Exemple #1
 def test_sort_squares(self):
     s1, s2 = Square("wheat", 0), Square("grass", 1)
     t1 = Tile(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(t1), "[1grass|0wheat]", "Crowns should be t1")
     s1, s2 = Square("forest", 0), Square("wheat", 0)
     t2 = Tile(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(t2), "[0wheat|0forest]", "wheat is before forest")
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, origin, size, scale, rand=True):
        """Creates a map of tiles using"""

        # Call parent constructor
        super().__init__(pygame.Rect(origin, (size * scale, size * scale)))

        # Create tile group
        self.tileGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()

        # Create tile map
        for y in range(size):
            for x in range(size):

                # Generate random tile of the 4 variants
                if rand:
                    tile = Tile.variant(random.randrange(4), scale)
                # Dunno if this is useful
                    tile = Tile(scale)

                # Place the tile depeding on loop progress
                tile.rect.x = x * config.game.tileSize
                tile.rect.y = y * config.game.tileSize

                # Add tile to sprite groups
Exemple #3
 def test_print(self):
     """Testing that the print statement works"""
     s1, s2 = Square("wheat", 0), Square("forest", 0)
     t1 = Tile(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(t1), "[0wheat|0forest]")
     s1, s2 = Square("swamp", 2), Square("mine", 0)
     t2 = Tile(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(t2), "[2swamp|0mine]")
Exemple #4
    def test_standard_deck(self):
        d = Deck(True)
        s13, s14 = Square("wheat", 0), Square("wheat", 0)
        t7 = Tile(s13, s14, 1)
        s15, s16 = Square("wheat", 1), Square("grass", 0)
        t8 = Tile(s15, s16, 21)

        self.assertTrue(d.contains(t7), "Deck contains standard Tile #1")
        self.assertTrue(d.contains(t8), "Deck contains standard Tile #21")
Exemple #5
 def test_get(self):
     """Testing the get methods for Tile Class"""
     s1, s2 = Square("wheat", 0), Square("forest", 1)
     t = Tile(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(t.get_square2()), "0wheat")
     self.assertEqual(str(t.get_square1()), "1forest")
     self.assertEqual(t.square2.get_terrain(), "wheat")
     self.assertEqual(t.square1.get_terrain(), "forest")
     self.assertEqual(t.square2.get_crowns(), 0)
     self.assertEqual(t.square1.get_crowns(), 1)
     self.assertEqual(t.get_direction(), "right")
Exemple #6
    def convertBoard(self, board):

        TileBoard = [[Tile(0, 0, 0) for x in range(7)] for y in range(9)]

        y = 1.5
        for i in range(9):
            x = 1
            for j in range(7):
                emoji = board[i][j]
                TileBoard[i][j] = Tile(emoji, x, y)
                x += 1
            y += 1
        return TileBoard
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, origin, width, height):

        # Call parent constructor
        super().__init__(pygame.Rect(origin, (width, height)))

        # Create config object
        self.cfg = config.interface()

        # Create blank tile
        self.tile = Tile(config.game.tileSize)

        # Create tile icon
        # Create starting rect with tile size
        iconRect = pygame.Rect((0, 0),
                               (self.tile.rect.width, self.tile.rect.height))

        # Create tileIcon using rect
        self.tileIcon = Icon(iconRect,

        # Center tileIcon rect
        self.tileIcon.rect.center = (self.rect.width * self.cfg.imgXRatio,
                                     self.rect.height * self.cfg.imgYRatio)
    def generateTileGrid(dimX, dimY, dataStore, seed=None):
        listOfTiles = list()
        for x in range(dimX):
            for y in range(dimY):
                randInt = random.randint(0, 12)
                tile = Tile.Tile(dataStore)
                tile.ID.IdX = x
                tile.ID.IdY = y

                if randInt == 0:
                    tile.ResourceType = "Wood"
                elif randInt == 1:
                    tile.ResourceType = "Food"
                elif randInt == 2:
                    tile.ResourceType = "Stone"
                elif randInt == 3:
                    tile.ResourceType = "Water"
                    tile.Walkable = False
                elif randInt == 4:
                    tile.ResourceType = "Iron"

        return listOfTiles
Exemple #9
    def test_test_deck(self):
        s13, s14 = Square("swamp", 2), Square("water", 0)
        t7 = Tile(s13, s14)
        s15, s16 = Square("grass", 2), Square("swamp", 0)
        t8 = Tile(s15, s16)
        d = Deck(deck=[t7, t8])
        s15, s16 = Square("grass", 2), Square("swamp", 0)
        t9 = Tile(s15, s16)
        s15, s16 = Square("grass", 2), Square("swamp", 1)
        t10 = Tile(s15, s16)

                        "Passing a Deck (for testing purpose) to Deck")
                        "Passing a Deck (for testing purpose) to Deck")
                         "Passing a Deck (for testing purpose) to Deck")
Exemple #10
    def generate_board(self, size_x, size_y, mines, starting_choice_x,
        board = [[Tile() for x in range(size_x)] for y in range(size_y)]
        for m in range(mines):
            not_placed = True
            while not_placed:
                x = randrange(size_x)
                y = randrange(size_y)
                if not (x == starting_choice_x
                        and y == starting_choice_y) and not board[y][x].mined:
                    not_placed = False

        y = -1
        for s in board:
            y += 1
            for x in range(len(s)):
                if not board[y][x].mined:
                    if x != 0:
                        if board[y][x - 1].mined:
                        if y != 0:
                            if board[y - 1][x - 1].mined:
                        if y != size_y - 1:
                            if board[y + 1][x - 1].mined:
                    if y != 0:
                        if board[y - 1][x].mined:
                    if y != size_y - 1:
                        if board[y + 1][x].mined:
                    if x != size_x - 1:
                        if board[y][x + 1].mined:
                        if y != 0:
                            if board[y - 1][x + 1].mined:
                        if y != size_y - 1:
                            if board[y + 1][x + 1].mined:
        self.board = board
        self.size_y = size_y
        self.size_x = size_x
Exemple #11
    def reset(self):
        """Restarts the game"""

        # Clear sprite groups

        # Create map based on config
        self.map = Map((0, 0),
                       config.game.mapSize // config.game.tileSize,

        # Create interface
        self.interface = Interface((config.game.mapSize, 0),

        # Create tile selector
        self.selectedTile = Tile(config.game.tileSize)
Exemple #12
def rand_tile(x, y):
    tid = random.randint(0, 9)
    return Tile(x, y, tid)
Exemple #13
def gen_smoothed_random_env():
    grid = [[None for _ in range(DIM)] for _ in range(DIM)]

    num_industries = 5#random.randint(3, 5)
    # create a list of DIM randomly selected points
    industries = []
    for _ in range(num_industries):
        origin_location = (random.randint(0, DIM - 1), random.randint(0, DIM - 1))
        x, y = origin_location
        vals = rand_tile(x, y)
        # only add this point to the list if there is not one at this location already
        if sum(point_loc == origin_location for point_loc, _ in industries) == 0:
            grid[y][x] = Tile(x, y, 9)
            industries.append((origin_location, vals))

    industry_locs = [loc for loc, _ in industries]
    # keep a list of all of the locations that something has been placed in
    available_locs = []
    for x in range(DIM):
        for y in range(DIM):
            if (x, y) not in industry_locs:
                available_locs.append((x, y))

    # randomly choose origin points for certain environment features (forest, residential area, etc)
    # and organically expand these areas to create realistic-looking terrain
    while len(available_locs) != 0:
        origin_location = available_locs[random.randint(0, len(available_locs) - 1)]
        orig_x, orig_y = origin_location
        # keep a list of all locations that are a part of this environment feature
        environment_feature_locs = [origin_location]

        # take a random choice of non-industry tiles
        tile_id = random.randint(0, 8)

        grid[orig_y][orig_x] = Tile(orig_x, orig_y, tile_id)

        # choose a relatively high but arbitrary threshold ([0.7, 0.9]) to determine whether this environment
        # feature should continue getting expanded
        thres = 0.7 + random.random() * 0.2

        r = random.random()
        while r < thres:
            possible_next_locs = set()

            # get all available locations to expand by taking mapping of the current environment feature
            # expanded one unit in each direction and finding which ones are available

            def add_locs(dx, dy):
                for loc_x, loc_y in environment_feature_locs:
                    if (loc_x + dx, loc_y + dy) in available_locs:
                        possible_next_locs.add((loc_x + dx, loc_y + dy))
            add_locs(1, 0)
            add_locs(-1, 0)
            add_locs(0, 1)
            add_locs(0, -1)

            if len(possible_next_locs) == 0:

            # sort the possible locations by distance away from origin of environment feature (to
            # make new points closer to origin more likely to be expanded to create organic-looking
            # terrain)

            def get_dist(loc_1, loc_2):
                l1x, l1y = loc_1
                l2x, l2y = loc_2
                return (l1x - l2x)**2 + (l1y - l2y)**2

            possible_next_locs = list(possible_next_locs)
            possible_next_locs = sorted(possible_next_locs, key=lambda loc: get_dist(loc, origin_location))

            # allow closer locations to be more likely
            next_loc_i = int(random.randint(0, len(possible_next_locs) - 1) ** 0.8)

            next_loc = possible_next_locs[next_loc_i]
            next_loc_x, next_loc_y = next_loc


            grid[next_loc_y][next_loc_x] = Tile(next_loc_x, next_loc_y, tile_id)

            r = random.random()

    return grid
Exemple #14
from Tiles import Tile
import copy

platform = Tile.Platform()
torch = Tile.Torch()
background = Tile.Background()
crate = Tile.Crate()
meme_crate = Tile.MemeCrate()

current_object = None

hex_dict = {
    "#0026FF": platform,
    "#FF6A00": torch,
    "#FFFFFF": background,
    "#FFD800": crate,
    "#00FF21": meme_crate

def init_empty_obj(hex_val, x, y):
    temp = copy.copy(hex_dict.get(hex_val))
    temp.set_pos(x, y)
    return temp

def get_object(hex_val, x, y):
    temp = hex_dict[hex_val]
    temp.set_pos(x, y)
    return temp
Exemple #15
    def test_calculate_value(self):
        # mono-suit tiles, no crowns
        s1, s2 = Square("grass", 0), Square("grass", 0)
        t1 = Tile(s1, s2)
        s3, s4 = Square("wheat", 0), Square("water", 0)
        t2 = Tile(s3, s4)

        self.assertGreater(t2.get_value(), t1.get_value(),
                           "Mono-tiles are lowest")
        s5, s6 = Square("forest", 0), Square("forest", 0)
        t3 = Tile(s5, s6)
        self.assertGreater(t1.get_value(), t3.get_value(),
                           "Mono-tiles are ordered")

        # crowns
        s7, s8 = Square("wheat", 1), Square("forest", 0)
        t4 = Tile(s7, s8)
        self.assertGreater(t4.get_value(), t1.get_value(),
                           "Crowns are greater")
        s9, s10 = Square("swamp", 2), Square("forest", 0)
        t5 = Tile(s9, s10)
        s11, s12 = Square("mine", 3), Square("water", 0)
        t6 = Tile(s11, s12)
        self.assertGreater(t6.get_value(), t4.get_value(),
                           "More crowns are greater")
        self.assertGreater(t6.get_value(), t5.get_value(),
                           "More crowns are greater")
        s13, s14 = Square("swamp", 2), Square("water", 0)
        t7 = Tile(s13, s14)
        s15, s16 = Square("grass", 2), Square("swamp", 0)
        t8 = Tile(s15, s16)
        self.assertGreater(t7.get_value(), t5.get_value(),
                           "Order within crowns works")
        self.assertGreater(t7.get_value(), t8.get_value(),
                           "Order within crowns works")

        # same tile, same value
        s17, s18 = Square("grass", 0), Square("grass", 0)
        t9 = Tile(s17, s18)
        self.assertEqual(t1.get_value(), t9.get_value(),
                         "Identical tile has same value")

        # random_check on standard tiles
        d = Deck(True)
        for n in range(10):
            t1, t2 = d.deal_tile(), d.deal_tile()
            v1, v2 = t1.get_value(), t2.get_value()
            if v1 >= v2:
                bigger, smaller = t1, t2
                bigger, smaller = t2, t1
                                    ("Random check number " + str(n) +
                                     "\ninputs:" + str(t1) + str(t2) + "\n"))
Exemple #16
 def test_rotate(self):
     s1, s2 = Square("wheat", 0), Square("forest", 1)
     t = Tile(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(t.get_direction(), "right")
     self.assertEqual(t.get_direction(), "down")
     self.assertEqual(t.get_direction(), "up")
     self.assertEqual(t.get_direction(), "left")
Exemple #17
 def __init__(self, player):
     self.platform = Tile.Platform()
     self.player = player
     self.inCollisionDown = False
     self.plat = Mapper.get_platforms()
Exemple #18
  def __init__(self, window, screenManager):
    print ("Creating Level One")
    self.window = window
    self.batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
    self.screenManager = screenManager
    self.player = Player(self.batch, 128, 300)
    self.cameraOffset = 0
    self.hSpeed = 128
    self.MoveLeft = False
    self.MoveRight = False
    self.group = pyglet.graphics.OrderedGroup(0)
    self.currentAnimation = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(AssetManager.getInstance().Background, batch=self.batch, group=self.group)

    self.tiles = []

    #this one can be the cage if we get it
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 10, 7, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))

    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 14, 6, AssetManager.getInstance().grassleft))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 15, 5, AssetManager.getInstance().grassleft))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 16, 4, AssetManager.getInstance().grassleft))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 17, 4, AssetManager.getInstance().ground0))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 18, 4, AssetManager.getInstance().grassright))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 3, 7, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 4, 7, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 4, 6, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))

    #obstacle wall
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 20, 7, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 20, 6, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 20, 5, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))

    #second steps
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 25, 6, AssetManager.getInstance().grassleft))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 26, 5, AssetManager.getInstance().grassleft))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 27, 4, AssetManager.getInstance().grassleft))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 28, 4, AssetManager.getInstance().ground0))
    self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 29, 4, AssetManager.getInstance().grassright))
    #Boulder will be at 29, 3, ontop of the second steps

    # pre first hole
    for i in range(0,10):
      for j in range(0,29):
        if i == 9:
          self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, j, i, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))
        if i == 8:
          self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, j, i, AssetManager.getInstance().grass2))
    #between hole and bit
    for i in range(0,10):
      for j in range(31,35):
        if i == 9:
          self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, j, i, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))
        if i == 8:
          self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, j, i, AssetManager.getInstance().grass2))
   #post pit
    for i in range(0,10):
      for j in range(40,50):
        if i == 9:
          self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, j, i, AssetManager.getInstance().ground5))
        if i == 8:
          self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, j, i, AssetManager.getInstance().grass2))

  #  self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 3, 7, AssetManager.getInstance().TileGrassTopLeft))
  #  self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 4, 7, AssetManager.getInstance().TileGrassRight))
  #  self.tiles.append(Tile(self.batch, 4, 6, AssetManager.getInstance().TileGrassTop))

    self.label = pyglet.text.Label('Level One',
                          font_name='Times New Roman',
                          x=window.width//2, y=window.height-36,
                          anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center')