Exemple #1
    def getpsichi(self, ugrid, vgrid, ntrunc=None):

 compute streamfunction and velocity potential on grid given vector wind.

 @param ugrid: rank 2 or 3 numpy float32 array containing grid of zonal
 winds.  Must have shape (nlat,nlon) or (nlat,nlon,nt), where nt is the number
 of grids to be transformed.  If ugrid is rank 2, nt is assumed to be 1.

 @param vgrid: rank 2 or 3 numpy float32 array containing grid of meridional
 winds.  Must have shape (nlat,nlon) or (nlat,nlon,nt), where nt is the number
 of grids to be transformed.  Both ugrid and vgrid must have the same shape.

 @keyword ntrunc:  optional spectral truncation limit.
 (default self.nlat-1)

 @return: C{B{psigrid, chigrid}} - rank 2 or 3 numpy float32 arrays
 of gridded streamfunction and velocity potential. Shapes are either
 (nlat,nlon) or (nlat,nlon,nt).

# make sure ugrid,vgrid are rank 2 or 3 and same shape.

        idim = ugrid.ndim

        shapeu = ugrid.shape
        shapev = vgrid.shape

        if ntrunc is None:
            ntrunc = self.nlat-1

        if shapeu != shapev:
            msg = 'getvrtdivspec input arrays must be same shape!'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if len(shapeu) !=2 and len(shapeu) !=3:
            msg = 'getvrtdivspec needs rank two or three arrays!'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if shapeu[0] != self.nlat or shapeu[1] != self.nlon:
            msg = 'getpsichi needs input arrays whose first two dimensions are si%d and %d, got %d and %d' % (self.nlat, self.nlon, ugrid.shape[0], ugrid.shape[1],)
            raise ValueError(msg)

# check ntrunc.

        if ntrunc < 0 or ntrunc+1 > ugrid.shape[0]:
            msg = 'ntrunc must be between 0 and %d' % (ugrid.shape[0]-1,)
            raise ValueError(msg)

# compute spectral coeffs of vort, div.

        vrtspec, divspec = self.getvrtdivspec(ugrid, vgrid, ntrunc)

# number of grids to compute.

        if len(vrtspec.shape) == 1:
            nt = 1
            vrtspec = numpy.reshape(vrtspec, ((ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2,1))
            divspec = numpy.reshape(divspec, ((ntrunc+1)*(ntrunc+2)/2,1))
            nt = vrtspec.shape[1]

# convert to spectral coeffs of psi, chi.

        psispec = _spherepack.invlap(vrtspec, self.rsphere)
        chispec = _spherepack.invlap(divspec, self.rsphere)

# inverse transform to grid.

        psigrid =  self.spectogrd(psispec)
        chigrid =  self.spectogrd(chispec)

        if idim == 2:
            return numpy.squeeze(psigrid), numpy.squeeze(chigrid)
            return psigrid, chigrid
Exemple #2
    def getpsichi(self, ugrid, vgrid, ntrunc=None):
 compute streamfunction and velocity potential on grid given vector wind.

 @param ugrid: rank 2 or 3 numpy float32 array containing grid of zonal
 winds.  Must have shape (nlat,nlon) or (nlat,nlon,nt), where nt is the number
 of grids to be transformed.  If ugrid is rank 2, nt is assumed to be 1.

 @param vgrid: rank 2 or 3 numpy float32 array containing grid of meridional
 winds.  Must have shape (nlat,nlon) or (nlat,nlon,nt), where nt is the number
 of grids to be transformed.  Both ugrid and vgrid must have the same shape.

 @keyword ntrunc:  optional spectral truncation limit.
 (default self.nlat-1)

 @return: C{B{psigrid, chigrid}} - rank 2 or 3 numpy float32 arrays
 of gridded streamfunction and velocity potential. Shapes are either
 (nlat,nlon) or (nlat,nlon,nt).

        # make sure ugrid,vgrid are rank 2 or 3 and same shape.

        idim = ugrid.ndim

        shapeu = ugrid.shape
        shapev = vgrid.shape

        if ntrunc is None:
            ntrunc = self.nlat - 1

        if shapeu != shapev:
            msg = 'getvrtdivspec input arrays must be same shape!'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if len(shapeu) != 2 and len(shapeu) != 3:
            msg = 'getvrtdivspec needs rank two or three arrays!'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if shapeu[0] != self.nlat or shapeu[1] != self.nlon:
            msg = 'getpsichi needs input arrays whose first two dimensions are si%d and %d, got %d and %d' % (
            raise ValueError(msg)

# check ntrunc.

        if ntrunc < 0 or ntrunc + 1 > ugrid.shape[0]:
            msg = 'ntrunc must be between 0 and %d' % (ugrid.shape[0] - 1, )
            raise ValueError(msg)

# compute spectral coeffs of vort, div.

        vrtspec, divspec = self.getvrtdivspec(ugrid, vgrid, ntrunc)

        # number of grids to compute.

        if len(vrtspec.shape) == 1:
            nt = 1
            vrtspec = numpy.reshape(vrtspec,
                                    ((ntrunc + 1) * (ntrunc + 2) // 2, 1))
            divspec = numpy.reshape(divspec,
                                    ((ntrunc + 1) * (ntrunc + 2) // 2, 1))
            nt = vrtspec.shape[1]

# convert to spectral coeffs of psi, chi.

        psispec = _spherepack.invlap(vrtspec, self.rsphere)
        chispec = _spherepack.invlap(divspec, self.rsphere)

        # inverse transform to grid.

        psigrid = self.spectogrd(psispec)
        chigrid = self.spectogrd(chispec)

        if idim == 2:
            return numpy.squeeze(psigrid), numpy.squeeze(chigrid)
            return psigrid, chigrid
def create_sfn_velpot_vortdiv(reanal):
    ds_U = netCDF4.Dataset(
    ds_VOR = netCDF4.Dataset(
    ds_DIV = netCDF4.Dataset(

    U = ds_U.variables['U']
    VOR = ds_VOR.variables['VORTICITY']
    DIV = ds_DIV.variables['DIVERGENCE']

    ntime, nlev, nlat, nlon = U.shape
    assert(U.shape == VOR.shape)
    assert(U.shape == DIV.shape)

    out_fh_1 = create_output_file(reanal, 'monthly',
                                       'HORIZ_SFN', 'm2 s-1',
                                       "Atmospheric Horizontal Streamfunction",
    out_fh_2 = create_output_file(reanal, 'monthly',
                                       'HORIZ_VEL_POT', 'm2 s-1',
                                       "Atmospheric Horizontal Streamfunction",
                                           :], noclobber=True,

    horiz_sfn = out_fh_1.variables['HORIZ_SFN']
    vel_pot = out_fh_2.variables['HORIZ_VEL_POT']
    time_1 = out_fh_1.variables['time']
    time_2 = out_fh_2.variables['time']

    lats = ds_U.variables['latitude'][:]
    lons = ds_U.variables['longitude'][:]

    # spharm requires grid to go from North to South
    # and from 0 to 360 positive
    # Some data can be from -180 to +180 but since a sphere is invariant under
    # rotations, that should be fine, as long as the direction is eastward.

    if lats[-1] > lats[0]:
        lats_increasing = True
        assert(np.allclose(np.linspace(-90, 90, nlat), lats, 1.E-5, 1.E-5))
        lats_increasing = False
        assert(np.allclose(np.linspace(90, -90, nlat), lats, 1.E-5, 1.E-5))
    if lons[-1] > lons[0]:
        lons_increasing = True
        lons_increasing = False

    # check if the grid is regular and increasing
    assert(lons[1]-lons[0] > 0.)
    assert(np.allclose(np.diff(lons), lons[1]-lons[0], 1.0E-4))

    psi = np.zeros(U[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)
    chi = np.zeros(U[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)

    # this could be written in a much faster way, but it's fast enough for now
    s = spharm.Spharmt(nlon=nlon, nlat=nlat)
    for itime in range(ntime):
        print("{0}/{1}".format(itime+1, ntime))

        time_1[itime] = ds_U.variables['time'][itime]
        time_2[itime] = ds_U.variables['time'][itime]

        vor_current = VOR[itime]
        div_current = DIV[itime]

        if type(vor_current) is np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
            vor_current = vor_current.filled(0.)
        if type(div_current) is np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
            div_current = div_current.filled(0.)

        if lats_increasing:
            vor_current = vor_current[:, ::-1, :]
            div_current = div_current[:, ::-1, :]
        if not lons_increasing:
            vor_current = vor_current[:, :, ::-1]
            div_current = div_current[:, :, ::-1]

        for ilev in range(nlev):

            vor_spec = s.grdtospec(vor_current[ilev])
            div_spec = s.grdtospec(div_current[ilev])

            psi_spec = _spherepack.invlap(vor_spec, s.rsphere)
            chi_spec = _spherepack.invlap(div_spec, s.rsphere)

            psi_current = np.squeeze(s.spectogrd(psi_spec))
            chi_current = np.squeeze(s.spectogrd(chi_spec))

                np.mean(psi_current), np.mean(chi_current)))

            psi[ilev] = psi_current
            chi[ilev] = chi_current

            assert(not (np.allclose(psi[ilev], chi[ilev], 1.0E-6, 1.0E-6)))

        if lats_increasing:
            psi = psi[:, ::-1, :]
            chi = chi[:, ::-1, :]
        if not lons_increasing:
            psi = psi[:, :, ::-1]
            chi = chi[:, :, ::-1]

        horiz_sfn[itime] = psi
        vel_pot[itime] = chi

    if itime % 10 == 0:

Exemple #4
def create_sfn_velpot_vortdiv(reanal):
    ds_U = netCDF4.Dataset('reanalysis_clean/{0}.monthly.U.nc'.format(reanal))
    ds_VOR = netCDF4.Dataset(
    ds_DIV = netCDF4.Dataset(

    U = ds_U.variables['U']
    VOR = ds_VOR.variables['VORTICITY']
    DIV = ds_DIV.variables['DIVERGENCE']

    ntime, nlev, nlat, nlon = U.shape
    assert (U.shape == VOR.shape)
    assert (U.shape == DIV.shape)

    out_fh_1 = create_output_file(reanal,
                                  'm2 s-1',
                                  "Atmospheric Horizontal Streamfunction",
    out_fh_2 = create_output_file(reanal,
                                  'm2 s-1',
                                  "Atmospheric Horizontal Streamfunction",

    horiz_sfn = out_fh_1.variables['HORIZ_SFN']
    vel_pot = out_fh_2.variables['HORIZ_VEL_POT']
    time_1 = out_fh_1.variables['time']
    time_2 = out_fh_2.variables['time']

    lats = ds_U.variables['latitude'][:]
    lons = ds_U.variables['longitude'][:]

    # spharm requires grid to go from North to South
    # and from 0 to 360 positive
    # Some data can be from -180 to +180 but since a sphere is invariant under
    # rotations, that should be fine, as long as the direction is eastward.

    if lats[-1] > lats[0]:
        lats_increasing = True
        assert (np.allclose(np.linspace(-90, 90, nlat), lats, 1.E-5, 1.E-5))
        lats_increasing = False
        assert (np.allclose(np.linspace(90, -90, nlat), lats, 1.E-5, 1.E-5))
    if lons[-1] > lons[0]:
        lons_increasing = True
        lons_increasing = False

    # check if the grid is regular and increasing
    assert (lons[1] - lons[0] > 0.)
    assert (np.allclose(np.diff(lons), lons[1] - lons[0], 1.0E-4))

    psi = np.zeros(U[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)
    chi = np.zeros(U[0].shape, dtype=np.float32)

    # this could be written in a much faster way, but it's fast enough for now
    s = spharm.Spharmt(nlon=nlon, nlat=nlat)
    for itime in range(ntime):
        print("{0}/{1}".format(itime + 1, ntime))

        time_1[itime] = ds_U.variables['time'][itime]
        time_2[itime] = ds_U.variables['time'][itime]

        vor_current = VOR[itime]
        div_current = DIV[itime]

        if type(vor_current) is np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
            vor_current = vor_current.filled(0.)
        if type(div_current) is np.ma.core.MaskedArray:
            div_current = div_current.filled(0.)

        if lats_increasing:
            vor_current = vor_current[:, ::-1, :]
            div_current = div_current[:, ::-1, :]
        if not lons_increasing:
            vor_current = vor_current[:, :, ::-1]
            div_current = div_current[:, :, ::-1]

        for ilev in range(nlev):
            print("\t{0}".format(ilev + 1))

            vor_spec = s.grdtospec(vor_current[ilev])
            div_spec = s.grdtospec(div_current[ilev])

            psi_spec = _spherepack.invlap(vor_spec, s.rsphere)
            chi_spec = _spherepack.invlap(div_spec, s.rsphere)

            psi_current = np.squeeze(s.spectogrd(psi_spec))
            chi_current = np.squeeze(s.spectogrd(chi_spec))


            psi[ilev] = psi_current
            chi[ilev] = chi_current

            assert (not (np.allclose(psi[ilev], chi[ilev], 1.0E-6, 1.0E-6)))

        if lats_increasing:
            psi = psi[:, ::-1, :]
            chi = chi[:, ::-1, :]
        if not lons_increasing:
            psi = psi[:, :, ::-1]
            chi = chi[:, :, ::-1]

        horiz_sfn[itime] = psi
        vel_pot[itime] = chi

    if itime % 10 == 0:
