Exemple #1
total_nrg = solute_intraclj.components().total() + solute_intraff.components().total() +\
    solventff.components().total() + solute_solventff.components().total() +\
    protein_intraclj.components().total() + protein_intraff.components().total() + \
    solute_proteinff.components().total() + protein_solventff.components().total() 

e_total = system.totalComponent()
system.setComponent( e_total, total_nrg )

# Add a space wrapper that wraps all molecules into the box centered at (0,0,0)
#system.add( SpaceWrapper(Vector(0,0,0), all) )

print("\nTotal energy ")

print("Components energies ")
for component in list(system.energyComponents().keys()):
    print(component, system.energyComponents().value(component) * kcal_per_mol)

# Note that tip3p water are likely to have bonds between hydrogen atoms.
PDB().write(all, "out.pdb")

print("The AMBER11/sander energies for this system are ") 
# NSTEP =        0   TIME(PS) =       0.000  TEMP(K) =     0.00  PRESS =     0.0
# Etot   =    -47010.2216  EKtot   =         0.0000  EPtot      =    -47010.2216
# BOND   =       898.1982  ANGLE   =      5310.2620  DIHED      =      2922.5644
# 1-4 NB =       790.8755  1-4 EEL =      7702.0145  VDWAALS    =      7345.0484
# EELEC  =    -71979.1846  EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =         0.0000
# EKCMT  =         0.0000  VIRIAL  =         0.0000  VOLUME     =   1856243.3813
Exemple #2
def test_nrg(verbose=False):

    top_file = "../io/ose.top"
    crd_file = "../io/ose.crd"

    amber = Amber()
    molecules, space = amber.readCrdTop(crd_file, top_file)
    # Overload, we want to calc the energy in a non periodic box for comparison with Sander
    space = Cartesian()

    moleculeNumbers = molecules.molNums()
    moleculeList = []

    for moleculeNumber in moleculeNumbers:
        molecule = molecules.molecule(moleculeNumber).molecule()

    system = System()

    solute = MoleculeGroup("solute", moleculeList[0])

    # Add these groups to the System

    # Now solute bond, angle, dihedral energy
    solute_intraff = InternalFF("solute_intraff")

    # Now solute intramolecular CLJ energy
    solute_intraclj = IntraCLJFF("solute_intraclj")

    # Here is the list of all forcefields
    forcefields = [solute_intraff, solute_intraclj]

    # Add these forcefields to the system
    for forcefield in forcefields:

    system.setProperty("space", space)
        HarmonicSwitchingFunction(coulomb_cutoff, coulomb_feather, lj_cutoff,
    system.setProperty("combiningRules", VariantProperty(combining_rules))

    total_nrg = solute_intraclj.components().total(
    ) + solute_intraff.components().total()

    e_total = system.totalComponent()
    system.setComponent(e_total, total_nrg)

    if verbose:
        print("\nTotal energy ")

        print("Components energies ")
        for component in list(system.energyComponents().keys()):
                  system.energyComponents().value(component) * kcal_per_mol)

        print("The AMBER14/sander energies for this system are ")
   NSTEP       ENERGY          RMS            GMAX         NAME    NUMBER
      1      -3.4880E+01     1.3388E+01     6.2845E+01     C2         20

 BOND    =        5.1844  ANGLE   =       10.0783  DIHED      =       20.1271
 VDWAALS =       -1.7278  EEL     =     -256.9757  HBOND      =        0.0000
 1-4 VDW =       10.6377  1-4 EEL =      177.7958  RESTRAINT  =        0.0000

        diff = abs(-34.880 - system.energy().value())
        print("Difference = %s" % diff)

    e_bond = system.energy(solute_intraff.components().bond()).value()
    e_ang = system.energy(solute_intraff.components().angle()).value()
    e_dih = system.energy( solute_intraff.components().dihedral() ).value() + \
            system.energy( solute_intraff.components().improper() ).value()

    assert_almost_equal(e_bond, 5.1844, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(e_ang, 10.0783, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(e_dih, 20.1271, 2)

    e_coul = system.energy(solute_intraclj.components().coulomb()).value()
    e_lj = system.energy(solute_intraclj.components().lj()).value()

    assert_almost_equal(e_coul, -256.9757 + 177.7958, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(e_lj, -1.7278 + 10.6377, 2)

    assert_almost_equal(system.energy().value(), -34.880, 2)