Exemple #1
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: new -- create a new blog entry the easy way.  Either run
    ``acrylamid new My fresh new Entry`` or interactively via ``acrylamid new``
    and the file will be created using the preferred permalink format."""

    # we need the actual defaults values
    commands.initialize(conf, env)

    ext = conf.get('content_extension', '.txt')
    fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=ext, dir='.cache/')

    editor = os.getenv('VISUAL') if os.getenv('VISUAL') else os.getenv('EDITOR')
    tt = formats.get((conf.get('metastyle') == 'native', ext), yaml)

    if not options.title:
        options.title = raw_input("Entry's title: ")

    title = (' '.join(options.title))
    if not PY3:
        title = title.decode('utf-8')

    with io.open(fd, 'w') as f:
        f.write(tt(title, datetime.now().strftime(conf['date_format'])))

    entry = readers.Entry(tmp, conf)
    p = join(conf['content_dir'], dirname(entry.permalink)[1:])

        os.makedirs(p.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
    except OSError:

    filepath = p + ext
    if isfile(filepath):
        raise AcrylamidException('Entry already exists %r' % filepath)
    shutil.move(tmp, filepath)

    if datetime.now().hour == 23 and datetime.now().minute > 45:
        log.info("notice  consider editing entry.date-day after you passed mignight!")

    if log.level() >= log.WARN:

        if editor:
            retcode = subprocess.call([editor, filepath])
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            retcode = subprocess.call(['open', filepath])
            retcode = subprocess.call(['xdg-open', filepath])
    except OSError:
        raise AcrylamidException('Could not launch an editor')

    # XXX process detaches... m(
    if retcode < 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('Child was terminated by signal %i' % -retcode)

    if os.stat(filepath)[6] == 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('File is empty!')
Exemple #2
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: info -- a short overview of a blog."""

    commands.initialize(conf, env)

    if options.type == "summary":
        do_summary(conf, env, options)
    elif options.type == "tags":
        do_tags(conf, env, options)
Exemple #3
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: info -- a short overview of a blog."""

    commands.initialize(conf, env)

    if options.type == "summary":
        do_summary(conf, env, options)
    elif options.type == "tags":
        do_tags(conf, env, options)
Exemple #4
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: ping -- notify external ressources via Pingback etc."""

    initialize(conf, env)  # we access the cache, so we must initialize first

    entrylist = sorted([Entry(e, conf) for e in filelist(conf['content_dir'],
        conf.get('entries_ignore', []))], key=lambda k: k.date, reverse=True)
    entrylist = [entry for entry in entrylist if not entry.draft]

    print joinurl(conf['www_root'], entrylist[0].permalink)

    links = re.findall('https?://[^ ]+', entrylist[0].source)
    print links
Exemple #5
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: ping -- notify external resources via Pingback etc."""

    commands.initialize(conf, env)
    entrylist = [entry for entry in readers.load(conf)[0] if not entry.draft]

    if options.file:
            entrylist = [
                filter(lambda e: e.filename == options.file, entrylist)[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise AcrylamidException("no such post!")

    if options.service == 'twitter':

        if twitter is None:
            raise AcrylamidException("'twitter' egg not found")

        for entry in entrylist if options.all else entrylist[:options.
                                                             max or 1]:
            tweet(entry, conf, options.dryrun)


    # XXX we should search for actual hrefs not random grepping, but this
    # requires access to the cache at non-runtime which is unfortunately
    # not possible yet.

    patterns = [
        r'(?<=\n)\[.*?\]:\s?(https?://.+)$',  # referenced markdown
        r'\[[^\]]+\]\((https?://[^\)]+)\)',  # inline markdown
        r'(?<=\n)\.\.\s+[^:]+:\s+(https?://.+)$',  # referenced docutils
        r'`[^<]+ <(https?://[^>]+)>`_',  # inline docutils

    pool = Threadpool(options.jobs)
    ping = lambda src, dest: pingback(helpers.joinurl(conf['www_root'], src),
                                      dest, options.dryrun)

    for entry in entrylist if options.all else entrylist[:options.max or 1]:

        for href in sum(
            [re.findall(pat, entry.source, re.M) for pat in patterns], []):
            pool.add_task(ping, *[entry.permalink, href])

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemple #6
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: ping -- notify external resources via Pingback etc."""

    commands.initialize(conf, env)
    entrylist = [entry for entry in readers.load(conf)[0] if not entry.draft]

    if options.file:
            entrylist = [filter(lambda e: e.filename == options.file, entrylist)[0]]
        except IndexError:
            raise AcrylamidException("no such post!")

    if options.service == 'twitter':

        if twitter is None:
            raise AcrylamidException("'twitter' egg not found")

        for entry in entrylist if options.all else entrylist[:options.max or 1]:
            tweet(entry, conf, options.dryrun)


    # XXX we should search for actual hrefs not random grepping, but this
    # requires access to the cache at non-runtime which is unfortunately
    # not possible yet.

    patterns = [
        r'(?<=\n)\[.*?\]:\s?(https?://.+)$',  # referenced markdown
        r'\[[^\]]+\]\((https?://[^\)]+)\)',  # inline markdown
        r'(?<=\n)\.\.\s+[^:]+:\s+(https?://.+)$',  # referenced docutils
        r'`[^<]+ <(https?://[^>]+)>`_',  # inline docutils

    pool = Threadpool(options.jobs)
    ping = lambda src, dest: pingback(helpers.joinurl(conf['www_root'], src), dest, options.dryrun)

    for entry in entrylist if options.all else entrylist[:options.max or 1]:

        for href in sum([re.findall(pat, entry.source, re.M) for pat in patterns], []):
            pool.add_task(ping, *[entry.permalink, href])

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
Exemple #7
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: import -- import entries and settings from an existing RSS/Atom
    feed or WordPress dump.  ``acrylamid import http://example.com/feed/`` or any
    local FILE is fine.

    By default we use ``html2text`` (if available) to re-convert to Markdown, with
    ``-m rst`` you can also re-convert to reST if you have ``html2rest`` installed.
    As fallback there we have ``pandoc`` but you can use pandoc as first choice with
    the ``-p`` flag.

    If you don't like any reconversion, simply use ``-m html``. This command supports
    the force flag to override already existing files. Use with care!"""

    # we need the actual defaults values for permalink format
    commands.initialize(conf, env)

    content = fetch(options.src, auth=options.__dict__.get('auth', None))
    defaults, items = parse(content)
    build(conf, env, defaults, items, options)
Exemple #8
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: import -- import entries and settings from an existing RSS/Atom
    feed or WordPress dump.  ``acrylamid import http://example.com/feed/`` or any
    local FILE is fine.

    By default we use ``html2text`` (if available) to re-convert to Markdown, with
    ``-m rst`` you can also re-convert to reST if you have ``html2rest`` installed.
    As fallback there we have ``pandoc`` but you can use pandoc as first choice with
    the ``-p`` flag.

    If you don't like any reconversion, simply use ``-m html``. This command supports
    the force flag to override already existing files. Use with care!"""

    # we need the actual defaults values for permalink format
    commands.initialize(conf, env)

    content = fetch(options.src, auth=options.__dict__.get('auth', None))
    defaults, items = parse(content)
    build(conf, env, defaults, items, options)
Exemple #9
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: info -- a short overview of a blog."""

    limit = options.max if options.max > 0 else 5
    commands.initialize(conf, env)
    entrylist, pages = readers.load(conf)

    print "acrylamid", blue(env["version"]) + ",",
    print "cache size:", blue("%0.2f" % (cache.size / 1024.0 ** 2)) + " mb"

    for entry in entrylist[:limit]:
        print "  ", green(ago(entry.date.replace(tzinfo=None)).ljust(13)),
        print white(entry.title) if entry.draft else normal(entry.title)

    print "%s published," % blue(len([e for e in entrylist if not e.draft])),
    print "%s drafted articles" % blue(len([e for e in entrylist if e.draft]))

    time = localtime(getmtime(join(conf.get("cache_dir", ".cache/"), "info")))
    print "last compilation at %s" % blue(strftime("%d. %B %Y, %H:%M", time))
Exemple #10
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: info -- a short overview of a blog."""

    limit = options.max if options.max > 0 else 5
    commands.initialize(conf, env)
    entrylist, pages = readers.load(conf)

    print 'acrylamid', blue(env['version']) + ',',
    print 'cache size:', blue('%0.2f' % (cache.size / 1024.0**2)) + ' mb'

    for entry in entrylist[:limit]:
        print '  ', green(ago(entry.date.replace(tzinfo=None)).ljust(13)),
        print white(entry.title) if entry.draft else entry.title

    print '%s published,' % blue(len([e for e in entrylist if not e.draft])),
    print '%s drafted articles' % blue(len([e for e in entrylist if e.draft]))

    time = localtime(getmtime(join(conf.get('cache_dir', '.cache/'), 'info')))
    print 'last compilation at %s' % blue(strftime('%d. %B %Y, %H:%M', time))
Exemple #11
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: new -- create a new blog entry the easy way.  Either run
    ``acrylamid new My fresh new Entry`` or interactively via ``acrylamid new``
    and the file will be created using the preferred permalink format."""

    # we need the actual default values
    commands.initialize(conf, env)

    # config content_extension originally defined as string, not a list
    extlist = conf.get('content_extension', ['.txt'])
    if isinstance(extlist, string_types):
        ext = extlist
        ext = extlist[0]

    fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=ext, dir='.cache/')

    editor = os.getenv('VISUAL') if os.getenv('VISUAL') else os.getenv(
    tt = formats.get(ext, yaml)

    if options.title:
        title = u(' '.join(options.title))
        title = u(input("Entry's title: "))

    with io.open(fd, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        f.write(tt(title, datetime.now().strftime(conf['date_format'])))

    entry = readers.Entry(tmp, conf)
    p = join(conf['content_dir'], splitext(entry.permalink.strip('/'))[0])

        os.makedirs(p.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
    except OSError:

    filepath = p + ext
    if isfile(filepath):
        raise AcrylamidException('Entry already exists %r' % filepath)
    shutil.move(tmp, filepath)
    event.create('new', filepath)

    if datetime.now().hour == 23 and datetime.now().minute > 45:
            "notice  don't forget to update entry.date-day after mignight!")

    if log.level() >= log.WARN:

        if editor:
            retcode = subprocess.call(shlex.split(editor) + [filepath])
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            retcode = subprocess.call(['open', filepath])
            retcode = subprocess.call(['xdg-open', filepath])
    except OSError:
        raise AcrylamidException('Could not launch an editor')

    # XXX process detaches... m(
    if retcode < 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('Child was terminated by signal %i' %

    if os.stat(filepath)[6] == 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('File is empty!')
Exemple #12
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: new -- create a new blog entry the easy way.  Either run
    ``acrylamid new My fresh new Entry`` or interactively via ``acrylamid new``
    and the file will be created using the preferred permalink format."""

    # we need the actual default values
    commands.initialize(conf, env)

    # config content_extension originally defined as string, not a list
    extlist = conf.get('content_extension',['.txt'])
    if isinstance(extlist, string_types):
        ext = extlist
        ext = extlist[0]

    fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=ext, dir='.cache/')

    editor = os.getenv('VISUAL') if os.getenv('VISUAL') else os.getenv('EDITOR')
    tt = formats.get(ext, yaml)

    if options.title:
        title = u(' '.join(options.title))
        title = u(input("Entry's title: "))

    with io.open(fd, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        f.write(tt(title, datetime.now().strftime(conf['date_format'])))

    entry = readers.Entry(tmp, conf)
    p = join(conf['content_dir'], splitext(entry.permalink.strip('/'))[0])

        os.makedirs(p.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
    except OSError:

    filepath = p + ext
    if isfile(filepath):
        raise AcrylamidException('Entry already exists %r' % filepath)
    shutil.move(tmp, filepath)
    event.create('new', filepath)

    if datetime.now().hour == 23 and datetime.now().minute > 45:
        log.info("notice  don't forget to update entry.date-day after mignight!")

    if log.level() >= log.WARN:

        if editor:
            retcode = subprocess.call(shlex.split(editor) + [filepath])
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            retcode = subprocess.call(['open', filepath])
            retcode = subprocess.call(['xdg-open', filepath])
    except OSError:
        raise AcrylamidException('Could not launch an editor')

    # XXX process detaches... m(
    if retcode < 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('Child was terminated by signal %i' % -retcode)

    if os.stat(filepath)[6] == 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('File is empty!')