def find_star(infile, pos=pos0, find_size2d=size2d): ## Mod on 24/02/2017 to handle CRs (quick fix) ## Mod on 01/04/2017 to handle CRs and bad pixels using cosmicrays_lacosmic ## Mod on 04/04/2017 to pass pos and find_size2d keywords im0, hdr0 = fits.getdata(infile, header=True) # + on 01/04/2017 im0_clean = cosmicray_lacosmic(im0, sigclip=10) # Mod on 04/04/2017 # find_size2d = size2d #u.Quantity((25, 770), u.pixel) cutout = Cutout2D(im0_clean[0], pos, find_size2d, mode='partial', fill_value=np.nan) cutout = peak = np.where(cutout == np.max(cutout)) ycen, xcen = peak[0][0], peak[1][0] # print xcen, ycen xcen += pos[0] - find_size2d[1].value / 2.0 ycen += pos[1] - find_size2d[0].value / 2.0 # print xcen, ycen return xcen, ycen
def cosmic_ray_corr(textlist_files, prefix_str='c'): """ Gain correction and Cosmic ray correction using LA Cosmic method. Args: textlist_files : A python list object with paths/names to the individual files. prefix_str : String appended to the name of newly created file Returns: None """ for filename in textlist_files: file_corr =, unit=u.adu) file_corr = ccdp.gain_correct(file_corr, gain=GAIN) new_ccd = ccdp.cosmicray_lacosmic(file_corr, readnoise=READ_NOISE, sigclip=7, satlevel=SATURATION, niter=4, gain_apply=False, verbose=True) new_ccd.meta['crcorr'] = True ='float32') new_ccd.write(prefix_str + filename, hdu_mask=None, hdu_uncertainty=None)
def __init__( self, ybounds=(425, 510), root_dir=None, inpaint_bad_pixels=False, inpaint_cosmic_rays=False, ): super().__init__() if root_dir is None: root_dir = "/home/gully/GitHub/ynot/test/data/2012-11-27/" self.root_dir = root_dir self.nirspec_collection = self.create_nirspec_collection() # self.unique_objects = self.get_unique_objects() # self.label_nirspec_nods() nodA_path = self.root_dir + "/NS.20121127.49332.fits" nodA_data =[0].data.astype(np.float64) nodA = torch.tensor(nodA_data) nodB_path = self.root_dir + "/NS.20121127.50726.fits" nodB_data =[0].data.astype(np.float64) nodB = torch.tensor(nodB_data) # Read in the Bad Pixel mask self.bpm = self.load_bad_pixel_mask() data_full = torch.stack([nodA, nodB]) # Creates NxHxW tensor # Inpaint bad pixels. In the future we will simply neglect these pixels if inpaint_bad_pixels: data_full = self.inpaint_bad_pixels(data_full) self.n_images = len(data_full[:, 0, 0]) self.gain = 5.8 # e/ADU, per NIRSPEC documentation if inpaint_cosmic_rays: for ii in range(self.n_images): nod_ccd = CCDData(data_full[ii].numpy(), unit="adu") out = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic( nod_ccd, readnoise=23.0, gain=self.gain, verbose=False, satlevel=1.0e7, sigclip=7.0, sepmed=False, cleantype="medmask", fsmode="median", ) data_full[ii] = torch.tensor( else: data_full = data_full * self.gain data = data_full[:, ybounds[0]:ybounds[1], :] data = data.permute(0, 2, 1) self.pixels = data self.index = torch.tensor([0, 1])
def cleanCosmic(ccd, mbox=15, rbox=15, gbox=11, sigclip=5, cleantype="medmask", cosmic_method='lacosmic'): ctype = cosmic_method.lower().strip() ctypes = ['lacosmic', 'median'] if not ctype in ctypes: print ('>>> Cosmic ray type "%s" NOT available [%s]' % (ctype, ' | '.join(ctypes))) return if ctype == 'lacosmic': ccd = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, sigclip=sigclip, cleantype=cleantype) elif ctype == 'median': ccd = ccdproc.cosmicray_median(ccd, mbox=mbox, rbox=rbox, gbox=gbox) if isinstance(ccd, CCDData): ccd.header['COSMIC'] = ctype.upper() return ccd
def crrej_LA(ccd, dtype='float32', output=None, nomask=False, output_verify='fix', overwrite=False, **kwargs): ''' Does the cosmic-ray rejection using default L.A.Cosmic algorithm. Parameters ---------- ccd: CCDData, ndarray The ccd to be cosmic-ray removed. If ndarray, changed to CCDData by ``ccd = CCDData(ccd)``. dtype: dtype-like The dtype of the output ccd (CCDData's data) output: path-like The path to save the rejected ccd. nomask: bool If ``False`` (default), the returned and saved ``CCDData`` will contain the mask extension (extension 1 with name MASK). If ``True``, the mask will be set as ``None`` after the cosmic-ray rejection. Can be turned on when the mask is unimportant and the disk storage is running out. kwargs: The kwargs for the cosmic-ray rejection. By default, ``sigclip=4.5``, ``sigfrac=0.3``, ``objlim=5.0``, ``gain=1.0``, ``readnoise=6.5``, ``satlevel=65535.0``, ``pssl=0.0``, ``niter=4``, ``sepmed=True``, ``cleantype='meanmask'``, ``fsmode='median'``, ``psfmodel='gauss'``, ``psffwhm=2.5``, ``psfsize=7``, ``psfk=None``, ``psfbeta=4.765``, ``verbose=False`` ''' if not isinstance(ccd, CCDData): warnings.warn("ccd is not CCDData. Convert using ccd = CCDData(ccd)") ccd = CCDData(ccd) nccd = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, **kwargs) nccd = fu.CCDData_astype(nccd, dtype=dtype) if nomask: nccd.mask = None if output is not None: nccd.write(output, output_verify=output_verify, overwrite=overwrite) return nccd
def align_combine_images(list_files, fitsfile, ref_image_fits=None, precision=100, dout=None, hexp='EXPTIME', force=False, minmax_clip=False, minmax_clip_min=0.0, sigma_clip=True, date=None, clip_extrema=False,, sigclip=5, cosmic=False, mbox=15, rbox=15, gbox=11, cleantype="medmask", cosmic_method='lacosmic', sky=False, dict_sky={}, dict_combine={}, suffix=None, hfilter='FILTER', key_file='file', hobj='OBJECT', ext=0, method='median', align=True, **kwargs): if ref_image_fits is None: tobj = getTimeTable(list_files, key_time=hexp, key_file=key_file, ext=ext, abspath=True, mask=-1, sort=True, clean=True) ref_image_fits, list_files = tobj[key_file][-1], tobj[key_file][:-1].data.tolist() ref_image = ref_image = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ref_image, sigclip=sigclip) lccd = [ref_image] lexp = [ref_image.header[hexp]] all_images = [os.path.basename(ref_image_fits)] for img in list_files: image = fits2CCDData(img, single=True) image_suffix = suffix if suffix is not None else img.split('.')[-1] if 'REFIMA' in image.header and 'IMAGES' in image.header and not force: continue if cosmic: image = cleanCosmic(image, mbox=mbox, rbox=rbox, gbox=gbox, sigclip=sigclip, cleantype=cleantype, cosmic_method=cosmic_method) if align: offset_image = shiftImage(image, ref_image, precision=precision, **kwargs) img_shifted = '%s_shift.%s' % (img.split('.fit')[0], image_suffix) all_images.append(os.path.basename(img_shifted)) img_shifted = join_path(img_shifted, dout) offset_image.write(img_shifted, clobber=True) lccd.append(offset_image) else: all_images.append(os.path.basename(img)) lccd.append(image) lexp.append(image.header[hexp]) #iraf.unlearn("imshift") #iraf.imshift.interp_type = "spline3" #iraf.imshift(img, img, shift[1], shift[0]) # Combine images lexp = np.array(lexp) scale_func = None # 1. / lexp combine = ccdproc.combine(lccd, method=method, scale=scale_func, minmax_clip=minmax_clip, func=func, minmax_clip_min=minmax_clip_min, sigma_clip=sigma_clip, clip_extrema=clip_extrema, **dict_combine) if sky: combine = subtract_sky_ccd(combine, **dict_sky) combine.header['IMAGES'] = str(' | '.join(all_images)) combine.header['REFIMA'] = os.path.basename(ref_image_fits) combine.header['IMGSEXP'] = ' | '.join(map(str,lexp[1:].tolist() + [lexp[0]])) combine.header['CMETHOD'] = method dir_out = os.path.dirname(ref_image_fits) if dout is None else dout fitsfile = join_path(fitsfile, dir_out) combine.header['FILENAME'] = os.path.basename(fitsfile) combine.header['CCDVER'] = VERSION combine.write(fitsfile, clobber=True)
def find_gnirs_window_mean(infile, mylogger=None): # + on 04/04/2017 # Using a mean approach to get the GNIRS window ''' Modified by Chun Ly, 9 January 2018 - Implement glog logging, allow mylogger keyword Modified by Chun Ly, 22 March 2018 - Bug fix : mylog -> clog ''' # + on 09/01/2018 if type(mylogger) == type(None): mylog, clog = 0, log else: mylog, clog = 1, mylogger'## Reading : ' + infile) # Mod on 09/01/2018 im0 = fits.getdata(infile) hdr0 = fits.getheader(infile, ext=0) im0_clean = cosmicray_lacosmic(im0, sigclip=10) im0_clean = im0_clean[0] im0_mask = mask_bad_pixels(im0_clean) mean_y = np.nanmean(im0_mask, axis=1) mean_x = np.nanmean(im0_mask, axis=0) i_y = np.where(mean_y > 0)[0] i_x = np.where(mean_x > 0)[0] # + on 05/04/2017 i_y_grp = group_index(i_y, find_max=True) i_x_grp = group_index(i_x, find_max=True) # + on 01/04/2017, Mod on 05/04/2017 y_min, y_max = np.min(i_y_grp), np.max(i_y_grp) x_min, x_max = np.min(i_x_grp), np.max(i_x_grp) x_cen, y_cen = (x_max + x_min) / 2.0, ( y_max + y_min) / 2.0 # Later mod on 04/04/2017 #x_cen, y_cen = np.average(i_x), np.average(i_y) # + on 01/04/2017 info0 = 'x_min=%i, x_max=%i, y_min=%i, y_max=%i ' % \ (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) info0 += 'x_cen=%.2f, y_cen=%.2f' % (x_cen, y_cen) # Mod on 09/01/2018 return x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, x_cen, y_cen
def find_gnirs_window(infile): # + on 30/03/2017 # Mod on 01/04/2017 to figure out way to find GNIRS window ''' Modified by Chun Ly, 9 January 2018 - Implement glog logging, allow mylogger keyword Modified by Chun Ly, 22 March 2018 - Bug fix : mylog -> clog ''' # + on 09/01/2018 if type(mylogger) == type(None): mylog, clog = 0, log else: mylog, clog = 1, mylogger # Mod on 01/04/2017'## Reading : ' + infile) # Mod on 09/01/2018 im0 = fits.getdata(infile) hdr0 = fits.getheader(infile, ext=0) # Mod on 01/04/2017 im0_clean = cosmicray_lacosmic(im0, sigclip=10) im0_clean = im0_clean[0] im0_mask = mask_bad_pixels(im0_clean) # + on 01/04/2017 if hdr0['NDAVGS'] == 1: v_min = 10 if hdr0['NDAVGS'] == 16: v_min = 100 i_y, i_x = np.where((im0_mask > v_min) & np.isfinite(im0_mask)) # print len(i_y) med0 = np.median(im0_mask[i_y, i_x]) # + on 01/04/2017 y_min, y_max = np.min(i_y), np.max(i_y) x_min, x_max = np.min(i_x), np.max(i_x) x_cen, y_cen = np.average(i_x), np.average(i_y) # + on 01/04/2017 info0 = '## med0=%.2f, x_min=%i, x_max=%i, y_min=%i, y_max=%i ' % \ (med0, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) info0 += 'x_cen=%.2f, y_cen=%.2f' % (x_cen, y_cen) # Mod on 09/01/2018 return med0, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, x_cen, y_cen
def zapcosmic(file_list): i=0 nfiles = len(file_list) for f in file_list: print ('ZAPPING COSMIC RAYS FOR FILE %i OF %i'%(i,nfiles)) with as hdu1: print ('working on ',f) # convert data to CCDData format and save header ccd = CCDData(hdu1[0].data, unit=u.adu) header = hdu1[0].header crimage = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, gain = float(gain.value), readnoise = float(rdnoise.value)) header['HISTORY'] = '= Cosmic rays rejected using ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic ' fits.writeto('z'+f,crimage,header) hdu1.close() i += 1 print ('\n')
def cosmic_ray(hdul): num_amps = len(hdul) if num_amps > 1 and hdul[0].data is None: num_amps -= 1 gains = find_gain(hdul[0].header, num_amps) rdnoises = find_rdnoise(hdul[0].header, num_amps) kwargs = {'sigclip': 4.5, 'objlim': 6, 'gain': 2., 'readnoise': 6., 'sepmed': True, 'cleantype': "idw", "verbose": True} amp_count = 0 for i in range(len(hdul)): if hdul[i].data is None: continue data = hdul[i].data kwargs['gain'] = gains[amp_count] kwargs['readnoise'] = rdnoises[amp_count] newdata, mask = cosmicray_lacosmic(data, **kwargs) hdul[i].data = newdata / gains[amp_count] amp_count += 1 hdul[0].header.add_history('LaPlacian Cosmic Ray removal algorithm applied') return hdul
def reduce_object(name, channel, file_list, flat_fn, trim, clean_cosmic_rays, logfile, outpath, bias_fn=None): extra_files = [] for num, fn in enumerate(file_list): fn = path.join(datapath, fn) if bias_fn is not None: cmd = ' -f {}'.format(fn) run_cmd(cmd, logfile) fn = fn[:-5] + '_ot.fits' newfn = fn[:-5] + 'B.fits' cmd = ' -f {} {} {}'.format(fn, bias_fn, newfn) run_cmd(cmd, logfile) fn = newfn extra_files.append(newfn) cmd = ' -bf {} {}'.format(fn, flat_fn) run_cmd(cmd, logfile) newfn = fn[:-5] + 'f.fits' ccd = trim_image(newfn, trim, logfile) else: cmd = ' -bf {} {}'.format(fn, flat_fn) run_cmd(cmd, logfile) newfn = fn[:-5] + '_otf.fits' ccd = trim_image(newfn, trim, logfile) if clean_cosmic_rays: print('cleaning cosmic rays') ccd = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd) extra_files.append(newfn) newfn = path.join(datapath, '{}-{}-{}.fits'.format(name, channel, num + 1)) print('lacosmic algo: file name --> ' + newfn, file=logfile) ccd.write(newfn, overwrite=True) call('mv ' + newfn + ' ' + outpath, shell=True) return extra_files
def get_slit_trace(infile): #, xmin, xmax): # Mod on 04/04/2017, aesthetics, fix bug # Mod on 04/04/2017, handle CRs affecting trace # Mod on 06/04/2017. Slit trace can be lost in median. Using average im0, hdr0 = fits.getdata(infile, header=True) # + on 04/04/2017 im0_clean = cosmicray_lacosmic(im0, sigclip=10) im0_clean = im0_clean[0] # Bug: Mod on 06/04/2017 y_avg0 = np.average(im0_clean, axis=1) # Mod on 04/04/2017 cen0 = (np.where(y_avg0 == np.max(y_avg0))[0])[0] dy = 20 # + on 04/04/2017 im0_crop = im0_clean[cen0 - dy:cen0 + dy, :] # Mod on 04/04/2017 y_idx, x_idx = np.where(im0_crop >= 0.25 * np.max(im0_crop)) xmin, xmax = np.min(x_idx), np.max(x_idx) dx = 2 x0 = np.arange(xmin, xmax, dx) y0_lo = np.zeros(len(x0)) y0_hi = np.zeros(len(x0)) for xx in xrange(len(x0)): im0_crop = im0_clean[cen0 - dy:cen0 + dy, x0[xx]:x0[xx] + dx] # Mod on 04/04/2017 y_med = np.median(im0_crop, axis=1) edge_idx = np.where(y_med >= 0.1 * np.max(y_med))[0] if len(edge_idx) > 2: y0_lo[xx] = cen0 - dy + edge_idx[0] y0_hi[xx] = cen0 - dy + edge_idx[-1] else: y0_lo[xx] = np.nan y0_hi[xx] = np.nan return x0 + dx / 2.0, y0_lo, y0_hi
def crrej(self,im,crbox=None,nsig=5,display=None) : """ CR rejection """ if crbox is None: return im if type(im) is not list : ims=[im] else : ims = im out=[] for i,im in enumerate(ims) : if display is not None : if crbox == 'lacosmic': if self.verbose : print(' zapping CRs with ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic') im= ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(im) else : if self.verbose : print(' zapping CRs with filter [{:d},{:d}]...'.format(*crbox)) image.zap(im,crbox,nsig=nsig) if display is not None : input(" See CR-zapped image and original with - key. Hit any key to continue") out.append(im) if len(out) == 1 : return out[0] else : return out
warr = np.arange(warr.min(), warr.max(), dw) for i in range(data.shape[0]): data[i, :] = np.interp(warr, wmap[i, :], data[i, :]) hdu[0].data = data hdu[0].header['CTYPE1'] = 'LAMBDA' hdu[0].header['CTYPE2'] = 'PIXEL' hdu[0].header['CD1_1'] = dw hdu[0].header['CD2_1'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CD1_2'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CD2_2'] = 1.0 hdu[0].header['CRPIX1'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CRPIX2'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CRVAL1'] = warr.min() hdu[0].header['CRVAL2'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CDELT1'] = 1.0 hdu[0].header['CDELT2'] = 1.0 hdu[0].header['DC-FLAG'] = 0 return hdu if __name__ == '__main__': #filename=sys.argv[1] import glob import ccdproc for filename in glob.glob('w_r*fit'): hdu = hdu[0].data, crmask = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(hdu[0].data) hdu = rectify(hdu) hdu.writeto(filename.replace('w_', 't_'), clobber=True)
def clean_the_images(path, filename): #ast=AstrometryNet() #ast.api_key= 'iqmqwvazpvolmjmn' dir = path gain = 2 * u.electron / u.adu readnoise = 7.5 * u.electron ra = input('Enter the RA of the source: ') dec = input('Enter the DEC of the source: ') ''' wcs_header=ast.solve_from_image(path+filename) wcs=WCS(wcs_header) ran,decn=wcs.all_pix2world(1024,1024,0) print(ran,decn) ''' file_name = os.path.join(dir, filename) image =, unit='adu') header = fits.getheader(file_name, 0) time = header['DATE'] t = Time(time, format='isot', scale='utc') print(t.jd, t.mjd) header.insert(15, ('RA', ra)) header.insert(16, ('DEC', dec)) a = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir, 'bias*.fits'))) biaslist = [] for i in range(0, len(a)): data =[i], unit='adu') #data = ccdproc.create_deviation(data, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise) #data= data-(data.uncertainty.array) biaslist.append(data) combiner = ccdproc.Combiner(biaslist) masterbias = combiner.median_combine() masterbias.write('', overwrite=True) mbias ='', unit='adu') #masterbias.meta=image.meta print('master bias generated') print(np.mean(masterbias), np.median(masterbias)) c = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir, 'flat*.fits'))) flatlist = [] for j in range(0, len(c)): flat =[j], unit='adu') #flat= ccdproc.create_deviation(flat, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise) flat = ccdproc.subtract_bias(flat, masterbias) flatlist.append(flat) combiner = ccdproc.Combiner(flatlist) masterflat = combiner.median_combine() masterflat.write('masterflat.fits', overwrite=True) mflat ='masterflat.fits', unit='adu') print('master flat generated') print(np.mean(masterflat), np.median(masterflat)) #masterflat.meta=image.meta bias_subtracted = ccdproc.subtract_bias(image, masterbias) flat_corrected = ccdproc.flat_correct(bias_subtracted, masterflat) cr_cleaned = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(flat_corrected, readnoise=7.5, sigclip=5) print('cosmic ray removed') fits.writeto(dir + 'j_0947_i_1_clean.fits', cr_cleaned, header, overwrite=True) print('image cleaned')
def run_astroscrappy(image_old, syntax): ''' Function to call a instance of astroscrappy by Curtis McCully link: ''' try: import time import logging import astroscrappy from threading import Thread from numpy import sum as np_sum # from numpy import inf as np_inf logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Detecting/removing cosmic ray sources') if syntax['use_astroscrappy']: # is the program taking a while taking_while = False # output list clean_image_lst = [] print('Starting Astroscrappy ... ', end='') # wrapper to move output to list def wrapper(func, args, res): res.append(func(*args)) # setup astroscrappy but don't call def prep_astroscrappy(): return astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=syntax['gain'], satlevel=65535.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False, ) cray_remove_thread = Thread(target=wrapper, args=(prep_astroscrappy, (), clean_image_lst)) # start time of astrcoscappry cray_time = time.time() # start thread cray_remove_thread.start() print('working ... ', end='') # while astroscrapy is working keep alive with while loop while cray_remove_thread.isAlive(): # if it takes along time- print something to show it's not hung if time.time() - cray_time > 15 and not taking_while: print('this may take some time ... ', end='') taking_while = True end_time = time.time() - cray_time print('done') clean_image = clean_image_lst[0][1] CR_mask = clean_image_lst[0][0] elif syntax['use_lacosmic']: from ccdproc import cosmicray_lacosmic cray_time = time.time() clean_image, CR_mask = cosmicray_lacosmic(, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=syntax['gain'], satlevel=65535.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False) end_time = time.time() - cray_time print('Exposure time: %ds :: Cosmic Ray Detections: %d' % (syntax['exp_time'], np_sum(CR_mask))) syntax['CR_detections'] = np_sum(CR_mask) syntax['CR_time_taken'] = end_time return clean_image, syntax except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return image_old
def process_raw_frame(self, master_bias, master_flat, pixel_mask_spec=None): """ Bias and flat-correct a raw CCD frame. Trim off the overscan region. Identify cosmic rays using "lacosmic" and inflat uncertainties where CR's are found. If specified, mask out nearby sources by setting pixel uncertainty to infinity (or inverse-variance to 0). Returns ------- nccd : `ccdproc.CCDData` A copy of the original ``CCDData`` object but after the above procedures have been run. """ oscan_fits_section = "[{}:{},:]".format(self.oscan_idx, self.oscan_idx+self.oscan_size) # make a copy of the object nccd = self.ccd.copy() # apply the overscan correction poly_model = Polynomial1D(2) nccd = ccdproc.subtract_overscan(nccd, fits_section=oscan_fits_section, model=poly_model) # trim the image (remove overscan region) nccd = ccdproc.trim_image(nccd, fits_section='[1:{},:]'.format(self.oscan_idx)) # create the error frame nccd = ccdproc.create_deviation(nccd, gain=self.ccd_gain, readnoise=self.ccd_readnoise) # now correct for the ccd gain nccd = ccdproc.gain_correct(nccd, gain=self.ccd_gain) # correct for master bias frame # - this does some crazy shit at the blue end, but we can live with it nccd = ccdproc.subtract_bias(nccd, master_bias) # correct for master flat frame nccd = ccdproc.flat_correct(nccd, master_flat) # comsic ray cleaning - this updates the uncertainty array as well nccd = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(nccd, sigclip=8.) # replace ccd with processed ccd self.ccd = nccd # check for a pixel mask if pixel_mask_spec is not None: mask = self.make_nearby_source_mask(pixel_mask_spec) logger.debug("\t\tSource mask loaded.") stddev = nccd.uncertainty.array stddev[mask] = np.inf nccd.uncertainty = StdDevUncertainty(stddev) if self.plot_path is not None: # TODO: this assumes vertical CCD aspect_ratio = nccd.shape[1]/nccd.shape[0] fig,axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10,2 * 12*aspect_ratio), sharex=True, sharey=True) vmin,vmax = self.zscaler.get_limits( axes[0].imshow(, origin='bottom', cmap=self.cmap, vmin=max(0,vmin), vmax=vmax) stddev = nccd.uncertainty.array vmin,vmax = self.zscaler.get_limits(stddev[np.isfinite(stddev)]) axes[1].imshow(stddev.T, origin='bottom', cmap=self.cmap, vmin=max(0,vmin), vmax=vmax) axes[0].set_title('Object: {0}, flux'.format(self._obj_name)) axes[1].set_title('root-variance'.format(self._obj_name)) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(path.join(self.plot_path, '{}_frame.png'.format(self._filename_base))) plt.close(fig) return nccd
from import get_pkg_data_filename from import fits # getting the input image file and data. image_sci = get_pkg_data_filename( '/media/sf_VB_shared_files/archiveunziped/cosmic_ray_rejection/finalscience1.fits' ) image_sci, header = fits.getdata(image_sci, header=True, ext=0, cobbler=True) # print(image_sci) # Getting the deviation, gain value for the image. the input gain in line 16 is used if the units of image is different from the read out noise. # gain and read out noise depends on the detector. So enter the appropriate value. data = CCDData(image_sci, unit='adu') # data_with_deviation = ccdproc.create_deviation(data, gain=2.6 * u.electron/u.adu, readnoise= 15* u.electron) # gain_corrected = ccdproc.gain_correct(data_with_deviation, 2.6*u.electron/u.adu) # cleaning the image and removing the cosmic ray using lacosmic cr_cleaned = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(data, sigclip=5) # saving the output fits image. fits.writeto( '/media/sf_VB_shared_files/archiveunziped/ipopfiles/finalop/cosrayfinalsciopla_sigclip5.fits', np.array(cr_cleaned), header, checksum=True) # hooray!! end of code!! :)
def cosmic(data, sigclip=5): newdata, mask = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(data, sigclip) return newdata, mask
def clean_the_images(path,filename): ''' This module is meant for cleaning the images. The tasks to be included are: bias correction, flat correction, trimming, overscan as well as the cosmic ray removal from the science cases. (For the time we are skipping the overscan and trimming part. INPUT: path: The directory where the images are kept (string) filename: The first few characters and the extension of the images (string). Example: j0946*fits, HD1104*fits etc. OUTPUT: cleaned images in the new directory: path/cleaned ''' dir = path gain = 2 * u.electron / u.adu # gain and readout noise are properties of the CCD and will change for different CCDs. readnoise = 7.5 * u.electron ra=input('Enter the RA of the source: ') dec=input('Enter the DEC of the source: ') bias_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir,'bias*.fits'))) biaslist = [] for i in range (0,len(bias_files)): data=[i],unit='adu') #data = ccdproc.create_deviation(data, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise) #data= data-(data.uncertainty.array) biaslist.append(data) masterbias = ccdproc.combine(biaslist,method='average',sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5,, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) masterbias.write('masterbias.fits', overwrite=True)'masterbias.fits',unit='adu') print('Master bias generated') print(" Mean and median of the masterbias: ",np.mean(masterbias), np.median(masterbias)) flat_files=sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir,'flat*.fits'))) flatlist = [] for j in range(0,len(flat_files)):[j],unit='adu') flat_bias_removed=ccdproc.subtract_bias(flat,masterbias) flatlist.append(flat_bias_removed) def inv_median(a): return 1 / np.median(a) masterflat = ccdproc.combine(flatlist,method='median', scale=inv_median, sigma_clip=True, sigma_clip_low_thresh=5, sigma_clip_high_thresh=5,, sigma_clip_dev_func=mad_std) masterflat.write('masterflat.fits', overwrite=True)'masterflat.fits',unit='adu') print('Master flat generated') print(" Mean and median of the masterflat: ",np.mean(masterflat), np.median(masterflat)) file_names = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir,filename))) for i in range(0,len(file_names)):[i],unit='adu') header=fits.getheader(file_names[i],0) bias_subtracted = ccdproc.subtract_bias(image, masterbias) flat_corrected = ccdproc.flat_correct(bias_subtracted, masterflat) cr_cleaned = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(flat_corrected,readnoise=7.5, sigclip=5,satlevel=65535,niter=20,cleantype='meanmask',gain_apply=True) #print('Cosmic rays removed') clean_file=file_names[i].replace('.fits','') fits.writeto(clean_file+'_cleaned.fits',cr_cleaned,header,overwrite=True) print('Image no-%i has been cleaned'%i)
def fitbg3(data, order_mask, readnoise=11, sigclip=[4, 2, 3], isplots=0): """ Fit sky background with out-of-spectra data. Optimized to remove the 1/f noise in the NIRISS spectra (works in the y-direction). Parameters ---------- isplots : bool, optional Plots intermediate steps for the background fitting routine. Default is False. Returns ------- data : object data object now contains new attribute `bkg_removed`. """ # Removes cosmic rays # Loops through niters cycles to make sure all pesky # cosmic rays are trashed rm_crs = np.zeros( bkg_subbed = np.zeros( for i in tqdm(range(len( ccd = CCDData(([i]) * units.electron) mask = np.zeros([i].shape) for n in range(len(sigclip)): m1 = ccdp.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, readnoise=readnoise, sigclip=sigclip[n]) ccd = CCDData( * units.electron) mask[m1.mask == True] += 1 rm_crs[i] = rm_crs[i][mask >= 1] = np.nan rm_crs[i] = clipping.gauss_removal( rm_crs[i], ~order_mask, linspace=[-200, 200]) # removal from background rm_crs[i] = clipping.gauss_removal(rm_crs[i], order_mask, linspace=[-10, 10], where='order') # removal from order b1 = bkg_sub(rm_crs[i], order_mask, bkg_estimator='median', sigma=4, box=(10, 5), filter_size=(2, 2)) b2 = bkg_sub(rm_crs[i] - b1, order_mask, sigma=3, bkg_estimator='median') bkg_subbed[i] = (rm_crs[i] - b1) - b2 data.bkg_removed = bkg_subbed return data
def flatfield_correction(target_dir, ic, config, logger): import os import numpy as np import scipy.ndimage as nd from ccdproc import CCDData, combine, cosmicray_lacosmic, flat_correct logger.debug('Flat fields.') i = ((ic.summary['imagetyp'] == 'object') + (ic.summary['imagetyp'] == 'flat')) filters = np.unique(ic.summary['filter'][i] flats = dict() for filt in filters: flats[filt] = 1 for flat_key, flat_name in config.flats.items(): fn = '{}-{}.fits'.format(flat_key, filt) fn = os.sep.join((target_dir, fn)) if os.path.exists(fn) and not config.reprocess_all:'Reading {}.'.format(fn)) flats[filt] = elif len(ic.files_filtered(object=flat_name, filter=filt)) == 0: logger.warning( 'No {} files provided for {} and {} not found.'.format( flat_name, filt, fn)) else:'Generating {}.'.format(fn)) files = ic.files_filtered(include_path=True, object=flat_name, filter=filt) flat = combine(files, method='median', scale=mode_scaler) flat.mask = ( > 1.2) + ( < 0.8) n = str([int(f.split('.')[-2]) for f in files]) flat.meta.add_history( 'Created from file numbers: {}'.format(n)) flat.meta['FILENAME'] = os.path.basename(fn)[1] flat.write(fn, overwrite=True) if flats[filt] == 1:'Using {} for {}'.format( flat_name.lower(), filt)) flats[filt] = flat if flats[filt] == 1: # find last flat fn = tuple(('{}-{}.fits'.format(k, filt) for k in config.flats)) try: last_flat = find_last(target_dir, config, fn) flats[filt] ='Using {}.'.format(last_flat)) except AssertionError: logger.warning( 'No previous flat found. Not flat correcting {} data.'. format(filt)) i = ((ic.summary['imagetyp'] != 'bias') & ic.summary['flatcor'].mask & ~ic.summary['subbias'].mask)'{} files to flat correct.'.format(sum(i))) for fn in ic.summary['file'][i]: ccd =[ic.location, fn])) filt = ccd.meta['FILTER'] if flats[filt] == 1: logger.debug('{} skipped (no {} flat field provided).'.format( fn, filt)) continue logger.debug(fn) ccd = flat_correct(ccd, flats[filt]) if config.lacosmic: cleaned = cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, pssl=ccd.meta['meanbias'], sigclip=3.5, satlevel=config.saturation, readnoise=ccd.meta['rdnoise']) ccd.mask += nd.binary_dilation(cleaned.mask) ccd.header['LACOSMIC'] = 1, 'L.A.Cosmic processing flag.' else: ccd.header['LACOSMIC'] = 0, 'L.A.Cosmic processing flag.' ccd.meta['FLATFILE'] = (flats[filt].meta['FILENAME'], 'Name of the flat field correction used.') ccd.write(os.sep.join([ic.location, fn]), overwrite=True) ic.refresh() return ic
flat_data ='flat_'+color_select+'.fits')[0].data index_science = (obj_name == extract_id) & (color_name == color_select) trace_cube = np.loadtxt(prefix_processed+stand_id+'_'+color_select+'.txt') lt_arr= trace_cube[:,0] rt_arr= trace_cube[:,1] print(file_name[index_science]) for idx, file_id in enumerate(file_name[index_science]): science_data =[0].data[edge_low:edge_up, edge_l:edge_r] science = (science_data - bias_data[edge_low:edge_up, edge_l:edge_r])/(flat_data+10**-18) science, mask = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(science, sigclip=5) plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) plt.imshow(science, origin = 'lower', vmin = 0, vmax = 1000, aspect='auto', cmap="jet") plt.plot(np.arange(science.shape[1]), lt_arr,color='red') plt.plot(np.arange(science.shape[1]), rt_arr,color='red') plt.colorbar() final_spec = np.zeros(science.shape[1]) for kk in np.arange(science.shape[1]):
import glob import numpy as np from import fits import ccdproc reduced_light_path = './products/reduced*' reduced_light_files = glob.glob(reduced_light_path) for name in reduced_light_files: with as img: header=img[0].header scidata=img[0].data newdata, mask = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(scidata, sigclip=10, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65535.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype=u'meanmask', fsmode=u'median', psfmodel=u'gauss', psffwhm=3.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False) mask=1*mask header['FRAME']='Light Reduced Cosmic Rays Removed' header['comment'] = 'Cosmic Rays Removed' hdu=fits.PrimaryHDU(data=newdata, header=header) filename=name.replace('./products/','') hdu.writeto('./products/cosmic_ray_removed_'+filename, overwrite=True) hdu=fits.PrimaryHDU(data=mask) hdu.writeto('./products/cosmic_ray_mask_of_'+filename, overwrite=True)
def hotpixfix_wrapper(sci_data, sigclip=5): return ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(sci_data, sigclip=sigclip)[0]
infiles = args.infile print infiles if args.bias: mbias =, unit = u.adu) else: mbias = None if args.flat: raise Exception('Flat fielding is not currently implemented') if args.dark: raise Exception('Dark correction is not currently implemented') for infile in infiles: ccd =, unit = u.adu) ccd = ccdproc.ccd_process(ccd, oscan='[1117:1181, 1:330]', oscan_median=True, trim='[17:1116,1:330]', master_bias=mbias, error=True, gain=1.0 * u.electron/u.adu, readnoise=5.0 * u.electron) if args.cray: ccd = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65536.0, pssl=0.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False) ccd.write('p'+os.path.basename(infile), clobber=True)
parser.add_argument( '--rdnoise', dest='rdnoise', default=7.3, help= 'readnoise in e-. default is 1.3, which applies to HDI camera. Siena STL11000M = 11 e-' ) #parser.add_argument('--', dest='pixelscalex', default='0.00011808', help='pixel scale in x (default = 0.00011808)') args = parser.parse_args() files = sorted(glob.glob(args.filestring + '*.fits')) nfiles = len(files) i = 1 for f in files: print(('ZAPPING COSMIC RAYS FOR FILE %i OF %i' % (i, nfiles))) with as hdu1: print(('working on ', f)) # convert data to CCDData format and save header ccd = CCDData(hdu1[0].data, unit=u.adu) header = hdu1[0].header crimage = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, gain=float(args.gain), readnoise=float(args.rdnoise)) header[ 'HISTORY'] = 'Cosmic rays rejected using ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic ' fits.writeto('z' + f, crimage, header) hdu1.close() i += 1 print('\n')
f, filt, exptime = t.split() print 'ZAPPING COSMIC RAYS FOR FILE %i OF %i'%(i,nfiles) with as hdu1: print 'working on ',f outfile=f # convert data to CCDData format and save header ccd = CCDData(hdu1[0].data, unit=u.adu) header = hdu1[0].header if args.zap: zccd = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, gain = float(args.gain), readnoise = float(args.rdnoise)) outfile = 'z'+outfile # subtract dark if args.dark: if args.zap: infile=zccd else: infile = ccd dccd = ccdproc.subtract_dark(infile, dark) outfile = 'd'+outfile # flatten if args.flat: # flatten if args.dark:
def main(path0, out_pdf='', silent=False, verbose=True, overwrite=False): ''' Main function to generate PDF illustrating alignment on target Parameters ---------- path0 : str Path to FITS file. Must include '/' at the end silent : boolean Turns off stdout messages. Default: False verbose : boolean Turns on additional stdout messages. Default: True overwrite : boolean Overwrite files if they exists. Default: False Returns ------- Notes ----- Created by Chun Ly, 24 March 2017 Modified by Chun Ly, 01 April 2017 - Handle CRs and bad pixels using cosmicrays_lacosmic Modified by Chun Ly, 04 April 2017 - Use find_gnirs_window_mean to find center Modified by Chun Ly, 04-05 April 2017 - Adjust greyscale limits to handle slit image (make it black), and faint sources Use find_gnirs_window_mean to find center Modified by Chun Ly, 05 April 2017 - Handle alignment sequences with more than just 4 frames - Handle excess subplots for individual PDF pages (remove axes) - Compute seeing FWHM for acquisition images Modified by Chun Ly, 06 April 2017 - Get coordinates for slit in cutout Modified by Chun Ly, 11 May 2017 - Use slit image to find center when telluric data is only available Modified by Chun Ly, 3 July 2017 - Add overwrite option to prevent overwriting file Modified by Chun Ly, 9 January 2018 - Import glog and call for stdout and ASCII logging - Pass mylogger to find_gnirs_window_mean(), find_gnirs_window() Modified by Chun Ly, 20 April 2018 - Pass mylogger to gauss2d_fit() - Switch print statements to mylogger calls Modified by Chun Ly, 22 April 2018 - Bug fix: mylogger calls mistakes - Bug fix: mylogger calls mistakes (cont'd) ''' # + on 09/01/2018 logfile = path0 + 'align_check.log' mylogger = glog.log0(logfile)._get_logger() if silent == False:'### Begin main : ' + systime()) dir_list, list_path = dir_check.main(path0, mylogger=mylogger, silent=silent, verbose=verbose) out_pdf_default = out_pdf for path in list_path: infile = path + 'hdr_info.QA.tbl' if not exists(infile): mylogger.warning('File does not exist : ' + infile) mylogger.warning('Exiting!!! ' + systime()) return out_pdf = path + 'align_check.pdf' if out_pdf == '' else path + out_pdf # Mod on 03/07/2017 if overwrite == False and exists(out_pdf): mylogger.warn('File exists!! Will not overwrite ' + out_pdf) else: pp = PdfPages(out_pdf) if silent == False:'Reading: ' + infile) tab0 =, format='fixed_width_two_line') align = [ii for ii in xrange(len(tab0)) if tab0['QA'][ii] == 'N/A'] if silent == False:'Number of alignment images found : ' + str(len(align))) ID = tab0['object'][align] ID0 = list(set(ID)) #Unique ID's if silent == False:'Sources found : ' + ', '.join(ID0)) # + on 04/04/2017 win_ref_idx = [ tt for tt in xrange(len(tab0)) if (tab0['QA'][tt] == 'N/A') and ('Acq' in tab0['slit'][tt]) and ('HIP' not in tab0['object'][tt]) and ( 'HD' not in tab0['object'][tt]) ] # Mod on 11/05/2017 if len(win_ref_idx) > 0: win_ref_file = path + tab0['filename'][win_ref_idx[0]]'Reference image for finding GNIRS window : ' + win_ref_file) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, x_cen, \ y_cen = find_gnirs_window_mean(win_ref_file, mylogger=mylogger) else:'Using telluric image as reference') win_ref_file = path + tab0['filename'][0] slit_x0, slit_y0_lo, slit_y0_hi = get_slit_trace(win_ref_file) x_min, x_max = min(slit_x0), max(slit_x0) x_cen = (x_min + x_max) / 2.0 y_cen = (np.median(slit_y0_lo) + np.median(slit_y0_hi)) / 2.0 y_min, y_max = y_cen - size2d[0].value / 2.0, y_cen + size2d[ 0].value / 2.0 pos_cen = (x_cen, y_cen) new_size = u.Quantity((y_max - y_min, x_max - x_min), u.pixel) # + on 20/04/2018, Mod on 22/04/2018'pos_cen : (%f, %f) ' % (pos_cen[0], pos_cen[1]))'new_size : [%f, %f] pix ' % (new_size[0].value, new_size[1].value)) for ii in xrange(len(ID0)): t_idx = [ tt for tt in xrange(len(tab0)) if (tab0['object'][tt] == ID0[ii] and tab0['QA'][tt] == 'N/A') ] t_files = [path + a for a in tab0['filename'][t_idx]] ncols = 2.0 nrows = 2 # np.ceil(len(t_idx)/ncols) ncols, nrows =, # Mod on 05/04/2017 if len(t_idx) <= nrows * ncols: fig, ax_arr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) #med0, x_min, x_max, y_min, \ # y_max, x_cen, y_cen = find_gnirs_window(t_files[1], mylogger=mylogger) # Later + on 24/03/2017 | Mod on 04/04/2017 xcen, ycen = find_star(t_files[-1], pos=pos_cen, find_size2d=new_size) # Fix to get relative coordinate for Cutout2D image #xcen -= pos_cen[0]-new_size[1].value/2.0 #ycen -= pos_cen[1]-new_size[0].value/2.0 slit_x0, slit_y0_lo, slit_y0_hi = get_slit_trace( t_files[0]) #, x_min, x_max) # Adjust values for offset that is applied # Bug: Mod on 04/04/2017 to get proper coordinate slit_x0 -= np.int64(pos_cen[0] - size2d[1].value / 2.0) slit_y0_lo -= pos_cen[1] - size2d[0].value / 2.0 slit_y0_hi -= pos_cen[1] - size2d[0].value / 2.0 for jj in xrange(len(t_idx)): jj_idx = t_idx[jj] # + on 05/04/2017 if len(t_idx) > (nrows * ncols): if jj % (nrows * ncols) == 0: fig, ax_arr = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) im0 = fits.getdata(t_files[jj]) hdr0 = fits.getheader(t_files[jj], ext=0) # Get WCS header # + 01/04/2017 im0_clean = cosmicray_lacosmic(im0, sigclip=10)[0] cutout = Cutout2D(im0_clean, pos_cen, size2d, mode='partial', fill_value=np.nan) t_col, t_row = jj % ncols, (jj / ncols) % nrows # Mod on 04/04/2017 to handle bright and faint stars max0 = np.max( # Compute median within GNIRS window # + on 04-05/04/2017 temp = im0_clean[-50:-1, :] bgd0, sig0 = np.median(temp), np.std(temp) idx_y, idx_x = np.where(im0_clean > (bgd0 + 5 * sig0)) med0 = np.median(im0_clean[idx_y, idx_x])'## max0 : %f med0 : %f ' % (max0, med0)) if max0 > 50000: z1, z2 = zscale.get_limits( z2 = max0 # Change for better stretch for telluric star else: if ('Acq_' not in tab0['slit'][jj_idx]) and \ (tab0['exptime'][jj_idx] == 3): # First frame that will show the longslit z1, z2 = 0.0, 0.5 * max0 else: # This should handle faint and bright stars z1, z2 = 0.5 * med0, max0 norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=z1, vmax=z2) t_ax = ax_arr[t_row, t_col] t_ax.imshow(, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', norm=norm) #aplpy.FITSFigure(cutout) # Draw trace of slit t_ax.plot(slit_x0, slit_y0_lo, 'r-') t_ax.plot(slit_x0, slit_y0_hi, 'r-') t_ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) t_ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) fig.suptitle(path, fontsize=14) txt0 = tab0['filename'][jj_idx] + '\n' txt0 += tab0['datelabel'][jj_idx] + '\n' txt0 += tab0['UT_date'][jj_idx] + '\n' txt0 += tab0['object'][jj_idx] t_ax.annotate(txt0, [0.025, 0.95], xycoords='axes fraction', ha='left', va='top') # Plot inset | Later + on 24/03/2017 axins = zoomed_inset_axes(t_ax, 6, loc=4) norm2 = ImageNormalize(vmin=z1, vmax=z2) axins.imshow(, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', norm=norm2) # Draw trace of slit axins.plot(slit_x0, slit_y0_lo, 'r-') axins.plot(slit_x0, slit_y0_hi, 'r-') # Mod on 04/04/2017 to get Cutout2d coordinates c_xcen = xcen - (pos_cen[0] - size2d[1].value / 2.0) c_ycen = ycen - (pos_cen[1] - size2d[0].value / 2.0) x1, x2, y1, y2 = c_xcen - 20, c_xcen + 20, c_ycen - 20, c_ycen + 20 axins.set_xlim([x1, x2]) axins.set_ylim([y1, y2]) axins.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) axins.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) mark_inset(t_ax, axins, loc1=1, loc2=3, fc="none", ec="b", ls='dotted', lw=0.5) # Compute FWHM of alignment star | + on 05/04/2017 if ('Acq_' not in tab0['slit'][jj_idx]) and \ (tab0['exptime'][jj_idx] == 3):'No source in slit : ' + tab0['filename'][jj_idx]) else: # + on 06/04/2017 c_size2d = u.Quantity((40, 40), u.pixel) c_slit_x0 = slit_x0 - (c_xcen - c_size2d[1].value / 2.0) c_slit_y0_lo = slit_y0_lo - (c_ycen - c_size2d[0].value / 2.0) c_slit_y0_hi = slit_y0_hi - (c_ycen - c_size2d[0].value / 2.0) im0_crop = Cutout2D(, (c_xcen, c_ycen), c_size2d, mode='partial', fill_value=np.nan) gauss2d_fit(, hdr0, t_ax, c_slit_x0, c_slit_y0_lo, c_slit_y0_hi, mylogger=mylogger) # Mod on 06/04/2017 # Write each page separately | + on 05/04/2017 if len(t_idx) > (nrows * ncols): # Mod later on 05/04/2017 to handle excess subplots if jj == len(t_idx) - 1: rem0 = len(t_idx) % (nrows * ncols) # remainder if rem0 != 0: for rr in range(rem0, nrows * ncols, 1): t_col, t_row = rr % ncols, (rr / ncols) % nrows ax_arr[t_row, t_col].axis('off') if (jj % (nrows * ncols) == nrows*ncols-1) or \ (jj == len(t_idx)-1): subplots_adjust(left=0.02, bottom=0.02, top=0.95, right=0.98, wspace=0.02, hspace=0.02) fig.set_size_inches(11, 8) fig.savefig(pp, format='pdf') #endfor # Mod on 05/04/2017 if len(t_idx) <= nrows * ncols: # Mod later on 05/04/2017 to handle excess subplots for rr in range(len(t_idx), nrows * ncols): t_col, t_row = rr % ncols, (rr / ncols) % nrows ax_arr[t_row, t_col].axis('off') subplots_adjust(left=0.02, bottom=0.02, top=0.95, right=0.98, wspace=0.02, hspace=0.02) fig.set_size_inches(11, 8) fig.savefig(pp, format='pdf') #endfor pp.close() #endelse out_pdf = out_pdf_default if silent == False:'### End main : ' + systime())
data[i,:] = np.interp(warr, wmap[i,:], data[i,:]) hdu[0].data = data hdu[0].header['CTYPE1'] = 'LAMBDA' hdu[0].header['CTYPE2'] = 'PIXEL' hdu[0].header['CD1_1'] = dw hdu[0].header['CD2_1'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CD1_2'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CD2_2'] = 1.0 hdu[0].header['CRPIX1'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CRPIX2'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CRVAL1'] = warr.min() hdu[0].header['CRVAL2'] = 0.0 hdu[0].header['CDELT1'] = 1.0 hdu[0].header['CDELT2'] = 1.0 hdu[0].header['DC-FLAG'] = 0 return hdu if __name__=='__main__': #filename=sys.argv[1] import glob import ccdproc for filename in glob.glob('w_r*fit'): hdu = hdu[0].data, crmask = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(hdu[0].data) hdu = rectify(hdu) hdu.writeto(filename.replace('w_', 't_'), clobber=True)
def process_fits(fitspath, *, obstype=None, object=None, exposure_times=None, percentile=None, percentile_min=None, percentile_max=None, window=None, darks=None, cosmic_ray=False, cosmic_ray_kwargs={}, gain=None, readnoise=None, normalise=False,, combine_type=None, sigma_clip=False, low_thresh=3, high_thresh=3): """Combine all FITS images of a given type and exposure time from a given directory. Parameters ---------- fitspath: str Path to the FITS images to process. Can be a path to a single file, or a path to a directory. If the latter the directory will be searched for FITS files and checked against criteria from obstype, object, exposure_times critera. obstype: str, optional Observation type, an 'OBSTYPE' FITS header value e.g. 'DARK', 'OBJ'. If given only files with matching OBSTYPE will be processed. object: str, optional Object name, i.e. 'OBJECT' FITS header value. If given only files with matching OBJECT will be processed. exposure_times: float or sequence, optional Exposure time(s), i.e 'TOTALEXP' FITS header value(s). If given only files with matching TOTALEXP will be processed. percentile: float, optional If given will only images whose percentile value fall between percentile_min and percentile_max will be processed, e.g. set to 50.0 to select images by median value, set to 99.5 to select images by their 99.5th percentile value. percentile_min: float, optional Minimum percentile value. percentile_max: float, optional Maximum percentil value. window: (int, int, int, int), optional If given will trim images to the window defined as (x0, y0, x1, y1), where (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) are the coordinates of the bottom left and top right corners. darks: str or sequence, optional Filename(s) of dark frame(s) to subtract from the image(s). If given a dark frame with matching TOTALEXP will be subtracted from each image during processing. cosmic_ray: bool, optional Whether to perform single image cosmic ray removal, using the lacosmic algorithm, default False. Requires both gain and readnoise to be set. cosmic_ray_kwargs: dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic function. gain: str or astropy.units.Quantity, optional Either a string indicating the FITS keyword corresponding to the (inverse gain), or a Quantity containing the gain value to use. If both gain and read noise are given an uncertainty frame will be created. readnoise: str or astropy.units.Quantity, optional Either a string indicating the FITS keyword corresponding to read noise, or a Quantity containing the read noise value to use. If both read noise and gain are given then an uncertainty frame will be created. normalise: bool, optional If True each image will be normalised. Default False. normalise_func: callable, optional Function to use for normalisation. Each image will be divided by normalise_func(image). Default combine_type: str, optional Type of image combination to use, 'MEAN' or 'MEDIAN'. If None the individual images will be processed but not combined and the return value will be a list of CCDData objects. Default None. sigma_clip: bool, optional If True will perform sigma clipping on the image stack before combining, default=False. low_thresh: float, optional Lower threshold to use for sigma clipping, in standard deviations. Default is 3.0. high_thresh: float, optional Upper threshold to use for sigma clipping, in standard deviations. Default is 3.0. Returns ------- master: ccdproc.CCDData Combined image. """ if exposure_times: try: # Should work for any sequence or iterable type exposure_times = set(exposure_times) except TypeError: # Not a sequence or iterable, try using as a single value. exposure_times = { float(exposure_times), } if darks: try: dark_filenames = set(darks) except TypeError: dark_filenames = { darks, } dark_dict = {} for filename in dark_filenames: try: dark_data = except ValueError: # Might be no units in FITS header. Assume ADU. dark_data =, unit='adu') dark_dict[dark_data.header['totalexp']] = dark_data if combine_type and combine_type not in ('MEAN', 'MEDIAN'): raise ValueError( "combine_type must be 'MEAN' or 'MEDIAN', got '{}''".format( combine_type)) fitspath = Path(fitspath) if fitspath.is_file(): # FITS path points to a single file, turn into a list. filenames = [ fitspath, ] elif fitspath.is_dir(): # FITS path is a directory. Find FITS file and collect values of selected FITS headers ifc = ImageFileCollection(fitspath, keywords='*') if len(ifc.files) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No FITS files found in {}".format(fitspath)) # Filter by observation type. if obstype: try: ifc = ifc.filter(obstype=obstype) except FileNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError( "No FITS files with OBSTYPE={}.".format(obstype)) # Filter by object name. if object: try: ifc = ifc.filter(object=object) except FileNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError( "No FITS files with OBJECT={}.".format(object)) filenames = [ Path(ifc.location).joinpath(filename) for filename in ifc.files ] else: raise ValueError( "fitspath '{}' is not an accessible file or directory.".format( fitspath)) # Load image(s) and process them. images = [] for filename in filenames: try: ccddata = except ValueError: # Might be no units in FITS header. Assume ADU. ccddata =, unit='adu') # Filtering by exposure times here because it's hard filter ImageFileCollection # with an indeterminate number of possible values. if not exposure_times or ccddata.header['totalexp'] in exposure_times: if window: ccddata = ccdproc.trim_image(ccddata[window[1]:window[3] + 1, window[0]:window[2] + 1]) if percentile: # Check percentile value is within specified range, otherwise skip to next image. percentile_value = np.percentile(, percentile) if percentile_value < percentile_min or percentile_value > percentile_max: continue if darks: try: ccddata = ccdproc.subtract_dark( ccddata, dark_dict[ccddata.header['totalexp']], exposure_time='totalexp', exposure_unit=u.second) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( "No dark with matching totalexp for {}.".format( filename)) if gain: if isinstance(gain, str): egain = ccddata.header[gain] egain = egain * u.electron / u.adu elif isinstance(gain, u.Quantity): try: egain = / u.adu) except u.UnitsError: egain = (1 / gain).to(u.electron / u.adu) else: raise ValueError( f"gain must be a string or Quantity, got {gain}.") if readnoise: if isinstance(readnoise, str): rn = ccddata.header[readnoise] rn = rn * u.electron elif isinstance(readnoise, u.Quantity): try: rn = / u.pixel) except u.UnitsError: rn = (readnoise * u.pixel).to(u.electron) else: raise ValueError( f"readnoise must be a string or Quantity, got {readnoise}." ) if gain and readnoise: ccddata = ccdproc.create_deviation(ccddata, gain=egain, readnoise=rn, disregard_nan=True) if gain: ccddata = ccdproc.gain_correct(ccddata, gain=egain) if cosmic_ray: if not gain and readnoise: raise ValueError( "Cosmic ray removal required both gain & readnoise.") ccddata = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic( ccddata, gain=1.0, # ccddata already gain corrected readnoise=rn, **cosmic_ray_kwargs) if normalise: ccddata = ccddata.divide(normalise_func( images.append(ccddata) n_images = len(images) if n_images == 0: msg = "No FITS files match exposure time criteria" raise RuntimeError(msg) if n_images == 1 and combine_type: warn( "Combine type '{}' selected but only 1 matching image, skipping image combination.'" ) combine_type = None if combine_type: combiner = Combiner(images) # Sigma clip data if sigma_clip: if combine_type == 'MEAN': central_func = else: # If not MEAN has to be MEDIAN, checked earlier that it was one or the other. central_func = combiner.sigma_clipping(low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh, func=central_func) # Stack images. if combine_type == 'MEAN': master = combiner.average_combine() else: master = combiner.median_combine() # Populate header of combined image with metadata about the processing. master.header['fitspath'] = str(fitspath) if obstype: master.header['obstype'] = obstype if exposure_times: if len(exposure_times) == 1: master.header['totalexp'] = float(exposure_times.pop()) else: master.header['totalexp'] = tuple(exposure_times) master.header['nimages'] = n_images master.header['combtype'] = combine_type master.header['sigclip'] = sigma_clip if sigma_clip: master.header['lowclip'] = low_thresh master.header['highclip'] = high_thresh else: # No image combination, just processing indivudal image(s) if n_images == 1: master = images[0] else: master = images return master
def mask_method_two(data, meta, isplots=0, save=False): """ A second method to extract the masks for the first and second orders in NIRISS data. This method uses the vertical profile of a summed image to identify the borders of each order. "" Parameters ----------- data : object meta : object isplots : int, optional Level of plots that should be created in the S3 stage. This is set in the .ecf control files. Default is 0. This stage will plot if isplots >= 5. save : bool, optional Has the option to save the initial guesses for the location of the NIRISS orders. This is set in the .ecf control files. Default is False. Returns ------- meta : object """ def identify_peaks(column, height, distance): p, _ = find_peaks(column, height=height, distance=distance) return p summed = np.nansum(, axis=0) ccd = CCDData(summed * units.electron) new_ccd_no_premask = ccdp.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, readnoise=150, sigclip=5, verbose=False) summed_f277 = np.nansum(data.f277, axis=(0, 1)) f277_peaks = np.zeros((summed_f277.shape[1], 2)) peaks = np.zeros((new_ccd_no_premask.shape[1], 6)) double_peaked = [500, 700, 1850] # hard coded numbers to help set height bounds for i in range(summed.shape[1]): # Identifies peaks in the F277W filtered image fp = identify_peaks(summed_f277[:, i], height=100000, distance=10) if len(fp) == 2: f277_peaks[i] = fp if i < double_peaked[0]: height = 2000 elif i >= double_peaked[0] and i < double_peaked[1]: height = 100 elif i >= double_peaked[1]: height = 5000 p = identify_peaks(new_ccd_no_premask[:, i].data, height=height, distance=10) if i < 900: p = p[p > 40] # sometimes catches an upper edge that doesn't exist peaks[i][:len(p)] = p # Removes 0s from the F277W boundaries xf = np.arange(0, summed_f277.shape[1], 1) good = f277_peaks[:, 0] != 0 xf = xf[good] f277_peaks = f277_peaks[good] # Fitting a polynomial to the boundary of each order x = np.arange(0, new_ccd_no_premask.shape[1], 1) avg = np.zeros((new_ccd_no_premask.shape[1], 6)) for ind in range(4): # CHANGE THIS TO 6 TO ADD THE THIRD ORDER q = peaks[:, ind] > 0 # removes outliers diff = np.diff(peaks[:, ind][q]) good = np.where( np.abs(diff) <= np.nanmedian(diff) + 2 * np.nanstd(diff)) good = good[5:-5] y = peaks[:, ind][q][good] + 0 y = y[x[q][good] > xf[-1]] # removes some of the F277W points to better fit the 2nd order if ind < 2: cutoff = -1 else: cutoff = 250 xtot = np.append(xf[:cutoff], x[q][good][x[q][good] > xf[-1]]) if ind == 0 or ind == 2: ytot = np.append(f277_peaks[:, 0][:cutoff], y) else: ytot = np.append(f277_peaks[:, 1][:cutoff], y) # Fits a 4th degree polynomiall poly = np.polyfit(xtot, ytot, deg=4) fit = np.poly1d(poly) avg[:, ind] = fit(x) if isplots >= 5: plt.figure(figsize=(14, 4)) plt.title('Order Approximation') plt.imshow(summed, vmin=0, vmax=2e3) plt.plot(x, np.nanmedian(avg[:, :2], axis=1), 'k', lw=2, label='First Order') plt.plot(x, np.nanmedian(avg[:, 2:4], axis=1), 'r', lw=2, label='Second Order') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) tab = Table() tab['x'] = x tab['order_1'] = np.nanmedian(avg[:, :2], axis=1) tab['order_2'] = np.nanmedian(avg[:, 2:4], axis=1) if save: tab.write('niriss_order_fits_method2.csv', format='csv') meta.tab2 = tab return meta
image_sci, header = fits.getdata(crr_image, header=True, ext=0, cobbler=True) # Getting the deviation, gain value for the image. the input gain in line 16 is used if the units of image is different from the read out noise. # gain and read out noise depends on the detector. So enter the appropriate value. data = CCDData(image_sci, unit='adu') # cleaning the image and removing the cosmic ray using lacosmic if (header['FILTER'] == medianFlatFilter ): #to process the images with only specific filter name. cr_cleaned = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(data, sigclip=5, gain=2.6, readnoise=15, niter=4, cleantype="medmask", psfsize=5) # saving the output fits image. if not os.path.exists(basedir + opPath): os.makedirs(basedir + opPath) fits.writeto(basedir + opPath + "\crr_" + os.path.basename(crr_image), np.array(cr_cleaned), header, checksum=True, overwrite=True) # hooray!! end of code!! :)
def reduce_night(science_collection, dark_collection, flat_collection, config, config_arguments): """ This function reduce science data of one night and save the results to a folder named "reduced". The reduction is performed as follows: - Create a list of masterdarks (each masterdark has a different value of the exposure time) ^1 - Create a list of masterflats (each masterflat has a different value of the filter) ^1 - Reduce the science data as follows: *For each filter: *For each exposure time with that filter: -- Look for the masterdark with the nearest exposure time -- Look for the masterflat with the current filter. -- Substract masterdark -- Flat field correct the data -- Clean cosmic rays (if requested) -- Save image to ./Calibrated folder (1) The master(flat/dark)s are created using mean combine. :param science_collection: Numpy array - A numpy array with the science collection data produced by FitsLookup. :param dark_collection: Numpy array - A numpy array with the dark collection data produced by FitsLookup. :param flat_collection: Numpy array - A numpy array with the flat collection data produced by FitsLookup. :param config_values: Dictionary - Dictionary - A dictionary provided by the function get_config_dict that contains the config of the fits files ( readed from conf.INI ). :param config_arguments: Dictionary - A dictionary provided by argparse initialization that contain the current flags. :return: Integer - 0 if no errors raised 1 if errors raised. """ # Supress astropy warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Renaming some config_arguments for easy acess work_dir = config_arguments.dir[0] # Get the filter and exposure collection of science and flat images science_filter_collection = set(science_collection['filter']) science_exposures_collection = set(science_collection['exptime']) dark_exposures_collection = set(dark_collection['exptime']) flat_filter_collection = set(flat_collection['filter']) # Inform the user of the filter / exptime found. science_exp_times_as_string = ", ".join( [str(x) for x in science_exposures_collection]) dark_exp_times_as_string = ", ".join( [str(x) for x in dark_exposures_collection])"We have found {0} filters in the science images: {1}".format( len(science_filter_collection), ", ".join(science_filter_collection)))"We have found {0} exposure times science images: {1}".format( len(science_exposures_collection), science_exp_times_as_string))"We have found {0} exposure times dark calibrators: {1}".format( len(dark_exposures_collection), dark_exp_times_as_string))"We have found {0} filters in the flat calibrators {1}".format( len(flat_filter_collection), ", ".join(flat_filter_collection))) # Check if we have the same filters in flats and science, if not, get the # intersection if not science_filter_collection.issubset(flat_filter_collection): module_logger.warning( "There are more filters in the science images than in the flat calibrators") science_filter_collection = science_filter_collection.intersection( flat_filter_collection) module_logger.warning("Triying to work with common filters.")"We have found {0} common filters in the science images: {1}".format( len(science_filter_collection), ", ".join(science_filter_collection))) if not science_filter_collection: module_logger.warning( "There are no common filters between science images and flat calibrators") module_logger.warning("This night will be skiped.") return 1 # Warn the user if we found science images of 0 seconds if 0 in science_exposures_collection: number_of_null_images = len(filter_collection( science_collection, [('exptime', 0)])) module_logger.warning( "We have found {0} science images with 0 seconds of exposure time.".format(number_of_null_images)) science_exposures_collection.discard(0) module_logger.warning( "Discarding images with 0 seconds of exposure time for this night: {0} exposure(s) remain.".format( len(science_exposures_collection))) # ------- MASTER DARK CREATION --------"Starting the creation of the master dark")"{0} different exposures for masterdarks were found.".format( len(dark_exposures_collection))) master_dark_collection = dict() # Loop over each exposure time. for dark_exposure_item in dark_exposures_collection:"Creating masterdark with exposure of {0}s".format(dark_exposure_item)) # Initializate dark list for current collection. exposure_dark_list = list() for dark_image_data in filter_collection(dark_collection, [('exptime', dark_exposure_item)]): # Open the images and append to the dark list dark_image = dark_image_data['filename'] ccd =, unit=config.image_units) # If we have overscan, subtract and trim. if config.subtract_overscan: if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:"Subtracting overscan of {0}".format(dark_image)) ccd = subtract_and_trim_overscan(ccd, config) exposure_dark_list.append(ccd) # median combine the data cb = ccdproc.Combiner(exposure_dark_list) master_dark = cb.median_combine(median_func=np.median) # Add the masterdark to the master_flat collection master_dark_collection.update({dark_exposure_item: master_dark}) # Save the masterdark if needed. if config.save_masterdark: # Filename to save aux = '{0}/masterdark_{1}.fits'.format(config_arguments.save_path, dark_exposure_item)'Saving master dark to {0}'.format(aux)) master_dark.to_hdu().writeto(aux) # ------- MASTER FLAT CREATION --------"Starting the creation of the master flats")"{0} different filters for masterflats were found".format( len(flat_filter_collection))) master_flat_collection = dict() # Go thought the different filters in the collection for flat_filter in flat_filter_collection: "Creating masterflat with filter {0}".format(flat_filter)) # Initializate the list that will carry the flat images of the actual # filter filter_flat_list = list() for flat_image_data in filter_collection(flat_collection, [('filter', flat_filter)]): # Open the images and append to the filter's flat list flat_image = flat_image_data['filename'] ccd =, unit=config.image_units) # Subtract and trim overscan if config.subtract_overscan: if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:"Subtracting overscan of {0}".format(flat_image)) ccd = subtract_and_trim_overscan(ccd, config) filter_flat_list.append(ccd) # median combine the flats after scaling each by its mean cb = ccdproc.Combiner(filter_flat_list) cb.scaling = lambda x: 1.0 / np.mean(x) master_flat = cb.median_combine(median_func=np.median) # Add the masterflat to the master_flat collection master_flat_collection.update({flat_filter: master_flat}) # Save the masterflat if needed. if config.save_masterflat: aux = '{0}/masterflat_{1}.fits'.format(config_arguments.save_path, flat_filter)'Saving master flat to {0}'.format(aux)) master_flat.to_hdu().writeto(aux) # ------- REDUCE SCIENCE DATA --------"Starting the calibration of the science images") # Go thought the different files in the collection for image_filter in science_filter_collection:"Now calibrating filter: {0}".format(image_filter)) # Iterate thought each different exposure. This is because the dark files # can have different exposures and the calibration must be performed with # the masterdark with the nearest exposure time. for science_exposure in science_exposures_collection: # Important!! If you have more classifiers in the numpy dtype and you want # to use them, you must modify the code here. For example, if you want to # use a 'temp' value as classifier, after modify the dtype following the # instructions in FitsLookup, you must add a loop here and modify the sub_collection. # Once you have the 'temp' in the dtype, you must add a loop here as: # # >>>for temp_value in set(science_collection['temp']): #"Now calibrating temp: {0}".format(temp_value)) # # After this, you MUST indent all the following code (of this function) four spaces to # the right, of course. Then, you only have to modify the science_subcollection as follows: # # >>> science_subcollection = filter_collection( # science_collection, [('filter', image_filter), # ('exptime', science_exposure), # ('temp', temp_value) ]) # # Follow this steps for every classifier you want to add. Yay! # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Science subcollection is a really bad name, but is descriptive. Remember that this subcollection # are the images with the current filter that has the current # exposure time. E.g. ('r' and 20', 'r' and 30). science_subcollection = filter_collection( science_collection, [('filter', image_filter), ('exptime', science_exposure)]) # Continue if we have files to process. This will check if for some filter # there are not enought images with the actual exposure time. if science_subcollection.size: "Now calibrating exposure: {0}".format(science_exposure)) # Determine if we have a masterdark with the science exposure file. # # - If we have a exposure matching masterdark, use it. # - If we do not have a exposure matching masterdark, use the nearest. try: selected_masterdark = master_dark_collection[science_exposure] nearest_exposure = 0, science_exposure except KeyError: # Get the nearest exoposure in the dark collection. nearest_exposure = min(enumerate(master_dark_collection.keys()), key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - science_exposure)) # Notice that nearest_exposure is a tuple of the form # (index,exposure). selected_masterdark = master_dark_collection[ nearest_exposure[1]] # Initialize the progress bar variables total_len = len(science_subcollection) meantime = [] # Loop for each image with current (filter,exptime). for contador, science_image_data_with_current_exposure in enumerate(science_subcollection): # To supress astropy warnings. devnull = open(os.devnull, "w") sys.stdout = devnull # Notice that until sys stdout is reasigned, no printing # will be allowed in the following lines. # Start timing start = time.time() # Extract the filename from the image data science_image = science_image_data_with_current_exposure['filename'] # Read the image ccd =, unit=config.image_units, wcs=None) # Subtract overscan if config.subtract_overscan: if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:"Subtracting overscan of {0}".format(science_image)) ccd = subtract_and_trim_overscan(ccd, config) # Master dark substraction if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Restart stdout printing"Subtracting dark of image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len)) sys.stdout = devnull else: module_logger.debug("Subtracting dark of image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len)) selected_masterdark._wcs = ccd._wcs # FIXME: currently needed due to bug ccd = ccdproc.subtract_dark(ccd, selected_masterdark, dark_exposure=nearest_exposure[1] * u.second, data_exposure=science_exposure * u.second) # flat-field correct the data if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Restart stdout printing"Flat-field correcting image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len)) sys.stdout = devnull else: module_logger.debug("Flat-field correcting image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len)) current_master_flat = master_flat_collection[image_filter] current_master_flat._wcs = ccd._wcs # FIXME: currently needed due to bug ccd = ccdproc.flat_correct(ccd, current_master_flat) # If we need to clean cosmic rays, do it. if config_arguments.cosmic_flag: if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Restart stdout printing "Cosmic ray cleaning of image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len)) sys.stdout = devnull else: module_logger.debug( "Cosmic ray cleaning of image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len)) ccd = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, error_image=None, thresh=5, mbox=11, rbox=11, gbox=5) # Save the calibrated image to a file output_filename = os.path.join(config_arguments.save_path, os.path.basename(science_image)) if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Restart stdout printing "Saving image {0} of {1} to {2}".format(contador + 1, total_len, output_filename)) sys.stdout = devnull else: module_logger.debug( "Saving image {0} of {1} to {2}".format(contador + 1, total_len, output_filename)) ccd.write(output_filename, clobber=True) end = time.time() meantime.append(end - start) sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Restart stdout printing # Progressbar in case that we have not activated the no_interaction flag nor the advance # verbose flag. if not config_arguments.no_interaction and not config_arguments.verbose_flag_2: if config_arguments.verbose_flag: update_progress(float(contador + 1) / total_len, np.mean(meantime) * (total_len - (contador + 1))) return 0