Exemple #1
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip):
        c = Comment(body = body,
                    link_id = link._id,
                    sr_id = link.sr_id,
                    author_id = author._id,
                    ip = ip)

        c._spam = author._spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id


        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        to = None
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id)
        elif link.is_self:
            to = Account._byID(link.author_id)

        inbox_rel = None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        if to and (not c._spam or to.name in g.admins):
            inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, 'inbox')

        return (c, inbox_rel)
Exemple #2
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip):
        from r2.lib.db.queries import changed

        c = Comment(_ups=1, body=body, link_id=link._id, sr_id=link.sr_id, author_id=author._id, ip=ip)

        c._spam = author._spam

        # these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id

        link._incr("num_comments", 1)

        to = None
        name = "inbox"
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id, True)
        elif link.is_self and not link.noselfreply:
            to = Account._byID(link.author_id, True)
            name = "selfreply"


        changed(link, True)  # only the number of comments has changed

        inbox_rel = None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        if to and (not c._spam or to.name in g.admins):
            inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, name)

        return (c, inbox_rel)
Exemple #3
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip):
        c = Comment(_ups=1,

        c._spam = author._spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id

        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        to = None
        name = 'inbox'
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id)
        elif link.is_self:
            to = Account._byID(link.author_id)
            name = 'selfreply'


        inbox_rel = None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        if to and (not c._spam or to.name in g.admins):
            inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, name)

        return (c, inbox_rel)
Exemple #4
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip,criticism=False):
        from r2.lib.db.queries import changed

        #We're turing it off for now...
        criticism = False
        c = Comment(_ups = 1,
                    body = body,
                    link_id = link._id,
                    sr_id = link.sr_id,
                    author_id = author._id,
                    ip = ip)

        c._spam = author._spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id

	#should increment based on crit flag
	#Each should contain the root author and its id, problem is the id isn't created yet if we're the root so have to be clever
	if criticism:
		if parent:
			if parent.rootid:
        	link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        to = None
        name = 'inbox'
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id, True)
        elif link.is_self and not link.noselfreply:
            to = Account._byID(link.author_id, True)
            name = 'selfreply'


        changed(link, True)  # link's number of comments changed

        inbox_rel = None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        # Don't send the message if the recipient has blocked
        # the author
        if to and ((not c._spam and author._id not in to.enemies)
            or to.name in g.admins):
            # When replying to your own comment, record the inbox
            # relation, but don't give yourself an orangered
            orangered = (to.name != author.name)
            inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, name, orangered=orangered)

        return (c, inbox_rel)
Exemple #5
    def get_important_friends(cls, user_id, max_lookup=500, limit=100):
        a = Account._byID(user_id, data=True)
        # friends are returned chronologically by date, so pick the end of the list
        # for the most recent additions
        friends = Account._byID(a.friends[-max_lookup:], return_dict=False, data=True)

        # if we don't have a last visit for your friends, we don't care about them
        friends = [x for x in friends if hasattr(x, "last_visit")]

        # sort friends by most recent interactions
        friends.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, "last_visit"), reverse=True)
        return [x._id for x in friends[:limit]]
Exemple #6
    def get_important_friends(cls, user_id, max_lookup = 500, limit = 100):
        a = Account._byID(user_id, data = True)
        # friends are returned chronologically by date, so pick the end of the list
        # for the most recent additions
        friends = Account._byID(a.friends[-max_lookup:], return_dict = False,
                                data = True)

        # if we don't have a last visit for your friends, we don't care about them
        friends = [x for x in friends if hasattr(x, "last_visit")]

        # sort friends by most recent interactions
        friends.sort(key = lambda x: getattr(x, "last_visit"), reverse = True)
        return [x._id for x in friends[:limit]]
Exemple #7
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip, spam = False):
        c = Comment(body = body,
                    link_id = link._id,
                    sr_id = link.sr_id,
                    author_id = author._id,
                    ip = ip)

        c._spam = spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id


        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        inbox_rel = None
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id)
            # only global admins can be message spammed.
            if not c._spam or to.name in g.admins:
                inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, 'inbox')

        #clear that chache
        clear_memo('builder.link_comments2', link._id)

        return (c, inbox_rel)
Exemple #8
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip, spam = False):
        c = Comment(body = body,
                    link_id = link._id,
                    sr_id = link.sr_id,
                    author_id = author._id,
                    ip = ip)

        c._spam = spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id


        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id)
            i = Inbox._add(to, c, 'inbox')

        #clear that chache
        clear_memo('builder.link_comments2', link._id)
        from admintools import admintools
        utils.worker.do(lambda: admintools.add_thing(c))

        return c
Exemple #9
    def get_links(self, sort, time):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        from r2.models import Link
        from r2.controllers.errors import UserRequiredException

        if not c.user_is_loggedin:
            raise UserRequiredException

        friends = self.get_important_friends(c.user._id)

        if not friends:
            return []

        if g.use_query_cache:
            # with the precomputer enabled, this Subreddit only supports
            # being sorted by 'new'. it would be nice to have a
            # cleaner UI than just blatantly ignoring their sort,
            # though
            sort = 'new'
            time = 'all'

            friends = Account._byID(friends, return_dict=False)

            crs = [queries.get_submitted(friend, sort, time)
                   for friend in friends]
            return queries.MergedCachedResults(crs)

            q = Link._query(Link.c.author_id == friends,
                            sort = queries.db_sort(sort),
                            data = True)
            if time != 'all':
            return q
Exemple #10
    def accept(cls, r, correct=True):
        ''' sets the various reporting fields, but does nothing to
        the corresponding spam fields (handled by unreport)'''
        amount = 1 if correct else -1
        oldamount = int(r._name)

        # do nothing if nothing has changed
        if amount == oldamount: return

        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        # update the user who made the report
        r._thing1._incr('report_correct', up_change)
        r._thing1._incr('report_ignored', down_change)

        # update the amount
        cls.set_amount(r, amount)

        # update the thing's number of reports only if we made no
        # decision prior to this
        if oldamount == 0:
            # update the author and thing field
            if getattr(r._thing2, Report._field) > 0:
                r._thing2._incr(Report._field, -1)
            if hasattr(r._thing2, "author_id"):
                aid = r._thing2.author_id
                author = Account._byID(aid)
                if getattr(author, Report._field) > 0:
                    author._incr(Report._field, -1)

            admintools.report(r._thing2, -1)
Exemple #11
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        Link.add_props(user, wrapped)

            if c.user_is_sponsor:
                promoted_by_ids = set(x.promoted_by
                                      for x in wrapped
                                      if hasattr(x,'promoted_by'))
                promoted_by_accounts = Account._byID(promoted_by_ids,
                promoted_by_accounts = {}

        except NotFound:
            # since this is just cosmetic, we can skip it altogether
            # if one isn't found or is broken
            promoted_by_accounts = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            # these are potentially paid for placement
            item.nofollow = True
            if item.promoted_by in promoted_by_accounts:
                item.promoted_by_name = promoted_by_accounts[item.promoted_by].name
                # keep the template from trying to read it
                item.promoted_by = None
Exemple #12
    def get_all_comments(self):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        from r2.models import Comment
        from r2.controllers.errors import UserRequiredException

        if not c.user_is_loggedin:
            raise UserRequiredException

        friends = self.get_important_friends(c.user._id)

        if not friends:
            return []

        if g.use_query_cache:
            # with the precomputer enabled, this Subreddit only supports
            # being sorted by 'new'. it would be nice to have a
            # cleaner UI than just blatantly ignoring their sort,
            # though
            sort = 'new'
            time = 'all'

            friends = Account._byID(friends, return_dict=False)

            crs = [
                queries.get_comments(friend, sort, time) for friend in friends
            return queries.MergedCachedResults(crs)

            q = Comment._query(Comment.c.author_id == friends,
            return q
Exemple #13
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        #fetch parent links
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped), True)

        #get srs for comments that don't have them (old comments)
        for cm in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(cm, 'sr_id'):
                cm.sr_id = links[cm.link_id].sr_id
        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(cm.sr_id for cm in wrapped),
        can_reply_srs = set(s._id for s in subreddits if s.can_comment(user))

        min_score = c.user.pref_min_comment_score

        cids = dict((w._id, w) for w in wrapped)

        for item in wrapped:
            item.link = links.get(item.link_id)
            if not hasattr(item, 'subreddit'):
                item.subreddit = item.subreddit_slow
            if hasattr(item, 'parent_id'):
                parent = Comment._byID(item.parent_id, data=True)
                parent_author = Account._byID(parent.author_id, data=True)
                item.parent_author = parent_author

                if not c.full_comment_listing and cids.has_key(item.parent_id):
                    item.parent_permalink = '#' + utils.to36(item.parent_id)
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_anchored_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)
                item.parent_permalink = None
                item.parent_author = None

            item.can_reply = (item.sr_id in can_reply_srs)

            # Don't allow users to vote on their own comments
            item.votable = bool(c.user != item.author)

            # not deleted on profile pages,
            # deleted if spam and not author or admin
            item.deleted = (not c.profilepage and
                           (item._deleted or
                            (item._spam and
                             item.author != c.user and
                             not item.show_spam)))

            # don't collapse for admins, on profile pages, or if deleted
            item.collapsed = ((item.score < min_score) and
                             not (c.profilepage or
                                  item.deleted or
            if not hasattr(item,'editted'):
                item.editted = False
            #will get updated in builder
            item.num_children = 0
            item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)
Exemple #14
    def get_all_comments(self):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        from r2.models import Comment
        from r2.controllers.errors import UserRequiredException

        if not c.user_is_loggedin:
            raise UserRequiredException

        friends = self.get_important_friends(c.user._id)

        if not friends:
            return []

        if g.use_query_cache:
            # with the precomputer enabled, this Subreddit only supports
            # being sorted by 'new'. it would be nice to have a
            # cleaner UI than just blatantly ignoring their sort,
            # though
            sort = "new"
            time = "all"

            friends = Account._byID(friends, return_dict=False)

            crs = [queries.get_comments(friend, sort, time) for friend in friends]
            return queries.MergedCachedResults(crs)

            q = Comment._query(Comment.c.author_id == friends, sort=desc("_date"), data=True)
            return q
Exemple #15
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        #fetch parent links
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped), True)

        #get srs for comments that don't have them (old comments)
        for cm in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(cm, 'sr_id'):
                cm.sr_id = links[cm.link_id].sr_id

        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(cm.sr_id for cm in wrapped),
        can_reply_srs = set(s._id for s in subreddits if s.can_comment(user))

        min_score = c.user.pref_min_comment_score

        cids = dict((w._id, w) for w in wrapped)

        for item in wrapped:
            item.link = links.get(item.link_id)
            if not hasattr(item, 'subreddit'):
                item.subreddit = item.subreddit_slow
            if hasattr(item, 'parent_id'):
                parent = Comment._byID(item.parent_id, data=True)
                parent_author = Account._byID(parent.author_id, data=True)
                item.parent_author = parent_author

                if not c.full_comment_listing and cids.has_key(item.parent_id):
                    item.parent_permalink = '#' + utils.to36(item.parent_id)
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_anchored_permalink(
                        item.link, item.subreddit)
                item.parent_permalink = None
                item.parent_author = None

            item.can_reply = (item.sr_id in can_reply_srs)

            # Don't allow users to vote on their own comments
            item.votable = bool(c.user != item.author and not item.retracted)

            # not deleted on profile pages,
            # deleted if spam and not author or admin
            item.deleted = (not c.profilepage
                            and (item._deleted or
                                 (item._spam and item.author != c.user
                                  and not item.show_spam)))

            # don't collapse for admins, on profile pages, or if deleted
            item.collapsed = (
                (item.score < min_score)
                and not (c.profilepage or item.deleted or c.user_is_admin))

            if not hasattr(item, 'editted'):
                item.editted = False
            #will get updated in builder
            item.num_children = 0
            item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)
            item.can_be_deleted = item.can_delete()
Exemple #16
    def accept(cls, r, correct = True):
        ''' sets the various reporting fields, but does nothing to
        the corresponding spam fields (handled by unreport)'''
        amount = 1 if correct else -1
        oldamount = int(r._name)

        # do nothing if nothing has changed
        if amount == oldamount: return

        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)
        # update the user who made the report
        r._thing1._incr('report_correct', up_change)
        r._thing1._incr('report_ignored', down_change)

        # update the amount
        cls.set_amount(r, amount)

        # update the thing's number of reports only if we made no
        # decision prior to this
        if oldamount == 0:
            # update the author and thing field
            if getattr(r._thing2, Report._field) > 0:
                r._thing2._incr(Report._field, -1)
            aid = r._thing2.author_id
            author = Account._byID(aid)
            if getattr(author, Report._field) > 0:
                author._incr(Report._field, -1)

            admintools.report(r._thing2, -1)
Exemple #17
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        Link.add_props(user, wrapped)

            if c.user_is_sponsor:
                promoted_by_ids = set(x.promoted_by for x in wrapped
                                      if hasattr(x, 'promoted_by'))
                promoted_by_accounts = Account._byID(promoted_by_ids,
                promoted_by_accounts = {}

        except NotFound:
            # since this is just cosmetic, we can skip it altogether
            # if one isn't found or is broken
            promoted_by_accounts = {}

        for item in wrapped:
            # these are potentially paid for placement
            item.nofollow = True
            if item.promoted_by in promoted_by_accounts:
                item.promoted_by_name = promoted_by_accounts[
                # keep the template from trying to read it
                item.promoted_by = None
Exemple #18
 def make_permalink_title(self, link):
     author = Account._byID(self.author_id, data=True).name
     params = {
         'author': _force_unicode(author),
         'title': _force_unicode(link.title),
         'site': c.site.title
     return strings.permalink_title % params
Exemple #19
    def _send_post_notifications(self, link, comment, parent):
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id)
            if not link.notify_on_comment:
                return None
            elif comment.author_id != link.author_id:
                # Send notification if the comment wasn't by the link author
                to = Account._byID(link.author_id)
                return None

        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        if self._spam and to.name not in g.admins:
            return None

        return Inbox._add(to, self, 'inbox')
Exemple #20
    def _send_post_notifications(self, link, comment, parent):
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id)
            if not link.notify_on_comment:
                return None
            elif comment.author_id != link.author_id:
                # Send notification if the comment wasn't by the link author
                to = Account._byID(link.author_id)
                return None

        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        if self._spam and to.name not in g.admins:
            return None

        return Inbox._add(to, self, 'inbox')
Exemple #21
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip):
        from r2.lib.db.queries import changed

        c = Comment(_ups=1,

        c._spam = author._spam

        if author._spam:

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id

        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        to = None
        name = 'inbox'
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id, True)
        elif link.is_self and not link.noselfreply:
            to = Account._byID(link.author_id, True)
            name = 'selfreply'


        changed(link, True)  # link's number of comments changed

        inbox_rel = None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        # Don't send the message if the recipient has blocked
        # the author
        if to and ((not c._spam and author._id not in to.enemies)
            or to.name in g.admins):
            # When replying to your own comment, record the inbox
            # relation, but don't give yourself an orangered
            orangered = (to.name != author.name)
            inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, name, orangered=orangered)

        return (c, inbox_rel)
Exemple #22
    def get_reported_authors(cls, time = None, sort = None):
        reports = {}
        for t_cls in (Link, Comment, Message):
            q = t_cls._query(t_cls.c._spam == False,
                             t_cls.c.reported > 0,
                             data = True)
            q._sort = desc("_date")
            if time:
            reports.update(Report.reported(things = list(q), amount = 0))

        # at this point, we have a full list of reports made on the interval specified
        # build up an author to report list
        authors = Account._byID([k[1].author_id 
                                 for k, v in reports.iteritems()],
                                data = True) if reports else []

        # and build up a report on each author
        author_rep = {}
        for (tattler, thing, amount), r in reports.iteritems():
            aid = thing.author_id
            if not author_rep.get(aid):
                author_rep[aid] = Storage(author = authors[aid])
                author_rep[aid].num_reports = 1
                author_rep[aid].acct_correct = tattler.report_correct
                author_rep[aid].acct_wrong = tattler.report_ignored
                author_rep[aid].most_recent = r._date
                author_rep[aid].reporters = set([tattler])
                author_rep[aid].num_reports += 1
                author_rep[aid].acct_correct += tattler.report_correct
                author_rep[aid].acct_wrong += tattler.report_ignored
                if author_rep[aid].most_recent < r._date:
                    author_rep[aid].most_recent = r._date
        authors = author_rep.values()
        if sort == "hot":
            def report_hotness(a):
                return a.acct_correct / max(a.acct_wrong + a.acct_correct,1)
            def better_reporter(a, b):
                q = report_hotness(b) - report_hotness(a)
                if q == 0:
                    return b.acct_correct - a.acct_correct
                    return 1 if q > 0 else -1
        if sort == "top":
            authors.sort(lambda x, y: y.num_reports - x.num_reports)
        elif sort == "new":
            def newer_reporter(a, b):
                t = b.most_recent - a.most_recent
                t0 = datetime.timedelta(0)
                return 1 if t > t0 else -1 if t < t0 else 0
        return authors
Exemple #23
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, spam=False, organic=False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts

        sr = obj.subreddit_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

        is_self_link = kind == "link" and hasattr(obj, "is_self") and obj.is_self

        # check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = list(rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == sub._id, rel.c._thing2_id == obj._id, data=True))

        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        # old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            # these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing
            v.valid_thing = valid_thing(v, karma) and v.valid_thing and not spam
            v.valid_user = v.valid_user and v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
        # new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.author_id = obj.author_id
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = valid_thing(v, karma) and not spam
            v.valid_user = v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma) and not is_self_link
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic


        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        # update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == "link":
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        return v
Exemple #24
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip):
        from r2.lib.db.queries import changed

        c = Comment(_ups=1,

        c._spam = author._spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id

        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        to = None
        name = 'inbox'
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id, True)
        elif link.is_self and not link.noselfreply:
            to = Account._byID(link.author_id, True)
            name = 'selfreply'


        changed(link, True)  # link's number of comments changed

        inbox_rel = None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        # Don't send the message if the recipient has blocked
        # the author
        if to and ((not c._spam and author._id not in to.enemies)
                   or to.name in g.admins):
            # When replying to your own comment, record the inbox
            # relation, but don't give yourself an orangered
            orangered = (to.name != author.name)
            inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, name, orangered=orangered)

        return (c, inbox_rel)
Exemple #25
 def export_row(self, aliases):
     userid = self._thing1_id
     pollid = self._thing2_id
     if hasattr(self, 'anonymous') and self.anonymous:
         if not userid in aliases:
             aliases[userid] = aliases['next_alias']
             aliases['next_alias'] = aliases['next_alias'] + 1
         username = aliases[userid]
         username = Account._byID(userid, data = True).name
     return "\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\"".format(username, pollid, self.response, self.date)
Exemple #26
    def get_reporters(cls, time=None, sort=None):
        query = cls._query(cls.c._name == '0',
        if time:
        query._sort = desc("_date")

        account_dict = {}
        min_report_time = {}
        for r in query:
            account_dict[r._thing1_id] = account_dict.get(r._thing1_id, 0) + 1
            if min_report_time.get(r._thing1_id):
                min_report_time[r._thing1_id] = min(
                    min_report_time[r._thing1_id], r._date)
                min_report_time[r._thing1_id] = r._date

        # grab users in chunks of 50
        c_size = 50
        accounts = account_dict.keys()
        accounts = [
            Account._byID(accounts[i:i + c_size], return_dict=False, data=True)
            for i in xrange(0, len(accounts), c_size)
        accts = []
        for a in accounts:

        if sort == "hot" or sort == "top":

            def report_hotness(a):
                return a.report_correct / max(
                    a.report_ignored + a.report_correct, 1)

            def better_reporter(a, b):
                q = report_hotness(b) - report_hotness(a)
                if q == 0:
                    return b.report_correct - a.report_correct
                    return 1 if q > 0 else -1

        elif sort == "new":

            def newer_reporter(a, b):
                t = (min_report_time[b._id] - min_report_time[a._id])
                t0 = datetime.timedelta(0)
                return 1 if t > t0 else -1 if t < t0 else 0


        return accts
Exemple #27
 def export_row(self, aliases):
     userid = self._thing1_id
     pollid = self._thing2_id
     if hasattr(self, 'anonymous') and self.anonymous:
         if not userid in aliases:
             aliases[userid] = aliases['next_alias']
             aliases['next_alias'] = aliases['next_alias'] + 1
         username = aliases[userid]
         username = Account._byID(userid, data=True).name
     return "\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\"".format(
         username, pollid, self.response, self.date)
Exemple #28
    def _add(cls, sr, obj, *a, **kw):
        i = ModeratorInbox(sr, obj, *a, **kw)
        i.new = True

        if not sr._loaded:

        moderators = Account._byID(sr.moderator_ids(), data=True, return_dict=False)
        for m in moderators:
            if obj.author_id != m._id and not getattr(m, "modmsgtime", None):
                m.modmsgtime = obj._date

        return i
Exemple #29
    def _add(cls, sr, obj, *a, **kw):
        i = ModeratorInbox(sr, obj, *a, **kw)
        i.new = True

        if not sr._loaded:

        moderators = Account._byID(sr.moderator_ids(), return_dict=False)
        for m in moderators:
            if obj.author_id != m._id and not getattr(m, 'modmsgtime', None):
                m.modmsgtime = obj._date

        return i
Exemple #30
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip):
        from r2.lib.db.queries import changed

        c = Comment(_ups = 1,
                    body = body,
                    link_id = link._id,
                    sr_id = link.sr_id,
                    author_id = author._id,
                    ip = ip)

        c._spam = author._spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            c.parent_id = parent._id

        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        to = None
        name = 'inbox'
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id, True)
        elif link.is_self and not link.noselfreply:
            to = Account._byID(link.author_id, True)
            name = 'selfreply'


        changed(link, True) # only the number of comments has changed

        inbox_rel = None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        if to and (not c._spam or to.name in g.admins):
            inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, name)

        return (c, inbox_rel)
Exemple #31
    def from_queue(self, max_date, batch_limit=50, kind=None):
        from r2.models import is_banned_IP, Account, Thing
        keep_trying = True
        min_id = None
        s = self.queue_table
        while keep_trying:
            where = [s.c.date < max_date]
            if min_id:
                where.append(s.c.uid > min_id)
            if kind:
                where.append(s.c.kind == kind)

            res = sa.select([
                s.c.to_addr, s.c.account_id, s.c.from_name, s.c.fullname,
                s.c.body, s.c.kind, s.c.ip, s.c.date, s.c.uid, s.c.msg_hash,
                s.c.fr_addr, s.c.reply_to
            res = res.fetchall()

            if not res: break

            # batch load user accounts
            aids = [x[1] for x in res if x[1] > 0]
            accts = Account._byID(aids, data=True,
                                  return_dict=True) if aids else {}

            # batch load things
            tids = [x[3] for x in res if x[3]]
            things = Thing._by_fullname(tids, data=True,
                                        return_dict=True) if tids else {}

            # make sure no IPs have been banned in the mean time
            ips = set(x[6] for x in res)
            ips = dict((ip, is_banned_IP(ip)) for ip in ips)

            # get the lower bound date for next iteration
            min_id = max(x[8] for x in res)

            # did we not fetch them all?
            keep_trying = (len(res) == batch_limit)

            for (addr, acct, fname, fulln, body, kind, ip, date, uid, msg_hash,
                 fr_addr, reply_to) in res:
                yield (accts.get(acct), things.get(fulln), addr, fname, date,
                       ip, ips[ip], kind, msg_hash, body, fr_addr, reply_to)
Exemple #32
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages

        #load the "to" field if required
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        for item in wrapped:
            item.to = tos[item.to_id]
            if msgtime and item._date >= msgtime:
                item.new = True
                item.new = False
            item.score_fmt = Score.none
Exemple #33
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages
        #load the "to" field if required
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        for item in wrapped:
            item.to = tos[item.to_id]
            if msgtime and item._date >= msgtime:
                item.new = True
                item.new = False
            item.score_fmt = Score.none
Exemple #34
    def from_queue(self, max_date, batch_limit = 50, kind = None):
        from r2.models import is_banned_IP, Account, Thing
        keep_trying = True
        min_id = None
        s = self.queue_table
        while keep_trying:
            where = [s.c.date < max_date]
            if min_id:
                where.append(s.c.uid > min_id)
            if kind:
                where.append(s.c.kind == kind)
            res = sa.select([s.c.to_addr, s.c.account_id,
                             s.c.from_name, s.c.fullname, s.c.body, 
                             s.c.kind, s.c.ip, s.c.date, s.c.uid,
                             s.c.msg_hash, s.c.fr_addr, s.c.reply_to],
                            order_by = s.c.uid, limit = batch_limit).execute()
            res = res.fetchall()

            if not res: break

            # batch load user accounts
            aids = [x[1] for x in res if x[1] > 0]
            accts = Account._byID(aids, data = True,
                                  return_dict = True) if aids else {}

            # batch load things
            tids = [x[3] for x in res if x[3]]
            things = Thing._by_fullname(tids, data = True,
                                        return_dict = True) if tids else {}

            # make sure no IPs have been banned in the mean time
            ips = set(x[6] for x in res)
            ips = dict((ip, is_banned_IP(ip)) for ip in ips)

            # get the lower bound date for next iteration
            min_id = max(x[8] for x in res)

            # did we not fetch them all?
            keep_trying = (len(res) == batch_limit)
            for (addr, acct, fname, fulln, body, kind, ip, date, uid, 
                 msg_hash, fr_addr, reply_to) in res:
                yield (accts.get(acct), things.get(fulln), addr,
                       fname, date, ip, ips[ip], kind, msg_hash, body,
                       fr_addr, reply_to)
Exemple #35
def unreport(things, correct=False, auto = False, banned_by = ''):
    things = tup(things)

    # load authors (to set the spammer flag)
        aids = set(t.author_id for t in things)
    except AttributeError:
        aids = None

    authors = Account._byID(tuple(aids), data=True) if aids else {}

    # load all reports (to set their amount to be +/-1)
    reports = Report.reported(things=things, amount = 0)

    # mark the reports as finalized:
    for r in reports.values(): Report.accept(r, correct)

    amount = 1 if correct else -1

    spammer = {}
    for t in things:
        # clean up inconsistencies
        if getattr(t, Report._field) != 0:
            setattr(t, Report._field, 0)
            # flag search indexer that something has changed
        # update the spam flag
        if t._spam != correct and hasattr(t, 'author_id'):
            # tally the spamminess of the author
            spammer[t.author_id] = spammer.get(t.author_id,0) + amount
            #author = authors.get(t.author_id)
            #if author:
            #    karma_whack(author, t.__class__, -amount)

    #will be empty if the items didn't have authors
    for s, v in spammer.iteritems():
        if authors[s].spammer + v >= 0:
            authors[s]._incr('spammer', v)
    # mark all as spam
    admintools.spam(things, amount = amount, auto = auto, banned_by = banned_by)
Exemple #36
def unreport(things, correct=False, auto=False, banned_by=''):
    things = tup(things)

    # load authors (to set the spammer flag)
        aids = set(t.author_id for t in things)
    except AttributeError:
        aids = None

    authors = Account._byID(tuple(aids), data=True) if aids else {}

    # load all reports (to set their amount to be +/-1)
    reports = Report.reported(things=things, amount=0)

    # mark the reports as finalized:
    for r in reports.values():
        Report.accept(r, correct)

    amount = 1 if correct else -1

    spammer = {}
    for t in things:
        # clean up inconsistencies
        if getattr(t, Report._field) != 0:
            setattr(t, Report._field, 0)
            # flag search indexer that something has changed

        # update the spam flag
        if t._spam != correct and hasattr(t, 'author_id'):
            # tally the spamminess of the author
            spammer[t.author_id] = spammer.get(t.author_id, 0) + amount
            #author = authors.get(t.author_id)
            #if author:
            #    karma_whack(author, t.__class__, -amount)

    #will be empty if the items didn't have authors
    for s, v in spammer.iteritems():
        if authors[s].spammer + v >= 0:
            authors[s]._incr('spammer', v)

    # mark all as spam
    admintools.spam(things, amount=amount, auto=auto, banned_by=banned_by)
Exemple #37
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages
        #load the "to" field if required
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped if l.was_comment),
                           data = True,
                           return_dict = True)
        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(l.sr_id for l in links.values()),
                                     data = True, return_dict = True)
        parents = Comment._byID(set(l.parent_id for l in wrapped
                                  if hasattr(l, "parent_id") and l.was_comment),
                                data = True, return_dict = True)

        for item in wrapped:
            item.to = tos[item.to_id]
            if msgtime and item._date >= msgtime:
                item.new = True
                item.new = False
            item.score_fmt = Score.none

            item.message_style = ""
            if item.was_comment:
                link = links[item.link_id]
                sr = subreddits[link.sr_id]
                item.link_title = link.title
                item.link_permalink = link.make_permalink(sr)
                if hasattr(item, "parent_id"):
                    item.subject = _('comment reply')
                    item.message_style = "comment-reply"
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent = parent._fullname
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(link, sr)
                    item.subject = _('post reply')
                    item.message_style = "post-reply"

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Exemple #38
    def get_reporters(cls, time = None, sort = None):
        query = cls._query(cls.c._name == '0', eager_load = False,
                           data = False, thing_data = False)
        if time:
        query._sort = desc("_date")

        account_dict = {}
        min_report_time = {}
        for r in query:
            account_dict[r._thing1_id] = account_dict.get(r._thing1_id, 0) + 1
            if min_report_time.get(r._thing1_id):
                min_report_time[r._thing1_id] = min(min_report_time[r._thing1_id], r._date)
                min_report_time[r._thing1_id] = r._date
        # grab users in chunks of 50
        c_size = 50
        accounts = account_dict.keys()
        accounts = [Account._byID(accounts[i:i+c_size], return_dict = False, data = True)
                    for i in xrange(0, len(accounts), c_size)]
        accts = []
        for a in accounts:

        if sort == "hot" or sort == "top":
            def report_hotness(a):
                return a.report_correct / max(a.report_ignored + a.report_correct,1)
            def better_reporter(a, b):
                q = report_hotness(b) - report_hotness(a)
                if q == 0:
                    return b.report_correct - a.report_correct
                    return 1 if q > 0 else -1
        elif sort == "new":
            def newer_reporter(a, b):
                t = (min_report_time[b._id] - min_report_time[a._id])
                t0 = datetime.timedelta(0)
                return 1 if t > t0 else -1 if t < t0 else 0
        return accts
Exemple #39
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip, spam=False, date=None):
        comment = Comment(body=body,

        comment._spam = spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            comment.parent_id = parent._id


        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        inbox_rel = None
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id)
            # only global admins can be message spammed.
            if not comment._spam or to.name in g.admins:
                inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, comment, 'inbox')

        #clear that chache
        clear_memo('builder.link_comments2', link._id)

        # flag search indexer that something has changed

        #update last modified
        set_last_modified(author, 'overview')
        set_last_modified(author, 'commented')
        set_last_modified(link, 'comments')

        #update the comment cache
        from r2.lib.comment_tree import add_comment

        return (comment, inbox_rel)
Exemple #40
    def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip, spam = False, date = None):
        comment = Comment(body = body,
                          link_id = link._id,
                          sr_id = link.sr_id,
                          author_id = author._id,
                          ip = ip,
                          date = date)

        comment._spam = spam

        #these props aren't relations
        if parent:
            comment.parent_id = parent._id


        link._incr('num_comments', 1)

        inbox_rel = None
        if parent:
            to = Account._byID(parent.author_id)
            # only global admins can be message spammed.
            if not comment._spam or to.name in g.admins:
                inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, comment, 'inbox')

        #clear that chache
        clear_memo('builder.link_comments2', link._id)

        # flag search indexer that something has changed

        #update last modified
        set_last_modified(author, 'overview')
        set_last_modified(author, 'commented')
        set_last_modified(link, 'comments')

        #update the comment cache
        from r2.lib.comment_tree import add_comment

        return (comment, inbox_rel)
Exemple #41
    def get_all_comments(self):
        from r2.lib.db import queries

        if not c.user_is_loggedin:
            raise UserRequiredException

        friends = self.get_important_friends(c.user._id)

        if not friends:
            return []

        # with the precomputer enabled, this Subreddit only supports
        # being sorted by 'new'. it would be nice to have a
        # cleaner UI than just blatantly ignoring their sort,
        # though
        sort = "new"
        time = "all"

        friends = Account._byID(friends, return_dict=False)

        crs = [queries.get_comments(friend, sort, time) for friend in friends]
        return queries.MergedCachedResults(crs)
Exemple #42
    def get_all_comments(self):
        from r2.lib.db import queries

        if not c.user_is_loggedin:
            raise UserRequiredException

        friends = self.get_important_friends(c.user._id)

        if not friends:
            return []

        # with the precomputer enabled, this Subreddit only supports
        # being sorted by 'new'. it would be nice to have a
        # cleaner UI than just blatantly ignoring their sort,
        # though
        sort = 'new'
        time = 'all'

        friends = Account._byID(friends, return_dict=False)

        crs = [queries.get_comments(friend, sort, time) for friend in friends]
        return queries.MergedCachedResults(crs)
Exemple #43
    def new(cls, user, thing):
        # check if this report exists already!
        rel = cls.rel(user, thing)
        oldreport = list(
            rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == user._id,
                       rel.c._thing2_id == thing._id,

        # stop if we've seen this before, so that we never get the
        # same report from the same user twice
        if oldreport: return oldreport[0]

        r = Report(user, thing, '0', amount=0)
        if not thing._loaded: thing._load()

        # mark item as reported

        # mark author as reported
        if hasattr(thing, 'author_id'):
            aid = thing.author_id
            author = Account._byID(aid)

        # mark user as having made a report



        # if the thing is already marked as spam, accept the report
        if thing._spam:
            # set the report amount to 0, updating the cache in the process
            cls.set_amount(r, 0)
        return r
Exemple #44
    def new(cls, user, thing):
        # check if this report exists already!
        rel = cls.rel(user, thing)
        oldreport = list(rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == user._id,
                                    rel.c._thing2_id == thing._id,
                                    data = True))

        # stop if we've seen this before, so that we never get the
        # same report from the same user twice
        if oldreport: return oldreport[0]

        r = Report(user, thing, '0', amount = 0)
        if not thing._loaded: thing._load()

        # mark item as reported

        # mark author as reported
        if hasattr(thing, 'author_id'):
            aid = thing.author_id
            author = Account._byID(aid)
        # mark user as having made a report


        # if the thing is already marked as spam, accept the report
        if thing._spam:
            # set the report amount to 0, updating the cache in the process
            cls.set_amount(r, 0)
        return r
Exemple #45
    def _send_post_notifications(self, link, comment, parent):
        dashto = []
        for subscriber in Subscription._query(
                Subscription.c._thing2_id == (link._id),
                Subscription.c._name == 'subscription'):
            if not subscriber._thing1_id == comment.author_id:
        if link.notify_on_comment and not link.author_id == comment.author_id:

        for user in dashto:
            s = SubscriptionStorage(user, comment, name='subscriptionstorage')

        to = []
        if parent:
            if not parent.author_id == comment.author_id:
            for subscriber in CommentSubscription._query(
                    CommentSubscription.c._thing2_id == (parent._id),
                    CommentSubscription.c._name == 'commentsubscription'):
                if not subscriber._thing1_id == comment.author_id:
            for subscriber in Subscription._query(
                    Subscription.c._thing2_id == (link._id),
                    Subscription.c._name == 'subscription'):
                if not subscriber._thing1_id == comment.author_id:
            if link.notify_on_comment and not link.author_id == comment.author_id:
        if len(to) == 0:
            return None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        if self._spam and to.name not in g.admins:
            return None

        for user in to:
            Inbox._add(user, self, 'inbox')

        return True
Exemple #46
    def _send_post_notifications(self, link, comment, parent):
        dashto = []
        for subscriber in Subscription._query(Subscription.c._thing2_id == (link._id),
                                              Subscription.c._name == 'subscription'):
            if not subscriber._thing1_id == comment.author_id:
        if link.notify_on_comment and not link.author_id == comment.author_id:

        for user in dashto:
            s = SubscriptionStorage(user, comment, name='subscriptionstorage')

        to = []
        if parent:
            if not parent.author_id == comment.author_id:
            for subscriber in CommentSubscription._query(CommentSubscription.c._thing2_id == (parent._id),
                                                  CommentSubscription.c._name == 'commentsubscription'):
                if not subscriber._thing1_id == comment.author_id:
            for subscriber in Subscription._query(Subscription.c._thing2_id == (link._id),
                                                  Subscription.c._name == 'subscription'):
                if not subscriber._thing1_id == comment.author_id:
            if link.notify_on_comment and not link.author_id == comment.author_id:
        if len(to) == 0:
            return None
        # only global admins can be message spammed.
        if self._spam and to.name not in g.admins:
            return None

        for user in to:
            Inbox._add(user, self, 'inbox')

        return True
Exemple #47
    def _new(cls, author, to, subject, body, ip, parent=None, sr=None):
        m = Message(subject=subject,
        m._spam = author._spam
        sr_id = None
        # check to see if the recipient is a subreddit and swap args accordingly
        if to and isinstance(to, Subreddit):
            to_subreddit = True
            to, sr = None, to
            to_subreddit = False

        if sr:
            sr_id = sr._id
        if parent:
            m.parent_id = parent._id
            if parent.first_message:
                m.first_message = parent.first_message
                m.first_message = parent._id
            if parent.sr_id:
                sr_id = parent.sr_id

        if not to and not sr_id:
            raise CreationError, "Message created with neither to nor sr_id"

        m.to_id = to._id if to else None
        if sr_id is not None:
            m.sr_id = sr_id


        inbox_rel = None
        if sr_id and not sr:
            sr = Subreddit._byID(sr_id)

        inbox_rel = []
        if sr_id:
            # if there is a subreddit id, and it's either a reply or
            # an initial message to an SR, add to the moderator inbox
            # (i.e., don't do it for automated messages from the SR)
            if parent or to_subreddit:
                inbox_rel.append(ModeratorInbox._add(sr, m, 'inbox'))
            if author.name in g.admins:
                m.distinguished = 'admin'
            elif sr.is_moderator(author):
                m.distinguished = 'yes'

        # if there is a "to" we may have to create an inbox relation as well
        # also, only global admins can be message spammed.
        if to and (not m._spam or to.name in g.admins):
            # if the current "to" is not a sr moderator,
            # they need to be notified
            if not sr_id or not sr.is_moderator(to):
                # Record the inbox relation, but don't give the user
                # an orangered, if they PM themselves.
                # Don't notify on PMs from blocked users, either
                orangered = (to.name != author.name
                             and author._id not in to.enemies)
                    Inbox._add(to, m, 'inbox', orangered=orangered))
            # find the message originator
            elif sr_id and m.first_message:
                first = Message._byID(m.first_message, True)
                orig = Account._byID(first.author_id, True)
                # if the originator is not a moderator...
                if not sr.is_moderator(orig) and orig._id != author._id:
                    inbox_rel.append(Inbox._add(orig, m, 'inbox'))
        return (m, inbox_rel)
Exemple #48
def cast_vote(sub, obj, dir, ip, vote_info, cheater, timer, date):
    from r2.models.admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
    from r2.lib.count import incr_sr_count
    from r2.lib.db import queries

    names_by_dir = {True: "1", None: "0", False: "-1"}

    # `vote` mimics the old pg vote rel interface so downstream code doesn't
    # need to change. (but it totally needn't stay that way forever!)
    vote = Storage(

    # these track how much ups/downs should change on `obj`
    ups_delta = 1 if int(vote._name) > 0 else 0
    downs_delta = 1 if int(vote._name) < 0 else 0

    # see if the user has voted on this thing before
    pgrel = Vote.rel(sub, obj)
    pgoldvote = pgrel._fast_query(sub, obj, ["-1", "0", "1"]).values()
        pgoldvote = filter(None, pgoldvote)[0]
    except IndexError:
        pgoldvote = None

    if pgoldvote:
        # old_vote is mimicking `{Link,Comment}VoteDetailsByThing` here because
        # that will eventually be exactly what it is
        old_vote = {
            "direction": pgoldvote._name,
            "valid_thing": pgoldvote.valid_thing,
            "valid_user": pgoldvote.valid_user,
            "ip": getattr(pgoldvote, "ip", None),
        vote.valid_thing = old_vote["valid_thing"]
        vote.valid_user = old_vote["valid_user"]

        if vote._name == old_vote["direction"]:
            # the old vote and new vote are the same. bail out.
            return vote

        # remove the old vote from the score
        old_direction = int(old_vote["direction"])
        ups_delta -= 1 if old_direction > 0 else 0
        downs_delta -= 1 if old_direction < 0 else 0
        old_vote = None

    # calculate valid_thing and valid_user
    sr = obj.subreddit_slow
    kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
    karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

    if vote.valid_thing:
        vote.valid_thing = valid_thing(vote, karma, cheater, vote_info)

    if vote.valid_user:
        vote.valid_user = vote.valid_thing and valid_user(vote, sr, karma)

    if kind == "link" and getattr(obj, "is_self", False):
        # self-posts do not generate karma
        vote.valid_user = False

    g.stats.simple_event("vote.valid_thing." + str(vote.valid_thing).lower())
    g.stats.simple_event("vote.valid_user." + str(vote.valid_user).lower())

    # write out the new/modified vote to postgres
    if pgoldvote:
        pgvote = pgoldvote
        pgvote._name = vote._name
        pgvote = pgrel(sub, obj, vote._name, date=vote._date, ip=ip)
    pgvote.valid_thing = vote.valid_thing
    pgvote.valid_user = vote.valid_user

    # update various score/karma/vote counts
    if not (not old_vote and obj.author_id == sub._id and vote._name == "1"):
        # newly created objects start out with _ups = 1, so we skip updating
        # their score here if this is the author's own initial vote on it.
        old_valid_thing = old_vote["valid_thing"] if old_vote else True
        update_score(obj, ups_delta, downs_delta, vote, old_valid_thing)

    if vote.valid_user:
        author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
        author.incr_karma(kind, sr, ups_delta - downs_delta)

    if not old_vote and vote.valid_thing and kind == "link":
        if sub._id != obj.author_id:

    # write the vote to cassandra
    VotesByAccount.copy_from(vote, vote_info)

    # update the search index
    queries.changed(vote._thing2, boost_only=True)

    return vote
Exemple #49
 def make_permalink_title(self, link):
     author = Account._byID(self.author_id, data=True).name
     params = {'author' : _force_unicode(author), 'title' : _force_unicode(link.title), 'site' : c.site.title}
     return strings.permalink_title % params
Exemple #50
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, organic=False, cheater=False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_sr_count
        from r2.lib.db import queries

        sr = obj.subreddit_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

        is_self_link = (kind == 'link' and getattr(obj, 'is_self', False))

        #check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = rel._fast_query(sub, obj, ['-1', '0', '1']).values()
        oldvote = filter(None, oldvote)

        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        #old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            #these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = getattr(v, 'valid_thing', False)
            v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma, cheater=cheater)
                             and getattr(v, 'valid_thing', False))
            v.valid_user = (getattr(v, 'valid_user', False) and v.valid_thing
                            and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
        #new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = valid_thing(v,
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                            and not is_self_link)
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic


        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        if not (is_new and obj.author_id == sub._id and amount == 1):
            # we don't do this if it's the author's initial automatic
            # vote, because we checked it in with _ups == 1
            update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        # now write it out to Cassandra. We'll write it out to both
        # this way for a while

        queries.changed(v._thing2, True)

        return v
Exemple #51
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages

        # make sure there is a sr_id set:
        for w in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(w, "sr_id"):
                w.sr_id = None

        # load the to fields if one exists
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped if w.to_id is not None)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        # load the subreddit field if one exists:
        sr_ids = set(w.sr_id for w in wrapped if w.sr_id is not None)
        m_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, data=True, return_dict=True)

        # load the links and their subreddits (if comment-as-message)
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped if l.was_comment),
        # subreddits of the links (for comment-as-message)
        l_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(l.sr_id for l in links.values()),

        parents = Comment._byID(set(l.parent_id for l in wrapped
                                    if l.parent_id and l.was_comment),

        # load the unread list to determine message newness
        unread = set(queries.get_unread_inbox(user))

        msg_srs = set(
            m_subreddits[x.sr_id] for x in wrapped
            if x.sr_id is not None and isinstance(x.lookups[0], Message))
        # load the unread mod list for the same reason
        mod_unread = set(
                  for sr in msg_srs]))

        for item in wrapped:
            item.to = tos.get(item.to_id)
            if item.sr_id:
                item.recipient = (item.author_id != c.user._id)
                item.recipient = (item.to_id == c.user._id)

            # new-ness is stored on the relation
            if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                item.new = False
            elif item._fullname in unread:
                item.new = True
                # wipe new messages if preferences say so, and this isn't a feed
                # and it is in the user's personal inbox
                if (item.new and c.user.pref_mark_messages_read
                        and c.extension not in ("rss", "xml", "api", "json")):
                    queries.set_unread(item.lookups[0], c.user, False)
                item.new = (item._fullname in mod_unread)

            item.score_fmt = Score.none

            item.message_style = ""
            # comment as message:
            if item.was_comment:
                link = links[item.link_id]
                sr = l_subreddits[link.sr_id]
                item.to_collapse = False
                item.author_collapse = False
                item.link_title = link.title
                item.permalink = item.lookups[0].make_permalink(link, sr=sr)
                item.link_permalink = link.make_permalink(sr)
                if item.parent_id:
                    item.subject = _('comment reply')
                    item.message_style = "comment-reply"
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent = parent._fullname
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(link, sr)
                    item.subject = _('post reply')
                    item.message_style = "post-reply"
            elif item.sr_id is not None:
                item.subreddit = m_subreddits[item.sr_id]

            item.is_collapsed = None
            if not item.new:
                if item.recipient:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.to_collapse
                if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.author_collapse
                if c.user.pref_collapse_read_messages:
                    item.is_collapsed = (item.is_collapsed is not False)
            if item.author_id in c.user.enemies and not item.was_comment:
                item.is_collapsed = True
                if not c.user_is_admin:
                    item.subject = _('[message from blocked user]')
                    item.body = _('[unblock user to see this message]')

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Exemple #52
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages

        # make sure there is a sr_id set:
        for w in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(w, "sr_id"):
                w.sr_id = None

        # load the to fields if one exists
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped if w.to_id is not None)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        # load the subreddit field if one exists:
        sr_ids = set(w.sr_id for w in wrapped if w.sr_id is not None)
        m_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, data=True, return_dict=True)

        # load the links and their subreddits (if comment-as-message)
        links = Link._byID(
            set(l.link_id for l in wrapped if l.was_comment),
        # subreddits of the links (for comment-as-message)
        l_subreddits = Subreddit._byID(
            set(l.sr_id for l in links.values()), data=True, return_dict=True)

        parents = Comment._byID(
            set(l.parent_id for l in wrapped if l.parent_id and l.was_comment),

        # load the unread list to determine message newness
        unread = set(queries.get_unread_inbox(user))

        msg_srs = set(
            m_subreddits[x.sr_id] for x in wrapped
            if x.sr_id is not None and isinstance(x.lookups[0], Message))
        # load the unread mod list for the same reason
        mod_unread = set(
                  for sr in msg_srs]))

        for item in wrapped:
            item.to = tos.get(item.to_id)
            if item.sr_id:
                item.recipient = (item.author_id != c.user._id)
                item.recipient = (item.to_id == c.user._id)

            # new-ness is stored on the relation
            if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                item.new = False
            elif item._fullname in unread:
                item.new = True
                # wipe new messages if preferences say so, and this isn't a feed
                # and it is in the user's personal inbox
                if (item.new and c.user.pref_mark_messages_read
                        and c.extension not in ("rss", "xml", "api", "json")):
                    queries.set_unread(item.lookups[0], c.user, False)
                item.new = (item._fullname in mod_unread)

            item.score_fmt = Score.none

            item.message_style = ""
            # comment as message:
            if item.was_comment:
                link = links[item.link_id]
                sr = l_subreddits[link.sr_id]
                item.to_collapse = False
                item.author_collapse = False
                item.link_title = link.title
                item.permalink = item.lookups[0].make_permalink(link, sr=sr)
                item.link_permalink = link.make_permalink(sr)
                if item.parent_id:
                    item.subject = _('comment reply')
                    item.message_style = "comment-reply"
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent = parent._fullname
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(link, sr)
                    item.subject = _('post reply')
                    item.message_style = "post-reply"
            elif item.sr_id is not None:
                item.subreddit = m_subreddits[item.sr_id]

            if c.user.pref_no_profanity:
                item.subject = profanity_filter(item.subject)

            item.is_collapsed = None
            if not item.new:
                if item.recipient:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.to_collapse
                if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.author_collapse
                if c.user.pref_collapse_read_messages:
                    item.is_collapsed = (item.is_collapsed is not False)

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Exemple #53
    def _new(cls, author, to, subject, body, ip, parent=None, sr=None):
        m = Message(
            subject=subject, body=body, author_id=author._id, new=True, ip=ip)
        m._spam = author._spam
        sr_id = None
        # check to see if the recipient is a subreddit and swap args accordingly
        if to and isinstance(to, Subreddit):
            to_subreddit = True
            to, sr = None, to
            to_subreddit = False

        if sr:
            sr_id = sr._id
        if parent:
            m.parent_id = parent._id
            if parent.first_message:
                m.first_message = parent.first_message
                m.first_message = parent._id
            if parent.sr_id:
                sr_id = parent.sr_id

        if not to and not sr_id:
            raise CreationError, "Message created with neither to nor sr_id"

        m.to_id = to._id if to else None
        if sr_id is not None:
            m.sr_id = sr_id


        inbox_rel = None
        if sr_id and not sr:
            sr = Subreddit._byID(sr_id)

        inbox_rel = []
        if sr_id:
            # if there is a subreddit id, and it's either a reply or
            # an initial message to an SR, add to the moderator inbox
            # (i.e., don't do it for automated messages from the SR)
            if parent or to_subreddit:
                inbox_rel.append(ModeratorInbox._add(sr, m, 'inbox'))
            if author.name in g.admins:
                m.distinguished = 'admin'
            elif sr.is_moderator(author):
                m.distinguished = 'yes'

        # if there is a "to" we may have to create an inbox relation as well
        # also, only global admins can be message spammed.
        if to and (not m._spam or to.name in g.admins):
            # if the current "to" is not a sr moderator,
            # they need to be notified
            if not sr_id or not sr.is_moderator(to):
                inbox_rel.append(Inbox._add(to, m, 'inbox'))
            # find the message originator
            elif sr_id and m.first_message:
                first = Message._byID(m.first_message, True)
                orig = Account._byID(first.author_id, True)
                # if the originator is not a moderator...
                if not sr.is_moderator(orig) and orig._id != author._id:
                    inbox_rel.append(Inbox._add(orig, m, 'inbox'))
        return (m, inbox_rel)
Exemple #54
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, organic=False, cheater=False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts
        from r2.lib.db import queries

        sr = obj.subreddit_slow
        kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
        karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

        is_self_link = (kind == 'link' and hasattr(obj, 'is_self')
                        and obj.is_self)

        #check for old vote
        rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
        oldvote = rel._fast_query(sub, obj, ['-1', '0', '1']).values()
        oldvote = filter(None, oldvote)

        amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

        is_new = False
        #old vote
        if len(oldvote):
            v = oldvote[0]
            oldamount = int(v._name)
            v._name = str(amount)

            #these still need to be recalculated
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing
            v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma, cheater=cheater)
                             and v.valid_thing)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_user and v.valid_thing
                            and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
        #new vote
            is_new = True
            oldamount = 0
            v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
            v.author_id = obj.author_id
            v.sr_id = sr._id
            v.ip = ip
            old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = \
                              valid_thing(v, karma, cheater = cheater)
            v.valid_user = (v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                            and not is_self_link)
            if organic:
                v.organic = organic



        up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)

        if not (is_new and obj.author_id == sub._id and amount == 1):
            # we don't do this if it's the author's initial automatic
            # vote, because we checked it in with _ups == 1
            update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v.valid_thing,

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        # now write it out to Cassandra. We'll write it out to both
        # this way for a while
        voter = v._thing1
        votee = v._thing2
        cvc = CassandraVote._rel(Account, votee.__class__)
            cv = cvc._fast_query(voter._id36, votee._id36)
        except tdb_cassandra.NotFound:
            cv = cvc(thing1_id=voter._id36, thing2_id=votee._id36)
        cv.name = v._name
        cv.valid_user, cv.valid_thing = v.valid_user, v.valid_thing
        cv.ip = v.ip
        if getattr(v, 'organic', False) or hasattr(cv, 'organic'):
            cv.organic = getattr(v, 'organic', False)

        queries.changed(votee, True)

        return v
Exemple #55
 def author(self):
     return Account._byID(self.author_id, True)
Exemple #56
 def recipient(self):
     return Account._byID(self.recipient_id, data=True)
Exemple #57
    def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, spam = False, organic = False):
        from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
        from r2.lib.count import incr_counts

        # An account can only perform 1 voting operation at a time.
        with g.make_lock('account_%s_voting' % sub._id):
            # If downvoting ensure that the user has enough karma, it
            # will raise an exception if not.
            if dir == False:

            # Do the voting.
            sr = obj.subreddit_slow
            kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
            karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

            #check for old vote
            rel = cls.rel(sub, obj)
            oldvote = list(rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == sub._id,
                                      rel.c._thing2_id == obj._id,
                                      data = True))

            amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1

            is_new = False
            #old vote
            if len(oldvote):
                v = oldvote[0]
                oldamount = int(v._name)
                v._name = str(amount)

                #these still need to be recalculated
                old_valid_thing = getattr(v, 'valid_thing', True)
                v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma)
                                 and v.valid_thing
                                 and not spam)
                v.valid_user = (v.valid_user
                                and v.valid_thing
                                and valid_user(v, sr, karma))
            #new vote
                is_new = True
                oldamount = 0
                v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount))
                v.author_id = obj.author_id
                v.ip = ip
                old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma) and
                                                   not spam)
                v.valid_user = v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)
                if organic:
                    v.organic = organic


            # Record that this account has made a downvote and
            # immediately release the lock since both the downvote
            # count and the vote have been updated.
            up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount)
            if down_change:

        # Continue by updating karmas.
        update_score(obj, up_change, down_change,
                     v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing)

        if v.valid_user:
            author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
            author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change)

        #update the sr's valid vote count
        if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link':
            if sub._id != obj.author_id:

        return v
Exemple #58
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_attr, get_domain
        from r2.lib import promote
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable
        from r2.lib.pages import WrappedUser

        #fetch parent links
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped),

        # fetch authors
        authors = Account._byID(set(l.author_id for l in links.values()),

        #get srs for comments that don't have them (old comments)
        for cm in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(cm, 'sr_id'):
                cm.sr_id = links[cm.link_id].sr_id

        subreddits = Subreddit._byID(set(cm.sr_id for cm in wrapped),
        cids = dict((w._id, w) for w in wrapped)
        parent_ids = set(
            cm.parent_id for cm in wrapped
            if getattr(cm, 'parent_id', None) and cm.parent_id not in cids)
        parents = {}
        if parent_ids:
            parents = Comment._byID(parent_ids, data=True, stale=True)

        can_reply_srs = set(s._id for s in subreddits if s.can_comment(user)) \
                        if c.user_is_loggedin else set()

        min_score = user.pref_min_comment_score

        profilepage = c.profilepage
        user_is_admin = c.user_is_admin
        user_is_loggedin = c.user_is_loggedin
        focal_comment = c.focal_comment
        cname = c.cname
        site = c.site

        for item in wrapped:
            # for caching:
            item.profilepage = c.profilepage
            item.link = links.get(item.link_id)

            if (item.link._score <= 1 or item.score < 3 or item.link._spam
                    or item._spam or item.author._spam):
                item.nofollow = True
                item.nofollow = False

            if not hasattr(item, 'subreddit'):
                item.subreddit = item.subreddit_slow
            if item.author_id == item.link.author_id and not item.link._deleted:
            if not hasattr(item, 'target'):
                item.target = "_top" if cname else None
            if item.parent_id:
                if item.parent_id in cids:
                    item.parent_permalink = '#' + utils.to36(item.parent_id)
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(
                        item.link, item.subreddit)
                item.parent_permalink = None

            item.can_reply = False
            if c.can_reply or (item.sr_id in can_reply_srs):
                age = datetime.now(g.tz) - item._date
                if age.days < g.REPLY_AGE_LIMIT:
                    item.can_reply = True

            # not deleted on profile pages,
            # deleted if spam and not author or admin
            item.deleted = (
                not profilepage and
                (item._deleted or
                 (item._spam and item.author != user and not item.show_spam)))

            extra_css = ''
            if item.deleted:
                extra_css += "grayed"
                if not user_is_admin:
                    item.author = DeletedUser()
                    item.body = '[deleted]'

            if focal_comment == item._id36:
                extra_css += " border"

            if profilepage:
                item.link_author = WrappedUser(authors[item.link.author_id])

                item.subreddit_path = item.subreddit.path
                if cname:
                    item.subreddit_path = ("http://" + get_domain(
                        cname=(site == item.subreddit), subreddit=False))
                    if site != item.subreddit:
                        item.subreddit_path += item.subreddit.path

            item.full_comment_path = item.link.make_permalink(item.subreddit)

            # don't collapse for admins, on profile pages, or if deleted
            item.collapsed = False
            if ((item.score < min_score)
                    and not (profilepage or item.deleted or user_is_admin)):
                item.collapsed = True
                item.collapsed_reason = _("comment score below threshold")
            if user_is_loggedin and item.author_id in c.user.enemies:
                if "grayed" not in extra_css:
                    extra_css += " grayed"
                item.collapsed = True
                item.collapsed_reason = _("blocked user")

            item.editted = getattr(item, "editted", False)

            item.render_css_class = "comment %s" % CachedVariable(

            #will get updated in builder
            item.num_children = 0
            item.score_fmt = Score.points
            item.permalink = item.make_permalink(item.link, item.subreddit)

            item.is_author = (user == item.author)
            item.is_focal = (focal_comment == item._id36)

            item_age = c.start_time - item._date
            if item_age.days > g.VOTE_AGE_LIMIT:
                item.votable = False
                item.votable = True

            #will seem less horrible when add_props is in pages.py
            from r2.lib.pages import UserText
            item.usertext = UserText(item,
        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)
Exemple #59
def cast_vote(sub, obj, vote_info, timer, date):
    from r2.models.admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score
    from r2.lib.count import incr_sr_count

    names_by_dir = {True: "1", None: "0", False: "-1"}

    # `vote` mimics the old pg vote rel interface so downstream code doesn't
    # need to change. (but it totally needn't stay that way forever!)
    vote = Storage(

    # these track how much ups/downs should change on `obj`
    ups_delta = 1 if int(vote._name) > 0 else 0
    downs_delta = 1 if int(vote._name) < 0 else 0

    # see if the user has voted on this thing before
    old_votes = VoteDetailsByThing.get_details(obj, [sub])
    old_vote = None
    if old_votes:
        old_vote = old_votes[0]

    if old_vote:
        vote._date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
        vote.valid_thing = old_vote["valid_thing"]
        vote.valid_user = old_vote["valid_user"]
        vote.ip = old_vote["ip"]

        if vote._name == old_vote["direction"]:
            # the old vote and new vote are the same. bail out.
            return vote

        # remove the old vote from the score
        old_direction = int(old_vote["direction"])
        ups_delta -= 1 if old_direction > 0 else 0
        downs_delta -= 1 if old_direction < 0 else 0

    # calculate valid_thing and valid_user
    sr = obj.subreddit_slow
    kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower()
    karma = sub.karma(kind, sr)

    if vote.valid_thing:
        vote.valid_thing = valid_thing(vote, karma, vote_info["cheater"],

    if vote.valid_user:
        vote.valid_user = vote.valid_thing and valid_user(vote, sr, karma)

    if kind == "link" and getattr(obj, "is_self", False):
        # self-posts do not generate karma
        vote.valid_user = False

    g.stats.simple_event("vote.valid_thing." + str(vote.valid_thing).lower())
    g.stats.simple_event("vote.valid_user." + str(vote.valid_user).lower())

    # update various score/karma/vote counts
    if not (not old_vote and obj.author_id == sub._id and vote._name == "1"):
        # newly created objects start out with _ups = 1, so we skip updating
        # their score here if this is the author's own initial vote on it.
        old_valid_thing = old_vote["valid_thing"] if old_vote else True
        update_score(obj, ups_delta, downs_delta, vote, old_valid_thing)

    if vote.valid_user:
        author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True)
        author.incr_karma(kind, sr, ups_delta - downs_delta)

    if not old_vote and vote.valid_thing and kind == "link":
        if sub._id != obj.author_id:

    # write the vote to cassandra
    VotesByAccount.copy_from(vote, vote_info["info"])


    if "event" in vote_info and vote_info["event"]:
        g.events.vote_event(vote, old_vote, event_base=vote_info["event"])

    return vote
Exemple #60
 def link_author(self):
     return Account._byID(self.link.author_id, data=True)