.SaveAs("fit.gif") return nbins = num.GetXaxis().GetNbins() x = list() y = list() xErrLow = list() xErrHigh = list() yErrLow = list() yErrHigh = list() for b in range(1, nbins): xtemp = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) xerrlow = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1) xerrhigh = num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) ratio = 0 errLow = 0 errHigh = 0 n1 = int(num.GetBinContent(b + 1)) n2 = int(den.GetBinContent(b + 1)) print "numerator: " + str(n1) + " and denominator: " + str(n2) if (n1 > n2): n1 = n2 if (n2 > 0): ratio = float(n1) / float(n2) if (ratio > 1): ratio = 1 errLow = ratio - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( n2, n1, 0.68269, False) errHigh = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(n2, n1, 0.68269, True) - ratio print " done bin " + str( b) + " " + str(xtemp) + " : " + str(n1) + "(" + str( num.GetBinContent(b + 1)) + ")" + " / " + str(n2) + "(" + str( den.GetBinContent(b + 1)) + ")" + " = " + str( ratio) + " " + str(errLow) + " " + str(errHigh) ytemp = ratio yerrlowtemp = errLow yerrhightemp = errHigh print "x: " + str(xtemp) + " and y: " + str(ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) xErrLow.append(xerrlow) xErrHigh.append(xerrhigh) yErrLow.append(yerrlowtemp) yErrHigh.append(yerrhightemp) c = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 800, 800) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) #must convert list into array for TGraphAsymmErrors to work xArr = array.array('f', x) yArr = array.array('f', y) xErrLowArr = array.array('f', xErrLow) xErrHighArr = array.array('f', xErrHigh) yErrLowArr = array.array('f', yErrLow) yErrHighArr = array.array('f', yErrHigh) effGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins, xArr, yArr, xErrLowArr, xErrHighArr, yErrLowArr, yErrHighArr) effGraph.Draw("APE") effGraph.SetTitle("") effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisTitle) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.90) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency") effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) title = TLatex() title.SetTextSize(0.05) title.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .93, topTitle) c.Update() c.SaveAs(plotname + ".gif")
class QuickTuner: def __init__(self, mode=0): self.mode = mode # 0: normal, 1: testing self.sensorConfig = None self.showPlot = True self.gainRef = None self.tuneRef = [0.6, -1, 0.3, 0.1] self.logFile = None = TLatex() self.stepI = 0 self.sDir = sDir self.sTag = sTag self.autoSave = sDirectly self.halfPeriod = 2500 ### To save the results a list of [((),())] self.results = None self.setup() def setupLogFile(self,fname): self.logFile = open(fname,'a') def setup(self): ### get connected data_ip_port = "" control_ip_port = "" dataIpPort = data_ip_port.split(':') sD = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) ctrlIpPort = control_ip_port.split(':') sC = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) cmd = Cmd() cd = CommonData(cmd, dataSocket=sD, ctrlSocket=sC) cd.aoutBuf = 1 cd.x2gain = 2 cd.sdmMode = 0 cd.bufferTest = 0 if self.mode == 0: sD.connect((dataIpPort[0],int(dataIpPort[1]))) sC.connect((ctrlIpPort[0],int(ctrlIpPort[1]))) self.sensorConfig = SensorConfig(cd) cd.getCurrentBest() for i in range(len(cd.sensorVcodes)): print i, [cd.tms1mmReg.dac_code2volt(vx) for vx in cd.sensorVcodes[i]] def get_score(self, data): score = 0 ## is there any structure? ### Find the jumps nP = 10 # use 10 previous points if exist nTh = 4 pPoints = [] nPoints = [] nData = len(data) for i in range(nData): ### get the average of previous nP points -- these nP should be similar av = 0. av2 = 0. nPp = 0 for j in range(nP): jx = i-1-j if jx < 0: break jv = data[jx] nPp += 1 av += jv av2 += jv*jv if nPp <2: continue ### not enough points av /= nPp av2 /= nPp av2 -= av*av av2 = sqrt(av2) nOut = 0 for j in range(nP): jx = i-1-j if jx>=0 and abs(data[jx]-av)/av2 > 4: nOut += 1 if i<50: print i, av, av2, nOut if nOut > 0 or av/av2<2: # not good average continue ## skip as we can't judge... if (data[i]-av)/av2 > 5: ### good positive point pPoints.append((i, data[i]-av)) elif (data[i]-av)/av2 < -5: nPoints.append((i, av-data[i])) ### Compare with current one print pPoints print nPoints ## is it a signal structure? ## How good is the signal? return score; # def assess(self, isensor=None, inputVs=[1.379, 1.546, 1.626, 1.169, 1.357, 2.458], adjustDecayTime=10): def assess(self, isensor=None, inputVs=None, adjustDecayTime=10, adjustRef=True): tname = self.__class__.__name__ + ':' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name cd = cd.updatePars(isensor, inputVs) isensor = cd.currentSensor self.sensorConfig.update_sensor(isensor) print("Checking:", isensor, cd.inputVs) ### get new data time.sleep(5) data = cd.adcData[isensor] a1 = SigInfo() a1.sTag = self.sTag r = (0,0,0,0,0) nTest = 10 if self.mode==0: var = 99 nTried = 0 while nTried<4: rAva = [] rL = [0,0,0,0,0] for k in range(nTest): cd.fetch() r = a1.getQuickInfo(data) rAva.append(r[1]) for i in range(len(r)): rL[i] += r[i]/nTest mu,var = getMeanVar(rAva) # print mu, var r = tuple(rL) if var<0.002: print "Convereged." break print "Not stable" time.sleep(10) nTried += 1 if self.logFile: infox = "{1:d}> P{0:d}:".format(isensor, self.stepI) infox += ', '.join(['{0:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cd.inputVs]) infox += '->'+' '.join('{0:.4f}'.format(x) for x in r) self.logFile.write(infox+'\n') self.stepI += 1 print "temp results: r=", r if self.showPlot: ref = self.gainRef if self.gainRef else -1, "P{1:d}: A={0:.4f} ({2:.4f})".format(r[1],isensor, ref),', '.join(['{0:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cd.inputVs])) if self.gainRef and self.gainRef - r[1]>0.002: Warning(tname, "Will not fine tune") return None if adjustRef: inputVs_t = cd.inputVs[:] if r[0]+r[1]>1.25: print '-----r[0]=', r[0], cd.voltsNames[5], ':',cd.inputVs[5],'->', cd.inputVs[5] -= 0.01 print cd.inputVs[5] r_t = self.assess(isensor, cd.inputVs, adjustDecayTime, True) ### check the results: the gain should not degrade much, the avarage should get smaller if r_t[1]-r[1]>-0.002 and r_t[0]<r[0]: r = r_t else: cd.inputVs = inputVs_t Error(tname, "Failed to reduce r[0], reverting...") elif r[0]<self.tuneRef[0] and cd.inputVs[5]<2.99: print '-----r[0]=', r[0], cd.voltsNames[5], ':',cd.inputVs[5],'->', cd.inputVs[5] += 0.01 print cd.inputVs[5] r_t = self.assess(isensor, cd.inputVs, adjustDecayTime, True) ### check the results if r_t[1]-r[1]<-0.002 and r_t[0]>r[0]: r = r_t else: cd.inputVs = inputVs_t Error(tname, "Failed to increase r[0], reverting...") if adjustDecayTime and r[1]>0.004: inputVs_t = cd.inputVs[:] adjustDecayTime -= 1 print r[4], float(abs(r[4])%self.halfPeriod)/self.halfPeriod if r[3]>self.tuneRef[3] or r[3]<-0.1 or float(abs(r[4])%self.halfPeriod)/self.halfPeriod>0.1: print '-----r[3]=', r[3], cd.voltsNames[4], ':',cd.inputVs[4],'->', cd.inputVs[4] += 0.01 print cd.inputVs[4] r_t = self.assess(isensor, cd.inputVs, adjustDecayTime, adjustRef) ### check the results if r_t and r_t[1]-r[1]<-0.002 and r_t[3]<r[3]: r = r_t else: cd.inputVs = inputVs_t Error(tname, "Failed to reduce r[3], reverting...") elif r[2]<self.tuneRef[2]: print '-----r[2]=', r[2], cd.voltsNames[4], ':',cd.inputVs[4],'->', cd.inputVs[4] -= 0.01 print cd.inputVs[4] r_t = self.assess(isensor, cd.inputVs, adjustDecayTime, adjustRef) ### check the results if r_t and r_t[1]-r[1]<-0.002 and r_t[2]>r[2]: r = r_t else: cd.inputVs = inputVs_t Error(tname, "Failed to increase r[2], reverting...") return r def scanForStructure(self, chan=18, xtag=''): self.sTag = "sfs_"+xtag+str(chan)+'_' for vdis in range(9): for vref in range(10): cd = cd.currentSensor = chan cd.readBackPars(chan) cd.inputVs[4] = 1.+0.1*vdis cd.inputVs[5] = 2.+0.1*vref x0 = self.assess(adjustDecayTime=0, adjustRef=False) def scanForStructure2(self, chan=18, xtag=''): self.sTag = "sfs_"+xtag+str(chan)+'_' for vref in range(10): for vdis in range(9): cd = cd.currentSensor = chan cd.readBackPars(chan) cd.inputVs[4] = 1.+0.1*vdis cd.inputVs[5] = 2.+0.1*vref x0 = self.assess(adjustDecayTime=0, adjustRef=False) def scan(self): '''Scan the given range with given steps''' pass def smartScan(self): '''Increase the number of points denpending on the situation''' pass def tryExisting(self): '''Try the existing parameters''' isendor = cd.currentSensor # currentValues = # for i in range(len(cd.sensorVcodes)): # print i, [cd.tms1mmReg.dac_code2volt(vx) for vx in cd.sensorVcodes[i]] pass def tune2(self, chan): self.sTag = "plot_{0:d}_".format(chan) cd = cd.currentSensor = chan cd.readBackPars(chan) print "starting with pars:", cd.inputVs ### check it # x0 = self.assess(adjustDecayTime=0, adjustRef=False) x0 = self.assess() self.gainRef = x0[1] inputVs0 = cd.inputVs[:] for i in range(cd.nCh): if cd.isGood[i]: cd.sensorVcodes[chan] = cd.sensorVcodes[i][:] # xi = self.assess(adjustDecayTime=0, adjustRef=False) xi = self.assess() if xi[1]>self.gainRef: cd.readBackPars(chan) self.gainRef = xi[1] print "find better starting point:", cd.inputVs, 'with gain:',self.gainRef if self.logFile: self.logFile.write('# new base\n') else: cd.sensorVcodes[chan] = inputVs0 print "worse gain:", xi[1], "going back to the old one" ### first step: get high gain with loose shape requirement ### scan all parameters execpt VDIS self.tuneRef = [0.6, -1, 0.2, 0.1] ## loose requirement for high gain # changeList = [0.001, 0.001, 0.003, 0.005, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5] changeList = [0.001, 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.005, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2] tunePars = [5,1,2,0,3] updated = True tuned = [] tuneVref = (5 not in tunePars) for ipar in growList(tunePars): if ipar == -1: break ### reach the end of the list print "===> Start tune", cd.voltsNames[ipar] ### find the best point updated = False while True: direction = 0 inputVs0 = cd.inputVs[:] while direction == 0: print '------', cd.voltsNames[ipar], '[U]:',cd.inputVs[ipar],'->', for d in changeList: cd.inputVs[ipar] += d if(cd.inputVs[ipar]>3): break print cd.inputVs[ipar], x1 = self.assess(adjustRef=tuneVref) if x1 is None: continue print "dx=", cd.inputVs[ipar]-inputVs0[ipar],", dA=", x1[1]-x0[1], print x0, x1, self.gainRef if abs(x1[1]-self.gainRef)>0.001: break if (x1 is None) or x1[1]<self.gainRef+0.0008: cd.inputVs = inputVs0 print 'reverting...' break x0 = x1 self.gainRef = x0[1] print 'Good. Moving on...' if self.logFile: self.logFile.write('# new base\n') direction = 1 inputVs0 = cd.inputVs[:] while direction == 0: print '------', cd.voltsNames[ipar], '[D]:',cd.inputVs[ipar],'->', for d in changeList: cd.inputVs[ipar] -= d if(cd.inputVs[ipar]<0): break print cd.inputVs[ipar], x1 = self.assess(adjustRef=tuneVref) # x1 = self.assess() if x1 is None: continue print "dx=", cd.inputVs[ipar]-inputVs0[ipar],", dA=", x1[1]-x0[1], print x0, x1, self.gainRef if abs(x1[1]-self.gainRef)>0.001: break if (x1 is None) or x1[1]<self.gainRef+0.0008: cd.inputVs = inputVs0 print 'reverting...' break x0 = x1 self.gainRef = x0[1] print 'Good. Moving on...' if self.logFile: self.logFile.write('# new base\n') direction = -1 if direction != 0: updated = True else: break ### redo other parameters if if updated: tunePars += tuned ### if the parameter changed, the tuned ones need to be revisited tuned = [] else: tuned.append(ipar) print "gain tune done:", cd.inputVs # x1 = self.assess() # print x1 # print ['{0:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cd.inputVs] print "------------------------" # ### second step: tune the [VDIS, VREF, VCASN, VBIASN] with loose gain requirement # self.tuneRef = [0.6, -1, 0.4, 0.05] ## loose requirement for high gain # # changeList = [0.001, 0.001, 0.003, 0.005, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5] # changeList = [0.001, 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.005, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2] # tunePars = [4,0,2,5] # # updated = True # tuned = [] # tuneVref = (5 in tunePars) # tuneDT = 0 if 4 in tunePars else 10 # for ipar in growList(tunePars): # if ipar == -1: break ### reach the end of the list # print "===> Start tune", cd.voltsNames[ipar] # # ### find the best point # updated = False # while True: # direction = 0 # inputVs0 = cd.inputVs[:] # while direction == 0: # print '------', cd.voltsNames[ipar], '[U]:',cd.inputVs[ipar],'->', # for d in changeList: # cd.inputVs[ipar] += d # if(cd.inputVs[ipar]>3): break # print cd.inputVs[ipar], # x1 = self.assess(adjustDecayTime=tuneDT, adjustRef=tuneVref) # if x1 is None: continue # print "dx=", cd.inputVs[ipar]-inputVs0[ipar],", dA=", x1[1]-x0[1], # print x0, x1, self.gainRef # if abs(x1[1]-self.gainRef)>0.001: break # if (x1 is None) or x1[1]<x0[1]+0.0008: # cd.inputVs = inputVs0 # print 'reverting...' # break # x0 = x1 # self.gainRef = x0[1] # print 'Good. Moving on...' # if self.logFile: self.logFile.write('# new base\n') # direction = 1 # inputVs0 = cd.inputVs[:] # while direction == 0: # print '------', cd.voltsNames[ipar], '[D]:',cd.inputVs[ipar],'->', # for d in changeList: # cd.inputVs[ipar] -= d # if(cd.inputVs[ipar]<0): break # print cd.inputVs[ipar], # x1 = self.assess(adjustDecayTime=tuneDT, adjustRef=tuneVref) # # x1 = self.assess() # if x1 is None: continue # print "dx=", cd.inputVs[ipar]-inputVs0[ipar],", dA=", x1[1]-x0[1], # print x0, x1, self.gainRef # if abs(x1[1]-self.gainRef)>0.001: break # if (x1 is None) or x1[1]<x0[1]+0.0008: # cd.inputVs = inputVs0 # print 'reverting...' # break # x0 = x1 # self.gainRef = x0[1] # print 'Good. Moving on...' # if self.logFile: self.logFile.write('# new base\n') # direction = -1 # if direction != 0: # updated = True # else: break # # ### redo other parameters if # if updated: # tunePars += tuned ### if the parameter changed, the tuned ones need to be revisited # tuned = [] # else: # tuned.append(ipar) print "final:", cd.inputVs x1 = self.assess(adjustDecayTime=0, adjustRef=False) print x1 print ['{0:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cd.inputVs] def tune(self, chan): ## give a set of parameters and get a quantity of goodness ### pass the parameters and get data ### assess the data -- what's good? What's better? ## Move the next set of parameters cd = cd.currentSensor = chan cd.readBackPars(chan) # cd.inputVs = [1.029,1.106,1.676,1.169,0.8,2.99] print "starting with pars:", cd.inputVs ### check it x0 = self.assess() self.gainRef = x0[1] ## tune the first four VDIS for higher gain tuned = [] px = [None]*6 ## to save the results of the 6 parameters mx = 0 updated = True changeList = [0.001, 0.001, 0.003, 0.005, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5] tunePars = [5,1,2,0,3] for ipar in growList(tunePars): if ipar == -1: break ### reach the end of the list print "===> Start tune", cd.voltsNames[ipar] ### find the best point updated = False while True: direction = 0 inputVs0 = cd.inputVs[:] while direction == 0: print '------', cd.voltsNames[ipar], '[U]:',cd.inputVs[ipar],'->', for d in changeList: cd.inputVs[ipar] += d if(cd.inputVs[ipar]>3): break print cd.inputVs[ipar], x1 = self.assess() if x1 is None: continue print "dx=", cd.inputVs[ipar]-inputVs0[ipar],", dA=", x1[1]-x0[1], print x0, x1, self.gainRef if abs(x1[1]-self.gainRef)>0.001: break if (x1 is None) or x1[1]<x0[1]+0.0008: cd.inputVs = inputVs0 print 'reverting...' break x0 = x1 self.gainRef = x0[1] print 'Good. Moving on...' direction = 1 inputVs0 = cd.inputVs[:] while direction == 0: print '------', cd.voltsNames[ipar], '[D]:',cd.inputVs[ipar],'->', for d in changeList: cd.inputVs[ipar] -= d if(cd.inputVs[ipar]<0): break print cd.inputVs[ipar], x1 = self.assess() if x1 is None: continue print "dx=", cd.inputVs[ipar]-inputVs0[ipar],", dA=", x1[1]-x0[1], print x0, x1, self.gainRef if abs(x1[1]-self.gainRef)>0.001: break if (x1 is None) or x1[1]<x0[1]+0.0008: cd.inputVs = inputVs0 print 'reverting...' break x0 = x1 self.gainRef = x0[1] print 'Good. Moving on...' direction = -1 if direction != 0: updated = True else: break ### redo other parameters if if updated: tunePars += tuned ### if the parameter changed, the tuned ones need to be revisited else: tuned.append(ipar) print "final:", cd.inputVs x1 = self.assess() print x1 print ['{0:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cd.inputVs] def handTune(self, chan): = chan inputVs = None while True: ### check it x0 = self.assess(None, inputVs) print x0 args = raw_input("inputVs:") if args in ['e','q','exit','quit','.q']: break inputVs = [float(x) for x in args.split(',')] def test(self): print "testing" dat1 = None ichan = 5 if len(sys.argv)<2 else int(sys.argv[1]) with open('adc_test.dat') as f1: dat1 = [float(l.split()[ichan]) for l in f1.readlines() if l.find('#')==-1] # a1 = SigInfo(dat1) a1 = SigInfo() print a1.getQuickInfo(dat1, 20) # self.get_score(dat1) # self.check(dat1) def fullTune(self): '''Do everything automatically''' ### First find the initial values for fine tune ### Dead channels will be marked self.getInitialValues() ### Continue with the fine tune ## Could be done in prallel in future nChan = 19 # number of channels for i in range(nChan): # don't waste time on the dead ones if self.isDead[i]: continue self.tune2(i) ### Finish. The output is a list of parameters and the characteristics ### Where to save the output? Inside the class, or return from this method? -- save to the method. def compareInputs(self, chan, inputs, dt=10, info=None, saveName='testing'): '''Compare a list of inputs Each input is a tuple: (tag, tex, [pars]), tex will be shown in the legend and tag should plain text used to distinguish the entry. For each entry, a TGraph will be made. ''' cd1 = grs = [] dataX = [] ic = 1 max0 = -1 min0 = 999 lg = TLegend(0.7,0.8,0.9,0.9) lg.SetFillStyle(0) for ip in inputs: cd1.updatePars(chan, ip[2]) print ip[2] self.sensorConfig.update_sensor(chan) print("Checking:", cd1.currentSensor, cd1.inputVs) time.sleep(dt) cd1.fetch() # dataX.append(cd1.adcData[chan][:]) dataX = cd1.adcData[chan][:] for i in range(10): print dataX[i] # ndata = len(dataX[-1]) # gr1 = TGraph(ndata, array('d',[i*0.2*0.001 for i in range(ndata)]), array('d', dataX[-1])) ndata = len(dataX) gr1 = TGraph(ndata, array('d',[i*0.2*0.001 for i in range(ndata)]), array('d', dataX)) gr1.SetLineColor(ic) gr1.SetMarkerColor(ic) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(20+ic) ic += 1 lg.AddEntry(gr1, ip[1],'lp') grs.append(gr1) # max0 = max([max0, max(dataX[-1])]) # min0 = min([min0, min(dataX[-1])]) max0 = max([max0, max(dataX)]) min0 = min([min0, min(dataX)]) # gr1.Draw("AP") # waitRootCmdX() gr0 = grs[0] gr0.Draw("AP") dm = max0 - min0 h1 = gr0.GetHistogram() h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(min([min0*0.8,min0-0.1*dm]), max([max0*1.2,max0+0.1*dm])) h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle("t [ms]") h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("V_{out} [V]") for gr in grs[1:]: gr.Draw("Psame") h1.Draw('axissame') lg.Draw() if info:,0.8, info) waitRootCmdX(self.sDir+self.sTag+saveName, self.autoSave)
def scanX(chans=[i for i in range(19)]): '''Used to test the scan of one or more parameters''' nChips = 19 # the magic number nChan = len(chans) iP = 1 fixedPars = [1.5, 1.5] cd = CommonData() cd.setupConnection() inputs = cd.inputVs sc1 = SensorConfig(cd) ### setup the style list mkColors = [2,3,4,6,7,8] mkMarkers = [20,25,23,26,21,22,24,27,32] styleList = [(None,None)]*nChips for i,j in sc1.tms1mmX19chainSensors.iteritems(): for k,l in enumerate(j): styleList[l] = (mkColors[i],mkMarkers[k]) ### get list of chains to be updated chains = set([sc1.tms1mmX19chainSensors[sc1.tms1mmX19sensorInChain[c]][0] for c in chans]) print chains ### setup the elements for plotting lg = TLegend(0.84,0.11,0.998,0.89) lg.SetFillStyle(0) grs = [TGraphErrors() for chan in chans] for ic in range(len(chans)): chan = chans[ic] grs[ic].SetMarkerColor(styleList[chan][0]) grs[ic].SetLineColor(styleList[chan][0]) grs[ic].SetMarkerStyle(styleList[chan][1]) lg.AddEntry(grs[ic],str(chan),'lp') ### variables to store the results pValues = [None]*nChan changeP = [(None,None)]*nChan ## save (where, how_large) for each channel ### perform the scan max1 = -1 min1 = 999 for ir in range(11): ## run ir vr = 0.33*ir ### update channels for chan in chans: cd.readBackPars(chan) for f in range(len(fixedPars)): if fixedPars[f] is not None: inputs[f] = fixedPars[f] inputs[iP] = vr cd.updatePars(chan, inputs, False) for c in chains: sc1.update_sensor(c) time.sleep(2) cd.fetch() # x = '' # while x!='m': # cd.fetch() # a1 = SigInfo() # a1.showMore(dat1) # x = raw_input("'m' to move to next|") for ic in range(len(chans)): chan = chans[ic] m,v = getMeanVar(cd.adcData[chan]) if m+v>max1: max1 = m+v if m-v<min1: min1 = m-v print chan, m,v grs[ic].SetPoint(ir, vr, m) grs[ic].SetPointError(ir, 0, v) ### get the values if pValues[ic] is not None: if (changeP[ic][1] is None) or (m - pValues[ic] < changeP[ic][1]): changeP[ic] = (ir, m - pValues[ic]) pValues[ic] = m gr1 = grs[0] print gr1.GetN() gr1.Draw("APL") h1 = gr1.GetHistogram() h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle(cd.voltsNames[iP]+' [V]') h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle('V_{out} [V]') dm = 0.05*(max1-min1) h1.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(min1-dm,max1+dm) for gr in grs[1:]: gr.Draw("PLsame") lg.Draw("same") ### add info of other parameters inputT = '' for i,x in enumerate(fixedPars): if i == iP: continue if x is not None: inputT += cd.voltsNames[i]+'='+str(x) lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2,0.92,' '.join(inputT)) # inputT = ['{0:.3f}'.format(x) for x in inputs] # inputT[iP] = '--' # lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2,0.92,' '.join(inputT)) for x in changeP: print x waitRootCmdX()
def GetAndDrawHistograms(DataFileName, DataTreeName, MCFileName, MCTreeName, noStack=True): fMC = TFile(MCFileName) tMC = fMC.Get(MCTreeName) fData = TFile(DataFileName) tData = fData.Get(DataTreeName) histoListe = setupHistograms() HistDic = {} for i, h in enumerate(histoListe): legende = TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89) CanvasName = "c" + str(i) CanvasName = TCanvas(CanvasName, 'Defining histogram size') g = THStack("", "") #tMC.Draw(histoListe[i][3],CutMC) #hist_MC = tMC.GetHistogram().Clone("hist_MC") #hist_MC.SetLineColor(6) #hist_MC.SetLineWidth(1) ##hist_MC.SetMarkerStyle(21) #legende.AddEntry(hist_MC, "MC", "lp") #hist_MC.GetXaxis().SetTitle(h[1]) #hist_MC.GetYaxis().SetTitle(h[2]) #hist_MC.Scale(1/hist_MC.Integral()) #MaxMC = hist_MC.GetMaximum() #g.Add(hist_MC) tData.Draw(histoListe[i][3], CutData) hist_data = tData.GetHistogram().Clone("hist_data") hist_data.SetLineColor(9) hist_data.SetLineWidth(1) #hist_data.SetMarkerStyle(21) legende.AddEntry(hist_data, "Data", "lp") hist_data.GetXaxis().SetTitle(h[1]) hist_data.GetYaxis().SetTitle(h[2]) #hist_data.Scale(1/hist_data.Integral()) MaxData = hist_data.GetMaximum() g.Add(hist_data) #tData.Draw(histoListe[i][3],CutData_RS) #hist_RS = tData.GetHistogram().Clone("hist_RS") #hist_RS.SetLineColor(4) #hist_RS.SetLineWidth(1) ##hist_RS.SetMarkerStyle(21) #legende.AddEntry(hist_RS, "Data RS", "lp") #hist_RS.Scale(1/hist_RS.Integral()) #MaxRS = hist_RS.GetMaximum() #g.Add(hist_RS) #if noStack: # if (MaxMC > MaxData): # g.SetMaximum(MaxMC*1.1) # else: # g.SetMaximum(MaxData*1.1) # g.Draw("nostackhist") #else: # g.SetMaximum(g.GetMaximum()*1.1) # g.Draw("hist") g.SetMaximum(MaxData * 1.1) g.Draw("hist") #legende.Draw() g.GetXaxis().SetTitle(h[1]) g.GetYaxis().SetTitle(h[2]) g.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) g.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) my_Latex = TLatex() my_Latex.SetTextSize(0.04) my_Latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.13, 0.85, "LHCb Data 2012") CanvasName.Update() outDir = '/sps/lhcb/volle/BMass' if not os.path.isdir(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir) CanvasName.SaveAs("{}/{}_{}.pdf".format(outDir, histoListe[i][0], comment)) CanvasName.SaveAs("{}/{}_{}.png".format(outDir, histoListe[i][0], comment))
for i, h in histories.iteritems(): histos["q_peak"].Fill(max([e.Q for i, e in h.iteritems()])) canvases["q_peak"] = TCanvas("q_peak", "Peak of quarantines", 400, 400) histos["q_peak"].SetStats(0) histos["q_peak"].SetTitle("; Maximum of quarantined people; A.U.") histos["q_peak"].SetLineColor(1) histos["q_peak"].SetLineWidth(2) histos["q_peak"].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( 0, 1.5 * histos["q_peak"].GetMaximum()) histos["q_peak"].Draw() canvases["q_peak"].SetBottomMargin(0.15) canvases["q_peak"].SetTopMargin(0.05) canvases["q_peak"].SetRightMargin(0.05) canvases["q_peak"].SetLeftMargin(0.12) latex.DrawLatexNDC( 0.2, 0.85, "Max. quarantined people = " + str(int(histos["q_peak"].GetMean())) + " #pm " + str(int(histos["q_peak"].GetRMS()))) canvases["q_peak"].SaveAs(plot_dir + "QuarantinePeak.pdf") # # time of peak of quarantined # histos["tq_peak"] = TH1F("tq_peak", "", 20, 30, 50) for i, h in histories.iteritems(): max_q = max([e.Q for i, e in h.iteritems()]) for i, e in h.iteritems(): if e.Q == max_q: histos["tq_peak"].Fill(e.time) break canvases["tq_peak"] = TCanvas("tq_peak", "Peak of quarantines", 400, 400)
def DrawSplotHistograms(DataFileName, DataTreeName, SFileName, STreeName, noStack=True): fData = TFile(DataFileName) tData = fData.Get(DataTreeName) tData.AddFriend(STreeName, SFileName) histoListe = setupHistograms() HistDic = {} for i, h in enumerate(histoListe): legende = TLegend(0.75, 0.83, 0.97, 0.97) CanvasName = "c" + str(i) CanvasName = TCanvas(CanvasName, 'Defining histogram size') g = THStack("", "") #tMC.Draw(histoListe[i][3],CutMC) #hist_MC = tMC.GetHistogram().Clone("hist_MC") #hist_MC.SetLineColor(6) #hist_MC.SetLineWidth(1) ##hist_MC.SetMarkerStyle(21) #legende.AddEntry(hist_MC, "MC", "lp") #hist_MC.GetXaxis().SetTitle(h[1]) #hist_MC.GetYaxis().SetTitle(h[2]) #hist_MC.Scale(1/hist_MC.Integral()) #MaxMC = hist_MC.GetMaximum() #g.Add(hist_MC) tData.Draw(histoListe[i][3], "B_M>5300") hist_data = tData.GetHistogram().Clone("hist_data") hist_data.SetLineColor(5) hist_data.SetLineWidth(1) #hist_data.SetMarkerStyle(21) legende.AddEntry(hist_data, "Data", "lp") hist_data.GetXaxis().SetTitle(h[1]) hist_data.GetYaxis().SetTitle(h[2]) MaxData = hist_data.GetMaximum() g.Add(hist_data) tData.Draw(histoListe[i][3], "nsig_sw") hist_sw = tData.GetHistogram().Clone("hist_sw") hist_sw.SetLineColor(4) hist_sw.SetLineWidth(1) ##hist_RS.SetMarkerStyle(21) legende.AddEntry(hist_sw, "sweighted Data", "lp") MaxSW = hist_sw.GetMaximum() g.Add(hist_sw) if noStack: if (MaxSW > MaxData): g.SetMaximum(MaxSW * 1.2) else: g.SetMaximum(MaxData * 1.2) g.Draw("nostackhist") else: g.SetMaximum(g.GetMaximum() * 1.2) g.Draw("hist") legende.Draw() g.GetXaxis().SetTitle(h[1]) g.GetYaxis().SetTitle(h[2]) g.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) g.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) my_Latex = TLatex() my_Latex.SetTextSize(0.04) my_Latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.13, 0.85, "LHCb Data 2012") CanvasName.Update() outDir = '/sps/lhcb/volle/FitBMass/v1_Min5120' if not os.path.isdir(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir) CanvasName.SaveAs("{}/{}_both.pdf".format(outDir, histoListe[i][0])) #_both CanvasName.SaveAs("{}/{}_both.png".format(outDir, histoListe[i][0])) #_both
def Plot1DEfficiency(num, den, plotname, topTitle, xAxisTitle, xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh): nbins = num.GetXaxis().GetNbins() x = list() y = list() xErrLow = list() xErrHigh = list() yErrLow = list() yErrHigh = list() for b in range(1, nbins): xtemp = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) xerrlow = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1) xerrhigh = num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) ratio = 0 errLow = 0 errHigh = 0 n1 = int(num.GetBinContent(b + 1)) n2 = int(den.GetBinContent(b + 1)) print "numerator: " + str(n1) + " and denominator: " + str(n2) if (n1 > n2): n1 = n2 if (n2 > 0): ratio = float(n1) / float(n2) if (ratio > 1): ratio = 1 errLow = ratio - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( n2, n1, 0.68269, False) errHigh = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(n2, n1, 0.68269, True) - ratio print " done bin " + str( b) + " " + str(xtemp) + " : " + str(n1) + "(" + str( num.GetBinContent(b + 1)) + ")" + " / " + str(n2) + "(" + str( den.GetBinContent(b + 1)) + ")" + " = " + str( ratio) + " " + str(errLow) + " " + str(errHigh) ytemp = ratio yerrlowtemp = errLow yerrhightemp = errHigh print "x: " + str(xtemp) + " and y: " + str(ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) xErrLow.append(xerrlow) xErrHigh.append(xerrhigh) yErrLow.append(yerrlowtemp) yErrHigh.append(yerrhightemp) c = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 800, 800) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) #must convert list into array for TGraphAsymmErrors to work xArr = array.array('f', x) yArr = array.array('f', y) xErrLowArr = array.array('f', xErrLow) xErrHighArr = array.array('f', xErrHigh) yErrLowArr = array.array('f', yErrLow) yErrHighArr = array.array('f', yErrHigh) effGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins, xArr, yArr, xErrLowArr, xErrHighArr, yErrLowArr, yErrHighArr) effGraph.Draw("APE") effGraph.SetTitle("") effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisTitle) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.90) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency") effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) title = TLatex() title.SetTextSize(0.05) title.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .93, topTitle) c.Update() c.SaveAs(plotname + ".gif")
def Plot1DEfficiencyWithBkgSubtraction(tree, num, den, axis, pixel, plotname, topTitle, xAxisTitle, xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh): #make amp histogram c = TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 800) #Each pixel has slightly different time distribution and efficiency of time window cut differs a bit #We derive corresponding efficiency corrections for each pixel timeWindowCutEfficiency = 1.0 if (pixel == "5_3"): timeWindowCutEfficiency = 0.989 if (pixel == "5_4"): timeWindowCutEfficiency = 0.9478 if (pixel == "5_10"): timeWindowCutEfficiency = 0.9643 #ampHist = TH1F("ampHist",";Amplitude [mV]; Number of Events", 25,0,50) #tree.Draw("amp[3]>>ampHist"," x_dut[2] > 19.6 && x_dut[2] < 19.7 && y_dut[2] > 23.5 && y_dut[2] < 24.0 && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)") nbins = num.GetXaxis().GetNbins() x = list() y = list() xErrLow = list() xErrHigh = list() yErrLow = list() yErrHigh = list() for b in range(1, nbins): xtemp = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) xerrlow = num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1) xerrhigh = num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge( b + 1) - num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b + 1) #Noise templates: #Pixel 5,3 : amp <= 6mV gives 0.4417 of the total and has 0 signal contamination #Pixel 5,4 : amp <= 10mV gives 0.0404 of the total and has 0 signal contamination #Pixel 5,10 : amp < gives 0. of the total and has 0 signal contamination #We will assume that bins 0+1+2 (0-6mV) do not contain ANY signal. #We count the number of events in those bins and divide by 0.4417 to get #the total number of noise events. We subtract those from the numerator. #Noise template is made from this data (outside of sensor region AND outside of time window): #/eos/uscms/store/user/cmstestbeam/2019_04_April_CMSTiming/KeySightScope/RecoData/TimingDAQRECO/RecoWithTracks/v6_CACTUSSkim/Completed/Data_CACTUSAnalog_Pixel5_3_16216-16263.root #pulse->Draw("amp[3]>>ampHist(25,0,50)","!(x_dut[2] > 19.4 && x_dut[2] < 20.6 && y_dut[2] > 23.4 && y_dut[2] < 24.1) && !((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)") noiseSelection = "" noiseSelectionCRFraction = 1 xPositionSelection = "" yPositionSelection = "" if (pixel == "5_3"): noiseSelection = " && amp[3] <= 6" noiseSelectionCRFraction = 0.4417 xPositionSelection = " && x_dut[2] > 19.5 && x_dut[2] < 20.5 " yPositionSelection = " && y_dut[2] > 23.5 && y_dut[2] < 24.0 " if (pixel == "5_4"): noiseSelection = " && amp[3] <= 14" noiseSelectionCRFraction = 0.4053 xPositionSelection = " && x_dut[2] > 18.5 && x_dut[2] < 19.5 " yPositionSelection = " && y_dut[2] > 23.5 && y_dut[2] < 24.0 " if (pixel == "5_10"): noiseSelection = " && amp[3] <= 13" noiseSelectionCRFraction = 0.3802 xPositionSelection = " && x_dut[2] > 19.5 && x_dut[2] < 20.5 " yPositionSelection = " && y_dut[2] > 23.0 && y_dut[2] < 23.5 " print "noise selection = " + noiseSelection + " " + str( noiseSelectionCRFraction) positionSelectionString = "" if (axis == "x"): positionSelectionString = " && x_dut[2] > " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1)) + " && x_dut[2] < " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(b + 1)) + yPositionSelection if (axis == "y"): positionSelectionString = xPositionSelection + " && y_dut[2] > " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1)) + " && y_dut[2] < " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(b + 1)) + " " print "numerator: " + "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)" ampHist = TH1F("ampHist" + "_" + str(b), ";Amplitude [mV]; Number of Events", 25, 0, 50) denominatorCount = tree.GetEntries( "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " ") tmpNumeratorTotalCount = tree.GetEntries( "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16)" ) tmpNumeratorNoiseControlRegionCount = tree.GetEntries( "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16) " + noiseSelection) tmpNumeratorSignalCount = tmpNumeratorTotalCount - tmpNumeratorNoiseControlRegionCount / noiseSelectionCRFraction print "ntracks==1 && y_dut[0] > 0 && npix>0 && nback>0 " + positionSelectionString + " && ((t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 > 6 && (t_peak[3] - t_peak[0])*1e9 < 16) " + noiseSelection ratio = 0 errLow = 0 errHigh = 0 n1 = int(tmpNumeratorSignalCount) n2 = int(denominatorCount) print "numerator: " + str(n1) + " and denominator: " + str(n2) if (n1 > n2): n1 = n2 if (n2 > 0): ratio = float(n1) / float(n2) if (ratio > 1): ratio = 1 errLow = ratio - TEfficiency.ClopperPearson( n2, n1, 0.68269, False) errHigh = TEfficiency.ClopperPearson(n2, n1, 0.68269, True) - ratio print " done bin " + str(b) + " : " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1)) + " - " + str( num.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(b + 1)) print " num = " + str(n1) + " = " + str( tmpNumeratorTotalCount) + " - " + str( tmpNumeratorNoiseControlRegionCount) + " / " + str( noiseSelectionCRFraction) + " | den = " + str(n2) print "ratio = " + str(ratio) + " " + str(errLow) + " " + str(errHigh) ytemp = ratio / timeWindowCutEfficiency #here we correct for the time window cut inefficiency yerrlowtemp = errLow yerrhightemp = errHigh print "x: " + str(xtemp) + " and y: " + str(ytemp) x.append(xtemp) y.append(ytemp) xErrLow.append(xerrlow) xErrHigh.append(xerrhigh) yErrLow.append(yerrlowtemp) yErrHigh.append(yerrhightemp) c = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 800, 800) c.SetLeftMargin(0.12) #must convert list into array for TGraphAsymmErrors to work xArr = array.array('f', x) yArr = array.array('f', y) xErrLowArr = array.array('f', xErrLow) xErrHighArr = array.array('f', xErrHigh) yErrLowArr = array.array('f', yErrLow) yErrHighArr = array.array('f', yErrHigh) effGraph = TGraphAsymmErrors(nbins, xArr, yArr, xErrLowArr, xErrHighArr, yErrLowArr, yErrHighArr) effGraph.Draw("APE") effGraph.SetTitle("") effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xAxisTitle) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.90) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xAxisRangeLow, xAxisRangeHigh) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency") effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) title = TLatex() title.SetTextSize(0.05) title.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .93, topTitle) c.Update() c.SaveAs(plotname + ".gif")
h_sumDiboson.SetLineColor(923) h_sumDiboson.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Double b score") h_sumDiboson.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events/Bin") leg.AddEntry(h_sumDiboson, "Diboson", "f") #-------Draw Histogram in c1---------# h_TopMatchFinal.Draw("hist") h_WmatchFinal.Draw("histsame") h_unmatchFinal.Draw("histsame") h_sumWJetsFinal.Draw("histsame") h_sumDiboson.Draw("histsame") leg.Draw() lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.85, "#scale[0.8]{CMS} #scale[0.65]{#bf{#it{Preliminary}}}") lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.8, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{t#bar{t} CR (e)}}") lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.75, "#scale[0.5]{#bf{2-prong (bq) enriched}}") lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.71, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{41.0 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}}") c1.Modified() c1.Update() c1.SaveAs("test.pdf") #------------Overlap histograms in c2-------------# c2 = TCanvas("c2", "c2", 900, 700) #width-height c2.SetLeftMargin(0.15) gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
def mistagSFtopEMu(year_, ana_): if year_ == 2017: dir = "monohbb.v06.00.05.2017_NCU/withSingleTop/" + ana_ + "/" if year_ == 2018: dir = "monohbb.v06.00.05.2018_NCU/withSingleTop/" + ana_ + "/" print "Top Electron Region" print " " openfile1 = TFile(dir + "TopE.root") # topmatchTopE = openfile1.Get("h_TopMatch") WmatchTopE = openfile1.Get("h_Wmatch") unmatchTopE = openfile1.Get("h_unmatch") wjetsTopE = openfile1.Get("h_sumWJets") dibosonTopE = openfile1.Get("h_sumDiboson") unsubtractedDataTopE = openfile1.Get("h_Data") failMCsubtractTopE = openfile1.Get("h_ttFailed") passMCsubtractTopE = openfile1.Get("h_ttPassed") subtractedDataTopE = openfile1.Get("SubtractedData") datafailTopE = openfile1.Get("SubtractedDataFailed") datapassTopE = openfile1.Get("SubtractedDataPassed") # totaldataTopE = openfile1.Get("h_totaldata") totalMCtopE = openfile1.Get("h_tt") passedTopEdataBfrSubtract = openfile1.Get("h_Data_Passed") wjetsTopEpassed = openfile1.Get("h_sumWJetsPassed") dibosonTopEpassed = openfile1.Get("h_sumDibosonPassed") failedTopEdataBfrSubtract = openfile1.Get("h_Data_Failed") wjetsTopEfailed = openfile1.Get("h_sumWJetsFailed") dibosonTopEfailed = openfile1.Get("h_sumDibosonFailed") stTopE = openfile1.Get("h_sumST") stTopEpassed = openfile1.Get("h_sumSTPassed") stTopEfailed = openfile1.Get("h_sumSTFailed") print "Top Muon Region" print " " openfile2 = TFile(dir + "TopMu.root") # topmatchTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_TopMatch") WmatchTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_Wmatch") unmatchTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_unmatch") wjetsTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_sumWJets") dibosonTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_sumDiboson") unsubtractedDataTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_Data") failMCsubtractTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_ttFailed") passMCsubtractTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_ttPassed") subtractedDataTopMu = openfile2.Get("SubtractedData") datafailTopMu = openfile2.Get("SubtractedDataFailed") datapassTopMu = openfile2.Get("SubtractedDataPassed") # totaldataTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_totaldata") totalMCtopMu = openfile2.Get("h_tt") passedTopMudataBfrSubtract = openfile2.Get("h_Data_Passed") wjetsTopMupassed = openfile2.Get("h_sumWJetsPassed") dibosonTopMupassed = openfile2.Get("h_sumDibosonPassed") failedTopMudataBfrSubtract = openfile2.Get("h_Data_Failed") wjetsTopMufailed = openfile2.Get("h_sumWJetsFailed") dibosonTopMufailed = openfile2.Get("h_sumDibosonFailed") stTopMu = openfile2.Get("h_sumST") stTopMupassed = openfile2.Get("h_sumSTPassed") stTopMufailed = openfile2.Get("h_sumSTFailed") print "get histograms from root files: done" print " " SubtractedDataPassedTopE = datapassTopE.Clone("SubtractedDataPassedTopE") SubtractedDataPassedTopMu = datapassTopMu.Clone( "SubtractedDataPassedTopMu") #merge histogram" print "merge histograms" print " " topmatchMerge = topmatchTopE + topmatchTopMu WmatchMerge = WmatchTopE + WmatchTopMu unmatchMerge = unmatchTopE + unmatchTopMu wjetsMerge = wjetsTopE + wjetsTopMu stMerge = stTopE + stTopMu dibosonMerge = dibosonTopE + dibosonTopMu unsubtractedDataMerge = unsubtractedDataTopE + unsubtractedDataTopMu failMCsubtractMerge = failMCsubtractTopE.Clone("failMCsubtractMerge") failMCsubtractMerge = failMCsubtractMerge + failMCsubtractTopMu passMCsubtractMerge = passMCsubtractTopE.Clone("passMCsubtractMerge") passMCsubtractMerge = passMCsubtractMerge + passMCsubtractTopMu subtractedDataMerge = subtractedDataTopE + subtractedDataTopMu ttData_fraction = arr.array('d') ttData_error = arr.array('d') totaldataMerge = totaldataTopE + totaldataTopMu totaldata = totaldataMerge.Integral() totaldataMerge.Rebin(14) datafailMerge = datafailTopE + datafailTopMu faildata = datafailMerge.Integral() datafailMerge.Rebin(14) datafailMerge.Sumw2() datafailMerge.Divide(totaldataMerge) frac_ttData_fail = datafailMerge.Integral() ttData_fraction.append(frac_ttData_fail) ttData_error.append(datafailMerge.GetBinError(1)) datapassMerge = datapassTopE + datapassTopMu passdata = datapassMerge.Integral() datapassMerge.Rebin(14) datapassMerge.Sumw2() datapassMerge.Divide(totaldataMerge) frac_ttData_pass = datapassMerge.Integral() ttData_fraction.append(frac_ttData_pass) ttData_error.append(datapassMerge.GetBinError(1)) ttMC_fraction = arr.array('d') ttMC_error = arr.array('d') totalMCmerge = totalMCtopE + totalMCtopMu totalMCmerge.Rebin(14) MCfailTopE = failMCsubtractTopE.Clone("MCfailTopE") MCfailTopMu = failMCsubtractTopMu.Clone("MCfailTopMu") MCfailMerge = MCfailTopE + MCfailTopMu MCfailMerge.Rebin(14) MCfailMerge.Sumw2() MCfailMerge.Divide(totalMCmerge) frac_Failed_fin = MCfailMerge.Integral() ttMC_fraction.append(frac_Failed_fin) ttMC_error.append(MCfailMerge.GetBinError(1)) MCpassTopE = passMCsubtractTopE.Clone("MCpassTopE") MCpassTopMu = passMCsubtractTopMu.Clone("MCpassTopMu") MCpassMerge = MCpassTopE + MCpassTopMu MCpassMerge.Rebin(14) MCpassMerge.Sumw2() MCpassMerge.Divide(totalMCmerge) frac_Passed_fin = MCpassMerge.Integral() ttMC_fraction.append(frac_Passed_fin) ttMC_error.append(MCpassMerge.GetBinError(1)) #print "\nttMC_fraction:", ttMC_fraction #print "ttMC_error:", ttMC_error sfMerge = datapassMerge.Clone("sfMerge") sfMerge.Sumw2() sfMerge.Divide(MCpassMerge) stacklist = [] stacklist.append(dibosonMerge) stacklist.append(stMerge) stacklist.append(wjetsMerge) stacklist.append(unmatchMerge) stacklist.append(WmatchMerge) stacklist.append(topmatchMerge) print "merge histograms: done" print " " print "draw histograms" print " " #----------------------- canvas 1 -----------------------# c1 = TCanvas("c1", "", 800, 900) #width-height c1.SetTopMargin(0.4) c1.SetBottomMargin(0.05) c1.SetRightMargin(0.1) c1.SetLeftMargin(0.15) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) binvalues1 = [] for i in range(14): binvalue = unsubtractedDataMerge.GetBinContent(i) binvalues1.append(binvalue) totalmax = max(binvalues1) + 100 padMain = TPad("padMain", "", 0.0, 0.25, 1.0, 0.97) padMain.SetTopMargin(0.4) padMain.SetRightMargin(0.05) padMain.SetLeftMargin(0.17) padMain.SetBottomMargin(0.03) padMain.SetTopMargin(0.1) padRatio = TPad("padRatio", "", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25) padRatio.SetRightMargin(0.05) padRatio.SetLeftMargin(0.17) padRatio.SetTopMargin(0.05) padRatio.SetBottomMargin(0.3) padMain.Draw() padRatio.Draw() gPad.GetUymax() leg1 = myLegend(coordinate=[0.45, 0.57, 0.65, 0.6]) unsubtractedDataMerge.SetMaximum(totalmax) unsubtractedDataMerge.SetLineColor(1) unsubtractedDataMerge.SetMarkerStyle(20) unsubtractedDataMerge.SetMarkerSize(1.5) unsubtractedDataMerge.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) unsubtractedDataMerge.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0) unsubtractedDataMerge.GetXaxis().SetTitle("DDB") unsubtractedDataMerge.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events/Bin") leg1.AddEntry(unsubtractedDataMerge, "Data", "lep") unsubtractedDataMerge.Draw("e1") stackhisto = myStack(colorlist_=[627, 800, 854, 813, 822, 821], backgroundlist_=stacklist, legendname_=[ "Diboson", "Single Top", "W+Jets", "Top (unmtch.)", "Top (W-mtch.)", "Top (mtch.)" ]) stackhisto[0].Draw("histsame") unsubtractedDataMerge.Draw("e1same") stackhisto[1].Draw() leg1.Draw() lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.85, "#scale[0.8]{CMS} #scale[0.65]{#bf{#it{Internal}}}") if ana_ == "Inclusive": lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{" + ana_ + "}}") if ana_ == "PT-200-350" or ana_ == "PT-350-500" or ana_ == "PT-500-2000": words = ana_.split("-") if words[2] == "2000": lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{p_{T} " + words[1] + "-Inf GeV}}") else: lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{p_{T} " + words[1] + "-" + words[2] + " GeV}}") else: words = ana_.split("-") lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{" + words[0] + " " + words[1] + "-" + words[2] + " GeV}}") lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.8, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{t#bar{t} CR (e+#mu)}}") lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.75, "#scale[0.5]{#bf{2-prong (bq) enriched}}") if year_ == 2017: lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.71, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}}") if year_ == 2018: lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.71, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{58.827 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}}") gPad.GetUymax() h_totalBkg = topmatchMerge.Clone("h_totalBkg") h_totalBkg = h_totalBkg + WmatchMerge + unmatchMerge + wjetsMerge + dibosonMerge ratio = dataPredRatio(data_=unsubtractedDataMerge, totalBkg_=h_totalBkg) ratio.SetLineColor(1) ratio.SetLineWidth(3) ratio.SetMarkerSize(1.5) ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.13) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.13) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.1) ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.12) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.5) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.13) ratio.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(405) ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#frac{Data-Pred}{Pred}") ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle("DDB") ratio.Draw("e1") c1.SaveAs(dir + "Merge_all.pdf") # #----------------------- canvas 2 -----------------------# c2 = myCanvas(c="c2") gPad.GetUymax() leg2 = myLegend() binvalues2 = [] for i in range(14): binvalue = subtractedDataMerge.GetBinContent(i) binvalues2.append(binvalue) ttmax = max(binvalues2) + 50 failMCsubtractMerge.SetMaximum(ttmax) failMCsubtractMerge.SetFillColor(821) failMCsubtractMerge.SetLineColor(821) #922 failMCsubtractMerge.GetXaxis().SetTitle("DDB") failMCsubtractMerge.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events/Bin") leg2.AddEntry(failMCsubtractMerge, "t#bar{t}", "f") passMCsubtractMerge.SetFillColor(622) passMCsubtractMerge.SetLineColor(622) #passMCsubtractMerge.GetXaxis().SetTitle("DDB") #passMCsubtractMerge.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events/Bin") leg2.AddEntry(passMCsubtractMerge, "t#bar{t} mistag", "f") subtractedDataMerge.SetLineColor(1) subtractedDataMerge.SetMarkerStyle(20) subtractedDataMerge.SetMarkerSize(1.5) #subtractedDataMerge.GetXaxis().SetTitle("DDB") #subtractedDataMerge.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events/Bin") leg2.AddEntry(subtractedDataMerge, "Subtracted Data", "lep") failMCsubtractMerge.Draw("hist") passMCsubtractMerge.Draw("histsame") subtractedDataMerge.Draw("e1same") leg2.Draw() lt2 = TLatex() if ana_ == "Inclusive": lt2.DrawLatexNDC(0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{" + ana_ + "}}") if ana_ == "PT-200-350" or ana_ == "PT-350-500" or ana_ == "PT-500-2000": words = ana_.split("-") if words[2] == "2000": lt2.DrawLatexNDC( 0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{p_{T} " + words[1] + "-Inf GeV}}") else: lt2.DrawLatexNDC( 0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{p_{T} " + words[1] + "-" + words[2] + " GeV}}") else: words = ana_.split("-") lt2.DrawLatexNDC( 0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{" + words[0] + " " + words[1] + "-" + words[2] + " GeV}}") lt2.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.85, "#scale[0.8]{CMS} #scale[0.65]{#bf{#it{Internal}}}") lt2.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.8, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{t#bar{t} CR (e+#mu)}}") lt2.DrawLatexNDC(0.23, 0.75, "#scale[0.5]{#bf{2-prong (bq) enriched}}") if year_ == 2017: lt2.DrawLatexNDC(0.71, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}}") if year_ == 2018: lt2.DrawLatexNDC(0.71, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{58.827 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}}") c2.SaveAs(dir + "Merged_subtrac.pdf") # #----------------------- canvas 3 -----------------------# c3 = myCanvas(c="c3", size=[700, 900]) pad1 = TPad("pad1", "", 0.01, 0.25, 0.93, 1.0) pad1.SetTopMargin(0.1) pad1.SetRightMargin(0.05) pad1.SetLeftMargin(0.17) pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.05) pad2 = TPad("pad2", "", 0.0, 0.0, 0.375, 0.24) pad2.SetTopMargin(0.0) pad2.SetRightMargin(0.0) pad2.SetLeftMargin(0.0) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.0) pad3 = TPad("pad3", "", 0.38, 0.025, 0.94, 0.25) pad2.SetTopMargin(0.05) pad2.SetRightMargin(0.0) pad2.SetLeftMargin(0.45) pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.2) pad1.Draw() pad2.Draw() pad3.Draw() #* Pad 1 *# leg3 = myLegend(coordinate=[0.65, 0.4, 0.75, 0.5]) xaxisname = arr.array('d', [1, 2]) zero1 = np.zeros(2) gPad.Modified() gPad.SetGridy() gr1 = TGraphErrors(2, xaxisname, ttMC_fraction, zero1, ttMC_error) gr1.SetTitle("t#bar{t}") gr1.SetLineColor(870) gr1.SetLineWidth(3) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr1.SetMarkerColor(870) leg3.AddEntry(gr1, "t#bar{t}", "lep") gr2 = TGraphErrors(2, xaxisname, ttData_fraction, zero1, ttData_error) gr2.SetTitle("t#bar{t} Data") gr2.SetLineColor(1) gr2.SetLineWidth(2) gr2.SetMarkerStyle(20) gr2.SetMarkerColor(1) leg3.AddEntry(gr2, "t#bar{t} Data", "lep") mg = TMultiGraph("mg", "") mg.Add(gr1) mg.Add(gr2) mg.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(1.5) mg.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(0) mg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction") mg.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, 3) mg.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.03) mg.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(103) mg.GetXaxis().ChangeLabel(2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, "Fail") mg.GetXaxis().ChangeLabel(1, -1, 0) mg.GetXaxis().ChangeLabel(-1, -1, 0) mg.GetXaxis().ChangeLabel(3, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, "Pass") mg.Draw("AP") leg3.Draw() lt3 = TLatex() if ana_ == "Inclusive": lt3.DrawLatexNDC(0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{" + ana_ + "}}") if ana_ == "PT-200-350" or ana_ == "PT-350-500" or ana_ == "PT-500-2000": words = ana_.split("-") if words[2] == "2000": lt3.DrawLatexNDC( 0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{p_{T} " + words[1] + "-Inf GeV}}") else: lt3.DrawLatexNDC( 0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{p_{T} " + words[1] + "-" + words[2] + " GeV}}") else: words = ana_.split("-") lt3.DrawLatexNDC( 0.17, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{" + words[0] + " " + words[1] + "-" + words[2] + " GeV}}") lt3.DrawLatexNDC(0.19, 0.855, "#scale[0.8]{CMS} #scale[0.65]{#bf{#it{Internal}}}") lt3.DrawLatexNDC(0.19, 0.805, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{t#bar{t} CR (e+#mu)}}") lt3.DrawLatexNDC(0.19, 0.755, "#scale[0.5]{#bf{2-prong (bq) enriched}}") if year_ == 2017: lt3.DrawLatexNDC(0.71, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}}") if year_ == 2018: lt3.DrawLatexNDC(0.71, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{58.827 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}}") lt3.Draw() pad1.Update() #* Pad 2 *# MCpassMerge.SetFillColor(0) MCpassMerge.SetLineColor(870) MCpassMerge.SetLineWidth(3) MCpassMerge.SetMarkerColor(870) MCpassMerge.SetMarkerStyle(20) MCpassMerge.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Fraction") MCpassMerge.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.09) MCpassMerge.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) MCpassMerge.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(404) MCpassMerge.SetMaximum(0.3) MCpassMerge.SetMinimum(0.0) MCpassMerge.GetXaxis().SetTitle("") MCpassMerge.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.02) MCpassMerge.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.09) MCpassMerge.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(104) MCpassMerge.GetXaxis().ChangeLabel(2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, "Pass") MCpassMerge.GetXaxis().ChangeLabel(1, -1, 0) MCpassMerge.GetXaxis().ChangeLabel(-1, -1, 0) datapassMerge.SetFillColor(0) datapassMerge.SetLineColor(1) datapassMerge.SetLineWidth(2) datapassMerge.SetMarkerColor(1) datapassMerge.SetMarkerStyle(20) MCpassMerge.Draw("e1") datapassMerge.Draw("e1histsame") #* Pad 3 *# SF = sfMerge.Integral() print "******" print "mistag SF:", SF SFfinal = round(SF, 3) SFtext = "SF = " + str(SFfinal) mistagSFmax = SF + 0.2 mistagSFmin = SF - 0.2 sfMerge.SetLineColor(797) sfMerge.SetMarkerColor(797) sfMerge.SetLineWidth(3) sfMerge.SetMaximum(mistagSFmax) sfMerge.SetMinimum(mistagSFmin) sfMerge.GetXaxis().SetTitle(" ") sfMerge.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(999) sfMerge.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) sfMerge.GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0) sfMerge.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.1) sfMerge.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(404) sfMerge.GetYaxis().SetTitle(" ") sfMerge.Draw("e1hist") pt = TPaveText(0.21, 0.72, 0.31, 0.8, "brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetTextAlign(12) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(42) pt.SetTextSize(0.1) pt.AddText(SFtext) pt.Draw() c3.SaveAs(dir + "Merge_SF.pdf") # passedBfrSubtactDataMerge = (passedTopEdataBfrSubtract + passedTopMudataBfrSubtract).Integral() failedBfrSubtractDataMerge = (failedTopEdataBfrSubtract + failedTopMudataBfrSubtract).Integral() passbackground = (wjetsTopEpassed + wjetsTopMupassed + dibosonTopEpassed + dibosonTopMupassed + stTopEpassed + stTopMupassed).Integral() failbackground = (wjetsTopEfailed + wjetsTopMufailed + dibosonTopEfailed + dibosonTopMufailed + stTopEfailed + stTopMufailed).Integral() totalbackground = (wjetsMerge + dibosonMerge + stMerge).Integral() #get the statistical uncertainty# dx = ttData_error[1] print "data efficiency error", dx dy = ttMC_error[1] print "MC efficiency error", dy x = datapassMerge.Integral() y = MCpassMerge.Integral() statUnc = TMath.Sqrt(((dx**2) / (y**2)) + ((x**2) * (dy**2) / (y**4))) #print "statistical Uncertainty in Top (e+muon) CR", statUnc #print " " print "relative statistical Uncertainty in Top (e+muon) CR", statUnc / SF * 100, " %" print " " print "DDB Mistag SF and stat: ", round(SF, 3), " +- ", round(statUnc, 3), " (stat)" #print "theoretical statistical uncertainty of data efficiency", TMath.Sqrt((x*(1-x))/(subtractedDataMerge.Integral())) #print "theoretical statistical uncertainty of MC efficiency", TMath.Sqrt((y*(1-y))/(totalMCmerge.Integral())) #print " " header = ["Process", "Number of Events", "Top (e+muon)"] row1 = [ " ", "DDB mistag SF", str(SFfinal) + " +- " + str(round(statUnc, 3)) + " (stat)" ] row2 = ["tt MC", "Pass (not normalized)", ""] row3 = [ " ", "Pass (normalized)", str(round(passMCsubtractMerge.Integral(), 2)) ] row4 = [" ", "Fail (not normalized)", ""] row5 = [ " ", "Fail (normalized)", str(round(failMCsubtractMerge.Integral(), 2)) ] row6 = [" ", "Total (not normalized)", ""] row7 = [" ", "Total (normalized)", str(round(totalMCmerge.Integral(), 2))] inforMC = [row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7] row8 = [ "tt DATA", "Pass (before subtraction)", str(round(passedBfrSubtactDataMerge, 2)) ] row9 = [" ", "Pass (after subtraction)", str(round(passdata, 2))] row10 = [ " ", "Fail (before subtraction)", str(round(failedBfrSubtractDataMerge, 2)) ] row11 = [" ", "Fail (after subtraction)", str(round(faildata, 2))] row12 = [ " ", "Total (before subtraction)", str(round(unsubtractedDataMerge.Integral(), 2)) ] row13 = [" ", "Total (after subtraction)", str(round(totaldata, 2))] inforDATA = [row8, row9, row10, row11, row12, row13] row14 = ["Background", "Pass (normalized)", str(round(passbackground, 2))] row15 = [" ", "Fail (normalized)", str(round(failbackground, 2))] row16 = [" ", "Total (normalized)", str(round(totalbackground, 2))] inforBKG = [row14, row15, row16] DDB_mistagSF.makeTable(header, row1, inforMC, inforDATA, inforBKG)
def drawLatex(x=0.5, y=0.50, text="text", size=0.035, font=132, color=1): tl = TLatex(x, y, text) tl.SetTextSize(size) tl.SetTextFont(font) tl.SetTextColor(color) tl.DrawLatexNDC(x, y, text)
def scanKK(): '''Used to test the scan of one or more parameters''' nChips = 19 # the magic number # nChan = len(chans) iP = 1 cd = CommonData() cd.setupConnection() sc1 = SensorConfig(cd) ### get list of chains to be updated # chains = set([sc1.tms1mmX19chainSensors[sc1.tms1mmX19sensorInChain[c]][0] for c in chans]) chan = 5 # cd.inputVs = [3., 0., 3., 0., 0., 0.] # cd.inputVs = [3., 0., 0.732, 1.68, 0., 0.] # cd.inputVs = [0.75, 2.15, 0.7, 0., 0., 0.] show = True g1 = None if show: g1 = TGraphErrors() xj = open('scan_KK_6.ttl','w') ### point insert scan ipar = 2 pts = [(0.,None),(3.,None)] while True: print pts pt, xy, r1, k = insertPoint(pts) print '-'*30 print pt,xy,r1, k print '-'*30 if xy<3 and (r1<0.01 or xy/r1<0.1 or k<0.007): break cd.inputVs[ipar] = pt cd.updatePars(chan, None, False) sc1.update_sensor(chan) time.sleep(3) cd.fetch() m,v = getMeanVar(cd.adcData[chan]) print ' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs]) xj.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs])+'\n') if g1: n1 = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n1, pt, m) g1.SetPointError(n1, 0, v) if xy == 999: pts[r1] = (pt,m) else: pts.append((pt,m)) ### simple scan # while cd.inputVs[0]>0.001: # cd.updatePars(chan, None, False) # sc1.update_sensor(chan) # time.sleep(2) # cd.fetch() # # m,v = getMeanVar(cd.adcData[chan]) # print ' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs]) # xj.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in [chan, m, v]+cd.inputVs])+'\n') # # if g1: # g1.SetPoint(g1.GetN(), cd.inputVs[0], m) # cd.inputVs[0] *= 2./3 if g1: g1.SetMarkerStyle(4) g1.SetMarkerColor(2) g1.SetLineColor(2) g1.Draw("AP") h1 = g1.GetHistogram() h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle(cd.voltsNames[ipar]+' [V]') h1.GetYaxis().SetTitle("V_{out} [V]") lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2,0.92,"Chip %d"%chan) waitRootCmdX()
class encChecker: def __init__(self): self.dataFiles = None self.bins = (50, 0, 1) self.Info = None = TLatex() def showENC(self): tree1 = TTree() header = 'idX/i:vL/F:vH:A:D/i:R:W' first = True for f in self.dataFiles: if first: tree1.ReadFile(f, header) else: tree1.ReadFile(f) p1 = TProfile('p1', 'p1;#DeltaU [V];Prob', self.bins[0], tree1.GetMinimum('vH-vL') * 0.8, tree1.GetMaximum('vH-vL') * 1.2) tree1.Draw("D:(vH-vL)>>p1", "", "profE") ### change it to tgraph g1 = TGraphErrors() for i in range(p1.GetNbinsX() + 2): N = p1.GetBinEntries(i) if N > 0: print i, N, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent( i), p1.GetBinError(i) n = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent(i)) g1.SetPointError(n, 0, p1.GetBinError(i)) p1.Draw("axis") g1.Draw('Psame') fun1 = TF1('fun1', '0.5*(1+TMath::Erf((x-[0])/(TMath::Sqrt(2)*[1])))', 0.05, 0.3) fun1.SetParameter(0, 0.155) fun1.SetParameter(1, 0.005) g1.Fit(fun1) fun1a = g1.GetFunction('fun1') fun1a.SetLineColor(2) v0 = fun1a.GetParameter(0) e0 = fun1a.GetParError(0) v1 = fun1a.GetParameter(1) e1 = fun1a.GetParError(1) print v0, v1 fUnit = 1000. 0.185, 0.89, '#mu = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v0 * fUnit, e0 * fUnit)) 0.185, 0.84, '#sigma = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v1 * fUnit, e1 * fUnit)) if self.Info:, 0.6, self.Info) print 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1) fun2 = TF1('gaus1', 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1)) fun2.SetLineColor(4) fun2.SetLineStyle(2) fun2.Draw('same') lg = TLegend(0.7, 0.4, 0.95, 0.5) lg.SetFillStyle(0) lg.AddEntry(p1, 'Measurement', 'p') lg.AddEntry(fun1a, 'Fit', 'l') lg.AddEntry(fun2, 'Gaus', 'l') lg.Draw() waitRootCmdX()
class SigInfo: def __init__(self, data=None): self.resp = [] # [(t0, dT, tM, A),] = TLatex() self.sTag = sTag self.sDir = sDir self.autoSave = sDirectly if data: self.extract(data) else: self.bkgMu = None self.bkgVar = None self.quality = None def show(self, data, info=None, info2=None): x = [0.2*i for i in range(len(data))] g0 = TGraph(len(data), array('d',x), array('d',data)) g0.Draw("AP") g0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("V_{out} [V]") g0.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("t [#mus]") # g0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.9, 1.4) if info:,0.8,info) if info2:,0.93,info2) global plot_count plot_count += 1 waitRootCmdX(self.sDir+self.sTag+str(plot_count), self.autoSave) def showMore(self, data, info=None, info2=None): x = [0.2*i for i in range(len(data))] g0 = TGraph(len(data), array('d',x), array('d',data)) g0.Draw("AP") g0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("V_{out} [V]") g0.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("t [#mus]") # g0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.9, 1.4) if info:,0.8,info) if info2:,0.93,info2) ### add info n1=500; n2=2000; np=20 maxI, mx = max(enumerate(data[:-n2+np]), key=lambda p:p[1]) minI, mn = min(enumerate(data[:-n2+np]), key=lambda p:p[1]) dx = 0.5*(mx-mn) dn1 = sum(data[maxI+n1:maxI+n1+np])/np dn2 = sum(data[maxI+n2:maxI+n2+np])/np ## we want large dx, large #2 and small #3 # return (0.5*(mx+mn), dx, 1-(mx-dn1)/dx, 1-(mx-dn2)/dx, maxI-minI) ### A line for the mean fun1 = TF1("fun1",str(0.5*(mx+mn)), 0, 99999999) fun1.SetLineColor(3) fun1.SetLineStyle(2) fun1.Draw("same") ### Draw 2 circles for max and min gr1 = TGraph() gr1.SetPoint(0, maxI*0.2, mx) gr1.SetMarkerColor(2) gr1.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr1.Draw("Psame") gr2 = TGraph() gr2.SetPoint(0, minI*0.2, mn) gr2.SetMarkerColor(4) gr2.SetMarkerStyle(24) gr2.Draw("Psame") ### Add two arrows for the the n50 and n2000 gr3 = TGraph() gr3.SetPoint(0, (maxI+n1)*0.2, dn1) gr3.SetMarkerColor(2) gr3.SetMarkerStyle(23) gr3.Draw("Psame") gr4 = TGraph() gr4.SetPoint(0, (maxI+n2)*0.2, dn2) gr4.SetMarkerColor(4) gr4.SetMarkerStyle(23) gr4.Draw("Psame") global plot_count plot_count += 1 waitRootCmdX(self.sDir+self.sTag+str(plot_count), self.autoSave) def getQuickInfo(self, data, n1=500, n2=2000, np=20): '''Get some useful infomation quickly''' maxI, mx = max(enumerate(data[:-n2+np]), key=lambda p:p[1]) minI, mn = min(enumerate(data[:-n2+np]), key=lambda p:p[1]) dx = 0.5*(mx-mn) dn1 = sum(data[maxI+n1:maxI+n1+np])/np dn2 = sum(data[maxI+n2:maxI+n2+np])/np # dn1 = max(data[maxI+n1:maxI+n1+np]) # dn2 = max(data[maxI+n2:maxI+n2+np]) # print mx, dn1, dn2, dx, # avarged = [sum(data[50*t:min([50*t+50,len(data)])] for t in range(len(data)/50))] ## we want large dx, large #2 and small #3 return (0.5*(mx+mn), dx, 1-(mx-dn1)/dx, 1-(mx-dn2)/dx, maxI-minI) def extract(self, data): self.resp = [] nData = len(data) muS = 0 var2S = 0 for i in range(nData): muS += data[i] var2S += data[i]*data[i] ### remove the outliers one by one minMs = 3*3 data2 = data[:] mu = muS/nData var2 = var2S/nData - mu*mu for i in range(nData): ## get max and idex mI, ms = max(enumerate([(x and pow(x-mu,2)/var2) for x in data2]), key=lambda p:p[1]) data2[mI] = None idata = nData-i-1 if isDebug: print mI, 'removed', idata, 'left. Max Zn=', ms if ms<minMs: break mV = data[mI] var2S -= mV*mV muS -= mV mu = muS/idata var2 = var2S/idata - mu*mu self.bkgMu = mu self.bkgVar = sqrt(var2) ### get fragments iStart = None nLow = 0 for i in range(nData): if data2[i] is not None and iStart is not None: if nLow == 0: nLow += 1 if i+1<nData and data2[i+1] is None: continue ## require at least two consective None if i+2<nData and data2[i+2] is None: continue ## require at least two consective None if i-iStart > 10: mI, mx = max(enumerate(data[iStart:i]), key=lambda p:abs(p[1]-mu)) self.resp.append((iStart, i-iStart, mI, mx-mu)) iStart = None nLow = 0 elif iStart is None and data2[i] is None: iStart = i ### remove low quality peaks if len(self.resp) > 0: self.quality = max([abs(x[3]) for x in self.resp]) # mx = max(self.resp, key=lambda p:abs(p[3])) # self.resp = [x for x in self.resp if abs(x[3])>0.3*mx[3]] # print mx if isDebug: print self.resp, self.quality print mu, var2, len([x for x in data2 if x is not None]) x = [0.2*i for i in range(nData)] g0 = TGraph(nData, array('d',x), array('d',data)) g0.Draw("AP") g0.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle("V_{out} [V]") g0.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle("t [#mus]") g1 = TGraph(nData, array('d',[x[0]*0.2 for x in enumerate(data2) if x[1] is not None]), array('d',[x[1] for x in enumerate(data2) if x[1] is not None])) g1.SetMarkerColor(2) g1.Draw('Psame') waitRootCmdX()
pt.SetTextSize(0.04) for imult, iplot in enumerate(plotbinMB): if not iplot: continue, 0, 25, 1.05, \ ";#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c});#it{f}_{prompt} %s" % name) grfPrompt = fileres_MB[imult].Get("gFcConservative") grfPrompt.SetTitle(";#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c});#it{f}_{prompt} %s" % name) grfPrompt.SetLineColor(colors[imult % len(colors)]) grfPrompt.SetMarkerColor(colors[imult % len(colors)]) grfPrompt.SetMarkerStyle(21) grfPrompt.SetMarkerSize(0.5) grfPrompt.Draw("ap") pt.DrawLatexNDC(0.15, 0.15, "%.1f #leq %s < %.1f (MB)" % \ (binsmin[imult], latexbin2var, binsmax[imult])) for imult, iplot in enumerate(plotbinHM): if not iplot: continue, 0, 25, 1.05, \ ";#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c});#it{f}_{prompt} %s" % name) grfPromptHM = fileres_trig[imult].Get("gFcConservative") grfPromptHM.SetTitle(";#it{p}_{T} (GeV/#it{c});#it{f}_{prompt} %s" % name) grfPromptHM.SetLineColor(colors[imult % len(colors)]) grfPromptHM.SetMarkerColor(colors[imult % len(colors)]) grfPromptHM.SetMarkerStyle(21) grfPromptHM.SetMarkerSize(0.5) grfPromptHM.Draw("ap") pt.DrawLatexNDC(0.15, 0.15, "%.1f #leq %s < %.1f (HM)" % \
def showENC(): fname1 = '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan1.dat' tree1 = TTree() tree1.ReadFile( '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan1.dat', 'idX/i:vL/F:vH:A:D/i:R:W') tree1.ReadFile( '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan2_mod.dat' ) tree1.Show(500) p1 = TProfile('p1', 'p1;#DeltaU [V];Prob', 50, 0.12, 0.2) tree1.Draw("D:(vH-vL)>>p1", "", "profE") ### change it to tgraph g1 = TGraphErrors() for i in range(p1.GetNbinsX() + 2): N = p1.GetBinEntries(i) if N > 0: print i, N, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent( i), p1.GetBinError(i) n = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent(i)) g1.SetPointError(n, 0, p1.GetBinError(i)) # g1.SetMarkerColor(3) # g1.SetLineColor(3) p1.Draw("axis") g1.Draw('Psame') fun1 = TF1('fun1', '0.5*(1+TMath::Erf((x-[0])/(TMath::Sqrt(2)*[1])))', 0.05, 0.3) fun1.SetParameter(0, 0.155) fun1.SetParameter(1, 0.005) g1.Fit(fun1) fun1a = g1.GetFunction('fun1') # p1.Fit(fun1) # fun1a = p1.GetFunction('fun1') fun1a.SetLineColor(2) # p1.Draw("Esame") v0 = fun1a.GetParameter(0) e0 = fun1a.GetParError(0) v1 = fun1a.GetParameter(1) e1 = fun1a.GetParError(1) print v0, v1 fUnit = 1000. lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.185, 0.89, '#mu = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v0 * fUnit, e0 * fUnit)) lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.185, 0.84, '#sigma = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v1 * fUnit, e1 * fUnit)) print 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1) fun2 = TF1('gaus1', 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1)) fun2.SetLineColor(4) fun2.SetLineStyle(2) fun2.Draw('same') lg = TLegend(0.7, 0.4, 0.95, 0.5) lg.SetFillStyle(0) lg.AddEntry(p1, 'Measurement', 'p') lg.AddEntry(fun1a, 'Fit', 'l') lg.AddEntry(fun2, 'Gaus', 'l') lg.Draw() waitRootCmdX()
def DrawBazil(diagonal=175, doData=False, pname='limits'): import numpy as np # 'mstop','mlsp','sm2','sm1','central','sp1','sp2', 'data' d = GetDic(pname + '.p', diagonal) x = np.array(d['mstop']) e = np.array(d['exp']) y1max = np.array(d['s+1']) y2max = np.array(d['s+2']) y1min = np.array(d['s-1']) y2min = np.array(d['s-2']) # observed if (doData): o = np.array(d['obs']) else: o = np.array(d['exp']) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "CL", 10, 10, 800, 600) #c1.SetGrid(); ymax = 7.5 ymin = 0.3 if (diagonal == 'down' or diagonal == 'Down' or diagonal == 'DOWN'): ymax = 3.1 ymin = 0.30 elif (diagonal == 'up' or diagonal == 'Up' or diagonal == 'UP'): ymax = 2.5 ymin = 0.15 #c1.DrawFrame(min(x)-2,min(d['sp2']+d['sm2'])-0.2,max(x)+2,max(d['sp2']+d['sm2'])+0.2); c1.DrawFrame(min(x), ymin, max(x), ymax) n = len(e) gr1min = TGraph(n, x, y1min) gr1max = TGraph(n, x, y1max) gr2min = TGraph(n, x, y2min) gr2max = TGraph(n, x, y2max) gro = TGraph(n, x, o) gre = TGraph(n, x, e) gh = TGraph(n, x, np.linspace(0.999, 1, n)) gr1shade = TGraph(2 * n) gr2shade = TGraph(2 * n) #color1shade = 3; color2shade = 5; color1shade = kOrange color2shade = kGreen + 1 for i in range(n): gr1shade.SetPoint(i, x[i], y1max[i] * scalefact) gr1shade.SetPoint(n + i, x[n - i - 1], y1min[n - i - 1] * scalefact) gr2shade.SetPoint(i, x[i], y2max[i] * scalefact) gr2shade.SetPoint(n + i, x[n - i - 1], y2min[n - i - 1] * scalefact) gre.SetPoint(i, x[i], e[i] * scalefact) gh.SetPoint(i, x[i], np.linspace(0.999, 1, n)[i] * scalefact) gro.SetPoint(i, x[i], o[i] * scalefact if doData else e[i] * scalefact) gr2shade.SetFillColor(color2shade) gr2shade.Draw("f") gr1shade.SetFillColor(color1shade) gr1shade.Draw("f") gh.SetLineWidth(2) gh.SetMarkerStyle(0) gh.SetLineColor(46) gh.SetLineStyle(2) gh.Draw("LP") gro.SetLineWidth(2) gro.SetMarkerStyle(20) gro.SetMarkerSize(0.7) gro.SetLineColor(1) if doData: gro.Draw("LP") gre.SetLineWidth(2) gre.SetMarkerStyle(0) gre.SetLineColor(1) gre.SetLineStyle(6) gre.Draw("LP") gre.SetTitle("Expected") gro.SetTitle("Observed") gr1shade.SetTitle("Expected 1#sigma") gr2shade.SetTitle("Expected 2#sigma") leg = TLegend(.1, .65, .4, .9) leg.AddEntry(gro) leg.AddEntry(gre) leg.AddEntry(gr1shade, '', 'f') leg.AddEntry(gr2shade, '', 'f') leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.Draw("same") gre.SetFillColor(0) gro.SetFillColor(0) gr1shade.SetLineColor(color1shade) gr2shade.SetLineColor(color2shade) tit = "m_{#tilde{t}_{1}} - m_{#tilde{#chi}_{1}^{0}} = " dm = "0" ymax = 4.1 ymin = 0.3 if (diagonal == 'down' or diagonal == 'Down' or diagonal == 'DOWN'): tit += "182.5 GeV" #" + 7.5 GeV" dm = "m7p5" ymax = 2.2 ymin = 0.15 elif (diagonal == 'up' or diagonal == 'Up' or diagonal == 'UP'): tit += "167.5 GeV" #" - 7.5 GeV" dm = "7p5" ymax = 3.3 ymin = 0.30 else: tit += "175 GeV" Title = TLatex() Title.SetTextSize(0.060) Title.DrawLatexNDC(.42, .84, tit) Xaxis = TLatex() Xaxis.SetTextFont(42) Xaxis.DrawLatexNDC(0.8, 0.03, "m_{#tilde{t}_{1}} (GeV)") Yaxis = TLatex() Yaxis.SetTextFont(42) Yaxis.SetTextAngle(90) Yaxis.DrawLatexNDC(0.05, 0.15, "95% CL limit on signal strength") textCMS = TLatex() textCMS.SetTextSize(0.06) textCMS.SetTextSizePixels(22) textCMS.SetTextAlign(12) textCMS.DrawLatexNDC(.12, .93, "CMS") textLumi = TLatex() textLumi.SetTextFont(42) textLumi.SetTextSize(0.06) textLumi.SetTextSizePixels(22) textLumi.DrawLatexNDC(.58, .91, "%1.1f fb^{-1} (13 TeV)" % (lumi)) #35.9 name = "brazil_%i" % diagonal name = "brazil_%s" % pname for form in ['pdf', 'png']: c1.Print(outputdir + name + '.%s' % form)
leg.AddEntry(h_MET, "Data", "lep") #-------Draw Histogram in Full Canvas---------# h_TopMatchFinal.Draw("hist") h_WmatchFinal.Draw("histsame") h_unmatchFinal.Draw("histsame") #h_ttHadFinal.Draw("histsame") #h_ttLepFinal.Draw("histsame") h_sumWJetsFinal.Draw("histsame") h_sumDiboson.Draw("histsame") h_MET.Draw("e1same") leg.Draw() lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.24, 0.85, "#scale[0.8]{CMS} #scale[0.65]{#bf{#it{Internal}}}") lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.24, 0.8, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{t#bar{t} CR (#mu)}}") lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.24, 0.75, "#scale[0.5]{#bf{2-prong (bq) enriched}}") lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.71, 0.92, "#scale[0.7]{#bf{41.5 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)}}") gPad.GetUymax() ratio = dataPredRatio(data_=h_MET, totalBkg_=h_TopMatchFinal) ratio.SetLineColor(1) ratio.SetLineWidth(3) ratio.SetMarkerSize(1.5) ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.13) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1) ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.13)
effGraph.SetTitle("") effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("X [mm]") effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.90) effGraph.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) #effGraph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(23.0,25.0) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Mean #Delta t [ns]") effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.05) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.92) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) effGraph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-2, 2) title = TLatex() title.SetTextSize(0.05) #title.SetTextAlign(13); title.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .93, "CACTUS Pixel " + pixelName + " Analog") c.Update() c.SaveAs("CACTUS_DeltaTMeanVsX" + outputLabel + ".gif") ########################## #1D MPV Vs Y ########################## yLeftBoundary = yMin yRightBoundary = yMax yBinWidth = 0.1 yNBins = int((yRightBoundary - yLeftBoundary) / yBinWidth) tmpHist2D = TH2F("tmpHist2D", ";Y [mm];Amplitude [mV]; NEvt", yNBins, yLeftBoundary, yRightBoundary, 100, -10, 10) tree.Draw(
def DrawOverlap(fileVec, histVec, titleVec, legendtext, pngname, logstatus=[0, 0], xRange=[-99999, 99999, 1], text_="", x_=0.5, y_=0.5, legendloc=[0.53, 0.13, 0.93, 0.39]): gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) #gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.1,"Y"); #gStyle.SetTitleOffset(0.9,"X"); gStyle.SetLineWidth(3) gStyle.SetFrameLineWidth(3) i = 0 histList_ = [] histList = [] histList1 = [] maximum = [] ## Legend legpos = legendloc leg = TLegend(legpos[0], legpos[1], legpos[2], legpos[3]) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.SetLineColor(1) leg.SetLineStyle(1) leg.SetLineWidth(1) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.SetTextFont(42) leg.SetTextSize(0.049) from PlotTemplates import myCanvas1D c = myCanvas1D() c.SetLogy(logstatus[1]) c.SetLogx(logstatus[0]) #c.SetBottomMargin(0.15) #c.SetLeftMargin(0.15) #c1_2 = TPad("c1_2","newpad",0.04,0.13,1,0.994) #c1_2.Draw() print("you have provided " + str(len(fileVec)) + " files and " + str(len(histVec)) + " histograms to make a overlapping plot") print "opening rootfiles" #c1_2.SetBottomMargin(0.013) #c1_2.SetLogy(logstatus[1]) #c1_2.SetLogx(logstatus[0]) ii = 0 inputfile = {} print str(fileVec[(len(fileVec) - 1)]) for ifile_ in range(len(fileVec)): print("opening file " + fileVec[ifile_]) inputfile[ifile_] = TFile(fileVec[ifile_]) print "fetching histograms" for ihisto_ in range(len(histVec)): print("printing histo " + str(histVec[ihisto_])) histo = inputfile[ifile_].Get(histVec[ihisto_]) #status_ = type(histo) is TGraphAsymmErrors histList.append(histo) # for ratio plot as they should nt be normalize histList1.append(histo) #print histList[ii].Integral() #histList[ii].Rebin(xRange[2]) #histList[ii].Scale(1.0/histList[ii].Integral()) maximum.append(histList[ii].GetMaximum()) maximum.sort() ii = ii + 1 print histList for ih in range(len(histList)): tt = type(histList[ih]) if logstatus[1] is 1: histList[ih].SetMaximum(100) #1.4 for log histList[ih].SetMinimum(0.00001) #1.4 for log if logstatus[1] is 0: histList[ih].SetMaximum(1.4) #1.4 for log histList[ih].SetMinimum(0.001) #1.4 for log # print "graph_status =" ,(tt is TGraphAsymmErrors) # print "hist status =", (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) if ih == 0: if tt is TGraphAsymmErrors: histList[ih].Draw("APL") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].Draw("hist") if ih > 0: #histList[ih].SetLineWidth(2) if tt is TGraphAsymmErrors: histList[ih].Draw("PL same") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].Draw("hist same") if tt is TGraphAsymmErrors: histList[ih].SetMaximum(10) histList[ih].SetMarkerColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle[ih]) histList[ih].SetMarkerSize(1) leg.AddEntry(histList[ih], legendtext[ih], "PL") if (tt is TH1D) or (tt is TH1F) or (tt is TH1) or (tt is TH1I): histList[ih].SetLineStyle(linestyle[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineColor(colors[ih]) histList[ih].SetLineWidth(3) leg.AddEntry(histList[ih], legendtext[ih], "L") histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitle(titleVec[1]) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.08) histList[ih].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(xRange[0], xRange[1]) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitle(titleVec[0]) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.052) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.14) #histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetTickLength(0.07) histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) from PlotTemplates import SetCMSAxis histList[ih] = SetCMSAxis(histList[ih], 1.0, 1.15) #histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels(); #histList[ih].GetXaxis().SetNoExponent(); #histList[ih].GetTGaxis().SetMaxDigits(3); i = i + 1 ''' pt = TPaveText(0.0877181,0.9,0.9580537,0.96,"brNDC") pt.SetBorderSize(0) pt.SetTextAlign(12) pt.SetFillStyle(0) pt.SetTextFont(22) pt.SetTextSize(0.046) text = pt.AddText(0.2,0.5,"CMS Internal") ''' from PlotTemplates import drawenergy1D pt_ = drawenergy1D(False) for ipt in pt_: ipt.Draw() ''' if len(text_) >0: ltx = TLatex() ltx.SetTextFont(42) ltx.SetTextSize(0.049) #text_f = "#font[42]{Phase Scan}" ltx.DrawTextNDC(x_,y_,text_) ''' from PlotTemplates import ExtraText text_ex = ExtraText(text_, x_, y_) text_ex.Draw() ExtraText("ECAL Endcaps", 0.4, 0.85) ltx_ = TLatex() ltx_.SetTextFont(42) ltx_.SetTextSize(0.049) ltx_.DrawLatexNDC(0.32, 0.81, "L1 e-#gamma object p_{T} > 10 GeV") #text_ex.Draw() #pt = TPaveText(0.0877181,0.9,0.9580537,0.96,"brNDC") #text = pt.AddText(0.65,0.5,"Phase Scan data #sqrt{s} = 13 TeV (2018)") #pt.Draw() # t2a = TPaveText(0.0877181,0.81,0.9580537,0.89,"brNDC") # t2a.SetBorderSize(0) # t2a.SetFillStyle(0) # t2a.SetTextSize(0.040) # t2a.SetTextAlign(12) # t2a.SetTextFont(62) # histolabel1= str(fileVec[(len(fileVec)-1)]) # text1 = t2a.AddText(0.06,0.5,"CMS Internal") # t2a.Draw() leg.SetHeader("Matched TP energy") leg.Draw() # # outputdirname = './' histname = outputdirname + pngname c.SaveAs(histname + '.png') c.SaveAs(histname + '.pdf')
def plotCorrelation(channel,var,DM,year,*parameters,**kwargs): """Calculate and plot correlation between parameters.""" if DM=='DM0' and 'm_2' in var: return print green("\n>>> plotCorrelation %s, %s"%(DM, var)) if len(parameters)==1 and isinstance(parameters[0],list): parameters = parameters[0] parameters = [p.replace('$CAT',DM).replace('$CHANNEL',channel) for p in list(parameters)] title = kwargs.get('title', "" ) name = kwargs.get('name', "" ) indir = kwargs.get('indir', "output_%d"%year ) outdir = kwargs.get('outdir', "postfit_%d"%year ) tag = kwargs.get('tag', "" ) plotlabel = kwargs.get('plotlabel', "" ) order = kwargs.get('order', False ) era = "%d-13TeV"%year filename = '%s/higgsCombine.%s_%s-%s%s-%s.MultiDimFit.mH90.root'%(indir,channel,var,DM,tag,era) ensureDirectory(outdir) print '>>> file "%s"'%(filename) # HISTOGRAM parlist = getParameters(filename,parameters) if order: parlist.sort(key=lambda x: -x.sigma) N = len(parlist) hist = TH2F("corr","corr",N,0,N,N,0,N) for i in xrange(N): # diagonal hist.SetBinContent(i+1,N-i,1.0) hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(1+i,parlist[i].title) hist.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(N-i,parlist[i].title) for xi, yi in combinations(range(N),2): # off-diagonal r = parlist[xi].corr(parlist[yi]) hist.SetBinContent(1+xi,N-yi,r) hist.SetBinContent(1+yi,N-xi,r) #print "%20s - %20s: %5.3f"%(par1,par2,r) #hist.Fill(par1.title,par2.title,r) #hist.Fill(par2.title,par1.title,r) # SCALE canvasH = 160+64*max(10,N) canvasW = 300+70*max(10,N) scaleH = 800./canvasH scaleW = 1000./canvasW scaleF = 640./(canvasH-160) tmargin = 0.06 bmargin = 0.14 lmargin = 0.22 rmargin = 0.12 canvas = TCanvas('canvas','canvas',100,100,canvasW,canvasH) canvas.SetFillColor(0) canvas.SetBorderMode(0) canvas.SetFrameFillStyle(0) canvas.SetFrameBorderMode(0) canvas.SetTopMargin( tmargin ); canvas.SetBottomMargin( bmargin ) canvas.SetLeftMargin( lmargin ); canvas.SetRightMargin( rmargin ) canvas.SetTickx(0) canvas.SetTicky(0) canvas.SetGrid() frame = hist frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.054*scaleF) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.072*scaleF) frame.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(0.034) frame.GetXaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.005) frame.GetYaxis().SetLabelOffset(0.003) frame.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(508) #gStyle.SetPalette(kBlackBody) #frame.SetContour(3); gStyle.SetPaintTextFormat(".2f") frame.SetMarkerSize(1.5*scaleF) #frame.SetMarkerColor(kRed) hist.Draw('COLZ TEXT') # TEXT if title: latex = TLatex() latex.SetTextSize(0.045) latex.SetTextAlign(33) latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.DrawLatexNDC(0.96*lmargin,0.80*bmargin,title) CMS_lumi.relPosX = 0.14 CMS_lumi.CMS_lumi(canvas,13,0) gPad.SetTicks(1,1) gPad.Modified() frame.Draw('SAMEAXIS') canvasname = "%s/postfit-correlation_%s_%s%s%s"%(outdir,var,DM,tag,plotlabel) canvas.SaveAs(canvasname+".png") if args.pdf: canvas.SaveAs(canvasname+".pdf") canvas.Close()