Exemple #1
    def _get_month_nth_weekday(self, in_date):
        """ Returns ZERO based nth date in month which weekday is the same
        as given (First monday, first sunday, second sunday etc...)

        @param in_date (date): random date in month
        @param weekday (int) : weekday index (0 --> Monday, ..., 6 --> Sunday)
        @param nth (int)     : number of weekday match (-1 --> Last, 0 --> First,...)

        cal = Calendar(firstweekday=0)

        weekday = self._get_choosen_weekday()
        nth = self._get_choosen_weekday_position()

        month = in_date.month
        datelist = cal.itermonthdates(in_date.year, month)

        msg = 'nth ({}) param can not be less than -1 in _get_month_nth_weekday'
        assert nth >= -1, msg.format(nth)

        valid = [
            item for item in datelist \
            if item.weekday() == weekday and item.month == month

        return valid[nth] if len(valid) >= nth else None
Exemple #2
def generate_random():
    'Generates a years worth of random logs.'

    p = path('c:\\test')

    words = 'foo bar to be or not the and apple orange banana cherry futon proleptic gregorian ordinal'.split()

    cal = Calendar()

    for month in xrange(1, 12):
        for day in cal.itermonthdates(2007, month):

            messages = []
            for x in xrange(2, randrange(20, 50)):

                    S(buddy     = S(name = 'digsby0%d' % randrange(1, 3)),
                      timestamp = random_time_in_day(day),
                      message   = ' '.join(words[:randrange(1, len(words)+1)])))

            messages.sort(key = lambda mobj: mobj['timestamp'])

            daylog = p / (day.isoformat() + '.html')

            with daylog.open('w') as f:
                f.write(html_header % dict(title = 'IM Logs with %s on %s' % ('digsby0%d' % randrange(1, 3), day.isoformat())))

                for mobj in messages:
    def _get_month_nth_weekday(self, in_date):
        """ Returns ZERO based nth date in month which weekday is the same
        as given (First monday, first sunday, second sunday etc...)

        @param in_date (date): random date in month
        @param weekday (int) : weekday index (0 --> Monday, ..., 6 --> Sunday)
        @param nth (int)     : number of weekday match (-1 --> Last, 0 --> First,...)

        cal = Calendar(firstweekday=0)

        weekday = self._get_choosen_weekday()
        nth = self._get_choosen_weekday_position()

        month = in_date.month
        datelist = cal.itermonthdates(in_date.year, month)

        msg = 'nth ({}) param can not be less than -1 in _get_month_nth_weekday'
        assert nth >= -1, msg.format(nth)

        valid = [
            item for item in datelist \
            if item.weekday() == weekday and item.month == month

        return valid[nth] if len(valid) >= nth else None
Exemple #4
def _dates_in_month(year, month):
    Returns a list of date objects for each date in the month
    calendar = Calendar()
    dates = calendar.itermonthdates(year, month)
    return [date for date in dates if date.month == month]
def meetup_day(year, month, day_of_week, classifier):
    c_idx = {
        'first': 0,
        '1st': 0,
        '2nd': 1,
        '3rd': 2,
        '4th': 3,
        '5th': 4,
        'last': -1

    cal = Calendar()
    # only get the days of the month which correspond to day_of_week
    # itermonthdates returns full weeks either side, so we filter on the month
    candidates = [
        dt.day for dt in cal.itermonthdates(year, month)
        if day_name[dt.weekday()] == day_of_week and dt.month == month

    date_fn = partial(date, year, month)
    if classifier.endswith('teenth'):
        return date_fn(next(d for d in candidates if 13 <= d <= 19))
    elif c_idx[classifier] < len(candidates):
        return date_fn(candidates[c_idx[classifier]])
    raise Exception('meetup day not found!')
Exemple #6
def checks_to_calendar_days(checks):
    ## Generate input data for calendar
    # TODO: This needs to be done MUCH better
    now = datetime.strptime(checks[0]['when'], '%Y-%m-%d')
    cal = Calendar(0)
    pick_checks = False
    i = -1
    days = []
    for day in cal.itermonthdates(now.year, now.month):
        if now.date() + timedelta(6) >= day >= now.date():
            pick_checks = True
            i += 1
            'when': [
                day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '-AM',
                day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '-PM'
            True if day.month != now.month else False,
            checks[i]['code'] if pick_checks else None,
            checks[i]['reasons'] if pick_checks else None,
            False if pick_checks else True
        pick_checks = False

    title = ' '.join([now.strftime("%B"), str(now.year)])

    return days, title
Exemple #7
def get_date_table():
    year = datetime.now().year
    month = datetime.now().month
    day = datetime.now().day
    c = Calendar(firstweekday=0)
    table = [
        for x in c.itermonthdates(year, month)
    class_table = get_up_date(year, month)
    for x in table:
        if x in class_table:
            x['up'] = True
            x['up'] = False
        if x['month'] == month:
            x['show'] = True
            if x['day'] == day:
                x['today'] = True
                x['today'] = False
            x['show'] = False

    return table, year, datetime.now().strftime("%b")
Exemple #8
def sick(request,user_id):
    users = User.objects.all()
    selected = User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
    user_days = Day.objects.filter_user(user_id)

    year_form = YearChangeForm({'year':request.session.get('year',2013)})
    year = int(request.session.get('year',2013))

    cal = MikranCalendar(user_days,year)

    if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
        form = SickForm(user=request.user, data=dict(request.POST.items() + {'user_id':selected.id}.items())) # A form bound to the POST data
        if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass
            start_date = datetime.date(int(request.POST['first_day_year']),
            end_date = datetime.date(int(request.POST['last_day_year']),

            start_month = int(request.POST['first_day_month'])
            end_month = int(request.POST['last_day_month'])

            status_obj = Status.objects.get(status=form.translateChoice(request.POST['status']));

            days = []
            current = Calendar()
            for month in range(start_month,end_month+1):
                for day in current.itermonthdates(int(request.POST['first_day_year']),month):
                    if day >= start_date and day <= end_date:
                        if day.isoweekday() < 6:
                            if not day in days:
                                if not day.strftime("%02d-%02m-%04Y") in cal.get_free_days(year):

            #build list of objects for bulk create
            Day.objects.bulk_create([Day(user_id=selected.id,status_id=status_obj.id,leave_date=day) for day in days])
            #send bulk sick days create signal
            days_planned.send(sender=User, user=selected, status=status_obj, start=start_date, end=end_date, operation="SICK".encode('utf-8'))

            #display OK message for the user
            messages.add_message(request,messages.INFO, 'Zgłosiłeś zwolnienie lekarskie od %s do %s' %(start_date,end_date))

            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('leave.views.show_user',args=(selected.id,)))
        form = SickForm()
    return render_to_response('sick_days.html',{'users': users,
                                                'days_present': user_days.filter_present().count(),
Exemple #9
def make_flights_by_weekday(city_from, city_to, days, time):
    calendar = Calendar()
    for i in range(3):
        for day in calendar.itermonthdates(this_year, this_month + i):
            if day.month == this_month + i and day.weekday() in days:
                date_str = day.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
                    [date_str, WEEKDAYS[day.weekday()], time])
Exemple #10
def prepare_month_dates(year, month):
    calendar = Calendar()
    dates = calendar.itermonthdates(year, month)
    month_dates = []
    for date in dates:
        if date.month == month:
    return month_dates
Exemple #11
def meetup_day(year, month, weekday_name, which):
    cal = Calendar()
    weekday = WEEKDAYS.index(weekday_name)
    days = [d for d in cal.itermonthdates(year, month) 
                if d.month == month and d.weekday() == weekday]
    if (which == "teenth"):
        return find_teenth(days)
        return days[WEEK_ORD[which]]
Exemple #12
def get_all_calendar_dates(year: int,
                           planner_start_day: DayOfTheWeek) -> List[date]:
    calendar_dates = []
    calendar = Calendar()
    for month in range(1, 13):
        for full_date in calendar.itermonthdates(year=year, month=month):
    return calendar_dates
 def display(self):
     calendar = Calendar(0)
     dates_iterator = calendar.itermonthdates(self.year, self.month)
     for i, day_date in enumerate(dates_iterator):
         if day_date.month != self.month:
         DayList(day_date, i).display()
Exemple #14
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        def get_weekday_text(athlete, weekday):
            morph = pymorphy2.MorphAnalyzer()
            if athlete.week_day:
                for week_day in eval(athlete.week_day):
                    if weekday < int(week_day):
                        day_text = morph.parse(Athlete.WEEK_DAYS[int(week_day)][1])[0].inflect({'accs'}).word
                        return 'во' if Athlete.WEEK_DAYS[int(week_day)][0] == 1 else 'в', day_text
                day_text = morph.parse(Athlete.WEEK_DAYS[int(eval(athlete.week_day)[0])][1])[0].inflect({'accs'}).word
                return 'во' if Athlete.WEEK_DAYS[int(eval(athlete.week_day)[0])][0] == 1 else 'в', day_text
            return 'не', 'запланирована'

        athlete = Athlete.objects.get_or_create(user=self.request.user)[0]
        today = datetime.now().date()
        cal = Calendar(MONDAY)
        year = int(self.kwargs.get('year'))
        month = int(self.kwargs.get('month'))
        day = int(self.kwargs.get('day'))
        current_date = date(year, month, day)
        next_month = add_months(current_date, 1)
        prev_month = sub_months(current_date, 1)
        month_dates = list(cal.itermonthdates(year, month))
        trainings = Training.objects.filter(
        month_dates_with_training = [
            (item, True) if athlete.week_day and item >= today
            and str(item.weekday()) in athlete.week_day
            else (item, trainings.filter(date=item).last())
            for item in month_dates
        splited = chunks(month_dates_with_training, 7)
        month = [(week[0][0].isocalendar()[1] == today.isocalendar()[1], week) for week in splited]
        training_today = athlete.week_day and (str(today.weekday()) in athlete.week_day)
        training = get_training(self.request.user, current_date)
        ctx = {
            'training': training,
            'today': today,
            'month': month,
            'prev_month': prev_month,
            'next_month': next_month,
            'current_month': month_text(current_date.month),
            'current_date': current_date,
            'current_weekday': Athlete.WEEK_DAYS[current_date.weekday()][1],
            'training_duration': athlete.get_training_duration_display(),
            'history': current_date < today,
            'training_today': training_today,
            'button_text': (True, 'Начать тренировку')
            if training_today else
            (False, 'Следующая тренировка %s %s' % get_weekday_text(athlete=athlete, weekday=today.weekday()))
        return ctx
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, start_date: date, days: int, max_events_visited: int):
        self.start_date = start_date
        self.expire_date = self.start_date + timedelta(days=days)

        self.events_visited = []
        self.max_events_visited = max_events_visited

        c = Calendar()

        start_month = list(
            c.itermonthdates(self.start_date.year, self.start_date.month))
        self._start_month_days = list(
            filter(lambda d: d >= self.start_date, start_month))

        expire_month = c.itermonthdates(self.expire_date.year,
        self._expire_month_days = list(
            filter(lambda d: d <= self.expire_date, expire_month))

        self._days = self._start_month_days + self._expire_month_days
Exemple #16
def makeDaysSetOfMonth():
    today = datetime.datetime.now()
    cl = Calendar(firstweekday=0)
    list1 = list(cl.itermonthdates(today.year, today.month))
    for elem in reversed(list1):
        if not elem.month == today.month:

    list2 = []
    for _, elem in enumerate(list1):
    return list2
Exemple #17
def thursdays():
    from calendar import Calendar
    c = Calendar()
    days = []
    thursday = 3
    for i in range(1, 13):
        for d in c.itermonthdates(2018, i):
            if d.weekday() == thursday:
    with open('thursdays.txt', 'w') as f:
        for day in days:
Exemple #18
    def __init__(self, now: date):
        self.id = now.month
        self.loc_key = Loc.MONTHS[self.id - 1]

        self.year = now.year

        c = Calendar()
        self.days = list(
            map(lambda d: DayData(d), c.itermonthdates(now.year, now.month)))

        self.today = next(d for d in self.days if d.date == now)

        self.events = []
Exemple #19
def meetup_day(year, month, name, desc):
    cal = Calendar()
    weekday = WEEKDAY[name]
    days = [day for day in cal.itermonthdates(year, month) if
            day.month == month and day.weekday() == weekday]

    if desc[0].isdigit():
        digit = int(desc[0])
        return days[digit - 1]
    elif desc == "last":
        return days[-1]
    elif desc == "teenth":
        return find_if(days, lambda x: x.day in TEENTH)
Exemple #20
 def calendar_iter(self):
     calendar = Calendar()
     events = self.get_queryset()
     today = date.today()
     for i, d in enumerate(calendar.itermonthdates(self.year, self.month)):
         classes = []
         if i % 7 == 0:
             week_n = d.isocalendar()[1]
             week = []
         if d == today:
         week.append((d, events.filter(date__day=d.day), classes))
         if i % 7 == 6:
             yield week_n, week
def meetup_day(year, month, weekday, specifier):
    cal = Calendar()
    selectors = {
        '1st': lambda days: days[0],
        '2nd': lambda days: days[1],
        '3rd': lambda days: days[2],
        '4th': lambda days: days[3],
        'last': lambda days: days[-1],
        'teenth': lambda days: next((day for day in days if day.day > 9))
    preselected_days = filter(
        lambda day: day.strftime('%A') == weekday and day.month == month,
        cal.itermonthdates(year, month))
    return selectors[specifier](preselected_days)
Exemple #22
 def _days_table(self, year, month):
     calendar = Calendar()
     table = ''
     for idx, day in enumerate(calendar.itermonthdates(year, month)):
         if day.month == month:
             if day == self.distinguished_day:
                 string = self.distinguish_prefix + '{:>2}'.format(
                     str(day.day)) + self.distinguish_suffix
                 string = str(day.day)
             string = ''
         table += '{:>2} '.format(string)
         if idx % 7 == 6:
             table += '\n'
     return table.strip("\n")
Exemple #23
def makeDateSetOfMonth():
    today = datetime.datetime.now()
    cl = Calendar(firstweekday=0)
    list1 = list(cl.itermonthdates(today.year, today.month))
    list2 = []
    for elem in reversed(list1):
        if not elem.month == today.month:

    days = ["(月)", "(火)", "(水)", "(木)", "(金)", "(土)", "(日)"]
    for elem in list1:
            str(elem.month) + "月" + str(elem.day) + "日" + days[elem.weekday()])

    # print(list2)
    return list2
Exemple #24
def createMonths(yr, birth, feier, bild):
    cal = Calendar(0)
    x, y = 0, 0
    drawString = "\\begin{figure}[!h]\n\\centering\n"
    if bild != "none":
        drawString += "\\tikz[overlay,remember picture]\\node[opacity=0.4]at (current page.center) {\includegraphics{" + bild + "}};"

    drawString += "\\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.8pt,yscale=-1, inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt]"
    drawString += createYear(yr)
    for i in range(1, 13):
        x = x + 300
        y = 0
        drawString += "\n" + createRectangle(x, y, 0, i, dict(), dict(), 1)
        for ii in cal.itermonthdates(yr, i):
            drawString += "\n" + createRectangle(x, y, ii, i, birth, feier)
    drawString += "\end{tikzpicture}\n \n \end{figure}"
    return drawString
def makeDateSetOfMonth(timeDate):
    OpeDay = timeDate
    cl = Calendar(firstweekday=0)
    list1 = list(cl.itermonthdates(OpeDay.year, OpeDay.month))
    list2 = []
    for elem in reversed(list1):
        if not elem.month == OpeDay.month:

    days = ["(月)", "(火)", "(水)", "(木)", "(金)", "(土)", "(日)"]
    for elem in list1:
            str(elem.month) + "月" + str(elem.day) + "日" + days[elem.weekday()])

    # print(list2)
    return list2
Exemple #26
def reminders_calendar(request, year=datetime.now().year, month=datetime.now().month):
    """Show a calendar of all reminders for a user"""
    month = int(month)
    year = int(year)
    months = get_months()
    today = datetime.now().date()

    # Set a set of year between now and 20 years in the future
    years = [x for x in range(datetime.now().year, datetime.now().year + 20)]
    # Get the selected month
    m = months[str(month)]
    # Create a calendar starting with Sunday from the last month
    cal = Calendar(SUNDAY)
    # Get all the days in the calendar month and year specified
    days = [day for day in cal.itermonthdates(year, month)]
    # Group the days into weeks going from Sunday to Saturday
    weeks = [days[i * 7:(i + 1) * 7] for i in range((len(days) / 7 + 1))]
    # Find the next and previous months
    next_month, previous_month = get_next_and_previous(year, month)

    # Get all of the reminders that happen in the current month
    reminders = Reminder.objects.filter(user=request.user, sent=False)
    reminder_dates = [reminder.date.date() for reminder in reminders
                      if reminder.date.date().month == month]

    if request.method == 'POST':
        selected_month = request.POST.get('month')
        selected_year = request.POST.get('year')
        return redirect('calendar-date', year=selected_year, month=selected_month)

    context = {
        'weeks': weeks,
        'months': months,
        'today': today,
        'm': m,
        'year': year,
        'years': years,
        'next_month': next_month,
        'previous_month': previous_month,
        'reminders': reminders,
        'reminder_dates': reminder_dates,
    return render(request, 'reminders/calendar.html', context)
def list_book_for_month(year, month):
    """List all days for given month, and for each
    day list fact book entry.
    data = asyncio.run(fetch_month_data(year, month))
    cal = Calendar()
    print("%12s | %12s | %12s | %12s" % ("day", "shares", "trades", "dollars"))
    print("%12s-+-%12s-+-%12s-+-%12s" %
          ("-" * 12, "-" * 12, "-" * 12, "-" * 12))

    for day in cal.itermonthdates(year, month):
        if day.month != month:
        if day in data:
            shares, trades, dollars = data[day]
            shares, trades, dollars = 0, 0, 0

        print("%12s | %12s | %12s | %12s" % (day, shares, trades, dollars))
def makeDaysSetOfMonth(timeDate):
    OpeDay = timeDate
    cl = Calendar(firstweekday=0)
    list1 = list(cl.itermonthdates(OpeDay.year, OpeDay.month))
    for elem in reversed(list1):
        if not elem.month == OpeDay.month:

    list2 = []
    for _, elem in enumerate(list1):

        if jpholiday.is_holiday(elem) or elem.weekday() >= 5:

    # print(list2)
    return list2
def meetup_day(year, month, day_of_week, suffix):
    cal = Calendar(1)
    dayList = list(cal.itermonthdates(year, month))

    # Translate human numbers to real numbers
    dateDic = {
        '1st': 0,
        '2nd': 1,
        '3rd': 2,
        '4th': 3,
        'last': -1,

    # Translate human days to numeric days
    dayDic = {
        'Monday': 0,
        'Tuesday': 1,
        'Wednesday': 2,
        'Thursday': 3,
        'Friday': 4,
        'Saturday': 5,
        'Sunday': 6,
    # Our list of suspects
    possibleDays = []

    # Treat teenth specially(does anyone actually say that?)
    # I don't like this, it looks all ugly :(
    if suffix == 'teenth':
        for day in dayList:
            if day.day in range(13, 19) and \
            day.weekday() == dayDic[day_of_week]:
                meetupDay = day
        for day in dayList:
            # If it's the right day of the week and the right month, it's a suspect
            if day.weekday() == dayDic[day_of_week] and \
            day.month == month:
        meetupDay = possibleDays[dateDic[suffix]]

    return meetupDay
Exemple #30
def initialize_month_attendance(**kwargs):    
    print 'initializing month_attendance'
    latest = ServiceReport.objects.latest('month').month
    year = kwargs['year'] if kwargs.has_key('year') else latest.strftime('%Y')
    month = kwargs['month'] if kwargs.has_key('month') else latest.strftime('%m')
    initial = []
    mwlist = []
    welist = []
    cal = Calendar()
    for day in cal.itermonthdates(int(year),int(month)):
        print 'day: %s' % day.isoformat()
        meeting = None
        if day.weekday()==settings.MEETING_MIDWEEK:
            meeting = "MW"
            mwlist.append({'meeting': meeting, 'meeting_date': day})
        if day.weekday()==settings.MEETING_WEEKEND:
            meeting = "WE"
            welist.append({'meeting': meeting, 'meeting_date': day})
        initial = mwlist + welist
    return initial
def meetup_date(year, month, nth=4, weekday=3):
    """Generate meetup date for given year, month, optional week, optional weekday

    :param year:
    :param month:
    :param nth:
    :param weekday:
    :return: meetup date in datetime.date format
    cal = Calendar()
    week = 0
    dates = []
    for day in cal.itermonthdates(year, month):
        if day.weekday(
        ) == weekday and day.year == year and day.month == month:
            week += 1
            dates.append(datetime.date(year, month, day.day))
    if nth > 0:
        return dates[nth - 1]
        return dates[nth]
Exemple #32
def calendario_mes(request,curso_id,ano,mes):
    ano = int(ano)
    mes = int(mes)
    cal = HTMLCalendar()
    dias_semana = []
    curso = Curso.objects.get(id=curso_id)
    for clase in curso.clase_set.all():
    dias_clase = []
    c = Calendar()
    for d in c.itermonthdates(ano,mes):
        ##print d
        if d.weekday() in dias_semana:
            #evitamos recibir los dias que no son del mes que toca
            if d.month == mes:
    cal = ClasesCalendar(dias_clase)
    calendario = cal.formatmonth(ano,mes)
    return render_to_response('cursos/mes.html', {'calendario': calendario, "ano": ano, "mes": mes})
Exemple #33
sheet["B3"].border = border
sheet["B3"].font = font
sheet["B3"].alignment = alignment
sheet["C3"].value = '曜日'
sheet["C3"].fill = fill_head
sheet["C3"].border = border
sheet["C3"].font = font
sheet["C3"].alignment = alignment
sheet["D3"].value = '祝日'
sheet["D3"].fill = fill_head
sheet["D3"].border = border
sheet["D3"].font = font
sheet["D3"].alignment = alignment

r = 4
for date in cal.itermonthdates(now_year, now_month):
    if date.month == now_month:
        if date.weekday() == 5 or date.weekday() == 6:
            sheet.cell(row=r, column=2).fill = fill_weekend
            sheet.cell(row=r, column=3).fill = fill_weekend
            sheet.cell(row=r, column=4).fill = fill_weekend
        elif jpholiday.is_holiday_name(date) is not None:
            sheet.cell(row=r, column=2).fill = fill_holiday
            sheet.cell(row=r, column=3).fill = fill_holiday
            sheet.cell(row=r, column=4).fill = fill_holiday
        sheet.cell(row=r, column=2).value = date
        sheet.cell(row=r, column=2).border = border
        sheet.cell(row=r, column=3).value = w_list[date.weekday()]
        sheet.cell(row=r, column=3).border = border
        sheet.cell(row=r, column=4).value = jpholiday.is_holiday_name(date)
        sheet.cell(row=r, column=4).border = border
Exemple #34
def main(year):
    # connect to the database
    print('Connecting to the database..')
    engine = create_engine(

    connect = engine.connect()

    metadata = MetaData()

    date_table = Table('dates', metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)

    quarters = {
        1: 1,
        2: 1,
        3: 1,
        4: 2,
        5: 2,
        6: 2,
        7: 3,
        8: 3,
        9: 3,
        10: 4,
        11: 4,
        12: 4
    fc_quarters = {
        1: 2,
        2: 2,
        3: 2,
        4: 3,
        5: 3,
        6: 3,
        7: 4,
        8: 4,
        9: 4,
        10: 1,
        11: 1,
        12: 1

    c = Calendar()
    newyear_date = date(year, 1, 1)

    for month in range(1, 13):
        for d in c.itermonthdates(year, month):
            if d.year == year:
                if connect.execute(
                            and_(date_table.c.day == d.day,
                                 date_table.c.month == d.month,
                                 date_table.c.gregorian_year ==
                    if d.month != month:
                    from_newyear = d - newyear_date
                    if d.month < 9:
                        fiscal_year = d.year - 1
                        fiscal_year = d.year
                    date_id = str(d.year) + '{0:02d}'.format(
                        d.month) + '{0:02d}'.format(d.day)
                    date_id = int(date_id)
                    ins = date_table.insert().values(
                        day_of_year=from_newyear.days + 1,
                        day_of_week=d.weekday() + 1,
                        buddhist_year=d.year + 543,
                    result = connect.execute(ins)
from datetime import datetime

now = datetime.now()
year, month = now.year, now.month

from calendar import Calendar

def consumed_hours():
    from numpy.random import normal
    return round(normal(10.5, 0.7), 1)

cal = Calendar()
for d in cal.itermonthdates(year, month):
    if d.month != month:
        print '%5s'%('%d/%d'%(d.month, d.day)),
        print '%5d'%d.day,

    if d.weekday() >= 6:

        print ' '.join(['%5.1f'%consumed_hours() for _ in range(5)]),
        print ' '.join(['%5s'%'-' for _ in range(2)])

        print '-'*42
 def _get_date_list(self, data):
     _cal = Calendar(5)
     _date = list(
     return _date
 def _get_date_list(self):
     _cal = Calendar(5)
     _date = list(_cal.itermonthdates(self._context.get('rpt_year'), self._context.get('rpt_month')))
     return _date