def test_ace_values(
 ):  #Checks if the calc_val() method correctly recalculates the sum of the Players hand if there are multiple aces in the Players hand
     player = Player("Mikkel")
     player.hand.append(Card("Hearts", "Ace", 11))
     player.hand.append(Card("Diamonds", "Ace", 11))
         player.calc_val(), 12,
         "If the player starts with 2 aces the value should be 12 and not 22"
     player.hand.append(Card("Spades", "Ace", 11))
         player.calc_val(), 13,
         "Fails if the calc.val() doesn't correctly make the value 13")
 def test_value(
 ):  #Tests my calc_val() method in my Player class. It calculates the value sum of the hand of the player
     player = Player("Mikkel")
     player.hand.append(Card("Hearts", "Ace", 11))
     player.hand.append(Card("Hearts", "King", 10))
         player.calc_val(), 21, "Total should be 21"
     )  #In this scenario it tests if the appended cards give a sum of 21 which they should do