Exemple #1
	def _prepare(constituents, t0, t = None, radians = True):
		Return constituent speed and equilibrium argument at a given time, and constituent node factors at given times.
		constituents -- list of constituents to prepare
		t0 -- time at which to evaluate speed and equilibrium argument for each constituent
		t -- list of times at which to evaluate node factors for each constituent (default: t0)
		radians -- whether to return the angular arguments in radians or degrees (default: True)
		#The equilibrium argument is constant and taken at the beginning of the
		#time series (t0).  The speed of the equilibrium argument changes very
		#slowly, so again we take it to be constant over any length of data. The
		#node factors change more rapidly.
		if isinstance(t0, Iterable):
			t0 = t0[0]
		if t is None:
			t = [t0]
		if not isinstance(t, Iterable):
			t = [t]
		a0 = astro(t0)
		a = [astro(t_i) for t_i in t]

		#For convenience give u, V0 (but not speed!) in [0, 360)
		V0 = np.array([c.V(a0) for c in constituents])[:, np.newaxis]
		speed = np.array([c.speed(a0) for c in constituents])[:, np.newaxis]
		u = [np.mod(np.array([c.u(a_i) for c in constituents])[:, np.newaxis], 360.0)
			 for a_i in a]
		f = [np.mod(np.array([c.f(a_i) for c in constituents])[:, np.newaxis], 360.0)
			 for a_i in a]

		if radians:
			speed = d2r*speed
			V0 = d2r*V0
			u = [d2r*each for each in u]
		return speed, u, f, V0
Exemple #2
	def extrema(self, t0, t1 = None, partition = 2400.0):
		A generator for high and low tides.
		t0 -- time after which extrema are sought
		t1 -- optional time before which extrema are sought (if not given, the generator is infinite)
		partition -- number of hours for which we consider the node factors to be constant (default: 2400.0)
		if t1:
			#yield from in python 3.4
			for e in takewhile(lambda t: t[0] < t1, self.extrema(t0)):
				yield e
			#We assume that extrema are separated by at least delta hours
			delta = np.amin([
				90.0 / c.speed(astro(t0)) for c in self.model['constituent']
				if not c.speed(astro(t0)) == 0
			#We search for stationary points from offset hours before t0 to
			#ensure we find any which might occur very soon after t0.
			offset = 24.0
			partitions = (
				Tide._times(t0, i*partition) for i in count()), (Tide._times(t0, i*partition) for i in count(1)

			#We'll overestimate to be on the safe side;
			#values outside (start,end) won't get yielded.
			interval_count = int(np.ceil((partition + offset) / delta)) + 1
			amplitude = self.model['amplitude'][:, np.newaxis]
			phase     = d2r*self.model['phase'][:, np.newaxis]

			for start, end in izip(*partitions):
				speed, [u], [f], V0 = self.prepare(start, Tide._times(start, 0.5*partition))
				#These derivatives don't include the time dependence of u or f,
				#but these change slowly.
				def d(t):
					return np.sum(-speed*amplitude*f*np.sin(speed*t + (V0 + u) - phase), axis=0)
				def d2(t):
					return np.sum(-speed**2.0 * amplitude*f*np.cos(speed*t + (V0 + u) - phase), axis=0)
				#We'll overestimate to be on the safe side;
				#values outside (start,end) won't get yielded.
				intervals = (
					delta * i -offset for i in range(interval_count)), (delta*(i+1) - offset for i in range(interval_count)
				for a, b in izip(*intervals):
					if d(a)*d(b) < 0:
						extrema = fsolve(d, (a + b) / 2.0, fprime = d2)[0]
						time = Tide._times(start, extrema)
						[height] = self.at([time])
						hilo = 'H' if d2(extrema) < 0 else 'L'
						if start < time < end:
							yield (time, height, hilo)
Exemple #3
    def decompose(
        Return an instance of Tide which has been fitted to a series of tidal
        It is not necessary to provide t0 or interval if t is provided.
        heights -- ndarray of tidal observation heights
        t -- ndarray of tidal observation times
        t0 -- datetime representing the time at which heights[0] was recorded
        interval -- hourly interval between readings
        constituents -- list of constituents to use in the fit
                        (default: constituent.noaa)
        initial -- optional Tide instance to use as first guess for least
                   squares solver
        n_period -- only include constituents which complete at least this many
                    periods (default: 2)
        callback -- optional function to be called at each iteration of the
        full_output -- whether to return the output of scipy's leastsq solver
                       (default: False)
        if t is not None:
            if isinstance(t[0], datetime):
                hours = Tide._hours(t[0], t)
                t0 = t[0]
            elif t0 is not None:
                hours = t
                raise ValueError("t can be an array of datetimes, or an array "
                                 "of hours since t0 in which case t0 must be "
        elif None not in [t0, interval]:
            hours = np.arange(len(heights)) * interval
            raise ValueError("Must provide t(datetimes), or t(hours) and "
                             "t0(datetime), or interval(hours) and "
                             "t0(datetime) so that each height can be "
                             "identified with an instant in time.")

        # Remove duplicate constituents (those which travel at exactly the same
        # speed, irrespective of phase)
        constituents = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(constituents))

        # No need for least squares to find the mean water level constituent
        # z0, work relative to mean
        constituents = [c for c in constituents if not c == constituent._Z0]
        z0 = np.mean(heights)
        heights = heights - z0

        # Only analyse frequencies which complete at least n_period cycles over
        # the data period.
        constituents = [
            c for c in constituents
            if 360.0 * n_period < hours[-1] * c.speed(astro(t0))
        n = len(constituents)

        sort = np.argsort(hours)
        hours = hours[sort]
        heights = heights[sort]

        # We partition our time/height data into intervals over which we
        # consider the values of u and f to assume a constant value (that is,
        # their true value at the midpoint of the interval).  Constituent
        # speeds change much more slowly than the node factors, so we will
        # consider these constant and equal to their speed at t0, regardless of
        # the length of the time series.

        partition = 240.0

        t = Tide._partition(hours, partition)
        times = Tide._times(t0, [(i + 0.5) * partition for i in range(len(t))])

        speed, u, f, V0 = Tide._prepare(constituents, t0, times, radians=True)

        # Residual to be minimised by variation of parameters
        # (amplitudes, phases)
        def residual(hp):
            H, p = hp[:n, np.newaxis], hp[n:, np.newaxis]
            s = np.concatenate([
                Tide._tidal_series(t_i, H, p, speed, u_i, f_i, V0)
                for t_i, u_i, f_i in izip(t, u, f)
            res = heights - s
            if callback:
            return res

        # Analytic Jacobian of the residual - this makes solving significantly
        # faster than just using gradient approximation, especially with many
        # measurements / constituents.
        def D_residual(hp):
            H, p = hp[:n, np.newaxis], hp[n:, np.newaxis]
            ds_dH = np.concatenate([
                f_i * np.cos(speed * t_i + u_i + V0 - p)
                for t_i, u_i, f_i in izip(t, u, f)],

            ds_dp = np.concatenate([
                H * f_i * np.sin(speed * t_i + u_i + V0 - p)
                for t_i, u_i, f_i in izip(t, u, f)],

            return np.append(-ds_dH, -ds_dp, axis=0)

        # Initial guess for solver, haven't done any analysis on this since the
        # solver seems to converge well regardless of the initial guess We do
        # however scale the initial amplitude guess with some measure of the
        # variation
        amplitudes = np.ones(n) * (
            np.sqrt(np.dot(heights, heights)) / len(heights))
        phases = np.ones(n)

        if initial:
            for (c0, amplitude, phase) in initial.model:
                for i, c in enumerate(constituents):
                    if c0 == c:
                        amplitudes[i] = amplitude
                        phases[i] = d2r * phase

        initial = np.append(amplitudes, phases)

        lsq = leastsq(residual, initial, Dfun=D_residual, col_deriv=True,

        model = np.zeros(1 + n, dtype=cls.dtype)
        model[0] = (constituent._Z0, z0, 0)
        model[1:]['constituent'] = constituents[:]
        model[1:]['amplitude'] = lsq[0][:n]
        model[1:]['phase'] = lsq[0][n:]

        if full_output:
            return cls(model=model, radians=True), lsq
        return cls(model=model, radians=True)