def setup():
    cameras = []

    Camera.setRange(0, 4500)  ## points in the distance range to be colored

    uiOffset = 20
    ports = Camera.scan()  ## Scan for available Tau Camera devices
    for port in ports:
        camera =  ## Open the first available Tau Camera
        camera.setModulationChannel(0)  ## autoChannelEnabled: 0, channel: 0
        camera.setIntegrationTime3d(0, 1000)  ## set integration time 0: 1000
        camera.setMinimalAmplitude(0, 10)  ## set minimal amplitude 0: 80


        cameraInfo =

        print("\nToF camera opened successfully:")
        print("    model:      %s" % cameraInfo.model)
        print("    firmware:   %s" % cameraInfo.firmware)
        print("    uid:        %s" % cameraInfo.uid)
        print("    resolution: %s" % cameraInfo.resolution)
        print("    port:       %s" % cameraInfo.port)

        cv2.namedWindow('Tau %s' % cameraInfo.uid)
        cv2.moveWindow('Tau %s' % cameraInfo.uid, 20, uiOffset)
        uiOffset += 340

    if len(ports) > 0:
        print("\nPress Esc key over GUI or Ctrl-c in terminal to shutdown ...")

    return cameras
Exemple #2
def setup(serialPort=None):
    port = None
    camera = None
    # if no serial port is specified, scan for available Tau Camera devices
    if serialPort is None:
        ports = Camera.scan()                      ## Scan for available Tau Camera devices

        if len(ports) > 0:
            port = ports[0]
        port = serialPort

    if port is not None:
        Camera.setRange(0, 4500)                   ## points in the distance range to be colored

        camera =             ## Open the first available Tau Camera
        camera.setModulationChannel(0)             ## autoChannelEnabled: 0, channel: 0
        camera.setIntegrationTime3d(0, 1000)       ## set integration time 0: 1000
        camera.setMinimalAmplitude(0, 10)          ## set minimal amplitude 0: 80

        cameraInfo =

        print("\nToF camera opened successfully:")
        print("    model:      %s" % cameraInfo.model)
        print("    firmware:   %s" % cameraInfo.firmware)
        print("    uid:        %s" % cameraInfo.uid)
        print("    resolution: %s" % cameraInfo.resolution)
        print("    port:       %s" % cameraInfo.port)

        print("\nPress Esc key over GUI or Ctrl-c in terminal to shutdown ...")

    return camera
def setup():
    camera = None
    ports = Camera.scan()  ## Scan for available Tau Camera devices

    if len(ports) > 0:
        Camera.setRange(0, 4500)  ## points in the distance range to be colored

        camera =[0])  ## Open the first available Tau Camera
        camera.setModulationChannel(0)  ## autoChannelEnabled: 0, channel: 0
        camera.setIntegrationTime3d(0, 1000)  ## set integration time 0: 1000
        camera.setMinimalAmplitude(0, 10)  ## set minimal amplitude 0: 80

        cameraInfo =

        print("\nToF camera opened successfully:")
        print("    model:      %s" % cameraInfo.model)
        print("    firmware:   %s" % cameraInfo.firmware)
        print("    uid:        %s" % cameraInfo.uid)
        print("    resolution: %s" % cameraInfo.resolution)
        print("    port:       %s" % cameraInfo.port)

        print("\nPress Esc key over GUI or Ctrl-c in terminal to shutdown ...")

        cv2.namedWindow('Depth Map')

        cv2.moveWindow('Depth Map', 20, 20)
        cv2.moveWindow('Grayscale', 20, 360)

    return camera
Exemple #4
def setup():
    camera = None
    ports = Camera.scan()                      ## Scan for available Tau Camera devices

    if len(ports) > 0:
        camera =[0])             ## Open the first available Tau Camera
        camera.setModulationChannel(0)             ## autoChannelEnabled: 0, channel: 0
        camera.setIntegrationTime3d(0, 1000)       ## set integration time 0: 1000
        camera.setMinimalAmplitude(0, 10)          ## set minimal amplitude 0: 80

        cameraInfo =

        print("\nToF camera opened successfully:")
        print("    model:      %s" % cameraInfo.model)
        print("    firmware:   %s" % cameraInfo.firmware)
        print("    uid:        %s" % cameraInfo.uid)
        print("    resolution: %s" % cameraInfo.resolution)
        print("    port:       %s" % cameraInfo.port)

        print("\nPress Ctrl-c in terminal to shutdown ...")

    return camera
Exemple #5
def setup(port):
    camera = None

    Camera.setRange(0, 4500)  ## points in the distance range to be colored

    camera =  ## Open the first available Tau Camera
    camera.setModulationChannel(0)  ## autoChannelEnabled: 0, channel: 0
    camera.setIntegrationTime3d(0, 1000)  ## set integration time 0: 1000
    camera.setMinimalAmplitude(0, 10)  ## set minimal amplitude 0: 80

    cameraInfo =

    print("\nToF camera opened successfully:")
    print("    model:      %s" % cameraInfo.model)
    print("    firmware:   %s" % cameraInfo.firmware)
    print("    uid:        %s" % cameraInfo.uid)
    print("    resolution: %s" % cameraInfo.resolution)
    print("    port:       %s" % cameraInfo.port)

    print("\nPress Esc key over GUI or Ctrl-c in terminal to shutdown ...")

    return camera
Exemple #6
def setup():
    camera = None
    ports = Camera.scan()                      ## Scan for available Tau Camera devices

    if len(ports) > 0:
        cameraNum = 0
        cameraSelected = 0
        if len(ports) >= 1:
            print("\nMore than 1 cameras found:")
            for port in ports:
                print(cameraNum, ':', port)
                cameraNum += 1
            cameraSelected = int(input("Enter the number to select a camera from the list:"))
            print(cameraSelected, "entered, try to connect to port ", ports[cameraSelected])
        Camera.setRange(0, 4500)                   ## points in the distance range to be colored

        camera =[0])
        #camera =[cameraSelected])
        camera.setModulationChannel(0)             ## autoChannelEnabled: 0, channel: 0
        camera.setIntegrationTime3d(0, 1000)       ## set integration time 0: 1000
        camera.setMinimalAmplitude(0, 10)          ## set minimal amplitude 0: 80

        cameraInfo =

        print("\nToF camera opened successfully:")
        print("    model:      %s" % cameraInfo.model)
        print("    firmware:   %s" % cameraInfo.firmware)
        print("    uid:        %s" % cameraInfo.uid)
        print("    resolution: %s" % cameraInfo.resolution)
        print("    port:       %s" % cameraInfo.port)

        print("\nPress Esc key over GUI or Ctrl-c in terminal to shutdown ...")

    return camera
Exemple #7
def serverLoop(HTTP_PORT = 8080, WS_PORT = 5678):
    attempts = 0
    while True:
            By default, Camera will connect to the first available ToF device.
            Alternatively can specify serial port by using'/dev/ttyACM0') to open specific port
            camera =

            cameraInfo =
            print("\nToF camera opened successfully:")

            print("    model:      %s" % cameraInfo.model)
            print("    firmware:   %s" % cameraInfo.firmware)
            print("    uid:        %s" % cameraInfo.uid)
            print("    resolution: %s" % cameraInfo.resolution)
            print("    port:       %s" % cameraInfo.port)

            ## you may simply use camera.setDefaultParameters()
            camera.setModulationFrequency(VALUE_20MHZ) ## frequency: 20MHZ
            camera.setModulationChannel(0)             ## autoChannelEnabled: 0, channel: 0
            camera.setMode(0)                          ## Mode 0, wide fov
            camera.setHdr(0)                           ## HDR off
            camera.setIntegrationTime3d(0, 800)        ## set integration time 0: 1000
            camera.setMinimalAmplitude(0, 10)          ## set minimal amplitude 0: 80
            camera.setOffset(0)                        ## set distance offset: 0
            camera.setRoi(0, 0, 159, 59)               ## set ROI to max width and height

            ## static
            Camera.setColorMode(ColorMode.DISTANCE)    ## use distance for point color
            Camera.setRange(0, 7500)                   ## points in the distance range to be colored


        except Exception as e:
            attempts += 1

            if attempts > 10:
                print("Exiting due to failure to start Tau Camera!")
                print("Error: %s" % str(e))
                except SystemExit:

    ip_address = ''

    print("    IP address: %s" % ip_address)
    print("    URL:  %s" % 'http://' + ip_address + ':' + str(HTTP_PORT))

    print("\nPress Ctrl + C keys to shutdown ...")

    _count = 0
    start_time = time()
    running = True

    async def send3DPoints(websocket, path):
        global _count
        global running
        start_time = time()
        _count = 0

        async for message in websocket:
            data = json.loads(message)

            if data['cmd'] == 'read':
                Camera supports frame type FrameType.DISTANCE, FrameType.DISTANCE_GRAYSCALE and FrameType.DISTANCE_AMPLITUDE,
                default FrameType is FrameType.DISTANCE_GRAYSCALE

                frame = camera.readFrame(FrameType.DISTANCE_AMPLITUDE)

                To get a 3D Frame object directly from calling camera.readFrame() is an expensive call,
                alternatively you may call camera.readFrameRawData to get raw data
                and possibly to compose Frame from a separate thread
                to boost frame rate:

                from TauLidarCommon.d3 import FrameBuilder
                frameBuilder = FrameBuilder()
                dataArray = camera.readFrameRawData(frameType=FrameType.DISTANCE_GRAYSCALE)

                Possibly you may compose Frame from a separate thread
                frame = frameBuilder.composeFrame(dataArray, frameType=FrameType.DISTANCE_GRAYSCALE)

                Default FrameType is FrameType.DISTANCE_GRAYSCALE

                Following examples are how to construct depth map, grayscale and amplitude image accordingly:

                mat_depth_rgb = np.frombuffer(frame.data_depth_rgb, dtype=np.uint16, count=-1, offset=0).reshape(frame.height, frame.width, 3)
                mat_depth_rgb = mat_depth_rgb.astype(np.uint8)

                mat_grayscale = np.frombuffer(frame.data_grayscale, dtype=np.uint16, count=-1, offset=0).reshape(frame.height, frame.width)
                mat_grayscale = mat_grayscale.astype(np.uint8)

                mat_amplitude = np.frombuffer(frame.data_amplitude, dtype=np.float32, count=-1, offset=0).reshape(frame.height, frame.width)
                mat_amplitude = mat_amplitude.astype(np.uint8)
                frame = camera.readFrame(frameType=FrameType.DISTANCE_AMPLITUDE)
                if frame == None:
                    print('skip frame')

                    payload = json.dumps({
                        'points': frame.points_3d,
                        'depth': frame.data_depth_rgb.tolist(),
                        'grayscale': frame.data_grayscale.tolist(),
                        'amplitude': frame.data_amplitude.tolist(),
                        'h': frame.height,
                        'w': frame.width
                    await websocket.send(payload)
                except Exception as e:
            elif data['cmd'] == 'set':
                if data['param'] == 'range':
                    Camera.setRange(0, data['value'])
                elif data['param'] == 'intTime3D':
                    camera.setIntegrationTime3d(0, data['value'])

    ws_server = websockets.serve(send3DPoints, "", WS_PORT)

    ws_t = Thread(target=asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever)
    ws_t.deamon = True

    # change dir to module directory
    web_dir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent

    # start http server
    Handler = SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
        ".js": "application/javascript",

    httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(("", HTTP_PORT), Handler)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        running = False
        print('\nShutting down ...')

        except SystemExit: