class X6StreamSelector(Filter): """Digital demodulation and filtering to select a particular frequency multiplexed channel""" sink = InputConnector() source = OutputConnector() phys_channel = IntParameter(value_range=(1,3), snap=1) dsp_channel = IntParameter(value_range=(0,4), snap=1) stream_type = Parameter(allowed_values=["Raw", "Demodulated", "Integrated"], default='Demodulated') def __init__(self, name=""): super(X6StreamSelector, self).__init__(name=name) self.stream_type.value = "Raw" # One of Raw, Demodulated, Integrated self.quince_parameters = [self.phys_channel, self.dsp_channel, self.stream_type] def get_descriptor(self, source_instr_settings, channel_settings): # Create a channel channel = X6Channel(channel_settings) descrip = DataStreamDescriptor() # If it's an integrated stream, then the time axis has already been eliminated. # Otherswise, add the time axis. if channel_settings['stream_type'] == 'Raw': samp_time = 4.0e-9 descrip.add_axis(DataAxis("time", samp_time*np.arange(source_instr_settings['record_length']//4))) descrip.dtype = np.float64 elif channel_settings['stream_type'] == 'Demodulated': samp_time = 32.0e-9 descrip.add_axis(DataAxis("time", samp_time*np.arange(source_instr_settings['record_length']//32))) descrip.dtype = np.complex128 else: # Integrated descrip.dtype = np.complex128 return channel, descrip
class AlazarStreamSelector(Filter): """Digital demodulation and filtering to select a particular frequency multiplexed channel""" sink = InputConnector() source = OutputConnector() channel = IntParameter(value_range=(1, 2), snap=1) # def __init__(self, name=""): # super(AlazarStreamSelector, self).__init__(name=name) # = 1 # Either 1 or 2 # self.quince_parameters = [] def get_channel(self, channel_proxy): """Create and return a channel object corresponding to this stream selector""" return AlazarChannel(channel_proxy) def get_descriptor(self, stream_selector, receiver_channel): """Get the axis descriptor corresponding to this stream selector. For the Alazar cards this is always just a time axis.""" samp_time = 1.0 / receiver_channel.receiver.sampling_rate descrip = DataStreamDescriptor() descrip.add_axis( DataAxis( "time", samp_time * np.arange(receiver_channel.receiver.record_length))) return descrip
class X6StreamSelector(Filter): """Digital demodulation and filtering to select a particular frequency multiplexed channel""" sink = InputConnector() source = OutputConnector() channel = IntParameter(value_range=(1, 3), snap=1) dsp_channel = IntParameter(value_range=(0, 4), snap=1) stream_type = Parameter( allowed_values=["raw", "demodulated", "integrated"], default='demodulated') # def __init__(self, name=""): # super(X6StreamSelector, self).__init__(name=name) # self.stream_type.value = "Raw" # One of Raw, Demodulated, Integrated # self.quince_parameters = [, self.dsp_channel, self.stream_type] def get_channel(self, channel_proxy): """Create and return a channel object corresponding to this stream selector""" return X6Channel(channel_proxy) def get_descriptor(self, stream_selector, receiver_channel): """Get the axis descriptor corresponding to this stream selector. If it's an integrated stream, then the time axis has already been eliminated. Otherswise, add the time axis.""" descrip = DataStreamDescriptor() if stream_selector.stream_type == 'raw': samp_time = 4.0e-9 descrip.add_axis( DataAxis( "time", samp_time * np.arange(receiver_channel.receiver.record_length // 4))) descrip.dtype = np.float64 elif stream_selector.stream_type == 'demodulated': samp_time = 32.0e-9 descrip.add_axis( DataAxis( "time", samp_time * np.arange(receiver_channel.receiver.record_length // 32))) descrip.dtype = np.complex128 else: # Integrated descrip.dtype = np.complex128 return descrip
class AlazarStreamSelector(Filter): """Digital demodulation and filtering to select a particular frequency multiplexed channel""" sink = InputConnector() source = OutputConnector() channel = IntParameter(value_range=(1,2), snap=1) def __init__(self, name=""): super(AlazarStreamSelector, self).__init__(name=name) = 1 # Either 1 or 2 self.quince_parameters = [] def get_descriptor(self, source_instr_settings, channel_settings): channel = AlazarChannel(channel_settings) # Add the time axis samp_time = 1.0/source_instr_settings['sampling_rate'] descrip = DataStreamDescriptor() descrip.add_axis(DataAxis("time", samp_time*np.arange(source_instr_settings['record_length']))) return channel, descrip
class DummydigStreamSelector(Filter): sink = InputConnector() source = OutputConnector() channel = IntParameter(value_range=(1, 2), snap=1) def __init__(self, name=""): super(DummydigStreamSelector, self).__init__(name=name) = 1 # Either 1 or 2 self.quince_parameters = [] def get_descriptor(self, source_instr_settings, channel_settings): channel = DummydigChannel(channel_settings) # Add the time axis samp_time = 1.0 / source_instr_settings['sampling_rate'] descrip = DataStreamDescriptor() descrip.add_axis( DataAxis( "time", samp_time * np.arange(source_instr_settings['record_length']))) return channel, descrip
class SWERExperiment(Experiment): """ Experiment class for Switching probability measurment Determine switching probability for V << V0 with varying V (and durations?) """ field = FloatParameter(default=0.0, unit="T") pulse_duration = FloatParameter(default=1.0e-9, unit="s") pulse_voltage = FloatParameter(default=0.1, unit="V") repeats = IntParameter(default = 1) # Dummy parameter for repeating voltage = OutputConnector() attempts = 1 << 12 settle_delay = 100e-6 measure_current = 3.0e-6 samps_per_trig = 5 polarity = 1 min_daq_voltage = 0.0 max_daq_voltage = 0.4 reset_amplitude = 0.1 reset_duration = 5.0e-9 mag = AMI430("") lock = SR865("USB0::0xB506::0x2000::002638::INSTR") # pspl = Picosecond10070A("GPIB0::24::INSTR") arb = KeysightM8190A("") keith = Keithley2400("GPIB0::25::INSTR") def init_streams(self): # Baked in data axes descrip = DataStreamDescriptor() descrip.add_axis(DataAxis("sample", range(self.samps_per_trig))) descrip.add_axis(DataAxis("state", range(2))) descrip.add_axis(DataAxis("attempt", range(self.attempts))) self.voltage.set_descriptor(descrip) def init_instruments(self): # =================== # Setup the Keithley # =================== self.keith.triad() self.keith.conf_meas_res(res_range=1e5) self.keith.conf_src_curr(comp_voltage=0.5, curr_range=1.0e-5) self.keith.current = self.measure_current self.mag.ramp() # =================== # Setup the AWG # =================== self.arb.set_output(True, channel=1) self.arb.set_output(False, channel=2) self.arb.sample_freq = 12.0e9 self.arb.waveform_output_mode = "WSPEED" self.arb.set_output_route("DC", channel=1) self.arb.voltage_amplitude = 1.0 self.arb.set_marker_level_low(0.0, channel=1, marker_type="sync") self.arb.set_marker_level_high(1.5, channel=1, marker_type="sync") self.arb.continuous_mode = False self.arb.gate_mode = False self.setup_arb(self.pulse_voltage.value) # =================== # Setup the NIDAQ # =================== self.analog_input = Task() = int32() self.buf_points = 2*self.samps_per_trig*self.attempts self.analog_input.CreateAIVoltageChan("Dev1/ai1", "", DAQmx_Val_Diff, self.min_daq_voltage, self.max_daq_voltage, DAQmx_Val_Volts, None) self.analog_input.CfgSampClkTiming("", 1e6, DAQmx_Val_Rising, DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps , self.samps_per_trig) self.analog_input.CfgInputBuffer(self.buf_points) self.analog_input.CfgDigEdgeStartTrig("/Dev1/PFI0", DAQmx_Val_Rising) self.analog_input.SetStartTrigRetriggerable(1) self.analog_input.StartTask() # Assign methods self.field.assign_method(self.mag.set_field) self.pulse_voltage.assign_method(self.setup_arb) def setup_arb(self,volt): def arb_pulse(amplitude, duration, sample_rate=12e9): arb_voltage = arb_voltage_lookup() pulse_points = int(duration*sample_rate) if pulse_points < 320: wf = np.zeros(320) else: wf = np.zeros(64*np.ceil(pulse_points/64.0)) wf[:pulse_points] = np.sign(amplitude)*arb_voltage(abs(amplitude)) return wf self.arb.abort() self.arb.delete_all_waveforms() self.arb.reset_sequence_table() # Reset waveform reset_wf = arb_pulse(-self.polarity*self.reset_amplitude, self.reset_duration) wf_data = KeysightM8190A.create_binary_wf_data(reset_wf) rst_segment_id = self.arb.define_waveform(len(wf_data)) self.arb.upload_waveform(wf_data, rst_segment_id) # Switching waveform switch_wf = arb_pulse(self.polarity*volt, self.pulse_duration.value) wf_data = KeysightM8190A.create_binary_wf_data(switch_wf) sw_segment_id = self.arb.define_waveform(len(wf_data)) self.arb.upload_waveform(wf_data, sw_segment_id) # NIDAQ trigger waveform nidaq_trig_wf = KeysightM8190A.create_binary_wf_data(np.zeros(3200), sync_mkr=1) nidaq_trig_segment_id = self.arb.define_waveform(len(nidaq_trig_wf)) self.arb.upload_waveform(nidaq_trig_wf, nidaq_trig_segment_id) settle_pts = int(640*np.ceil(self.settle_delay * 12e9 / 640)) scenario = Scenario() seq = Sequence(sequence_loop_ct=int(self.attempts)) #First try with reset flipping pulse seq.add_waveform(rst_segment_id) seq.add_idle(settle_pts, 0.0) seq.add_waveform(nidaq_trig_segment_id) seq.add_idle(1 << 16, 0.0) # bonus non-contiguous memory delay seq.add_waveform(sw_segment_id) seq.add_idle(settle_pts, 0.0) seq.add_waveform(nidaq_trig_segment_id) seq.add_idle(1 << 16, 0.0) # bonus non-contiguous memory delay scenario.sequences.append(seq) self.arb.upload_scenario(scenario, start_idx=0) self.arb.sequence_mode = "SCENARIO" self.arb.scenario_advance_mode = "REPEAT" self.arb.scenario_start_index = 0 async def run(self): # Keep track of the previous values logger.debug("Waiting for filters.") await asyncio.sleep(1.0) self.arb.advance() self.arb.trigger() buf = np.empty(self.buf_points) self.analog_input.ReadAnalogF64(self.buf_points, -1, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, buf, self.buf_points, byref(, None) await self.voltage.push(buf) # Seemingly we need to give the filters some time to catch up here... await asyncio.sleep(0.002) logger.debug("Stream has filled {} of {} points".format(self.voltage.points_taken, self.voltage.num_points() )) def shutdown_instruments(self): self.keith.current = 0.0e-5 # self.arb.stop() try: self.analog_input.StopTask() except Exception as e: print("Warning: failed to stop task (this normally happens with no consequences when taking multiple samples per trigger).") pass
class Channelizer(Filter): """Digital demodulation and filtering to select a particular frequency multiplexed channel. If an axis name is supplied to `follow_axis` then the filter will demodulate at the freqency `axis_frequency_value - follow_freq_offset` otherwise it will demodulate at `frequency`. Note that the filter coefficients are still calculated with respect to the `frequency` paramter, so it should be chosen accordingly when `follow_axis` is defined.""" sink = InputConnector() source = OutputConnector() follow_axis = Parameter(default="") # Name of the axis to follow follow_freq_offset = FloatParameter(default=0.0) # Offset decimation_factor = IntParameter(value_range=(1, 100), default=4, snap=1) frequency = FloatParameter(value_range=(-10e9, 10e9), increment=1.0e6, default=10e6) bandwidth = FloatParameter(value_range=(0.00, 100e6), increment=0.1e6, default=5e6) def __init__(self, frequency=None, bandwidth=None, decimation_factor=None, follow_axis=None, follow_freq_offset=None, **kwargs): super(Channelizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) if frequency: self.frequency.value = frequency if bandwidth: self.bandwidth.value = bandwidth if decimation_factor: self.decimation_factor.value = decimation_factor if follow_axis: self.follow_axis.value = follow_axis if follow_freq_offset: self.follow_freq_offset.value = follow_freq_offset self.quince_parameters = [ self.decimation_factor, self.frequency, self.bandwidth ] self._phase = 0.0 def final_init(self): self.init_filters(self.frequency.value, self.bandwidth.value) if self.follow_axis.value is not "": desc = self.sink.descriptor axis_num = desc.axis_num(self.follow_axis.value) self.pts_before_freq_update = desc.num_points_through_axis( axis_num + 1) self.pts_before_freq_reset = desc.num_points_through_axis(axis_num) self.demod_freqs = desc.axes[ axis_num].points - self.follow_freq_offset.value self.current_freq = 0 self.update_references(self.current_freq) self.idx = 0 # For storing carryover if getting uneven buffers self.carry = np.zeros(0, dtype=self.output_descriptor.dtype) def update_references(self, frequency): # store decimated reference for mix down # phase_drift = 2j*np.pi*0.5e-6 * (abs(frequency) - 100e6) ref = np.exp(2j * np.pi * -frequency * self.time_pts[::self.d1] + 1j * self._phase, dtype=np.complex64) self.reference = ref self.reference_r = np.real(ref) self.reference_i = np.imag(ref) def init_filters(self, frequency, bandwidth): # convert bandwidth normalized to Nyquist interval n_bandwidth = bandwidth * self.time_step * 2 n_frequency = abs(frequency) * self.time_step * 2 # arbitrarily decide on three stage filter pipeline # 1. first stage decimating filter on real data # 2. second stage decimating filter on mixed product to boost n_bandwidth # 3. final channel selecting filter at n_bandwidth/2 # anecdotally don't decimate more than a factor of eight for stability self.decim_factors = [1] * 3 self.filters = [None] * 3 # first stage decimating filter # maximize first stage decimation: # * minimize subsequent stages time taken # * filter and decimate while signal is still real # * first stage decimation cannot be too large or then 2omega signal from mixing will alias self.d1 = 1 while (self.d1 < 8) and (2 * n_frequency <= 0.8 / self.d1) and ( self.d1 < self.decimation_factor.value): self.d1 *= 2 n_bandwidth *= 2 n_frequency *= 2 if self.d1 > 1: # create an anti-aliasing filter # pass-band to 0.8 * decimation factor; anecdotally single precision needs order <= 4 for stability b, a = scipy.signal.cheby1(4, 3, 0.8 / self.d1) b = np.float32(b) a = np.float32(a) self.decim_factors[0] = self.d1 self.filters[0] = (b, a) # store decimated reference for mix down self.update_references(frequency) # second stage filter to bring n_bandwidth/2 up # decimation cannot be too large or will impinge on channel bandwidth (keep n_bandwidth/2 <= 0.8) self.d2 = 1 while (self.d2 < 8) and ( (self.d1 * self.d2) < self.decimation_factor.value) and (n_bandwidth / 2 <= 0.8): self.d2 *= 2 n_bandwidth *= 2 n_frequency *= 2 if self.d2 > 1: # create an anti-aliasing filter # pass-band to 0.8 * decimation factor; anecdotally single precision needs order <= 4 for stability b, a = scipy.signal.cheby1(4, 3, 0.8 / self.d2) b = np.float32(b) a = np.float32(a) self.decim_factors[1] = self.d2 self.filters[1] = (b, a) # final channel selection filter if n_bandwidth < 0.1: raise ValueError( "Insufficient decimation to achieve stable filter: {}.".format( n_bandwidth)) b, a = scipy.signal.cheby1(4, 3, n_bandwidth / 2) b = np.float32(b) a = np.float32(a) self.decim_factors[2] = self.decimation_factor.value // (self.d1 * self.d2) self.filters[2] = (b, a) def update_descriptors(self): logger.debug( 'Updating Channelizer "%s" descriptors based on input descriptor: %s.',, self.sink.descriptor) # extract record time sampling self.time_pts = self.sink.descriptor.axes[-1].points self.record_length = len(self.time_pts) self.time_step = self.time_pts[1] - self.time_pts[0] logger.debug("Channelizer time_step = {}".format(self.time_step)) # We will be decimating along a time axis, which is always # going to be the last axis given the way we usually take data. # TODO: perform this function along a named axis rather than a numbered axis # in case something about this changes. # update output descriptors decimated_descriptor = DataStreamDescriptor() decimated_descriptor.axes = self.sink.descriptor.axes[:] decimated_descriptor.axes[-1] = deepcopy(self.sink.descriptor.axes[-1]) decimated_descriptor.axes[-1].points = self.sink.descriptor.axes[ -1].points[self.decimation_factor.value - 1::self.decimation_factor.value] decimated_descriptor.axes[ -1].original_points = decimated_descriptor.axes[-1].points decimated_descriptor._exp_src = self.sink.descriptor._exp_src decimated_descriptor.dtype = np.complex64 self.output_descriptor = decimated_descriptor for os in self.source.output_streams: os.set_descriptor(decimated_descriptor) if os.end_connector is not None: os.end_connector.update_descriptors() async def process_data(self, data): # Append any data carried from the last run if self.carry.size > 0: data = np.concatenate((self.carry, data)) # This is the largest number of records we can handle num_records = data.size // self.record_length # This is the carryover that we'll store until next round. # If nothing is left then reset the carryover. remaining_points = data.size % self.record_length if remaining_points > 0: if num_records > 0: self.carry = data[-remaining_points:] data = data[:-remaining_points] else: self.carry = data else: self.carry = np.zeros(0, dtype=self.output_descriptor.dtype) if num_records > 0: # The records are processed in parallel after being reshaped here reshaped_data = np.reshape(data, (num_records, self.record_length), order="C") # Update demodulation frequency if necessary if self.follow_axis.value is not "": freq = self.demod_freqs[(self.idx % self.pts_before_freq_reset) // self.pts_before_freq_update] if freq != self.current_freq: self.update_references(freq) self.current_freq = freq self.idx += data.size # first stage decimating filter if self.filters[0] is None: filtered = reshaped_data else: stacked_coeffs = np.concatenate(self.filters[0]) # filter if np.iscomplexobj(reshaped_data): # TODO: compile complex versions of the IPP functions filtered_r = np.empty_like(reshaped_data, dtype=np.float32) filtered_i = np.empty_like(reshaped_data, dtype=np.float32) libipp.filter_records_iir( stacked_coeffs, self.filters[0][0].size - 1, np.ascontiguousarray( reshaped_data.real.astype(np.float32)), self.record_length, num_records, filtered_r) libipp.filter_records_iir( stacked_coeffs, self.filters[0][0].size - 1, np.ascontiguousarray( reshaped_data.imag.astype(np.float32)), self.record_length, num_records, filtered_i) filtered = filtered_r + 1j * filtered_i # decimate if self.decim_factors[0] > 1: filtered = filtered[:, ::self.decim_factors[0]] else: filtered = np.empty_like(reshaped_data) libipp.filter_records_iir(stacked_coeffs, self.filters[0][0].size - 1, reshaped_data, self.record_length, num_records, filtered) # decimate if self.decim_factors[0] > 1: filtered = filtered[:, ::self.decim_factors[0]] # mix with reference # keep real and imaginary separate for filtering below if np.iscomplexobj(reshaped_data): filtered *= self.reference filtered_r = filtered.real filtered_i = filtered.imag else: filtered_r = self.reference_r * filtered filtered_i = self.reference_i * filtered # channel selection filters for ct in [1, 2]: if self.filters[ct] == None: continue coeffs = self.filters[ct] stacked_coeffs = np.concatenate(self.filters[ct]) out_r = np.empty_like(filtered_r).astype(np.float32) out_i = np.empty_like(filtered_i).astype(np.float32) libipp.filter_records_iir( stacked_coeffs, self.filters[ct][0].size - 1, np.ascontiguousarray(filtered_r.astype(np.float32)), filtered_r.shape[-1], num_records, out_r) libipp.filter_records_iir( stacked_coeffs, self.filters[ct][0].size - 1, np.ascontiguousarray(filtered_i.astype(np.float32)), filtered_i.shape[-1], num_records, out_i) # decimate if self.decim_factors[ct] > 1: filtered_r = np.copy(out_r[:, ::self.decim_factors[ct]], order="C") filtered_i = np.copy(out_i[:, ::self.decim_factors[ct]], order="C") else: filtered_r = out_r filtered_i = out_i filtered = filtered_r + 1j * filtered_i # recover gain from selecting single sideband filtered *= 2 # push to ouptut connectors for os in self.source.output_streams: await os.push(filtered)
class Plotter(Filter): sink = InputConnector() plot_dims = IntParameter(value_range=(0, 1, 2), snap=1, default=0) # 0 means auto plot_mode = Parameter( allowed_values=["real", "imag", "real/imag", "amp/phase", "quad"], default="quad") def __init__(self, *args, name="", plot_dims=None, plot_mode=None, **plot_args): super(Plotter, self).__init__(*args, name=name) if plot_dims: self.plot_dims.value = plot_dims if plot_mode: self.plot_mode.value = plot_mode self.plot_args = plot_args self.full_update_interval = 0.5 self.update_interval = 2.0 # slower for partial updates self.last_update = time.time() self.last_full_update = time.time() self.quince_parameters = [self.plot_dims, self.plot_mode] # This will hold the matplot server self.plot_server = None def desc(self): d = { 'plot_type': 'standard', 'plot_mode': self.plot_mode.value, 'plot_dims': int(self.plot_dims.value), 'x_min': float(min(self.x_values)), 'x_max': float(max(self.x_values)), 'x_len': int(self.descriptor.axes[-1].num_points()), 'x_label': self.axis_label(-1), 'y_label': "{} ({})".format(self.descriptor.data_name, self.descriptor.data_unit) } if self.plot_dims.value == 2: d['y_label'] = self.axis_label(-2) d['data_label'] = "{} ({})".format(self.descriptor.data_name, self.descriptor.data_unit) d['y_min'] = float(min(self.y_values)) d['y_max'] = float(max(self.y_values)) d['y_len'] = int(self.descriptor.axes[-2].num_points()) return d def update_descriptors(self): logger.debug( "Updating Plotter %s descriptors based on input descriptor %s",, self.sink.descriptor) = self.sink.input_streams[0] self.descriptor = self.sink.descriptor def final_init(self): # Determine the plot dimensions if not self.plot_dims.value: if len(self.descriptor.axes) > 1: self.plot_dims.value = 2 else: self.plot_dims.value = 1 # Check the descriptor axes num_axes = len(self.descriptor.axes) if self.plot_dims.value > num_axes: "Cannot plot in more dimensions than there are data axes.") self.plot_dims.value = num_axes if self.plot_dims.value == 1: self.points_before_clear = self.descriptor.axes[-1].num_points() else: self.points_before_clear = self.descriptor.axes[-1].num_points( ) * self.descriptor.axes[-2].num_points() logger.debug("Plot will clear after every %d points.", self.points_before_clear) self.x_values = self.descriptor.axes[-1].points if self.plot_dims.value == 2: self.y_values = self.descriptor.axes[-2].points self.plot_buffer = (np.nan * np.ones(self.points_before_clear)).astype( self.descriptor.dtype) self.idx = 0 def update(self): if self.plot_dims.value == 1: self.plot_server.send(, self.x_values, self.plot_buffer.copy()) elif self.plot_dims.value == 2: self.plot_server.send(, self.x_values, self.y_values, self.plot_buffer.copy()) async def process_data(self, data): # If we get more than enough data, pause to update the plot if necessary if (self.idx + data.size) > self.points_before_clear: spill_over = (self.idx + data.size) % self.points_before_clear if spill_over == 0: spill_over = self.points_before_clear if (time.time() - self.last_full_update >= self.full_update_interval): # If we are getting data quickly, then we can afford to wait # for a full frame before pushing to plot. self.plot_buffer[self.idx:] = data[:(self.points_before_clear - self.idx)] self.update() self.last_full_update = time.time() self.plot_buffer[:] = np.nan self.plot_buffer[:spill_over] = data[-spill_over:] self.idx = spill_over else: # just keep trucking self.plot_buffer[self.idx:self.idx + data.size] = data.flatten() self.idx += data.size if (time.time() - max(self.last_full_update, self.last_update) >= self.update_interval): self.update() self.last_update = time.time() async def on_done(self): if self.plot_dims.value == 1: self.plot_server.send(, self.x_values, self.plot_buffer) elif self.plot_dims.value == 2: self.plot_server.send(, self.x_values, self.y_values, self.plot_buffer) def axis_label(self, index): unit_str = " ({})".format(self.descriptor.axes[index].unit ) if self.descriptor.axes[index].unit else '' return self.descriptor.axes[index].name + unit_str
class Plotter(Filter): sink = InputConnector() plot_dims = IntParameter(value_range=(0, 1, 2), snap=1, default=0) # 0 means auto plot_mode = Parameter( allowed_values=["real", "imag", "real/imag", "amp/phase", "quad"], default="quad") def __init__(self, *args, name="", plot_dims=None, plot_mode=None, **plot_args): super(Plotter, self).__init__(*args, name=name) if plot_dims: self.plot_dims.value = plot_dims if plot_mode: self.plot_mode.value = plot_mode self.plot_args = plot_args self.full_update_interval = 0.5 self.update_interval = 2.0 # slower for partial updates self.last_update = time.time() self.last_full_update = time.time() self._final_buffer = Queue() self.final_buffer = None self.quince_parameters = [self.plot_dims, self.plot_mode] # Unique id for plot server self.uuid = None # Should we actually produce plots? self.do_plotting = True def send(self, message): if self.do_plotting: data = message['data'] msg = message['msg'] name = message['name'] msg_contents = [self.uuid.encode(), msg.encode(), name.encode()] # We might be sending multiple axes, series, etc. # Just add them succesively to a multipart message. for dat in data: md = dict( dtype=str(dat.dtype), shape=dat.shape, ) msg_contents.extend( [json.dumps(md).encode(), np.ascontiguousarray(dat)]) self.socket.send_multipart(msg_contents) def get_final_plot(self, quad_funcs=[np.abs, np.angle]): if not self.done.is_set(): raise Exception( "Cannot get final plot since plotter is not done or was not run." ) from bqplot import LinearScale, ColorScale, ColorAxis, Axis, Lines, Figure, Tooltip, HeatMap from bqplot.toolbar import Toolbar from ipywidgets import VBox, HBox if self.final_buffer is None: self.final_buffer = self._final_buffer.get() if self.plot_dims.value == 2: raise NotImplementedError( "2 dimensional get_final_plot not yet implemented.") elif self.plot_dims.value == 1: figs = [] for quad_func in quad_funcs: sx = LinearScale() sy = LinearScale() ax = Axis(label=self.axis_label(-1), scale=sx) ay = Axis( label= f"{self.descriptor.data_name} ({self.descriptor.data_unit})", scale=sy, orientation='vertical') line = Lines(x=self.x_values, y=quad_func(self.final_buffer), scales={ 'x': sx, 'y': sy }) fig = Figure(marks=[line], axes=[ax, ay], title=self.filter_name) figs.append(fig) if len(figs) <= 2: return HBox(figs) elif len(figs) == 4: return VBox([HBox([figs[0], figs[1]]), HBox([figs[2], figs[3]])]) elif len(figs) == 3 or len(figs) > 4: raise Exception("Please use 1, 2, or 4 quadrature functions.") def desc(self): d = { 'plot_type': 'standard', 'plot_mode': self.plot_mode.value, 'plot_dims': int(self.plot_dims.value), 'x_min': float(min(self.x_values)), 'x_max': float(max(self.x_values)), 'x_len': int(self.descriptor.axes[-1].num_points()), 'x_label': self.axis_label(-1), 'y_label': "{} ({})".format(self.descriptor.data_name, self.descriptor.data_unit) } if self.plot_dims.value == 2: d['y_label'] = self.axis_label(-2) d['data_label'] = "{} ({})".format(self.descriptor.data_name, self.descriptor.data_unit) d['y_min'] = float(min(self.y_values)) d['y_max'] = float(max(self.y_values)) d['y_len'] = int(self.descriptor.axes[-2].num_points()) return d def set_done(self): self.send({ 'name': self.filter_name, 'data': [np.array([])], "msg": "done" }) def set_quit(self): self.send({ 'name': self.filter_name, 'data': [np.array([])], "msg": "quit" }) def update_descriptors(self): logger.debug( "Updating Plotter %s descriptors based on input descriptor %s", self.filter_name, self.sink.descriptor) = self.sink.input_streams[0] self.descriptor = self.sink.descriptor def final_init(self): # Determine the plot dimensions if not self.plot_dims.value: if len(self.descriptor.axes) > 1: self.plot_dims.value = 2 else: self.plot_dims.value = 1 # Check the descriptor axes num_axes = len(self.descriptor.axes) if self.plot_dims.value > num_axes: "Cannot plot in more dimensions than there are data axes.") self.plot_dims.value = num_axes if self.plot_dims.value == 1: self.points_before_clear = self.descriptor.axes[-1].num_points() else: self.points_before_clear = self.descriptor.axes[-1].num_points( ) * self.descriptor.axes[-2].num_points() logger.debug("Plot will clear after every %d points.", self.points_before_clear) self.x_values = self.descriptor.axes[-1].points if self.plot_dims.value == 2: self.y_values = self.descriptor.axes[-2].points #I'm so sorry everyone. Send Julia if 'complex' in np.dtype(self.descriptor.dtype).name: self.plot_buffer = ( np.nan * np.ones(self.points_before_clear) + 1.0j * np.nan * np.ones(self.points_before_clear)).astype( self.descriptor.dtype) else: self.plot_buffer = np.nan * np.ones(self.points_before_clear) self.idx = 0 def execute_on_run(self): # Connect to the plot server if self.do_plotting: try: self.context = zmq.Context() self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self.socket.identity = f"Auspex_Experiment_{self.filter_name}_{hex(id(self))}".encode( ) self.socket.connect("tcp://localhost:7762") except: logger.warning( "Exception occured while contacting the plot server. Is it running?" ) def update(self): if self.plot_dims.value == 1: self.send({ 'name': self.filter_name, 'msg': 'data', 'data': [self.x_values, self.plot_buffer.copy()] }) elif self.plot_dims.value == 2: self.send({ 'name': self.filter_name, 'msg': 'data', 'data': [self.x_values, self.y_values, self.plot_buffer.copy()] }) def process_data(self, data): # If we get more than enough data, pause to update the plot if necessary if (self.idx + data.size) > self.points_before_clear: spill_over = (self.idx + data.size) % self.points_before_clear if spill_over == 0: spill_over = self.points_before_clear if (time.time() - self.last_full_update >= self.full_update_interval): # If we are getting data quickly, then we can afford to wait # for a full frame before pushing to plot. self.plot_buffer[self.idx:] = data[:(self.points_before_clear - self.idx)] self.update() self.last_full_update = time.time() self.plot_buffer[:] = np.nan self.plot_buffer[:spill_over] = data[-spill_over:] self.idx = spill_over else: # just keep trucking self.plot_buffer[self.idx:self.idx + data.size] = data.flatten() self.idx += data.size if (time.time() - max(self.last_full_update, self.last_update) >= self.update_interval): self.update() self.last_update = time.time() def on_done(self): if self.plot_dims.value == 1: self.send({ 'name': self.filter_name, "msg": "data", 'data': [self.x_values, self.plot_buffer.copy()], }) elif self.plot_dims.value == 2: self.send({ 'name': self.filter_name, "msg": "data", 'data': [self.x_values, self.y_values, self.plot_buffer.copy()] }) self._final_buffer.put(self.plot_buffer) if self.do_plotting: self.set_done() self.socket.close() self.context.term() def axis_label(self, index): unit_str = " ({})".format(self.descriptor.axes[index].unit ) if self.descriptor.axes[index].unit else '' return self.descriptor.axes[index].name + unit_str
class Channelizer(Filter): """Digital demodulation and filtering to select a particular frequency multiplexed channel""" sink = InputConnector() source = OutputConnector() decimation_factor = IntParameter(value_range=(1, 100), default=2, snap=1) frequency = FloatParameter(value_range=(-5e9, 5e9), increment=1.0e6, default=-9e6) bandwidth = FloatParameter(value_range=(0.00, 100e6), increment=0.1e6, default=5e6) def __init__(self, frequency=None, bandwidth=None, decimation_factor=None, **kwargs): super(Channelizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) if frequency: self.frequency.value = frequency if bandwidth: self.bandwidth.value = bandwidth if decimation_factor: self.decimation_factor.value = decimation_factor self.quince_parameters = [ self.decimation_factor, self.frequency, self.bandwidth ] def update_descriptors(self): logger.debug( 'Updating Channelizer "%s" descriptors based on input descriptor: %s.',, self.sink.descriptor) # extract record time sampling time_pts = self.sink.descriptor.axes[-1].points self.record_length = len(time_pts) self.time_step = time_pts[1] - time_pts[0] logger.debug("Channelizer time_step = {}".format(self.time_step)) # convert bandwidth normalized to Nyquist interval n_bandwidth = self.bandwidth.value * self.time_step * 2 n_frequency = self.frequency.value * self.time_step * 2 # arbitrarily decide on three stage filter pipeline # 1. first stage decimating filter on real data # 2. second stage decimating filter on mixed product to boost n_bandwidth # 3. final channel selecting filter at n_bandwidth/2 # anecdotally don't decimate more than a factor of eight for stability self.decim_factors = [1] * 3 self.filters = [None] * 3 # first stage decimating filter # maximize first stage decimation: # * minimize subsequent stages time taken # * filter and decimate while signal is still real # * first stage decimation cannot be too large or then 2omega signal from mixing will alias d1 = 1 while (d1 < 8) and (2 * n_frequency <= 0.8 / d1) and (d1 < self.decimation_factor.value): d1 *= 2 n_bandwidth *= 2 n_frequency *= 2 if d1 > 1: # create an anti-aliasing filter # pass-band to 0.8 * decimation factor; anecdotally single precision needs order <= 4 for stability b, a = scipy.signal.cheby1(4, 3, 0.8 / d1) b = np.float32(b) a = np.float32(a) self.decim_factors[0] = d1 self.filters[0] = (b, a) # store decimated reference for mix down ref = np.exp(2j * np.pi * self.frequency.value * time_pts[::d1], dtype=np.complex64) self.reference_r = np.real(ref) self.reference_i = np.imag(ref) # second stage filter to bring n_bandwidth/2 up # decimation cannot be too large or will impinge on channel bandwidth (keep n_bandwidth/2 <= 0.8) d2 = 1 while (d2 < 8) and ((d1 * d2) < self.decimation_factor.value) and ( n_bandwidth / 2 <= 0.8): d2 *= 2 n_bandwidth *= 2 n_frequency *= 2 if d2 > 1: # create an anti-aliasing filter # pass-band to 0.8 * decimation factor; anecdotally single precision needs order <= 4 for stability b, a = scipy.signal.cheby1(4, 3, 0.8 / d2) b = np.float32(b) a = np.float32(a) self.decim_factors[1] = d2 self.filters[1] = (b, a) # final channel selection filter if n_bandwidth < 0.1: raise ValueError( "Insufficient decimation to achieve stable filter") b, a = scipy.signal.cheby1(4, 3, n_bandwidth / 2) b = np.float32(b) a = np.float32(a) self.decim_factors[2] = self.decimation_factor.value // (d1 * d2) self.filters[2] = (b, a) # update output descriptors decimated_descriptor = DataStreamDescriptor() decimated_descriptor.axes = self.sink.descriptor.axes[:] decimated_descriptor.axes[-1] = deepcopy(self.sink.descriptor.axes[-1]) decimated_descriptor.axes[-1].points = self.sink.descriptor.axes[ -1].points[self.decimation_factor.value - 1::self.decimation_factor.value] decimated_descriptor.axes[ -1].original_points = decimated_descriptor.axes[-1].points decimated_descriptor.exp_src = self.sink.descriptor.exp_src decimated_descriptor.dtype = np.complex64 for os in self.source.output_streams: os.set_descriptor(decimated_descriptor) if os.end_connector is not None: os.end_connector.update_descriptors() async def process_data(self, data): # Assume for now we get a integer number of records at a time # TODO: handle partial records num_records = data.size // self.record_length reshaped_data = np.reshape(data, (num_records, self.record_length), order="C") # first stage decimating filter if self.filters[0] is not None: stacked_coeffs = np.concatenate(self.filters[0]) # filter filtered = np.empty_like(reshaped_data) libipp.filter_records_iir(stacked_coeffs, self.filters[0][0].size - 1, reshaped_data, self.record_length, num_records, filtered) # decimate if self.decim_factors[0] > 1: filtered = filtered[:, ::self.decim_factors[0]] # mix with reference # keep real and imaginary separate for filtering below filtered_r = self.reference_r * filtered filtered_i = self.reference_i * filtered # channel selection filters for ct in [1, 2]: if self.filters[ct] == None: continue coeffs = self.filters[ct] stacked_coeffs = np.concatenate(self.filters[ct]) out_r = np.empty_like(filtered_r) out_i = np.empty_like(filtered_i) libipp.filter_records_iir(stacked_coeffs, self.filters[ct][0].size - 1, filtered_r, filtered_r.shape[-1], num_records, out_r) libipp.filter_records_iir(stacked_coeffs, self.filters[ct][0].size - 1, filtered_i, filtered_i.shape[-1], num_records, out_i) # decimate if self.decim_factors[ct] > 1: filtered_r = np.copy(out_r[:, ::self.decim_factors[ct]], order="C") filtered_i = np.copy(out_i[:, ::self.decim_factors[ct]], order="C") else: filtered_r = out_r filtered_i = out_i filtered = filtered_r + 1j * filtered_i # recover gain from selecting single sideband filtered *= 2 # push to ouptut connectors for os in self.source.output_streams: await os.push(filtered)