Exemple #1
def meetup_day(year, month, name, ordinal):
    wkday_dict = {'Monday':0, 'Tuesday':1,
                  'Wednesday':2, 'Thursday':3,
                  'Friday':4, 'Saturday':5, 
    wkday = wkday_dict[name]
    cal = Calendar()
    date_list = []
    for day_date, weekday in cal.itermonthdays2(year, month):
        if weekday == wkday and not day_date == 0:
    date_dict = {'1st':0, '2nd':1, '3rd':2, '4th':3, '5th':4}
    if ordinal in date_dict:
        day = date_list[date_dict[ordinal]]
    elif ordinal == 'teenth':
        for day_date in date_list:
            if 12 < day_date < 20:
                day = day_date
    elif ordinal == 'last':
        day = date_list[-1]
    return date(year, month, day)
 def get_day(year: int, month: int, week: int,
             day_of_week: DayOfWeek) -> int:
     calendar = Calendar()
     return [
         d for d in calendar.itermonthdays2(year, month)
         if d[0] and d[1] == day_of_week - 1
Exemple #3
def meetup_day(year, month, dow, criteria):
    target_day = DoW[dow]

    if criteria == "teenth":
        start_day = 13
    elif criteria == "last":
        start_day = monthrange(year, month)[1] - 6
    elif criteria.startswith("1"):
        start_day = 1
    elif criteria.startswith("2"):
        start_day = 8
    elif criteria.startswith("3"):
        start_day = 15
    elif criteria.startswith("4"):
        start_day = 22
    elif criteria.startswith("5"):
        start_day = 29
        raise KeyError

    cal = Calendar(datetime(year, month, 1).weekday())
    dates = cal.itermonthdays2(year, month)
    for day in dates:
        if day[0] >= start_day:
            if day[1] == target_day:
                return date(year, month, day[0])

    raise IndexError
Exemple #4
def meetup_day(year, month, day_of_week, classifier):
    fns = {
        'first': lambda x, _: x == 1,
        '1st': lambda x, _: x == 1,
        '2nd': lambda x, _: x == 2,
        '3rd': lambda x, _: x == 3,
        '4th': lambda x, _: x == 4,
        '5th': lambda x, _: x == 5,
        'teenth': lambda _, y: 13 <= y <= 19

    cal = Calendar()
    month_day_names = [(day_num, day_name[weekday])
                       for day_num, weekday in cal.itermonthdays2(year, month)
                       if 1 <= day_num <= 31]

    if classifier == 'last':
        month_day_names = reversed(month_day_names)
        classifier = 'first'
    elif classifier.endswith('teenth'):
        classifier = 'teenth'

    counter = 0
    for day_num, weekday in month_day_names:
        if weekday == day_of_week:
            counter += 1
            if fns[classifier](counter, day_num):
                return date(year, month, day_num)
    raise Exception('meetup day not found!')
Exemple #5
def meetup_day(year, month, day, choice):
    ordinal_dict = {'1st': 1, '2nd': 2, '3rd': 3, '4th': 4}
    weekday_dict = {'Monday': 0, 'Tuesday': 1, 'Wednesday': 2, 'Thursday': 3,
                    'Friday': 4, 'Saturday': 5, 'Sunday': 6}
    calendar = Calendar()
    possibilities = list(calendar.itermonthdays2(year, month))
    if choice in ordinal_dict:
        current_ordinal = 0
        for possible_date in possibilities:
            if possible_date[0] != 0 and possible_date[1] == weekday_dict[day]:
                current_ordinal += 1
                if current_ordinal == ordinal_dict[choice]:
                    return date(year, month, possible_date[0])               
    elif choice == 'last':
        for possible_date in possibilities:
            if possible_date[0] != 0 and possible_date[1] == weekday_dict[day]:
                target_date = possible_date[0]
        return date(year, month, target_date)
    elif choice == 'teenth':
        for possible_date in possibilities:
            if possible_date[0] in range(13, 20) and \
                possible_date[1] == weekday_dict[day]:
                return date(year, month, possible_date[0])
def meetup_day(year, month, day, recurance):
    cal = Calendar()

    days = list(day_name)
    days_of_week = {days[i]: i for i in range(0, len(days))}
    meetup_dow = days_of_week[day]
    days_in_month = cal.itermonthdays2(year, month)

    count = 0
    meetup_date = None
    for day in days_in_month:
        if (day[0] != 0 and day[1] == meetup_dow):
            count = count + 1
            if (recurance is 'teenth' and day[0] in range(13, 20)):
                return date(year, month, day[0])
            elif (recurance is '1st' and count == 1):
                return date(year, month, day[0])
            elif (recurance is '2nd' and count == 2):
                return date(year, month, day[0])
            elif (recurance is '3rd' and count == 3):
                return date(year, month, day[0])
            elif (recurance is '4th' and count == 4):
                return date(year, month, day[0])
                meetup_date = date(year, month, day[0])

    return meetup_date
Exemple #7
def meetup_day(year, month, name, ordinal):

    wkday_dict = {
        'Monday': 0,
        'Tuesday': 1,
        'Wednesday': 2,
        'Thursday': 3,
        'Friday': 4,
        'Saturday': 5,
        'Sunday': 6
    wkday = wkday_dict[name]

    cal = Calendar()
    date_list = []

    for day_date, weekday in cal.itermonthdays2(year, month):
        if weekday == wkday and not day_date == 0:

    date_dict = {'1st': 0, '2nd': 1, '3rd': 2, '4th': 3, '5th': 4}
    if ordinal in date_dict:
        day = date_list[date_dict[ordinal]]
    elif ordinal == 'teenth':
        for day_date in date_list:
            if 12 < day_date < 20:
                day = day_date
    elif ordinal == 'last':
        day = date_list[-1]

    return date(year, month, day)
def get_days_and_dow(year_and_month: date) -> List:
    calendar = Calendar()
    days_and_dow = calendar.itermonthdays2(year_and_month.year,
    dow_text = ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]
    days_and_dow_text = [(dow_text[dd[1]], dd[0]) for dd in days_and_dow
                         if not dd[0] == 0]
    return days_and_dow_text
Exemple #9
def meetup_day(year, month, day, ordinal):
    # Gets day of week number
    day = [
        "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday",
    # Converts the ordinal to a number
    ordinal = ["teenth", "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th",
    # Used to count number of day found
    count = 0
    # Calendar used to get a list of days for specified month
    c = Calendar()

    # If we're searching for the last day of the month we search backwards
    if ordinal == 6:
        for d in list(c.itermonthdays2(year, month))[::-1]:
            # Skips days belonging to other months
            if d[0] == 0:
            # Returns date as soon as we find the day
            if d[1] == day:
                return datetime.date(year, month, d[0])

    # Iterates days of specified months
    for d in c.itermonthdays2(year, month):
        # Skips days belonging to other months
        if d[0] == 0:

        # Checks if current day is a teenth day if we're searching for one
        if ordinal == 0:
            if d[0] in range(13, 20):
                if d[1] == day:
                    return datetime.date(year, month, d[0])

        # Increments count if day of the week we're searching is found
        if d[1] == day:
            count += 1

        # Returns date if specified day is found
        if count == ordinal and count != 0:
            return datetime.date(year, month, d[0])

    # Raises exception if no day is found
    raise MeetupDayException()
def sundays_on_first():
    count = 0
    cal = Calendar()
    for year in range(1901, 2001):
        for month in range(1, 13):
            it = cal.itermonthdays2(year, month)
            for month_day in it:
                if month_day[0] == 1 and month_day[1] == 6:
                    count += 1
    return count
Exemple #11
def _get_dates_by_weekday(year, month):
    """Return a dict with weekdays as keys and sorted days in the month as values."""
    cal = Calendar()
    dates_by_weekday = defaultdict(list)
    for day_of_month, weekday in cal.itermonthdays2(year, month):
        if day_of_month == 0:
        dates_by_weekday[weekday].append(date(year, month, day_of_month))

    return dates_by_weekday
Exemple #12
def weekday_of_birth_date(date):
    """Takes a date object and returns the corresponding weekday string"""
    cal = Calendar()

    weekday_lookup = dict(
        (day_number, day) for day_number, day in enumerate(WEEKDAYS))

    return [
        for day_of_month, day_of_week in cal.itermonthdays2(
            date.year, date.month) if day_of_month == date.day
def meetup_day(year, month, day_of_week, classifier):
    c_idx = {
        'first': 0,
        '1st': 0,
        '2nd': 1,
        '3rd': 2,
        '4th': 3,
        '5th': 4,
        'last': -1

    cal = Calendar()
    # only get the days of the month which correspond to day_of_week
    candidates = [
        day_num for day_num, weekday in cal.itermonthdays2(year, month)
        if 1 <= day_num <= 31 and day_name[weekday] == day_of_week

    date_fn = partial(date, year, month)
    if classifier.endswith('teenth'):
        return date_fn(next(d for d in candidates if 13 <= d <= 19))
    elif c_idx[classifier] < len(candidates):
        return date_fn(candidates[c_idx[classifier]])
    raise Exception('meetup day not found!')
def election_cycle(dt):
    """Takes a datetime.date object and returns the election 
    cycle year (as an integer) for that date."""
    if dt.year % 2 == 0:
        if dt.month == 11:
            cal = Calendar()
            november_calendar = cal.itermonthdays2(dt.year, 11)
            is_october_day = lambda (dayofmonth, weekday): dayofmonth == 0
            november_days = dropwhile(is_october_day, november_calendar)
            is_monday = lambda (dayofmonth, weekday): weekday == 0
            is_not_monday = lambda daytuple: not is_monday(daytuple)
            election_tuesday = next(
                dropwhile(is_monday, dropwhile(is_not_monday, november_days)))
            election_date = date(dt.year, 11, election_tuesday[0])
            print election_tuesday
            print election_date
            if dt > election_date:
                return dt.year + 2
                return dt.year
            return dt.year
        return dt.year + 1
Exemple #15
import calendar
from calendar import Calendar

# 返回一周内各天的名称
c1 = Calendar()  #不指定参数的话默认星期一(0 is Monday)
print("返回一周内各天的名称: ", list(c1.iterweekdays()))

c2 = Calendar(firstweekday=calendar.SATURDAY)  #指定今天是星期六
print("返回指定周几后一周内各天的名称: ", list(c2.iterweekdays()))

# 返回指定年,月的所有天数,会自动加上月前与月后的天数来令到每周都不会缺少日期(比如10.31是周三,会补上11.1,11.2与11.3来补全这一周)
# 返回的迭代器是以datetime.date为元素
print("返回指定年,月的所有天数(datetime.date): ", list(c2.itermonthdates(2018, 10)))

# 返回指定年,月的所有天数,不会自动加上月前与月后的天数来令到每周都不会缺少日期,缺少的天数为设为0
# 返回的迭代器是以int为元素
print("返回指定年,月的所有天数(int): ", list(c2.itermonthdays(2018, 10)))

# 返回指定年,月的所有天数,不会自动加上月前与月后的天数来令到每周都不会缺少日期,缺少的天数为设为0
# 返回的迭代器是以元组为元素, 元组里是(几号,星期x)这样
print("返回指定年,月的所有天数(tuple): ", list(c2.itermonthdays2(2018, 10)))

# 以周为单位返回指定年,月的所有天数,会自动加上月前与月后的天数来令到每周都不会缺少日期(比如10.31是周三,会补上11.1,11.2与11.3来补全这一周)
# 返回的列表是每七个datetime.date列表为元素
print("返回指定年,月的所有天数(tuple): ", c2.monthdatescalendar(2018, 10))
Exemple #16
def get_startday(year):
    c = Calendar()
    for day in c.itermonthdays2(year, 1):
        if day[0] != 0:
            return day[1]
class FinnishFlagDays:

    def __init__(self, year=None):

        self.calendar = Calendar()
        self.year = year or datetime.now().year

        self.official_flag_days = {
            date(self.year, 2, 28): u'Kalevalan päivä eli suomalaisen '
                                    u'kulttuurin päivä',
            date(self.year, 5, 1): u'Vappu eli suomalaisen työn päivä',
            self.getMothersOrFathersDay(month=5): u'Äitienpäivä',
            date(self.year, 6, 4): u'Puolustusvoimien lippujuhlan päivä eli '
                                   u'Suomen marsalkka C.G.E. Mannerheimin '
            self.getMidsummersDay() - timedelta(1): u'Juhannusaatto, Suomen '
                                                    u'lipun päivä',
            self.getMidsummersDay(): u'Juhannuspäivä, Suomen lipun päivä',
            date(self.year, 12, 6): u'Itsenäisyyspäivä',

        self.unofficial_flag_days = {
            date(self.year, 2, 5): u'J. L. Runebergin päivä',
            date(self.year, 3, 19): u'Minna Canthin eli tasa-arvon päivä',
            date(self.year, 4, 9): u'Mikael Agricolan päivä eli suomen kielen '
            date(self.year, 4, 27): u'Kansallinen veteraanipäivä',
            date(self.year, 5, 12): u'J. V. Snellmanin päivä eli '
                                    u'suomalaisuuden päivä',
            self.getFallenHeroesDay(): u'Kaatuneitten muistopäivä',
            date(self.year, 7, 6): u'Eino Leinon päivä eli runon ja suven '
            date(self.year, 10, 10): u'Aleksis Kiven päivä eli suomalaisen '
                                     u'kirjallisuuden päivä',
            date(self.year, 10, 24): u'Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien päivä',
            date(self.year, 11, 6): u'svenska dagen, ruotsalaisuuden päivä',
            self.getMothersOrFathersDay(month=11): u'Isänpäivä',
            date(self.year, 12, 8): u'Jean Sibeliuksen päivä eli suomalaisen '
                                    u'musiikin päivä',

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        all_flag_days = {}
        return all_flag_days

    def getMothersOrFathersDay(self, month):
        Returns mothers day for the given year. If there is no year given,
        defaults to current year.

        - Finnish mothers day is second Sunday in May.
        - Finnish fathers day is second Sunday in November.

        counter = 0
        for (day, weekday) in self.calendar.itermonthdays2(self.year, month):
            if weekday == 6:
                if counter == 0:
                    counter += 1
                    return date(self.year, month, day)

    def getMidsummersDay(self):
        Returns midsummerday for the given year. If there is no year given,
        defaults to current year.

        - Midsummers day is the Saturday between 20. and 26. days in June.

        for (day, weekday) in self.calendar.itermonthdays2(self.year, 6):
            if day >= 20:
                if day <= 26:
                    if weekday == 5:
                        return date(self.year, 6, day)

    def getFallenHeroesDay(self):
        Returns date for flagging people fallen in war.
        - Mays third Sunday.

        counter = 0
        for (day, weekday) in self.calendar.itermonthdays2(self.year, 5):
            if weekday == 6:
                if counter < 2:
                    counter += 1
                    return date(self.year, 5, day)

    def sortFlagDays(self, days_dict):
        """Returns a list of tuples which contains flagdays in sorted order."""
        return sorted(days_dict.iteritems())

    def printFlagDays(self, flagdays):
        sorted_days = self.sortFlagDays(flagdays)
        for day in sorted_days:
            print "%s: %s" % (day[0].strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), day[1])

    def printAllFlagDays(self):
        print("Official flag days")
        print("\nUnofficial flag days")

    def isFlagday(self, date):
        Returs flagday name for the given date. Returns False if date is not

        if date in self.official_flag_days.keys():
            return self.official_flag_days[date]
        elif date in self.unofficial_flag_days.keys():
            return self.unofficial_flag_days[date]
            return False
Exemple #18
from openpyxl import  Workbook
from calendar import Calendar

workbook = Workbook()

worksheet = workbook.active

cal = Calendar()
year = 2020
for m in range(1, 13):
    title = str(m) + "月份"
    sheet = workbook.create_sheet(title)
    month = cal.itermonthdays2(2020, m)
    row = 1
    for day in month:
        if day[0] == 0:
        sheet.cell(row, 1, day[0])
        sheet.cell(row, 2, day[1])
        row += 1

print(calendar.leapdays(1900, 2100))
print(calendar.weekday(2019, 10, 1))
print(calendar.monthcalendar(2019, 10))
print(calendar.prmonth(2021, 10))


c = Calendar()
print(list(c.itermonthdates(2021, 7)))
print(list(c.itermonthdays2(2020, 7)))
print(list(c.itermonthdays3(2021, 7)))
print(list(c.itermonthdays4(2021, 7)))


tx = TextCalendar()
print(tx.formatmonth(2021, 9))
print(tx.prmonth(2021, 9))


hc = HTMLCalendar()
print(hc.formatmonth(2021, 10))
    def imprimir_planilla_asistencia(self,ano,mes):
        ##Para la impresion de la planilla de asistencia a clase
        logging.debug("Vamos a imprimir la planilla de asistencia del mes %s del año %s"%(mes,ano))
        fichero = get_print_path('Grupos')+"/Ficha_Asistencia_Mes%s_Grupo_%s.pdf"%(mes,self.g.id)
        calendario = Calendar(0)

        conversion = dict(lunes=0,martes=1,miercoles=2,jueves=3,viernes=4,sabado=5,domingo=6)
        iter_mes = calendario.itermonthdays2(ano,mes)
        ##Comprobamos si este mes es el inicio del curso
            res = Festivo.select(AND(Festivo.q.ano==ano,Festivo.q.mes==mes,Festivo.q.inicio==True))
            inicio = res[0].dia
            logging.debug("El inicio del curso es el %s",inicio)
            ##No es el inicio, ponemos a la variable inicio a 0 así el día siempre será mayor que 0
            inicio = 0
        ##Comprobamos si este mes es el inicio del curso
            res = Festivo.select(AND(Festivo.q.ano==ano,Festivo.q.mes==mes,Festivo.q.fin==True))
            fin = res[0].dia
            logging.debug("El fin de curso es el %s",fin)
            logging.debug("No es el fin")
            ##No es el fin, ponemos a la variable fin a 31 así el día siempre será menor que 31
            fin = 31

        estiloHoja = getSampleStyleSheet()
        story = []
##        ##Vamos con la cabecera
##        banner = os.path.join(_config.get_data_path(), 'media', 'banner_eide.png')
##        img=Image(banner)
##        story.append(img)
        estilo = estiloHoja['BodyText']
        cadena = "<para alignment=center><b>RELACION DE DIAS LECTIVOS DEL MES %s %s</b></para>"%(nombre_mes(mes),ano)
        story.append(Paragraph(cadena, estilo))
        ##Datos del docu: alumno, grupo, profes
        cadena = "Grupo: <b>%s - %s</b>"%(self.g.id,self.g.nombre)
        story.append(Paragraph(cadena, estilo))
        cadena = "Curso: <b>%s</b>"%self.g.curso.nombre
        story.append(Paragraph(cadena, estilo))
        cadena = "Numero de alumnos: <b>%s</b>"%len(self.g.alumnos)
        story.append(Paragraph(cadena, estilo))
        ##Lista de libros
        for l in self.g.curso.libros:
            cadena = "Libro: %s - %s"%(l.titulo,l.autor)+" Editorial: %s "%(l.editorial)
            story.append(Paragraph(cadena, estilo))
            cadena = "      ISBN: %s"%(l.isbn)
            story.append(Paragraph(cadena, estilo))
        ##Tabla con el horario
        tabla =[['Día','Horario','Aula','Profesor']]
        for c in self.g.clases:
            tabla.append([c.dia_semana,c.horario,"%s - %s"%(c.aula.numero,c.aula.piso),"%s %s"%(c.profesor.nombre,c.profesor.apellido1)])
        t = Table(tabla)
        t.setStyle([('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.black),('LINEBEFORE', (0,0), (0,-1), 2, colors.black),
            ('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),('LINEAFTER', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
            ('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 2, colors.black),('LINEAFTER', (-1,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.black),
            ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')])

        ##Tabla con los días
        fila = ['Num.','F. Nac.','Apellidos, Nombre','Cnf.']
        dia_old = []
        for dia in iter_mes:
            if dia[0] == 0:
            for clase in self.g.clases:
                if conversion[limpiar_tildes(clase.dia_semana).lower()] == dia[1] :
                    ##Comprobamos si no es festivo
                    res = Festivo.select(AND(Festivo.q.ano==ano,Festivo.q.mes==mes,Festivo.q.dia==dia[0],Festivo.q.inicio==False,Festivo.q.fin==False))
                    if not len(list(res)):
                        ##Comrpobamos si ya hemos añadido ese día por tener 2h
                        if dia == dia_old:
                            debug("Ya habiamos añadido este día!")
                        ##Sino comprobamos que el día sea después del inicio y antes del fin
                        elif ( dia[0] >= inicio and dia[0] <= fin ):
                            debug("El día %s esta antes o despues del inicio del curso!"%dia[0])
                        debug("El día %s es festivo"%dia[0])
                    dia_old = dia
        longitud = len(fila)
        relleno = longitud - 3
        tabla =[fila]
        for asis in sorted(self.g.alumnos,key= lambda a: a.alumnoID):
            a = asis.alumno
            fila_alumno = [a.id,a.fecha_nacimiento,"%s %s, %s"%(a.apellido1,a.apellido2,a.nombre),asis.confirmado]
            while not len(fila_alumno)==longitud:
                fila_alumno.append("  ")
        t = Table(tabla)
        t.setStyle([('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.black),('LINEBEFORE', (0,0), (0,-1), 2, colors.black),
        ('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),('LINEAFTER', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
        ('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 2, colors.black),('LINEAFTER', (-1,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.black),
        ('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT'),('FONTSIZE',(0,0),(-1,-1),8),('FONTSIZE',(2,0),(2,-1),9)])


##        story.append(Spacer(0,240))

##        ##Pie de página
##        cadena="<para alignment=center><b>Genaro Oraá,6 - 48980 SANTURTZI (Spain)- Tlf. + 34 944 937 005 - FAX +34 944 615 723</b></para>"
##        story.append(Paragraph(cadena, estilo))
##        cadena="<para alignment=center><b><a href=\"http:\\www.eide.es\">www.eide.es</a> - e-mail: [email protected]</b></para>"
##        story.append(Paragraph(cadena, estilo))
##        story.append(Spacer(0,20))
        ##Sacamos el docu
Exemple #21
#!/usr/env/python -tt

from calendar import Calendar

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cal = Calendar()
    r = 0
    for y in xrange(1901, 2000 + 1):
        for m in xrange(1, 12 + 1):
            for d in cal.itermonthdays2(y, m):
                if d[0] == 1:
                    if d[1] == 6:
                        r += 1
    print r