Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        super(CalicoMechanismDriver, self).__init__(
            {'port_filter': True})

        # Initialize fields for the database object and context.  We will
        # initialize these properly when we first need them.
        self.db = None

        # Use Etcd-based transport.
        self.transport = CalicoTransportEtcd(self, LOG)
Exemple #2
    def _init_state(self):
        Creates the connection state required for talking to the Neutron DB
        and to etcd. This is a no-op if it has been executed before.
        current_pid = os.getpid()
        if self._my_pid == current_pid:
            # We've initialised our PID and it hasn't changed since last time,
            # nothing to do.
        # else: either this is the first call or our PID has changed:
        # (re)initialise.

        if self._my_pid is not None:
            # This is unexpected but we can deal with it: Neutron should
            # fork before we trigger the first call to _init_state().
            LOG.warning("PID changed; unexpected fork after initialisation.  "
                        "Reinitialising Calico driver.")

        # (Re)init the DB.
        self.db = None
        self._db_context = ctx.get_admin_context()

        # Use Etcd-based transport.
        if self.transport:
            # If we've been forked then the old transport will incorrectly
            # share file handles with the other process.
            LOG.warning("Shutting down previous transport instance.")
        self.transport = CalicoTransportEtcd(self)

        self._my_pid = current_pid

        # Start our resynchronization process and status updating. Just in
        # case we ever get two same threads running, use an epoch counter to
        # tell the old thread to die.
        # This is defensive: our greenlets don't actually seem to get forked
        # with the process.
        # We deliberately do this last, to ensure that all of the setup above
        # is complete before we start running.
        self._epoch += 1
        eventlet.spawn(self.periodic_resync_thread, self._epoch)
        eventlet.spawn(self._status_updating_thread, self._epoch)
Exemple #3
class CalicoMechanismDriver(mech_agent.SimpleAgentMechanismDriverBase):
    """Neutron/ML2 mechanism driver for Project Calico.

    CalicoMechanismDriver communicates information about endpoints and security
    configuration, over the Endpoint and Network APIs respectively, to the
    other components of the Calico architecture; namely to the Felix instances
    running on each compute host.

    def __init__(self):
        super(CalicoMechanismDriver, self).__init__(
            AGENT_TYPE_FELIX, "tap", {"port_filter": True, "mac_address": "00:61:fe:ed:ca:fe"}

        # Initialize fields for the database object and transport.  We will
        # initialize these properly when we first need them.
        self.db = None
        self._db_context = None
        self.transport = None
        self._etcd_watcher = None
        self._etcd_watcher_thread = None
        self._my_pid = None
        self._epoch = 0
        self.in_resync = False

        # Tell the monkeypatch where we are.
        global mech_driver
        assert mech_driver is None
        mech_driver = self

        # Make sure we initialise even if we don't see any API calls.
        eventlet.spawn_after(STARTUP_DELAY_SECS, self._init_state)

    def _init_state(self):
        Creates the connection state required for talking to the Neutron DB
        and to etcd. This is a no-op if it has been executed before.
        current_pid = os.getpid()
        if self._my_pid == current_pid:
            # We've initialised our PID and it hasn't changed since last time,
            # nothing to do.
        # else: either this is the first call or our PID has changed:
        # (re)initialise.

        if self._my_pid is not None:
            # This is unexpected but we can deal with it: Neutron should
            # fork before we trigger the first call to _init_state().
            LOG.warning("PID changed; unexpected fork after initialisation.  " "Reinitialising Calico driver.")

        # (Re)init the DB.
        self.db = None
        self._db_context = ctx.get_admin_context()

        # Use Etcd-based transport.
        if self.transport:
            # If we've been forked then the old transport will incorrectly
            # share file handles with the other process.
            LOG.warning("Shutting down previous transport instance.")
        self.transport = CalicoTransportEtcd(self)

        self._my_pid = current_pid

        # Start our resynchronization process and status updating. Just in
        # case we ever get two same threads running, use an epoch counter to
        # tell the old thread to die.
        # This is defensive: our greenlets don't actually seem to get forked
        # with the process.
        # We deliberately do this last, to ensure that all of the setup above
        # is complete before we start running.
        self._epoch += 1
        eventlet.spawn(self.periodic_resync_thread, self._epoch)
        eventlet.spawn(self._status_updating_thread, self._epoch)

    def _status_updating_thread(self, expected_epoch):
        This method acts as a status updates handler logic for the
        Calico mechanism driver. Watches for felix updates in etcd
        and passes info to Neutron database.
        LOG.info("Status updating thread started.")
        while self._epoch == expected_epoch:
            # Only handle updates if we are the master node.
            if self.transport.is_master:
                if self._etcd_watcher is None:
                    LOG.info("Became the master, starting CalicoEtcdWatcher")
                    self._etcd_watcher = CalicoEtcdWatcher(self)
                    self._etcd_watcher_thread = eventlet.spawn(self._etcd_watcher.loop)
                    LOG.info("Started %s as %s", self._etcd_watcher, self._etcd_watcher_thread)
                elif not self._etcd_watcher_thread:
                    LOG.error("CalicoEtcdWatcher %s died", self._etcd_watcher)
                    self._etcd_watcher = None
                if self._etcd_watcher is not None:
                    LOG.warning("No longer the master, stopping " "CalicoEtcdWatcher")
                    self._etcd_watcher = None
                # Short sleep interval before we check if we've become
                # the master.
            LOG.warning("Unexpected: epoch changed. " "Handling status updates thread exiting.")

    def on_felix_alive(self, felix_hostname, new):
        agent_state = felix_agent_state(felix_hostname, start_flag=new)
        self.db.create_or_update_agent(self._db_context, agent_state)

    def _get_db(self):
        if not self.db:
            self.db = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
            LOG.info("db = %s" % self.db)

            # Update the reference to ourselves.
            global mech_driver
            mech_driver = self

    def bind_port(self, context):
        Checks that the DHCP agent is alive on the host and then defers
        to the superclass, which will check that felix is alive and then
        call back into our check_segment_for_agent() method, which does
        further checks.
        for agent in context.host_agents(constants.AGENT_TYPE_DHCP):
            LOG.debug("Checking agent: %s", agent)
            if agent["alive"]:
            LOG.warning("No live DHCP agents on host")
        return super(CalicoMechanismDriver, self).bind_port(context)

    def check_segment_for_agent(self, segment, agent):
        LOG.debug("Checking segment %s with agent %s" % (segment, agent))
        if segment[api.NETWORK_TYPE] in ["local", "flat"]:
            return True
                "Calico does not support network type %s, on network %s", segment[api.NETWORK_TYPE], segment[api.ID]
            return False

    def get_allowed_network_types(self, agent=None):
        return ("local", "flat")

    def get_mappings(self, agent):
        # We override this primarily to satisfy the ABC checker: this method
        # never actually gets called because we also override
        # check_segment_for_agent.
        assert False

    def _port_is_endpoint_port(self, port):
        # Return True if port is a VM port.
        if port["device_owner"].startswith("compute:"):
            return True

        # Otherwise log and return False.
        LOG.debug("Not a VM port: %s" % port)
        return False

    # For network and subnet actions we have nothing to do, so we provide these
    # no-op methods.
    def create_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def update_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def delete_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def create_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def update_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def delete_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    # Idealised method forms.
    def create_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port creation event to the

        Process this event by taking and holding a database transaction and
        re-reading the port. Once we do that, we know the port will remain
        unchanged while we hold the transaction. We can then write the port to
        etcd, along with any other information we may need (security profiles).
        LOG.info("CREATE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s", context)
        port = context._port

        # Immediately halt processing if this is not an endpoint port.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # If the port binding VIF type is 'unbound', this port doesn't actually
        # need to be networked yet. We can simply return immediately.
        if port["binding:vif_type"] == "unbound":
            LOG.info("Creating unbound port: no work required.")

        with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            # First, regain the current port. This protects against concurrent
            # writes breaking our state.
            port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port["id"])

            # Next, fill out other information we need on the port.
            port = self.add_extra_port_information(context._plugin_context, port)

            # Next, we need to work out what security profiles apply to this
            # port and grab information about it.
            profiles = self.get_security_profiles(context._plugin_context, port)

            # Pass this to the transport layer.
            # Implementation note: we could arguably avoid holding the
            # transaction for this length and instead release it here, then
            # use atomic CAS. The problem there is that we potentially have to
            # repeatedly respin and regain the transaction. Let's not do that
            # for now, and performance test to see if it's a problem later.

            for profile in profiles:

            # Update Neutron that we succeeded.
            self.db.update_port_status(context._plugin_context, port["id"], constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE)

    def update_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port update event to the

        This is a tricky event, because it can be called in a number of ways
        during VM migration. We farm out to the appropriate method from here.
        LOG.info("UPDATE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s", context)
        port = context._port
        original = context.original

        # Abort early if we're manging non-endpoint ports.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # If this port update is purely for a status change, don't do anything:
        # we don't care about port statuses.
        if port_status_change(port, original):
            LOG.info("Called for port status change, no action.")

        # Now, re-read the port.
        with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port["id"])

            # Now, fork execution based on the type of update we're performing.
            # There are a few:
            # - a port becoming bound (binding vif_type from unbound to bound);
            # - a port becoming unbound (binding vif_type from bound to
            #   unbound);
            # - an Icehouse migration (binding host id changed and port bound);
            # - an update (port bound at all times);
            # - a change to an unbound port (which we don't care about, because
            #   we do nothing with unbound ports).
            if port_bound(port) and not port_bound(original):
                self._port_bound_update(context, port)
            elif port_bound(original) and not port_bound(port):
                self._port_unbound_update(context, original)
            elif original["binding:host_id"] != port["binding:host_id"]:
                LOG.info("Icehouse migration")
                self._icehouse_migration_step(context, port, original)
            elif port_bound(original) and port_bound(port):
                LOG.info("Port update")
                self._update_port(context, port)
                LOG.info("Update on unbound port: no action")

    def delete_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port deletion event to the

        There's no database row for us to lock on here, so don't bother.
        LOG.info("DELETE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s", context)
        port = context._port

        # Immediately halt processing if this is not an endpoint port.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # Pass this to the transport layer.

    def send_sg_updates(self, sgids, context):
        Called whenever security group rules or membership change.

        When a security group rule is added, we need to do the following steps:

        1. Reread the security rules from the Neutron DB.
        2. Write the profile to etcd.
        LOG.info("Updating security group IDs %s", sgids)
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(context, filters={"security_group_id": sgids})

            # For each profile, build its object and send it down.
            # TODO: Sending this to etcd could legitimately fail because of a
            # CAS problem. Come back to handle retries.
            profiles = (profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules) for sgid in sgids)

            for profile in profiles:

    def _port_unbound_update(self, context, port):
        This is called when a port is unbound during a port update. This
        destroys the port in etcd.
        LOG.info("Port becoming unbound: destroy.")

    def _port_bound_update(self, context, port):
        This is called when a port is bound during a port update. This creates
        the port in etcd.

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create one itself.
        # TODO: Can we avoid re-writing the security profile here? Put another
        # way, does the security profile change during migration steps, or does
        # a separate port update event occur?
        LOG.info("Port becoming bound: create.")
        port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port["id"])
        port = self.add_extra_port_information(context._plugin_context, port)
        profiles = self.get_security_profiles(context._plugin_context, port)

        for profile in profiles:

        # Update Neutron that we succeeded.
        self.db.update_port_status(context._plugin_context, port["id"], constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE)

    def _icehouse_migration_step(self, context, port, original):
        This is called when migrating on Icehouse. Here, we basically just
        perform an unbinding and a binding at exactly the same time, but we
        hold a DB lock the entire time.

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create one itself.
        # TODO: Can we avoid re-writing the security profile here? Put another
        # way, does the security profile change during migration steps, or does
        # a separate port update event occur?
        LOG.info("Migration as implemented in Icehouse")
        self._port_unbound_update(context, original)
        self._port_bound_update(context, port)

    def _update_port(self, context, port):
        Called during port updates that have nothing to do with migration.
        # TODO: There's a lot of redundant code in these methods, with the only
        # key difference being taking out transactions. Come back and shorten
        # these.
        LOG.info("Updating port %s", port)

        # If the binding VIF type is unbound, we consider this port 'disabled',
        # and should attempt to delete it. Otherwise, the port is enabled:
        # re-process it.
        port_disabled = port["binding:vif_type"] == "unbound"
        if not port_disabled:
            LOG.info("Port enabled, attempting to update.")

            with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port["id"])
                port = self.add_extra_port_information(context._plugin_context, port)
                profiles = self.get_security_profiles(context._plugin_context, port)

                for profile in profiles:

                # Update Neutron that we succeeded.
                self.db.update_port_status(context._plugin_context, port["id"], constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE)
            # Port unbound, attempt to delete.
            LOG.info("Port disabled, attempting delete if needed.")

    def add_port_gateways(self, port, context):
        Determine the gateway IP addresses for a given port's IP addresses, and
        adds them to the port dict.

        This method assumes it's being called from within a database
        transaction and does not take out another one.
        for ip in port["fixed_ips"]:
            subnet = self.db.get_subnet(context, ip["subnet_id"])
            ip["gateway"] = subnet["gateway_ip"]

    def get_security_profiles(self, context, port):
        Obtain information about the security profile that applies to a given

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create its own.

        :returns: A generator of ``SecurityProfile`` objects.
        # For each security group get its rules. Given that we don't need
        # anything else about the security group, we can do this as a single
        # query.
        # CB2: I am concerned that this does not adequately prevent new
        # security group rules being added and racing us in.
        sgids = port["security_groups"]
        rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(context, filters={"security_group_id": sgids})

        # Now, return a generator that provides profile objects for each
        # profile.
        return (profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules) for sgid in sgids)

    def periodic_resync_thread(self, expected_epoch):
        This method acts as a the periodic resynchronization logic for the
        Calico mechanism driver.

        On a fixed interval, it spins over the entire database and reconciles
        it with etcd, ensuring that the etcd database and Neutron are in
        synchronization with each other.
            LOG.info("Periodic resync thread started")
            while self._epoch == expected_epoch:
                # Only do the resync logic if we're actually the master node.
                if self.transport.is_master:
                    LOG.info("I am master: doing periodic resync")
                    context = ctx.get_admin_context()

                        # First, resync endpoints.

                        # Second, profiles.

                        # Now, set the config flags.
                    except Exception:
                        LOG.exception("Error in periodic resync thread.")
                    # Reschedule ourselves.
                    # Shorter sleep interval before we check if we've become
                    # the master.  Avoids waiting a whole RESYNC_INTERVAL_SECS
                    # if we just miss the master update.
            # TODO Should we tear down the process.
            LOG.exception("Periodic resync thread died!")
            if self.transport:
                # Stop the transport so that we give up the mastership.
            LOG.warning("Periodic resync thread exiting.")

    def resync_endpoints(self, context):
        Handles periodic resynchronization for endpoints.
        LOG.info("Resyncing endpoints")

        # Work out all the endpoints in etcd. Do this outside a database
        # transaction to try to ensure that anything that gets created is in
        # our Neutron snapshot.
        endpoints = list(self.transport.get_endpoints())
        endpoint_ids = set(ep.id for ep in endpoints)

        # Then, grab all the ports from Neutron.
        # TODO(lukasa): We can reduce the amount of data we load from Neutron
        # here by filtering in the get_ports call.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            ports = dict((port["id"], port) for port in self.db.get_ports(context) if self._port_is_endpoint_port(port))

        port_ids = set(ports.keys())
        missing_ports = port_ids - endpoint_ids
        extra_ports = endpoint_ids - port_ids
        changes_ports = set()

        # We need to do one more check: are any ports in the wrong place? The
        # way we handle this is to treat this as a port that is both missing
        # and extra, where the old version is extra and the new version is
        # missing.
        # While we're here, anything that's not extra, missing, or in the wrong
        # place should be added to the list of ports to check for changes.
        for endpoint in endpoints:
                port = ports[endpoint.id]
            except KeyError:
                # Port already in extra_ports.

            if endpoint.host != port["binding:host_id"]:
                    "Port %s is incorrectly on %s, should be %s", endpoint.id, endpoint.host, port["binding:host_id"]
                # Port is common to both: add to changes_ports.

        if missing_ports or extra_ports:
            LOG.warning("Missing ports: %s", missing_ports)
            LOG.warning("Extra ports: %s", extra_ports)

        # First, handle the extra ports.
        eps_to_delete = (e for e in endpoints if e.id in extra_ports)

        # Next, the missing ports.
        self._resync_missing_ports(context, missing_ports)

        # Finally, scan each of the ports in changes_ports. Work out if there
        # are any differences. If there are, write out to etcd.
        common_endpoints = (e for e in endpoints if e.id in changes_ports)
        self._resync_changed_ports(context, common_endpoints)

    def _resync_missing_ports(self, context, missing_port_ids):
        For each missing port, do a quick port creation. This takes out a DB
        transaction and regains all the ports. Note that this transaction is
        potentially held for quite a while.

        :param context: A Neutron DB context.
        :param missing_port_ids: A set of IDs for ports missing from etcd.
        :returns: Nothing.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            missing_ports = self.db.get_ports(context, filters={"id": missing_port_ids})

            for port in missing_ports:
                # Fill out other information we need on the port and write to
                # etcd.
                port = self.add_extra_port_information(context, port)

    def _resync_extra_ports(self, ports_to_delete):
        Atomically delete ports that are in etcd, but shouldn't be.

        :param ports_to_delete: An iterable of Endpoint objects to be
        :returns: Nothing.
        for endpoint in ports_to_delete:
            except (ValueError, etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound):
                # If the atomic CAD doesn't successfully delete, that's ok, it
                # means the endpoint was created or updated elsewhere.
                LOG.info("Endpoint %s was deleted elsewhere", endpoint)

    def _resync_changed_ports(self, context, common_endpoints):
        Reconcile all changed profiles by checking whether Neutron and etcd

        :param context: A Neutron DB context.
        :param common_endpoints: An iterable of Endpoint objects that should
            be checked for changes.
        :returns: Nothing.
        for endpoint in common_endpoints:
            # Get the endpoint data from etcd.
                endpoint = self.transport.get_endpoint_data(endpoint)
            except etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound:
                # The endpoint is gone. That's fine.
                LOG.info("Failed to update deleted endpoint %s", endpoint.id)

            with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                    port = self.db.get_port(context, endpoint.id)
                except PortNotFound:
                    # The endpoint got deleted.
                    LOG.info("Failed to update deleted port %s", endpoint.id)

            # Get the data for both.
                etcd_data = json.loads(endpoint.data)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                # If the JSON data is bad, we need to fix it up. Set a value
                # that is impossible for Neutron to be returning: nothing at
                # all.
                LOG.warning("Bad JSON data in key %s", endpoint.key)
                etcd_data = None

            port = self.add_extra_port_information(context, port)
            neutron_data = port_etcd_data(port)

            if etcd_data != neutron_data:
                # Write to etcd.
                LOG.warning("Resolving error in port %s", endpoint.id)
                    self.transport.write_port_to_etcd(port, prev_index=endpoint.modified_index)
                except etcd.EtcdCompareFailed:
                    # If someone wrote to etcd they probably have more recent
                    # data than us, let it go.
                    LOG.info("Atomic CAS failed, no action.")

    def resync_profiles(self, context):
        Resynchronize security profiles.
        LOG.info("Resyncing profiles")
        # Work out all the security groups in etcd. Do this outside a database
        # transaction to try to ensure that anything that gets created is in
        # our Neutron snapshot.
        profiles = list(self.transport.get_profiles())
        profile_ids = set(profile.id for profile in profiles)

        # Next, grab all the security groups from Neutron. Quickly work out
        # whether a given group is missing from etcd, or if etcd has too many
        # groups. Then, add all missing groups and remove all extra ones.
        # Anything not in either group is added to the 'reconcile' set.
        # This explicit with statement is technically unnecessary, but it helps
        # keep our transaction scope really clear.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            sgs = self.db.get_security_groups(context)

        sgids = set(sg["id"] for sg in sgs)
        missing_groups = sgids - profile_ids
        extra_groups = profile_ids - sgids
        reconcile_groups = profile_ids & sgids

        if missing_groups or extra_groups:
            LOG.warning("Missing groups: %s", missing_groups)
            LOG.warning("Extra groups: %s", extra_groups)

        # First, resync the missing security profiles.
        self._resync_missing_profiles(context, missing_groups)

        # Next, handle the extra profiles. Each of them needs to be atomically
        # deleted.
        profiles_to_delete = (p for p in profiles if p.id in extra_groups)

        # Finally, reconcile the security profiles. This involves looping over
        # them, grabbing their data, and then comparing that to what Neutron
        # has.
        profiles_to_reconcile = (p for p in profiles if p.id in reconcile_groups)
        self._resync_changed_profiles(context, profiles_to_reconcile)

    def _resync_missing_profiles(self, context, missing_group_ids):
        For each missing profile, do a quick profile creation. This takes out a
        db transaction and regains all the rules. Note that this transaction is
        potentially held for quite a while.

        :param context: A Neutron DB context.
        :param missing_group_ids: The IDs of the missing security groups.
        :returns: Nothing.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(context, filters={"security_group_id": missing_group_ids})

            profiles_to_write = (profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules) for sgid in missing_group_ids)

            for profile in profiles_to_write:

    def _resync_additional_profiles(self, profiles_to_delete):
        Atomically delete profiles that are in etcd, but shouldn't be.

        :param profiles_to_delete: An iterable of profile objects to be
        :returns: Nothing.
        for profile in profiles_to_delete:
            except (etcd.EtcdCompareFailed, etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound):
                # If the atomic CAD doesn't successfully delete, that's ok, it
                # means the profile was created or updated elsewhere.

    def _resync_changed_profiles(self, context, profiles_to_reconcile):
        Reconcile all changed profiles by checking whether Neutron and etcd
        for etcd_profile in profiles_to_reconcile:
            # Get the data from etcd.
                etcd_profile = self.transport.get_profile_data(etcd_profile)
            except etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound:
                # The profile is gone. That's fine.
                LOG.info("Failed to update deleted profile %s", etcd_profile.id)

            # Get the data from Neutron.
            with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(context, filters={"security_group_id": [etcd_profile.id]})

            # Do the same conversion for the Neutron profile.
            neutron_profile = profile_from_neutron_rules(etcd_profile.id, rules)

            if not profiles_match(etcd_profile, neutron_profile):
                # Write to etcd.
                LOG.warning("Resolving error in profile %s", etcd_profile.id)

                except etcd.EtcdCompareFailed:
                    # If someone wrote to etcd they probably have more recent
                    # data than us, let it go.
                    LOG.info("Atomic CAS failed, no action.")

    def add_port_interface_name(self, port):
        port["interface_name"] = "tap" + port["id"][:11]

    def get_security_groups_for_port(self, context, port):
        Checks which security groups apply for a given port.

        Frustratingly, the port dict provided to us when we call get_port may
        actually be out of date, and I don't know why. This change ensures that
        we get the most recent information.
        filters = {"port_id": [port["id"]]}
        bindings = self.db._get_port_security_group_bindings(context, filters=filters)
        return [binding["security_group_id"] for binding in bindings]

    def get_fixed_ips_for_port(self, context, port):
        Obtains a complete list of fixed IPs for a port.

        Much like with security groups, for some insane reason we're given an
        out of date port dictionary when we call get_port. This forces an
        explicit query of the IPAllocation table to get the right data out of
        return [
            {"subnet_id": ip["subnet_id"], "ip_address": ip["ip_address"]}
            for ip in context.session.query(models_v2.IPAllocation).filter_by(port_id=port["id"])

    def add_extra_port_information(self, context, port):
        Gets extra information for a port that is needed before sending it to
        port["fixed_ips"] = self.get_fixed_ips_for_port(context, port)
        port["security_groups"] = self.get_security_groups_for_port(context, port)
        self.add_port_gateways(port, context)
        return port
class CalicoMechanismDriver(mech_agent.SimpleAgentMechanismDriverBase):
    """Neutron/ML2 mechanism driver for Project Calico.

    CalicoMechanismDriver communicates information about endpoints and security
    configuration, over the Endpoint and Network APIs respectively, to the
    other components of the Calico architecture; namely to the Felix instances
    running on each compute host.
    def __init__(self):
              self).__init__(constants.AGENT_TYPE_DHCP, 'tap', {
                  'port_filter': True,
                  'mac_address': '00:61:fe:ed:ca:fe'

        # Initialize fields for the database object and transport.  We will
        # initialize these properly when we first need them.
        self.db = None
        self.transport = None
        self._my_pid = None
        self._periodic_resync_greenlet = None
        self._epoch = 0

        # Tell the monkeypatch where we are.
        global mech_driver
        assert mech_driver is None
        mech_driver = self

        # Make sure we initialise even if we don't see any API calls.
        eventlet.spawn_after(STARTUP_DELAY_SECS, self._init_state)

    def _init_state(self):
        Creates the connection state required for talking to the Neutron DB
        and to etcd. This is a no-op if it has been executed before.
        current_pid = os.getpid()
        if self._my_pid == current_pid:
            # We've initialised our PID and it hasn't changed since last time,
            # nothing to do.
        # else: either this is the first call or our PID has changed:
        # (re)initialise.

        if self._my_pid is not None:
            # This is unexpected but we can deal with it: Neutron should
            # fork before we trigger the first call to _init_state().
            LOG.warning("PID changed; unexpected fork after initialisation.  "
                        "Reinitialising Calico driver.")

        # (Re)init the DB.
        self.db = None

        # Use Etcd-based transport.
        if self.transport:
            # If we've been forked then the old transport will incorrectly
            # share file handles with the other process.
            LOG.warning("Shutting down previous transport instance.")
        self.transport = CalicoTransportEtcd(self)

        self._my_pid = current_pid

        # Start our resynchronization process.  Just in case we ever get two
        # threads running, use an epoch counter to tell the old thread to die.
        # This is defensive: our greenlets don't actually seem to get forked
        # with the process.
        # We deliberately do this last, to ensure that all of the setup above
        # is complete before we start running.
        self._epoch += 1
        eventlet.spawn(self.periodic_resync_thread, self._epoch)

    def _get_db(self):
        if not self.db:
            self.db = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
            LOG.info("db = %s" % self.db)

            # Update the reference to ourselves.
            global mech_driver
            mech_driver = self

    def check_segment_for_agent(self, segment, agent):
        LOG.debug("Checking segment %s with agent %s" % (segment, agent))
        if segment[api.NETWORK_TYPE] in ['local', 'flat']:
            return True
                "Calico does not support network type %s, on network %s",
            return False

    def get_allowed_network_types(self, agent=None):
        return ('local', 'flat')

    def get_mappings(self, agent):
        # We override this primarily to satisfy the ABC checker: this method
        # never actually gets called because we also override
        # check_segment_for_agent.
        assert False

    def _port_is_endpoint_port(self, port):
        # Return True if port is a VM port.
        if port['device_owner'].startswith('compute:'):
            return True

        # Otherwise log and return False.
        LOG.debug("Not a VM port: %s" % port)
        return False

    # For network and subnet actions we have nothing to do, so we provide these
    # no-op methods.
    def create_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def update_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def delete_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def create_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def update_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def delete_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    # Idealised method forms.
    def create_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port creation event to the

        Process this event by taking and holding a database transaction and
        re-reading the port. Once we do that, we know the port will remain
        unchanged while we hold the transaction. We can then write the port to
        etcd, along with any other information we may need (security profiles).
        LOG.info('CREATE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s', context)
        port = context._port

        # Immediately halt processing if this is not an endpoint port.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # If the port binding VIF type is 'unbound', this port doesn't actually
        # need to be networked yet. We can simply return immediately.
        if port['binding:vif_type'] == 'unbound':
            LOG.info("Creating unbound port: no work required.")

        with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            # First, regain the current port. This protects against concurrent
            # writes breaking our state.
            port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port['id'])

            # Next, fill out other information we need on the port.
            port = self.add_extra_port_information(context._plugin_context,

            # Next, we need to work out what security profiles apply to this
            # port and grab information about it.
            profiles = self.get_security_profiles(context._plugin_context,

            # Pass this to the transport layer.
            # Implementation note: we could arguably avoid holding the
            # transaction for this length and instead release it here, then
            # use atomic CAS. The problem there is that we potentially have to
            # repeatedly respin and regain the transaction. Let's not do that
            # for now, and performance test to see if it's a problem later.

            for profile in profiles:

            # Update Neutron that we succeeded.
            self.db.update_port_status(context._plugin_context, port['id'],

    def update_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port update event to the

        This is a tricky event, because it can be called in a number of ways
        during VM migration. We farm out to the appropriate method from here.
        LOG.info('UPDATE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s', context)
        port = context._port
        original = context.original

        # Abort early if we're manging non-endpoint ports.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # If this port update is purely for a status change, don't do anything:
        # we don't care about port statuses.
        if port_status_change(port, original):
            LOG.info('Called for port status change, no action.')

        # Now, re-read the port.
        with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port['id'])

            # Now, fork execution based on the type of update we're performing.
            # There are a few:
            # - a port becoming bound (binding vif_type from unbound to bound);
            # - a port becoming unbound (binding vif_type from bound to
            #   unbound);
            # - an Icehouse migration (binding host id changed and port bound);
            # - an update (port bound at all times);
            # - a change to an unbound port (which we don't care about, because
            #   we do nothing with unbound ports).
            if port_bound(port) and not port_bound(original):
                self._port_bound_update(context, port)
            elif port_bound(original) and not port_bound(port):
                self._port_unbound_update(context, original)
            elif original['binding:host_id'] != port['binding:host_id']:
                LOG.info("Icehouse migration")
                self._icehouse_migration_step(context, port, original)
            elif port_bound(original) and port_bound(port):
                LOG.info("Port update")
                self._update_port(context, port)
                LOG.info("Update on unbound port: no action")

    def delete_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port deletion event to the

        There's no database row for us to lock on here, so don't bother.
        LOG.info('DELETE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s', context)
        port = context._port

        # Immediately halt processing if this is not an endpoint port.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # Pass this to the transport layer.

    def send_sg_updates(self, sgids, context):
        Called whenever security group rules or membership change.

        When a security group rule is added, we need to do the following steps:

        1. Reread the security rules from the Neutron DB.
        2. Write the profile to etcd.
        LOG.info("Updating security group IDs %s", sgids)
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(
                context, filters={'security_group_id': sgids})

            # For each profile, build its object and send it down.
            # TODO: Sending this to etcd could legitimately fail because of a
            # CAS problem. Come back to handle retries.
            profiles = (profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules)
                        for sgid in sgids)

            for profile in profiles:

    def _port_unbound_update(self, context, port):
        This is called when a port is unbound during a port update. This
        destroys the port in etcd.
        LOG.info("Port becoming unbound: destroy.")

    def _port_bound_update(self, context, port):
        This is called when a port is bound during a port update. This creates
        the port in etcd.

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create one itself.
        # TODO: Can we avoid re-writing the security profile here? Put another
        # way, does the security profile change during migration steps, or does
        # a separate port update event occur?
        LOG.info("Port becoming bound: create.")
        port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port['id'])
        port = self.add_extra_port_information(context._plugin_context, port)
        profiles = self.get_security_profiles(context._plugin_context, port)

        for profile in profiles:

        # Update Neutron that we succeeded.
        self.db.update_port_status(context._plugin_context, port['id'],

    def _icehouse_migration_step(self, context, port, original):
        This is called when migrating on Icehouse. Here, we basically just
        perform an unbinding and a binding at exactly the same time, but we
        hold a DB lock the entire time.

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create one itself.
        # TODO: Can we avoid re-writing the security profile here? Put another
        # way, does the security profile change during migration steps, or does
        # a separate port update event occur?
        LOG.info("Migration as implemented in Icehouse")
        self._port_unbound_update(context, original)
        self._port_bound_update(context, port)

    def _update_port(self, context, port):
        Called during port updates that have nothing to do with migration.
        # TODO: There's a lot of redundant code in these methods, with the only
        # key difference being taking out transactions. Come back and shorten
        # these.
        LOG.info("Updating port %s", port)

        # If the binding VIF type is unbound, we consider this port 'disabled',
        # and should attempt to delete it. Otherwise, the port is enabled:
        # re-process it.
        port_disabled = port['binding:vif_type'] == 'unbound'
        if not port_disabled:
            LOG.info("Port enabled, attempting to update.")

            with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port['id'])
                port = self.add_extra_port_information(context._plugin_context,
                profiles = self.get_security_profiles(context._plugin_context,

                for profile in profiles:

                # Update Neutron that we succeeded.
                self.db.update_port_status(context._plugin_context, port['id'],
            # Port unbound, attempt to delete.
            LOG.info("Port disabled, attempting delete if needed.")

    def add_port_gateways(self, port, context):
        Determine the gateway IP addresses for a given port's IP addresses, and
        adds them to the port dict.

        This method assumes it's being called from within a database
        transaction and does not take out another one.
        for ip in port['fixed_ips']:
            subnet = self.db.get_subnet(context, ip['subnet_id'])
            ip['gateway'] = subnet['gateway_ip']

    def get_security_profiles(self, context, port):
        Obtain information about the security profile that applies to a given

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create its own.

        :returns: A generator of ``SecurityProfile`` objects.
        # For each security group get its rules. Given that we don't need
        # anything else about the security group, we can do this as a single
        # query.
        # CB2: I am concerned that this does not adequately prevent new
        # security group rules being added and racing us in.
        sgids = port['security_groups']
        rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(
            context, filters={'security_group_id': sgids})

        # Now, return a generator that provides profile objects for each
        # profile.
        return (profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules) for sgid in sgids)

    def periodic_resync_thread(self, expected_epoch):
        This method acts as a the periodic resynchronization logic for the
        Calico mechanism driver.

        On a fixed interval, it spins over the entire database and reconciles
        it with etcd, ensuring that the etcd database and Neutron are in
        synchronization with each other.
            LOG.info("Periodic resync thread started")
            while self._epoch == expected_epoch:
                # Only do the resync logic if we're actually the master node.
                if self.transport.is_master:
                    LOG.info("I am master: doing periodic resync")
                    context = ctx.get_admin_context()

                        # First, resync endpoints.

                        # Second, profiles.

                        # Now, set the config flags.
                    except Exception:
                        LOG.exception("Error in periodic resync thread.")
                    # Reschedule ourselves.
                    # Shorter sleep interval before we check if we've become
                    # the master.  Avoids waiting a whole RESYNC_INTERVAL_SECS
                    # if we just miss the master update.
            # TODO Should we tear down the process.
            LOG.exception("Periodic resync thread died!")
            if self.transport:
                # Stop the transport so that we give up the mastership.
            LOG.warning("Periodic resync thread exiting.")

    def resync_endpoints(self, context):
        Handles periodic resynchronization for endpoints.
        LOG.info("Resyncing endpoints")

        # Work out all the endpoints in etcd. Do this outside a database
        # transaction to try to ensure that anything that gets created is in
        # our Neutron snapshot.
        endpoints = list(self.transport.get_endpoints())
        endpoint_ids = set(ep.id for ep in endpoints)

        # Then, grab all the ports from Neutron.
        # TODO(lukasa): We can reduce the amount of data we load from Neutron
        # here by filtering in the get_ports call.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            ports = dict((port['id'], port)
                         for port in self.db.get_ports(context)
                         if self._port_is_endpoint_port(port))

        port_ids = set(ports.keys())
        missing_ports = port_ids - endpoint_ids
        extra_ports = endpoint_ids - port_ids
        changes_ports = set()

        # We need to do one more check: are any ports in the wrong place? The
        # way we handle this is to treat this as a port that is both missing
        # and extra, where the old version is extra and the new version is
        # missing.
        # While we're here, anything that's not extra, missing, or in the wrong
        # place should be added to the list of ports to check for changes.
        for endpoint in endpoints:
                port = ports[endpoint.id]
            except KeyError:
                # Port already in extra_ports.

            if endpoint.host != port['binding:host_id']:
                LOG.info("Port %s is incorrectly on %s, should be %s",
                         endpoint.id, endpoint.host, port['binding:host_id'])
                # Port is common to both: add to changes_ports.

        if missing_ports or extra_ports:
            LOG.warning("Missing ports: %s", missing_ports)
            LOG.warning("Extra ports: %s", extra_ports)

        # First, handle the extra ports.
        eps_to_delete = (e for e in endpoints if e.id in extra_ports)

        # Next, the missing ports.
        self._resync_missing_ports(context, missing_ports)

        # Finally, scan each of the ports in changes_ports. Work out if there
        # are any differences. If there are, write out to etcd.
        common_endpoints = (e for e in endpoints if e.id in changes_ports)
        self._resync_changed_ports(context, common_endpoints)

    def _resync_missing_ports(self, context, missing_port_ids):
        For each missing port, do a quick port creation. This takes out a DB
        transaction and regains all the ports. Note that this transaction is
        potentially held for quite a while.

        :param context: A Neutron DB context.
        :param missing_port_ids: A set of IDs for ports missing from etcd.
        :returns: Nothing.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            missing_ports = self.db.get_ports(context,
                                              filters={'id': missing_port_ids})

            for port in missing_ports:
                # Fill out other information we need on the port and write to
                # etcd.
                port = self.add_extra_port_information(context, port)

    def _resync_extra_ports(self, ports_to_delete):
        Atomically delete ports that are in etcd, but shouldn't be.

        :param ports_to_delete: An iterable of Endpoint objects to be
        :returns: Nothing.
        for endpoint in ports_to_delete:
            except (ValueError, etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound):
                # If the atomic CAD doesn't successfully delete, that's ok, it
                # means the endpoint was created or updated elsewhere.
                LOG.info('Endpoint %s was deleted elsewhere', endpoint)

    def _resync_changed_ports(self, context, common_endpoints):
        Reconcile all changed profiles by checking whether Neutron and etcd

        :param context: A Neutron DB context.
        :param common_endpoints: An iterable of Endpoint objects that should
            be checked for changes.
        :returns: Nothing.
        for endpoint in common_endpoints:
            # Get the endpoint data from etcd.
                endpoint = self.transport.get_endpoint_data(endpoint)
            except etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound:
                # The endpoint is gone. That's fine.
                LOG.info("Failed to update deleted endpoint %s", endpoint.id)

            with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                    port = self.db.get_port(context, endpoint.id)
                except PortNotFound:
                    # The endpoint got deleted.
                    LOG.info("Failed to update deleted port %s", endpoint.id)

            # Get the data for both.
                etcd_data = json.loads(endpoint.data)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                # If the JSON data is bad, we need to fix it up. Set a value
                # that is impossible for Neutron to be returning: nothing at
                # all.
                LOG.warning("Bad JSON data in key %s", endpoint.key)
                etcd_data = None

            port = self.add_extra_port_information(context, port)
            neutron_data = port_etcd_data(port)

            if etcd_data != neutron_data:
                # Write to etcd.
                LOG.warning("Resolving error in port %s", endpoint.id)
                        port, prev_index=endpoint.modified_index)
                except ValueError:
                    # If someone wrote to etcd they probably have more recent
                    # data than us, let it go.
                    LOG.info("Atomic CAS failed, no action.")

    def resync_profiles(self, context):
        Resynchronize security profiles.
        LOG.info("Resyncing profiles")
        # Work out all the security groups in etcd. Do this outside a database
        # transaction to try to ensure that anything that gets created is in
        # our Neutron snapshot.
        profiles = list(self.transport.get_profiles())
        profile_ids = set(profile.id for profile in profiles)

        # Next, grab all the security groups from Neutron. Quickly work out
        # whether a given group is missing from etcd, or if etcd has too many
        # groups. Then, add all missing groups and remove all extra ones.
        # Anything not in either group is added to the 'reconcile' set.
        # This explicit with statement is technically unnecessary, but it helps
        # keep our transaction scope really clear.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            sgs = self.db.get_security_groups(context)

        sgids = set(sg['id'] for sg in sgs)
        missing_groups = sgids - profile_ids
        extra_groups = profile_ids - sgids
        reconcile_groups = profile_ids & sgids

        if missing_groups or extra_groups:
            LOG.warning("Missing groups: %s", missing_groups)
            LOG.warning("Extra groups: %s", extra_groups)

        # First, resync the missing security profiles.
        self._resync_missing_profiles(context, missing_groups)

        # Next, handle the extra profiles. Each of them needs to be atomically
        # deleted.
        profiles_to_delete = (p for p in profiles if p.id in extra_groups)

        # Finally, reconcile the security profiles. This involves looping over
        # them, grabbing their data, and then comparing that to what Neutron
        # has.
        profiles_to_reconcile = (p for p in profiles
                                 if p.id in reconcile_groups)
        self._resync_changed_profiles(context, profiles_to_reconcile)

    def _resync_missing_profiles(self, context, missing_group_ids):
        For each missing profile, do a quick profile creation. This takes out a
        db transaction and regains all the rules. Note that this transaction is
        potentially held for quite a while.

        :param context: A Neutron DB context.
        :param missing_group_ids: The IDs of the missing security groups.
        :returns: Nothing.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(
                context, filters={'security_group_id': missing_group_ids})

            profiles_to_write = (profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules)
                                 for sgid in missing_group_ids)

            for profile in profiles_to_write:

    def _resync_additional_profiles(self, profiles_to_delete):
        Atomically delete profiles that are in etcd, but shouldn't be.

        :param missing_group_ids: An iterable of profile objects to be
        :returns: Nothing.
        for profile in profiles_to_delete:
            except (ValueError, etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound):
                # If the atomic CAD doesn't successfully delete, that's ok, it
                # means the profile was created or updated elsewhere.

    def _resync_changed_profiles(self, context, profiles_to_reconcile):
        Reconcile all changed profiles by checking whether Neutron and etcd
        for etcd_profile in profiles_to_reconcile:
            # Get the data from etcd.
                etcd_profile = self.transport.get_profile_data(etcd_profile)
            except etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound:
                # The profile is gone. That's fine.
                LOG.info("Failed to update deleted profile %s",

            # Get the data from Neutron.
            with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(
                    context, filters={'security_group_id': [etcd_profile.id]})

            # Do the same conversion for the Neutron profile.
            neutron_profile = profile_from_neutron_rules(
                etcd_profile.id, rules)

            if not profiles_match(etcd_profile, neutron_profile):
                # Write to etcd.
                LOG.warning("Resolving error in profile %s", etcd_profile.id)

                except ValueError:
                    # If someone wrote to etcd they probably have more recent
                    # data than us, let it go.
                    LOG.info("Atomic CAS failed, no action.")

    def add_port_interface_name(self, port):
        port['interface_name'] = 'tap' + port['id'][:11]

    def felix_status(self, hostname, up, start_flag):
        # Get a DB context for this processing.
        db_context = ctx.get_admin_context()

        if up:
            agent_state = {
                'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_FELIX,
                'binary': '',
                'host': hostname,
                'topic': constants.L2_AGENT_TOPIC
            if start_flag:
                agent_state['start_flag'] = True
            self.db.create_or_update_agent(db_context, agent_state)

    def get_security_groups_for_port(self, context, port):
        Checks which security groups apply for a given port.

        Frustratingly, the port dict provided to us when we call get_port may
        actually be out of date, and I don't know why. This change ensures that
        we get the most recent information.
        filters = {'port_id': [port['id']]}
        bindings = self.db._get_port_security_group_bindings(context,
        return [binding['security_group_id'] for binding in bindings]

    def get_fixed_ips_for_port(self, context, port):
        Obtains a complete list of fixed IPs for a port.

        Much like with security groups, for some insane reason we're given an
        out of date port dictionary when we call get_port. This forces an
        explicit query of the IPAllocation table to get the right data out of
        return [{
            'subnet_id': ip['subnet_id'],
            'ip_address': ip['ip_address']
        } for ip in context.session.query(models_v2.IPAllocation).filter_by(

    def add_extra_port_information(self, context, port):
        Gets extra information for a port that is needed before sending it to
        port['fixed_ips'] = self.get_fixed_ips_for_port(context, port)
        port['security_groups'] = self.get_security_groups_for_port(
            context, port)
        self.add_port_gateways(port, context)
        return port
class CalicoMechanismDriver(mech_agent.SimpleAgentMechanismDriverBase):
    """Neutron/ML2 mechanism driver for Project Calico.

    CalicoMechanismDriver communicates information about endpoints and security
    configuration, over the Endpoint and Network APIs respectively, to the
    other components of the Calico architecture; namely to the Felix instances
    running on each compute host.

    def __init__(self):
        super(CalicoMechanismDriver, self).__init__(
            {'port_filter': True,
             'mac_address': '00:61:fe:ed:ca:fe'})

        # Initialize fields for the database object and transport.  We will
        # initialize these properly when we first need them.
        self.db = None
        self.transport = None
        self._my_pid = None
        self._periodic_resync_greenlet = None
        self._epoch = 0

        # Tell the monkeypatch where we are.
        global mech_driver
        assert mech_driver is None
        mech_driver = self

        # Make sure we initialise even if we don't see any API calls.
        eventlet.spawn_after(STARTUP_DELAY_SECS, self._init_state)

    def _init_state(self):
        Creates the connection state required for talking to the Neutron DB
        and to etcd. This is a no-op if it has been executed before.
        current_pid = os.getpid()
        if self._my_pid == current_pid:
            # We've initialised our PID and it hasn't changed since last time,
            # nothing to do.
        # else: either this is the first call or our PID has changed:
        # (re)initialise.

        if self._my_pid is not None:
            # This is unexpected but we can deal with it: Neutron should
            # fork before we trigger the first call to _init_state().
            LOG.warning("PID changed; unexpected fork after initialisation.  "
                        "Reinitialising Calico driver.")

        # (Re)init the DB.
        self.db = None

        # Use Etcd-based transport.
        if self.transport:
            # If we've been forked then the old transport will incorrectly
            # share file handles with the other process.
            LOG.warning("Shutting down previous transport instance.")
        self.transport = CalicoTransportEtcd(self)

        self._my_pid = current_pid

        # Start our resynchronization process.  Just in case we ever get two
        # threads running, use an epoch counter to tell the old thread to die.
        # This is defensive: our greenlets don't actually seem to get forked
        # with the process.
        # We deliberately do this last, to ensure that all of the setup above
        # is complete before we start running.
        self._epoch += 1
        eventlet.spawn(self.periodic_resync_thread, self._epoch)

    def _get_db(self):
        if not self.db:
            self.db = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
            LOG.info("db = %s" % self.db)

            # Update the reference to ourselves.
            global mech_driver
            mech_driver = self

    def check_segment_for_agent(self, segment, agent):
        LOG.debug("Checking segment %s with agent %s" % (segment, agent))
        if segment[api.NETWORK_TYPE] in ['local', 'flat']:
            return True
                "Calico does not support network type %s, on network %s",
            return False

    def get_allowed_network_types(self, agent=None):
        return ('local', 'flat')

    def get_mappings(self, agent):
        # We override this primarily to satisfy the ABC checker: this method
        # never actually gets called because we also override
        # check_segment_for_agent.
        assert False

    def _port_is_endpoint_port(self, port):
        # Return True if port is a VM port.
        if port['device_owner'].startswith('compute:'):
            return True

        # Otherwise log and return False.
        LOG.debug("Not a VM port: %s" % port)
        return False

    # For network and subnet actions we have nothing to do, so we provide these
    # no-op methods.
    def create_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def update_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def delete_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def create_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def update_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def delete_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    # Idealised method forms.
    def create_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port creation event to the

        Process this event by taking and holding a database transaction and
        re-reading the port. Once we do that, we know the port will remain
        unchanged while we hold the transaction. We can then write the port to
        etcd, along with any other information we may need (security profiles).
        LOG.info('CREATE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s', context)
        port = context._port

        # Immediately halt processing if this is not an endpoint port.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # If the port binding VIF type is 'unbound', this port doesn't actually
        # need to be networked yet. We can simply return immediately.
        if port['binding:vif_type'] == 'unbound':
            LOG.info("Creating unbound port: no work required.")

        with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            # First, regain the current port. This protects against concurrent
            # writes breaking our state.
            port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port['id'])

            # Next, fill out other information we need on the port.
            self.add_port_gateways(port, context._plugin_context)
            port['security_groups'] = self.get_security_groups_for_port(
                context._plugin_context, port

            # Next, we need to work out what security profiles apply to this
            # port and grab information about it.
            profiles = self.get_security_profiles(
                context._plugin_context, port

            # Pass this to the transport layer.
            # Implementation note: we could arguably avoid holding the
            # transaction for this length and instead release it here, then
            # use atomic CAS. The problem there is that we potentially have to
            # repeatedly respin and regain the transaction. Let's not do that
            # for now, and performance test to see if it's a problem later.

            for profile in profiles:

            # Update Neutron that we succeeded.

    def update_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port update event to the

        This is a tricky event, because it can be called in a number of ways
        during VM migration. We farm out to the appropriate method from here.
        LOG.info('UPDATE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s', context)
        port = context._port
        original = context.original

        # Abort early if we're manging non-endpoint ports.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # If this port update is purely for a status change, don't do anything:
        # we don't care about port statuses.
        if port_status_change(port, original):
            LOG.info('Called for port status change, no action.')

        # Now, re-read the port.
        with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port['id'])

            # Now, fork execution based on the type of update we're performing.
            # There are a few:
            # - a port becoming bound (binding vif_type from unbound to bound);
            # - a port becoming unbound (binding vif_type from bound to
            #   unbound);
            # - an Icehouse migration (binding host id changed and port bound);
            # - an update (port bound at all times);
            # - a change to an unbound port (which we don't care about, because
            #   we do nothing with unbound ports).
            if port_bound(port) and not port_bound(original):
                self._port_bound_update(context, port)
            elif port_bound(original) and not port_bound(port):
                self._port_unbound_update(context, original)
            elif original['binding:host_id'] != port['binding:host_id']:
                LOG.info("Icehouse migration")
                self._icehouse_migration_step(context, port, original)
            elif port_bound(original) and port_bound(port):
                LOG.info("Port update")
                self._update_port(context, port)
                LOG.info("Update on unbound port: no action")

    def delete_port_postcommit(self, context):
        Called after Neutron has committed a port deletion event to the

        There's no database row for us to lock on here, so don't bother.
        LOG.info('DELETE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s', context)
        port = context._port

        # Immediately halt processing if this is not an endpoint port.
        if not self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):

        # Pass this to the transport layer.

    def send_sg_updates(self, sgids, context):
        Called whenever security group rules or membership change.

        When a security group rule is added, we need to do the following steps:

        1. Reread the security rules from the Neutron DB.
        2. Write the profile to etcd.
        LOG.info("Updating security group IDs %s", sgids)
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(
                context, filters={'security_group_id': sgids}

            # For each profile, build its object and send it down.
            # TODO: Sending this to etcd could legitimately fail because of a
            # CAS problem. Come back to handle retries.
            profiles = (
                profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules) for sgid in sgids

            for profile in profiles:

    def _port_unbound_update(self, context, port):
        This is called when a port is unbound during a port update. This
        destroys the port in etcd.
        LOG.info("Port becoming unbound: destroy.")

    def _port_bound_update(self, context, port):
        This is called when a port is bound during a port update. This creates
        the port in etcd.

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create one itself.
        # TODO: Can we avoid re-writing the security profile here? Put another
        # way, does the security profile change during migration steps, or does
        # a separate port update event occur?
        LOG.info("Port becoming bound: create.")
        port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port['id'])
        self.add_port_gateways(port, context._plugin_context)
        port['security_groups'] = self.get_security_groups_for_port(
            context._plugin_context, port
        profiles = self.get_security_profiles(
            context._plugin_context, port

        for profile in profiles:

        # Update Neutron that we succeeded.

    def _icehouse_migration_step(self, context, port, original):
        This is called when migrating on Icehouse. Here, we basically just
        perform an unbinding and a binding at exactly the same time, but we
        hold a DB lock the entire time.

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create one itself.
        # TODO: Can we avoid re-writing the security profile here? Put another
        # way, does the security profile change during migration steps, or does
        # a separate port update event occur?
        LOG.info("Migration as implemented in Icehouse")
        self._port_unbound_update(context, original)
        self._port_bound_update(context, port)

    def _update_port(self, context, port):
        Called during port updates that have nothing to do with migration.
        # TODO: There's a lot of redundant code in these methods, with the only
        # key difference being taking out transactions. Come back and shorten
        # these.
        LOG.info("Updating port %s", port)

        # If the binding VIF type is unbound, we consider this port 'disabled',
        # and should attempt to delete it. Otherwise, the port is enabled:
        # re-process it.
        port_disabled = port['binding:vif_type'] == 'unbound'
        if not port_disabled:
            LOG.info("Port enabled, attempting to update.")

            with context._plugin_context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
                port = self.db.get_port(context._plugin_context, port['id'])
                self.add_port_gateways(port, context._plugin_context)
                port['security_groups'] = self.get_security_groups_for_port(
                    context._plugin_context, port
                profiles = self.get_security_profiles(
                    context._plugin_context, port

                for profile in profiles:

                # Update Neutron that we succeeded.
            # Port unbound, attempt to delete.
            LOG.info("Port disabled, attempting delete if needed.")

    def add_port_gateways(self, port, context):
        Determine the gateway IP addresses for a given port's IP addresses, and
        adds them to the port dict.

        This method assumes it's being called from within a database
        transaction and does not take out another one.
        for ip in port['fixed_ips']:
            subnet = self.db.get_subnet(context, ip['subnet_id'])
            ip['gateway'] = subnet['gateway_ip']

    def get_security_profiles(self, context, port):
        Obtain information about the security profile that applies to a given

        This method expects to be called from within a database transaction,
        and does not create its own.

        :returns: A generator of ``SecurityProfile`` objects.
        # For each security group get its rules. Given that we don't need
        # anything else about the security group, we can do this as a single
        # query.
        # CB2: I am concerned that this does not adequately prevent new
        # security group rules being added and racing us in.
        sgids = port['security_groups']
        rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(
            context, filters={'security_group_id': sgids}

        # Now, return a generator that provides profile objects for each
        # profile.
        return (
            profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules) for sgid in sgids

    def periodic_resync_thread(self, expected_epoch):
        This method acts as a the periodic resynchronization logic for the
        Calico mechanism driver.

        On a fixed interval, it spins over the entire database and reconciles
        it with etcd, ensuring that the etcd database and Neutron are in
        synchronization with each other.
            LOG.info("Periodic resync thread started")
            while self._epoch == expected_epoch:
                # Only do the resync logic if we're actually the master node.
                if self.transport.is_master:
                    LOG.info("I am master: doing periodic resync")
                    context = ctx.get_admin_context()

                        # First, resync endpoints.

                        # Second, profiles.

                        # Now, set the config flags.
                    except Exception:
                        LOG.exception("Error in periodic resync thread.")
                    # Reschedule ourselves.
                    # Shorter sleep interval before we check if we've become
                    # the master.  Avoids waiting a whole RESYNC_INTERVAL_SECS
                    # if we just miss the master update.
            # TODO Should we tear down the process.
            LOG.exception("Periodic resync thread died!")
            if self.transport:
                # Stop the transport so that we give up the mastership.
            LOG.warning("Periodic resync thread exiting.")

    def resync_endpoints(self, context):
        Handles periodic resynchronization for endpoints.
        LOG.info("Resyncing endpoints")

        # Work out all the endpoints in etcd. Do this outside a database
        # transaction to try to ensure that anything that gets created is in
        # our Neutron snapshot.
        endpoints = list(self.transport.get_endpoints())
        endpoint_ids = set(ep.id for ep in endpoints)

        # Then, grab all the ports from Neutron. Quickly work out whether
        # a given port is missing from etcd, or if etcd has too many ports.
        # Then, add all missing ports and remove all extra ones.
        # This explicit with statement is technically unnecessary, but it helps
        # keep our transaction scope really clear.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            ports = dict((port['id'], port)
                         for port in self.db.get_ports(context)
                         if self._port_is_endpoint_port(port))

        port_ids = set(ports.keys())
        missing_ports = port_ids - endpoint_ids
        extra_ports = endpoint_ids - port_ids

        # We need to do one more check: are any ports in the wrong place? The
        # way we handle this is to treat this as a port that is both missing
        # and extra, where the old version is extra and the new version is
        # missing.
        for endpoint in endpoints:
                port = ports[endpoint.id]
            except KeyError:
                # Port already in extra_ports.

            if endpoint.host != port['binding:host_id']:
                    "Port %s is incorrectly on %s, should be %s",

        if missing_ports or extra_ports:
            LOG.info("Missing ports: %s", missing_ports)
            LOG.info("Extra ports: %s", extra_ports)

        # First, handle the extra ports. Each of them needs to be atomically
        # deleted.
        eps_to_delete = (e for e in endpoints if e.id in extra_ports)

        for endpoint in eps_to_delete:
            except (ValueError, etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound):
                # If the atomic CAD doesn't successfully delete, that's ok, it
                # means the endpoint was created or updated elsewhere.

        # Next, for each missing port, do a quick port creation. This takes out
        # a db transaction and regains all the ports. Note that this
        # transaction is potentially held for quite a while.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            missing_ports = self.db.get_ports(
                context, filters={'id': missing_ports}

            for port in missing_ports:
                # Fill out other information we need on the port and write to
                # etcd.
                self.add_port_gateways(port, context)
                port['security_groups'] = self.get_security_groups_for_port(
                    context, port

    def resync_profiles(self, context):
        Resynchronize security profiles.
        LOG.info("Resyncing profiles")
        # Work out all the security groups in etcd. Do this outside a database
        # transaction to try to ensure that anything that gets created is in
        # our Neutron snapshot.
        profiles = list(self.transport.get_profiles())
        profile_ids = set(profile.id for profile in profiles)

        # Next, grab all the security groups from Neutron. Quickly work out
        # whether a given group is missing from etcd, or if etcd has too many
        # groups. Then, add all missing groups and remove all extra ones.
        # This explicit with statement is technically unnecessary, but it helps
        # keep our transaction scope really clear.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            sgs = self.db.get_security_groups(context)

        sgids = set(sg['id'] for sg in sgs)
        missing_groups = sgids - profile_ids
        extra_groups = profile_ids - sgids

        if missing_groups or extra_groups:
            LOG.info("Missing groups: %s", missing_groups)
            LOG.info("Extra groups: %s", extra_groups)

        # For each missing profile, do a quick profile creation. This takes out
        # a db transaction and regains all the rules. Note that this
        # transaction is potentially held for quite a while.
        with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
            rules = self.db.get_security_group_rules(
                context, filters={'security_group_id': missing_groups}

            profiles_to_write = (
                profile_from_neutron_rules(sgid, rules)
                for sgid in missing_groups

            for profile in profiles_to_write:

        # Next, handle the extra profiles. Each of them needs to be atomically
        # deleted.
        profiles_to_delete = (p for p in profiles if p.id in extra_groups)

        for profile in profiles_to_delete:
            except (ValueError, etcd.EtcdKeyNotFound):
                # If the atomic CAD doesn't successfully delete, that's ok, it
                # means the profile was created or updated elsewhere.

    def add_port_interface_name(self, port):
        port['interface_name'] = 'tap' + port['id'][:11]

    def felix_status(self, hostname, up, start_flag):
        # Get a DB context for this processing.
        db_context = ctx.get_admin_context()

        if up:
            agent_state = {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_FELIX,
                           'binary': '',
                           'host': hostname,
                           'topic': constants.L2_AGENT_TOPIC}
            if start_flag:
                agent_state['start_flag'] = True
            self.db.create_or_update_agent(db_context, agent_state)

    def get_security_groups_for_port(self, context, port):
        Checks which security groups apply for a given port.

        Frustratingly, the port dict provided to us when we call get_port may
        actually be out of date, and I don't know why. This change ensures that
        we get the most recent information.
        filters = {'port_id': [port['id']]}
        bindings = self.db._get_port_security_group_bindings(
            context, filters=filters
        return [binding['security_group_id'] for binding in bindings]
Exemple #6
class CalicoMechanismDriver(mech_agent.SimpleAgentMechanismDriverBase):
    """Neutron/ML2 mechanism driver for Project Calico.

    CalicoMechanismDriver communicates information about endpoints and security
    configuration, over the Endpoint and Network APIs respectively, to the
    other components of the Calico architecture; namely to the Felix instances
    running on each compute host.

    def __init__(self):
        super(CalicoMechanismDriver, self).__init__(
            {'port_filter': True})

        # Initialize fields for the database object and context.  We will
        # initialize these properly when we first need them.
        self.db = None

        # Use Etcd-based transport.
        self.transport = CalicoTransportEtcd(self, LOG)

    def initialize(self):

    def _get_db(self):
        if not self.db:
            self.db = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
            LOG.info("db = %s" % self.db)

            # Installer a notifier proxy in order to catch security group
            # changes, if we haven't already.
            if self.db.notifier.__class__ != CalicoNotifierProxy:
                self.db.notifier = CalicoNotifierProxy(self.db.notifier, self)
                # In case the notifier proxy already exists but the current
                # CalicoMechanismDriver instance has changed, ensure that the
                # notifier proxy will delegate to the current
                # CalicoMechanismDriver instance.
                self.db.notifier.calico_driver = self

    def check_segment_for_agent(self, segment, agent):
        LOG.debug("Checking segment %s with agent %s" % (segment, agent))
        if segment[api.NETWORK_TYPE] in ['local', 'flat']:
            return True
            return False

    def _port_is_endpoint_port(self, port):
        # Return True if port is a VM port.
        if port['device_owner'].startswith('compute:'):
            return True

        # Otherwise log and return False.
        LOG.debug("Not a VM port: %s" % port)
        return False

    def create_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def update_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def delete_network_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_NETWORK_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def create_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def update_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def delete_subnet_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_SUBNET_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)

    def add_port_gateways(self, port, context):
        assert self.db
        for ip in port['fixed_ips']:
            subnet = self.db.get_subnet(context, ip['subnet_id'])
            ip['gateway'] = subnet['gateway_ip']

    def add_port_interface_name(self, port):
        port['interface_name'] = 'tap' + port['id'][:11]

    def create_port_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("CREATE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)
        port = context._port
        if self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):
            LOG.info("Created port: %s" % port)
            self.add_port_gateways(port, context._plugin_context)

    def update_port_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("UPDATE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)
        port = context._port
        original = context.original
        if self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):
            LOG.info("Updated port: %s" % port)
            LOG.info("Original: %s" % original)

            if port['binding:vif_type'] == 'unbound':
                # This indicates part 1 of a port being migrated: the port
                # being unbound from its old location.  The old compute host is
                # available from context.original.  We should send an
                # ENDPOINTDESTROYED to the old compute host.
                # Ref: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/
                # 2014-February/027571.html
                LOG.info("Migration part 1")
                self.add_port_gateways(original, context._plugin_context)
            elif original['binding:vif_type'] == 'unbound':
                # This indicates part 2 of a port being migrated: the port
                # being bound to its new location.  We should send an
                # ENDPOINTCREATED to the new compute host.
                # Ref: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/
                # 2014-February/027571.html
                LOG.info("Migration part 2")
                self.add_port_gateways(port, context._plugin_context)
            elif original['binding:host_id'] != port['binding:host_id']:
                # Migration as implemented in Icehouse.
                LOG.info("Migration as implemented in Icehouse")
                self.add_port_gateways(original, context._plugin_context)
                self.add_port_gateways(port, context._plugin_context)
                # This is a non-migration-related update.
                self.add_port_gateways(port, context._plugin_context)

    def delete_port_postcommit(self, context):
        LOG.info("DELETE_PORT_POSTCOMMIT: %s" % context)
        port = context._port
        if self._port_is_endpoint_port(port):
            LOG.info("Deleted port: %s" % port)

    def send_sg_updates(self, sgids, db_context):
        for sgid in sgids:
            sg = self.db.get_security_group(db_context, sgid)
            sg['members'] = self._get_members(sg, db_context)

    def get_endpoints(self):
        """Return the current set of endpoints.
        # Set up access to the Neutron database, if we haven't already.

        # Get a DB context for this query.
        db_context = ctx.get_admin_context()

        # Get current endpoint ports.
        ports = [port for port in self.db.get_ports(db_context)
                 if self._port_is_endpoint_port(port)]

        # Add IP gateways and interface names.
        for port in ports:
            self.add_port_gateways(port, db_context)

        # Return those (augmented) ports.
        return ports

    def get_security_groups(self):
        """Return the current set of security groups.
        # Set up access to the Neutron database, if we haven't already.

        # Get a DB context for this query.
        db_context = ctx.get_admin_context()

        # Get current SGs.
        sgs = self.db.get_security_groups(db_context)

        # Add, to each SG, a dict whose keys are the endpoints configured to
        # use that SG, and whose values are the corresponding IP addresses.
        for sg in sgs:
            sg['members'] = self._get_members(sg, db_context)

        # Return those (augmented) security groups.
        return sgs

    def _get_members(self, sg, db_context):
        filters = {'security_group_id': [sg['id']]}
        bindings = self.db._get_port_security_group_bindings(db_context,
        endpoints = {}
        for binding in bindings:
            port_id = binding['port_id']
            port = self.db.get_port(db_context, port_id)
            endpoints[port_id] = [ip['ip_address'] for ip in port['fixed_ips']]

        LOG.info("Endpoints for SG %s are %s" % (sg['id'], endpoints))
        return endpoints

    def felix_status(self, hostname, up, start_flag):
        # Get a DB context for this processing.
        db_context = ctx.get_admin_context()

        if up:
            agent_state = {'agent_type': AGENT_TYPE_FELIX,
                           'binary': '',
                           'host': hostname,
                           'topic': constants.L2_AGENT_TOPIC}
            if start_flag:
                agent_state['start_flag'] = True
            self.db.create_or_update_agent(db_context, agent_state)