Exemple #1
def spatialCorrelationAlgorithm_ZScore(data, radius, printProcess=False, eventsKey='ZScore', spontKey='SpontZScore', threshold=1.645):
    ## check that data has 'xPos', 'yPos' and 'numOfPostEvents'
    #prof = Profiler("bendelsSpatialCorrelationAlgorithm", disabled=True)
    fields = data.dtype.names
    if 'xPos' not in fields or 'yPos' not in fields or eventsKey not in fields or spontKey not in fields:
        raise HelpfulException("Array input needs to have the following fields: 'xPos', 'yPos', the fields specified in *eventsKey* and *spontKey*. Current fields are: %s" %str(fields))   
    #prof.mark("checked fields")
    ## add 'prob' field to data array
    if 'prob' not in data.dtype.names:
        arr = utilFn.concatenateColumns([data, np.zeros(len(data), dtype=[('prob', float)])])
        #arr[:] = data     
        data = arr
    #prof.mark("set 'prob' field")
    table = np.zeros((200, 200)) ## add a lookup table so that we don't have to calculate the same probabilities over and over...saves a bit of time
    ## spatial correlation algorithm from :
    ## Bendels, MHK; Beed, P; Schmitz, D; Johenning, FW; and Leibold C. Detection of input sites in 
    ## scanning photostimulation data based on spatial correlations. 2010. Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
    ## calculate probability of seeing a spontaneous event in time window -- for ZScore method, calculate probability that ZScore is spontaneously high
    p = len(data[data[spontKey] < -threshold])/float(len(data))
    #p = 1-np.exp(-spontRate*timeWindow)
    #if printProcess:
    #    print "======  Spontaneous Probability: %f =======" % p
    #prof.mark('calculated spontaneous probability')
    ## for each spot, calculate the probability of having the events in nearby spots occur randomly
    for x in data:
        spots = data[(np.sqrt((data['xPos']-x['xPos'])**2+(data['yPos']-x['yPos'])**2)) < radius]
        nSpots = len(spots)
        nEventSpots = len(spots[spots[eventsKey] < -threshold])
        prob = 0
        if table[nEventSpots, nSpots] != 0: ## try looking up value in table (it was stored there if we calculated it before), otherwise calculate it now
            prob = table[nEventSpots, nSpots]
            for j in range(nEventSpots, nSpots+1):
                a = ((p**j)*((1-p)**(nSpots-j))*math.factorial(nSpots))/(math.factorial(j)*math.factorial(nSpots-j))
                if printProcess:
                    print "        Prob for %i events: %f     Total: %f" %(j, a, prob+a)
                prob += a
            table[nEventSpots, nSpots] = prob
        if printProcess: ## for debugging
            print "    %i out of %i spots had events. Probability: %f" %(nEventSpots, nSpots, prob)
        x['prob'] = prob
    #prof.mark("calculated probabilities")
    return data
Exemple #2
def loadCell(cell, reloadData=False):
    global events
    if reloadData:
        events.pop(cell, None)
    if cell in events:
    db = man.getModule('Data Manager').currentDatabase()
    mod = man.dataModel
    allEvents = []
    hvals = {}
    nEv = 0
    positionCache = {}
    tcache = {}
    print "Loading all events for cell", cell
    tot = db.select(eventView, 'count()', where={'CellDir': cell})[0]['count()']
    print tot, "total events.."
    with pg.ProgressDialog('Loading event data...', maximum=tot, wait=0) as dlg:
        for ev in db.iterSelect(eventView, ['ProtocolSequenceDir', 'SourceFile', 'fitAmplitude', 'fitTime', 'fitDecayTau', 'fitRiseTau', 'fitTimeToPeak', 'fitLengthOverDecay', 'fitFractionalError', 'userTransform', 'CellType', 'CellDir', 'ProtocolDir'], where={'CellDir': cell}, toArray=True, chunkSize=200):
            extra = np.empty(ev.shape, dtype=[('right', float), ('anterior', float), ('dorsal', float), ('holding', float)])
            ## insert holding levels
            for i in range(len(ev)):
                sd = ev[i]['ProtocolSequenceDir']
                if sd not in hvals:
                    cf = ev[i]['SourceFile']
                    hvals[sd] = mod.getClampHoldingLevel(cf)
                    #print hvals[sd], cf
                extra[i]['holding'] = hvals[sd]
            ## insert positions
            for i in range(len(ev)):
                protoDir = ev[i]['SourceFile'].parent()
                key = protoDir
                #key = (ev[i]['ProtocolSequenceDir'], ev[i]['SourceFile'])
                if key not in positionCache:
                        #dh = ev[i]['ProtocolDir']
                        #p1 = pg.Point(dh.info()['Scanner']['position'])
                        #if key[0] not in tcache:
                            #tr = pg.SRTTransform()
                            #tcache[key[0]] = tr
                        #trans = tcache[key[0]]
                        #p2 = trans.map(p1)
                        #pcache[key] = (p2.x(),p2.y())
                        #print key
                    rec = db.select('CochlearNucleus_Protocol', where={'ProtocolDir': protoDir})
                    if len(rec) == 0:
                        pos = (None, None, None)
                    elif len(rec) == 1:
                        pos = (rec[0]['right'], rec[0]['anterior'], rec[0]['dorsal'])
                    elif len(rec) == 2:
                        raise Exception("Multiple position records for %s!" % str(protoDir))
                    positionCache[key] = pos
                extra[i]['right'] = positionCache[key][0]
                extra[i]['anterior'] = positionCache[key][1]
                extra[i]['dorsal'] = positionCache[key][2]
            ev = fn.concatenateColumns([ev, extra])
            nEv += len(ev)
            if dlg.wasCanceled():
                raise Exception('Canceled by user.')
    ev = np.concatenate(allEvents)
    numExSites = 0
    numInSites = 0
    for site in db.select(siteView, 'ProtocolSequenceDir', where={'CellDir': cell}):
        h = hvals.get(site['ProtocolSequenceDir'],None)
        if h is None:
        if h > -0.02:
            numInSites += 1
        elif h < -0.04:
            numExSites += 1
    events[cell] = (ev, numExSites, numInSites)
Exemple #3
def loadCell(cell, reloadData=False):
    global events
    if reloadData:
        events.pop(cell, None)
    if cell in events:
    db = man.getModule('Data Manager').currentDatabase()
    mod = man.dataModel

    allEvents = []
    hvals = {}
    nEv = 0
    positionCache = {}
    tcache = {}
    print("Loading all events for cell", cell)
    tot = db.select(eventView, 'count()', where={'CellDir':
    print(tot, "total events..")

    with pg.ProgressDialog('Loading event data...', maximum=tot,
                           wait=0) as dlg:
        for ev in db.iterSelect(eventView, [
                'ProtocolSequenceDir', 'SourceFile', 'fitAmplitude', 'fitTime',
                'fitDecayTau', 'fitRiseTau', 'fitTimeToPeak',
                'fitLengthOverDecay', 'fitFractionalError', 'userTransform',
                'CellType', 'CellDir', 'ProtocolDir'
                                where={'CellDir': cell},
            extra = np.empty(ev.shape,
                             dtype=[('right', float), ('anterior', float),
                                    ('dorsal', float), ('holding', float)])

            ## insert holding levels
            for i in range(len(ev)):
                sd = ev[i]['ProtocolSequenceDir']
                if sd not in hvals:
                    cf = ev[i]['SourceFile']
                    hvals[sd] = mod.getClampHoldingLevel(cf)
                    #print hvals[sd], cf
                extra[i]['holding'] = hvals[sd]

            ## insert positions

            for i in range(len(ev)):
                protoDir = ev[i]['SourceFile'].parent()
                key = protoDir
                #key = (ev[i]['ProtocolSequenceDir'], ev[i]['SourceFile'])
                if key not in positionCache:
                    #dh = ev[i]['ProtocolDir']
                    #p1 = pg.Point(dh.info()['Scanner']['position'])
                    #if key[0] not in tcache:
                    #tr = pg.SRTTransform()
                    #tcache[key[0]] = tr
                    #trans = tcache[key[0]]
                    #p2 = trans.map(p1)
                    #pcache[key] = (p2.x(),p2.y())
                    #print key
                    rec = db.select('CochlearNucleus_Protocol',
                                    where={'ProtocolDir': protoDir})
                    if len(rec) == 0:
                        pos = (None, None, None)
                    elif len(rec) == 1:
                        pos = (rec[0]['right'], rec[0]['anterior'],
                    elif len(rec) == 2:
                        raise Exception("Multiple position records for %s!" %
                    positionCache[key] = pos
                extra[i]['right'] = positionCache[key][0]
                extra[i]['anterior'] = positionCache[key][1]
                extra[i]['dorsal'] = positionCache[key][2]

            ev = fn.concatenateColumns([ev, extra])
            nEv += len(ev)
            if dlg.wasCanceled():
                raise Exception('Canceled by user.')
    ev = np.concatenate(allEvents)

    numExSites = 0
    numInSites = 0
    for site in db.select(siteView,
                          where={'CellDir': cell}):
        h = hvals.get(site['ProtocolSequenceDir'], None)
        if h is None:
        if h > -0.02:
            numInSites += 1
        elif h < -0.04:
            numExSites += 1

    events[cell] = (ev, numExSites, numInSites)