class Order(object): """ class for order handling """ def __init__(self, debug=None, srv_name=None, logger=None): self.server_name = srv_name self.debug = debug self.logger = logger self.dbstore = DBstore(self.debug, self.logger) self.message = Message(self.debug, self.server_name, self.logger) self.validity = 86400 self.authz_validity = 86400 self.expiry_check_disable = False self.path_dic = { 'authz_path': '/acme/authz/', 'order_path': '/acme/order/', 'cert_path': '/acme/cert/' } self.retry_after = 600 self.tnauthlist_support = False def __enter__(self): """ Makes ACMEHandler a Context Manager """ self._config_load() return self def __exit__(self, *args): """ cose the connection at the end of the context """ def _add(self, payload, aname): """ add order request to database """ self.logger.debug('Order._add({0})'.format(aname)) error = None auth_dic = {} order_name = generate_random_string(self.logger, 12) expires = uts_now() + self.validity if 'identifiers' in payload: data_dic = {'status': 2, 'expires': expires, 'account': aname} data_dic['name'] = order_name data_dic['identifiers'] = json.dumps(payload['identifiers']) #if 'notBefore' in payload: # data_dic['notbefore'] = payload['notBefore'] #if 'notAfter' in payload: # data_dic['notafter'] = payload['notAfter'] # check identifiers error = self._identifiers_check(payload['identifiers']) # change order status if needed if error: data_dic['status'] = 1 try: # add order to db oid = self.dbstore.order_add(data_dic) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Order._add() order: {0}'. format(err_)) oid = None if not error: if oid: error = None for auth in payload['identifiers']: # generate name auth_name = generate_random_string(self.logger, 12) # store to return to upper func auth_dic[auth_name] = auth.copy() auth['name'] = auth_name auth['order'] = oid auth['status'] = 'pending' auth['expires'] = uts_now() + self.authz_validity try: self.dbstore.authorization_add(auth) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Order._add() authz: {0}' .format(err_)) else: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' else: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unsupportedIdentifier' self.logger.debug('Order._add() ended') return (error, order_name, auth_dic, uts_to_date_utc(expires)) def _config_load(self): """" load config from file """ self.logger.debug('Order._config_load()') config_dic = load_config() if 'Order' in config_dic: self.tnauthlist_support = config_dic.getboolean( 'Order', 'tnauthlist_support', fallback=False) self.expiry_check_disable = config_dic.getboolean( 'Order', 'expiry_check_disable', fallback=False) if 'retry_after_timeout' in config_dic['Order']: self.retry_after = config_dic['Order']['retry_after_timeout'] if 'validity' in config_dic['Order']: try: self.validity = int(config_dic['Order']['validity']) except BaseException: self.logger.warning( 'Order._config_load(): failed to parse validity: {0}'. format(config_dic['Order']['validity'])) if 'Authorization' in config_dic: if 'validity' in config_dic['Authorization']: try: self.authz_validity = int( config_dic['Authorization']['validity']) except BaseException: self.logger.warning( 'Order._config_load(): failed to parse authz validity: {0}' .format(config_dic['Authorization']['validity'])) self.logger.debug('Order._config_load() ended.') def _name_get(self, url): """ get ordername """ self.logger.debug('Order._name_get({0})'.format(url)) url_dic = parse_url(self.logger, url) order_name = url_dic['path'].replace(self.path_dic['order_path'], '') if '/' in order_name: (order_name, _sinin) = order_name.split('/', 1) self.logger.debug('Order._name_get() ended') return order_name def _identifiers_check(self, identifiers_list): """ check validity of identifers in order """ self.logger.debug( 'Order._identifiers_check({0})'.format(identifiers_list)) error = None allowed_identifers = ['dns'] # add tnauthlist to list of supported identfiers if configured to do so if self.tnauthlist_support: allowed_identifers.append('tnauthlist') if identifiers_list and isinstance(identifiers_list, list): for identifier in identifiers_list: if 'type' in identifier: if identifier['type'].lower() not in allowed_identifers: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unsupportedIdentifier' break else: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' else: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' self.logger.debug( 'Order._identifiers_check() done with {0}:'.format(error)) return error def _info(self, order_name): """ list details of an order """ self.logger.debug('Order._info({0})'.format(order_name)) try: result = self.dbstore.order_lookup('name', order_name) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Order._info(): {0}'.format( err_)) result = None return result def _process(self, order_name, protected, payload): """ process order """ self.logger.debug('Order._process({0})'.format(order_name)) certificate_name = None message = None detail = None if 'url' in protected: if 'finalize' in protected['url']: self.logger.debug('finalize request()') # lookup order-status (must be ready to proceed) order_dic = self._info(order_name) if 'status' in order_dic and order_dic['status'] == 'ready': # update order_status / set to processing self._update({'name': order_name, 'status': 'processing'}) if 'csr' in payload: self.logger.debug('CSR found()') # this is a new request (code, certificate_name, detail) = self._csr_process(order_name, payload['csr']) # change status only if we do not have a poll_identifier (stored in detail variable) if code == 200: if not detail: # update order_status / set to valid self._update({ 'name': order_name, 'status': 'valid' }) else: message = certificate_name detail = 'enrollment failed' else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badCSR' detail = 'csr is missing in payload' else: code = 403 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:orderNotReady' detail = 'Order is not ready' else: self.logger.debug('polling request()') code = 200 # this is a polling request; lookup certificate try: cert_dic = self.dbstore.certificate_lookup( 'order__name', order_name) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Order._process(): {0}' .format(err_)) cert_dic = {} if cert_dic: # we found a cert in the database # pylint: disable=R1715 if 'name' in cert_dic: certificate_name = cert_dic['name'] else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'url is missing in protected' self.logger.debug( 'Order._process() ended with order:{0} {1}:{2}:{3}'.format( order_name, code, message, detail)) return (code, message, detail, certificate_name) def _csr_process(self, order_name, csr): """ process certificate signing request """ self.logger.debug('Order._csr_process({0})'.format(order_name)) order_dic = self._info(order_name) if order_dic: # change decoding from b64url to b64 csr = b64_url_recode(self.logger, csr) with Certificate(self.debug, self.server_name, self.logger) as certificate: # certificate = Certificate(self.debug, self.server_name, self.logger) certificate_name = certificate.store_csr(order_name, csr) if certificate_name: (error, detail) = certificate.enroll_and_store( certificate_name, csr) if not error: code = 200 message = certificate_name # detail = None else: code = 400 message = error if message == 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:serverInternal': code = 500 else: code = 500 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:serverInternal' detail = 'CSR processing failed' else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized' detail = 'order: {0} not found'.format(order_name) self.logger.debug( 'Order._csr_process() ended with order:{0} {1}:{2}:{3}'.format( order_name, code, message, detail)) return (code, message, detail) def _update(self, data_dic): """ update order based on ordername """ self.logger.debug('Order._update({0})'.format(data_dic)) try: self.dbstore.order_update(data_dic) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Order._update(): {0}'.format( err_)) def _lookup(self, order_name): """ sohw order details based on ordername """ self.logger.debug('Order._lookup({0})'.format(order_name)) order_dic = {} tmp_dic = self._info(order_name) if tmp_dic: if 'status' in tmp_dic: order_dic['status'] = tmp_dic['status'] if 'expires' in tmp_dic: order_dic['expires'] = uts_to_date_utc(tmp_dic['expires']) if 'notbefore' in tmp_dic: if tmp_dic['notbefore'] != 0: order_dic['notBefore'] = uts_to_date_utc( tmp_dic['notbefore']) if 'notafter' in tmp_dic: if tmp_dic['notafter'] != 0: order_dic['notAfter'] = uts_to_date_utc( tmp_dic['notafter']) if 'identifiers' in tmp_dic: order_dic['identifiers'] = json.loads(tmp_dic['identifiers']) try: authz_list = self.dbstore.authorization_lookup( 'order__name', order_name, ['name', 'status__name']) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Order._lookup(): {0}'. format(err_)) authz_list = [] if authz_list: order_dic["authorizations"] = [] # collect status of different authorizations in list validity_list = [] for authz in authz_list: if 'name' in authz: order_dic["authorizations"].append('{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['authz_path'], authz['name'])) if 'status__name' in authz: if authz['status__name'] == 'valid': validity_list.append(True) else: validity_list.append(False) # update orders status from pending to ready if validity_list and 'status' in order_dic: if False not in validity_list and order_dic[ 'status'] == 'pending': self._update({'name': order_name, 'status': 'ready'}) self.logger.debug('Order._lookup() ended') return order_dic def invalidate(self, timestamp=None): """ invalidate orders """ self.logger.debug('Order.invalidate({0})'.format(timestamp)) if not timestamp: timestamp = uts_now() self.logger.debug( 'Order.invalidate(): set timestamp to {0}'.format(timestamp)) field_list = [ 'id', 'name', 'expires', 'identifiers', 'created_at', 'status__id', 'status__name', 'account__id', 'account__name', 'account__contact' ] try: order_list = self.dbstore.orders_invalid_search('expires', timestamp, vlist=field_list, operant='<=') except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Order._invalidate() search: {0}' .format(err_)) order_list = [] output_list = [] for order in order_list: # print(order['id']) # select all orders which are not invalid if 'name' in order and 'status__name' in order and order[ 'status__name'] != 'invalid': # change status and add to output list output_list.append(order) data_dic = {'name': order['name'], 'status': 'invalid'} try: self.dbstore.order_update(data_dic) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Order._invalidate() upd: {0}' .format(err_)) self.logger.debug( 'Order.invalidate() ended: {0} orders identified'.format( len(output_list))) return (field_list, output_list) def new(self, content): """ new oder request """ self.logger.debug('') response_dic = {} # check message (code, message, detail, _protected, payload, account_name) = self.message.check(content) if code == 200: (error, order_name, auth_dic, expires) = self._add(payload, account_name) if not error: code = 201 response_dic['header'] = {} response_dic['header']['Location'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['order_path'], order_name) response_dic['data'] = {} response_dic['data']['identifiers'] = [] response_dic['data']['authorizations'] = [] response_dic['data']['status'] = 'pending' response_dic['data']['expires'] = expires response_dic['data']['finalize'] = '{0}{1}{2}/finalize'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['order_path'], order_name) for auth_name in auth_dic: response_dic['data']['authorizations'].append( '{0}{1}{2}'.format(self.server_name, self.path_dic['authz_path'], auth_name)) response_dic['data']['identifiers'].append( auth_dic[auth_name]) else: code = 400 message = error detail = 'could not process order' # prepare/enrich response status_dic = {'code': code, 'message': message, 'detail': detail} response_dic = self.message.prepare_response(response_dic, status_dic) self.logger.debug(' returns: {0}'.format( json.dumps(response_dic))) return response_dic def parse(self, content): """ new oder request """ self.logger.debug('Order.parse()') # invalidate expired orders if not self.expiry_check_disable: self.invalidate() response_dic = {} # check message (code, message, detail, protected, payload, _account_name) = self.message.check(content) if code == 200: if 'url' in protected: order_name = self._name_get(protected['url']) if order_name: order_dic = self._lookup(order_name) if order_dic: (code, message, detail, certificate_name) = self._process( order_name, protected, payload) else: code = 403 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:orderNotReady' detail = 'order not found' else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'order name is missing' else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'url is missing in protected' if code == 200: # create response response_dic['header'] = {} response_dic['header']['Location'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['order_path'], order_name) response_dic['data'] = self._lookup(order_name) if 'status' in response_dic['data'] and response_dic['data'][ 'status'] == 'processing': # set retry header as cert issuane is not completed. response_dic['header']['Retry-After'] = '{0}'.format( self.retry_after) response_dic['data']['finalize'] = '{0}{1}{2}/finalize'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['order_path'], order_name) # add the path to certificate if order-status is ready # if certificate_name: if certificate_name and 'status' in response_dic[ 'data'] and response_dic['data']['status'] == 'valid': response_dic['data']['certificate'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['cert_path'], certificate_name) # prepare/enrich response status_dic = {'code': code, 'message': message, 'detail': detail} response_dic = self.message.prepare_response(response_dic, status_dic) self.logger.debug('Order.parse() returns: {0}'.format( json.dumps(response_dic))) return response_dic
class Order(object): """ class for order handling """ def __init__(self, debug=None, srv_name=None, logger=None, expiry=86400): self.server_name = srv_name self.debug = debug self.logger = logger self.dbstore = DBstore(self.debug, self.logger) self.message = Message(self.debug, self.server_name, self.logger) self.expiry = expiry self.path_dic = { 'authz_path': '/acme/authz/', 'order_path': '/acme/order/', 'cert_path': '/acme/cert/' } self.tnauthlist_support = False def __enter__(self): """ Makes ACMEHandler a Context Manager """ self.load_config() return self def __exit__(self, *args): """ cose the connection at the end of the context """ def add(self, payload, aname): """ add order request to database """ self.logger.debug('Order.add({0})'.format(aname)) error = None auth_dic = {} order_name = generate_random_string(self.logger, 12) expires = uts_now() + self.expiry if 'identifiers' in payload: data_dic = {'status': 2, 'expires': expires, 'account': aname} data_dic['name'] = order_name data_dic['identifiers'] = json.dumps(payload['identifiers']) #if 'notBefore' in payload: # data_dic['notbefore'] = payload['notBefore'] #if 'notAfter' in payload: # data_dic['notafter'] = payload['notAfter'] # check identifiers error = self.identifiers_check(payload['identifiers']) # change order status if needed if error: data_dic['status'] = 1 # add order to db oid = self.dbstore.order_add(data_dic) if not error: if oid: error = None for auth in payload['identifiers']: # generate name auth_name = generate_random_string(self.logger, 12) # store to return to upper func auth_dic[auth_name] = auth.copy() auth['name'] = auth_name auth['order'] = oid auth['status'] = 'pending' self.dbstore.authorization_add(auth) else: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' else: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unsupportedIdentifier' # print(auth_dic) return (error, order_name, auth_dic, uts_to_date_utc(expires)) def name_get(self, url): """ get ordername """ self.logger.debug('Order.get_name({0})'.format(url)) url_dic = parse_url(self.logger, url) order_name = url_dic['path'].replace(self.path_dic['order_path'], '') if '/' in order_name: (order_name, _sinin) = order_name.split('/', 1) return order_name def identifiers_check(self, identifiers_list): """ check validity of identifers in order """ self.logger.debug( 'Order.identifiers_check({0})'.format(identifiers_list)) error = None allowed_identifers = ['dns'] # add tnauthlist to list of supported identfiers if configured to do so if self.tnauthlist_support: allowed_identifers.append('tnauthlist') if identifiers_list and isinstance(identifiers_list, list): for identifier in identifiers_list: if 'type' in identifier: if identifier['type'].lower() not in allowed_identifers: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unsupportedIdentifier' break else: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' else: error = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' self.logger.debug( 'Order.identifiers_check() done with {0}:'.format(error)) return error def info(self, order_name): """ list details of an order """ self.logger.debug('{0})'.format(order_name)) return self.dbstore.order_lookup('name', order_name) def new(self, content): """ new oder request """ self.logger.debug('') response_dic = {} # check message (code, message, detail, _protected, payload, account_name) = self.message.check(content) if code == 200: (error, order_name, auth_dic, expires) = self.add(payload, account_name) if not error: code = 201 response_dic['header'] = {} response_dic['header']['Location'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['order_path'], order_name) response_dic['data'] = {} response_dic['data']['identifiers'] = [] response_dic['data']['authorizations'] = [] response_dic['data']['status'] = 'pending' response_dic['data']['expires'] = expires response_dic['data']['finalize'] = '{0}{1}{2}/finalize'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['order_path'], order_name) for auth_name in auth_dic: response_dic['data']['authorizations'].append( '{0}{1}{2}'.format(self.server_name, self.path_dic['authz_path'], auth_name)) response_dic['data']['identifiers'].append( auth_dic[auth_name]) else: code = 400 message = error detail = 'could not process order' # prepare/enrich response status_dic = {'code': code, 'message': message, 'detail': detail} response_dic = self.message.prepare_response(response_dic, status_dic) self.logger.debug(' returns: {0}'.format( json.dumps(response_dic))) return response_dic def parse(self, content): """ new oder request """ self.logger.debug('Order.parse()') response_dic = {} # check message (code, message, detail, protected, payload, _account_name) = self.message.check(content) if code == 200: if 'url' in protected: order_name = self.name_get(protected['url']) if 'finalize' in protected['url']: self.logger.debug('finalize request()') if 'csr' in payload: self.logger.debug('CSR found()') # this is a new request (code, certificate_name, detail) = self.process_csr(order_name, payload['csr']) if code == 200: # update order_status / set to valid self.update({ 'name': order_name, 'status': 'valid' }) else: self.logger.debug('no CSR found()') code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badCSR' detail = 'enrollment failed' else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badCSR' detail = 'csr is missing in payload' else: self.logger.debug('polling request()') code = 200 # this is a polling request; lookup certificate cert_dic = self.dbstore.certificate_lookup( 'order__name', order_name) if cert_dic: # we found a cert in the database certificate_name = cert_dic['name'] else: certificate_name = None else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'url is missing in protected' if code == 200: # create response response_dic['header'] = {} response_dic['header']['Location'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['order_path'], order_name) response_dic['data'] = self.lookup(order_name) response_dic['data']['finalize'] = '{0}{1}{2}/finalize'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['order_path'], order_name) if certificate_name: response_dic['data']['certificate'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['cert_path'], certificate_name) # prepare/enrich response status_dic = {'code': code, 'message': message, 'detail': detail} response_dic = self.message.prepare_response(response_dic, status_dic) self.logger.debug('Order.parse() returns: {0}'.format( json.dumps(response_dic))) return response_dic def process_csr(self, order_name, csr): """ process certificate signing request """ self.logger.debug('Order.process_csr({0})'.format(order_name)) order_dic = if order_dic: # change decoding from b64url to b64 csr = b64_url_recode(self.logger, csr) with Certificate(self.debug, self.server_name, self.logger) as certificate: # certificate = Certificate(self.debug, self.server_name, self.logger) certificate_name = certificate.store_csr(order_name, csr) if certificate_name: (_result, error, detail) = certificate.enroll_and_store( certificate_name, csr) if not error: code = 200 message = certificate_name detail = None else: code = 500 message = error else: code = 500 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:serverInternal' detail = 'CSR processing failed' else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized' detail = 'order: {0} not found'.format(order_name) self.logger.debug( 'Order.process_csr() ended with order:{0} {1}:{2}:{3}'.format( order_name, code, message, detail)) return (code, message, detail) def update(self, data_dic): """ update order based on ordername """ self.logger.debug('Order.update({0})'.format(data_dic)) return self.dbstore.order_update(data_dic) def lookup(self, order_name): """ sohw order details based on ordername """ self.logger.debug('{0})'.format(order_name)) order_dic = {} tmp_dic = if tmp_dic: if 'status' in tmp_dic: order_dic['status'] = tmp_dic['status'] if 'expires' in tmp_dic: order_dic['expires'] = uts_to_date_utc(tmp_dic['expires']) if 'notbefore' in tmp_dic: if tmp_dic['notbefore'] != 0: order_dic['notBefore'] = uts_to_date_utc( tmp_dic['notbefore']) if 'notafter' in tmp_dic: if tmp_dic['notafter'] != 0: order_dic['notAfter'] = uts_to_date_utc( tmp_dic['notafter']) if 'identifiers' in tmp_dic: order_dic['identifiers'] = json.loads(tmp_dic['identifiers']) authz_list = self.dbstore.authorization_lookup( 'order__name', order_name, ['name']) if authz_list: order_dic["authorizations"] = [] for authz in authz_list: if 'name' in authz: order_dic["authorizations"].append('{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['authz_path'], authz['name'])) return order_dic def load_config(self): """" load config from file """ self.logger.debug('Order.load_config()') config_dic = load_config() if 'Order' in config_dic: self.tnauthlist_support = config_dic.getboolean( 'Order', 'tnauthlist_support', fallback=False) self.logger.debug('Order.load_config() ended.')