def choose_action(tree: str, action_name: str, optional: str = None): if action_name in ["--update", "-u"]: update(tree) elif action_name in ["--show", "-sh"]: phy_tree: PhyTree if re.match(r'[\S]*\.newick$', tree): phy_tree = load_tree(tree) elif re.match(r'\([\S ]+\}\;$', tree): phy_tree = PhyTree() try: phy_tree.parse_string(tree) except ValueError as e: print(e) exit() else: print("Post tree as a filename or string") exit() visualize_tree(phy_tree.get_newick()[0]) elif action_name in ["--create", "-c"]: create(tree) elif action_name in ["--random-tree", "-r"]: if optional is None: random_tree(tree) else: random_tree(tree, int(optional)) elif action_name in ["--cut"]: cut(tree) else: print("Wrong name function")
def api(): blob = request.get_json() app.model = update(blob, app.model) return jsonify({ 'model': app.model })
def main(): #print '' log.setDebug(util.argv(_cmds['Debug'])) actions.supress(util.argv(_cmds['Supress'])) args = sys.argv if len(args) == 1: log.comment( "No arguments specified, listing your Gists. Try '%s help' if you need help." % util.fileName) print('') del args[0] # Delete the filename cmd = None log.debug("Arguments " + str(args)) #-------------------------------------------- # If args[0] is a command. We remove it from the list. args now contains only the command arguments # else we keep as is and try to evaluate the command #-------------------------------------------- if _hasCmd(args): cmd = args[0] del args[ 0] # Delete the command. Arguments remaining are the options for each command else: cmd = _deriveCmd(args) log.debug("Adjusted cmd: " + str(cmd)) log.debug("Adjusted arguments " + str(args)) #-------------------------------------------- # Handle commands #-------------------------------------------- if cmd == None: _printNoMatch() elif cmd in (_cmds['Help']): elif cmd in (_cmds['List']): actions.list() elif cmd in (_cmds['Token']): actions.updateCredentials() elif cmd in (_cmds['Open']): if len(args) == 1:[0]) else: _printNoMatch() elif cmd in (_cmds['View']): if len(args) == 1: actions.view(args[0]) elif len(args) == 2: actions.view(args[0], fileName=args[1]) elif cmd in (_cmds['Download']): if len(args) == 2: actions.get(args[0], path=args[1]) elif len(args) == 3: actions.get(args[0], fileName=args[1], path=args[2]) elif cmd in (_cmds['New']): # Each option will prompt for public/pvt and description. In silent mode, assumes private and no description. if len(args) == 0: elif len(args) == 1: # create File # create Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[0]) == True:[0]) else:[0]) elif len(args) == 2: # create Boolean and File # create Boolean and Content # create Description and File # create Description and Content if util.parseBool(args[0]) != None: if util.isFileOrDir(args[1]) == True:[0]), filename=args[1]) else:[0]), content=args[1]) else: if util.isFileOrDir(args[1]) == True:[0], filename=args[1]) else:[0], content=args[1]) elif len(args) == 3 and util.parseBool(args[0]) != None: # create Boolean, Description and File # create Boolean, Description and Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[2]) == True:[0]), description=args[1], filename=args[2]) else:[0]), description=args[1], content=args[2]) else: _printNoMatch() elif cmd in (_cmds['Append']): # Each option will prompt for public/pvt and description. if len(args) == 0: _printNoMatch() elif len(args) == 2: # append: id File # append: id Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[1]) == True: actions.append(args[0], filename=args[1]) else: actions.append(args[0], content=args[1]) elif len(args) == 3: # append: id Description File # append: id Description Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[2]) == True: actions.append(args[0], description=args[1], filename=args[2]) else: actions.append(args[0], description=args[1], content=args[2]) else: actions.append(args[0]) elif cmd in (_cmds['Update']): # Each option will prompt for public/pvt and description. if len(args) == 0: _printNoMatch() elif len(args) == 2: # append: id File # append: id Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[1]) == True: actions.update(args[0], filename=args[1]) else: actions.update(args[0], content=args[1]) elif len(args) == 3: # append: id Description File # append: id Description Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[2]) == True: actions.update(args[0], description=args[1], filename=args[2]) else: actions.update(args[0], description=args[1], content=args[2]) else: actions.update(args[0]) elif cmd in (_cmds['Delete']): actions.delete(args[0]) elif cmd in (_cmds['Backup']): _printNoImpl() actions.backup() elif cmd in (_cmds['Search']): _printNoImpl() else: _printNoMatch() log.debug("Done.") print('')
def update(): print("Update options:") print("2. Update using batch no.") print("3. Update using condition") print("0. Home") print("1. Medicine Information") ch = input("Enter your choice: ") condition = '1=1' while ch not in '0123' or len(ch) != 1: ch = input("Invalid choice! Please enter again: ") if ch == '0': return 0 elif ch == '1': return '1' elif ch == '2': batch = input("Enter batch no. of stock: ") while not batch.isdigit(): batch = input( "Batch no. should be an integer only! Please enter again: ") condition = f"BatchNo='{batch}'" elif ch == '3': print("All columns are: ") print(actions.get_columns("Stock")) condition = input( 'Enter condition(<column_name><operator>"<value>"): ') while True: try: cur.execute(f"select 1+2 where {condition}") cur.fetchall() break except Exception as e: print(e) condition = input( 'Your condition had above error! Enter again(<column_name><operator>"<value>"): ' ) if ch in '23' and len(ch) == 1: columns_all = actions.get_columns("Stock") col_dict = {i + 1: columns_all[i] for i in range(len(columns_all))} print(col_dict) column = input("Which column no. do you want to update: ").lower() while column not in col_dict: column = input( "Column you entered is not in table! Enter again: ").lower() column = col_dict[int(column)] val = input("Enter value: ") try: actions.update("Stock", column, val, condition) print("Updated successfully...") except Exception as e: print("An error occurred!! Error code: 021" if ch == '2' else "Your condition had an error!!") print(e) traceback.print_exc()
def update(): print("Update options:") print("2. Update using barcode") print("3. Update using name") print("4. Update using condition") print("0. Home") print("1. Medicine Information") ch = input("Enter your choice: ") condition = '1=1' while ch not in '01234' or len(ch) != 1: ch = input("Invalid choice! Please enter again: ") if ch == '0': return 0 elif ch == '1': return '1' elif ch == '2': bar = input("Enter barcode of medicine: ") while not bar.isdigit(): bar = input( "Barcode should be an integer only! Please enter again: ") condition = f"Barcode='{bar}'" elif ch == '3': name = input("Enter name of medicine: ") condition = f"Name='{name}'" elif ch == '4': print("All columns are") print(actions.get_columns("MedicineInfo")) condition = input( 'Enter condition(<column_name><operator>"<value>"): ') while True: try: cur.execute(f"select 1+2 from MedicineInfo where {condition}") cur.fetchall() break except Exception as e: print(e) condition = input( 'Your condition had above error! \nEnter again(<column_name><operator>"<value>"): ' ) if ch in '234' and len(ch) == 1: columns_all = actions.get_columns("MedicineInfo") col_dict = {i + 1: columns_all[i] for i in range(len(columns_all))} print(col_dict) column = input("Which column no. do you want to update: ").lower() while not column.isdigit() or int(column) not in col_dict: column = input( "Column no. you entered is not in option! Enter again: " ).lower() column = col_dict[int(column)] val = input("Enter value: ") try: actions.update("MedicineInfo", column, val, condition) print("Updated records successfully...") except Exception as e: print("Your condition had below error!") print(e)
def main ( ): #print '' log.setDebug( util.argv( _cmds['Debug'] ) ) actions.supress( util.argv( _cmds['Supress']) ) args = sys.argv if len(args) == 1: log.comment ("No arguments specified, listing your Gists. Try '%s help' if you need help." % util.fileName) print '' del args[0] # Delete the filename cmd = None log.debug ("Arguments " + str( args )) #-------------------------------------------- # If args[0] is a command. We remove it from the list. args now contains only the command arguments # else we keep as is and try to evaluate the command #-------------------------------------------- if _hasCmd( args ): cmd = args[0] del args[0] # Delete the command. Arguments remaining are the options for each command else: cmd = _deriveCmd( args ) log.debug ("Adjusted cmd: " + str(cmd)) log.debug ("Adjusted arguments " + str( args )) #-------------------------------------------- # Handle commands #-------------------------------------------- if cmd == None: _printNoMatch() elif cmd in (_cmds['Help']): elif cmd in (_cmds['List']): actions.list() elif cmd in (_cmds['Token']): actions.updateCredentials() elif cmd in (_cmds['View']): if len(args) == 1: actions.view( args[0] ) elif len(args) == 2: actions.view( args[0], fileName=args[1]) elif cmd in (_cmds['Download']): if len(args) == 2: actions.get( args[0], path=args[1] ) elif len(args) == 3: actions.get( args[0], fileName=args[1], path=args[2] ) elif cmd in (_cmds['New']): # Each option will prompt for public/pvt and description. In silent mode, assumes private and no description. if len(args) == 0: elif len(args) == 1: # create File # create Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[0]) == True: filename = args[0] ) else: content = args[0] ) elif len(args) == 2: # create Boolean and File # create Boolean and Content # create Description and File # create Description and Content if util.parseBool( args[0] ) != None: if util.isFileOrDir(args[1]) == True: public=util.parseBool( args[0] ), filename=args[1] ) else: public=util.parseBool( args[0] ), content=args[1] ) else: if util.isFileOrDir(args[1]) == True: description=args[0], filename=args[1] ) else: description=args[0], content=args[1] ) elif len(args) == 3 and util.parseBool( args[0] ) != None: # create Boolean, Description and File # create Boolean, Description and Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[2]) == True: public=util.parseBool( args[0] ), description=args[1], filename=args[2] ) else: public=util.parseBool( args[0] ), description=args[1], content=args[2] ) else: _printNoMatch() elif cmd in (_cmds['Append']): # Each option will prompt for public/pvt and description. if len(args) == 0: _printNoMatch() elif len(args) == 2: # append: id File # append: id Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[1]) == True: actions.append( args[0], filename=args[1] ) else: actions.append( args[0], content=args[1] ) elif len(args) == 3: # append: id Description File # append: id Description Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[2]) == True: actions.append( args[0], description=args[1], filename=args[2] ) else: actions.append( args[0], description=args[1], content=args[2] ) else: actions.append( args[0] ) elif cmd in (_cmds['Update']): # Each option will prompt for public/pvt and description. if len(args) == 0: _printNoMatch() elif len(args) == 2: # append: id File # append: id Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[1]) == True: actions.update( args[0], filename=args[1] ) else: actions.update( args[0], content=args[1] ) elif len(args) == 3: # append: id Description File # append: id Description Content if util.isFileOrDir(args[2]) == True: actions.update( args[0], description=args[1], filename=args[2] ) else: actions.update( args[0], description=args[1], content=args[2] ) else: actions.update( args[0] ) elif cmd in (_cmds['Delete']): actions.delete( args[0] ) elif cmd in (_cmds['Backup']): _printNoImpl() actions.backup( ) elif cmd in (_cmds['Search']): _printNoImpl() ) else: _printNoMatch() log.debug ("Done.") print ''