def downloadPackage(self ): if( not system.isOnNao() ): print( "ERR: LifeData.downloadPackage: must be executed on a real Nao!" ); return false; filetools.makedirsQuiet( self.strDownloadedPath ); ut = naoqitools.myGetProxy( "UsageTools" ); # ut.setDebugMode( True ); nettools.getHtmlPage( self.getRemotePath() + "metadata.xml", bWaitAnswer = True, rTimeOutForAnswerInSec = 0, strSaveAs = self.strDownloadedPath + "metadata.xml" ); nettools.getHtmlPage( self.getRemotePath() + "", bWaitAnswer = True, rTimeOutForAnswerInSec = 0, strSaveAs = self.strDownloadedPath + "", bTryToUseCpp = False ); # notre bibliotheque cpp ne gere pas les si gros fichiers, pfff...
def downloadPackage(self): if (not system.isOnNao()): print( "ERR: LifeData.downloadPackage: must be executed on a real Nao!" ) return false filetools.makedirsQuiet(self.strDownloadedPath) ut = naoqitools.myGetProxy("UsageTools") # ut.setDebugMode( True ); nettools.getHtmlPage(self.getRemotePath() + "metadata.xml", bWaitAnswer=True, rTimeOutForAnswerInSec=0, strSaveAs=self.strDownloadedPath + "metadata.xml") nettools.getHtmlPage(self.getRemotePath() + "", bWaitAnswer=True, rTimeOutForAnswerInSec=0, strSaveAs=self.strDownloadedPath + "", bTryToUseCpp=False)
def generatePackage(self, strNaoqiVersion, bRegenerateTempFolder=True, bRegenerateZip=True, bForBehavior=False): "generate the big archive containing all the life data" "return true if ok" "bForBehavior: to be used as ressources of a choregraphe project" print("INF: LifeData.generatePackage( strNaoqiVersion = '%s' )" % strNaoqiVersion) if (system.isOnNao()): print( "ERR: LifeData.generatePackage: must be executed on a computer within the git folder!" ) return false if (not bForBehavior): strTempPath = self.path + 'temp_life_data/' else: strTempPath = self.path + 'temp_life_data_light/' if (bRegenerateTempFolder): filetools.removeDirsQuiet(strTempPath) filetools.makedirsQuiet(strTempPath) # python script strObjPath = strTempPath + "python/" filetools.makedirsQuiet(strObjPath) filetools.copyDirectory(self.gitPath + "appu_shared/sdk/abcdk/", strObjPath + 'abcdk/', '.pyc') filetools.copyFile(self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '') filetools.copyFile(self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '') filetools.copyFile(self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '') filetools.copyFile(self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '') filetools.copyFile( self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '') filetools.copyFile(self.path + "", strObjPath + '') # update version: if (bForBehavior): strFilename = strObjPath + '' rVersion = self.getFileVersion(strFilename) rVersionLight = rVersion - 0.001 strSkul = "rLifeDataVersionNumber = %g;" filetools.replaceInFile(strSkul % rVersion, strSkul % rVersionLight, strFilename) # main behaviors (exported to xar) strExportScript = self.gitPath + "appu_shared/scripts/python/" print("INF: LifeData.generatePackage: launching script '%s'" % strExportScript) os.system("python " + strExportScript + " " + ".." + " " + "autonomous2") strObjPath = strTempPath + "main_behaviors/autonomous2/" filetools.copyDirectory(self.path + "./exported/autonomous2/", strObjPath) os.system("python " + strExportScript + " " + self.gitPath + "appu_applications/beta_menu" + " " + "beta_menu2") strObjPath = strTempPath + "main_behaviors/beta_menu2/" filetools.copyDirectory(self.path + "./exported/beta_menu2/", strObjPath) filetools.removeDirsQuiet(self.path + "exported/") # sub behaviors strObjPath = strTempPath + "behaviors/" filetools.copyDirectory(self.path + "../behaviors/", strObjPath) os.unlink( strObjPath + "standing/Pour regles de lancement des histoires, on met des heures afin de les ventiler dans le temps, le top serait selon les jours, mais comme mes demos sont souvent le lundi.txt" ) # wait_anim strObjPath = strTempPath + "wait_anim/" strSrcPath = self.path + "../wait_anim/" # first export'em if (True): strPathBackup = os.getcwd() os.chdir(strSrcPath) os.system("") os.chdir(strPathBackup) filetools.copyDirectory(strSrcPath + 'exported/', strObjPath) # modules strObjPath = strTempPath + "modules" bRet = filetools.copyDirectory( self.gitPath + "appu_modules/buildcc/%s/" % strNaoqiVersion, strObjPath) if (not bRet): print( "ERR: LifeData.generatePackage: compiled module not found for the version of naoqi: '%s'" % strNaoqiVersion) return False # preferences filetools.copyFile( self.gitPath + "appu_modules/src/autonomous/ALLife_sample.xml", strObjPath + "/ALLife_sample.xml") # naolibrary strObjPath = strTempPath + "naolibrary/" filetools.copyDirectory( self.gitPath + "appu_shared/library/naolibrary/", strObjPath) # scripts strObjPath = strTempPath + "scripts/" filetools.copyDirectory(self.path + "../scripts/", strObjPath) # bin strObjPath = strTempPath + "bin/" bRet = filetools.copyDirectory( self.gitPath + "appu_shared/scripts/cpp/buildcc/%s/lib" % strNaoqiVersion, strObjPath) if (not bRet): print( "ERR: LifeData.generatePackage: compiled binary (watchdog or ...) not found for the version of naoqi: '%s'" % strNaoqiVersion) return False # sounds if (not bForBehavior): strObjPath = strTempPath + "wav/" filetools.copyDirectory(self.gitPath + "appu_data/sounds/", strObjPath) strReleasePath = self.path + '/release/' if (not bForBehavior): filetools.removeDirsQuiet(strReleasePath) # light suppose you want to keep a previous generated filetools.makedirsQuiet(strReleasePath) strZipName = "" if (bForBehavior): strZipName = "" if (bRegenerateZip): # Create the big zip zf = zipfile.ZipFile(strReleasePath + strZipName, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) # zf.write( 'temp/behaviors/metadata_samples.xml', 'behaviors/metadata_samples.xml' ); filetools.addFolderToZip(zf, strTempPath) zf.close() if (not self.testPackage(strReleasePath + strZipName)): print("ERR: package '%s' is corrupted" % (strReleasePath + strZipName)) return False # copy metadata bRet = filetools.copyFile(self.path + "life_data__metadata.xml", strReleasePath + "metadata.xml") # copy minimal file to the project ressource strProjectPath = self.path + "install_life_behavior/ressources/" filetools.makedirsQuiet(strProjectPath) bRet &= filetools.copyFile(strTempPath + "python/" + "", strProjectPath + "") # copy from temp, so that it has a patched version number (when light) bRet &= filetools.copyDirectory(strTempPath + "python/abcdk", strProjectPath + "abcdk/") if (bForBehavior): bRet &= filetools.copyFile(strReleasePath + strZipName, strProjectPath + strZipName) return bRet
bRet = filetools.extractFolderFromZip(zf, aTableListPath) zf.close() # install preferences strALLifeSrc = strHome + "Applications/autonomous/modules/ALLife_sample.xml" strALLifeDst = strHome + "naoqi/preferences/ALLife.xml" if (not filetools.isFileExists(strALLifeDst)): try: bRet &= filetools.copyFile(strALLifeSrc, strALLifeDst) except BaseException, err: print( "ERR: life_data.installPackage: copyfile %s => %s, err: %s" % (strALLifeSrc, strALLifeDst, str(err))) # on continue la ou pas ? # install patch for launch module from every path filetools.makedirsQuiet(strHome + "naoqi/lib/naoqi/lib/") try: strFile = strHome + 'Applications/autonomous/modules/bin/usageremote' nCurrentMode = os.stat(strFile)[stat.ST_MODE] nNewMode = nCurrentMode | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IEXEC os.chmod(strFile, nNewMode) except BaseException, err: print("ERR: LifeData.installPackage: chmod error: " + str(err)) return bRet # installPackage - end def downloadPackage(self): if (not system.isOnNao()): print( "ERR: LifeData.downloadPackage: must be executed on a real Nao!"
def generatePackage( self, strNaoqiVersion, bRegenerateTempFolder = True, bRegenerateZip = True, bForBehavior = False ): "generate the big archive containing all the life data" "return true if ok" "bForBehavior: to be used as ressources of a choregraphe project" print( "INF: LifeData.generatePackage( strNaoqiVersion = '%s' )" % strNaoqiVersion ); if( system.isOnNao() ): print( "ERR: LifeData.generatePackage: must be executed on a computer within the git folder!" ); return false; if( not bForBehavior ): strTempPath = self.path + 'temp_life_data/'; else: strTempPath = self.path + 'temp_life_data_light/'; if( bRegenerateTempFolder ): filetools.removeDirsQuiet( strTempPath ); filetools.makedirsQuiet( strTempPath ); # python script strObjPath = strTempPath + "python/"; filetools.makedirsQuiet( strObjPath ); filetools.copyDirectory( self.gitPath + "appu_shared/sdk/abcdk/", strObjPath + 'abcdk/', '.pyc' ); filetools.copyFile( self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '' ); filetools.copyFile( self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '' ); filetools.copyFile( self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '' ); filetools.copyFile( self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '' ); filetools.copyFile( self.gitPath + "appu_work/", strObjPath + '' ); filetools.copyFile( self.path + "", strObjPath + '' ); # update version: if( bForBehavior ): strFilename = strObjPath + ''; rVersion = self.getFileVersion( strFilename ); rVersionLight = rVersion - 0.001; strSkul = "rLifeDataVersionNumber = %g;"; filetools.replaceInFile( strSkul % rVersion, strSkul % rVersionLight, strFilename ); # main behaviors (exported to xar) strExportScript = self.gitPath + "appu_shared/scripts/python/"; print( "INF: LifeData.generatePackage: launching script '%s'" % strExportScript ); os.system( "python " + strExportScript + " " + ".." + " " + "autonomous2" ); strObjPath = strTempPath + "main_behaviors/autonomous2/"; filetools.copyDirectory( self.path + "./exported/autonomous2/", strObjPath ); os.system( "python " + strExportScript + " " + self.gitPath + "appu_applications/beta_menu" + " " + "beta_menu2" ); strObjPath = strTempPath + "main_behaviors/beta_menu2/"; filetools.copyDirectory( self.path + "./exported/beta_menu2/", strObjPath ); filetools.removeDirsQuiet( self.path + "exported/" ); # sub behaviors strObjPath = strTempPath + "behaviors/"; filetools.copyDirectory( self.path + "../behaviors/", strObjPath ); os.unlink( strObjPath + "standing/Pour regles de lancement des histoires, on met des heures afin de les ventiler dans le temps, le top serait selon les jours, mais comme mes demos sont souvent le lundi.txt" ); # wait_anim strObjPath = strTempPath + "wait_anim/"; strSrcPath = self.path + "../wait_anim/"; # first export'em if( True ): strPathBackup = os.getcwd(); os.chdir( strSrcPath ); os.system( "" ); os.chdir( strPathBackup ); filetools.copyDirectory( strSrcPath + 'exported/', strObjPath ); # modules strObjPath = strTempPath + "modules"; bRet = filetools.copyDirectory( self.gitPath + "appu_modules/buildcc/%s/" % strNaoqiVersion, strObjPath ); if( not bRet ): print( "ERR: LifeData.generatePackage: compiled module not found for the version of naoqi: '%s'" % strNaoqiVersion ); return False; # preferences filetools.copyFile( self.gitPath + "appu_modules/src/autonomous/ALLife_sample.xml", strObjPath + "/ALLife_sample.xml" ); # naolibrary strObjPath = strTempPath + "naolibrary/"; filetools.copyDirectory( self.gitPath + "appu_shared/library/naolibrary/", strObjPath ); # scripts strObjPath = strTempPath + "scripts/"; filetools.copyDirectory( self.path + "../scripts/", strObjPath ); # bin strObjPath = strTempPath + "bin/"; bRet = filetools.copyDirectory( self.gitPath + "appu_shared/scripts/cpp/buildcc/%s/lib" % strNaoqiVersion, strObjPath ); if( not bRet ): print( "ERR: LifeData.generatePackage: compiled binary (watchdog or ...) not found for the version of naoqi: '%s'" % strNaoqiVersion ); return False; # sounds if( not bForBehavior ): strObjPath = strTempPath + "wav/"; filetools.copyDirectory( self.gitPath + "appu_data/sounds/", strObjPath ); strReleasePath = self.path + '/release/'; if( not bForBehavior ): filetools.removeDirsQuiet( strReleasePath ); # light suppose you want to keep a previous generated filetools.makedirsQuiet( strReleasePath ); strZipName = ""; if( bForBehavior ): strZipName = ""; if( bRegenerateZip ): # Create the big zip zf = zipfile.ZipFile( strReleasePath + strZipName, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED ); # zf.write( 'temp/behaviors/metadata_samples.xml', 'behaviors/metadata_samples.xml' ); filetools.addFolderToZip( zf, strTempPath ); zf.close(); if( not self.testPackage( strReleasePath + strZipName ) ): print( "ERR: package '%s' is corrupted" % (strReleasePath + strZipName) ); return False; # copy metadata bRet = filetools.copyFile( self.path + "life_data__metadata.xml", strReleasePath + "metadata.xml" ); # copy minimal file to the project ressource strProjectPath = self.path + "install_life_behavior/ressources/" ; filetools.makedirsQuiet( strProjectPath ); bRet &= filetools.copyFile( strTempPath + "python/" + "", strProjectPath + "" ); # copy from temp, so that it has a patched version number (when light) bRet &= filetools.copyDirectory( strTempPath + "python/abcdk", strProjectPath + "abcdk/" ); if( bForBehavior ): bRet &= filetools.copyFile( strReleasePath + strZipName, strProjectPath + strZipName ); return bRet;
os.system( "killall usageremote" ); bRet = filetools.extractFolderFromZip( zf, aTableListPath ); zf.close(); # install preferences strALLifeSrc = strHome + "Applications/autonomous/modules/ALLife_sample.xml"; strALLifeDst = strHome + "naoqi/preferences/ALLife.xml"; if( not filetools.isFileExists( strALLifeDst ) ): try: bRet &= filetools.copyFile( strALLifeSrc, strALLifeDst ); except BaseException, err: print( "ERR: life_data.installPackage: copyfile %s => %s, err: %s" % ( strALLifeSrc, strALLifeDst, str( err ) ) ); # on continue la ou pas ? # install patch for launch module from every path filetools.makedirsQuiet( strHome + "naoqi/lib/naoqi/lib/" ); try: strFile = strHome + 'Applications/autonomous/modules/bin/usageremote'; nCurrentMode = os.stat(strFile)[stat.ST_MODE]; nNewMode = nCurrentMode | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IEXEC; os.chmod( strFile, nNewMode ); except BaseException, err: print( "ERR: LifeData.installPackage: chmod error: " + str( err ) ); return bRet; # installPackage - end def downloadPackage(self ): if( not system.isOnNao() ): print( "ERR: LifeData.downloadPackage: must be executed on a real Nao!" ); return false; filetools.makedirsQuiet( self.strDownloadedPath );