Exemple #1
    def testPixEstimateMany(self, camera_pitch=0.0, acceptable_error=1):
        Return results that are incorrect - those that have an error in position
        larger then acceptable_error and should be visible.
        from pylab import linalg, linspace, array

        results = [
            (self.testPixEstimateStraightForward(px, py, camera_pitch), px, py)
            for px, py in grid_points(linspace(200, 300, 20), linspace(-100, 100, 20))
        results = [(linalg.norm(array((px, py)) - (res[0].x, res[0].y)), res, px, py) for res, px, py in results]
        return [
            (err, est, pixel_x, pixel_y, px, py)
            for err, (est, pixel_x, pixel_y), px, py in results
            if err > acceptable_error and 0 <= pixel_x <= IMAGE_WIDTH and 0 <= pixel_y <= IMAGE_HEIGHT
Exemple #2
    def intersectLineWithXYPlane(aLine):
         Method to take a vector of two points describing a line, and intersect it with
         the XYplane of the relevant coordinate frame. Could probably be made faster
         if dependency on matrix multiplication was removed.
        from scipy.linalg import (
        )  # TODO - only place this is needed, and not really used, hence last minute import.

        l1, l2 = aLine[0], aLine[1]

        # points on the plane level with the ground in the horizon coord frame
        # normally need 3 points, but since one is the origin, it can get ignored
        unitX = vector4D(1, 0, 0)
        unitY = vector4D(0, 1, 0)

        # we now solve the point of intersection using linear algebra
        # Ax=b, where b is the target, x is the solution of weights (t,u,v)
        # to solve l1 + (l2 -l1)t = o1*u + o2*v
        # Note!: usually a plane is defined by three vectors. e.g. in this case of
        # the target plane goes through the origin of the target
        # frame, so one of the vectors is the zero vector, so we ignore it
        # See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-plane_intersection for detail
        eqSystem = zeros((3, 3))
        eqSystem[0, 0] = l1[0] - l2[0]
        eqSystem[0, 1] = unitX[0]
        eqSystem[0, 2] = unitY[0]

        eqSystem[1, 0] = l1[1] - l2[1]
        eqSystem[1, 1] = unitX[1]
        eqSystem[1, 2] = unitY[1]

        eqSystem[2, 0] = l1[2] - l2[2]
        eqSystem[2, 1] = unitX[2]
        eqSystem[2, 2] = unitY[2]

        # Solve for the solution of the weights.
        # Now usually we would solve eqSystem*target = l1 for target, but l1 is
        # defined in homogeneous coordiantes. We need it to be a 3 by 1 vector to
        # solve the system of equations.
        target = array(l1)
        lu, piv = lu_factor(eqSystem)
        # TODO: check the lu and piv like singularRow check in original code

        # If the matrix is near singular, this value will be != 0
        # singularRow = dot(m,lu_solve(lu_factor(m),[0,1]))lu_factorize(eqSystem, P)
        # if (singularRow != 0) {
        #  # The camera is parallel to the ground
        #  # Since l1 is the top (left/right) of the image, the horizon
        #  # will be at the top of the screen in this case which works for us.
        #  return l1;
        # }

        result = lu_solve((lu, piv), target)
        t = result[0]

        # the first variable in the linear equation was t, so it appears at the top of
        # the vector 'result'. The 't' is such that the point l1 + (l2 -l1)t is on
        # the horizon plane
        # NOTE: this intersection is still in the horizon frame though
        intersection = l2 - l1
        intersection *= t
        intersection += l1

        # The intersection seems to currently have the wrong y coordinate. It's the
        # negative of what it should be.
        return intersection
Exemple #3
    def calcImageHorizonLine(self):
         Calculates a horizon line for real image via the camera matrix which is a
         global member of Pose. The line is stored as two endpoints on the left and
         right of the screen in horizonLeft and horizonRight.
        # Moving the camera frame to the center of the body lets us compare the
        # rotation of the camera frame relative to the world frame.
        cameraToHorizonFrame = array(self.cameraToWorldFrame)
        self.cameraToHorizonFrame = cameraToHorizonFrame

        cameraToHorizonFrame[X_AXIS, W_AXIS] = 0.0
        cameraToHorizonFrame[Y_AXIS, W_AXIS] = 0.0
        cameraToHorizonFrame[Z_AXIS, W_AXIS] = 0.0

        # We need the inverse but we calculate the transpose because they are
        # equivalent for orthogonal matrices and transpose is faster.
        horizonToCameraFrame = cameraToHorizonFrame.T

        # We defined each edge of the CCD as a line, and solve
        # for where that line intersects the horizon plane ( xy plane level with the
        # ground, at the height of the focal point
        leftEdge = [dot(cameraToHorizonFrame, topLeft), dot(cameraToHorizonFrame, bottomLeft)]

        rightEdge = [dot(cameraToHorizonFrame, topRight), dot(cameraToHorizonFrame, bottomRight)]

        # intersection points in the horizon frame
        # intersectionLeft = []
        # intersectionRight = []

        # try {
        #  intersectionLeft = intersectLineWithXYPlane(leftEdge);
        #  intersectionRight = intersectLineWithXYPlane(rightEdge);
        ##} catch (boost::numeric::ublas::internal_logic* const e) {
        # } catch (...) {
        ## TODO: needs to fix this thoroughly...
        #  std::cout << "ERROR: intersectLineWithXYPlane threw an exception, trying to cope..." << std::endl;
        # }

        ## Now they are in the camera frame. Result still stored in intersection 1,2
        # intersectionLeft = prod(horizonToCameraFrame, intersectionLeft);
        # intersectionRight = prod(horizonToCameraFrame, intersectionRight);

        ##we are only interested in the height (z axis), not the width

        # const float height_mm_left = intersectionLeft[Z];
        # const float height_mm_right = intersectionRight[Z];

        # TODO: Temp fix for BURST:
        height_mm_left = IMAGE_HEIGHT_MM / 2
        height_mm_right = IMAGE_HEIGHT_MM / 2

        height_pix_left = -height_mm_left * MM_TO_PIX_Y + IMAGE_HEIGHT / 2
        height_pix_right = -height_mm_right * MM_TO_PIX_Y + IMAGE_HEIGHT / 2

        # cout << "height_mm_left: " << height_mm_left << endl;
        # cout << "height_mm_right: " << height_mm_right << endl;
        # cout << "height_pix_left: " << height_pix_left << endl;
        # cout << "height_pix_right: " << height_pix_right << endl;

        self.horizonLeft[:] = 0.0, round(height_pix_left)
        self.horizonRight[:] = IMAGE_WIDTH - 1, round(height_pix_right)

        self.horizonSlope = float((height_pix_right - height_pix_left) / (IMAGE_WIDTH - 1.0))

        # cout << "horizonSlope: " << horizonSlope << endl;

        if self.horizonSlope != 0:
            perpenHorizonSlope = -1 / self.horizonSlope
            perpenHorizonSlope = INFTY