Exemple #1
def download_cutouts(sbid, username, password, destination_dir, catalogue_query, do_cutouts, cutout_radius_degrees=0.1):
    # 2) Use CASDA VO (secure) to query for the images associated with the given scheduling_block_id
    print ("\n\n** Finding images and image cubes for scheduling block {} ... \n\n".format(sbid))
    data_product_id_query = "select * from ivoa.obscore where obs_id = '" + str(
        sbid) + "' and dataproduct_type = 'cube' and dataproduct_subtype in ('cont.restored.t0', 'spectral.restored.3d')"
    filename = destination_dir + "image_cubes_" + str(sbid) + ".xml"
    casda.sync_tap_query(data_product_id_query, filename, username, password)
    image_cube_votable = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    results_array = image_cube_votable.get_table_by_id('results').array

    service = 'cutout_service' if do_cutouts else 'async_service'

    # 3) For each of the image cubes, query datalink to get the secure datalink details
    print ("\n\n** Retrieving datalink for each image and image cube...\n\n")
    authenticated_id_tokens = []
    for image_cube_result in results_array:
        image_cube_id = image_cube_result['obs_publisher_did'].decode('utf-8')
        async_url, authenticated_id_token = casda.get_service_link_and_id(image_cube_id, username,
        if authenticated_id_token is not None and len(authenticated_id_tokens) < 10:

    if len(authenticated_id_tokens) == 0:
        print ("No image cubes for scheduling_block_id " + str(sbid))
        return 1

    # Run the catalogue_query to find catalogue entries that are of interest
    if do_cutouts:
        print ("\n\n** Finding components in each image and image cube...\n\n")
        filename = destination_dir + "catalogue_query_" + str(sbid) + ".xml"
        casda.sync_tap_query(catalogue_query, filename, username, password)
        catalogue_vo_table = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
        catalogue_results_array = catalogue_vo_table.get_table_by_id('results').array
        print ("\n\n** Found %d components...\n\n" % (len(catalogue_results_array)))
        if len(catalogue_results_array) == 0:
            print ("No catalogue entries matching the criteria found for scheduling_block_id " + str(sbid))
            return 1

        # For each source found in the catalogue query, create a position filter
        pos_list = []
        for entry in catalogue_results_array:
            ra = entry['ra_deg_cont']
            dec = entry['dec_deg_cont']
            circle = "CIRCLE " + str(ra) + " " + str(dec) + " " + str(cutout_radius_degrees)

    # Generate cutouts from each image around each source
    # where there is no overlap an error file is generated but can be ignored.
    job_location = casda.create_async_soda_job(authenticated_id_tokens)
    if do_cutouts:
        casda.add_params_to_async_job(job_location, 'pos', pos_list)
    job_status = casda.run_async_job(job_location)
    print ('\nJob finished with status %s address is %s\n\n' % (job_status, job_location))
    if job_status != 'ERROR':
        casda.download_all(job_location, destination_dir)
    return 0
Exemple #2
def get_vizier_resume():
    with cd(PATH):
        bzip2("-f", "-dk", "vizier_votable.vot.bz2")
        votable = parse("vizier_votable.vot")
        table = votable.get_first_table().to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)
        df = table.to_pandas()

        del votable, table

        df = df[["OID", "RAJ2000", "DEJ2000", "Type"]].copy()
        df.columns = "ID", "ra", "dec", "cls"
        df["catalog"] = "vizier"

        # solo las RRLyrae
        flt = 'RRAB', 'RRC', 'RRD'
        df = df[df.cls.isin(flt)]

        def change_type(t):
            subpart = {'RRAB': "RRab", 'RRC': "RRc", 'RRD': "RRd"}[t]
            return "RRLyr-" + subpart

        df["cls"] = df.cls.apply(change_type)

        # ~ os.remove("vizier_votable.vot")
        return df
Exemple #3
    def get_output(self, astable=True):
        from astropy.io import ascii

        if hasattr(self.cfg.CATALOG_NAME, 'content'):
            if self.verbose:
                print("Getting output from stored content")
            content = self.cfg.CATALOG_NAME.content
            if self.verbose:
                print("Can't get output if a proxy output was not used - "
                      "reading from file " + self.cfg.CATALOG_NAME)
            if self.renameoutputs:
                catfn = self.get_renamed_output_fns()[0].values()[0]
                catfn = self.cfg.CATALOG_NAME
            with open(catfn, 'rb') as f:
                content = f.read()

        if astable:
            lcattype = self.cfg.CATALOG_TYPE.lower()
            if 'votable' in lcattype:
                from astropy.io import votable
                from io import BytesIO
                return votable.parse(BytesIO(content))
            elif 'ascii' in lcattype:
                return ascii.read(content, Reader=ascii.SExtractor)
            elif 'fits' in lcattype:
                from astropy.io import fits
                return fits.HDUList.fromstring(content)[2].data
            return content
def make_Dias2014_cut_vot():

    inpath = ( '/home/luke/local/tess-trex/catalogs/'

    outpath = ('../data/cluster_data/'
    if os.path.exists(outpath):
        print('found {}, skipping'.format(outpath))

    tab = parse(inpath)
    t = tab.get_first_table().to_table()

    J_mag = np.array(t['Jmag'])
    Ks_mag = np.array(t['Kmag']) # is actually Ks
    G_mag_estimate = estimate_Gaia_G_given_2mass_J_Ks(J_mag, Ks_mag)
    okinds = np.isfinite(G_mag_estimate)

    d14_ucac4_ids = np.array(t['UCAC4'])[okinds]

    #TODO: check if J2015 transformation needed.
    ra_deg = np.array(t['RAJ2000'])[okinds]
    dec_deg = np.array(t['DEJ2000'])[okinds]

    import IPython; IPython.embed()
    outtab = Table()
    outtab['ra'] = ra_deg*u.deg
    outtab['dec'] = dec_deg*u.deg
    outtab['gmag_estimate'] = G_mag_estimate[okinds]*u.mag
    outtab['ucac_id'] = d14_ucac4_ids
    v_outtab = from_table(outtab)
    writeto(v_outtab, outpath)
    print('--> made {}'.format(outpath))
def make_Dias2014_cut_csv():

    inpath = ( '/home/luke/local/tess-trex/catalogs/'

    outpath = ('../data/cluster_data/'
    if os.path.exists(outpath):
        print('found {}, skipping'.format(outpath))

    tab = parse(inpath)
    t = tab.get_first_table().to_table()

    J_mag = np.array(t['Jmag'])
    Ks_mag = np.array(t['Kmag']) # is actually Ks
    G_mag_estimate = estimate_Gaia_G_given_2mass_J_Ks(J_mag, Ks_mag)
    okinds = np.isfinite(G_mag_estimate)

    d14_ucac4_ids = np.array(t['UCAC4'])[okinds]

    #TODO: check if J2015 transformation needed.
    ra_deg = np.array(t['RAJ2000'])[okinds]
    dec_deg = np.array(t['DEJ2000'])[okinds]

    outdf = pd.DataFrame(
    outdf.to_csv(outpath, index=False)
    print('--> made {}'.format(outpath))
def GaiaCollaboration2018_clusters_to_csv():

    inpaths = [

    for inpath in inpaths:
        tab = parse(inpath)

        t = tab.get_first_table().to_table()

        df = pd.DataFrame({'source':t['Source'], 'cluster':t['Cluster']})

        cnames = np.array(df['cluster'].str.decode('utf-8'))

        # you don't want the globular clusters from this work!
        bad_ngcs = [104, 288, 362, 1851, 5272, 5904, 6205, 6218, 6341, 6397,
                    6656, 6752, 6809, 7099]
        bad_ngcs = ['NGC{:s}'.format(str(bn).zfill(4)) for bn in bad_ngcs]
        # however, I manually checked: none of the globular clusters are in the
        # these source catalogs.

        outpath = inpath.replace('.vot','_cut_only_source_cluster.csv')
        df.to_csv(outpath, index=False)
        print('made {}'.format(outpath))
Exemple #7
def find_images(pos_criteria, username, password):
    Run an SIA2 query against CASDA to find images and cubes that contain any of the specified locations.
    See http://www.ivoa.net/documents/SIA/ for how to specify criteria.

    :param pos_criteria: An array of POS criteria (CIRCLE, POLYGON or RANGE) specifying the locations to be found.
    :param username: The OPAL username of the user.
    :param password: The OPAL password of the user.
    :return: A VOTableFile object containing the SIA2 response. This will list the images along with extensive metadata.
    url = _casda_query_base_url + _sia2_endpoint
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    # Uses basic auth to securely access the data access information for the image cube
    base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).replace(
        '\n', '')
    req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
    params = list(map((lambda value: ('POS', value)), pos_criteria))
    data = urllib.urlencode(params)

    response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
    filename = 'temp/sia-resp.xml'
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    return votable
Exemple #8
    def _make_fov_footprint(self, footprint):
        """Making the instrument field of view footprint using a template
                  from http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/footprint_editor/"""

        votable = parse(footprint) # reading footprint template
        table = votable.get_first_table()

        for param in table.params: # retrieving table.params

        # box or circle footprint
        if param.ID == 'radius':
            param.value = self._fov_radius*3600.0
            votable.to_xml('user_fov.vot') # VOTable file output
            data = table.array      
            fov_width_arcsec = self._fov_width*3600.0  
            fov_height_arcsec = self._fov_height*3600.0
            data[0] = - fov_width_arcsec /  2.0,   fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
            data[1] =   fov_width_arcsec /  2.0,   fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
            data[2] =   fov_width_arcsec /  2.0, - fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
            data[3] = - fov_width_arcsec /  2.0, - fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
            votable.to_xml('user_fov.vot') # VOTable file output       

        return samp.send_file( 'user_fov.vot' ) # sending to Aladin
Exemple #9
def read_sources(filename, min_sn=10, min_flux=0.02):
    print("Extracting sources from " + filename)
    sources = []

    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        print ("Warning: File %s does not exist, skipping source read." % \
        return sources

    src_votable = votable.parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    results = src_votable.get_first_table().array
    for row in results:
        id = str(row['island']) + "-" + str(row['source'])
        ra = row['ra']
        dec = row['dec']
        rms = row['local_rms']
        flux = row['peak_flux']
        sn = flux / rms
        print("Found source %s at %.4f, %.4f with flux %.4f and rms of %.4f "
              "giving S/N of %.4f" % (id, ra, dec, flux, rms, sn))
        if sn > min_sn and flux > min_flux:
            src = dict(zip(results.dtype.names, row))
            src['id'] = id
            src['sn'] = sn
            #sources.append([ra, dec, id, flux, row['island']])
            print("Ignoring source at %.4f, %.4f due to low S/N of %.4f or "
                  "flux of %.4f" % (ra, dec, sn, flux))

    return sources
Exemple #10
def votable_format(ra, dec, radius, nearest, result):
    ztfdic = {}
    votable = result.text.encode(encoding='UTF-8')
    bio = io.BytesIO(votable)
    votable = parse(bio)
    table = parse_single_table(bio).to_table()

    if len(table) <= 0:
        ztfdic['0'] = 'not found'
        return ztfdic  #'not found'

    tablas = table.group_by('oid')

    #the most close object to radius
    if nearest is True:

        minztf = id_nearest(ra, dec, radius, tablas)

        buf = io.BytesIO()
        votable = from_table(tablas.groups[minztf])
        writeto(votable, buf)
        ztfdic[str(tablas.groups[minztf]['oid'][0])] = (
        return ztfdic
    # all objects in radius
        for group in tablas.groups:
            buf = io.BytesIO()
            votable = from_table(group)
            writeto(votable, buf)
            ztfdic[str(group['oid'][0])] = (buf.getvalue().decode("utf-8"))
        return ztfdic
Exemple #11
def query(**kwargs):
    For details, see the SVO FPS documentation [1].

    ID : Filter ID (e.g. 2MASS/2MASS.H)
    PhotCalID : Photometric Calibration ID (e.g. 2MASS/2MASS.H/AB)
    WavelengthMean (range)
    WavelengthEff (range)
    WavelengthMin (range)
    WavelengthMax (range)
    WidthEff (range)
    FWHM (range)
    Instrument (value)
    Facility (value)
    PhotSystem (value)

    [1] http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/svo/theory/fps3/index.php?mode=voservice
    url = "http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/svo/theory/fps3/fps.php"
    payload = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items()}
    r = requests.get(url, params=payload)

    return parse(BytesIO(r.content), pedantic=False)
Exemple #12
def read_sources(filename):
    print ("Extracting sources from " + filename)
    sources = []

    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        print ("Warning: File %s does not exist, skipping source read." % \
        return sources

    src_votable = votable.parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    results = src_votable.get_first_table().array
    for row in results:
        id = str(row['island']) + "-" + str(row['source'])
        ra = row['ra']
        dec = row['dec']
        rms = row['local_rms']
        flux = row['peak_flux']
        sn = flux / rms
        print ("Found source %s at %.4f, %.4f with flux %.4f and rms of %.4f "
               "giving S/N of %.4f" % (id, ra, dec, flux, rms, sn))
        if sn > 10 and flux > 0.02:
            src = dict(zip(results.dtype.names,row))
            src['id'] = id
            src['sn'] = sn
            #sources.append([ra, dec, id, flux, row['island']])
            print ("Ignoring source at %.4f, %.4f due to low S/N of %.4f or "
                   "flux of %.4f" % (ra, dec, sn, flux))

    return sources
Exemple #13
def query_vizier(query_text):

    # Do the search using VizieR
    r = requests.post("http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/votable", {
        '-words': query_text.split(),
        '-meta.all': 1

    # We now loop over the results and construct a list of dictionaries, where
    # each dictionary contains information about one set of tables.
    votablefile = parse(BytesIO(r.content))
    result = []
    for resource in votablefile.resources:
        catalog_set = {}
        catalog_set['description'] = resource.description
        catalog_set['tables'] = []
        for table in resource.tables:
            catalog = {}
            catalog['description'] = table.description
            catalog['nrows'] = str(table.nrows)
            catalog['name'] = str(table.name)

    return result
def test_exec_sync():
    # save results in a file
    # create the VOTable result
    # example from http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/io/votable/
    votable = VOTableFile()
    resource = Resource()
    table = Table(votable)
        Field(votable, name="filename", datatype="char", arraysize="*"),
        Field(votable, name="matrix", datatype="double", arraysize="2x2")])
    table.array[0] = ('test1.xml', [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    table.array[1] = ('test2.xml', [[0.5, 0.3], [0.2, 0.1]])
    buffer = BytesIO()
    cadc = Cadc(auth_session=requests.Session())
    response = Mock()
    response.to_table.return_value = buffer.getvalue()
    cadc.cadctap.search = Mock(return_value=response)
    output_file = '{}/test_vooutput.xml'.format(tempfile.tempdir)
    cadc.exec_sync('some query', output_file=output_file)

    actual = parse(output_file)
    assert len(votable.resources) == len(actual.resources) == 1
    assert len(votable.resources[0].tables) ==\
        len(actual.resources[0].tables) == 1
    actual_table = actual.resources[0].tables[0]
        # TODO remove when astropy LTS upgraded
        from astropy.utils.diff import report_diff_values
        assert report_diff_values(table, actual_table, fileobj=sys.stdout)
    except ImportError:
Exemple #15
    def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
        if not verbose:
        # fix to replace non standard datatype 'integer' in returned VOTable
        # with 'int' to make it parsable by astropy.io.votable
        integer_re = re.compile(r'datatype="integer"')
        new_content = integer_re.sub(r'datatype="int"', response.content)

        # these are pretty bad hacks, but also needed...
        days_re = re.compile(r'unit="days"  datatype="double"')
        new_content = days_re.sub(r'unit="days"  datatype="char" arraysize="*"', new_content)
        degrees_re = re.compile(r'unit="degrees"  datatype="double"')
        new_content = degrees_re.sub(r'unit="degrees"  datatype="char" arraysize="*"', new_content)
            tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            first_table = votable.parse(tf.name, pedantic=False).get_first_table()
                table = first_table.to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)
            except TypeError:
                warnings.warn("NRAO table parsing: astropy versions prior to 6558975c use "
                              "the table column IDs instead of names.")
                table = first_table.to_table()
            return table
        except Exception as ex:
            self.response = response
            self.table_parse_error = ex
            raise TableParseError("Failed to parse NRAO votable result! The raw response can be found "
                                  "in self.response, and the error in self.table_parse_error.")
Exemple #16
    def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
        if not verbose:
        # fix to replace non standard datatype 'integer' in returned VOTable
        # with 'int' to make it parsable by astropy.io.votable
        integer_re = re.compile(r'datatype="integer"')
        content = response.text
        new_content = integer_re.sub(r'datatype="int"', content)

        # these are pretty bad hacks, but also needed...
        days_re = re.compile(r'unit="days"  datatype="double"')
        new_content = days_re.sub(
            r'unit="days"  datatype="char" arraysize="*"', new_content)
        degrees_re = re.compile(r'unit="degrees"  datatype="double"')
        new_content = degrees_re.sub(
            r'unit="degrees"  datatype="char" arraysize="*"', new_content)

            tf = six.BytesIO(new_content.encode())
            first_table = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False).get_first_table()
                table = first_table.to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)
            except TypeError:
                    "NRAO table parsing: astropy versions prior to 6558975c use "
                    "the table column IDs instead of names.")
                table = first_table.to_table()
            return table
        except Exception as ex:
            self.response = response
            self.table_parse_error = ex
            raise TableParseError(
                "Failed to parse NRAO votable result! The raw response can be found "
                "in self.response, and the error in self.table_parse_error.")
def find_images(pos_criteria, username, password):
    Run an SIA2 query against CASDA to find images and cubes that contain any of the specified locations.
    See http://www.ivoa.net/documents/SIA/ for how to specify criteria.

    :param pos_criteria: An array of POS criteria (CIRCLE, POLYGON or RANGE) specifying the locations to be found.
    :param username: The OPAL username of the user.
    :param password: The OPAL password of the user.
    :return: A VOTableFile object containing the SIA2 response. This will list the images along with extensive metadata.
    url = _casda_query_base_url + _sia2_endpoint
    req = urllib2.Request(url)
    # Uses basic auth to securely access the data access information for the image cube
    base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).replace('\n', '')
    req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
    params = list(map((lambda value: ('POS', value)), pos_criteria))
    data = urllib.urlencode(params)

    response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
    filename = 'temp/sia-resp.xml'
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    return votable
Exemple #18
def getLightCurveDataPanSTARRS(coordinates: CoordClass,
    """Pan-STARRS light curve data retrieval

    The Pan-STARRs catalog API allows the ability to search the Pan-STARRS catalogs. For additional information
    on the catalogs please visit the Pan-STARRS Data Archive Home Page.

    Ref. https://outerspace.stsci.edu/display/PANSTARRS/Pan-STARRS1+data+archive+home+page

    :param coordinates: Coordinates of object expressed CoordClass notation in J2000 RA Dec (Decimal) format.
    :type coordinates: CoordClass
    :param radius: Radius of cone search ** in degrees ** for passing to Pan-STARRS
    :type radius: float
    :param return_type: For selection of different return types, e.g. "VOTABLE" (Default), "HTML", "CSV"
    :type return_type: str
    :param column_filters: Not used currently
        (boolean) Valid data return
        (DataFrame) Data payload
    :rtype: tuple

    # TODO Note yet completed. Access to Pan-STARRS data requires more development

    status = True
    delim = "&"
    ra = coordinates.ra_str() + delim
    dec = coordinates.dec_str() + delim
    radius_str = to_string(radius, 4) + delim
    if column_filters is None:
        column_filters = {}

    base_url = "https://catalogs.mast.stsci.edu/api/v0.1/panstarrs/"
    query_url_part = "dr1/mean?"
    url_pos = ra + dec + radius_str
    url_bandname = "&BANDNAME=g,r,i"
    url_format = "&FORMAT=" + return_type
    url_badCatFlagsMask = "&BAD_CATFLAGS_MASK=32768"
    url_payload = base_url + query_url_part + \
                  url_pos + \
                  url_bandname + \
                  url_format + \

    # establish http connection
    # http = urllib3.PoolManager()
    # siteData = http.request('GET', url_payload)
    siteData = urlopen(url_payload)
    if siteData.status != 200:
        status = False

    memFile = io.BytesIO(siteData.read())

    votable = parse(memFile)
    table = votable.get_first_table().to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)

    return status, table.to_pandas()
def parse_datalink_for_service_and_id(filename, service_name):
    """ Parses a datalink file into a vo table, and returns the async service url and the authenticated id token """
    # Parse the datalink file into a vo table, and get the results
    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    results = next(resource for resource in votable.resources if
                   resource.type == "results")
    if results is None:
        return None
    results_array = results.tables[0].array
    async_url = None
    authenticated_id_token = None

    # Find the authenticated id token for accessing the image cube
    for x in results_array:
        if x['service_def'] == service_name:
            authenticated_id_token = x['authenticated_id_token']

    # Find the async url
    for x in votable.resources:
        if x.type == "meta":
            if x.ID == service_name:
                for p in x.params:
                    if p.name == "accessURL":
                        async_url = p.value

    # print "Async url:", async_url
    # print "Authenticated id token for async access:", authenticated_id_token

    return async_url, authenticated_id_token
Exemple #20
def find_images(pos_criteria, username, password, maxrec=0):
    Run an SIA2 query against CASDA to find images and cubes that contain any of the specified locations.
    See http://www.ivoa.net/documents/SIA/ for how to specify criteria.

    :param pos_criteria: An array of POS criteria (CIRCLE, POLYGON or RANGE) specifying the locations to be found.
    :param username: The OPAL username of the user.
    :param password: The OPAL password of the user.
    :param maxrec: The maximum number of images to retrieve, default is no limit
    :return: A VOTableFile object containing the SIA2 response. This will list the images along with extensive metadata.
    url = _casda_query_base_url + _sia2_endpoint
    params = list(map((lambda value: ('POS', value)), pos_criteria))
    if maxrec > 0:
        params.append(('MAXREC', maxrec))
    response = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=(username, password))
    if not os.path.exists('temp'):

    filename = 'temp/sia-resp.xml'
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    return votable
Exemple #21
    def run(self):
        while True:
            #grabs host from queue
            host = self.queue.get()

            #grabs urls of hosts and reads or parses them according to their type
                #               s1 = time.time()
                url = urllib2.urlopen(host[0])

#               print 'fetch time: ',time.time() - s1
            except Exception, e:
                    "\n Unable to return url file object. Here is the error message built into the exception: \n %s\n"
                    % e)

            if host[1] == 1:
                votable1 = 'x'
                    votable1 = parse(url, pedantic=False)
                except Exception, e:
                        "\n Unable to parse voTable. Here is the message built into the exception: \n %s \n"
                        % e)

Exemple #22
    def make_fov_footprint(self, footprint):
        """Creating the user-defined field-of-view footprint using a template
                  from http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/footprint_editor/"""

        votable = parse(footprint)  # reading footprint template
        table = votable.get_first_table()

        for param in table.params:  # retrieving table.params

        # box or circle footprint
        if param.ID == 'radius':
                param.value = float(self.entry_radius.get()) * 3600.0
                votable.to_xml('GWsky_fov.vot')  # VOTable file output
            except ValueError as value_error:
                data = table.array
                fov_width_arcsec = float(self.entry_width.get()) * 3600.0
                fov_height_arcsec = float(self.entry_height.get()) * 3600.0

                data[0] = -fov_width_arcsec / 2.0, fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
                data[1] = fov_width_arcsec / 2.0, fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
                data[2] = fov_width_arcsec / 2.0, -fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
                data[3] = -fov_width_arcsec / 2.0, -fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
                votable.to_xml('GWsky_fov.vot')  # VOTable file output
            except UnboundLocalError:
            except ValueError:

        return aladin.send_file('GWsky_fov.vot')
def cat_read_SpARCS1634():

    #read in catalogs

    #official GOGREEN imaging catalog
    catgogreen = '/Users/grudnick/Work/GOGREEN/Catalogs/Preimaging/SpARCS1634/SPARCS1634_zband_IRAC_v2_handcheck_cat.fits'

    gg_hdul = fits.open(catgogreen)
    gg_dat = gg_hdul[1].data

    #select the subset of data with a z-band detection
    izdet = np.where(gg_dat['zmag'] < 90.)
    gg_dat = gg_dat[izdet]

    #refcat = '/Users/grudnick/Work/GOGREEN/Catalogs/Astrometric/SpARCS1634/SpARCS1634_J.v0.sexcat'
    #ref_dat = ascii.read(refcat)

    #this is a GAIA reference catalog
    refcat = '/Users/grudnick/Work/GOGREEN/Catalogs/Astrometric/GOGREEN_GAIA/sparcs1634_gaia_votable.xml'
    votable = parse(refcat)
    table = votable.get_first_table()
    ref_dat = table.array

    #read the catalog spectroscopic redshifts
    speczcat = "/Users/grudnick/Work/GOGREEN/Data/Spectroscopy/v0.3/SpARCS1634_final.fits"

    return gg_dat, ref_dat, catgogreen, refcat, speczcat
Exemple #24
    def search_chandra_database(self):
        u = "https://cxcfps.cfa.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/cda/footprint/get_vo_table.pl?pos={0},{1}&size={2}"
        url = u.format(self.ra, self.dec, self.radius)

        url += "&inst=ACIS-I,ACIS-S"
        url += "&grating=NONE"

        r = requests.get(url)
        if r.status_code != 200:
        f = io.BytesIO(r.text.encode())
        votable = parse(f)
        tbdata = votable.get_first_table().to_table()
        if len(tbdata) > 0:
            table = unique(tbdata, keys='ObsId')

            self.total_exp = np.sum(table['Exposure'])
            self.obsids = table['ObsId']
            self.targnames = table['target_name']
            self.n_obsid = len(table)
            self.targ_ras = table['RA']
            self.targ_decs = table['Dec']
            self.exp_times = table['Exposure']
            self.obs_dates = table['obs_date']
            self.jpegs = table['preview_uri']
            self.images = table['full_uri']
Exemple #25
def get_SIMBAD_coordinates(name):

        response = urllib2.urlopen(SIMBAD_ROOT_1 + NAME_SCRIPT +
    except urllib2.URLError:
            response = urllib2.urlopen(SIMBAD_ROOT_2 + NAME_SCRIPT +
        except urllib2.URLError:
            return None

        response_votable = votable.parse(response.fp)
        first_table = response_votable.get_first_table()
        return None
        ra = float(first_table.array[0][0])
        dec = float(first_table.array[0][1])

            coords, created = AstronomicalCoordinates.objects.get_or_create(
                right_ascension=ra, declination=dec)
        except MultipleObjectsReturned:
            coords = AstronomicalCoordinates.objects.filter(
                right_ascension=ra, declination=dec).first()

        return coords
Exemple #26
    def _make_fov_footprint(self, footprint):
        """Making the instrument field of view footprint using a template
                  from http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/footprint_editor/"""

        votable = parse(footprint)  # reading footprint template
        table = votable.get_first_table()

        for param in table.params:  # retrieving table.params

        # box or circle footprint
        if param.ID == 'radius':
            param.value = self._fov_radius * 3600.0
            votable.to_xml('user_fov.vot')  # VOTable file output
            data = table.array
            fov_width_arcsec = self._fov_width * 3600.0
            fov_height_arcsec = self._fov_height * 3600.0

            data[0] = -fov_width_arcsec / 2.0, fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
            data[1] = fov_width_arcsec / 2.0, fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
            data[2] = fov_width_arcsec / 2.0, -fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
            data[3] = -fov_width_arcsec / 2.0, -fov_height_arcsec / 2.0
            votable.to_xml('user_fov.vot')  # VOTable file output

        return samp.send_file('user_fov.vot')  # sending to Aladin
Exemple #27
def find_images(pos_criteria, username, password, maxrec=0):
    Run an SIA2 query against CASDA to find images and cubes that contain any of the specified locations.
    See http://www.ivoa.net/documents/SIA/ for how to specify criteria.

    :param pos_criteria: An array of POS criteria (CIRCLE, POLYGON or RANGE) specifying the locations to be found.
    :param username: The OPAL username of the user.
    :param password: The OPAL password of the user.
    :param maxrec: The maximum number of images to retrieve, default is no limit
    :return: A VOTableFile object containing the SIA2 response. This will list the images along with extensive metadata.
    url = _casda_query_base_url + _sia2_endpoint
    params = list(map((lambda value: ('POS', value)), pos_criteria))
    if maxrec > 0:
        params.append(('MAXREC', maxrec))
    response = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=(username, password))
    if not os.path.exists('temp'):

    filename = 'temp/sia-resp.xml'
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    return votable
Exemple #28
    def read_votable(self, voname=None):
        "rad a votable"

        # if no voname, find it with name, raduis, errtol
        if voname == None:
            voname = "%s-%3.1fdeg-%serr.vot" % (self.name, self.radius,
            loc_name = voname.find('-')
            loc_deg = voname.find('deg')
            loc_err = voname.find('err')
            self.name = voname[:loc_name]
            self.radius = float(voname[loc_deg - 3:loc_deg])
            self.errtol = float(voname[loc_deg + 4:loc_err])

        print("## %s read..." % (voname))

        votable = parse(voname)
        for table in votable.iter_tables():
            data = table.array

        self.data = data

        distance_max = np.max(1000. / np.ma.filled(data['parallax'], -999999.))
        self.distmax = round(distance_max / 100, 0) * 100

        cone_volume = np.pi * self.distmax * (
            np.tan(self.radius * np.pi / 180.) * self.distmax)**2 / 3
        self.density = len(self.data) / cone_volume

        print("## Total stars: %d" % (len(data)))
        print("## Density star per pc^3: %.5f" % (self.density))

        return (len(data))
def process_gc_votable():
    Executed this query:
    SELECT TOP 500 * FROM gaiadr1.gaia_source  WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',gaiadr1.gaia_source.ra,gaiadr1.gaia_source.dec),CIRCLE('ICRS',266.41683333333333,-29.00777777777778,0.016666666666666666))=1  

    on the gaia archive:

    Saved to gc_result.vot (in Downloads)

    result_file = '/Users/jlu/work/tmt/iris/gc_result.vot'

    tab = parse(result_file)

    foo = tab.get_first_table()

    # this is an astropy table
    data_tab = foo.to_table()

                   delimiter=' ')

Exemple #30
def get_SIMBAD_coordinates(name):

        response = urllib2.urlopen(SIMBAD_ROOT_1+NAME_SCRIPT+urllib2.quote(url))
    except urllib2.URLError:
            response = urllib2.urlopen(SIMBAD_ROOT_2+NAME_SCRIPT+urllib2.quote(url))
        except urllib2.URLError:
            return None

        response_votable = votable.parse(response.fp)
        first_table = response_votable.get_first_table()
        return None
        ra = float(first_table.array[0][0])
        dec = float(first_table.array[0][1])

            coords, created = AstronomicalCoordinates.objects.get_or_create(right_ascension=ra, declination=dec)
        except MultipleObjectsReturned:
            coords = AstronomicalCoordinates.objects.filter(right_ascension=ra, declination=dec).first()

        return coords
Exemple #31
    def build_table_mapper_map(self):
        logger.info("Looking for tables matching TABLE_MAPPING ")
        votable = parse(self.votable_path)
        for template_key in self.json_view["MODEL_INSTANCE"][
            logger.info("Looking for a table matching TABLE_MAPPING %s",

            name = None
            parsed_table = None
            for table in votable.iter_tables():
                if template_key == table.ID:
                    logger.info("Table with ID = %s found", template_key)
                    name = table.ID
                    parsed_table = table
            if name == None:
                for table in votable.iter_tables():
                    if template_key == table.name:
                        logger.info("Table with name = %s found", template_key)
                        name = table.name
                        parsed_table = table
            if name == None:
                raise Exception("Cannot find table with name or ID = " + name)
                logger.info("Add TableMapper for table %s", name)
                self.table_mappers[template_key] = TableMapper(
def Zari18_stars_to_csv():
    The Zari+ 2018 work constructs large samples of young stars within 500 pc.
    It includes many upper main sequence and pre-main sequence members of
    the Sco-Cen, Orion and Vela star-forming regions. There are also less
    massive regions represented in Taurus, Perseus, Cepheus, etc.

    Annoyingly, no attempt is made to map between the star and the name of
    the cluster. So the "cluster name" column for this one will be "N/A".

    indir = clusterdatadir
    inpaths = [

    for inpath in inpaths:
        tab = parse(inpath)

        t = tab.get_first_table().to_table()

        df = pd.DataFrame({'source':t['Source'],
                           'cluster':np.repeat("N/A", len(t))})

        outpath = inpath.replace('.vot','_cut_only_source_cluster_MATCH.csv')
        outdir = os.path.join(indir, 'moving_groups')
        outpath = os.path.join(
        df.to_csv(outpath, index=False)
        print('made {}'.format(outpath))
 def setUp(self):
     self.data_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     self.votable_path = os.path.join(self.data_path,
     votable = parse(self.votable_path)
     for table in votable.iter_tables():
         if "OtherResults" == table.name:
             self.parsed_table = table
             self.join_iterator = JoinIterator(
                 "OtherResults", "_poserr_148", "_foreign", {
                     "@foreign": "_foreign",
                     "@primary": "_poserr_148",
                     "@tableref": "OtherResults",
                     "test:detection": {
                         "@dmtype": "test:Detection",
                         "test:detection.id": {
                             "@dmtype": "ivoa:real",
                             "@ref": "_foreign",
                             "@value": ""
                         "test:detection.num": {
                             "@dmtype": "ivoa:real",
                             "@ref": "_num_148",
                             "@value": ""
    def postQuery(self, tap_params):
        Post query according to given parameters

        tap_params : dict 
            Tap query parameters. It has to contains four keys.

            Dict keys:
                    Url of tap server

                    Name of table for query

                    Select string or list of column names

                    For each condition in the list of conditions there
                    is a tuple - ("name of column", "condition") or
                    ("name of column", "lower value", "upper value" for
                    search in the range

        list of lists
            Result from the query as nested lists

        # Load tap protocol parameters
        self.URL = tap_params["URL"]
        self.table = tap_params["table"]
        if "/" in self.table and not (self.table.startswith('"') or
            self.table = '"' + self.table + '"'
        self.conditions = tap_params["conditions"]
        self.select = tap_params["select"]

        query = self._get_select_text() + self._get_from_text() + \

        query_url = '%s/sync' % self.URL
        params = {"REQUEST": "doQuery",
                  "LANG": "ADQL",
                  "QUERY": query}
        # Run query
        res = requests.post(query_url, params=params)
        f = io.BytesIO(res.content)
        tab = parse(f)
        df = tab.get_first_table().to_table().to_pandas()

        for col in df.columns:
            if df[col].dtype == "object":
                df[col] = df[col].map(lambda x: x.decode() if isinstance(x, bytes) else x)
                df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], downcast="signed")

        return df
def load_timeseries(in_file, value_name, obs_location):
    """returns a time series from in_file in JD for TCB BARYCENTER.

    in_file must give a VOTable literal.

    value_name names the column to take the value from.

    obs_location is a SkyCoordinate giving the (ICRS) position of
    the object observed.

    The time column will be the first FIELD that references TIMESYS,

    [the label column is just for debugging)
    vot = votable.parse(in_file)
    timesystems = vot.resources[0].timesystems
    time_series = vot.resources[0].tables[0]
    times, times_meta = locate_time_column(time_series, timesystems)
    times = to_jd(times, times_meta)
    times = to_tcb_barycenter(times, times_meta, obs_location)

    apy_table = time_series.to_table()
    values = apy_table.columns[value_name]
    # need to use times.value here since astropy vstack can't deal with
    # mixin columns.
    return table.Table(data=[
        names=("time", "value", "label"))
Exemple #36
def main_deprecated():

    df = _get_cks_data()
    sel = _apply_cks_IV_metallicity_study_filters(df)
    p17_df = df[sel]

    vot = parse('../data/McQuillan_2014_ApJS_211_24_table1.vot')
    m14 = vot.get_first_table()
    m14_df = m14.to_table().to_pandas()

    p17_df['id_kic'] = p17_df['id_kic'].astype(str)
    m14_df['KIC'] = m14_df['KIC'].astype(str)

    # # no matches. wat.
    # mdf = p17_df.merge(m14_df, how='inner', left_on='id_kic', right_on='KIC')

    q = NasaExoplanetArchive.query_criteria(table='koi',
    q_df = q.to_pandas()

    mdf0 = p17_df.merge(q_df,

    assert len(mdf0) == len(p17_df)

    c_p17 = SkyCoord(ra=nparr(mdf0.ra) * u.deg, dec=nparr(mdf0.dec) * u.deg)
    c_m14 = SkyCoord(ra=nparr(m14_df._RA) * u.deg,
                     dec=nparr(m14_df._DE) * u.deg)

    idx_m14, idx_p17, d2d, _ = c_p17.search_around_sky(c_m14, 1 * u.arcsec)
def data_from_svo(query, error_msg='No data found for requested query'):
    """Get data in response to the query send to SVO FPS

    query : dict
        Used to create a HTTP query string i.e. send to SVO FPS to get data.
        In dictionary, specify keys as search parameters (str) and 
        values as required. List of search parameters can be found at 
    error_msg : str, optional
        Error message to be shown in case no table element found in the
        responded VOTable. Use this to make error message verbose in context 
        of the query made (default is 'No data found for requested query')

    astropy.io.votable.tree.VOTableFile object
        Entire VOTable fetched from SVO (in response to query)
    response = session.get(SVO_MAIN_URL, params=query)
    votable = io.BytesIO(response.content)
        return parse(votable) # to keep metadata stored as PARAMS
    except IndexError:
        # If no table element found in VOTable
        raise ValueError(error_msg)
Exemple #38
def parse_datalink_for_service_and_id(filename, service_name):
    """ Parses a datalink file into a vo table, and returns the async service url and the authenticated id token """
    # Parse the datalink file into a vo table, and get the results
    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    results = next(resource for resource in votable.resources
                   if resource.type == "results")
    if results is None:
        return None
    results_array = results.tables[0].array
    async_url = None
    authenticated_id_token = None

    # Find the authenticated id token for accessing the image cube
    for x in results_array:
        if x['service_def'].decode("utf8") == service_name:
            authenticated_id_token = x['authenticated_id_token']

    # Find the async url
    for x in votable.resources:
        if x.type == "meta":
            if x.ID == service_name:
                for p in x.params:
                    if p.name == "accessURL":
                        async_url = p.value

    # print "Async url:", async_url
    # print "Authenticated id token for async access:", authenticated_id_token

    return async_url, authenticated_id_token
def download_cutouts(sbid, username, password, destination_dir, num_channels, data_product_sub_type):
    print ("\n\n** Finding images and image cubes for scheduling block {} ... \n\n".format(sbid))

    sbid_multi_channel_query = "SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM ivoa.obscore where obs_id='" + str(sbid) \
                               + "' and dataproduct_subtype='" + str(data_product_sub_type) \
                               + "' and em_xel > 1 and dataproduct_type = 'cube'"

    # create async TAP query and wait for query to complete
    result_file_path = casda.async_tap_query(sbid_multi_channel_query, username, password, destination_dir)
    image_cube_votable = parse(result_file_path, pedantic=False)
    results_array = image_cube_votable.get_table_by_id('results').array

    # 3) For each of the image cubes, query datalink to get the secure datalink details
    print ("\n\n** Retrieving datalink for each image and image cube...\n\n")
    authenticated_id_tokens = []
    for image_cube_result in results_array:
        image_cube_id = image_cube_result['obs_publisher_did'].decode('utf-8')
        async_url, authenticated_id_token = casda.get_service_link_and_id(image_cube_id, username,
        if authenticated_id_token is not None:
            authenticated_id_tokens.append([authenticated_id_token, image_cube_result])

    if len(authenticated_id_tokens) == 0:
        print ("No image cubes for scheduling_block_id " + str(sbid))
        return 1

    # For each image cube, slice by channels using num_channels specified by the user.
    job_locations = []
    for entry in authenticated_id_tokens:
        auth_id_token = entry[0]

        # get the image cube and number of channels
        ic = entry[1]
        channel_count = ic['em_xel']
        channel_list = []

        # wrap to max number of channels, if provided value exceeds channel count
        if num_channels > channel_count:
            num_channels = channel_count

        # slice up cube into chunks using the number of channels as the size of each chunk
        slices = math.ceil(channel_count / num_channels)
        current_step = 1

        for s in range(slices):
            channel_list.append(str(current_step) + " " + str(num_channels * int(s+1)))
            current_step = (num_channels * int(s+1)) + 1

        # create job for given band params
        job_location = casda.create_async_soda_job([auth_id_token])
        casda.add_params_to_async_job(job_location, 'CHANNEL', channel_list)

    # run all jobs and download
    casda.run_async_jobs_and_download(job_locations, destination_dir)

    return 0
Exemple #40
def get_magmo_table():
    votable = parse("magmo-spectra.vot", pedantic=False)
    table = votable.get_first_table()
    table = table.to_table()
    magmo_table = table[table['Duplicate'] == False]
    magmo_table = magmo_table[magmo_table['Rating'] <= 'C']
    magmo_coords = SkyCoord(magmo_table['Longitude'], magmo_table['Latitude'], frame='galactic', unit="deg")
    return magmo_coords, magmo_table
Exemple #41
 def __init__(self, catalogpath=None, **specs):
     Constructor for EXOCAT1
         catalogpath (string):
             Full path to catalog VOTABLE. Defaults to mission_exocat.votable
     if catalogpath is None:
         classpath = os.path.split(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))[0]
         filename = 'mission_exocat.votable'
         catalogpath = os.path.join(classpath, filename)
     if not os.path.exists(catalogpath):
         raise IOError('Catalog File %s Not Found.'%catalogpath)
     #read votable
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         # warnings for IPAC votables are out of control 
         #   they are not moderated by pedantic=False
         #   they all have to do with units, which we handle independently anyway
         votable = parse(catalogpath)
     table = votable.get_first_table()
     data = table.array
     StarCatalog.__init__(self, ntargs=len(data), **specs)
     # list of astropy attributes
     self.dist = data['st_dist'].data*u.pc #Distance to the planetary system in units of parsecs
     self.parx = self.dist.to('mas', equivalencies=u.parallax()) # parallactic angle in units of mas
     self.coords = SkyCoord(ra=data['ra']*u.deg, dec=data['dec']*u.deg,
             distance=self.dist) #Right Ascension of the planetary system in decimal degrees, Declination of the planetary system in decimal degrees
     self.pmra = data['st_pmra'].data*u.mas/u.yr #Angular change in right ascension over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System, units (mas/yr)
     self.pmdec = data['st_pmdec'].data*u.mas/u.yr #Angular change in declination over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System, units (mas/yr)
     self.L = data['st_lbol'].data #Amount of energy emitted by a star per unit time, measured in units of solar luminosities. The bolometric corrections are derived from V-K or B-V colors, units [log(solar)]
     # list of non-astropy attributes
     self.Name = data['hip_name'].astype(str) #Name of the star as given by the Hipparcos Catalog.
     self.Spec = data['st_spttype'].astype(str) #Classification of the star based on their spectral characteristics following the Morgan-Keenan system
     self.Vmag = data['st_vmag'] #Brightness of the host star as measured using the V band in units of magnitudes
     self.Jmag = data['st_j2m'] #Stellar J (2MASS) Magnitude Value
     self.Hmag = data['st_h2m'] #Stellar H (2MASS) Magnitude Value
     self.BV = data['st_bmv'] #Color of the star as measured by the difference between B and V bands, units of [mag]
     self.Bmag = self.Vmag + data['st_bmv'] #calculation of the B band
     #st_vmk Color of the star as measured by the difference between V and K bands. The source column is for the K magnitude, units of [mag]
     self.Kmag = self.Vmag - data['st_vmk'] #calculation of the K band
     #st_mbol Apparent magnitude of the star at a distance of 10 parsec units of [mag]
     self.BC = -self.Vmag + data['st_mbol'] # bolometric correction https://www.astro.princeton.edu/~gk/A403/constants.pdf
     self.MV = self.Vmag - 5.*(np.log10(self.dist.to('pc').value) - 1.) # apparent "visual" magnitude https://www.astro.princeton.edu/~gk/A403/constants.pdf
     self.stellar_diameters = data['st_rad']*2.*R_sun # stellar_diameters in solar diameters
     self.Binary_Cut = ~data['wds_sep'].mask #WDS (Washington Double Star) Catalog separation (arcsecs)
Exemple #42
def parse_vizier_votable(data, verbose=False, invalid='warn',
    Given a votable as string, parse it into dict or tables
    if not verbose:

    tf = BytesIO(data)

    if invalid == 'mask':
        vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='mask')
    elif invalid == 'warn':
            vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='exception')
        except Exception as ex:
            warnings.warn("VOTABLE parsing raised exception: {0}".format(ex))
            vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='mask')
    elif invalid == 'exception':
        vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='exception')
        raise ValueError("Invalid keyword for 'invalid'. "
                         "Must be exception, mask, or warn")

    if get_catalog_names:
        return OrderedDict([(R.name, R) for R in vo_tree.resources])
        table_dict = OrderedDict()
        for t in vo_tree.iter_tables():
            if len(t.array) > 0:
                if t.ref is not None:
                    name = vo_tree.get_table_by_id(t.ref).name
                    name = t.name
                if name not in table_dict.keys():
                    table_dict[name] = []
                table_dict[name] += [t.to_table()]
        for name in table_dict.keys():
            if len(table_dict[name]) > 1:
                table_dict[name] = tbl.vstack(table_dict[name])
                table_dict[name] = table_dict[name][0]
        return commons.TableList(table_dict)
Exemple #43
def plot_USNO_B1_stars(ax):
    t = votable.parse(usnoB1.TAPQuery(ra_cen, dec_cen, width, height)).get_first_table()
    Rmag = t.array['Bmag'][t.array['Bmag'] < 15]
    min = max(Rmag.min(),11)
    max = Rmag.max()
    scale = 0.5*10**((min - Rmag)/2.5)
    print scale.min(), scale.max()
    ax.scatter(t.array['RAJ2000'], t.array['DEJ2000'], s=scale, marker='o', facecolor='y', alpha=0.8, edgecolor='', zorder=-10)

    return ax
Exemple #44
def query_for_observations(mjd, observable, runids):
    """Do a QUERY on the TAP service for all observations that are part of runid, 
    where taken after mjd and have calibration 'observable'.

    Schema is at: http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/tap/tables

    mjd : float 
    observable: str ( 2 or 1 )
    runid: tuple eg. ('13AP05', '13AP06')


    data = {"QUERY": ("SELECT Observation.target_name as TargetName, "
                      "COORD1(CENTROID(Plane.position_bounds)) AS RA,"
                      "COORD2(CENTROID(Plane.position_bounds)) AS DEC, "
                      "Plane.time_bounds_lower AS StartDate, "
                      "Plane.time_exposure AS ExposureTime, "
                      "Observation.instrument_name AS Instrument, "
                      "Plane.energy_bandpassName AS Filter, "
                      "Observation.observationID AS dataset_name, "
                      "Observation.proposal_id AS ProposalID, "
                      "Observation.proposal_pi AS PI "
                      "FROM caom2.Observation AS Observation "
                      "JOIN caom2.Plane AS Plane ON "
                      "Observation.obsID = Plane.obsID "
                      "WHERE  ( Observation.collection = 'CFHT' ) "
                      "AND Plane.time_bounds_lower > %d "
                      "AND Plane.calibrationLevel=%s "
                      "AND Observation.proposal_id IN %s " ) %
                     ( mjd, observable, str(runids)),
            "REQUEST": "doQuery",
            "LANG": "ADQL",
            "FORMAT": "votable"}

    result = requests.get(storage.TAP_WEB_SERVICE, params=data, verify=False)
    assert isinstance(result, requests.Response)
    logging.debug("Doing TAP Query using url: %s" % (str(result.url)))
    tmpFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    with open(tmpFile.name, 'w') as outfile:
       vot = parse(tmpFile.name).get_first_table()
       print result.text

    t = vot.array

    print t

    logging.debug("Got {} lines from tap query".format(len(t)))

    return t
Exemple #45
    def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
        Parses the results form the HTTP response to `~astropy.table.Table`.

        response : `requests.Response`
            The HTTP response object
        verbose : bool, optional
            Defaults to `False`. When true it will display warnings whenever
            the VOtable returned from the Service doesn't conform to the

        table : `~astropy.table.Table`
        if not verbose:

        content = response.text

        # Check if results were returned
        if 'The catalog is not in the list' in content:
            raise Exception("Catalogue not found")

        # Check that object name was not malformed
        if 'Either wrong or missing coordinate/object name' in content:
            raise Exception("Malformed coordinate/object name")

        # Check that the results are not of length zero
        if len(content) == 0:
            raise Exception("The LCOGT server sent back an empty reply")

        # Read it in using the astropy VO table reader
            first_table = votable.parse(six.BytesIO(response.content),
        except Exception as ex:
            self.response = response
            self.table_parse_error = ex
            raise TableParseError("Failed to parse LCOGT votable! The raw "
                                  " response can be found in self.response,"
                                  " and the error in self.table_parse_error.")

        # Convert to astropy.table.Table instance
        table = first_table.to_table()

        # Check if table is empty
        if len(table) == 0:
            warnings.warn("Query returned no results, so the table will "
                          "be empty", NoResultsWarning)

        return table
    def xml2csv(self):
        """Convert the saved xml file to csv and read with pandas"""
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            vo = votable.parse('exo.xml', invalid='mask', pedantic=False)
            vo = vo.get_first_table().to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)
            df = vo.to_pandas()

            # Divide the data in Confirmed and not.
            df[df.planet_status == 'Confirmed'].to_csv('exo.csv', index=False)
            df[(df.planet_status == 'Unconfirmed') | (df.planet_status == 'Candidate')].to_csv('exo_cont.csv', index=False)
Exemple #47
    def _parse_result(self, response, get_catalog_names=False, verbose=False):
        Parses the HTTP response to create an `astropy.table.Table`.
        Returns the raw result as a string in case of parse errors.

        response : `requests.Response`
            The response of the HTTP POST request
        get_catalog_names : bool
            If specified, return only the table names (useful for table

            An OrderedDict of `astropy.table.Table` objects.
            If there are errors in the parsing, then returns the raw results as a string.
        if not verbose:
            tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            if PY3:
            vo_tree = votable.parse(tf.name, pedantic=False)
            if get_catalog_names:
                return dict([(R.name,R) for R in vo_tree.resources])
                table_dict = OrderedDict()
                for t in vo_tree.iter_tables():
                    if len(t.array) > 0:
                        if t.ref is not None:
                            name = vo_tree.get_table_by_id(t.ref).name
                            name = t.name
                        if name not in table_dict.keys():
                            table_dict[name] = []
                        table_dict[name] += [t.to_table()]
                for name in table_dict.keys():
                    if len(table_dict[name]) > 1:
                        table_dict[name] = tbl.vstack(table_dict[name])
                        table_dict[name] = table_dict[name][0]
                return commons.TableList(table_dict)

            traceback.print_exc()  # temporary for debugging
                "Error in parsing result, returning raw result instead")
            return response.content
Exemple #48
    def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
        Parse a VOtable response
        if not verbose:

        tf = six.BytesIO(response.content)
        vo_tree = votable.parse(tf, pedantic=False, invalid='mask')
        first_table = vo_tree.get_first_table()
        table = first_table.to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)
        return table
Exemple #49
    def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
        Parses the results form the HTTP response to `~astropy.table.Table`.

        response : `requests.Response`
            The HTTP response object
        verbose : bool, optional
            Defaults to `False`. When true it will display warnings whenever
            the VOtable returned from the Service doesn't conform to the

        table : `~astropy.table.Table`
        if not verbose:
        # Check if results were returned
        if 'The catalog is not on the list' in response.content:
            raise Exception("Catalog not found")

        # Check that object name was not malformed
        if 'Either wrong or missing coordinate/object name' in response.content:
            raise Exception("Malformed coordinate/object name")

        # Check that the results are not of length zero
        if len(response.content) == 0:
            raise Exception("The IRSA server sent back an empty reply")

        # Write table to temporary file
        output = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

        # Read it in using the astropy VO table reader
            first_table = votable.parse(output.name, pedantic=False).get_first_table()
        except Exception as ex:
            self.response = response
            self.table_parse_error = ex
            raise TableParseError("Failed to parse IRSA votable! The raw response can be found "
                                  "in self.response, and the error in self.table_parse_error.")

        # Convert to astropy.table.Table instance
        table = first_table.to_table()

        # Check if table is empty
        if len(table) == 0:
            warnings.warn("Query returned no results, so the table will be empty")

        return table
Exemple #50
    def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
        Parses the raw HTTP response and returns it as an `astropy.table.Table`.

        response : `requests.Response`
            The HTTP response object
        verbose : bool, optional
            Defaults to false. When true it will display warnings whenever the VOtable
            returned from the service doesn't conform to the standard.

        table : `astropy.table.Table`
        if not verbose:
            tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            if six.PY3:
                # This is an exceedingly confusing section
                # It is likely to be doubly wrong, but has caused issue #185
                    # Case 1: data is read in as unicode
                except AttributeError:
                    # Case 2: data is read in as a byte string
            first_table = votable.parse(tf.name, pedantic=False).get_first_table()
            # For astropy version < 0.3 returns tables that have field ids as col names
            if ASTROPY_VERSION < '0.3':
                table = first_table.to_table()
            # For astropy versions >= 0.3 return the field names as col names
                table = first_table.to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)
            return table
        except Exception as ex:
            (is_valid, err_msg) = _check_ned_valid(response.content)
            if not is_valid:
                if err_msg:
                    raise RemoteServiceError("The remote service returned the following error message.\nERROR: {err_msg}".format(err_msg=err_msg))
                    raise RemoteServiceError("The remote service returned an error, but with no message.")
                self.response = response
                self.table_parse_error = ex
                raise TableParseError("Failed to parse NED result! The raw response can be found "
                                      "in self.response, and the error in self.table_parse_error.")
    def run(self):
        # load the votable content from previous task
        votable = parse(self.input().path)
        data_arr = votable.get_first_table().array
        # Extract plot data
        dist = data_arr["dist"]
        phot_g_mean_mag = data_arr["phot_g_mean_mag"]

        # highcharts_data = zip(list_a, list_b)
        highcharts_data = {"data": map(lambda x, y: [x, y], dist, phot_g_mean_mag)}

        with open(self.output().path, "w") as out:
            json.dump(highcharts_data, out)
Exemple #52
    def find_redshifted_lines(self):
        # next: read atomic.xml and find relevant lab wavelengths
        mypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        atoms = parse(os.path.expanduser(mypath+'/atomic.xml'))
        atomstable = atoms.get_first_table()
        self.atomstable = atomstable
        promels = ['Si', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'Al', 'Fe', 'Ca', 'B', 'Be']
        ionallow= ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'IX', 'X']
        isoallow= [28, 12, 14, 16, 27, 56, 40, 10, 9]
        wlshift = 5.0   # WL displacement in A
        wls     = self.wls
        z_sel   = self.z_sel

        lymaninf = where((atomstable.array['Element'] == 'H') \
                & (atomstable.array['Ion'] == 'I') \
                & (atomstable.array['MassNumber'] == 1) )
        deutinf  = where((atomstable.array['Element'] == 'H') \
                & (atomstable.array['Ion'] == 'I') \
                & (atomstable.array['MassNumber'] == 2) )
        promlinesBOOL = in1d(atomstable.array['Element'], promels)
        promlinesIonBOOL = in1d(atomstable.array['Ion'], ionallow)
        promlinesIsoBOOL = in1d(atomstable.array['MassNumber'], isoallow)
        promlines = where((promlinesBOOL) \
                & (promlinesIonBOOL) \
                & (promlinesIsoBOOL) \
                & (atomstable.array['fval'] >= 0.05) \
                & (atomstable.array['RestWave'] <= max(wls)/(1+z_sel[0]) )\
                & (atomstable.array['RestWave'] >= min(wls)/(1+z_sel[0]) ) )
        implines = where((atomstable.array['fval'] >= 0.05) \
                & (atomstable.array['RestWave'] <= max(wls)/(1+z_sel[0]) )\
                & (atomstable.array['RestWave'] >= min(wls)/(1+z_sel[0]) ) )

        # Sort prominent lines, most important first
        promlines_id = atomstable.array['fval'][promlines].argsort()
        self.promlines1 = promlines[0][promlines_id]  # sort by strenght
        self.promlines1 = self.promlines1[::-1]

        self.promlines_wl = atomstable.array['RestWave'][promlines].argsort()
        self.promlines2  = promlines[0][promlines_id]

        self.lymanseries = outer((1 + z_sel),  atomstable.array['RestWave'][lymaninf])
        self.lymanserieslab = atomstable.array['RestWave'][lymaninf]
        self.deutseries  = outer((1 + z_sel),  atomstable.array['RestWave'][deutinf])
        self.promseries1  = outer((1 + z_sel), atomstable.array['RestWave'][self.promlines1])
        self.promseries2  = outer((1 + z_sel), atomstable.array['RestWave'][self.promlines2])

        self.promels  =  promels 
        self.ionallow =  ionallow
        self.isoallow =  isoallow
        self.wlshift  =  wlshift 
Exemple #53
 def __init__(self, catalogpath=None, **specs):
     Constructor for EXOCAT1
         catalogpath (string):
             Full path to catalog VOTABLE. Defaults to mission_exocat.votable
     if catalogpath is None:
         classpath = os.path.split(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))[0]
         filename = 'mission_exocat.votable'
         catalogpath = os.path.join(classpath, filename)
     if not os.path.exists(catalogpath):
         raise IOError('Catalog File %s Not Found.'%catalogpath)
     #read votable
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         # warnings for IPAC votables are out of control 
         #   they are not moderated by pedantic=False
         #   they all have to do with units, which we handle independently anyway
         warnings.simplefilter('ignore', astropy.io.votable.exceptions.VOTableSpecWarning)
         warnings.simplefilter('ignore', astropy.io.votable.exceptions.VOTableChangeWarning)
         votable = parse(catalogpath)
     table = votable.get_first_table()
     data = table.array
     StarCatalog.__init__(self, ntargs=len(data), **specs)
     # list of astropy attributes
     self.dist = data['st_dist'].data*u.pc
     self.parx = self.dist.to('mas',equivalencies=u.parallax())
     self.coords = SkyCoord(ra=data['ra']*u.deg, dec=data['dec']*u.deg, distance=self.dist)
     self.pmra = data['st_pmra'].data*u.mas/u.yr
     self.pmdec = data['st_pmdec'].data*u.mas/u.yr
     # list of non-astropy attributes
     self.Name = data['hip_name']
     self.Spec = data['st_spttype']
     self.Vmag = data['st_vmag']
     self.Jmag = data['st_j2m']
     self.Hmag = data['st_h2m']
     self.BV = data['st_bmv']
     self.L = data['st_lbol']
     self.Bmag = self.Vmag + data['st_bmv']
     self.Kmag = self.Vmag - data['st_vmk']
     self.BC = -self.Vmag + data['st_mbol']
     self.MV = self.Vmag - 5*(np.log10(self.dist.value) - 1)
     self.Binary_Cut = ~data['wds_sep'].mask
Exemple #54
def read_islands(filename):
    print ("Extracting islands from " + filename)
    islands = {}

    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        print ("Warning: File %s does not exist, skipping island read." % \
        return {}

    isle_votable = votable.parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    results = isle_votable.get_first_table().array
    for row in results:
        islands[row['island']] = row
    return islands
Exemple #55
def readData():
    x = []
    y = []
    c = []

    bad_spectra = 0
    prev_field = ''
    num_fields = 0
    vo_files = glob.glob('day*/*.votable.xml')
    for filename in sorted(vo_files):
        print 'Reading', filename
        votable = parse(filename, pedantic=False)
        results = next(resource for resource in votable.resources if resource.type == "results")
        if results is not None:
            gal_info = None
            for info in votable.infos:
                if info.name == 'longitude':
                    gal_info = info
            #gal_info = votable.get_info_by_id('longitude')
            if gal_info is None:
                print "No longitude provided for %s, skipping" % filename
            gal_long = float(gal_info.value)
            if gal_long > 180:
                gal_long -= 360
            results_array = results.tables[0].array
            poor_sn = False
            #print gal_long
            for row in results_array:
                opacity = row['opacity']
                if opacity > 6 or opacity < -8:
                    poor_sn = True
            if not poor_sn:
                for row in results_array:
                    y.append(row['velocity']/1000.0) # Convert from m/s to km/s
                    opacity = row['opacity']
                    if opacity > 10 or opacity < -15:
                        poor_sn = True
                field = filename.split('_')
                if field[0] != prev_field:
                    prev_field = field[0]
                    num_fields += 1
            if poor_sn:
                bad_spectra += 1

    print "In %d fields read %d spectra of which %d had reasonable S/N. " % (
        num_fields, len(vo_files), len(vo_files)-bad_spectra)
    return x, y, c
Exemple #56
 def _readData(self):
     Read data from VO table
   # Temporarily suppress warnings (astropy issues one on reading this table)
   with warnings.catch_warnings():
       self.vot = votable.parse(self._fs.requestFile(self.dataFileName, 'r', gzip.open), pedantic=False, invalid="mask")
     except Exception as e:
       votable.validate(self._fs.requestFile(self.dataFileName, 'r', gzip.open))
       raise e
   # Use 'name' over ID field to specify column names
   self.vot = self.vot.get_first_table().to_table(use_names_over_ids=True)
Exemple #57
    def get_proc_table(self):
        retrieve the table of processes from the proc service.
        @return: Table
        url = self.server+self.endpoint
        f = cStringIO.StringIO(self.client.open(uri=None, URL=url).read())

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            return votable.parse(f, invalid='mask').get_first_table().to_table()
Exemple #58
def produce_cutouts(source_list, image_id, username, password, destination_dir):
    # Use CASDA VO (secure) to query for the images associated with the given scheduling_block_id
    print ("\n\n** Retreiving image details for %s ... \n\n" % image_id)
    filename = destination_dir + str(image_id) + ".xml"
    data_product_id_query = "select * from ivoa.obscore where obs_publisher_did = '" + image_id + \
                            "' and dataproduct_type = 'cube'"
    casda.sync_tap_query(data_product_id_query, filename, username=username, password=password)
    image_cube_votable = votable.parse(filename, pedantic=False)
    results_array = image_cube_votable.get_table_by_id('results').array

    # For each of the image cubes, query datalink to get the secure datalink details
    print ("\n\n** Retrieving datalink for each image and image cube...\n\n")
    authenticated_id_tokens = []
    for image_cube_result in results_array:
        image_cube_id = image_cube_result['obs_publisher_did'].decode('utf-8')
        async_url, authenticated_id_token = casda.get_service_link_and_id(image_cube_id, username,
        if authenticated_id_token is not None:

    if len(authenticated_id_tokens) == 0:
        print ("No image cubes found")
        return 1

    # Create the async job
    job_location = casda.create_async_soda_job(authenticated_id_tokens)

    # For each entry in the results of the catalogue query, add the position filter as a parameter to the async job
    cutout_filters = []
    for sky_loc in source_list:
        ra = sky_loc.ra.degree
        dec = sky_loc.dec.degree
        circle = "CIRCLE " + str(ra) + " " + str(dec) + " " + str(cutout_radius_degrees)
    casda.add_params_to_async_job(job_location, 'pos', cutout_filters)

    # Run the job
    status = casda.run_async_job(job_location)

    # Download all of the files, or alert if it didn't complete
    if status == 'COMPLETED':
        print ("\n\n** Downloading results...\n\n")
        casda.download_all(job_location, destination_dir)
        print ("Job did not complete: Status was %s." % status)
        return 1
    return 0
def queryFitsImage(fitsImage,voTableName,pos='104.9566125,14.2341555'):

	retrieve fits image from 2MASS http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/2MASS/IM/docs/siahelp.html
	note that fitsImage has to be in gz file in order to be extracted and opened correctly
	print 'loading 2MASS fits images'
	conn1 = hlib.HTTPConnection('irsa.ipac.caltech.edu')
	params1 = ulib.urlencode({'POS':pos,'INTERSECT':'ENCLOSED'})
	resp1 = conn1.getresponse()

	xml = open(voTableName,'w')


	#parsing the votable and download the selected image
	tree = ET.parse(voTableName)
	root = tree.getroot()

	#map all null values to 0 which fixes the error when open the votable with astropy
	for name in root.iter('TD'):
		if name.text == 'null':
			name.text = 0

	#warning suppression when open votable
	print 'downloading fits image...'
	warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=Warning, append=True)
	voTable = VT.parse(voTableName)
	warnings.filterwarnings('always', category=Warning, append=True)
	#raise warning if the image cannot be found
		table = voTable.get_first_table()
		raise ValueError('Cannot Locate the fits image!')
	imageUrls = table.array['download']
	print imageUrls
	download = imageUrls[0]
	print download	
	print 'done'
Exemple #60
def plot_existing_CFHT_Megacam_observations_in_area(ax):
    t = votable.parse(megacam.TAPQuery(ra_cen, dec_cen, width, height)).get_first_table()
    ra = t.array['RAJ2000']
    dec = t.array['DEJ2000']
    rects = [Rectangle(xy=(ra[idx]-dimen/2.0,dec[idx]-dimen/2.0),
                       lw=0.1, zorder=-100,
                       fill=False) for idx in xrange(ra.size)]
    for r in rects:

    return ax