class Challenge(object): """ Challenge handler """ def __init__(self, debug=None, srv_name=None, logger=None, expiry=3600): # self.debug = debug self.server_name = srv_name self.logger = logger self.dbstore = DBstore(debug, self.logger) self.message = Message(debug, self.server_name, self.logger) self.path_dic = { 'chall_path': '/acme/chall/', 'authz_path': '/acme/authz/' } self.expiry = expiry self.challenge_validation_disable = False self.tnauthlist_support = False self.dns_server_list = None def __enter__(self): """ Makes ACMEHandler a Context Manager """ self._config_load() return self def __exit__(self, *args): """ close the connection at the end of the context """ def _challengelist_search(self, key, value, vlist=('name', 'type', 'status__name', 'token')): """ get exsting challegnes for a given authorization """ self.logger.debug('Challenge._challengelist_search()') try: challenge_list = self.dbstore.challenges_search(key, value, vlist) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Challenge._challengelist_search(): {0}' .format(err_)) challenge_list = [] challenge_dic = {} for challenge in challenge_list: if challenge['type'] not in challenge_dic: challenge_dic[challenge['type']] = {} challenge_dic[challenge['type']]['token'] = challenge['token'] challenge_dic[challenge['type']]['type'] = challenge['type'] challenge_dic[challenge['type']]['url'] = challenge['name'] challenge_dic[challenge['type']]['url'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['chall_path'], challenge['name']) challenge_dic[challenge['type']]['name'] = challenge['name'] challenge_list = [] for challenge in challenge_dic: challenge_list.append(challenge_dic[challenge]) self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._challengelist_search() ended with: {0}'.format( challenge_list)) return challenge_list def _check(self, challenge_name, payload): """ challenge check """ self.logger.debug('Challenge._check({0})'.format(challenge_name)) try: challenge_dic = self.dbstore.challenge_lookup( 'name', challenge_name, [ 'type', 'status__name', 'token', 'authorization__name', 'authorization__type', 'authorization__value', 'authorization__token', 'authorization__order__account__name' ]) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Challenge._check() lookup: {0}' .format(err_)) challenge_dic = {} if 'type' in challenge_dic and 'authorization__value' in challenge_dic and 'token' in challenge_dic and 'authorization__order__account__name' in challenge_dic: try: pub_key = self.dbstore.jwk_load( challenge_dic['authorization__order__account__name']) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Challenge._check() jwk: {0}' .format(err_)) pub_key = None if pub_key: jwk_thumbprint = jwk_thumbprint_get(self.logger, pub_key) if challenge_dic['type'] == 'http-01' and jwk_thumbprint: (result, invalid) = self._validate_http_challenge( challenge_name, challenge_dic['authorization__value'], challenge_dic['token'], jwk_thumbprint) elif challenge_dic['type'] == 'dns-01' and jwk_thumbprint: (result, invalid) = self._validate_dns_challenge( challenge_name, challenge_dic['authorization__value'], challenge_dic['token'], jwk_thumbprint) elif challenge_dic['type'] == 'tls-alpn-01' and jwk_thumbprint: (result, invalid) = self._validate_alpn_challenge( challenge_name, challenge_dic['authorization__value'], challenge_dic['token'], jwk_thumbprint) elif challenge_dic[ 'type'] == 'tkauth-01' and jwk_thumbprint and self.tnauthlist_support: (result, invalid) = self._validate_tkauth_challenge( challenge_name, challenge_dic['authorization__value'], challenge_dic['token'], jwk_thumbprint, payload) else: self.logger.debug( 'unknown challenge type "{0}". Setting check result to False' .format(challenge_dic['type'])) result = False invalid = True else: result = False invalid = False else: result = False invalid = False self.logger.debug('challenge._check() ended with: {0}/{1}'.format( result, invalid)) return (result, invalid) def _existing_challenge_validate(self, challenge_list): """ validate an existing challenge set """ self.logger.debug('Challenge._existing_challenge_validate()') for challenge in challenge_list: _challenge_check = self._validate(challenge, {}) def _info(self, challenge_name): """ get challenge details """ self.logger.debug('Challenge._info({0})'.format(challenge_name)) try: challenge_dic = self.dbstore.challenge_lookup( 'name', challenge_name, vlist=('type', 'token', 'status__name', 'validated')) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Challenge._info(): {0}'. format(err_)) challenge_dic = {} if 'status' in challenge_dic and challenge_dic['status'] == 'valid': if 'validated' in challenge_dic: # convert validated timestamp to RFC3339 format - if it fails remove key from dictionary try: challenge_dic['validated'] = uts_to_date_utc( challenge_dic['validated']) except BaseException: challenge_dic.pop('validated') else: if 'validated' in challenge_dic: challenge_dic.pop('validated') self.logger.debug('Challenge._info({0}) ended'.format(challenge_name)) return challenge_dic def _config_load(self): """" load config from file """ self.logger.debug('Challenge._config_load()') config_dic = load_config() if 'Challenge' in config_dic: self.challenge_validation_disable = config_dic.getboolean( 'Challenge', 'challenge_validation_disable', fallback=False) if 'dns_server_list' in config_dic['Challenge']: try: self.dns_server_list = json.loads( config_dic['Challenge']['dns_server_list']) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.warning( 'Challenge._config_load() failed with error: {0}'. format(err_)) if 'Order' in config_dic: self.tnauthlist_support = config_dic.getboolean( 'Order', 'tnauthlist_support', fallback=False) self.logger.debug('Challenge._config_load() ended.') def _name_get(self, url): """ get challenge """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.get_name({0})'.format(url)) url_dic = parse_url(self.logger, url) challenge_name = url_dic['path'].replace(self.path_dic['chall_path'], '') if '/' in challenge_name: (challenge_name, _sinin) = challenge_name.split('/', 1) return challenge_name def _new(self, authz_name, mtype, token): """ new challenge """ self.logger.debug('Challenge._new({0})'.format(mtype)) challenge_name = generate_random_string(self.logger, 12) data_dic = { 'name': challenge_name, 'expires': self.expiry, 'type': mtype, 'token': token, 'authorization': authz_name, 'status': 2 } try: chid = self.dbstore.challenge_add(data_dic) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Challenge._new(): {0}'. format(err_)) chid = None challenge_dic = {} if chid: challenge_dic['type'] = mtype challenge_dic['url'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['chall_path'], challenge_name) challenge_dic['token'] = token if mtype == 'tkauth-01': challenge_dic['tkauth-type'] = 'atc' return challenge_dic def _update(self, data_dic): """ update challenge """ self.logger.debug('Challenge._update({0})'.format(data_dic)) try: self.dbstore.challenge_update(data_dic) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Challenge._update(): {0}'. format(err_)) self.logger.debug('Challenge._update() ended') def _update_authz(self, challenge_name, data_dic): """ update authorizsation based on challenge_name """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._update_authz({0})'.format(challenge_name)) try: # lookup autorization based on challenge_name authz_name = self.dbstore.challenge_lookup( 'name', challenge_name, ['authorization__name'])['authorization'] except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Challenge._update_authz() lookup: {0}' .format(err_)) authz_name = None if authz_name: data_dic['name'] = authz_name try: # update authorization self.dbstore.authorization_update(data_dic) except BaseException as err_: self.logger.critical( 'acme2certifier database error in Challenge._update_authz() upd: {0}' .format(err_)) self.logger.debug('Challenge._update_authz() ended') def _validate(self, challenge_name, payload): """ validate challenge""" self.logger.debug('Challenge._validate({0}: {1})'.format( challenge_name, payload)) if self.challenge_validation_disable: self.logger.debug( 'CHALLENGE VALIDATION DISABLED. SETTING challenge status to valid' ) challenge_check = True invalid = False else: (challenge_check, invalid) = self._check(challenge_name, payload) if invalid: self._update({'name': challenge_name, 'status': 'invalid'}) # authorization update to valid state self._update_authz(challenge_name, {'status': 'invalid'}) elif challenge_check: self._update({ 'name': challenge_name, 'status': 'valid', 'validated': uts_now() }) # authorization update to valid state self._update_authz(challenge_name, {'status': 'valid'}) if payload: if 'keyAuthorization' in payload: # update challenge to ready state data_dic = { 'name': challenge_name, 'keyauthorization': payload['keyAuthorization'] } self._update(data_dic) self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate() ended with:{0}'.format(challenge_check)) return challenge_check def _validate_alpn_challenge(self, challenge_name, fqdn, token, jwk_thumbprint): """ validate dns challenge """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_alpn_challenge({0}:{1}:{2})'.format( challenge_name, fqdn, token)) # resolve name (response, invalid) = fqdn_resolve(fqdn, self.dns_server_list) self.logger.debug('fqdn_resolve() ended with: {0}/{1}'.format( response, invalid)) # we are expecting a certifiate extension which is the sha256 hexdigest of token in a byte structure # which is base 64 encoded '0420' has been taken from sources sha256_digest = sha256_hash_hex( self.logger, '{0}.{1}'.format(token, jwk_thumbprint)) extension_value = b64_encode( self.logger, bytearray.fromhex('0420{0}'.format(sha256_digest))) self.logger.debug('computed value: {0}'.format(extension_value)) if not invalid: cert = servercert_get(self.logger, fqdn) if cert: san_list = cert_san_get(self.logger, cert, recode=False) fqdn_in_san = fqdn_in_san_check(self.logger, san_list, fqdn) if fqdn_in_san: extension_list = cert_extensions_get(self.logger, cert, recode=False) if extension_value in extension_list: self.logger.debug('alpn validation successful') result = True else: self.logger.debug('alpn validation not successful') result = False else: self.logger.debug('fqdn check against san failed') result = False else: self.logger.debug('no cert returned...') result = False else: result = False self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_alpn_challenge() ended with: {0}/{1}'.format( result, invalid)) return (result, invalid) def _validate_dns_challenge(self, challenge_name, fqdn, token, jwk_thumbprint): """ validate dns challenge """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_dns_challenge({0}:{1}:{2})'.format( challenge_name, fqdn, token)) # handle wildcard domain fqdn = self._wcd_manipulate(fqdn) # rewrite fqdn fqdn = '_acme-challenge.{0}'.format(fqdn) # resolve name (_response, invalid) = fqdn_resolve(fqdn) if not invalid: # compute sha256 hash _hash = b64_url_encode( self.logger, sha256_hash(self.logger, '{0}.{1}'.format(token, jwk_thumbprint))) # query dns txt = txt_get(self.logger, fqdn, self.dns_server_list) # compare computed hash with result from DNS query self.logger.debug( 'response_got: {0} response_expected: {1}'.format(txt, _hash)) if _hash == txt: self.logger.debug('validation successful') result = True else: self.logger.debug('validation not successful') result = False else: result = False self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_dns_challenge() ended with: {0}/{1}'.format( result, invalid)) return (result, invalid) def _validate_http_challenge(self, challenge_name, fqdn, token, jwk_thumbprint): """ validate http challenge """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_http_challenge({0}:{1}:{2})'.format( challenge_name, fqdn, token)) # resolve name (response, invalid) = fqdn_resolve(fqdn, self.dns_server_list) self.logger.debug('fqdn_resolve() ended with: {0}/{1}'.format( response, invalid)) if not invalid: req = url_get( self.logger, 'http://{0}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{1}'.format( fqdn, token), self.dns_server_list) # make challenge validation unsuccessful # req = url_get(self.logger, 'http://{0}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{1}'.format('test.test', '')) if req: response_got = req.splitlines()[0] response_expected = '{0}.{1}'.format(token, jwk_thumbprint) self.logger.debug( 'response_got: {0} response_expected: {1}'.format( response_got, response_expected)) if response_got == response_expected: self.logger.debug('validation successful') result = True else: self.logger.debug('validation not successful') result = False else: self.logger.debug( 'validation not successfull.. no request object') result = False else: result = False self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_http_challenge() ended with: {0}/{1}'.format( result, invalid)) return (result, invalid) def _validate_tkauth_challenge(self, challenge_name, tnauthlist, _token, _jwk_thumbprint, payload): """ validate tkauth challenge """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_tkauth_challenge({0}:{1}:{2})'.format( challenge_name, tnauthlist, payload)) result = True invalid = False self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_tkauth_challenge() ended with: {0}/{1}'. format(result, invalid)) return (result, invalid) def _validate_tnauthlist_payload(self, payload, challenge_dic): """ check payload in cae tnauthlist option has been set """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_tnauthlist_payload({0}:{1})'.format( payload, challenge_dic)) code = 400 message = None detail = None if 'type' in challenge_dic: if challenge_dic['type'] == 'tkauth-01': self.logger.debug('tkauth identifier found') # check if we havegot an atc claim in the challenge request if 'atc' in payload: # check if we got a SPC token in the challenge request if not bool(payload['atc']): code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'SPC token is missing' else: code = 200 else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'atc claim is missing' else: code = 200 else: message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'invalid challenge: {0}'.format(challenge_dic) self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._validate_tnauthlist_payload() ended with:{0}'.format( code)) return (code, message, detail) def _wcd_manipulate(self, fqdn): """ wildcard domain handling """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._wc_manipulate() for fqdn: {0}'.format(fqdn)) if fqdn.startswith('*.'): fqdn = fqdn[2:] self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._wc_manipulate() ended with: {0}'.format(fqdn)) return fqdn def challengeset_get(self, authz_name, auth_status, token, tnauth): """ get the challengeset for an authorization """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.challengeset_get() for auth: {0}'.format(authz_name)) # check database if there are exsting challenges for a particular authorization challenge_list = self._challengelist_search('authorization__name', authz_name) if challenge_list: self.logger.debug('Challenges found.') # trigger challenge validation challenge_name_list = [] for challenge in challenge_list: challenge_name_list.append(challenge.pop('name')) if auth_status == 'pending': self._existing_challenge_validate(challenge_name_list) else: # new challenges to be created self.logger.debug('Challenges not found. Create a new set.') challenge_list = self.new_set(authz_name, token, tnauth) return challenge_list def get(self, url): """ get challenge details based on get request """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.get({0})'.format(url)) challenge_name = self._name_get(url) response_dic = {} response_dic['code'] = 200 response_dic['data'] = self._info(challenge_name) return response_dic def new_set(self, authz_name, token, tnauth=False): """ net challenge set """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.new_set({0}, {1})'.format( authz_name, token)) challenge_list = [] if not tnauth: challenge_list.append(self._new(authz_name, 'http-01', token)) challenge_list.append(self._new(authz_name, 'dns-01', token)) challenge_list.append(self._new(authz_name, 'tls-alpn-01', token)) else: challenge_list.append(self._new(authz_name, 'tkauth-01', token)) self.logger.debug( 'Challenge._new_set returned ({0})'.format(challenge_list)) return challenge_list def parse(self, content): """ new oder request """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.parse()') response_dic = {} # check message (code, message, detail, protected, payload, _account_name) = self.message.check(content) if code == 200: if 'url' in protected: challenge_name = self._name_get(protected['url']) if challenge_name: challenge_dic = self._info(challenge_name) if challenge_dic: # check tnauthlist payload if self.tnauthlist_support: (code, message, detail) = self._validate_tnauthlist_payload( payload, challenge_dic) if code == 200: # start validation if 'status' in challenge_dic: if challenge_dic['status'] != 'valid': _validation = self._validate( challenge_name, payload) # query challenge again (bcs. it could get updated by self._validate) challenge_dic = self._info(challenge_name) else: # rather unlikely that we run in this situation but you never know _validation = self._validate( challenge_name, payload) # query challenge again (bcs. it could get updated by self._validate) challenge_dic = self._info(challenge_name) response_dic['data'] = {} challenge_dic['url'] = protected['url'] code = 200 response_dic['data'] = {} response_dic['data'] = challenge_dic response_dic['header'] = {} response_dic['header'][ 'Link'] = '<{0}{1}>;rel="up"'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['authz_path']) else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'invalid challenge: {0}'.format( challenge_name) else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'could not get challenge' else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'url missing in protected header' # prepare/enrich response status_dic = {'code': code, 'message': message, 'detail': detail} response_dic = self.message.prepare_response(response_dic, status_dic) self.logger.debug('challenge.parse() returns: {0}'.format( json.dumps(response_dic))) return response_dic
class Challenge(object): """ Challenge handler """ def __init__(self, debug=None, srv_name=None, logger=None, expiry=3600): # self.debug = debug self.server_name = srv_name self.logger = logger self.dbstore = DBstore(debug, self.logger) self.message = Message(debug, self.server_name, self.logger) self.path_dic = { 'chall_path': '/acme/chall/', 'authz_path': '/acme/authz/' } self.expiry = expiry self.challenge_validation_disable = False self.tnauthlist_support = False def __enter__(self): """ Makes ACMEHandler a Context Manager """ self.load_config() return self def __exit__(self, *args): """ close the connection at the end of the context """ def check(self, challenge_name, payload): """ challene check """ self.logger.debug('challenge.check({0})'.format(challenge_name)) challenge_dic = self.dbstore.challenge_lookup('name', challenge_name, [ 'type', 'status__name', 'token', 'authorization__name', 'authorization__type', 'authorization__value', 'authorization__token', 'authorization__order__account__name' ]) if 'type' in challenge_dic and 'authorization__value' in challenge_dic and 'token' in challenge_dic and 'authorization__order__account__name' in challenge_dic: pub_key = self.dbstore.jwk_load( challenge_dic['authorization__order__account__name']) if pub_key: jwk_thumbprint = jwk_thumbprint_get(self.logger, pub_key) if challenge_dic['type'] == 'http-01' and jwk_thumbprint: result = self.validate_http_challenge( challenge_dic['authorization__value'], challenge_dic['token'], jwk_thumbprint) elif challenge_dic['type'] == 'dns-01' and jwk_thumbprint: result = self.validate_dns_challenge( challenge_dic['authorization__value'], challenge_dic['token'], jwk_thumbprint) elif challenge_dic[ 'type'] == 'tkauth-01' and jwk_thumbprint and self.tnauthlist_support: result = self.validate_tkauth_challenge( challenge_dic['authorization__value'], challenge_dic['token'], jwk_thumbprint, payload) else: self.logger.debug( 'unknown challenge type "{0}". Setting check result to False' .format(challenge_dic['type'])) result = False else: result = False else: result = False self.logger.debug('challenge.check() ended with: {0}'.format(result)) return result def get(self, url): """ get challenge details based on get request """ self.logger.debug('challenge.new_get({0})'.format(url)) challenge_name = self.name_get(url) response_dic = {} response_dic['code'] = 200 response_dic['data'] = return response_dic def info(self, challenge_name): """ get challenge details """ self.logger.debug('{0})'.format(challenge_name)) challenge_dic = self.dbstore.challenge_lookup('name', challenge_name) return challenge_dic def load_config(self): """" load config from file """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.load_config()') config_dic = load_config() if 'Challenge' in config_dic: self.challenge_validation_disable = config_dic.getboolean( 'Challenge', 'challenge_validation_disable', fallback=False) if 'Order' in config_dic: self.tnauthlist_support = config_dic.getboolean( 'Order', 'tnauthlist_support', fallback=False) self.logger.debug('Challenge.load_config() ended.') def name_get(self, url): """ get challenge """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.get_name({0})'.format(url)) url_dic = parse_url(self.logger, url) challenge_name = url_dic['path'].replace(self.path_dic['chall_path'], '') if '/' in challenge_name: (challenge_name, _sinin) = challenge_name.split('/', 1) return challenge_name def new(self, authz_name, mtype, token): """ new challenge """ self.logger.debug('{0})'.format(mtype)) challenge_name = generate_random_string(self.logger, 12) data_dic = { 'name': challenge_name, 'expires': self.expiry, 'type': mtype, 'token': token, 'authorization': authz_name, 'status': 2 } chid = self.dbstore.challenge_add(data_dic) challenge_dic = {} if chid: challenge_dic['type'] = mtype challenge_dic['url'] = '{0}{1}{2}'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['chall_path'], challenge_name) challenge_dic['token'] = token if mtype == 'tkauth-01': challenge_dic['tkauth-type'] = 'atc' return challenge_dic def new_set(self, authz_name, token, tnauth=False): """ net challenge set """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.new_set({0}, {1})'.format( authz_name, token)) challenge_list = [] if not tnauth: challenge_list.append(, 'http-01', token)) challenge_list.append(, 'dns-01', token)) else: challenge_list.append(, 'tkauth-01', token)) self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.new_set returned ({0})'.format(challenge_list)) return challenge_list def parse(self, content): """ new oder request """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.parse()') response_dic = {} # check message (code, message, detail, protected, payload, _account_name) = self.message.check(content) if code == 200: if 'url' in protected: challenge_name = self.name_get(protected['url']) if challenge_name: challenge_dic = # check tnauthlist payload if self.tnauthlist_support: (code, message, detail) = self.validate_tnauthlist_payload( payload, challenge_dic) if code == 200: # update challenge state to 'processing' - i am not so sure about this # self.update({'name' : challenge_name, 'status' : 4}) # start validation _validation = self.validate(challenge_name, payload) if challenge_dic: response_dic['data'] = {} challenge_dic['url'] = protected['url'] code = 200 response_dic['data'] = {} response_dic['data'] = challenge_dic response_dic['header'] = {} response_dic['header'][ 'Link'] = '<{0}{1}>;rel="up"'.format( self.server_name, self.path_dic['authz_path']) else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'invalid challenge: {0}'.format( challenge_name) else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'could not get challenge' else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'url missing in protected header' # prepare/enrich response status_dic = {'code': code, 'message': message, 'detail': detail} response_dic = self.message.prepare_response(response_dic, status_dic) self.logger.debug('challenge.parse() returns: {0}'.format( json.dumps(response_dic))) return response_dic def update(self, data_dic): """ update challenge """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.update({0})'.format(data_dic)) self.dbstore.challenge_update(data_dic) def update_authz(self, challenge_name): """ update authorizsation based on challenge_name """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.update_authz({0})'.format(challenge_name)) # lookup autorization based on challenge_name authz_name = self.dbstore.challenge_lookup( 'name', challenge_name, ['authorization__name'])['authorization'] self.dbstore.authorization_update({ 'name': authz_name, 'status': 'valid' }) # print(authz_name) def validate(self, challenge_name, payload): """ validate challenge""" self.logger.debug('Challenge.validate({0}: {1})'.format( challenge_name, payload)) if self.challenge_validation_disable: self.logger.debug( 'CHALLENGE VALIDATION DISABLED. SETTING challenge status to valid' ) challenge_check = True else: challenge_check = self.check(challenge_name, payload) if challenge_check: self.update({'name': challenge_name, 'status': 'valid'}) # authorization update to ready state self.update_authz(challenge_name) if payload: if 'keyAuthorization' in payload: # update challenge to ready state data_dic = { 'name': challenge_name, 'keyauthorization': payload['keyAuthorization'] } self.update(data_dic) self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.validate() ended with:{0}'.format(challenge_check)) def validate_dns_challenge(self, fqdn, token, jwk_thumbprint): """ validate dns challenge """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.validate_dns_challenge()') # rewrite fqdn fqdn = '_acme-challenge.{0}'.format(fqdn) # compute sha256 hash _hash = b64_url_encode( self.logger, sha256_hash(self.logger, '{0}.{1}'.format(token, jwk_thumbprint))) # query dns txt = txt_get(self.logger, fqdn) # compare computed hash with result from DNS query if _hash == txt: result = True else: result = False self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.validate_dns_challenge() ended with: {0}'.format( result)) return result def validate_http_challenge(self, fqdn, token, jwk_thumbprint): """ validate http challenge """ self.logger.debug('Challenge.validate_http_challenge()') req = url_get( self.logger, 'http://{0}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{1}'.format(fqdn, token)) if req: if req.splitlines()[0] == '{0}.{1}'.format(token, jwk_thumbprint): result = True else: result = False else: result = False self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.validate_http_challenge() ended with: {0}'.format( result)) return result def validate_tkauth_challenge(self, tnauthlist, _token, _jwk_thumbprint, payload): """ validate tkauth challenge """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.validate_tkauth_challenge({0}:{1})'.format( tnauthlist, payload)) result = True self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.validate_tkauth_challenge() ended with: {0}'.format( result)) return result def validate_tnauthlist_payload(self, payload, challenge_dic): """ check payload in cae tnauthlist option has been set """ self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.validate_tnauthlist_payload({0}:{1})'.format( payload, challenge_dic)) code = 400 message = None detail = None if 'type' in challenge_dic: if challenge_dic['type'] == 'tkauth-01': self.logger.debug('tkauth identifier found') # check if we havegot an atc claim in the challenge request if 'atc' in payload: # check if we got a SPC token in the challenge request if not bool(payload['atc']): code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'SPC token is missing' else: code = 200 else: code = 400 message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'atc claim is missing' else: code = 200 else: message = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed' detail = 'invalid challenge: {0}'.format(challenge_dic) self.logger.debug( 'Challenge.validate_tnauthlist_payload() ended with:{0}'.format( code)) return (code, message, detail)