Exemple #1
 def enterRead_config_call(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Read_config_callContext):
     #print('enterRead_config_call: ')
     readType = ctx.getChild(2).getText()
     readPath = ctx.path().getText()
     readVar = ctx.id_str().getText()
     #print(' ' + readType + ' ' + readPath + ' ' + readVar)
     rNode = Cm.CfgReadNode(readPath, readType, None)
     #print('enterRead_config_call: findVar name=' + readVar + ", ret=" + str(Cm.BaseCfgNode.peekNode().findVar(readVar, True)))
     rVar = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveLhsExpression(
         readVar, Cm.CfgNumDataType)  # read return variable
     Cm.CfgAssign(rVar, Cm.ConfigAssignType.EQ, rNode)
Exemple #2
 def enterWhile_loop(self, ctx: ConfigParser.While_loopContext):
     #print('enterWhile_loop: ')
     leftOp = ctx.value(0).getText()
     rightOp = ctx.value(1).getText()
     compareOp = ctx.compare_op().getText()
     #print(' ' + compareOp + ' ' + rightOp)
     leftVal = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveRhsExpression(
         leftOp, Cm.CfgNumDataType)  # numeric var or instance
     rightVal = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveRhsExpression(
         rightOp, Cm.CfgNumDataType)  # numeric var or instance
     whileCompare = Cm.CfgCompare(leftVal, compareOp, rightVal)
Exemple #3
 def enterFor_loop(self, ctx: ConfigParser.For_loopContext):
     iterName = ctx.id_str().getText()
     isNumeric = ctx.num_range() is not None
     if isNumeric:
         rangeStart = ctx.num_range().value(0).getText()
         rangeEnd = ctx.num_range().value(1).getText()
         #print('enterFor_loop: numeric var name=' + iterName + ", range_start=" + str(rangeStart)+ ", range_end=" + str(rangeEnd))
         Cm.CfgNumericForNode(iterName, rangeStart, rangeEnd)
     else:  # else a path for loop
         path = ctx.path().getText()
         #print('enterFor_loop: path var name=' + iterName + ", path=" + str(path))
         Cm.CfgPathForNode(iterName, path)
Exemple #4
 def enterPoll_config_call(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Poll_config_callContext):
     #print('enterPoll_config_call: ')
     readType = ctx.getChild(0).getText()
     readPath = ctx.path().getText()
     pollOp = ctx.compare_op().getText()
     pollVal = ctx.value(0).getText()
     #print(' ' + readType + ' ' + readPath + ' ' + pollOp + ' ' + pollVal)
     rtype = Cm.CfgPathHierType.resolve(
         readType)  # poll is compare of read value, so explicitly set type
     rNode = Cm.CfgReadNode(readPath, rtype, None)
     pVal = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveRhsExpression(
         Cm.CfgNumDataType)  # read compares to a numeric var or instance
     whileCompare = Cm.CfgCompare(rNode, pollOp, pVal)
Exemple #5
 def enterDefault_case_block(self,
                             ctx: ConfigParser.Default_case_blockContext):
     #print('enterDefault_case_block: choice=default, choices=' + str(Cm.CfgCaseBlockNode._currentChoices))
     if ctx.block_statement(
     ):  # if block has statements, these apply to all preceeding choices
Exemple #6
 def enterLabeled_case_block(self,
                             ctx: ConfigParser.Labeled_case_blockContext):
     choiceValName = ctx.id_str().getText()
     #print('enterLabeled_case_block: choice=' + choiceValName + ', choices=' + str(Cm.CfgCaseBlockNode._currentChoices))
     if ctx.block_statement(
     ):  # if block has statements, these apply to all preceeding choices
 def pyF1ToWhile(whileNd):
     ''' extract a reg/field poll from an ast While node - returns new model While node else returns None on no match '''
     compNd = whileNd.test
     if type(compNd) is not ast.Compare:
         return None
     compare = __class__.pyF1ToCfgCompare(compNd)
     if not compare.isValid():
         return None
     return Cm.CfgWhileNode(compare, whileNd)
Exemple #8
 def enterSimple_assign(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Simple_assignContext):
     varName = ctx.id_str().getText()
     rhsValName = ctx.value().getText()
     assignVar = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveLhsExpression(
         varName, Cm.CfgNumDataType)  # TODO assign numeric only for now
     rhsVal = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveRhsExpression(
         rhsValName, Cm.CfgNumDataType)  # TODO assign numeric only for now
     #print('enterSimple_assign: var=' + varName + ', rhsValName=' + rhsValName)
     Cm.CfgAssign(assignVar, Cm.ConfigAssignType.EQ, rhsVal)
Exemple #9
 def enterWrite_config_call(self,
                            ctx: ConfigParser.Write_config_callContext):
     #print('enterWrite_config_call: ')
     writeType = ctx.getChild(0).getText()
     writePath = ctx.path().getText()
     writeVal = ctx.value().getText()
     #print(' ' + writeType + ' ' + writePath + ' ' + writeVal)
     isRmw = True if writeType == 'rmwField' else False
     Cm.CfgWriteNode(writePath, writeVal, writeType, isRmw, None)
 def pyF1ToCfgCompare(compNd):
     ''' extract a compare node - returns new model node else returns None on no match '''
     left = __class__.pyF1ToCfgData(compNd.left)
     right = __class__.pyF1ToCfgData(compNd.comparators[0])
     op = __class__.pyToCfgCompareOp(compNd)
     #print(type(compNd).__name__, 'left:', left, 'op:', op, 'right:', right)
     if op.isSupported():
         compNd.__cfg_valid__ = True  # tag this ast node as translated
     return Cm.CfgCompare(left, op,
                          right)  # TODO check ops here before creating
 def pyF1AddFunctionArgs(node):
     ''' extract argument list from FunctionDef node and add to current model scope'''
     #outArgs = []
     argsNds = node.args.args
     for argsNd in argsNds:
         if argsNd.arg is not 'self':
             #print('PyF1NodeVisitor pyF1AddFunctionArgs ' + argsNd.arg)
                                 type(None))  # add an untyped input
 def pyF1GetWait(exprNd):
     ''' extract a wait from Expr node - adds node to model, tags ast node as valid, and returns True on match '''
     if type(exprNd) is not ast.Expr:
         return False
     callNd = exprNd.value
     if type(callNd) is not ast.Call:
         return False
     callStr = __class__.getSourceString(callNd)
     pat = re.compile('time.sleep\\((\\w+)')
     mat = pat.match(callStr)
     if mat:
         varstr = mat.group(1)
         #print("....found wait, var=" + varstr)
         intvar = Cm.CfgNumDataType(varstr)
         if intvar.isValid():  # TODO allow a var here also
             intvar.val *= 1000  # convert time.sleep value to ms
             Cm.CfgWaitNode(intvar, exprNd)
             exprNd.__cfg_valid__ = True  # tag this ast node as translated
             return True
     return False
 def pyF1GetPrint(exprNd):
     ''' extract a print from Expr node - adds node to model, tags ast node as valid, and returns True on match '''
     if type(exprNd) is not ast.Expr:
         return False
     callNd = exprNd.value
     if type(callNd) is not ast.Call:
         return False
     nameNd = callNd.func
     if type(nameNd) is not ast.Name:
         return False
     if nameNd.id is not 'print':
         return False
     argsNds = callNd.args
     argsNd = callNd.args[
         0]  # TODO - also need to handle case of multiple print args -> form_vars  getName() for each
     # CASE 1 - single format string with args tuple
     if type(argsNd) is ast.BinOp:
         if len(argsNds) != 1:
             return False
         opNd = argsNd.op
         if type(opNd) is not ast.Mod:
             return False
         form = [argsNd.left.s]
         form_vars = [
             __class__.getSourceString(i) for i in argsNd.right.elts
         ]  # convert each arg to a string
         #print("....print form rhs list")
         Cm.CfgPrintNode(form, form_vars, exprNd)
     # CASE 2 - multi-arg print
         form = []
         for argNd in argsNds:
             if type(argNd) is ast.Str:
         form_vars = []
         Cm.CfgPrintNode(form, form_vars, exprNd)
     exprNd.__cfg_valid__ = True  # tag this ast node as translated
     return True
 def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
     #print(type(node).__name__, 'found:', node.name)
     methodNd = Cm.CfgMethodNode(node.name,
                                 node)  # add method node to model
     methodNd.comment = self.pyF1GetComment(node)  # extract comment
     self.pyF1AddFunctionArgs(node)  # extract arguments
     ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
     omit = __class__.hasInvalidChildren(node)
     if omit:
         print('python ' + type(node).__name__ + ' name=' + node.name +
               ' could not be converted to config model\n')
         omit)  # pop node from active stack and omit if invalid
 def pyF1ToCfgData(pyNd):
     ''' convert a py node to appropriate config model data type - returns None on no match 
         form match is checked in following order: int, path w/ read, path only '''
     s = __class__.getSourceString(pyNd)  # convert py node to a string
     data = Cm.CfgNumDataType(s)  # try converting to int
     if data.isValid():
         return data
     hstr = __class__.getHierString(s)
     if hstr:
         path = Cm.CfgPathDataType(hstr)  # try converting to path
         if path.isValid():
             if path.hasCall():
                 if path.call == '__get__':
                     return Cm.CfgReadNode(path, pyNd)
                 if path.call == '__read__':
                     return Cm.CfgReadNode(path, pyNd)
                 print('invalid call in strToCfgDataType path.val=' +
                       path.val + ', path.call=' + path.call)
                 return None  # invalid call found
                 return path
     return None
Exemple #16
 def enterClass_assign(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Class_assignContext):
     varName = ctx.path_elem().getText()
     className = ctx.id_str().getText()
     classParms = ctx.call_parms().getText()
     assignVar = Cm.CfgVariable.resolveLhsExpression(
         varName, Cm.CfgClassNode
     )  # read return variable - special case using CfgClass rather than data type
     foundClass = Cm.CfgClassNode.findClass(
         className)  # find the class that is being called
     #print('enterClass_assign: var=' + varName + ', cfgClass=' + className + ', parms=' + classParms + ', foundClass=' + foundClass.name)
     # extract parms and check vs class signature
     resolvedInputList = foundClass.verifyInputParms(
         classParms, Cm.BaseCfgNode.peekNode())
     assignVar.val = (foundClass, resolvedInputList)
     Cm.CfgAssign(assignVar, Cm.ConfigAssignType.EQ, foundClass)
 def pyF1GetWrite(assignNd):
     ''' extract a reg write from Assign node - adds node to model, tags ast node as valid, and returns True on match '''
     if type(assignNd) is not ast.Assign:
         return False
     # extract assign targets and paths
     #paths = [__class__.getSourceString(i) for i in assignNd.targets]  # convert each target to a string
     if len(assignNd.targets) != 1:  # only 1 lhs allowed per assign
         return False
     path = __class__.pyF1ToCfgData(assignNd.targets[0])
     #print('found write path=' + targ_path)
     value = __class__.getSourceString(assignNd.value)
     if type(path) is Cm.CfgPathDataType:
         Cm.CfgWriteNode(path, value, assignNd)
         assignNd.__cfg_valid__ = True  # tag this ast node as translated
         return True
     return False
Exemple #18
 def enterCase_statement(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Case_statementContext):
     selectVarName = ctx.id_str().getText()
Exemple #19
 def enterValue_def(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Value_defContext):
     Cm.CfgInputVariable(ctx.id_str().getText(), Cm.CfgNumDataType)
Exemple #20
 def enterBool_def(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Bool_defContext):
     Cm.CfgInputVariable(ctx.id_str().getText(), Cm.CfgBoolDataType)
Exemple #21
 def enterPath_def(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Path_defContext):
     Cm.CfgInputVariable(ctx.id_str().getText(), Cm.CfgPathDataType)
 def __init__(self):
     self.rootCfgNode = Cm.HierCfgNode()  # add root node to model
Exemple #23
 def enterClass_def(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Class_defContext):
     name = ctx.id_str().getText()
     #print("enter class_def: " + name)
     classNd = Cm.CfgClassNode(name)  # add class node to model
     self.addComment(classNd)  # extract comment
Exemple #24
 def enterMethod_def(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Method_defContext):
     name = ctx.id_str().getText()
     #print("enter method_def: " + name)
     methodNd = Cm.CfgMethodNode(name)  # add method node to model
     self.addComment(methodNd)  # extract comment
Exemple #25
 def enterMethod_call(self, ctx: ConfigParser.Method_callContext):
     callName = ctx.path_elem().getText()
     classInstName = ctx.path(0).getText() if ctx.path() else None
     #if not callName.isidentifier():  # TODO
     parmList = ctx.call_parms().getText()
     Cm.CfgMethodCall(classInstName, callName, parmList)
Exemple #26
 def enterRoot(self, ctx: ConfigParser.RootContext):
     self.rootCfgNode = Cm.HierCfgNode()  # add root node to model
 def visit_ClassDef(self, node):
     #print(type(node).__name__, 'found:', node.name)
     classNd = Cm.CfgClassNode(node.name, node)  # add class node to model
     classNd.comment = __class__.pyF1GetComment(node)  # extract comment
     ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
     Cm.BaseCfgNode.finishNode(False)  # pop node from active stack