def test_fullname(self): """Returns name of section along with common name.""" ser = Section() assert ser.fullname is None = 'Dalmatian' assert ser.fullname == 'Dalmatian' ser.common_name = CommonName(name='Foxglove') assert ser.fullname == 'Dalmatian Foxglove'
def save_row_to_db(self, row, stream=sys.stdout): """Save a row from the Common Names sheet to the database. Args: row: The number of the row to save. stream: Optional IO stream to print messages to. Returns: bool: `True` if changes have been made, `False` if not. """ cn_json = self.cell(row, self.cols['Common Name (JSON)']).value cn_dict = json.loads(cn_json) section = dbify(self.cell(row, self.cols['Section']).value) description = self.cell(row, self.cols['Description']).value print('-- BEGIN editing/creating Section \'{0}\' from row #{1}. ' '--'.format(section, row), file=stream) edited = False cn = CommonName.get_or_create(name=dbify(cn_dict['Common Name']), index=dbify(cn_dict['Index']), stream=stream) sec = None if not cn.created: sec = Section.query\ .filter( == section, Section.common_name_id ==\ .one_or_none() if sec: print('The Section \'{0}\' has been loaded from the database.' .format(, file=stream) else: edited = True sec = Section(name=section) sec.common_name = cn print('CommonName for the Section \'{0}\' set to: {1}' .format(,, file=stream) db.session.add(sec) print('The Section \'{0}\' does not yet exist in the database, ' 'so it has been created.'.format(, file=stream) if description != sec.description: edited = True if description: sec.description = description print('Description for the Section \'{0}\' set to: {1}' .format(, sec.description), file=stream) else: sec.description = None print('Description for the Section \'{0}\' has been cleared.' .format(, file=stream) if edited: db.session.flush() print('Changes to the Section \'{0}\' have been flushed to ' 'the database.'.format(, file=stream) else: print('No changes were made to the Section \'{0}\'.' .format(, file=stream) print('-- END editing/creating Section \'{0}\' from row #{1}. ' '--'.format(, row), file=stream) return edited
def test_validate_section_id(self, m_secq): """Raise error if selected sec is not in selected CN.""" sec = Section(name="Five") sec.common_name_id = 1 m_secq.return_value = sec self = mock.MagicMock() = 2 field = mock.MagicMock() with pytest.raises(ValidationError): EditCultivarForm.validate_section_id(self=self, field=field)
def test_add_one_with_description(self): """Set Description column's cell with Section desc.""" wb = Workbook() ws = srws = SectionsWorksheet(ws) srws.setup() sr = Section(name='Polkadot', description='A bit spotty.') sr.common_name = CommonName(name='Foxglove') sr.common_name.index = Index(name='Perennial') srws.add_one(sr) assert srws.cell( 2, srws.cols['Description'] ).value == 'A bit spotty.'
def test_set_selects(self, db): """Populate common_name select with ids from database.""" cn1 = CommonName(name='Foxglove') cn2 = CommonName(name='Butterfly Weed') cn3 = CommonName(name='Tomato') sec = Section(name='Juicy') sec.common_name = cn1 db.session.add_all([cn1, cn2, cn3]) db.session.commit() form = EditSectionForm(obj=sec) form.set_selects() assert (, in form.common_name_id.choices assert (, in form.common_name_id.choices assert (, in form.common_name_id.choices
def test_add_one_no_optionals(self): """Add a Section object to the Section worksheet.""" messages = StringIO() wb = Workbook() ws = srws = SectionsWorksheet(ws) srws.setup() sr = Section(name='Polkadot') sr.common_name = CommonName(name='Foxglove') sr.common_name.index = Index(name='Perennial') srws.add_one(sr, stream=messages) assert srws.cell( 2, srws.cols['Common Name (JSON)'] ).value == json.dumps(sr.common_name.queryable_dict) assert srws.cell(2, srws.cols['Section']).value == 'Polkadot' assert srws.cell(2, srws.cols['Description']).value is None msgs = assert ('Adding data from <Section "Polkadot Foxglove"> to row #2 ' 'of sections worksheet') in msgs
def set_related_links(): with open('/tmp/related_links.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as ifile: dicts = json.loads( print('Setting related links/grows with...') for d in dicts: cn = CommonName.from_slugs( d['source']['idx_slug'], d['source']['cn_slug'] ) if d['target']['anchor']: t = Cultivar.from_slugs( d['target']['idx_slug'], d['target']['cn_slug'], d['target']['anchor'] ) if t: cn.gw_cultivars.append(t) else: t = Section.from_slugs( d['target']['idx_slug'], d['target']['cn_slug'], d['target']['anchor'] ) if t: cn.gw_sections.append(t) else: print( 'Could not find a Section or Cultivar with the ' 'slug: "{}"'.format(d['target']['anchor']) ) t = CommonName.from_slugs( d['target']['idx_slug'], d['target']['cn_slug'] ) cn.gw_common_names.append(t) else: t = CommonName.from_slugs( d['target']['idx_slug'], d['target']['cn_slug'] ) if t: cn.gw_common_names.append(t) else: print('Could not find gw for {}'.format(d)) if t: print( '"{}" grows with the {} "{}"' .format(, t.__class__.__name__, ) db.session.commit()
def generate_sections(cn, l): for d in l: sec = Section.get_or_create(d['name'], cn) db.session.add(sec) sec.botanical_names = d['botanical_names'] sec.subtitle = d['subtitle'] sec.description = d['description'] if d['thumbnail']: sec.thumbnail = download_image(d['thumbnail']) sec.cultivars = list(generate_cultivars(cn, d['cultivars'])) sec.children = list(generate_sections(cn, d['subsections'])) db.session.flush() sec.child_cultivars.reorder() sec.children.reorder() yield sec
def save_row_to_db(self, row, stream=sys.stdout): """Save a row from the Cultivars sheet to the database. Args: row: The number of the row to save. stream: Optional IO stream to print messages to. Returns: bool: `True` if changes have been made, `False` if not. """ index = dbify(self.cell(row, self.cols['Index']).value) common_name = dbify(self.cell(row, self.cols['Common Name']).value) cultivar = dbify(self.cell(row, self.cols['Cultivar Name']).value) section = dbify(self.cell(row, self.cols['Section']).value) if not section: section = None botanical_name = self.cell(row, self.cols['Botanical Name']).value thumbnail = self.cell(row, self.cols['Thumbnail Filename']).value description = self.cell(row, self.cols['Description']).value synonyms = self.cell(row, self.cols['Synonyms']).value if not synonyms: synonyms = '' nus = self.cell(row, self.cols['New Until']).value if nus: new_until = datetime.datetime.strptime(nus, '%m/%d/%Y').date() else: new_until = None n_stk = self.cell(row, self.cols['In Stock']).value if n_stk and 'true' in n_stk.lower(): in_stock = True else: in_stock = False act = self.cell(row, self.cols['Active']).value if act and 'true' in act.lower(): active = True else: active = False vis = self.cell(row, self.cols['Visible']).value if vis and 'true' in vis.lower(): visible = True else: visible = False print('-- BEGIN editing/creating Cultivar \'{0}\' from row #{1}. ' '--'.format(cultivar + ' ' + common_name, row), file=stream) edited = False cv = Cultivar.get_or_create(name=cultivar, index=index, common_name=common_name, stream=stream) if cv.created: edited = True db.session.add(cv) if section: # Section already exists if cv was not created. sec = Section.query\ .join(CommonName, == Section.common_name_id)\ .join(Index, == CommonName.index_id)\ .filter( == section, == common_name, == index)\ .one_or_none() if sec: print('The Section \'{0}\' has been loaded from the ' 'database.'.format(, file=stream) else: sec = Section(name=section) sec.common_name = cv.common_name print('The Section \'{0}\' does not yet exist, so it has ' 'been created.'.format(, file=stream) cv.section = sec print('Section for the Cultivar \'{0}\' set to: {1}' .format(cv.fullname,, file=stream) if botanical_name: if not BotanicalName.validate(botanical_name): obn = botanical_name words = botanical_name.strip().split(' ') words[0] = words[0].capitalize() botanical_name = ' '.join(words) print('The BotanicalName \'{0}\' does not appear to be a ' 'validly formatted botanical name. In an attempt to fix ' 'it, it has been changed to: \'{1}\'' .format(obn, botanical_name), file=stream) bn = BotanicalName.query\ .filter( == botanical_name)\ .one_or_none() if bn and bn is not cv.botanical_name: print('The BotanicalName \'{0}\' has been loaded from the ' 'database.'.format(, file=stream) elif not bn: bn = BotanicalName(name=botanical_name) bn.common_names.append(cv.common_name) print('The BotanicalName \'{0}\' does not yet exist, so it ' 'has been created.'.format(, file=stream) if bn is not cv.botanical_name: edited = True cv.botanical_name = bn print('BotanicalName for the Cultivar \'{0}\' set to: {1}' .format(cv.fullname,, file=stream) if thumbnail: if not cv.thumbnail or cv.thumbnail.filename != thumbnail: edited = True tn = Image.query\ .filter(Image.filename == thumbnail)\ .one_or_none() if tn: print('The Image with the filename \'{0}\' has been ' 'loaded from the database.'.format(tn.filename), file=stream) else: tn = Image(filename=thumbnail) print('The Image with the filename \'{0}\' does not yet ' 'exist in the database, so it has been created.' .format(tn.filename), file=stream) cv.thumbnail = tn print('The Image with the filename \'{0}\' has been set as ' 'the thumbnail for the Cultivar \'{1}\'.' .format(tn.filename, cv.fullname), file=stream) if not tn.exists(): print('WARNING: The image file \'{0}\' set as the ' 'thumbnail for the Cultivar \'{1}\' does not exist! ' 'Please make sure you add the image file to the ' 'images directory.'.format(tn.filename, cv.fullname), file=stream) if description != cv.description: edited = True if description: cv.description = description print('Description for the Cultivar \'{0}\' set to: {1}' .format(cv.fullname, cv.description), file=stream) else: cv.description = None print('Description for the Cultivar \'{0}\' has been cleared.' .format(cv.fullname), file=stream) if synonyms != cv.synonyms_string: edited = True cv.synonyms_string = synonyms if synonyms: print('Synonyms for the Cultivar \'{0}\' set to: {1}' .format(cv.fullname, cv.synonyms_string), file=stream) else: print('Synonyms for the Cultivar \'{0}\' have been cleared.' .format(cv.fullname), file=stream) if new_until != cv.new_until: edited = True if new_until: cv.new_until = new_until print('The Cultivar \'{0}\' has been set as new until {1}.' .format(cv.fullname, cv.new_until.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')), file=stream) else: cv.new_until = None print('The Cultivar \'{0}\' is no longer set as new.' .format(cv.fullname), file=stream) if in_stock != cv.in_stock: edited = True cv.in_stock = in_stock if cv.in_stock: print('The Cultivar \'{0}\' is in stock.'.format(cv.fullname), file=stream) else: print('The Cultivar \'{0}\' is out of stock.' .format(cv.fullname), file=stream) if active != edited = True = active if print('The Cultivar \'{0}\' is active.'.format(cv.fullname), file=stream) else: print('The Cultivar \'{0}\' is inactive.'.format(cv.fullname), file=stream) if visible != cv.visible: edited = True cv.visible = visible if cv.visible: print('The Cultivar \'{0}\' will be shown on auto-generated ' 'pages.'.format(cv.fullname), file=stream) else: print('The Cultivar \'{0}\' will not be shown on ' 'auto-generated pages.'.format(cv.fullname), file=stream) if edited: db.session.flush() print('Changes to the Cultivar \'{0}\' have been flushed to ' 'the database.'.format(cv.fullname), file=stream) else: print('No changes were made to the Cultivar \'{0}\'.' .format(cv.fullname), file=stream) print('-- END editing/creating Cultivar \'{0}\' from row #{1}. ' '--'.format(cv.fullname, row), file=stream) return edited
def test_repr(self): """Return formatted string with full name.""" sec = Section(name='Polkadot', common_name=CommonName(name='Foxglove')) assert sec.__repr__() == '<Section "Polkadot Foxglove">'