Exemple #1
def iterate_runs(V, initial_aerosols, T, P, dt=0.01, dt_iters=2, max_steps=500):
    Iterate through several different strategies for integrating the parcel model.
    aerosols = initial_aerosols
    if V <= 0:
        return 0., 0., 0.

    ## Check that there are actually aerosols to deal with
    aerosol_N = [a.distribution.N for a in initial_aerosols]
    if len(aerosol_N) == 1:
        if aerosol_N[0] < 0.01: return (-9999., -9999., -9999.)
        new_aerosols = []
        for i in xrange(len(aerosol_N)):
            if aerosol_N[i] > 0.01: 
        aerosols = new_aerosols[:]

    S_max_arg, _ = arg2000(V, T, P, aerosols)
    S_max_fn, _ = fn2005(V, T, P, aerosols)

    dt_orig = dt*1.
    finished = False
    S_max = None

    ## Strategy 1: Try CVODE with modest tolerances.
    print " Trying CVODE with default tolerance"
    S_max = run_model(V, aerosols, T, P, dt, max_steps=2000, solver='cvode')

    ## Strategy 2: Iterate over some increasingly relaxed tolerances for LSODA.
    if not S_max:
        while dt > dt_orig/(2**dt_iters):
            print " Trying LSODA, dt = %1.3e, max_steps = %d" % (dt, max_steps)
            S_max = run_model(V, aerosols, T, P, dt, max_steps, solver='lsoda')
            if not S_max:
                dt = dt/2.
                print "    Retrying..."
                finished = True

    ## Strategy 3: Last ditch numerical integration with LSODE. This will likely take a
    ##             a very long time.
    if not finished and not S_max:
        print " Trying LSODE"
        S_max = run_model(V, aerosols, T, P, dt_orig, max_steps=1000, solver='lsode')

    ## Strategy 4: If all else fails return -9999.
    if not S_max:
        S_max = -9999.
        print " failed", V, dt

    return S_max, S_max_arg, S_max_fn
Exemple #2
from lognorm import Lognorm
from parcel import AerosolSpecies
from pce_params import pce_deg1, pce_deg2, pce_deg3, pce_deg4
from activation import arg2000, fn2005

P0 = 80000. # Pressure, Pa
T0 = 283.15 # Temperature, K
S0 = -0.00 # Supersaturation. 1-RH from wv term
V = 0.7076312079 # m/s

aerosol1 = AerosolSpecies('(NH4)2SO4', Lognorm(mu=0.02494149518, sigma=1.301854178, N=2299.298741 ),
                          bins=200, kappa=0.4983795899)

pce1_Smax, pce1_ratio = pce_deg1(V, T0, P0, aerosol1)
pce2_Smax, pce2_ratio = pce_deg2(V, T0, P0, aerosol1)
pce3_Smax, pce3_ratio = pce_deg3(V, T0, P0, aerosol1)
pce4_Smax, pce4_ratio = pce_deg4(V, T0, P0, aerosol1)

ghan_Smax, ghan_ratio = arg2000(V, T0, P0, [aerosol1, ])

nenes_Smax, nenes_ratio = fn2005(V, T0, P0, [aerosol1, ])