Exemple #1
    def cell_description(self, gid):
        tree = arbor.segment_tree()
                    arbor.mpoint(-3, 0, 0, 3),
                    arbor.mpoint(3, 0, 0, 3),

        labels = arbor.label_dict({
            'soma': '(tag 1)',
            'center': '(location 0 0.5)'

        decor = arbor.decor()
        decor.paint('(all)', arbor.density('hh'))

        decor.place('"center"', arbor.spike_detector(-10), "detector")
        decor.place('"center"', arbor.synapse('expsyn'), "synapse")

        mech = arbor.mechanism('expsyn_stdp')
        mech.set("max_weight", 1.)
        syn = arbor.synapse(mech)

        decor.place('"center"', syn, "stpd_synapse")

        cell = arbor.cable_cell(tree, labels, decor)

        return cell
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self):
        st = A.segment_tree()
        st.append(A.mnpos, (0, 0, 0, 10), (1, 0, 0, 10), 1)

        dec = A.decor()

        dec.place('(location 0 0.08)', A.synapse("expsyn"), "syn0")
        dec.place('(location 0 0.09)', A.synapse("exp2syn"), "syn1")
        dec.place('(location 0 0.1)', A.iclamp(20.), "iclamp")
        dec.paint('(all)', A.density("hh"))

        self.cell = A.cable_cell(st, A.label_dict(), dec)

        self.props = A.neuron_cable_properties()
        self.props.catalogue = A.default_catalogue()
Exemple #3
def make_cable_cell(gid):
    # (1) Build a segment tree
    tree = arbor.segment_tree()

    # Soma (tag=1) with radius 6 μm, modelled as cylinder of length 2*radius
    s = tree.append(arbor.mnpos,
                    arbor.mpoint(-12, 0, 0, 6),
                    arbor.mpoint(0, 0, 0, 6),

    # Single dendrite (tag=3) of length 50 μm and radius 2 μm attached to soma.
    b0 = tree.append(s,
                     arbor.mpoint(0, 0, 0, 2),
                     arbor.mpoint(50, 0, 0, 2),

    # Attach two dendrites (tag=3) of length 50 μm to the end of the first dendrite.
    # Radius tapers from 2 to 0.5 μm over the length of the dendrite.
    b1 = tree.append(b0,
                     arbor.mpoint(50, 0, 0, 2),
                     arbor.mpoint(50 + 50 / sqrt(2), 50 / sqrt(2), 0, 0.5),
    # Constant radius of 1 μm over the length of the dendrite.
    b2 = tree.append(b0,
                     arbor.mpoint(50, 0, 0, 1),
                     arbor.mpoint(50 + 50 / sqrt(2), -50 / sqrt(2), 0, 1),

    # Associate labels to tags
    labels = arbor.label_dict()
    labels['soma'] = '(tag 1)'
    labels['dend'] = '(tag 3)'

    # (2) Mark location for synapse at the midpoint of branch 1 (the first dendrite).
    labels['synapse_site'] = '(location 1 0.5)'
    # Mark the root of the tree.
    labels['root'] = '(root)'

    # (3) Create a decor and a cable_cell
    decor = arbor.decor()

    # Put hh dynamics on soma, and passive properties on the dendrites.
    decor.paint('"soma"', arbor.density('hh'))
    decor.paint('"dend"', arbor.density('pas'))

    # (4) Attach a single synapse.
    decor.place('"synapse_site"', arbor.synapse('expsyn'), 'syn')

    # Attach a spike detector with threshold of -10 mV.
    decor.place('"root"', arbor.spike_detector(-10), 'detector')

    cell = arbor.cable_cell(tree, labels, decor)

    return cell
Exemple #4
def make_cable_cell(gid):

    # Build a segment tree
    tree = arbor.segment_tree()

    # Soma with radius 5 μm and length 2 * radius = 10 μm, (tag = 1)
    s = tree.append(arbor.mnpos,
                    arbor.mpoint(-10, 0, 0, 5),
                    arbor.mpoint(0, 0, 0, 5),

    # Single dendrite with radius 2 μm and length 40 μm, (tag = 2)
    b = tree.append(s,
                    arbor.mpoint(0, 0, 0, 2),
                    arbor.mpoint(40, 0, 0, 2),

    # Label dictionary for cell components
    labels = arbor.label_dict()
    labels['soma'] = '(tag 1)'
    labels['dend'] = '(tag 2)'

    # Mark location for synapse site at midpoint of dendrite (branch 0 = soma + dendrite)
    labels['synapse_site'] = '(location 0 0.6)'

    # Gap junction site at connection point of soma and dendrite
    labels['gj_site'] = '(location 0 0.2)'

    # Label root of the tree
    labels['root'] = '(root)'

    # Paint dynamics onto the cell, hh on soma and passive properties on dendrite
    decor = arbor.decor()
    decor.paint('"soma"', arbor.density("hh"))
    decor.paint('"dend"', arbor.density("pas"))

    # Attach one synapse and gap junction each on their labeled sites
    decor.place('"synapse_site"', arbor.synapse('expsyn'), 'syn')
    decor.place('"gj_site"', arbor.junction('gj'), 'gj')

    # Attach spike detector to cell root
    decor.place('"root"', arbor.spike_detector(-10), 'detector')

    cell = arbor.cable_cell(tree, labels, decor)

    return cell
Exemple #5
    def create_arbor_cell(self, cell, gid, pop_id, index):

        if cell.arbor_cell == "cable_cell":

            default_tree = arbor.segment_tree()
            radius = (evaluate(cell.parameters["radius"],
                      if "radius" in cell.parameters else 3)

                arbor.mpoint(-1 * radius, 0, 0, radius),
                arbor.mpoint(radius, 0, 0, radius),

            labels = arbor.label_dict({
                "soma": "(tag 1)",
                "center": "(location 0 0.5)"

            labels["root"] = "(root)"

            decor = arbor.decor()

            v_init = (evaluate(cell.parameters["v_init"],
                      if "v_init" in cell.parameters else -70)

            decor.paint('"soma"', arbor.density(cell.parameters["mechanism"]))

            decor.place('"center"', arbor.spike_detector(0), "detector")

            for ip in self.input_info:
                if self.input_info[ip][0] == pop_id:
                    print_v("Stim: %s (%s) being placed on %s" %
                            (ip, self.input_info[ip], pop_id))
                    for il in self.input_lists[ip]:
                        cellId, segId, fract, weight = il
                        if cellId == index:
                            if self.input_info[ip][
                                    1] == 'i_clamp':  # TODO: remove hardcoding of this...
                                ic = arbor.iclamp(
                                print_v("Stim: %s on %s" % (ic, gid))
                                decor.place('"center"', ic, "iclamp")

            # (2) Mark location for synapse at the midpoint of branch 1 (the first dendrite).
            labels["synapse_site"] = "(location 0 0.5)"
            # (4) Attach a single synapse.
            decor.place('"synapse_site"', arbor.synapse("expsyn"), "syn")

            default_cell = arbor.cable_cell(default_tree, labels, decor)

            print_v("Created a new cell for gid %i: %s" % (gid, cell))
            print_v("%s" % (default_cell))

            return default_cell