Exemple #1
    def _load_tasks(self, ds, keyname):
        ''' handle task and handler include statements '''

        tasks = ds.get(keyname, [])
        results = []
        for x in tasks:
            if 'include' in x:
                task_vars = self.vars.copy()
                tokens = shlex.split(x['include'])
                if 'with_items' in x:
                    items = utils.varReplaceWithItems(self.basedir, x['with_items'], task_vars)
                    items = ['']
                for item in items:
                    mv = task_vars.copy()
                    mv['item'] = item
                    for t in tokens[1:]:
                        (k,v) = t.split("=", 1)
                        mv[k] = utils.varReplaceWithItems(self.basedir, v, mv)
                    include_file = utils.template(self.basedir, tokens[0], mv)
                    data = utils.parse_yaml_from_file(utils.path_dwim(self.basedir, include_file))
                    for y in data:
            elif type(x) == dict:
                task_vars = self.vars.copy()
                raise Exception("unexpected task type")

        for x in results:
            if self.tags is not None:

        return results
Exemple #2
    def _load_tasks(self, ds, keyname):
        ''' handle task and handler include statements '''

        tasks = ds.get(keyname, [])
        results = []
        for x in tasks:
            if 'include' in x:
                task_vars = self.vars.copy()
                tokens = shlex.split(x['include'])
                if 'with_items' in x:
                    items = utils.varReplaceWithItems(self.basedir, x['with_items'], task_vars)
                    items = ['']
                for item in items:
                    mv = task_vars.copy()
                    mv['item'] = item
                    for t in tokens[1:]:
                        (k,v) = t.split("=", 1)
                        mv[k] = utils.varReplaceWithItems(self.basedir, v, mv)
                    include_file = utils.template(self.basedir, tokens[0], mv)
                    data = utils.parse_yaml_from_file(utils.path_dwim(self.basedir, include_file))
                    for y in data:
            elif type(x) == dict:
                task_vars = self.vars.copy()
                raise Exception("unexpected task type")

        for x in results:
            if self.tags is not None:

        return results
Exemple #3
    def _executor_internal(self, host):
        ''' executes any module one or more times '''

        host_variables = self.inventory.get_variables(host)
        port = host_variables.get('ansible_ssh_port', self.remote_port)

        inject = {}
        inject['hostvars'] = self.setup_cache
        inject['group_names'] = host_variables.get('group_names', [])
        inject['groups'] = self.inventory.groups_list()

        # allow with_items to work in playbooks...
        # apt and yum are converted into a single call, others run in a loop

        items = self.module_vars.get('items', [])
        if isinstance(items, basestring) and items.startswith("$"):
            items = utils.varReplaceWithItems(self.basedir, items, inject)
        if type(items) != list:
            raise errors.AnsibleError("with_items only takes a list: %s" % items)

        if len(items) and self.module_name in [ 'apt', 'yum' ]:
            # hack for apt and soon yum, with_items maps back into a single module call
            inject['item'] = ",".join(items)
            items = []

        # logic to decide how to run things depends on whether with_items is used

        if len(items) == 0:
            return self._executor_internal_inner(host, self.module_name, self.module_args, inject, port)
            # executing using with_items, so make multiple calls
            # TODO: refactor
            aggregrate = {}
            all_comm_ok = True
            all_changed = False
            all_failed = False
            results = []
            for x in items:
                inject['item'] = x
                result = self._executor_internal_inner(host, self.module_name, self.module_args, inject, port)
                if result.comm_ok == False:
                    all_comm_ok = False
                for x in results:
                    if x.get('changed') == True:
                        all_changed = True
                    if (x.get('failed') == True) or (('rc' in x) and (x['rc'] != 0)):
                        all_failed = True
            msg = 'All items succeeded'
            if all_failed:
                msg = "One or more items failed."
            rd_result = dict(failed=all_failed, changed=all_changed, results=results, msg=msg)
            if not all_failed:
                del rd_result['failed']
            return ReturnData(host=host, comm_ok=all_comm_ok, result=rd_result)
Exemple #4
    def _executor_internal(self, host):
        ''' executes any module one or more times '''

        host_variables = self.inventory.get_variables(host)
        if self.transport in [ 'paramiko', 'ssh' ]:
            port = host_variables.get('ansible_ssh_port', self.remote_port)
            if port is None:
                port = C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT 
            # fireball, local, etc
            port = self.remote_port

        inject = {}
        inject['hostvars'] = HostVars(self.setup_cache, self.inventory)
        inject['group_names'] = host_variables.get('group_names', [])
        inject['groups'] = self.inventory.groups_list()

        # allow with_items to work in playbooks...
        # apt and yum are converted into a single call, others run in a loop
        items = self.module_vars.get('items', [])
        if isinstance(items, basestring) and items.startswith("$"):
            items = utils.varReplaceWithItems(self.basedir, items, inject)

        # if we instead said 'with_foo' and there is a lookup module named foo...
        items_plugin = self.module_vars.get('items_lookup_plugin', None)
        if items_plugin is not None:
            items_terms = self.module_vars.get('items_lookup_terms', '')
            if items_plugin in self.lookup_plugins:
                items_terms = utils.template(self.basedir, items_terms, inject)
                items = self.lookup_plugins[items_plugin].run(items_terms)

        if type(items) != list:
            raise errors.AnsibleError("with_items only takes a list: %s" % items)

        if len(items) and self.module_name in [ 'apt', 'yum' ]:
            # hack for apt and soon yum, with_items maps back into a single module call
            inject['item'] = ",".join(items)
            items = []

        # logic to decide how to run things depends on whether with_items is used

        if len(items) == 0:
            return self._executor_internal_inner(host, self.module_name, self.module_args, inject, port)
            # executing using with_items, so make multiple calls
            # TODO: refactor
            aggregrate = {}
            all_comm_ok = True
            all_changed = False
            all_failed = False
            results = []
            for x in items:
                inject['item'] = x
                result = self._executor_internal_inner(host, self.module_name, self.module_args, inject, port)
                if result.comm_ok == False:
                    all_comm_ok = False
                    all_failed = True
                for x in results:
                    if x.get('changed') == True:
                        all_changed = True
                    if (x.get('failed') == True) or (('rc' in x) and (x['rc'] != 0)):
                        all_failed = True
            msg = 'All items completed'
            if all_failed:
                msg = "One or more items failed."
            rd_result = dict(failed=all_failed, changed=all_changed, results=results, msg=msg)
            if not all_failed:
                del rd_result['failed']
            return ReturnData(host=host, comm_ok=all_comm_ok, result=rd_result)